Heights 10-25-10

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The Independent Student Newspaper of Boston College Established 1919 Vol. XCI, No. 37



Brighton man killed by train Study: Students are 22-year-old BU grad was struck near Fenway stop on the Green Line lacking in empathy HIGHER EDUCATION


Officials weigh in on findings on U.S. college students BY MOLLY LAPOINT Heights Staff

A recent study conducted by the University of Michigan has found that empathy in college students has declined in the last 30 years, despite students’ increased involvement in community service. The study found a 40 percent decrease in empathy since 1979, with the steepest drop coming in the last 10 years. This change in empathetic feeling has not been seen by all Boston College faculty members, however. “I would say this: I certainly have witnessed the uptick in community service,” said Dan Ponsetto, director of the Volunteer and Service Learning Center (VSLC). “What I haven’t noticed is a change in empathy, just anecdotally. I think there’s still the same kind of passion.” Empathy is something that can change over time and is developed through service, Ponsetto said. “I think that en-

counters with the poor and encounters with suffering can certainly give birth to greater empathy. It can change the way you think about the world.” This change in thought, however, does not always lead to more volunteer work. Sometimes students do not know how to translate their increased concern into service. “The bigger challenge is then, ‘How do I act on this?’” Ponsetto said. “Sometimes the feelings of helplessness can lead to inaction. Action usually comes out of a community of empathy.” Although it is easiest to come up with a way to make a difference when working in a group, this is not to say that service cannot be done individually, Ponsetto said. “There are some students [who do service on their own] and do that well.” BC hopes to create a community that both fosters empathy and treats its students with empathy. “The hope is that [students] have enough encounters that they can develop empathy,” Ponsetto said. “Our expectation is that [BC graduates] will do far more when they leave. “I think beyond formal service, there’s an environment here where we are cared

A 22-year-old Boston University graduate was killed by an MBTA Green Line train early yesterday morning after being struck by an eastbound trolley between the Longwood and Fenway stations. MBTA officials told reporters that the man’s name was Joshua Stimson of Brighton. He was pronounced dead at

the scene. MBTA Spokesperson Joe Pesaturo told reporters that investigators are seeking an explanation as to why Stimson was inside an area of the track that is enclosed by a fence, but that an early investigation suggests alcohol may have been a factor. The trolley driver received no citations or disciplinary actions. According to a report by The Boston Globe, Stimson had just finished dinner

at a friend’s apartment near Kenmore Square and was making plans for the night when he left her apartment at around 8 p.m. Friends described Stimson, who was a member of Boston University’s ski club while working toward his degree in finance, as a “great friend,” according to the Globe report. The death is still under investigation by the MBTA Transit Police. 


See Empathy, A4

The recent graduate, Joshua Stimson, was found dead on the eastbound tracks of the Green Line between the Fenway and Longwood stations.

New WRC director looks to revamp campus services


Mass. Attorney General Martha Coakley (right) has recommended the plan for the New York firm to purchase multiple Mass. hospitals.


Hearings continue in hospital sale BY PATRICK GALLAGHER Assoc. News Editor

Although St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center might soon be under new ownership, students should expect to see few changes, University officials said. A hearing before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court began last Thursday to decide on the sale of the Caritas Christi Health Care group to Cerberus Capital Management, a New York private


equity firm. Justice Francis X. Spina is expected to rule on the sale, which includes the transfer of St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, by the end of October, according to reports by The Boston Globe. A ruling by the state’s high court represents the final roadblock that must be cleared before the sale can be made official. On Oct. 13, the Massachusetts Public Health Council unanimously voted to

approve new licenses for the six hospitals owned by Caritas, and the plan has been recommended with conditions by state Attorney General Martha Coakley. Under the current plan, Cerberus has set up a holding company, Steward Health Care System, LLC, to operate the hospitals. However the current staff at each hospital would likely remain, pending Spina’s ruling.

See Caritas, A4

Department relishes ASA award spotlight

Faculty published four books last year ‘Salvador Dali’ makes BC students hot, A10


Eagles drop fifth straight game, lose to Maryland, 24-21, B1


Check out all there is to do in Boston for Halloween, B10 Classifieds, A5 Crossword, A5 Editorials, A6 Numbers to Know, B2 Police Blotter, A2 iEdit, A9 Thumbs Up / Thumbs Down, A7 Box Office, A7 Weather, A2 He Said, She Said, B8


Zine Maguban highlighted her department’s awards from national associations. BY TOM KOTLOWSKI For The Heights

In the last three years, the American Sociological Association (ASA) has honored Boston College’s sociology department twice. In 2007, Natasha Sarkisian, a professor in the sociology department, published an article titled “Street Men, Family Men: Race and Men’s Extended

Family Involvement,” which won the Best Article Award from the ASA. In 2008, Shawn McGuffey, also a professor in the sociology department, published an article which also won the Best Article Award, titled “Saving Masculinity: Gender Reaffirmation, Sexuality, Race, and Parental Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.” BC’s sociology department currently has 25 full-time professors and is offering 87 courses this academic year. Zine Magubane, professor and chairperson of the sociology department, said in an e-mail that there have been several new faculty members added to the department in recent years and they have been authorized to hire another professor. “Not only are we expanding, but the department has recently gotten a lot of national exposure,” Magubane said. “The work of our faculty has been published in various national journals and other outlets, like The New York Times. Our faculty has received numerous awards and are often asked to speak at conferences around the country.” In the last academic year, the department has published four books and close to 30 articles. At least three faculty members have books that are scheduled to launch in 2011. Magubane said that BC’s sociology department has been publishing at a steady rate, and that she only expects

See Sociology, A4


As the new director of the WRC (above), Dalton said she plans to tackle issues such as sexual assult on campus, increase the visibility of the center, and diversify its programming. BY TAYLOUR KUMPF Asst. News Editor

Kathryn Dalton, BC ’03, has been named the new director of the Women’s Resource Center (WRC). She will assume her new position on Nov. 4, said Thomas McGuinness, associate vice president for University counseling. Dalton is currently the assistant director of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program at Brandeis University. She received her BA in psychology from Boston College in 2003, and in 2007 she received her MA in higher education from the Graduate School of Education

at BC. As a grad student, Dalton worked in the residence halls as a peer minister, McGuinness said. Dalton said she will be experiencing campus life from a different perspective as an example. “I am thrilled to return to BC in a different capacity,” Dalton said. “As an undergraduate I learned to truly be myself. This was a challenging, frustrating, and fulfilling process, and one that enabled me to meet and interact with incredible administrators, Jesuits, peers, and faculty members. I will certainly bring with me the life lessons and wide

See Director, A4



A half parquet - half ice Conte Forum floor was constructed yesterday afternoon as part of the preparations for Ice Jam, which will take place tomorrow evening.


Monday, October 25, 2010


things to do on campus this week

The World Through Our Eyes


Today Time: 9 a.m. Location: O’Neill Library

As part of International Education Week, there will be a photo exhibition open to all students who want to share their international experiences.

Wildlife Photographer

A Gorey Halloween


Today Time: 9 a.m. Location: Burns Library

The works of Edward Gorey, known for his animated show Mystery, as well as his chilling books and illustrations, will be in the Burns Library for viewing.


Inside the Mind of a Criminal

Today Time: 8 p.m. Location: Devlin 008

Come hear wildlife photographer Shawn Carey talk about his recent experiences on the Gulf Coast. He will share first-hand accounts, images, and videos.


Allies hold inaugural Ally Week


Tuesday Time: 12 p.m. Location: Newton Room

Listen to a discussion about the individuals behind the growing trend of Internet crimes and take away tips to avoid being the victim of cyber attacks.

Women, Virtue, and Sexuality


Wednesday Time: 4:30 p.m. Location: Heights Room

Join Lisa Fullam, visiting professor of moral theology, for a discussion on the use of virtue ethics in examining the topic of sexuality at a Catholic university.

IntheNews According to a survey by Harvard University’s Institute of Politics, interest in the midterm elections has waned among college students due to increasing dissatisfaction with the efforts of elected officials and the current direction of the country. The survey also found that college students’ approval of President Obama has dropped below 50 percent. Among eligible voters under the age of 30 who were surveyed, only 27 percent said they will “definitely be voting” in this fall’s elections.

Local News Allston fire leaves one firefighter injured and eight residents displaced Sunday morning, a four-alarm fire broke out at a three-level building on Chester Street in Allston, according to a report by The Boston Globe. One firefighter was injured and eight residents were displaced as a result. The firefighter suffered injuries from electrical shock and was transported to Brigham and Women’s Hospital to receive medical attention. The fire, now under control, started in the basement of the house and then traveled throughout the building, making its way to the roof. ALEX TRAUTWIG / HEIGHTS EDITOR


and A&S ’11. “A lot of people thought the cut-outs were really Asst. News Editor interesting. People would say ‘What are those for, exactly?’” Allies, a student organiThe pledge banner, diszation whose mission is to played in McElroy Commons increase awareness of issues on Thursday and Friday, was concerning sexuality and sexual an opportunity orientation, has grown this year “Being an ally isn’t for students to pledge to stop to be more visabout believing the effects of ible on campus. in something. It’s b u l ly i n g a n d Last week, assment Allies held its about being a good hona rcampus, to inaugural Ally person. We are one discourage the We e k , w h i c h f e a t u r e d t h e community with both usage of antiGLBTQ slurs, placing of cardboard cut-outs straights and gays in and to intervene in situations in of several figures it.” which someone around campus, and the signing — Diana C. Nearhos, i s b e i n g h a rassed because of a pledge banAllies president and of their sexuner. A&S ’11 ality, Nearhos The cut-out said. event displayed “[The popularity] really several life-size cut-outs of stuspread. [The publicity event] dents holding signs stating their generated a lot of interest and a alliance throughout the Quad. lot of awareness,” she said. The highlighted individuals Last year, Allies had a presiincluded an orientation leader, dent who was also its only a presidential scholar, various member – Nearhos. Since last members of campus entertainyear, though, the organization ment groups, and Dean of the has grown to more than a dozen Carroll School of Management members and now includes Andrew Boynton. an executive branch with a “We’re all really enthusiastic vice president, a treasurer, a about the event,” said Diana communications director, a Nearhos, president of Allies

Web master, and several staff members. Nearhos said that some of the organization’s growth could be attributed to her, but that some of it is just luck. “People had wanted to get involved and didn’t know how to,” she said. “This year, people started getting involved and telling their friends, and there was a snowball effect.” “Being an ally isn’t about believing in something,” Nearhos said. “It’s about being a good person. We are one community with both straights and gays in it.” In regard to the negative results of bullying and harassing GLBTQ persons, Nearhos said, “It is important to stress that bullying element on campus. There is bullying here. It’s a minority, but it does happen.” Nearhos said her hope for the future is to no longer need an organization like Allies to promote the acceptance of GLBTQ persons. “The ultimate goal is to not need an ally group,” she said. “I would love it if BC were at the point where it didn’t need a group like Allies.”  Michael Caprio, News Editor, contributed to this report.


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69° Rain 58°


69° Showers

University Survey shows decline in student interest in the midterm elections

Ally Week featured cut-outs of various campus figures pledging their alliance to promote GLBTQ acceptance.


On Campus Larry McLaughlin to assume role of vice provost for research Larry W. McLaughlin, professor of chemistry, has been appointed vice provost for research, according to a report by the Boston College Chronicle. McLaughlin will assume his new post on Jan. 1. He replaces physics professor Kevin Bedall. A biological chemist, McLaughlin has taught at BC for 25 years. In his new role, he will work with administrators, as well as students and faculty, to advance research activities across campus. In the report, McLaughlin said he will maintain his research lab and continue to work with graduate students.

National NPR deals with angry listeners after their firing of Juan Williams WASHINGTON (AP) – NPR and its public radio stations around the country got an earful from listeners and angry citizens in the middle of pledge season over its firing of commentator Juan Williams, receiving thousands of complaints and threats to withhold donations. Still, a number of major stations said they are meeting or surpassing their fundraising goals in the wake of the furor over Williams’ dismissal for saying he gets nervous on a plane when he sees Muslims. He was fired Wednesday over comments he made on The O’Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel, his other employer.



68° Showers 44°


A Guide to Your Newspaper The Heights Boston College – McElroy 113 140 Commonwealth Ave. Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02467 Editor-in-Chief (617) 552-2223 Editorial General (617) 552-2221 Managing Editor (617) 552-4286 News Desk (617) 552-0172 Sports Desk (617) 552-0189 Marketplace Desk (617) 552-3548 Features Desk (617) 552-3548 Arts Desk (617) 552-0515 Photo (617) 552-1022 Fax (617) 552-4823 Business and Operations General Manager (617) 552-0169 Advertising (617) 552-2220 Business and Circulation (617) 552-0547 Classifieds and Collections (617) 552-0364 Fax (617) 552-1753 EDITORIAL RESOURCES News Tips Have a news tip or a good idea for a story? Call Michael Caprio, News Editor, at (617) 552-0172, or e-mail news@bcheights.com. For future events, e-mail, fax, or mail a detailed description of the event and contact information to the News Desk. Sports Scores Want to report the results of a game? Call Zach Wielgus, Sports Editor, at (617) 552-0189, or e-mail sports@bcheights.com. Arts Events The Heights covers a multitude of events both on and off campus – including concerts, movies, theatrical performances, and more. Call Kristen House, Arts and Review Editor, at (617) 552-0515, or e-mail review@ bcheights.com. For future events, e-mail, fax, or mail a detailed description of the event and contact information to the Arts Desk. Clarifications / Corrections The Heights strives to provide its readers with complete, accurate, and balanced information. If you believe we have made a reporting error, have information that requires a clarification or correction, or questions about The Heights standards and practices, you may contact Matthew DeLuca, Editor-in-Chief, at (617) 552-2223, or e-mail editor@ bcheights.com. CUSTOMER SERVICE

Police Blotter 10/18/10 – 10/21/10 Monday, October 18 6:36 p.m. – A report was filed regarding a bicyclist versus motor vehicle accident. There were no personal injuries reported, and both parties refused medical care.

Tuesday, October 19 7:38 p.m. – A report was filed regarding paint that was spilled from a motor vehicle on Campanella Way. The vehicle was unable to be located and facilities will clean up the paint.

past larceny in Walsh Hall. After a brief investigation it was learned that a coworker secured the items after finding them unattended. The items were returned to the proper owner. 10:32 p.m. – A report was filed regarding the confiscation of several controlled substances and drug paraphernalia from a party in Edmond’s Hall. A detectice is investigating.

Wednesday, October 20 1:48 a.m. – A report was filed regarding an actual fire in Rubenstein Hall. The fire was extinguished with a fire extinguisher before the arrival of officers. There was minimal damage.

6:01 p.m. - A report was filed regarding a motor vehicle versus pedestrian accident that resulted in bodily injury. One party was transported by ambulance to a medical facility.

9:59 a.m. – A report was filed regarding a motor vehicle observed in the Mods that did not have a valid registration. The party was advised to not move the vehicle until it was registered.

10:42 p.m. – A report was filed regarding a party feeling ill at 66 Commonwealth Ave. The party was transported to a medical facility in a police cruiser.

5:57 p.m. – A report was filed regarding a

“What is your favorite Halloween movie?”

“Saw. Any of them.” —Pat Collins, CSOM ’13

—Source: The Boston College Police Department

Advertising The Heights is one of the most effective ways to reach the BC community. To submit a classified, display, or online advertisement, call our advertising office at (617) 552-2220 Monday through Friday.

The Heights is produced by BC undergraduates and is published on Mondays and Thursdays during the academic year by The Heights, Inc. (c) 2010. All rights reserved.

Thursday, October 21 9:32 a.m. - A report was filed regarding two suspicious parties in Corcoran Commons. Both parties were identified. One party was placed under arrest for an outstanding warrant and one party was issued a written trespass warning and escorted off BC property.

7:44 p.m. – A report was filed regarding a third party report of rape received by the Boston College Police Department.

Voices from the Dustbowl

Delivery To have The Heights delivered to your home each week or to report distribution problems on campus, contact John O’Reilly, General Manager at (617) 552-0547.

“Halloweentown.” —Meghan Kiley, CSOM ’14

“Hocus Pocus.” —Kara O’Connell,

A&S ’14

CORRECTIONS Please send corrections to editor@bcheights.com with ‘correction’ in the subject line.

Monday, October 25, 2010


The Heights

Cleveland Circle: Then and Now

michael saldarriaga/ graphics Editor; photo courtesy of the city of boston archives

The history of Boston College’s neighboring community, Cleveland Circle, has paralleled the development of the University itself, and students have directly affected restaurants and businesses throughout the surrounding area. B y M ichael C aprio News Editor

Editor’s Note: This is the first part in a three part series on the history of Clevland Circle and its relationship to BC. Mo Osmani sits behind the table of a booth inside his recently acquired burger shop on Beacon Street. He smiles as he recounts his childhood time in Newton and his time working at neighboring Pino’s Pizza. “Ever since I was in high school … I’ve wanted this place,” he said. Osmani, 27, of Brookline, is the current owner of the refurbished Eagle’s Deli. A year after buying the restaurant in 2008, Osmani, whose family owns Pino’s, closed down the deli for a two and a half month renovation that lasted from November 2009 to early 2010 – a renovation that brought about one more change in the neighborhood of Cleveland Circle.

After development started Since its transition to a cenin 1870, Cleveland Circle grew ter of commerce, the area has out of what was formerly known been transformed into a popuas the Aberdeen area, charac- lar place for college students, terized by wooded terrain for with several storefronts such as much of the 19th Eagles Cuts and century, accordand Eagle’s “But BC has always Nails ing to informaDeli bearing the had a history of t i o n f ro m t h e name of the BosBrighton Allston tension between it ton College masHistorical Socicot. and its neighbors. ety. O’Toole said At the time Ever since Fr. McElroy that it is likely of its complethat Cleveland tion in 1870, the came ... and said he C i rc l e ’s i d e n C h e st n u t H i l l wanted to build a tity as a college Reservoir was probcollege in the North hangout the largest pubably coincided End.” lic works project with BC’s transiin the Allstontion from a comBrighton area. muter school to — James O’Toole, The Cleveland Professor in the History a r e s i d e n t i a l Circle neighborschool. Department hood surround“Once the ing the reservoir students began came to be the town center of living at the University … then the Aberdeen area, probably there was a whole population of because of its proximity to the residents there,” he said. local rail stations, said James It i s a ro u n d t h i s p o i n t , O’Toole, professor in the his- O’Toole said, that tensions betory department. tween the residents of Allston-

Brighton and the BC population restaurant Corr’s Deli. It was may have started to change, as this duo that concocted the the student residents began to recipe for the Godzilla Burger, encroach upon Cleveland Circle which can still be found on the and other areas. deli’s menu. “But BC has always had a Chiller and Seland sold history of tenthe deli to Sean sion between it “It’s a great location. Se ga l o f f, wh o and its neigh was an interim You’re right next to owner until Osbors,” he said. “Ever since Fr. mani bought it BC. You don’t get Mc E l roy ca m e two years ago. much better than … and said he “I started wanted to build working at Pithat.” a college in the no’s when I was North End.” 11,” Osmani said. — Mo Osmani, Eagle’s Deli, “Ever since juO s m a n i s a i d , Owner of Eagle’s Deli and nior year of high Brookline resident grew up alongschool, I had an side BC, develeye on Eagle’s.” oping the customer base it When Osmani graduated had in the University’s popu- from high school, he made an lation. attempt to buy Eagle’s Deli “It’s a great location,” he from Segaloff, but was turned said. “You’re right next to BC. down. After operating his own You don’t get much better than pizza restaurant for five years, that.” he had heard that Segaloff The deli was first opened was looking to sell. He closed about 20 years ago by Robert shop and made an offer imChiller and his friend Mark mediately. “Stein” Seland, who named the He said that, since buying

it, he has made cleanliness a priority. “This place was a mess before,” he said. “It was so dirty.” Not all of the customers approved of the renovation, though. “Ab o u t 5 p e rc e n t o f t h e customers, the students, were disappointed,” he said. “But about 95 percent liked it. I mean, if you go into a restaurant and it’s not clean, I don’t know how you’d feel like eating over there.” Since he purchased the deli, Osmani’s restaurant has been featured in television programs such as Man vs. Food and Rachael Ray. Eagle’s Deli was also voted the second best place to “pig out” by the Travel Channel. But, when asked about what lures in the student customers, Osmani has one go-to response: “It’s just the burgers.” n Daniel Morrison and Tanner Edwards, both for The Heights, contributed to this report.

