The Heights April 5, 2018

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The Independent Student Newspaper of Boston College

EST. 1919

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Golden Hour ARTS


Kacey Musgraves manages to top her previous Grammywinning album with her recent release, ‘Golden Hour.’

The Eagles extended their winning streak to seven againt Providence behind a seasonhigh 16 runs.



Faulty Fridge Causes Fire in Welch Hall

No residents were injured as a result of the fire. By Colleen Martin Copy Editor A fire broke out on the fourth floor of Welch Hall shortly after midnight Tuesday morning. The fire was most likely due to a small refrigerator experiencing an electrical issue, according to Eric Fricke, a spokesman for the City of Newton Fire Department. While the none of the room’s residents were injured, they will be relocated to a different room for the remainder of the year due to the damage the fire caused. A number of rooms on the third and fourth floors experienced water damage because the sprinkler system activated, causing several dozen residents to be temporarily relocated. Overnight housing was provided to six Boston College students. “Throughout the day, Facilities Services has worked to dry out the affected rooms using dehumidifiers and fans,” University Spokesman Jack Dunn said in an email Tuesday. “They expect that all students, except those in the room where the fire started, will be able to return to their rooms by this evening.” Investigators are still determining the

reason that the fridge caught fire. Fricke said the refrigerator, which was placed under one of the residents’ beds and was not originally distributed by BC, caught on fire either because it was overfilled, leaving it without “room to breathe,” or because it short-circuited. Welch residents were forced to wait outside shortly after the fire alarm went off. After a while, they were moved to McElroy Commons. Because the fire activated the sprinkler system, students were not allowed to return to Welch until 3 a.m. When one of the sprinkler heads goes off, the sprinkler company has to replace it, causing the students to be kept away from their dorms for a prolonged period of time. A burnt bed frame, destroyed mattress, television, and mini fridge were outside of Welch Tuesday morning. Glass appeared to be missing from several of the top-floor windows. Fricke said that the windows may have cracked due to the heat of the fire, or firefighters breaking the windows for ventilation. Fricke sees this incident as a teachable moment for students, which should encourage them to practice safety. He noted that improperly using power strips often causes fires on college campuses. “College students are kind of [unaware of risks],” Fricke said. “What ends up happening is they don’t appreciate the dangers.” n

Cole Dady / Heights Editor

Mahoney Named Dean of Admission, Financial Aid Mahoney has served as admission director for 28 years. By Cole Dady News Editor Director of Undergraduate Admission John Mahoney has been promoted to dean of undergraduate admission and financial aid, Provost and Dean of Faculties David Quigley announced last week. In this new role, he will manage the offices of Undergraduate Admission and Financial Aid, “aligning their functions to achieve Boston College’s enrollment objectives,” as reported by BC News. “John Mahoney has long provided principled and visionary leadership in Undergraduate Admission, and he and his team succeed at attracting a class of gifted and diverse students each year,” Quigley said to BC News. “I look forward to working closely with John in his new role as dean of undergraduate admission and financial aid, as we work to strengthen Boston College’s standing as one of the nation’s most selective universities.” Mahoney has worked in his current role


for 28 years, and at BC for 34. He told The Heights it’s crucial that Undergraduate Admission and Financial Aid work together once students are admitted to BC. “The cost of college today is challenging for most families, and Boston College is fortunate to be both need-blind in admission and to meet the full need of all admitted students,” Mahoney said in an email. “The more these two offices can work together to help families complete forms and communicate with them, the better we are able to serve families as they are making important enrollment decisions.” He also discussed how BC can go about recruiting a more socioeconomically diverse student body. “Undergraduate Admission works throughout the year to recruit talented students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds,” Mahoney said. “This involves building relationships with community based organizations (CBO’s) throughout the country and targeting schools where these students are enrolled. We also work to arrange campus visits for CBO’s and high schools so these students can experience campus life and have their admission and financial aid questions addressed.” n

Kaitlin meeks / heights editor

Jerome Robinson and Ky Bowman will test the NBA Draft waters in the coming months, while maintaining NCAA eligibility.