A look at off-campus safety with Steve Montgomery

By Daniel Tonkovich For The Heights

Late on a Friday night, a red Ford Explorer departs from the Boston College Police station to prowl through the streets near campus. The driver is Steve Montgomery, who dons a black BC windbreaker embossed with the University seal and the phrase, “University Official.” Montgomery is well known to the off-campus BC community. Serving as the University’s offcampus community liaison, he is perhaps known best by students by his unofficial title of “off-campus RA,” the man who arrives at off-campus parties on weekend evenings to disperse crowds and talk to residents about off-campus student conduct rules. While some students may disagree, he said his job is primarily to maintain a sense of community and mutual respect among the students residing off-campus and the permanent neighborhood residents. “People are just looking to have their quality of life respected,” Montgomery said. “When it is imperiled on a Friday or Saturday, that is when the party ends. People have jobs, kids, and the need for sleep that need to be respected. Neighbors recognize the need for college kids to socialize on the weekends, but it must be done in a reasonable manner with respect for the entire community.” Montgomery knows the area and the concerns of residents well. For the past 10 years, he has been employed by the University in the same capacity, to respond to off-campus student conduct concerns voiced by neighbors on weekends. From years of experience, he has an uncanny knowledge of most of the residences occupied by BC students off campus. Montgomery not only knows the student residences well, but also the neighbors and their concerns, meeting with them regularly, especially during the summer months. Prior to his work at BC, he worked as the

neighborhood liaipolice get involved, son for the Allstonit becomes their Brighton area for deci sion to either the Boston Mayor’s issue a citation or Office, often workhave the matter ing to resolve differdealt with interences between BC nally through BC. and the surrounding “[The police] community. have control of the As h e t rave l s situation when we through the streets, are both called,” he stares out his Montgomery said. window at houses. “I am there to offer While driving, he an alternative to not only responds to issuing citations, neighbor-generated providing a way to complaints, but also handle matters inlooks out for large, ternally through the noticeable gatherUniversity. Though ings of students at a visit from officials residences. to end a party may “You see that?” be less than desirMontgomery said able, it always helps as he pointed to a to have a good atticovered porch with tude. Anger, espefive young people cially alcohol-ingathered on it by fused, never helps the front door of a the situation. Rehouse. “That conspect, tone, and Daniel Tonkovich / For the Heights cerns me. If that Steve Montgomery seeks to maintain a sense of community between off-campus students and neighbors. attitude go a long group draws more way with the police. people outside later, we could outdoor gatherings of students to not only respect neighbors, They hold much discretion over have a problem. We’ll keep an eye and students walking through but reduce the likelihood of a a situation.” the neighborhoods. Montgomery complaint being filed through on it tonight.” Should the police desire to Montgomery cruises through said that the noise on the street the police or with Montgomery have BC address the situation, the streets early in the evening when students travel from party directly. Montgomery’s job is to observe “Students should be mind- and report situations. Actual looking for sites that may become to party draws the attention of problematic later in the evening. neighbors and authorities. While ful to not conduct their private review of the situations and disHe said that he attempts to not explaining the occurrence, he business in public. If students are ciplinary matters resulting from only respond to complaints, stopped on Kirkwood Street and having a party and have shades, the incidents are handled by the they should close them if they Office of the Dean for Student but also to be proactive in his noted the background noise. “Notice how loud it is,” he do not want the attention of the Development (ODSD). responses, aiming to prevent parties from turning into recur- said. “They are not doing them- neighbors. When neighbors call However, by 1 a.m. last Satring problems or escalating into selves or their friends, especially us, we have to respond. So if urday morning, Montgomery major incidents where police are the ones hosting the party, a students do not draw attention had not received a single direct dispatched by interacting with service. It just draws the atten- to themselves or their activities, complaint from a neighborhood residents to issue verbal warnings tion of everyone around. The in- the likelihood of not having a resident, nor a dispatch by BCPD termittent noise between parties response to their gathering is to any off-campus incident. earlier in the evening. “Friday is a night that we try to when students are walking from greatly increased.” Montgomery reasoned that the The proactive encounters low call volume probably stems be proactive,” he said. “Because house to house is what can draw we have a large Jewish population the attention of the neighbors with students, often warnings from the time of year. in the neighborhoods around BC, who may then call Boston Police, to reduce noise or disperse from “After the first five to six we try to resolve potential prob- Boston College Police, or me to outdoor gatherings likely to dis- weeks, freshmen and sophomores turb surrounding residences, are have become adjusted to univerlems earlier in the weekend, that respond.” He issued a warning to the also aimed at preventing the need sity life and expectations. Juniors way the neighbors do not have to violate any Sabbath Day worship group, making them aware of for a response from law enforce- have made it through their first rules should they have to call in their presence and the noise ment. Though Montgomery at- few weeks of independent livtempts to respond to off-campus ing. It is then that we begin to concerns about off-campus stu- caused by it. Montgomery also said that party incidents to which Boston see the back end of a bell curve dent conduct.” He said he attempts to be students should take simple Police are dispatched, he often regarding student conduct issues proactive by issuing warnings to steps beyond controlling noise reminds students that when the in the neighborhoods, and by

November and December, students have established a pattern, limiting the number of problems and issues in the neighborhoods, though problems continue to exist throughout the year.” Sometimes, just the presence of Montgomery’s car in a neighborhood draws enough attention to reduce noise and crowds. Montgomery said that his presence alone could have an effect, as he drove down Kirkwood street with his windows down. “Montgomery!” a person shouted as the car rolled down Kirkland Street. Montgomery noted the student’s shouting of his name, as well as the reduction in noise in the area a few minutes after the occurrence. At around 1:30 a.m., Montgomergy received a dispatch to an off-campus noise complaint. He responded, pulling his Explorer in front of the house. Music could be heard from the street and there was a small group gathered outside on the front lawn. A girl quickly stood and entered the house. The music stops and from the street you can hear the woman shout: “ Th e o f f - c a m p u s R A i s here!” Individuals exited the front door and the females residing in the house talked with Montgomery. He talked to the senior girls, and even though it was 1:30 a.m. and past Montgomery’s normal threshold for issuing warnings, he opted to give the three senior girls a verbal warning. “The girls lived there their entire junior year last year, and I remember I never got a call there,” he said. “They chose to reside there again this year, enjoying the neighborhood. It was obvious through conversation that they were just unaware of their noise. So as long as this is the first time in over a year, I figure that a warning will correct the behavior. Quite simply, the primary reason for contacting residents is that we do not want to see the same thing happen again.” n

Empathy study not big news

Sean Talia It’s not news to anyone that the paucity of natural resources remaining in the world will eventually pose a significant problem for human beings. Around the world, people fight over resources such as water, oil, timber, and diamonds, among others. But researchers at the University of Michigan have recently announced that there is a new deficit that perhaps, more than any other, will negatively affect the quality of life for people around the world: We are running out of empathy. The study indicates that people born in the 1980s and 1990s have significantly less concern for others compared to people born prior to these years. This is in spite of the fact that high school seniors, percentagewise, are volunteering more than ever before. So where did all the empathy go? Obviously, there’s no way to pinpoint the causes of a cultural phenomenon such as this, but I agree with some of the reasons offered in the article – in particular, the idea that 24-hour cable and Internet news has helped erode our empathic concern for others. If you go to the home page of any of the big cable news corporations – CNN, Fox, MSNBC – you might notice something that you never have before. Here are a few of yesterday’s headlines from the Top World Stories section of CNN.com: “Haiti’s cholera toll grows,” “Stampede at Kenya soccer game kills seven,” “Swedish police hunt serial shooter,” “Death toll at 14 in Juarez house party shooting.” Do you notice what these stories all have in common? Nothing at all – and this is the problem. When we consume our news via the television or Internet (and even newspapers for that matter, though not to the same extent), we are not really learning about what is happening in the world. What we see, hear, and read is a disjointed patchwork of unrelated stories that have been removed from their proper context and therefore stripped of their ability to paint an accurate picture of the world. In the words of Neil Postman, we are not learning about world events – we are merely learning of them. To turn on your television and watch the news for even a brief period of time is to immerse yourself in a world conflict that never ceases, where people are eternally dissatisfied, and where the most grotesque forms of human rights abuses and insufferable tragedy are ubiquitous and unrelenting. It is, essentially, a method of terrorizing oneself, in that by understanding the world through the lens of cable news, you perceive the world as being more violent and nasty than it really is. But watching CNN and Fox does more than just terrorize us – it numbs us. It numbs us because it causes us to view the pain, sadness, and evil of the world as inevitable. Our news overwhelms us to the point where we look at tragedy and say, “So it goes,” when we should be asking, “Does it have to be so?” We live in a state of complacency, and our news has led us there with a leash around our necks. As mentioned earlier, high school students are volunteering now more than ever, and I suppose that this is a consolation of sorts. But it’s sad to realize that this is not wholly motivated by an intrinsic desire to help others, and more likely by a desire to compete for college admissions. Woe to us all!

Sean Talia is a columnist for The Heights. He welcomes comments at editor@bcheights.com

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Heights


BC grad to take over as WRC director Director, from A1

perspectives that I gained from those interactions.” Because she was not completely satisfied with past careers, Dalton said she reassessed her interests, which led her down this current path. “Following my undergraduate career at Boston College, I went into advertising,” she said. “I enjoyed the work, but wasn’t fulfilled by it. I spent time reflecting on my gifts as well as my passions and found that a career in higher education would combine both.” “I am inspired to work with the WRC because I recognize the uniqueness and importance of women’s issues, especially at the collegiate level, and how those issues affect the development of students,” Dalton said. “I know through this role I can work to address those needs and positively affect the development of both male and female students.” Working with students is what Dalton said she is looking forward to most. “The most important, and what I believe the most exciting, part of the position will be working closely with students – listening to their concerns, ideas, and experiences, and partnering with them to create programming to address those needs as well as advocating on their behalf.” Dalton said there are two aspects of her life that will be beneficial to reflect on as she adjusts for her role as director. “Two particular life experiences that have shaped me as a person and that will be beneficial as director of the WRC are serving as a peer minister as a graduate student at BC, and working with faculty members in the women’s and gender studies program at

Brandeis,” Dalton said. “As a peer minister, I was able to work with and connect with students at a very deep level, particularly because I was living with the students. I saw students at both their best and worst moments, and was challenged to counsel them and advise them in times of crisis without preparation.” “I have also grown significantly from my work with faculty on the academic side of the university at Brandeis,” she said. “I learned about theoretical and scholarly work relating to women’s and gender studies issues. I was challenged to recognize gender discrepancies and discrimination in all parts of our world. I also developed practical skills that will be invaluable to the work with the WRC, namely conceiving of, developing, and executing important events and programs.” As director, Dalton plans to strengthen the WRC and immediately address issues like sexual assaults. “My goals for the WRC are to increase its visibility, diversify programming, strengthen its commitment to nurturing feminism across campus, and address student needs that are not currently being met,” she said. Her goals regarding women’s health are “to stop sexual assault and relationship violence and to address the pressure that many collegiate women and men feel to appear perfect, which can lead to depression and unhealthy habits,” she said. Dalton said the issue she will address directly will be building “a community initiative around preventing sexual assault,” citing incidents at other universities that she plans to look to as cautionary tales. “What struck me most about the Yardley Love case at UVA last

alex trautwig / heights editor

Kathryn Dalton said that she will build a community-wide initiative aimed at preventing sexual assults. spring was the fact that so many of her friends knew that she was in an abusive relationship, but didn’t see it as their place to say something,” she said. “It’s important to create accountability for all members of the university community in order to prevent tragedies like Yardley’s from occurring. I am excited to work with those administrators who have begun to create a model similar to the “see something, say

Officials say sale would have minimal effect on BC Caritas, from A1

The council issued its approval following a public meeting at Suffolk University Law School in Boston regarding the sale. The conditions that have been recommended by the Department of Public Health and endorsed by Coakley’s office include that the six hospitals strengthen translation services and that they continue community health initiatives, including programs targeted at preventing substance abuse in addition to wellness and nutritional programs. While the sale would represent a major shift and would turn the hospital chain into the largest forprofit health care system in Massachusetts, Thomas Nary, director of Boston College Health Services, in addition to being a staff member at St. Elizabeth’s, said that students would experience no major changes. “For the day-to-day operation of Boston College, this transition won’t make a difference right now,” Nary said.

While Nary said that he is not privy to the details of the pending sale, he said that such transfers from a non-profit organization to a privately owned company often result in greater efficiency. “The private entity often closes services they deem big money-losers,” he said, adding that the current director of St. Elizabeth’s will be looking to “make the hospital more efficient.” The hospital will maintain the same staff and the same administration, Nary said, in what he said he hopes will be a smooth transition. “Anybody that goes to St. Elizabeth’s or Brigham [and Women’s Hospital] within the bounds of their insurance will get care,” Nary said. He said that insurance coverage is the sole determinant in whether an individual will be given treatment at St. Elizabeth’s, or any other hospital, and that hospital charges are regulated by state law. “Because of state law, every college student has to have insurance,” Nary said. “It will really be more

dependent on your insurance.” While BC has no official agreement with St. Elizabeth’s for the treatment of its students, Nary said that there would likely be very little variation in the cost of treatment. “We don’t have an agreement with St. Elizabeth’s,” he said. “It happens to be a teaching hospital and it’s close. The choice of where to go is based on more than us saying, ‘Go down to St. Elizabeth’s.’ I don’t think that anyone will see any differences in charges.” He said that in many cases in which a BC student is hospitalized, the decision to send that student to St. Elizabeth’s or any other hospital is typically made on-site and not in the BC Health Services Center. “Many of the students that go to St. Elizabeth’s hospital don’t go through Health Services,” Nary said, referencing the example of the EMS station that was set up outside of Conte Forum on the night of the Kid Cudi concert last month. “The people that need to go to the hospital then go immediately.” n

parliamentarian speaks IN O’Connell

something” model at UNH. She said she would also like to “create a support system for GLBTQ students to prevent victimization like that of Tyler Clementi, which occurred at Rutgers a few weeks ago and that resulted in Tyler’s suicide.” Dalton said she plans to build on the past success of the WRC while incorporating her own goals and intiatives. “Sheila McMahon and her predecessor

Jen Tilghman-Havens have done an incredible job establishing a strong foundation for the WRC,” Dalton said. “They have created programming that is recognizable across campus as WRC programming, such as CARE Week, Love Your Body Week, Take Back the Night, etc. They made the WRC visible to the student body and the administration. I feel lucky to be able to build on such a strong foundation.” n

“People are seeing success as a measure of a value of a person. Warmth, humor, and kindness all go down the tubes.” — Donnah Canavan, Professor, Psychology Department

U. Michigan study analyzes empathy

of success. Warmth, humor, and kindness all go down the tubes.” It is possible to have too much for,” he said. “I think that when someone is hurting here at BC, empathy, Canavan said. When one we’re pretty good at rallying around has too much concern for others, it can lead to feelings of helplessthat person.” Initial motivation for becoming ness and a sense of despair that involved in service is less important can be difficult to live with. “We than how it changes a student’s don’t all have empathy with evperspective, Ponsetto said. “What eryone. Most healthy people have motivates people is a wide range a limit. You can’t survive if you of things, and frankly, I don’t have too much empathy.” This possible change in emreally care about that. It is far pathy comes more interesting “I do sometimes as people have and important to me what happens feel concerned that more and more opportuniafter. Will this students spend more ties to interact plant some seeds and really shake time texting and on with each other through techsomething up?” Facebook than they nology, experts Although Ponsetto has not actually do talking.” have said. “I do sometimes feel noticed a deconcerned that crease in concern — Dan Ponsetto, students spend among BC stuDirector, Volunteer and more time texdents, most psychologists believe Service Learning Center t i n g a n d o n Facebook than narcissism is on the rise in the general population, they actually do talking,” Ponsaid Donnah Canavan, professor setto said. “Texting means you don’t in the psychology department. This is a result of the increas- want to deal with them – it may ing emphasis on more narrow be because you don’t have empameasures of success. People are thy,” Canavan said. One aspect of technology focused on maximizing their own earnings and achievements use that may reflect decreasing instead of caring about the condi- empathy is the use of cell phones during class. “There’s a confutions of others. “People are seeing success as sion between whether they’re a measure of a value of a person,” just being rude, or if it’s a lack she said. “[When parents em- of empathy for professors and phasize this], the child begins to other students,” Canavan said. think they’ll survive or not based “It’s interesting, because you still on this set of narrow standards can’t talk in movies.” n

Empathy, from A1

Sociology dept. boasts ASA awards Sociology, from A1

kevin hou / heights editor

Samy Gemayel, a member of the Labanese parliament, spoke about the development of his country over the last 25 years and its political future at a lecture in the O’Connell House last Thursday.

an upturn in publications in the future. Magubane said that BC’s sociology department is competitive with Boston University’s sociology department, which has 18 full-time faculty members who

published three books and about 26 articles in the last academic year. The U.S. News and World Report ranks the BC’s sociology department second in the Boston area, behind only Harvard, and first among Catholic colleges and universities. n




Monday, October 25, 2010

COMMUNITY HELP WANTED Have you thought about adoption? Loving and devoted married couple hoping to adopt. We hope you will consider us in your options. To learn more, please call us toll-free at 1-877-841-3748, or visit our Web site www.roseanneandtim. com. Please be assured all conversations are held in strict confidence. With gratitude, Roseanne and Tim. BABYSITTER NEEDED. Looking for an experienced babysitter on Thursdays for a 1 1/2 year old now through November. Hours approx. 8 a.m.-1 p.m. with some flexibility. Ten minute walk from campus in Newton Centre.

BABYSITTER. Need mature and responsible older student or grad student to pick up two great girls, ages 15 and 11, from school, drive to activities and home (near football stadium), make easy dinner. Must be excellent driver (SUV provided). Hours approx. 2:00/2:30. until approx. 7:00 MonThurs (hours vary). Some help with groceries, laundry, errands ideal, if possible and if/as time permits. Girls are responsible and sweet. Golden retriever at home. E-mail nfbaskin@ baskinfamlaw.com. AFTER-SCHOOL CARE HELP. Responsible person to help with after-school care for middle school twins. Car needed for short local rides. Time to study. $15/hour. Jan, 617-964-4405.

REAL ESTATE BRIGHTON HOUSING. By owner. NO FEE Avl., 12/1/10 or 1/1/11 Modern Large 1 Bed., Condo off Comm. Ave; Hardwood floor, A/C, Heated. 1 Parking included $1,500. CALL (617) 256-3306. TOWN ESTATE. 10 min walk to BC Starts 9/1/11 NO FEE, By Owner Modern 3 Bed, 2 bath, 2 Parking spots, swimming pool, a/c, heated $2,500. Call (617) 256-3306.

MISCELLANEOUS Interested in blogging for The Heights? Contact Dara Fang at fangda@bc.edu for more information or to submit a tip.

The Heights recommends big hats this Halloween season. Answers to the Crossword are below the Sudoku

Directions: The Sudoku is played over a 9x9 grid. In each row there are 9 slots, some of which are empty and need to be filled. Each row, column and 3x3 box should contain the numbers 1 to 9. You must follow these rules: · Number can appear only once in each row · Number can appear only once in each column · Number can appear only once in each 3x3 box · The number should appear only once on row, column or area.

Answers below Answers to Crossword and Sudoku


The Heights



By the numbers

In order to fully understand the incidences of sexual assault that occur on campus, accurate statistics must be found. The Heights encourages the University to be forthcoming with the information it possesses about sexual assaults on campus to ensure that the social climate portrayed by the data is factual. Given the lack of clear, available statistics relating to the frequency and severity of sexual assaults at Boston College, students are not armed with the knowledge necessary to make well-informed decisions on how to best protect themselves. Without a clear sense of the nature of potential threats, it is impossible to take necessary precautions. We would urge all those in possession of data relating to the topic of sexual assault, whether they are affiliated with the BC Police Department (BCPD), the BC Sexual Assault Network (SANet), or the Women’s Resource Center (WRC), to make anonymous information and statistics on sexual assault publicly available for the sake of the common good. When we use statistics as a basis for our actions, we must work to ensure that those statistics are regularly updated and kept relevant. For example, the commonly accepted one-in-four

Monday, October 25, 2010

Coup de costume (v) 1: The act of stealing a friend’s or roommate’s idea for a costume and purchasing said costume before they are able to find the appropriate apparel for themselves. Example: I’d steer clear of Mod 6B today, there’s a major coup de costume going down.

figure that implies that 25 percent of female college students have been sexually assaulted is a shocking claim to make if in fact our own campus experiences significantly lower incidences. The University community must have the most current and accurate information available to ensure that campus resources are well-allocated. We need numbers about our particular community to be more readily available. We urge the WRC, BCPD, and SANet to make a priority of amassing figures on sexual assault as it occurs on our campus, and supplying that information to students who want to do something. We feel that the majority of the responsibility in bringing about positive change lies with students. Each of us are capable of looking out for our friends, and should do so whenever possible. In the same way, we are all responsible for holding ourselves and the people we care about to a higher standard in the way we treat those with whom we are physically and emotionally involved. More than remedial programming and personal testimony, the most powerful change will come from taking simple, personal responsibility.

Reflect to serve

Daley Gruen/ Heights Illustration

According to a study, students are now less empathetic than ever. For BC, the motivation behind service is a concept to reflect upon. According to a recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan, college students are 40 percent less empathetic than they were in 1979. With Boston College’s commitment to social justice and culture of service, this study caught our eye, and we think it may provide an opportunity for ref lection on our motivations for service. At times, it might become too easy to say that we strive to act as “men and women for others,” and, if we are dedicated to the ideal of service, we should be willing to examine our own intentions from time to time. Planning a service trip, whether it be to the Appalachian region or the Dominican Republic, is hard. Going into the city every Thursday may at first seem like an enlightening prospect, as may visiting inmates at the Suffolk County House of Corrections, but part of the value of service is that it should be difficult. Moments of fulfillment should punctuate stretches of difficult work. For at the heart of our service culture is an interest, Jesuit-Catholic at its root but universal in intention, to encounter the plight of the poor. It would be a worthwhile experiment for the service groups on campus to be made to explain their missions without using the phrases “men and women for others” and “set the world aflame.” Mottos are

worthwhile, but when they become cliches, they stultify thought. We should always be rethinking just why we bother to build houses in New Orleans. Some students will say that “Appalove” and the like somehow taint the idea of pure service, as though confraternity and community are not somehow at the root of service. We should be proud of the way our service culture allows us to build communities of students around something other than the beer pong table. In the end, perhaps it does not matter what the intentions of the volunteers are, so long as the work is done. But it does, of course, matter, because service is performed by and for human beings. Service should be rooted in empathy, so it is as much about cultivating something within ourselves as in the world. To be for others should mean, in some way, to forget one’s self. We’d be interested in what the results of the University of Michigan study would be at BC, because, for all the talk we’ve just gotten through about service, we are college students, and statisticians and demographers like tidy samples and quotable conclusions. Are we as empathetic as we think? Perhaps that question, which leads us back only to ourselves, is not the right one. All in all, it’s something to think about while you’re fundraising in Lower.

Fair and balanced

Students are excited to show their support for the national champion hockey team, but the other teams need support as well. With Ice Jam approaching, winter sports are ready to hit the ground running. The men’s ice hockey team continues to thrive. The team is coming off a national championship, has earned a projected first-place finish for the year, and has already made a significant impact on the college hockey landscape with recent wins over major opponents. The men’s basketball team returns, as well, after a very different 2010 season. A disappointing 15-16 record and low attendance dampened the spirit surrounding the sport, but the 2011 season offers great opportunity for the team. New head coach Steve Donahue brings a different coaching style and

worthy experience from coaching the Cornell University men’s basketball team, which triumphed as Ivy League champions from 2008-2010 and reached the NCAA Sweet Sixteen last year. We hope he has what it takes to shake up the teams as well as the fans. After last year’s lack of recruits, this year’s starting roster boasts four new recruits, including two freshmen and a baseball player. There’s the potential to form a new identity. With that in mind, remember to cheer on not only the men’s hockey team, but also the men’s basketball team, as they are both poised to achieve significant levels of success.

The Heights The Independent Student Newspaper of Boston College Established 1919 Matthew DeLuca, Editor-in-Chief John O’Reilly, General Manager Darren Ranck, Managing Editor

Letters to the Editor An off-campus encounter with BCPD Alexandra McKelvey My roommate Jane and I are pretty low-key individuals. We love to be around our close friends, but as we commence our third year at Boston College, after three years of hearing “party” as a verb (often on the bus as loudly as possible), we really have come to resent the raucous behavior of a typical college weekend. Last Friday night, my boyfriend John invited Jane and me to watch the Rangers vs. Yankees game. We hiked up to his dorm from our off-campus abode, which happens to be in a high-rise luxury apartment building recently bought by BC. The seven other gentlemen who live with John were present, and were already intensely engaged in the game. After a few hours of Halloween candy, frozen pizza, and a couple beers, my roommate and I decided to depart. It was about 11:15 p.m. and my chivalrous boyfriend escorted us to our fancy apartment building down the street. We knew something was wrong when a BC Police Department (BCPD) car was parked dramatically askew in front of the building. For some reason, this apartment building is the ultimate party destination for people in small skirts and the guys who like to put their hands on their hips. This night, there were 30 of such students packed between the first automatic sliding door and the elevator. We entered the building, and three cops who were standing in

the doorway asked us, “Hey, do you guys live here?” I said yes, thinking, “I do, but why don’t you get all these other people to leave because they definitely don’t?” I paused to look at the guy who always sits at the desk in this fancy apartment building, because the police officer’s somewhat serious face led me to believe that something bad had happened. As a symbol of residency, I was then requested to whip out my keys, which I did. Jane, however, does not have her keys because we are roommates and one set of keys is generally adequate for opening a door. Jane then said, “You can look me up in the computer database, I live here” in a frightened voice because the BCPD officer was pretty tall. The BCPD gentleman then said to Jane, “Hey, you’re causing a disturbance. How much did you have to drink tonight?” Jane is 20-yearsold. Jane was in shock at this point, and I could just see her face turn white. I’m not just saying it because it sounds poetic – her face really was very pale, which made her look a little bit more disheveled than usual. The conversation then proceeded in the following manner: BCPD: How much did you have to drink tonight? Jane: Like, two? Two and a half. BCPD: Two and a half? I’ll say more like six or seven. Jane: [Bewildered, opens her mouth but no words come out.] BCPD: I’m going to take you to the infirmary. Jane: But … I’m just going back

Contributors: Kevin DiCesare, Diana Nearhos, Alex Manta, Sara Bahrow

Alexandra McKelvey is junior in the College of Arts & Sciences.

Response to “Homecoming in retrospect” In my time at BC, Homecoming was only located in the Mods. It was held off-campus at Boston hotels in previous years with busing to and from the event. While busing was not always ideal, the first year of Homecoming in the Mods was a mess, as it rained. Honestly, I would have prefered the hotel ballroom setting to the outdoor mud party. “But we think that the University and the UGBC should take a lesson from this event and recognize that students will, more often than not, drink prior to large campus events. Organizers should therefore plan accordingly.”

If you were denied entry due to drinking, perhaps you should have done a little less drinking. Honestly, those students should think more about personal responsibility rather than stating that BC should just assume that students will drink heavily and “plan accordingly” to allow them to do so. Students can tailgate in the Mods just about any weekend, but could stand to show a little more class for other campus events and not blame organizers for their own lack of self-control. Anonymous BC ’06

Readers Note: The Heights welcomes Letters to the Editor not exceeding 200 words and column submissions that do not exceed 700 words for its op/ed pages. The Heights reserves the right to edit for clarity, brevity, accuracy, and to prevent libel. The Heights also reserves the right to write headlines and choose illustrations to accompany pieces

submitted to the newspaper. Submissions must be signed and should include the author’s connection to Boston College, address, and phone number. Letters and columns can be submitted online at www.bcheights.com, by email to editor@bcheights.com, in person, or by mail to Editor, The Heights, 113 McElroy Commons, Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02467.

Business and Operations

Editorial Kaleigh Polimeno, Copy Editor Michael Caprio, News Editor Zach Wielgus, Sports Editor Jacquelyn Herder, Features Editor Kristen House, Arts & Review Editor Daniel Martinez, Marketplace Editor Hilary Chassé, Opinions Editor Ana Lopez, Special Projects Editor Alex Trautwig, Photo Editor Margaret Tseng, Layout Editor

to my room! BCPD: Yeah? To drink more, right? I am not exaggerating. That is why our reaction was total disbelief. It was like a bad dream. He then took a minute to look at Jane’s license and write down the number as the elevator opened and 10 girls struggled to stand upright as they stumbled over the threshold. Following this exchange, the BCPD officer led Jane to the patrol car, and Jane bashfully sat in the back. I’m thinking to myself the entire time, why Jane? Why did this police officer decide to take her to the infirmary? True, she is 20 years old, but why should BCPD single her out? All of us are required to take AlcoholEdu at the beginning of our time here at BC and, in doing so, we learn how to be healthy about underage drinking. Its message was kind of like this: “We understand that kids drink in college, but let us tell you some tips … eat food while you drink, alternate between alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, go home early, etc.” Why was Jane the one that was targeted when so many people walk around throwing up everywhere? I know BC is better than that, and perhaps Jane just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I hope someone out there is listening and can come up with some sort of reasoning for all of this, because the situation is frustrating.

Michael Saldarriaga, Graphics Editor Christina Quinn, Online Manager Laura Campedelli, Multimedia Coodinator Brooke Schneider, Assoc. Copy Editor DJ Adams, Asst. Copy Editor Patrick Gallagher, Assoc. News Editor Taylour Kumpf, Asst. News Editor Maegan O’Rourke, Assoc. Sports Editor Paul Sulzer, Asst. Sports Editor Kristopher Robinson, Asst. Features Editor

Zachary Jason, Assoc. Arts & Review Editor Allison Therrien, Asst. Arts & Review Editor Matt Palazzolo, Asst. Marketplace Editor Kevin Hou, Asst. Photo Editor Lindsey Grossman , Asst. Layout Editor Rachel Gregorio, Asst. Graphics Carrie McMahon, Editorial Assistant Zachary Halpern, Executive Assistant

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The Heights

Monday, October 25, 2010



A little free advice

Thumbs Up Gorey – In honor of the upcoming All Hallows’ Eve, the macabre artwork of Edward Gorey will be on display in the Burns Library in celebration of Halloween this week. As a precursor to and inspiration for much of Tim Burton’s early work, think of a breeze through his illustrations in Bapst as the perfect prequel for a night of Tim Burton classics. Festive food – The impending triumvirate of holidays is reminding TU/TD how little we care about counting calories when there’s pumpkin pie to be had. We want to personally thank Dining Services for providing every imaginable holiday food for us to gorge upon. Enjoy it now, we’ll be blaming you come January. Dates – TU/TD hopes not to jinx this trend by mentioning it, but there has been an apparent upswing in the chivalrous nature of underclassmen gentlemen, who have been asking their love interests out on dates instead of the typical messy hookup leading to eventual Eagle’s Nest lunch. Good job lads, you’ve finally figured out what women want. Sidewalk – The completely necessary repaving of the walkway outside of Devlin has come to an end, leaving the machinery available for one of the other dozen or so construction projects on campus. The cleared walkway may seem like a small step, but it’s a giant leap for students running late to class. Whip it – Will Smith’s adorable nine-year-old daughter, Willow (not narcissistic at all), has come out with a completely infectious single featuring her very own, neck cracking dance move: “Whip My Hair.” The tie for best video interpretation goes to Willow’s paint-splattered official video and an interpretive dance number created by a very hip parrot. Long Cat – TU/TD is proud of our homeland today, as we have produced the longest cat in the world! Stewie, a Maine Coon cat, was recently measured at more than four feet in length. The fearful symmetry of this cuddly giant could only have been crafted fby the harsh wilderness of the Maine coast. We breed ’em hearty up there. Parodies – SNL, while sometimes lacking in the fantastic skit department, has been hitting it out of the park lately with celebrity impressions. From Miley Cyrus to Will Smith, Denzel Washington to Brett Favre, these hilarious segments are uncannily accurate. Props to the new cast members’ vocal coaches.

Thumbs Down T. Swift – As her new album drops, if you will, there has been endless media speculation about which high profile relationship she’s referencing in each song. Maybe this one’s a ballad for Kanye? A lament for Taylor Lautner? A ditty about John Mayer’s cheating heart? That’s all well and good, but TU/TD can smell a genius marketing ploy at work here. Very sneaky for a “careless man’s careful daughter.” Empty – Both the Mods and the student section of Conte Forum were transformed into ghost towns during Saturday’s tailgate and game against Maryland. There’s nothing worse than fair-weather fans BC, but perhaps fandom needs, to be earned a bit. No one is a fan of hurricane season.

Benjamin Key I’ve had three daddies and one mommy since getting to Boston College. Some people think it’s strange that I call my academic advisers “mom” or “dad.” But those people are wrong. And besides, I don’t always say “mom” or “dad.” sometimes I say “pop,” “ma,” “daddy-o,” “mater,” “pappy,” “the matriarch,” “old man,” or even, when I’m feeling sassy, “mamasita.” I refer to them as parents because, essentially, that’s their role. They are our guides to the unfamiliar. In our four years of college, we have to transform ourselves from ridiculous and incapable tadpoles into educated and wildlyqualified frogs. Our advisers are meant to make that awkward but necessary metamorphosis as smooth as possible. My advisers were assigned to me by some dubious sub-department of the academic offices of BC. Looking back, it was as if someone’s personal project had been to keep me in a perpetual state of bamboozlement. A casual glance at my degree audit reveals an academic history that could only have been equaled if I had hired a troop of paranoid schizophrenics to make decisions on my behalf. In the defense of BC, I did make things hard for them. Coming in undeclared must have been a real unanticipated screwball. Oh wait, scratch that, one in 10 students are undeclared their freshman year (thanks Google!). Regardless, after what was certainly several hard seconds of consideration, I was assigned an adviser from the environmental studies department. I mean, why not? It’s a pretty broad department, right? This adviser pointed out that Introduction to Biology and Calculus were perfect to fulfill my math and science cores, respectively. Good advice. Both courses are widely considered GPA boosters, too. Win-win. By the end of freshman year, after those two courses pistol-whipped whatever barely-existent interest I’d previously had in math or science out of me, I declared a double major: English

and political science. Naturally, I was assigned a new adviser. This one was from the Irish Studies department. At the outset, this was an improvement. My adviser was attentive and acted interested. His accent was a fun little bonus, and he had friends in the English department. But, bless him, the fellow knew nothing about the political science department. It wasn’t his fault, there was no reason for him to. Despite his help, I was largely forced to feel my way through the political science major blind. It wasn’t a tremendous hardship, but there were certain avenues I was interested in specifically, developmental economic for instance, and I struggled to get answers. My adviser was changed two more times: Following my acceptance into the Creative Writing Program, and then again when I was invited into the English Honors program. These were logical moves, since English was my first major, technically, and it makes sense for my thesis adviser to also handle my class selection. By senior year, my need for an academic adviser was essentially nil. What I needed was some direction on post-grad strategy. To be clear, I’m not criticizing any of my advisers personally, because they’ve all been wonderful. They fall victim to the system, and the one that BC has established is absurd. This is a problem I would suggest is specific to the College of Arts & Sciences, too. I’ve never heard people from Lynch or Connell complaining, and it seems our business-minded friends have their hands held throughout their four years until they get passed off to whatever financial institution they select. A&S is too broad, and there are too many students and not and enough professors for our advising system to work the way it does. The problem is intensified for double majors and those who don’t come into BC with a set path (read: me). I was the perfect storm for academic confusion, but my difficulty was exacerbated by my constantly changing advisers. It’s confusing to have had three daddies and one mommy – none of whom know each other – over the course of four years. BC needs to hire people who specialize in academic advice. This isn’t a revolutionary concept. In my high school, we called them “guidance counselors.” We should be assigned one at the beginning of freshman year, and they should still be our adviser when we

graduate. It would be their jobs to be familiar with all the departments, and if we have a question, they should be able to either answer it themselves or put us in contact with someone else who can. These people should also work with the career center (which seems to be spending most of its time worrying about CSOM) and be qualified to assist with applications to graduate school. Tangentially, I’d like to address something: There’s this perception that CSOM, Lynch, and Connell students are the career-focused ones, whereas the A&S kids are devoid of direction, so they spend their time studying the more abstract and whimsical niches of academia without a single thought toward their careers. I’m not starting a school-feud here, but it’s time for the University to stop encouraging this self-fulfilling prophesy. It’s one thing for some bro to tell a political science major he’s not going to have a job after he graduates, but it’s another for our school to assume the same thing by not helping us get one. CSOM bends over backwards to help its students get jobs. This is not a critique. Good for CSOM. There’s a reason it is ranked more highly than the University overall. A&S needs to take a hint. Setting up an advising system that makes even remote sense would be a start. The system, as it stands, is lazy, and BC is cutting corners by not hiring specialized people. I’m also not interested in logistical arguments like “we don’t have space” or “the budget just isn’t there.” Make space, and we have the money. Last time I checked, Yawkey is empty most of the time aside from the golden shrines to ex-athletes. This campus shakes with all the defeatist, bureaucratic foot dragging that goes on by the powers that be. I’ve written about it regarding student clubs, but at least there’s progress in that office. BC expects its students to be the problem solvers of tomorrow, yet it balks at the problems of today. I’m not worried about myself. I’m worried about the underclassmen and the students who aren’t here yet. That’s our job as seniors – to help those who will come after us. So BC, fix academic advising. It’s a broken system, and it’s unacceptable. Benjamin Key is a staff columnist for The Heights. He welcomes comments at bkey@bcheights.com.