Newton Panel Discusses Preservation Webster Woods was purchased by BC in 2015 for $20 million. By Isabel Fenoglio Asst. Metro Editor On Monday night, Newton residents and members of the newly formed Webster Woods Advisory Panel gathered in City Hall to discuss efforts to preserve a part of Webster Woods in Chestnut Hill that was purchased by Boston College in 2015 for $20 million. The 23 acres of property BC acquired were previously owned by the Congregation Mishkan Tefila (CMT), and is located about 1.2 miles from Main Campus. The acquisition consists of nine acres of developed property where the synagogue resides, along with a 14-acre parcel of wooded land, which attaches to a surrounding conservation area and hiking trails that run through the CMT property. In fall 2015, Newton residents and officials opposed BC’s acquisition of the land based on the University’s intentions of developing the space.

of undeveloped open space here in Newton,” she said. During her campaign, Fuller identified Wester Woods as a major issue, and since assuming office in January, has stepped up efforts to preserve the space. Fuller met officially with University President Rev. William P. Leahy, S.J., in February. She described the meeting as cordial, and said many things were discussed, including the future of Webster Woods. She stressed that officials seek to negotiate with BC to reach an agreement. “We are still at the very beginning of this process, and I am very much committed to working with Boston College to find a way to preserve this much-loved and visited forest,” she said. Multiple avenues have been discussed so far, including seizing the land by eminent domain, imposing conservation restrictions, and a call for public acquisition. “There’s lots of different ways that we can make sure that this land is permanently protected, and we will look at a lot of different options and work with BC to see what the best steps forward are,” said Fuller. n

Federal Funding Exceeds Expectations Budget features increases for science, humanities programs By Charlie Power

Proposed vs Actual Federal Funding Fiscal Year Proposed

80 bil


69 bil

78 bil

Asst. News Editor President Donald Trump surprised Washington on March 23 when he announced that he had approved a $1.3 trillion spending bill that broadly defies his wishes to reshape it. In fact, the budget mimics many of the budget requests of his Democratic predecessor, former president Barack Obama, rather than his own. Pell Grants, a priority of the Obama administration, saw an increase in the maximum level of funding one can receive, from $5,920 to $6,095, as reported by The Chronicle of Higher Education. While this only represents a 3 percent increase, it will help offset the expiration of an annual inflation adjustment in the grants, said James Kvaal, president of the Institute for College

METRO: Boston Design Week NEWS: M. Shawn Copeland

Boston’s 12-day Design Week features leading innovators shaping the city............A8

At the start of her term earlier this year, Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller announced the formation of the Advisory Panel and Executive Committee, to offer guidance on the best methods moving forward. Beth Wilkinson of the Newton Conservators serves as chair of both, and was in charge of selecting Newton residents to serve on the larger advisory panel. At press time, Wilkinson had not yet responded to a request for comment on the panel’s first meeting. After the first meeting on Monday, meetings will be held monthly throughout 2018, said Ellen Ishkanian, director of community communications, in an email. “Since the purchase we have been working to provide updates to the existing building and replacing the sewer line,” University Spokesman Jack Dunn said in an email on March 23. “Beyond these upgrades, we have no specific plans at this time for 300 Hammond Pond Parkway.” In a phone inter v ie w, Fuller stressed the importance of ensuring that the land is permanently protected. “It is the largest continuous parcel

70.9 63.2 bil bil

34. 7

40 bil 10 bil

29 mil

7.8 5.2 bil 7


153 mil

37 bil




153 mil

42 mil


160 mil 80 mil


Anna Tierney / Heights editor

Access and Success, in a written statement. Nationwide, approximately 7 million students take advantage of Pell Grants, which go to students whose families earn less than $50,000 per year. Students will also benefit from a $107 million increase in funding to the Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant budget, according to The Washington Post. The

Prof. Copeland lectured on the prophetic political theology of Martin Luther King, Jr.................A3


program, which now has an annual budget of $840 million, provides up to $4,000 each to 1.6 million low-income students. Another notable aspect of the budget was that lawmakers rejected the slew of cuts Trump had proposed for federal agencies that fund research at Boston College, and

Budget, A3

NEWS.........................A2 OPINIONS................... A6

Vol. XCIX, No. 11 MAGAZINE..................A4 SPORTS......................B1 © 2018, The Heights, Inc. METRO........................ A5 ARTS..........................B8 69

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