Stress and depression Francesca Jung I ran into a good friend from freshman year this afternoon, and he greeted me by saying he had about 20 minutes for lunch before he went back to the library. The student in question plays a varsity sport, holds a part-time job, and is taking very challenging classes, including organic chemistry and the lab component. Although this seems to me like an enormous undertaking, I realized that almost all Boston College students have been programmed for multi-tasking in extreme ways since high school. We all played sports, were in six different clubs, and / or participated in drama while getting a 4.0 GPA and volunteering. It’s how we got into this school. So why not continue this workload in college? The difference is that the classes are harder, time seems more valuable, and the grades we receive have a greater impact on our actual lives once we leave school. Naturally, our stress level increases at least a little during college. But when do we know if we’re taking on too much? I am all for getting involved on campus. It keeps us busy, helps us feel happier, makes us more social, introduces us to new people, and helps build resumes and experience for the future. When getting involved stops being helpful, though, a problem begins to arise. A

Party Time


recent poll by Associated Press- mtvU reveals that 85 percent of college students feel a large amount of stress on a regular basis. Especially at this point in time, when midterms are in full swing, students are feeling the strain. Two out of the last four people I spoke to before writing this column “pulled an all-nighter” last night. So yes, stress will happen. It can lead to a lack of sleep, irritability, breakdowns, and difficulty concentrating. None of those symptoms are exactly life threatening, and it is easy to blow them off, hoping that they go away once that poli-sci paper is turned in or the physics test has passed. In most cases, these symptoms are nothing to worry about. But in a growing number of cases, especially in college age students, these small symptoms of stress are turning into much more serious illnesses. Long-term stress can lead to a variety of diseases., including obesity, autoimmune disease, heart problems, and digestive problems. Considering that the most frequent cases of stress occur between the ages of 15-24, it is reasonable to conclude that long-term stress begins in high school and college. If these habits and lifestyles are not closely monitored now, they can easily grow out of control in later life. Not only can stress lead to physical ailments, but also to depression, which is one of the leading diseases among college students. In the same study done by the Associated Press-mtvU, 9 percent of students in the study were at risk for severe depression. Nine percent may not seem like that many students, but if the statistic holds true at Boston College, that’s about 830

students at our school alone, which is close to half of the freshmen class. And that number has been rising in the past decade. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among college-age students. The most disturbing statistic, however, is that over half of the students who reported they have serious depressive symptoms have never sought help from a counselor or other authority figure. It seems that because college students have become used to large amounts of stress in their lives, they are unaware when the problem grows out of control. Speaking to anyone when college life gets overwhelming is extremely important. So yes, stress is a part of life. Everyone, especially in college, is overwhelmed at some point, considering the huge time commitments most of us undertake. How do we know when we’re taking on too much? Basically, it is up to each person to make that call individually. Everyone has a different capacity for work, and it is impossible to have a universal way of figuring out that capacity. If the stress is overwhelming, if you’re not having any fun, if you start to feel any physical symptoms, talk to someone. There are a million resources at BC, such as your RAs, campus ministers, and counseling services. There’s no harm in talking. And don’t be afraid to drop something. Stopping one of the six clubs is not quitting, it is time management. We can’t do everything, and when we try, everything can’t be done well. Francesca Jung is a staff columnist for The Heights. She welcomes comments at opinions@bcheights.com.

Halloween cliches

Pooja Shah When we were five years old, Halloween was characterized by pumpkins carved with evil smirks, the wonderful aroma of freshly baked pumpkin pie, and little kids ringing doorbells in their ballerina or Frankenstein costumes, yearning for pieces of candy. A decade ago, Halloween simply meant dressing up in costumes selected by our parents and being the first one among our friends to finish our bag full of treats. As we grew up, however, our perception of Halloween, as well as our mode of celebration, drastically changed. For an average college student, Oct. 31 means wild parties, intoxicated nights, and unimaginative, cliche costumes. For me, this concept of college-age costumes that deviate from the traditional costumes worn for years raised various questions in my mind. What is the significance of this desire to dress completely unlike who or what you normally are? Why are people, specifically females, so anxious to wear revealing clothing? And lastly, why are certain “racist” costumes considered inoffensive during this one night of the year? Given that Halloween is probably the only day of the year when it is socially acceptable to disguise oneself for a night and feel comfortable being viewed as someone else, there are certain costume choices that are mind boggling and simply inappropriate. Certainly, the media plays a role in shaping people’s mindsets on what they deem suitable and unsuitable. Movies such as Mean Girls, in which high school girls dress as scandalous bunnies or flight attendants, set an example for females worldwide. Think about it. The most popular costumes are typically sexy cheerleaders, naughty nurses, recently famous Jersey Shore characters, Snooki or J Woww, and other similar outfits that expose more skin than respect. This style has become prominent among students on Halloween because it has become an expected norm to go with the crowd. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to play devil’s advocate and denounce the way people dress during the celebration (I’m sure I’ve considered being one of the abovementioned at some point in my life), but what motivates us to do so? There certainly is that competitive aspect involved, by which individuals alone or a group of friends / roommates want to stand out with their unique costumes. This desire to transform into sex symbols and attract attention from peers and the public can be one psychological justification among many other factors. In addition to promiscuous attire, another emerging issue I have noticed is “stereotypically racist” outfits, such as Native Americans or Eskimos. It never occurred to me how offensive this apparel could be to those persons who actually belong to these groups until last year, when I witnessed a girl, made up with white-powder, dressed in a bright red kimono, pretending to be a geisha. The act of throwing on a piece of silk to dress as a geisha, which is a symbol of the objectification of Japanese women, perpetuates Japanese stereotypes. This is similar to donning a “Native American,” costume, for which apparently all you need is a feather headdress and fake bone beads to represent an entire ethnicity, without taking into consideration the years of fighting these people suffered to establish their sense of identity. Lastly, the average cross-dresser, who adds overly-stuffed breasts to a D-cup bra and bright red lipstick, acts in a way that could potentially be offensive to the GLBTQ community. All of this illustrates how important it is that students choose with care what they wear and don’t wear in public by thinking of what message they are conveying with their apparel. The point is not how little you wear, but what you wear. Halloween is intended to evoke feelings of excitement and for everyone to enjoy a weekend of festivities, not to create a society that accepts people mocking other cultures or revealing more skin than on an average beach day. The point is to have fun, be creative, and to be memorable in what you wear. Years from now, when you flip through your photo albums, you do not want to remember yourself as the girl who dressed in a nude body suit your junior year of college. Now, that’s a scary thought. Pooja Shah is a staff columnist for The Heights. She welcomes comments at opinions@bcheights.com.


The Heights

Monday, October 25, 2010

Franco’s ‘Howl’ sounds more like a whimper By Dan Seiring Heights Staff

I began my proverbial binge reading of Beat Generation literature the summer after my junior year in high school. I read Kerouac’s On the Road. I read as much of Burroughs’ boggled Naked Lunch as I could Howl bear. And then I Rob Epstein & Jeffrey read Allen GinsFriedman berg’s “Howl.” Telling Pictures The pulsating imagery and shock-and-awe style made the poem unforgettable. It was a piece of literature that forever altered my definition of literature. Thus, to say the least, I was quite intrigued when I walked into Coolidge Corner to see Howl. The film, written and directed by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman, gives the audience an intimate view into Ginsberg’s life by merging several plotlines surrounding the conception of the poet’s most famous work. The movie begins with Ginsberg (James Franco) reciting the opening lines of “Howl” in a smoky cabaret room in 1955 San Francisco. “I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness,” Ginsberg proclaims, as his

boisterous and youthful crowd tosses back jugs of wine. Epstein and Friedman use the opening scene to establish Howl as a film that explores a generation’s initial transformation from conventional to beatnik. Despite the radical words being thrown about the room, the crowd, along with Ginsberg, is still clean-shaven and equipped with flawless tie knots. The film emits an alarming sense that a revolution is well on its way. Over the course of the movie, Ginsberg’s reading of his poem is coupled with vibrant animation. Epstein and Friedman aim to connect images to the poet’s famous words by displaying the obscene and graphic scenarios in “Howl.” Yet, in the end, the animation, while artistically commendable, feels unnecessary. Providing a visual interpretation of such a famous piece of literature is quite ambitious, and it ultimately distracts the audience from the film’s main objectives. Howl then transitions into a candid interview with Ginsberg. During the course of the dialogue, Ginsberg discusses numerous aspects of his life, including his apprehension as a writer, his time spent in mental institutions, and

his famous relationships with fellow Beat writers Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassady. Although the account of these events is fascinating, the directors seem to get invested in too many plotlines, leaving the viewer rather unsatisfied. Epstein and Friedman seem to only scratch the surface of Ginsberg’s mind, as they quickly address many stories that deserve fully developed accounts. The foundation of the film, however, is the 1957 obscenity trial, which aimed to determine if Ginsberg’s work was too vulgar for common society. The trial, which uses the exact dialogue from the real court manuscripts, shows several literary experts being questioned by the prosecutor and the publisher’s defense attorney, played by the perfectly casted Jon Hamm. Hamm provides the highlight of the court proceedings with his eloquent final statement. While the conventional terminology and the awkward readings of the poem by the attorneys provide some laughs and cultural insight, the storyline leaves the viewer wanting more. There is very little surrounding the dialogue, which makes one wonder if strictly reading the manuscript would provide equal satisfaction. Despite the lack of depth in the script,

Clint Eastwood sees dead people By Joe Allen

For The Heights A movie about death? This concept warrants skepticism, but Hereafter is much more than two hours of musing on a morbid subject. Examining how different people respond to death Hereafter and the possibilClint Eastwood ity of an afterlife, Warner Bros the movie caters to many different audiences, successfully fusing engaging romances, bits of comedy, frightening shocks, and a disaster sequence that will suck the air out of the movie theater. No, this film does not have the answers to life’s big questions, but it does provide three fascinating character studies that will have audiences glued to the screen from start to finish. By focusing not only on how death can end relationships, but also on how it can bring people together, the movie becomes a surprisingly heartwarming tale. Hereafter follows three strangers who are all forced to confront mortality and what could lie beyond. In San Francisco, George Lonegan (Matt Damon) is a psychic unwilling to spend the rest of his life working with death. Cecile de France plays Marie Lelay, a French journalist who adopts a different outlook on life after a near-death experience during a tsunami in Thailand. Rounding out the unlikely trio, young British Marcus (played by twins Frankie and George McLaren) has recently lost his twin brother and struggles to cope with the unexplainable. These are the key

players, who struggle with their personal problems as the audience wonders how they could eventually connect. Clint Eastwood tells these three stories in the most efficient way possible. As the film moves effortlessly between three different characters in three different countries, Eastwood knows exactly how long to spend with each person before cutting across the globe to a different character. The audience learns just enough about each of the characters to care about the fates of all three. Known for directing action-packed dramas such as Million Dollar Baby and Gran Torino, Eastwood proves that he can also create tension in a movie composed mostly of dialogue exchanges and quiet reflection. That being said, the film contains a few big accident and disaster sequences, which astound viewers due to Eastwood’s restraint in the scenes surrounding them. While Eastwood’s direction allows the audience to appreciate each character’s situation, the great acting performances in Hereafter allows them to become entranced in each story. Damon packs in a powerhouse performance portraying a man with a gift he doesn’t want. He allows George’s built-up frustration and sadness to show in every line of his face. By making George a reluctant man who prioritizes his happiness above all else, Damon succeeds at the difficult task of depicting a psychic who deserves sympathy, not skepticism or hate. De France crafts an instantly likeable character, making confusion, realization, and determination all look

cute. As Marcus, the McLaren twins emit a constant sense of gloom that disturbs, yet captivates. All four actors command attention, breathing life into their largely separate stories and making each third of the film enjoyable. One of Hereafter’s most impactful sequences involves an extended interplay between George and love-interest Melanie (Bryce Dallas Howard, who is brilliant in this small role). After some obvious flirting during a cooking class, the two go to George’s place for dinner, where Melanie discovers his psychic ability and innocently asks for a reading. The scene that follows is painful, heartbreaking, and profound. George’s ability to contact others’ dead loved ones forces all involved to examine their deepest emotions and their current places in the grand scheme of things, and most don’t like the realizations that they come to. Hereafter concerns itself with how three people discover and react to these realizations, and the results make for an uplifting and incredibly satisfying tale in the end. Carefully constructed by Eastwood, this movie shows that satisfaction can be found in life no matter what happens “hereafter.” Although some of the dialogue and images concerning the afterlife come up short and seem cheesy, the film’s true success is achieved by showing the struggles of three characters to achieve happiness and their growth along the way. These three people feel real. The stakes are high. Ironically, this death-filled movie is bursting with life. n

photo coutresy of allmoviephoto.com

James Franco stars as Allen Ginsberg in the ambitious, although poorly constructed, ‘Howl.’ Howl still shows that Franco is unquestionably a very talented actor. Franco skillfully mimics Ginsberg both in mannerism and in speech. There is no debate that Franco wanted to give a performance that critics would cherish, perhaps something similar to Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s role in Capote. However, the structure of Howl ultimately holds Franco back from reaching this ambition. The lack of depth in the plot is ulti-

mately Epstein and Friedman’s downfall in Howl. With superior performances by both Franco and Hamm, the film undoubtedly had the potential to be a superb piece of work. But for a novice Beat scholar such as myself, Howl seems to miss the mark when exploring the allure of Ginsberg and the Beat Generation. Hopefully, next year’s much anticipated adaptation of On the Road will satisfy my inner beatnik. n

Box Office Report title

weekend gross

weeks in release

1 photos courtesy of allmoviephoto.com

1. Paranormal activity 2



2. jackass 3d



3. red





4. hereafter



5. the social network



6. secretariat



7. life as we know it



8. Legend of the guardians



9. the town



10. easy a



bestsellers of hardcover fiction

photo courtesy of allmoviephoto.com

Bryce Dallas Howard as Melanie and Matt Damon as George in Clint Eastwood’s heady, high stakes afterlife drama ‘Hereafter.’

1. The Reversal Michael Connelly 2. Fall of Giants: First in the century trilogy Ken Follett 3. Freedom Jonathan Franzen 4. THe Girl who kicked the hornet’s nest Stieg Larsson 5. Safe haven

Nicholas Sparks 6. Don’t Blink Patterson & Roughan 7. Squirrel seeks chipmunk David Sedaris 8. Painted ladies Robert B. Parker

SOURCE: Publisher’s Weekly

Your favorite authors are coming to read to you By Zak Jason

“I don’t have time to read anything I like.” We all make this statement at least thrice a semester. And as much as we try to read for leisure on the side, few of us finish more than half a novel over the course of four months. Fortunately, Boston attracts the literary types, and often hosts some of our nation’s preeminent writers. If you can’t find time to read, here are some opportunities to have your favorite authors read to you in person.

Matt Taibbi – Nov. 16, Brookline Booksmith, 7 p.m., free Rolling Stone’s leading political rabble-rouser and The Boston Phoenix’s athlete crime columnist has released his most violent assault yet. Griftopia reports on how the insatiable greed of Goldman Sachs and Wall Street lobbyists is driving the country down fruitless, destructive roads. If you want to hear a sharp, entertaining, albeit aggressively partisan, account of our current financial situation, come witness Taibbi. He’s as much of a showman as he is a source.

Joseph Ellis – Nov. 1, Coolidge Corner Theater, 6 p.m., $5 No one has made our Founding Fathers seem so sexy, so enigmatic, as Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Joseph Ellis. In his latest book, First Family, Ellis captures the conviction, tumult, and passion of John and Abigail Adams, from their marriage to their most pivotal decisions. Ellis, in conjunction with the Massachusetts Historical Society, will regale Bostonians’ hearts with tales of one of their most storied heroes.

Amy Sedaris – Nov. 30, Coolidge Corner Theater, 7 p.m. $5 Funny woman Amy Sedaris, former cast member of Strangers With Candy, will grace Coolidge Corner with her bubbly self to discuss her new book, Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People. In Simple Times, Sedaris illustrates how in our recession, we can still afford makeshift trinkets and novelties like sawdust fires, tinfoil balls, lodging pine cones in your throat, and “buy fruit, let it get old, and see what shapes it turns into.” n

Heights Editor

photos courtesy of amazon.com

Dennis Lehane – Nov. 5, Coolidge Corner Theater, 7 p.m., $5 The poet laureate of Boston noir will read passages from his latest novel, Moonlight Mile, to his fellow

natives. After blockbuster film adaptations of Shutter Island (Martin Scorcese), Mystic River (Clint Eastwood) and Gone Baby Gone (Ben Affleck), Lehane has remained true to

his Dorchester roots. Moonlight Mile picks up 12 years after the case in Gone Baby Gone ended, when the girl whom the detectives saved disappears once again.

Monday, October 25, 2010


iEdit Features

Dynamic a capella


Now playing on Kris Robinson’s iPod

The Music Behind the Man

Sex Therapy - Robin Thicke Holler Til You Pass Out - 3OH!3 DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love” - Usher The Lazy Song - Bruno Mars Black Suits Comin’ (Nod Ya Head) - Will Smith Sure Looks Good to Me - Alicia Keys Halo - Mike Posner What A Catch, Donnie - Fall Out Boy Dirrty - Christina Aguilera ft. Redman Bet I - B.O.B. ft. T.I. and Playboy Tre

Kris Robinson is a man of transient tastes. But throughout his nineteen years, one factor has remained constant: Will Smith. In elementary school, Robinson learned elaborate choreography to Smith’s ballad “Wild Wild West,” and recalls the steps effortlessly to this day. These days, Robinson continues to listen to Smith, and now his nine-year-old daughter Willow, whose single “Whip My Hair” has recently made its way onto Robinson’s iTunes. While studying, Robinson rests his mind with mellow R&B and soft rock bands like Secondhand Serenade. A communications and human developmentdouble major, Robinson aspires to be nothing less than the next Ari Gold. – ZAK JASON

Bold set, daring characters in ‘Dali’

Sheightsmen, from A10 none of the microphones were operating. Thinking on her feet, she positioned herself front and center and proceeded to power through the Sharps’ theme song, “If I Can’t Have You,” with the help of the Heightsmen. Duggan’s unique and engaging voice punctured the whatwould-have-otherwise-been overwhelming backing vocals, starting the night off on an interesting but successful note. The microphone problem was quickly fixed, and the Sharps dove into one of their most enchanting numbers, a stirring version of Sufjan Stevens’ “Chicago,” which was made popular by the movie Little Miss Sunshine. Soloist Ali Hall, A&S ’11, has been carrying the number for some time now, and it’s no wonder why she was awarded the song. Her melodic and charming voice is understated and serves the song wonderfully. New Sharps member Michaelia Ruhl, A&S ’13, took on La Roux’s summer smash “Bulletproof ” and wowed the audience with her powerhouse, soulful vocals. Her confidence level never abated as the song’s range shifted around. On the Lauryn Hill medley, one of the Sharps’ strongest numbers, soloists Laura Linnemeier, Allie Larson, and Chrissy Patterson, all A&S ’11, collectively packed a serious vocal punch. Patterson’s amusing rapping mixed with Larson’s dazzling and smoky voice was the perfect combination of sounds. Larson has the stage presence of a singer twice her age, abundantly demonstrated in the way she commands the room with both her voice and her onstage mannerisms. The Heightsmen, donning khaki pants, button-down shirts, blue blazers, and ties, took the stage after the Sharps’ medley, performing two songs in rapid succession. Their selection was generally more upbeat and even more so geared toward audience participation. Starting off strong, Jake Morakis, A&S ’13, sang a number made popular by the movie Shrek, “Accidentally in Love.” Morakis’ solo, a crowd favorite, garnered the biggest applause – perhaps the most of the night. Grabbing a girl from the audience and serenading her with the timeless classic “My Girl,” Sean Reardon, A&S ’11, wooed the crowd with his entertaining antics and vocals, eliciting shrieks from some of the Sharps themselves. Reardon made what could have been a truly hammy performance into something actually quite enjoyable, punctuated by a stellar and surprising series of high notes. A brief intermission followed, which brought with it an amusing change of outfits. When the Sharps returned, the ladies were decked out in jeans, white button-down shirts, and ties, in an entertaining reversal of outfits. One of the most entertaining numbers was a “stolen” one, a song that originally belonged to the Sharps but was reinterpreted by the Heightsmen. As soon as the opening notes from Kelly Clarkson’s hit “Miss Independent” echoed throughout the lecture hall, the Sharps began to hoot and holler at the freshmen Heightsmen, who admirably belted out the American Idol winner’s song with gusto and good humor. The song that followed was a rousing cover of the Heightsmen staple “Faded,” performed by Linnemeier with Larson on backing vocals. It featured a phenomenal attempt at replicating the beat boxing of Mike O’Neill, A&S ’12, by Jen Maraia, CSOM ‘13. Her enthusiasm and passion were unmatched by anyone else, and she had a smile on her face throughout the whole song. The energy and enthusiasm onstage reached a peak on the goofily enjoyable S Club 7 song, “S Club Party.” Dilara Eynula, A&S’ 13, demonstrated an incredibly high range as she took the reins on the song’s chorus. She belted notes like a seasoned professional. The addition of some funny choreography and some strategically placed hand clapping had the audience (minus the parents, on whom the humor behind the song was lost) singing along, long past the moment that the two groups triumphantly left the stage. 


Thais Menendez, A&S ’14, as Gabriela and Juan Rodriguez, A&S ’11, as Benito in the play ‘References to Salvador Dali Make me Hot.’

Salvador Dali, from A10 the action begins. A man in white, soon revealed to be the moon, strums his guitar, and Gabriela, the lonesome army wife, sits staring into the sky. The story quickly twists into the fantastic, giving voice to cats, coyotes, and cacti. Gabriela’s cat struggles to explain her own desires to the coyote, who knows exactly what he wants, just as Gabriela attempts to show her husband, Benito, the motivations behind her inner struggles. As the story continues, it becomes abundantly clear that Gabriela and Benito have grown apart. While Benito has been

at war, grounding himself in reality out of necessity, Gabriela has been escaping into the otherworldly, studying the night sky and befriending the moon. Unable to understand each other, the once happy pair tear into their differences, hoping to find a shadow of what they once had. With plenty of cavorting in between, this work is an emotional rollercoaster, picking the audience up, only to drop them low in one scene. The tremendous skill shown by the actors made this ride thrilling. The sincerity behind every movement and spoken word was incredibly convincing. Director Jacob Sherburne, A&S ’11, spoke of the cast with great pride. He couldn’t have been

more justified. Among this group, which included seniors and freshmen alike, true talent shone. The leads, Thais Menendez, A&S ’14, as Gabriela, and Juan Rodriguez, A&S ’11, as Benito, brought a dynamic relationship to life with their ferocity and tenderness. The cat was played by international student Laura Palmeri, whose “expression and commitment,” as Sherburne put it, kept the audience enthralled. She never faltered as she countered the sly advances of the coyote, played by Yuriy Pavlish, A&S ’12. Eliott Purcell, A&S ’14, and Chris Gouchoe, A&S ’13, kept levity alive with their more lighthearted, though no less profound, antics. Sherburne explained further his mo-

tivation for choosing this particular play and the meaning he hopes it will impart to audiences. He stressed that the play is something different for BC. It has a fantastical element that characterizes this sort of magical realism epitomized by the work of Spanish artists. He called it “strange and intense” – both characteristics that often go underappreciated in BC’s culture of moderate mainstreamism. According to the director, it’s not a question of what if all of this happened, but what if everyone thought it was normal. He described it as a work that “has room for crazy theater that transports you, but also has room for human truth.” When asked what he hoped audiences would take from the production, Sherburne said, “I really hope you see it and think it’s weird, but you wake up thinking about it in a couple days.” I have no doubt that it had this effect. Salvador Dali made the audience laugh, cry, and wonder. How can we know what keeps relationships together at their core? Is it common interests? Like-mindedness? Love? What is enough? The symbolism and connections between the real and surreal provided further material to ponder, deepening the plot and its implications. References to Salvador Dali Make Me Hot presented a story devoid of judgment or definite resolution. Though the fate of its characters could not be resolved absolutely, the questions they raised will resonate as audiences attempt to reconcile them with their own beliefs. Though a sad story, it was hilarious at times and daring throughout. Shocking elements became unexpectedly relatable to the everyday. After all, who would think it might be easier to recognize oneself in a cat than a soldier? As a work of art, this production was a testament to the growth and potential of BC’s dramatic talent. Expect great things, especially from the unexpected. 

Acrobatic spectacular in ‘Night of Stars’ Night of Stars, from A10

another second. Somewhere, there was a gaggle of dancers cursing Ludwig Minkus’ languid score. As a follow-up to the slightly shaky opener, Mikko Nissinen, artistic director, informed the crowd that, due to the transportation strike in Paris and resulting travel complications, special guests Laetitia Pujol and Alessio Carbone of the Paris Opera Ballet were unable to leave France in time to perform. “Scherzo a la Russe,” the Russian folk-infused opener to Act II, also fell a bit beneath the exhibitionist standard of the night, although it was only meant to showcase the dancers from the Boston Ballet School. If a piece didn’t have dancers packed with an almost circuslike flexibility and strength, though, it was bound to be lost among the gilded nooks of the Opera House. But when the evening shined, it was stellar. The evening showcased the elegance of the romantic ballet, with an excerpt from the jovial Don Quixote and “Theme and Variations. “ “Layli O Majnun,” choreographed by Helen Picket and danced by Larissa Ponomarenko and Lasha Khozashvili, was an eerie duet based on an Arabic poem that tells the tale of a man who is consumed by his love for a woman. The set consisted of one square of light projected on the stage that expanded and contracted throughout the dance, and Ponomarenko took on the affectation of a rare bird, attempting to fly beyond the love of Khozashvili, yet often finding herself tangled in his rippled embrace. “Plan to B,” choreographed by Boston Ballet mastermind Jorma Elo, worked the six dancers like the gears of a clock ... on amphetamines. Their turn combinations were frenetic, yet their flexibility was not curtailed by the speed of the music. It was a regular occurrence for principal dancer Lia Cirio to extend her leg all the way up to her head. Company dancer Yury Yanowsky was given an opportunity to choreograph for the stage for the first time,


Kathleen Breen Combes and Pavel Gurevich performed an excerpt from George Balanchine’s ‘Apollo’ during the ‘Night of Stars,’ shown here as performed last spring in Boston Ballet’s ‘Ultimate Balanchine.’ The evening featured various excerpts from classic ballets. premiering “Li3” on the world stage. Yanowsky collaborated with Berkeley School of Music graduate Lucas Vidal for the score, and dancers Rie Ichikawa, John Lam, and Jamie Diaz. Ichikawa spun like a swift top while Lam and Diaz represented the solid foundation of strength and flexibility. Yanowsky’s choreographed use of dancer separation evoked a foreboding isolation and urgency. The most breathtaking moment of the night was the replacement for the France-detained dancers, a pas de deux

called “After the Rain,” choreographed by Christopher Weldon and danced by New York City Ballet principal dancer Wendy Whelan and San Francisco Ballet principal dancer Damian Smith. Whelan’s legs on their own could have been a show. In fact, they looked like thick, braided rope. In her soft-pink leotard, she folded into backbends as Smith carried her around the stage like a weightless jewel. Their performance was elemental, akin to the interdependence of the rain and the clouds. The penultimate number could have

definitely stood on its own to end the show, so dizzying was its effect on the audience. Overall, the evening was an exquisite initiation to a new season. The intention of the dancers, and their strong connection of emotion to physical movement, brought the entire experience to the realm beyond aesthetic beauty. It elevated the human experience, encouraging our sorrows, helplessness, elegance, poise, and ability to kick your leg up to the side of your head. 





She whips her hair ALLISON THERRIEN Yesterday, I received a phone call from one of my roommates, who I knew to be sitting in the room right next to mine. This could mean one of two things: That she was too lazy to come over and talk to me, or that what she had to say could simply not wait. From her exasperated tone of voice, I knew it was the latter. I could hardly get out a word before she asked her question: “Did you know that Willow Smith is nine years old?” The reasoning behind her question isn’t hard to deduce. Though we’ve spent much of the last few weeks playing and replaying the now-famous “Bed Intruder” song, a new obsession has taken over – “Whip My Hair,” the YouTube hit that has served as Willow Smith’s rather dramatic strut into the spotlight. The music video, which features the daughter of celebrity power couple Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith in all her hair-whipping greatness, has become an Internet phenomenon. Willow’s video has more total YouTube hits than Rihanna’s new music video, which has been out for twice as long and has sparked imitation videos reminiscent of the dawning age of “Single Ladies,” when almost no one could resist trying out that hand-waving, low-dipping choreography. I won’t pretend that I haven’t tried Willow’s hair-whipping maneuvers. I think I speak for everyone when I say that they are not as easy as they look. A newly-released music video isn’t the only thing that Willow and Rihanna have in common, though. When Rihanna was just an undiscovered singer from Barbados auditioning for record labels, Jay-Z saw a star in the making and signed her. Two days after Willow’s debut song leaked online, the rapper and producer signed her to Roc Nation, his record label. “We all danced to Michael Jackson records when he was eight,” he has since said, boldly comparing Willow to the pop legend. “Stevie Wonder started at eight.” Looking at other famous celebrity couples and their kids – the Jolie-Pitts, the Garner-Afflecks – paints an intriguing picture of the Smith family. Most star couples talk about their desire to shield their families from the penetrating spotlight of the Hollywood press, of wanting to raise normal, healthy children as unaffected as possible by media saturation. Then we have Willow and Jaden – ages nine and 12 respectively – one of whom made an appearance in I Am Legend and is paving her way to pop stardom, the other who starred alongside his father in The Pursuit of Happyness at age eight and recently began his solo career as this decade’s karate kid. Both Smith children are youth ambassadors to Zambia, and Jaden preceded his sister’s musical debut when he graced the world with his rap skills in Justin Bieber’s “Never Say Never.” “Are the Smiths exploiting their children?” asks one headline. “Will Smith’s Child Labor Question,” reads another. Many look at the Smiths and wonder why two children who could have been spending time throwing dirt at each other on the playground have been thrust into the public eye and into their daddy’s blockbusters. But it’s clear that these children’s identities are self-crafted. Jaden is already a better rapper than his father was in the ’80s, and Willow has turned curly mohawks and lip bling into coveted looks. Jay-Z said in a recent interview that he knew Willow was a star before he knew who she was. He listened to her song, and he knew he had to sign her even before his colleague mentioned her big-name parents. As one columnist writes, Jaden’s performance in The Karate Kid “was considerably less self-conscious than anything Nicolas Cage has done in years.” Talent outweighs movie star parents. The American public has no patience for rich, privileged children bombarding us with their undeserved opportunities to shine. We don’t care about Willow because of her relation to the Fresh Prince. We care because of the way she can whip her hair.

Allison Therrien is the Assistant Arts & Review editor for The Heights. She can be reached at arts@bcheights.com


Surrealist staging in Bonn Studio REFERENCES TO SALVADOR DALI MAKE ME HOT

The tangled web of love and commitment is unravelled in ‘References to Salvador Dali’

DIRECTOR Jacob Sherburne, A&S ’11 WRITER Jose Rivera STARRING Thais Menendez as Gabriela; Juan Rodriguez as Benito; Laura Palmeri as the Cat; Yuriy Pavlish, Eliot Purcell, and Chris Gouchoe as the Coyotes WHEN Oct. 22-24 at 7:30 p.m. WHERE Bonn Studio



eferences to Salvador Dali Make Me Hot. Not exactly a common, everyday title, but then again, it is far from a typical play. This simultaneously surreal and inspiring production was brought to life by the Dramatics Society this past weekend. At first glance, the title seems silly. The play certainly has funny moments, but this phrase conceals deeper meaning beneath its surface. It refers to the raw, elemental nature of physical attraction, while the reference to Salvador Dali throws the theme in an opposite direction. Dali’s name alone evokes images of melting clocks, dream sequences, and hallucinations. The overlap between illusion and realism is the subject of the entire work, and in this production was presented with remarkable depth and earnestness. On a stage set with an overturned refrigerator, a couple of stray lawn chairs, and a mattress discarded in the corner,

See Salvador Dali, A9


Nights with Sheightsmen

Ballet’s brightest stars sparkle Boston Ballet celebrates its fifth annual ‘Night of Stars’ in the Opera House BY KRISTEN HOUSE

Arts & Review Editor


s I drove through Brighton the other day, I noticed a couple on the sidewalk, dressed in almost identical charcoal coats and bowler hats. I imagined that when they first met they were wearing these same accoutrements as they locked eyes, certain that they were meant for each other. On Saturday evening, Boston Ballet’s Night of Stars, which serves as the beginning of its 2010-2011 season, fell into a similar sense of kismet with the Opera House audience. It was an utter alignment of romanticism, modernism, strength, and flexibility.

BOSTON BALLET’S NIGHT OF STARS ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Mikko Nissinen STARRING Kathleen Breen Combes, Lia Cirio, Erica Cornejo, Lorna Feijoo, Pavel Gurevich, Lasha Khozashvili, Misa Kuranaga, Nelson Madrigal, Larissa Ponomarenko, James Whiteside, Yury Yanowsky WHEN Saturday, Oct. 23, at 7 p.m. WHERE The Opera House, Boston


The Heightsmen and the Sharps come together for a jam-packed performance in Devlin Hall

The Boston Ballet has settled comfortably into its new home at the Opera House. It has become so comfortable, in fact, that it drew in over 100,000 patrons last season to see its repertoire. This season, the company has added 19 new dancers to it already dynamic force of men and women, and at the fifth installment of this annual gala, the company was given an opportunity to revel in its artistic triumphs, both past and future. And revel it did, for the most part. The gala began with “The Kingdom of the Shades,” an excerpt from the upcoming La Bayadere that the company will present in November. For a solid minute or two, 24 ballerinas streamed out onto a downward sloping set, with a tendu back, and a long, languid lift into arabesque, again and again. Some of the ladies were in a different timing atmosphere, however, and once all of the dancers were on-stage, I couldn’t help but notice errant squeaks of pointe shoes that could no longer balance

A ‘Howl’ in the night

See Night of Stars, A9

James Franco stars as Allen Ginsberg in a film that explores the conception of the poet’s iconic work. A8

A mingling of the mundane and the mesmerizingly obscure: Menendez and Rodriguez star as a troubled couple searching for depth and meaning in their relationship (above) and Laura Palmeri gives a surreal voice to an everyday Cat (left).


After the general lack of enthusiasm following this year’s Fall Concert with Kid Cudi, it was hard to imagine that Boston College’s music scene would be bouncing back anytime soon. On Friday night, two on-campus a cappella groups joined forces in grand fashion and proved to a jampacked Devlin 008 that pure music is alive and well. The BC Sharps, the school’s only all-female group, strode in alongside the Heightsmen, their all-male counterparts, and delivered an exciting and sonically superb show. The mood was set by several glowing desk lamps in the front of the room, illuminating the four microphones on the floor. The groups strode out to massive applause from an audience made up primarily of proud friends and family. It was easy to pick out which friends had come, as it seemed every member of both groups had their own personal cheering sections in the giant lecture hall. Eliza Duggan, A&S ’13, overcame an uncomfortable obstacle as she quickly realized that PHOTO COURTESY OF SABI VARGA / © VARGAIMAGES

Life in the ‘Hereafter’

Matt Damon dives into the afterlife in Clint Eastwood’s newest work. A8

See Sheightsmen, A9

iEdit.............................................A9 Box Office Report........................A8


Monday, October 25, 2010




Shamed by the Ice Jam video

Foul play kills BC’s chances

Notre Dame hands hockey first loss BY DJ ADAMS ZACH WIELGUS

Heights Editor

I am honestly embarrassed. But my shamed disappointment has nothing to do with Boston College’s nearly winless weekend, highlighted by our second loss to Notre Dame and a teasing three-point loss to the Terps. No, I can accept that the football team will miss a bowl for the first time in 12 years (which is why some of us are already picking the coolest city and going to that bowl for fun. Music City Bowl in Nashville, anyone?) and that the men’s hockey team was bound to lose one game this season. What I can’t accept is an infantile attempt at a marketing video for the University’s first shot at Midnight Madness. There’s an endless number of routes the video promotional team could have traveled in creating the Ice Jam teaser. The event combines a national champion men’s hockey team, a top-10 women’s hockey team that returns two Olympians, a men’s basketball team with a new coach who lives and breathes excitement, and a women’s basketball team with a pair of senior stars. If anything, I would have expected the three-minute video to pack as much as they could about all four teams, and potentially lack a little continuity as a result. If only I could have been challenged with information overload. Instead, BC was represented by two minutes and 51 seconds of blurry dancing to the Space Jam theme song by various members of all four teams, captured exclusively by a stationary laptop running iMovie. (In case you’ve been fortunate enough not to see it yet, search “Boston College Ice Jam” on YouTube.) The premise, as Bob Costas explains in a narrative intro in front of the large poster of a split Conte Forum-Kelley Rink (clever, right!?), is that we know BC athletes on the court and ice, but do we know them in the locker room? Correct me if I’m wrong, but Ice Jam isn’t about speed dating members of the basketball and hockey teams. Ice Jam is BC’s first chance at an event like Midnight Madness – which rumors said both former basketball head coach Al Skinner and University President William P. Leahy, S.J., refused to do – is there to get the student body excited about the start of something new. Ice Jam may not be a replica of the popular late-night event, but it is supposed to be something awfully close, given the advertised setup of skills competitions and pep rallyesque speeches. Instead of getting the student body psyched for the start of the home seasons, the Ice Jam teaser video absolutely shamed us. Look at other Division I schools, and see how they craft and market big sporting events on campus. The University of Wisconsin put together a three and a half minute video for homecoming called “Teach Me How To Bucky,” a spin-off of the radio hit “Teach Me How To Dougie.” The Badgers marketing team created a professional video, with students rapping a Wisconsin-themed version of the song around campus, complete with shots at other Big Ten schools and a cameo dance from the university’s chancellor. The University of Dayton went more traditional in its preseason video last year, dubbing a voiceover of announcers’ in-game commentary with dramatic instrumentals and cathartic clips from season’s past of fans, players, and the head coach. I couldn’t care less about the Dayton Flyers, but I got excited for their season after watching the minute and a half video. But then I got angry. With a perfect chance to pump up the BC student body with an exciting, emotional video that encapsulates just why we should all be excited for the season, the athletics marketing team gave us freestyle dancing and Space Jam.

The sound of the final buzzer is a familiar one in hockey, signifying the end of every hard-fought match-up. But when the horn 2 Denver sounded at the Boston College 1 Joyce Center in South Bend, Ind., on Saturday night, verifying the No. 1 Boston College men’s hockey team’s 2-1 loss to Catholic rival No. 17 Notre Dame, the Eagles left the ice with a feeling they had seemingly forgotten: the agony of defeat. BC’s (3-1-0) last loss came in February of the 2009-10 campaign, a 3-2 outcome at Northeastern. Since then, BC had won 16 games and tied just one, a perfect record that gave the team another national championship banner along the way and lofty expectations for the current season. The Irish (4-1-0) ended the winning streak, though, largely due to a sloppy, penalty-ridden performance by the reigning national champions. “I didn’t think we played great,” said captain Joe Whitney. “I think we took a lot of penalties. A few of them were sketchy calls, but some of them were unnecessary. We had our chances to score goals, but we just couldn’t capitalize. Notre Dame is a good team, and it’s hard to play on the road. They played us tough.” Despite the unfortunate final result, the Eagles were actually the team to get things going late in the first period, taking the initial lead on a converted power-play opportunity. With just 47 seconds left in the frame, Steven Whitney found his brother Joe at the point, who ripped a shot toward the traffic in front of the crease. The puck caught forward Brian Gibbons’ stick and ricocheted in BC’s favor, past Irish goaltender Mike Johnson’s extended reach, to put the Eagles up 1-0. Though BC headed into the locker room with a slight advantage, there were several other scoring opportunities during the first period on which the offense couldn’t capitalize. Johnson made a few saves, but many Eagles shots sailed over the crossbars and didn’t force much opposition. “I thought we had a lot of chances to score in the first period,” Joe Whitney said. “A couple guys walked in right on the goalie, and we just got to finish. He’s a good goaltender, but those point-blank chances like that, some of them have to go in for us. We had a chance to score some goals.” The missed chances came back to haunt BC in the second frame, as Notre Dame’s offense began to find a rhythm on the forecheck, constantly producing turnovers by inhibiting Eagles defend-

Zach Wielgus is the Sports Editor of The Heights. He can be reached at sports@bcheights.com.


On third-and-one with under two minutes to go, Chase Rettig’s pass bounced off Johnathan Coleman’s hands for another dropped pass.

Dropping the ball

Rettig, receivers on different page for majority of loss BY DIANA C. NEARHOS Heights Senior Staff

Everyone looks for someone to blame for a loss, even more so for the fifth loss in a row. Often, 24 Maryland that blame falls Boston College 21 on the quarterback, especially when that quarterback is a freshman who has only played his second complete game. Boston College (2-5, 0-4 ACC) may be starting a freshman quarterback with little experience, but he is not the only freshman. BC also starts two true freshmen and a redshirt freshman at receiver. Only one of the receivers has previous experience, and he only made 12 catches before this season. Fifteen incomplete passes and two interceptions look bad, but the receivers are partly to blame as well. “He did some nice things, but we left some plays out there,” said head coach Frank Spaziani. The word Spaziani is not using is “inconsistent.” BC’s offense – from the quarterback to the receivers – was inconsistent in Saturday’s 24-21 loss. The receivers hauled in great catches, and then dropped ones that were thrown between the numbers. On the final pass of the game, Chase Rettig hit Johnathan Coleman on a crossing route, but the ball was just behind the receiver. The redshirt freshman reached back to grab it, but couldn’t corral it,

forcing a fourth-and-one on the 44yard line, which was stuffed to secure an Eagles loss. Frustrating drops started early. The first pass Rettig threw after going down 14-7 was just over Ifeanyi Momah’s head. Momah jumped, getting his hands on the ball, but was unable to bring it in. Instead, the 6-foot-6 receiver tipped the ball, which landed in Antwine Perez’s hands for an interception. The pass was a bit high, and Momah needed to jump for it, but it was a catchable ball. The turnover set Maryland up on the Eagles’ 22-yard line, and six plays later, the Terrapins scored their third touchdown for a 21-7 lead with 2:38 remaining in the half. Later, in the fourth quarter, while BC was driving down the field down 2417, Momah did the opposite. As he cut toward the sideline, Rettig threw a pass over his head. Momah used all of his

height to spread out and dive to make the catch and keep the drive alive. “Momah had one of the better weeks that he’s practiced since I’ve been here,” Spaziani said. “The first ball tipped off his fingers and went for an interception, and then he made a couple plays later.” Momah was not the only receiver who battled inconsistency. Bobby Swigert caught a ball thrown behind him in the second quarter for the Eagles’ first offensive touchdown in two weeks. Then, as the final 30 seconds of the first half wound down, Swigert and Rettig were on different pages. Swigert had two options, faked one way, and went the other. Rettig threw to Swigert’s initial move, and Perez once again ended up with the interception. “On my seam route, I have two different options depending on the cover-

See Drops, B4


Clyde Lee could do nothing but watch as his teammates failed to score late in the game.

See First Loss, B4

Kelly blames lax back line for string of draws BY GREG JOYCE Heights Staff

Make that three. For the third time this season, the No. 20 BC men’s soccer team (7-2-5, 1-1-4 ACC) settled for a draw against a conference foe after holding a 1-0 Boston College 1 advantage at the 1 Virginia half, only to squander the lead in the second half. This time, it was a 1-1 tie against No. 8 Virginia (9-2-3, 2-2-2 ACC) on Friday night at the Newton Campus Soccer Complex. The other two ties both came at home against ranked teams, the first against No. 9 Maryland in the third game of the season, and the other coming last week against No. 3 UNC. “Like I just said to them, this is the third ACC game we’ve squandered and given up leads,” said head coach Ed Kelly. “And it’s just not good enough in the back.” Defensive inconsistency, Kelly said, is the reason BC has three ties instead of three victories. “They’re just too lax in the back,” Kelly


said. “So unless they wake up and get their act together and stop thinking that everything is beautiful, and that we played the ball around really nice, and we don’t start to play defense, then nothing is going to happen for us. Defense is part of the game.” Charlie Rugg put the Eagles on the board in the 39th minute, taking a perfect feed from Amit Aburmad and one-timing it into the back of the net. It was Rugg’s team-leading sixth goal of the season. BC had plenty of other good scoring chances in the first half, but was unable to convert. At halftime, the Eagles led, 1-0, and had a 10-5 advantage in the shots column. “The first half was very good, and we missed some chances,” Kelly said. “We had some good chances, we had really good chances.” The good chances, however, went by without any scoring, and Virginia would make them pay for it in the 58th minute. T.J. Cyrus took a ball down the right sideline, and crossed it into the box. The ball went right to Brian Ownby, who headed it into the

See Another Draw, B3

Rowers compete at Regatta

The men’s and women’s rowing teams place well at the Head of the Charles...................B2


Sacir Hot (5), Karl Reddick (7), and BC had plenty of chances, but only converted on one.

Wasylk bursts onto the scene

The freshman forward on the women’s hockey team now leads BC in points......................................B5

Numbers to Know.........................B2 Game to Watch............................B2


Monday, October 25, 2010


Learning a lesson from Iraqi rowers PATRICK GALLAGHER Every year, 8,000 athletes and tens of thousands of fans from around the world turn out for the Head of the Charles Regatta, the largest annual rowing event. For high school, collegiate, and club crew teams based outside of Boston, participating in the Regatta is the rowing equivalent of getting to go to Disney World. Rowing is not a spectator sport – I will be the first to admit it. But, for those who have seen or rowed in the HOCR in the past, it should come as no surprise to see a set of oars depicting the Canadian maple leaf, or to hear a coach shouting from the riverbanks in German. It is not every year, though, that one can see an Iraqi flag unfurled across the Eliot Bridge in Cambridge as rowers pass underneath the bridge’s span. Indeed, this past weekend, the Charles River was Disney World for six Iraqi rowers representing their country, halfway around the globe, in Cambridge. Led by top sculler (a boat rowed by a single athlete is called a “scull”) Haidar Nozad, 27, who was the flag-bearer for Iraq in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the Iraqi team has trained quietly in Boston since Sept. 22 in preparation for the Regatta. On Saturday, Nozad placed 15th out of 27 competitors in the men’s championship singles event, and yesterday, the Iraqi lightweight four placed 10th out of 19 entrants – hardly results worth bragging about if you row for Harvard, Yale, Washington, or any of the other powerhouse rowing clubs. For Nozad and his teammates, however, you can bet that

they were happy just to be there. Under the regime of Saddam Hussein, athletes who disappointed elder brother and sports czar Uday were often subjected to torture, making it no small miracle that a rowing program has developed in the short time since Iraq has been free of the regime’s rule. That these athletes have put themselves in a position to compete at the London Olympics in 2012 is an amazing feat of athleticism. Yet, you can be sure that outside of the family and close friends of the Iraqi athletes, few knew that there was even a rowing competition in Boston this weekend, much less cared about its participants. How often in the past six months has a picture of Tiger Woods, LeBron James, or Brett Favre been on the front page of U.S. newspapers? How often has the 6 p.m. news started off with a segment on a notable athlete being investigated for rape or conspiracy to commit a crime?

For too long now, professional athletes have been disappointing us again and again with their actions – actions that serve to distract us from the news that’s truly important, and actions that betray the loyalty of the kids (and adults) who look up to them. Perhaps we are asking too much of our professional athletes today. Perhaps we should look the other way when they are driving double the speed limit in an urban area, and perhaps we should raise their salaries whenever they demand more. But maybe, just maybe, those who witnessed this year’s HOCR will take a lesson from watching the Iraqi rowers pass by among the crowd of boats dotting the river. Maybe they will see that it doesn’t take all the money in the world, or all the best facilities available, or all the chartered flights and hotel suites, all in the name of mastering one’s craft. As trite as this may seem, hard work and determination

still count for something. To have the heart and to train and compete against the odds like this group of rowers from one of the most war-torn regions of the planet has – that says something in today’s world of diva athletes and spoiled fans. So, here’s to six athletes who have not taken anything for granted. Here’s to six athletes who I have watched row out of Community Rowing Inc.’s Harry Parker Boathouse for the past week and a half now, as they have attempted to master the winding turns and sandbars that mark the Charles River. And here’s to six athletes who have represented their country with the pride and dignity that should be expected from America’s professionals. I, for one, hope to see you back on the Charles in the not-too-distant future.

Patrick Gallagher is an editor for The Heights. He can be reached at sports@bcheights.com.


The Head of the Charles is full of true athletes, competing for the right reasons, unlike typical professional stars.

“They raced pretty well. They showed good progress. Overall, it was a successful day for them.” –Steve Fiske, Head Coach

Rowers compete at Head of the Charles Regatta BY GREG JOYCE

started a spot behind the MIT squad, and faced a lot of pressure from them, but they were able to Six Boston College rowing teams catch them from behind and finraced in the 46th annual Head of ish ahead of them by just over two the Charles Regatta this weekend. seconds. Completing the women’s rowThe Head of the Charles is the ing team competition was the club world’s largest rowing event. Three teams competed for the fours team, which finished with a women’s varsity rowing team, while time of 20:46.309. The time was three teams from the men’s club good enough to earn them 11th in team participated in the competi- their division, which was the best finish by a BC team in the event. tion, as well. The BC teams competed in the The team was made up of four championship, collegiate, and club true freshmen, and although they divisions. The championship race haven’t been rowing together very is comprised of Division I NCAA long, Fiske said they “raced very programs and national teams. well.” The women’s Th e c o l l eg i a te club eights team division is comfinished 35th in its posed of college The Head of the with a time club teams and DiCharles is the world’s field, of 19:47.676. Fiske vision III teams. Finally, other club largest rowing event. sa i d t h a t t h ey raced “pretty well,” teams and colleges but they know they can put any extra are capable of more and that they teams in the club level. The women’s championship “learned a lot from the race.” Fiske said that for the women’s eights team finished 23rd in its race, clocking in at 17:18.881. The team as a whole, it was a good team was made up of coxswain start to the year, and that they are Brigid Morrissey, Erin Roche, “looking forward to working hard Meg Carmody, Laura Petty, Erin and having better results in the Flaherty, Stephanie Seitz, Emily spring.” Competing for the men’s club Charnowski, Kelly Williams, and bowseat Chenny Zhang. The girls team was the collegiate eights raced their fastest time of their row team, which finished 19th in young season, and head coach 15:43.469. Finishing in a time of 21:23.279 Steve Fiske said they were happy was the men’s collegiate fours, with the way they raced. “They raced pretty well,” Fiske which placed 40th in its race. The last men’s team competsaid. “They showed good progress. Overall, it was a successful day for ing was the club eights, which came in 30th place with a time of them.” The championship eights team 17:17.333.  Heights Staff

Tavener scores twice, but field hockey falls to Syracuse



Coming off a 2-1 victory over the New Hampshire Wildcats, the No. 13 Boston Col3 Syracuse lege field hockey Boston College 2 team made the trek to upstate New York to face off against No. 8 Syracuse. Despite a strong effort from the entire team, the Eagles finished on the wrong end of a close game, losing 3-2. The home squad tallied the first goal of the afternoon, as Iona Holloway received a pass from Amy Kee and scored at the 3:23 mark. The Eagles (10-6) answered quickly, though, with Courtney Tavener scoring just 20 seconds later. For the remainder of the first half, Syracuse (12-4) created many scoring opportunities, but BC goaltender Kristine Stigas, who ended the game with three saves, worked hard to keep her team in the game. Despite allowing eight shots in the half, the Eagles were able to keep the match at 2-1, with Syracuse’s second score coming from a penalty corner goal by Kee at 22:03 of the first period. On the other side of the field, the Eagles were held to only four shots. The Eagles returned to the field in the second period with intensity, controlling the field and creating many scoring opportunities for themselves. Beyond several tactical changes, head coach Ainslee Lamb attributed the second-half focus solely on the players.

“It was their mindset and their control,” Lamb said. This proved especially true at 43:24, as Tavener scored her second goal of the game, tying the score at 2-2, on a feed from Jacqui Moorfield. The two teams remained evenly matched for the remainder of the second half, but with less than six minutes left in the match, the Orange pulled away. Syracuse’s Martina Loncarica netted the eventual game-winner off a penalty stroke goal. Statistically, the teams were even, as Syracuse had 14 shots compared to BC’s 13. Also, the Orange were more accurate, with six shots on goal to the Eagles’ four. The only major difference between the two sides was converting penalty corners. Syracuse scored two of its goals, including the game-winner, on penalties, and while BC led the corner count 9-8, the Eagles couldn’t capitalize even once. Tavener looked especially impressive, taking full advantage of her two shooting opportunities. She recorded her fifth and sixth goals of the season, tying her for second on the team in the category. “Outstanding, she has definitely developed this year,” Lamb said of Tavener. “In the last four or five games she has really peaked in her game. She has incredible skill and tenacity.” Though BC created many scoring chances, and was in control of the majority of the second half, Syracuse made the most of its penalty corner opportunities to steal the victory. 

ACC Football Standings Atlantic

Florida State Maryland NC State Clemson Wake Forest Boston College


Virginia Tech Miami Georgia Tech North Carolina Virginia Duke

Conference 4-0 2-1 2-1 2-2 1-3 0-4

4-0 3-1 3-2 2-2 0-3 0-4

Overall 6-1 5-2 5-2 4-3 2-5 2-5

6-2 5-2 5-3 4-3 3-4 1-6


Junior Courtney Tavener scored two goals to keep the field hockey team in the game against Syracuse, but the Orange won in the end, 3-2.

Numbers to Know


Game to Watch Men’s Hockey

Career rushing yards for Montel Harris, who became the fourth BC player (and first junior) to eclipse the 3,000-yard mark.


Conference wins for the men’s soccer team, which sits in fifth place in the ACC with four ties. The Eagles drew Virginia, 1-1, Friday night.


Penalties called on the hockey team in its 2-1 loss to Notre Dame. BC committed four penalties in the third period.

Merrimack vs. Boston College After three weekends on the road, the men’s hockey team will finally debut at Kelley Rink Friday, raising its 2010 national championship banner during a pregame ceremony. The Eagles must be disciplined to win this game. They killed themselves with penalties in their first loss of the season, against Notre Dame on Saturday. A more focused approached shoud have BC back on track this week. Friday, 7 p.m.


Monday, October 25, 2010


Rugg scores lone goal, but ‘getting sick of ’ ties BY ROBERT T. BALINT Heights Staff

For most teams, a 1-1 tie against a top10 program like Virginia would be cause for celebration. Not so for head coach Ed Kelly and his squad. Where other postgame huddles might have had smiles and congratulations, there were only downcast looks and frustrated words for the No. 20 Eagles (7-2-5) after Friday night’s match-up against the visiting No. 8 Cavaliers (9-2-2). For the Boston College men’s soccer team, the past few ACC match-ups have been just that – frustrating. The recent matches against Clemson, North Carolina, and Virginia have all ended in 1-1 ties, giving the Eagles a lopsided conference record of 1-1-4. In all three games, the Eagles scored the initial goal. “This is the third ACC game that we’ve squandered and given up leads,” Kelly said. “In the second half, we just lost our way.” The BC lead came thanks to forward Charlie Rugg, whose constant testing of the Virginia defense resulted in the Eagles’ lone goal of the match. In the 38th minute, the forward caught a pass from midfielder Amit Aburmad from five yards out of the Cavaliers’ goal. Rugg’s explosive speed made it easy for him to thread through the Cavaliers defense unguarded, and he needed only one touch to send the ball past Virginia goalkeeper Diego Restrepo for a 1-0 lead. Not even 30 seconds into the second half, Rugg almost doubled his count when he broke through and found himself oneon-one with Restrepo. From 15 feet out, Rugg controlled an outlet pass and fired a low shot on Restrepo, but the goaltender blocked the attempt with a sliding grab. “I had another chance, earlier in the second half,” Rugg said, “but I didn’t


Forward Charlie Rugg netted the go-ahead goal, putting the Eagles up 1-0 in the 38th minute. BC later lost the lead in the second half, settling for its third straight tie against ACC opponents. put it in.” It was not until the second half that Virginia forward Brian Ownby would tie up the match with a goal in the 57th minute. The Eagles’ game against North Carolina earlier this month went in much the same way: a first-half lead lost in the last 45 minutes. “It’s frustrating, obviously,” Rugg said. “It’s our third big ACC game that we’ve lost the lead.” The Eagles had no trouble setting up scoring opportunities, as they took 27 total shots, eight on goal. Capitalizing on those chances proved to be the problem. Virginia’s defense was “just as solid as any other defense in the league,” Rugg said.

“We had a bunch of chances, [but we] just didn’t get them to go.” The forward took five shots, three of which were on goal. As the game went into overtime, Rugg kept up the pressure. He challenged Restrepo in the first extra 10-minute period with a shot from 16 yards out on the left side, but again Restrepo made the play and maintained the tie. Despite the Eagles beating out the Cavaliers in shots, 27-18, Rugg was the only player to convert. This one-time, redirecting style of Rugg’s has become one of the deadliest tools in the Eagles’ arsenal. “At the beginning of the season,

[Kelly] always has specific things that he tells me to work on,” Rugg said. “One of the first things I remember him saying is work on getting my runs across the goal. The last few practices, I’ve been scoring goals like that. So I’ve just been getting into the habit of getting across the goal, and it worked out.” The practice has been paying off, as Rugg leads the team with six goals on the season. He used his cutting route across the goal to score the game-winner during the match-up against Rhode Island on Sept. 21. He found Edvin Worley’s cross and headed the ball in for the go-ahead goal. Friday night’s goal was even more

significant, given the importance of the opponent. But any joy that came from the lightning-quick one-timer was long gone by the end of the game, replaced by the disappointment of another tie against an ACC opponent. “The good thing is that we didn’t lose the game, in any of [the past three conference games],” Rugg said. “But like I said, it’s just frustrating. I’m getting sick of it.” 

For a slideshow of the game, visit www.bcheights.com/sports

“This is the third ACC game we’ve squandered and given up leads. And it’s

just not good enough in the back.” –Ed Kelly, Head Coach

Eagles squander lead, settle for another draw Another Draw, from B1


BC and Virginia battled through a physical second half and overtime, but neither team could break the 1-1 tie.



back right corner of the net for the equalizer. “Guy just peals off and gets a free header, and it’s not good enough,” Kelly said of the goal. By the end of the half, BC was putting the pressure on to score again. It had multiple chances thanks to the tricky footwork of Colin Murphy, but his cross to Rugg in the 65th minute was redirected just wide of the net. BC finished the half again outshooting UVA, this time 12-8, but the Eagles lost where it counted: in the goal column. “I thought the first half we were fantastic, and then the second half we just lost our way,” said a visibly frustrated Kelly. “We did a lot of good things on the ball, created a lot of good chances, but we just couldn’t put the second one in the back of the net,” said goalkeeper Justin Luthy. “They got one pretty good chance, and it’s 1-1.” Six minutes into the first overtime, forward Edvin Worley went down to the turf, and had to come out of the game because he was cramping up. Then, with under a minute left to play in the first overtime, Rugg put a hard shot on net from 16 yards out, but it was knocked out of bounds by the diving Cavaliers goalkeeper Diego Restrepo, and BC could not convert on the ensuing corner kick. In the second overtime, BC had three corner

kicks, but couldn’t get off a good shot on any of them. With less than three minutes left to play, Chris Ager was unable to clear the ball because of a muffed pass, giving Jimmy Simpson a wide-open view of the net just outside the box. He dribbled in and took a shot from 12 yards out, but Luthy saved the game for the Eagles, making a diving save on the ball. “You can say all you want about good saves and that, but it really doesn’t mean anything to me unless we win,” Luthy said. The magnitude of Luthy’s final save wasn’t lost on Kelly. “Luthy has to make a great save to stop from another horrible mistake from an inexperienced player,” Kelly said. Luthy finished the game with just three saves, but the one he made in the last minutes of the game was the only reason BC came out with a point. Both Luthy and Kelly were disappointed not to emerge with the win, especially because it was the third game of the season that saw the Eagles choke up a 1-0 lead at home. “We feel like we could have taken three points in all of those games,” Luthy said. “We’re just coming close to the tournament now. It would look a lot better on our tournament resume if we could have gotten three wins in those three games that we were winning 1-0 at halftime, but you just keep playing I guess. We’ll see what happens.” 




Toss the ball and step forward with your right foot. Then figure out the speed of your approach and the distance that you need to cover.

Then step left, right, left, and jump. Make sure to keep the ball in front of you.

Use the acceleration of your approach and the swinging motion of your arms in order to reach your maximum jump.

Once you reach the peak of your jump, hit the ball as hard as you can.


Monday, October 25, 2010


Penalties, missed chances weigh down hockey First Loss, from B1

ers from steering the puck out of their defensive zone. “The game at times was kind of sloppy,” Joe Whitney said. “All together, we need to be a little bit more focused during the game and a little bit sharper in getting pucks out of our zone and into their zone. Things like that, those points in the game can really cost you if they come down and score.” At 6:44, the Irish finally did, as T.J. Tynan created a goal from one of BC’s mix-ups. The Irish forward quickly threw the puck in front of the net to a wideopen Calle Ridderwall. He settled it and fired for the equalizer past unsuspecting Eagles goaltender John Muse. As the period wore on, BC began to once again suffer its penalty woes, which have plagued them for most of the season. Coming into Saturday’s contest, the Eagles penalty kill had stymied every opportunity, a perfect 24-for-24 mark. When Brian Gibbons tripped up a Notre Dame forward, though, a 5-on-3 advantage was all Notre Dame needed to place its blemish on BC’s defensive streak. It was Ridderwall again, this time from teammates Ryan Guentzel and Ben Ryan, who found a seam in BC’s triangle formation and scored the game-winner that lifted the Irish over the Eagles, 2-1.

The goal snapped another impressive BC streak: The deficit marked the first time this season that the Eagles had allowed an opponent to take a lead, a span of 217 minutes and 11 seconds. In the final period, BC committed five penalties, and Notre Dame outshot the Eagles, 12-5, largely offsetting any possible comeback attempt to salvage the perfect record. While they were able to kill the remaining power plays, Joe Whitney stressed the importance of removing these mistakes from the team’s game. “The only way to get rid of those penalties is by skating,” he said. “There were a few hooking calls, a few trips. Those can be fixed by skating and moving our feet, so we’ll adjust it, and we will work on it.” Though it seems that losing for the first time in ages to an important rival would provide an especially stinging blow to the Eagles, Joe Whitney maintained the team is staying positive and looking forward to overcoming the new adversity. “I think it was maybe unrealistic that we were going to win every game, so a loss isn’t such a bad thing,” the captain said. “We will learn from it and we will move on, and get back to work tomorrow. We will get back to school and look to get a win next weekend.” Back to that familiar feeling. 


Forward Brian Gibbons opened the scoring with a power-play goal in the first period, but that was all the Eagles could muster on Saturday.


“It’s always good to, I guess, do good, but it’s not good enough because we’re not winning, so I really don’t pay attention to that right now.” –Montel Harris, Running Back

Harris’ rushing milestone takes back seat to fifth loss


Montel Harris (top) eclipsed the 3,000-yard mark for career yards, the fourth Eagle to do so.

BY DREW MCKAY For The Heights

to keep working, and we’ll keep getting better throughout the year.”

Montel Harris stole the show, yet again. In Saturday’s 24-21 loss to Maryland, the running back rushed for two touchdowns and 116 yards on 27 carries, his fourth 100-yard game this season. Also, Harris surpassed the 3,000-yard career rushing mark, just the fourth back in Boston College history, and the first-ever junior. Despite the historic milestone, Harris said that accomplishment doesn’t matter as much with the Eagles slumping. “It’s always good to, I guess, do good, but it’s not good enough because we’re not winning, so I really don’t pay attention to that right now,” he said. Harris put the team on his back in the fourth quarter. Harris’ two fourthquarter touchdowns highlighted BC’s comeback efforts, and nearly kept the final drive alive if not for a questionable spot. On fourth-and-one, Harris took the ball up the middle and pushed the pile, appearing to reach the first down marker. He fell inches short, though. “I was pretty confident I had the first down, but I guess they just had us in a bad spot, and when they went to review it, I definitely thought they were going to give it to us,” Harris said. “I guess it wasn’t enough.” Despite the close spot, Harris was satisfied with his performance, and was particularly pleased with the play of the offensive line. “I think the line played very well today,” he said. “They were able to give me some holes at times. We just have

Injuries play big role The Eagles became the walking wounded by the end of the game, as they lost three defensive starters, including both of their defensive captains. Alex Albright, Wes Davis, and DeLeon Gause all suffered injuries. Albright went down early in the first quarter with a right ankle injury, hurting his ankle while pursuing a Maryland running play to the right side. Albright limped awkwardly off the field after the play and did not return. His ankle injury looks to be serious, and it is likely he will miss significant time. “I didn’t get the official word from the Doc, but it did not look like he was going to be out there pretty soon,” said head coach Frank Spaziani. “They did tell me, real fast, that he was out and he wouldn’t be back in.” The Eagles lost their second senior defensive captain, Davis, midway through the third quarter. The Eagles starting free safety dove to make a tackle on Maryland receiver Quinton McCree near the Maryland sideline. As Davis hit McCree with his facemask, his head and neck buckled. Davis lay on the field for 15 minutes, and could be seen moving his arms and legs while talking to medical personnel. Davis was placed on a backboard, carried off the field on a stretcher, and taken to St. Elizabeth’s hospital, waving gingerly to the crowd as he was rolled off the field. “It was for precaution they took him

Rettig, receivers struggle to get on same wavelength Drops, from B1

tipped it, and Swigert positioned himself to make the catch. “It was kind of awkward when I threw the ball, age,” Swigert said. “I saw one coverage, he saw the I had someone in my face,” Rettig said. “I knew I other.” The receiver and his quarterback made different threw it high, but I knew I was throwing to Ifeanyi, reads and made different moves. It’s a freshman he’s a pretty tall guy.” Rettig did not even know mistake, and one that falls on how the play happened, just the pair of freshmen at quar“I saw one coverage, he saw that Swigert had somehow terback and receiver. “Just getting timing down the other. Just getting timing come down with the ball. “[Rettig] was obviously is huge for the receiver-quardown is huge for the receiver- just giving Ifeanyi a chance to terback connection,” Swigert catch the ball, which is a good said. quarterback connection. idea considering how big he R e t t i g, Sw i ge r t , a n d is and everything, no matter Momah all made the same -Bobby Swigert who’s covering him,” Swigert read on a play in the fourth Wide Receiver said. “As a receiver, you just quarter, while the Eagles were look for that tip like the ball in climbing back. On second down with 10 yards to go from his own 31-yard line, the end zone, the Hail Mary, you look for the tipped Rettig was forced to move as the pocket began to ball. I saw it pop out and ran after it.” When the quarterback and receivers are on the collapse. He took a step forward and, with a defender same page, good things can happen even, on bad in his face, threw the ball up high. Momah was running a post with Swigert on a plays. More often than not against the Terrapins, howwheel route behind him. In trouble, Rettig threw the ball where only his biggest receiver could get ever, Rettig and his receiving corps were operating it. Momah managed to get a few fingers on the ball, on different wavelengths. 

to the hospital,” Spaziani said. “But because of his previous injury, they were being very cautious with him. But he did have feeling in his hands and legs.” An MRI and CT scan revealed no fracture in his neck, but he was held overnight. Davis suffered a season-ending neck injury at the beginning of the 2007 season. In the fourth quarter, Gause injured his right knee hurdling over the pile. Gause leapt over two players and came down awkwardly on his right knee, and didn’t return to the game. Spaziani didn’t comment on the cornerback’s injury or playing status against Clemson. Odds and Ends Four-star recruit Shakim Phillips received more playing time than in any other previous game. Phillips rotated in and out of the receiving corps, seeing regular playing time at receiver. Quarterback Chase Rettig threw to Phillips twice, but both were incompletions. Phillips also saw time returning kickoffs, returning four kicks for a total of 63 yards. Damik Scafe tied his career high with two sacks against the Terrapins. No other Eagle registered a sack. Once again, Luke Kuechly led the team in tackles with 15, increasing his season total to 97. He has 11 more tackles than Jamon Hughes of Memphis, who is second in the category. 

For more photos from the game, visit www.bcheights.com/sports


Monday, October 25, 2010


Wasylk’s hard work shines through for BC BY DIANA C. NEARHOS Heights Senior Staff

Forward Taylor Wasylk does not like to come off the ice. Beyond reason, she will keep playing her sport of ice hockey. While other athletes reach a point of exhaustion, she pushes her gears into a higher drive and continues to skate. “She definitely has extra gas in the tank,” said Boston College women’s hockey head coach Katie King. “You think she’s ready to come off, and something happens that she’ll have to back track, and you see Taylor go by everybody and back track.” Not only does she stay on the ice to defend a play, she will try to complete the next one, as well. When most players would dump the puck into the offensive zone and change lines, she takes it in and tries to score. “It’s pretty amazing that as a freshman, she already has the stamina to stay out there a long time and never really

takes a shift off,” said senior co-captain Kelli Stack. Wasylk has always made a point to work her hardest and push herself to new levels. And she does that purely on her own. King said she saw improvement in the freshman between when she coached her on the U.S. national Under-18 team in April and when Wasylk arrived at BC this fall. That energy and work ethic is the type of thing the rest of the team sees and responds to. “If people see a freshman busting her ass and working hard, upperclassmen will be like, ‘Well, she can’t be working harder than a senior,’ so it helps everyone,” Wasylk said. Thus far, the hard work has paid off well for Wasylk, who has been named Hockey East Rookie of the Week twice already, and is tied for the team lead in points along with Stack, who played on the Olympic team last year. Wasylk scored her first collegiate goal in the


Eagles’ first regular-season game, and has scored in all but one of the team’s first five contests. In total, she has recorded four goals and six assists. Five of her assists were on goals scored by Stack, who has also assisted on one of Wasylk’s goals. The senior and freshman have formed a dynamic pair on BC’s first line, and Stack is happy to have her there. “She’s not afraid to go get the puck,” the co-captain said. “She’s really big and really strong. That helps me out because I’m not as big.” It took a bit of adjusting for the pair to get used to playing together. Stack had most recently been playing on the Olympic level, while Wasylk, on the other hand, had never played at the college level. But it is playing with other elite players on the national Under-18 teams that she credits with helping her keep up with Stack. “[Stack’s] so good and creative that sometimes she does things that I’m not ready for, but I’m learning how to be,” Wasylk said. “It’s expanding my game to be playing with her.” The freshman is learning pretty quickly, and now has reached a level at which she can read Stack’s movements and get her the puck to score. “It was kind of hard to get used to playing with someone who is just like me, who wants to pass a lot and not take a shot if there’s an open opportunity,” Stack said. “[Now] we kind of know where each other is going to be.” Even before coming to BC, Wasylk saw a lot of success. She was the youngest player on her high school team when it won the state championship in 2007. Wasylk was named player of the game and led the team to three more state championships.


Freshman Taylor Wasylk already has six goals through the Eagles’ first six games of the year. Wasylk knew she wanted to play at BC before she even partnered with King on the Under-18 team. She participated in a tournament on campus as a sophomore in high school and decided this was where she wanted to compete at the collegiate level. When, as a junior, she received her first piece of mail from the Eagles, she never really considered other schools. Now that she’s here, Wasylk is play-

ing a big role, one which she might not even realize. “I don’t think she knows how good she is,” Stack said. “She sees herself as a freshman, where she might not need to contribute as much, but she is obviously one of the main contributing factors in our offense.” Luckily, Wasylk hates to come off the ice. 

Soccer earns overtime victory BY TIM JABLONSKI For The Heights

Coming into Thursday night’s game against Duke, the Boston College women’s soccer team was ranked ninth Boston College 2 in the country, but 1 Wake Forest seventh in the ACC standings, thanks to a middling 3-3 record against conference opponents. After a tough 30 loss to Duke, the Eagles fell even farther down the conference ladder, but rebounded with a 2-1 overtime win at Wake Forest yesterday. Led by sophomore Kristie Mewis, the Eagles were able to hold on during the extra period after surrendering an equalizer in the 76th minute. Mewis helped put the Eagles in the lead in the first half with her 10th assist of the season. In the 41st minute, Mewis fed a deep cross into the box that found forward Stephanie Wirth just a few yards from the goal. Wirth headed the ball home to give the Eagles the lead heading into the second half. After a choppy second half that featured few good chances for either squad, the Demon Deacons caught a break with less than 15 minutes remaining. Wake Forest, which had not managed to get a single shot off during the second half, was awarded a penalty kick on a foul that was very close to occurring outside the box, and junior midfielder Amanda Howell converted the penalty to knot the game at 1-1. “A tough break didn’t go our way, and here we are with 14 minutes left,” said head coach Alison Foley. “The response to that adversity was the best that I’ve seen all year. The whole team gathered together and told each other that, ‘Hey, we can do it, we just need to earn it.’” The Eagles came back down with several

scoring chances, but couldn’t find the back of the net before the end of regulation. Nine minutes into the extra period, the Eagles got a call to go their way when they were awarded a penalty kick of their own. Mewis, who led the team with five shots, converted her final one of the day from the penalty spot to send the Eagles back to Chestnut Hill with a victory. Foley gave credit to her defense after the match, especially the job it did against Katie Stengel, the ACC’s leading scorer. “Our center backs did a great job containing [Stengel],” Foley said. “They put a ton of pressure on her and didn’t let her get off any good looks. Natalie [Crutchfield] did a great job out there helping out on defense.” The Eagles allowed an opponent to score for the fifth straight game after registering a shutout in six of their first 10 matches. Goalkeeper Jillian Mastroianni only faced three shots from Wake Forest, as the Demon Deacons were suffocated by the Eagles backline. On the other end of the field, BC was able to get 12 shots off against Wake, consistently threatening opposing keeper Aubrey Bledsoe. Even though they played like the superior unit, Foley found a blessing in disguise in the challenges the Eagles faced in earning the victory. “We needed to know we could get through adversity, and the only way to find that out is to have a situation where you’re dominating and have something go the other way,” she said. The Eagles faced plenty of adversity against unranked Duke, which shocked BC with a 3-0 win on Thursday night. Duke’s Laura Weinberg netted two goals against the Eagles in the first half, and Molly Lester added a late goal to seal the Eagles’ fourth loss in five games, all against ACC opponents. Weinberg’s two scores came just 84 seconds

apart from one another in the 22nd and 23rd minutes. “We’ve talked a lot about adversity all year, and after they scored two goals against us in a minute and half, it was disappointing but we need to keep on playing from there,” Foley said. Although the Eagles were able to register 18 shots on goal, including 12 in the second half, they were unable to register a tally. Eight different Eagles were able to get shots off, with four coming from Victoria DiMartino, the team’s leading goal scorer. But Duke goalkeeper Tara Campbell stopped everything that came her way. The sophomore standout registered 12 saves on the day, including nine in the second half, as the Eagles became more aggressive in their pursuit of a goal. “We definitely had more good chances, but the opponents were able to capitalize on a few of our mistakes, and that’s the easiest way to let momentum slip out of our hands,” Foley said. Those good chances included the six corner kicks that BC earned in contrast to the one that they surrendered. Duke’s back line was able to turn away BC time and time again, foiling several good scoring chances for the Eagles. After the game, Foley acknowledged that although the Eagles didn’t make the most of their chances, their opponents did a great job of keeping them off the scoreboard. “There were a few places where we could have gotten a goal, but those are the breaks of the game,” Foley said. “We have to give credit to them. Their keeper and their defense played a very good game out there tonight, and we were just unable to respond.” It was the first time that the Eagles have been shut out all season. The team, led by DiMartino and Mewis, had been averaging over 2.7 goals per game before Thursday night. 


Kristie Mewis scored the game-winning goal in overtime for the Eagles. The goal was the ninth of the season for the sophomore forward.

Balanced scoring effort helps Eagles defeat Brown BY RAYCHEL KRUPER For The Heights


Sophomore Blake Bolden scored a power-play goal in the Eagles’ 5-2 victory over Brown.

It was business as usual for the Boston College women’s hockey team on Sunday afternoon, as the No. 7 Eagles (5-0-1) showed offensive Boston College 5 prowess against 2 Brown the Brown University Bears (0-1-0) during their season home-opener, continuing their undefeated start to the year with a 5-2 win. “We did a lot of really good things out there today,” said head coach Katie King. “After coming off a tie and a game that we didn’t think we played so great, I thought we made a really good comeback in today’s game and played well.” It took only 25 seconds for BC to light the lamp, scoring an early goal against Brown goaltender Katie Jamieson. The goal was scored by Taylor Wasylk, who recorded her fifth of the season from just outside the crease. The Eagles continued their dominant first period at 8:25, when they struck gold again on a pass from Melissa Bizzari to Andrea Green, who slid the puck home from directly in front of the net. A crosschecking penalty was charged

against Wasylk at 9:49, though, which the Bears converted on 10 seconds later, halving the 2-1 deficit before the end of the first frame. The Eagles outshot the Bears, 13-2, in the first period. Scoring opened up in the second period at 13:17, following a penalty on Victoria Smith for tripping. The Eagles increased their lead to 3-1 on a power-play goal from Blake Bolden that was assisted from Bizzari. This marked Bolden’s first goal of the season, and Bizzari’s second assist of the game. “I think our kids are really using their speed,” King said. “We’re doing a really good job moving pucks. Our defense is playing really well for us and giving the forwards opportunities to put goals in.” The Eagles continued to challenge Jamieson with shots, and scored again at 16:58. Ashley Motherwell sidestepped Bears defenders and slid the puck through dangerous territory to Wasylk, who was waiting by the far post to put away her second of the day, sixth for the year. “[Wasylk] is doing a great job,” King said. “She is a power forward type of player. She goes to the net hard. She goes hard all the time. I think that’s a great attribute to bring to the team.”

The second period came to a close with the Eagles up 4-1 and an astounding shot advantage of 28-7. To start the final period, both teams made a goalie change, with BC’s Kiera Kingston coming in for Molly Schaus, who recorded six saves, and Brown’s Aubree Moore relieving Jamieson, who made 24 stops of her own. The Eagles continued to dominate in the third period, and added yet another tally with a goal from Motherwell at 3:46. Motherwell received the puck from Kelli Stack just outside the crease, and lifted the puck into the upper right corner of the net. About halfway through the period, a good chance came for the Bears when Vika Mykolenko skated uncontested down the ice, but her shot was saved by Kingston, who parried the puck over the net, keeping the score at 5-1. At 16:35, the Bears’ Katelyn Landry scored the final goal of the day, tapping the puck past Kingston on the left side. The Eagles would go on to win the game, 5-2, continuing their undefeated season. “The way we’re moving the puck and the way we continue to skate can only help us moving forward,” King said. 


Monday, October 25, 2010

The Heights

Adventures at the Garment District

Ready-made and set to go for Halloween

By Kristin House Heights Editor

In third grade, I was incredibly proud of my Halloween costume. I had assembled a long-sleeve black unitard, my black headband, two triangles of black and pink construction paper glue-sticked together, and black face paint to make one of the spiffiest looking black cats I had yet to see traversing the sidewalks of suburban Massachusetts. To my surprise, what did I hear at every door my brother and I stopped at? “Ohhh who are you? A man from Men in Black?” My brother had played it topical, acquiring a cashe my costume would never achieve. I was crushed. I secretly wished he would get a bag full of candy that was mysteriously torn open on a few key edges, suggesting foul play by the neighbors. My mother would determine the bag inedible and he would be left with only the compliments of yesteryear. Alas, that didn’t happen. To some extent, I’ve always been that child with the costume that falls below my expectations of Halloween glory. Fast forward to year 20 of my existence, and I’ve finally made my first journey to the Garment District in Cambridge. Originally, when I heard my classmates discuss the existence of this “district,” I imagined sidewalks lined with go-go girl and cowboy costumes, kiosks with fake eyelashes and neon orange wigs, and every sort of kitschy outfit imaginable. It turns out the Garment District is a store that pleasantly carries

the same range of stock that I had imagined stretched over an entire block. That myth de-bunked, I moved on to the problem at hand. I finally felt the gods of zen-Halloween centeredness align when I noticed the walls of pre-arranged costumes. This year, I’m determined not to relive my freshman year failure of having no costume at the last minute, deciding to dress in all black, putting on a pair of iPod headphones and calling myself one of the people from the Apple commercial. I shudder at the thought. Last year came down to a black dress with a scarf draped around my neck posing for a “1960s stewardess.” I probably just looked like I was in mourning. With these spectacular college costume failures in mind, I eyed the silver off-the-shoulder flapper dress, a Western cowgirl outfit that balanced nicely between pretty and demure (i.e., it was conspicuously missing rump-less chaps). There were Alice in Wonderland racks and a round-up of Spiderman, Robin, Mutant Ninja Turtles, and tights galore. But when I saw my costume, pre-packaged and looking at me expectantly, I knew our coupling was fate. This year, I have chosen the costume of a Rockette – those high-kicking holiday dancers – to do the trick. It’s recognizable. It’s not homemade (which works well for some, although not me). I hope this ensemble will have all the magic of the Rockefeller Center tree getting lit for the first time. What’s more likely, however, is that I’ll get a Natty spilled down one of the red velvet sleeves as someone asks, “Hey, are you a chick Santa?” n

DIY is tradition that never goes out of style By Hilary Chasse

Alex Mauta and Sara Bakrow / Heights Photo illustration

Heights Editor

I’m a traditional kind of girl. When it comes to holidays, that is. It just isn’t Christmas without watching the Muppet Christmas Carol, no Thanksgiving Day parade passes without me sleeping through it, and every Easter I avoid the disgusting pineapple roasted ham like the plague. Halloween is no exception. Now, there were many traditions that I took part in while growing up: the candy collecting contest with my sister, the Hocus Pocus and Nightmare Before Christmas watching, the carving and inevitable disposal of the rotting pumpkin, its evil grin pathetically sagging, etc. As the years passed, however, some of these traditions fell by the wayside, victim to the horribly conformist years of high school. However, since college represents the renaissance of Halloween fun for the young adult, I’ve been happy, since I’ve been at BC, to bring back one of these traditions of yesteryear: crafting a wholly unique costume. Every year, as Oct. 31 draws nearer, I begin to experience mini panic attacks at completely random intervals during my day: I have no costume and no ideas. Costumes from when I was young were always easy, because nothing more was required than to pick my favorite cute and girly character of the month. I moved from one female stereotype to the next: black cat, butterfly, Cleopatra, and, my dream costume, a genie (lamp and all). Now that I’ve arrived in the complex hierarchy of higher education, however, a little more thought needs to be put into my Halloween alter ego. It requires a delicate balance. Cute yet clever, funny but not juvenile, and definitely steering clear of anything, shall we say, “hooker-esque.” For the average college female, choosing the

correct costume is as tricky as selecting the correct prom dress. As much as I might delay, up until the day of in some cases, the inevitable moment comes when I must bite the bullet and venture into the city in search of the perfect garments. And where else would I go except the Garment District? Although this shop is hidden in a remote corner of Cambridge, every single college student in the tri-state area seems to locate it and pack into its two floors, scouring the aisles for the perfect, quick fix costume. I, unlike them, have always avoided that wall of pre-packaged outfits in this or any party store. They smell like a new car, itch in all the wrong places, and never fit quite right, especially the one-size-fits all variety (one size never fits all and usually fits none). My tradition takes a little more skill. My family has always been creative, and fashioning our costumes ourselves is just one hallmark of this trait. My mother took this tradition to the limit, starting with bits of fabric from hand-me-down clothes and ending with a full-fledged Cinderella costume, petticoat and all. I am, however, slightly less dexterous, so I amend the rule to allow for some store-bought pieces. I find various accoutrements, such as glasses, tights, and other accessories, in the Garment District, and look into my shamefully large wardrobe to provide the rest of the ensemble. It’s economical and much more fashionable than any horrible poly-blend fabric, as seen in pre-packaged costumes. I’m excited this year, not only to showcase my brilliant, self-designed costume, but also to experience the smug pride of knowing that it was only through my genius that the idea sprang into life. So thanks, Mom, for keeping me on my toes, and I hope that everyone’s traditions, whatever they are, will proudly keep marching on, despite being far away from home and our trick-or-treating days. n

All dressed up with plenty to do on Halloween From Halloween, B10

that he has learned from watching these movies, he responds without hesitation, “Always take the ride passion for movies with Boston College students home, and don’t walk through the park.” for years. In fact, he often used to show a movie For those who are looking to meet some of these each week. These Halloween showings are especially onscreen characters face to face, Salem’s Festival of enjoyable for him, though. It may come as a surprise the Dead will not disappoint. A mecca for Halloween given his vocation and subject area, but Tacelli is aficionados and aspiring Wiccans, this site of the a walking encyclopedia of the horror genre. He can infamous witch trials of 1692 offers an endless array fire off the titles of foreign productions, then com- of opportunities to encounter another world. Chanment on the artistic maturation of their respective nel your inner Sylvia Browne at the Annual Psychic directors and any new lenses or camera techniques and Witchcraft Expo or get your Dante on at The they employed. He evaluates traditional Halloween Brimstone Chronicles, where revolutionary Christian favorites with the ethically - conditioned vocabu- pastor Phil Wyman helps visitors “follow the light at lary of Kant and the perceptive palette of iron chef the end of death’s tunnel where you’ll stand at the Bobby Flay: “Scream was a little too arch, a little too crossroads of eternal anguish and everlasting joy!” narrowing,” he says. “It gave rise to a meta-genre in The more hemoglobin-inclined usually find their which other characters are in on the joke, which cre- way to the Vampires’ Masquerade Ball, held at the ates a sort of cynicism. You have to approach horror historic Hawthorne Hotel, which was investigated for with an investment in the belief that the horror is paranormal activity in 2007 by the Syfy Channel’s truly evil, and that this evil might prevail.” real-life Scooby Doo spinoff, Ghost Hunters. AmazThis Halloween, Tacelli encourages students ingly, the vampires of Salem have solved the perenlooking for a scary movie to avail themselves of the nial problem of not being able to dance in the light. extensive horror section in the O’Neill Media Center, Imagine the Marilyn Manson family reunion set a collection he himself has donated to over the years. tothe sound track of Boogie Nights. For the price of “BC has one of, if not the finest, collections of horror admission, partygoers get to “indulge in an evening films on the East Coast,” he remarks, beaming ear of immortal sin and morbid lust,” except nudity and to ear. When asked if he has any advice for student, everything else, which the photographer can’t post on the Salem festival Web site. One very important guest may be absent from this year’s ball, however. Rumors are circulating that there may in fact be a real vampire lurking deep in the dark recesses of the O’Neill stacks. Radu Florescu, emeritus professor in the history department, has spent almost 40 years studying the granddaddy of them all, Count Dracula, and his findings are more than a little startling. Currently conducting research in Bucharest, Florescu is in the process of completing his newest book, Dracula Florescu Blood Lines, A Family Saga. Ever since Florescu began his inquiry in the ’70s, a vampire bearing an uncanny resemblance to this revered Romanian professor has been spotted raising money for charities such as the March of Dimes in cities as far west as Denver. It appears that one of the greatest Halloween traditions has a living link right here at BC. Most BC students, however, don’t have the luxury of hundreds of years of Transylvanian blood lines to make them look like Vlad the Impaler. Luckily, Victoria Pearson / AP Photo Boston boasts some of the greatHalloween traditions are celebrated and embraced in countless different ways. est costume stores in the country

Lisa Poole / AP Photo

Halloween celebrations in Salem, MA are among the largest in the country, and provide a unique experience for BC students each year. .

for those looking to dress up, a tradition which is especially fervent at BC. How-to columns on costume shopping and the subsequent debates about trashy trends are Heights Halloween traditions in and of themselves. Shops like the Garment District, which merges with Boston Costume for the season, and which probably helped some BC parents find their Halloween get-ups in years gone by, are virtual institutions right now. “People come in here from all walks of life just wanting to have a good time,” says Mike Kadomiya, a floor manager. This two-story warehouse of legit fashion and ceremonial kitsch could equip an entire legion of chickens, pimps, pirate wenches, and Lady Gagas, the undisputed most popular costume according to Kadomiya. The inventory is fluid, changing constantly as new shipments of secondhand items are purchased from charities across the country. In an industry in which the vast majority of Halloween stores operates on a seasonal basis and shut down as soon as the last piece of candy has been passed out, sales at the

Garment District during September and October alone keep the doors open year round. In the weeks leading up to Halloween, the management extends hours all the way to midnight. In Boston, Halloween is like Christmas. Studies of the economic impact of the holiday show that this crazed passion for Halloween traditions is on the rise. For North Americans, Halloween provides the second biggest party night of the year and ranks only behind Christmas in retail spending, Nicholas Rogers points out in his book Halloween: From Pagan Ritual to Party Night. From 1997 to 2002, revenue from Halloween purchases like candy, costumes, and party supplies had doubled to $6.8 billion. And leading the way is Boston, crowned the first Trick-or-Treat Capitol of the United States in 2006 by the National Confectioners Association, which doesn’t seem to have conferred that title on any other city since then. Maybe the Confectioners just stopped giving out the award. Or maybe they just realized that no other city stands a chance. This is Halloween Town. n

Monday, October 25, 2010




editor’s column

In sickness or in health Being sick is not fun, and I say that with the utmost passion and conviction. You see, I’m afflicted with the weakest immune system a man Kris Robinson can have – no, seriously. Just one wrong breeze can send me straight to bed with a case of the sniffles, a runny nose, a sore throat, and maybe, if I’m lucky, a nice little cough to accompany the rest of my cold symptoms. When I was a kid, I didn’t mind getting sick as much. Hey, it was a day off from school (or in my case, three), an excuse to be pampered, and a chance to watch TV and play video games. What more could a sick little (big) nerd like me ask for? But ever since I entered high school, it’s been different. Missing school was no longer a luxury – it was a burden. Missing school meant missing classes, missing assignments, missing notes, and missing extracurricular activities, some of which I just wasn’t able to make up. It also meant missing chances to hang out with friends, which was definitely one of, if not the, highlight of my time spent at school each day. Basically, being sick just meant missing out in general. I’ll admit though, it was happily manageable in high school. It wasn’t too bad at all. Being sick this past week, however, cemented the fact that in college, getting sick sucks, especially when you’re unusually prone to it. Maybe I’m just weird, but as I was confined to my bed prison, writhing in muscle-induced pain and clutching my covers fervently, struggling to get to sleep (forgive my fishing for sympathy), I couldn’t help but worry about all the work I had to do and all the work I was missing as a result of the virus I caught. Oh, yeah, sure, getting better crossed my mind once or twice, but all I could really think of was my laptop and the e-mails I would soon be receiving asking where my assignments were. All I could really think of was my attendance and how, because I missed two and a half days of classes, the class participation portion of my grade would potentially take a hit. All I could really think of was how I would have to work twice as hard to make up for my body failing me when I needed it to stay strong. I look back at this, and I can’t help but think that there is something wrong with that thought process. No, there’s nothing wrong with being a dedicated student and wanting to get good grades while staying on top of things. There’s certainly nothing wrong with being disappointed. So, when do I think I went wrong with my thinking? Oh, that’s right – probably when I put my academic career in front of my own well-being. Now, something about that isn’t healthy. Sadly enough, I don’t think I’m the only student who’s ever thought like that at one point or another in their lives. It almost doesn’t seem like such a big deal. After all is said and done, we’ll be fine eventually, but our schoolwork still needs to get done. That’s what’s most important. Sometimes, we don’t stop to consider that maybe we should focus on recovery. “It’s just a cold ...” Well, stress can turn just a cold into something worse. Let’s face it – as college students, we tend not to make the smartest choices for our bodies sometimes. Drinking alcohol, taking in excess caffeine, pulling all-nighters, forgoing rest to catch up on television shows … decisions all based on instant gratification. Sometimes, we can get away with them without serious repercussions. Sure, you might not be in the best of moods the day after you’ve stayed up until seven in the morning writing a paper, but that’ll pass once you get some sleep after your day is over and you’ll be fine … for now. Until you begin to make a habit out of all-nighters. That’s where the damage really starts. I would know. I’m no Dr. Phil, but if being bedridden for nearly three days taught me anything this week, it’s that in this fast-paced, high-energy college environment that we BC students are in, we have to remember to take care of ourselves first. If that means prioritizing and putting aside things you normally do – going out, attending an event, or even doing homework – to make sure you are at your best, then you will just have to do what you have to do.

Kris Robinson is the Asst. Features Editor for The Heights. He can be reached at features@bcheights.com

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Heights

Out with the new and in with the old By Kris Robinson

Asst. Features Editor Editor’s Note: This is the first in a threepart series on Generation Y’s nostalgia for times barely past.


e sits on his couch, lazily, feet perched up on a wooden table, a large bowl of Lucky Charms in his hands. The television is on. It’s high definition and it’s pretty and it steals attention – it’s stolen his. He’s engrossed in the program that he’s watching. Happily captivated at first, he stares and stares, and then, it hits him. The sadness. The melancholy. The nostalgia. His mouth begins to droop as his cereal suddenly starts to feel a lot heavier (and taste a little bit soggier) in his mouth. Flashbacks of nights spent watching The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and listening to Nirvana while playing his Dragon Ball Z games hit and then he comes to the same realization he’s been coming to for a while now: He wants to be a kid again, and he’s only 19. Across town, she stares at herself in the mirror, admiring her figure. She’s just come back from the mall and the outfits that she and her mother picked out are going to look perfect. They’re cute, stylish, and most importantly, they’re sexy. She couldn’t wait to show them off at her school’s talent show. She was going to look great, sound great, and feel great. One day, she was going to be a famous singer and live

in a huge mansion and make lots of money. Winning the talent show was going to be the first step on her road to stardom. Her long road. She wants to be an adult already, and she’s only 9. These two accounts are fictional, but the potential that they are actual situations is likely. The idea that children are growing up, or wanting to grow up, too fast is nothing new. Researchers have documented the trend, psychologists have expressed their concern over it, and the media has depicted it in movies, documentaries, and television shows. In addition, a rise of nostalgia occurring among Generation Y, those born roughly between 1980 and 2003, is one that has onlookers raising an eyebrow. Though feelings of nostalgia are viewed as being natural for people in their 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s, it might seem a little odd for someone in their 20’s or even late teenage years to begin to reminiscence on their childhoods, comparing entertainment or the state of politics today to entertainment or the state of politics 10 years ago. An article in the spring 2004 issue of Vision magazine, “Whatever Happened To Childhood?,” says the fact that children and teens are growing up too fast is a serious problem in Western society and it cites four reasons for the subsequent loss of childhood as stated by David Elkind, a prominent American child psychologist who teaches at Tufts University. Elkind attributes it to the advertisements directed toward young children, the excessive responsibilities they take on, including sports and extracurricular activities on top of academics, the comprehensive news cov-

erage they are exposed to, and the increase in the number of children who are forced to spend time at home alone due to their parents’ schedulem, children he refers to as “latchkey kids.” Elkind’s research represents just the tip of the rising iceberg of information resulting from numerous scholarly studies, books, journal articles, and publications on the subject. Concern over children’s proper development in certain areas has fueled a majority of the research. For instance, an article last year in New York Times Magazine discussed how kindergarten classes are increasingly placing more emphasis on homework than recreation, citing a survey of 254 teachers in New York and Los Angeles. The survey found that kindergartners spent two to three hours a day being instructed and tested and less than 30 minutes playing. For five year olds, that’s a lot of responsibility and not a lot of play. Young celebrities serve as poster children for the phenomenon, illustrating the costs and payoffs of success at an early age. Old school child stars such as Shirley Temple and Elizabeth Taylor provide a case for the capable functioning of a child in an adult-dominated industry, while the lives of Different Strokes cast members Gary Coleman and Dana Plato, who suffered visible emotional and physical turmoil arguably because of their fame, do the opposite. With nine-year-old Willow Smith whipping her hair back and forth into the spotlight, barely-legal Miley Cyrus continuing to generate her own controversy, and teenage heartthrob Justin Bieber al-

legedly getting his hands dirty in a scuffle, though not all believe there are children who are growing up too fast, it’s clear that these concerns are anything but invalid. Meanwhile, Generation Y’s nostalgia for the pop culture items from their not-toolong-ago childhood past manifested itself in the box office sales for last year’s Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, according to a New York Times article published in the same year. “Generation Y – They’re 20Something and Already Nostalgic” cited a Fandango survey that revealed that 45 percent of people who purchased tickets to the movie fell in the age bracket of 18-30, while only 15 percent were under 17. Disregarding the reality that more people in the first age group have access to credit cards than those in the second, which would enable them to actually buy their tickets online, this is a significant gap. The article also features 20-year-old students recalling Harry Potter as a thing of the past, and yearning for VHS tapes to watch episodes of Mighty Morphing Power Rangers. Recently, researchers have drawn a connection between the two trends. With some of today’s children increasingly experiencing “shorter childhoods” due to added pressure and responsibilities, upon reaching the brink of adulthood, their desire to reflect and want things they seemingly didn’t spend enough time with is almost reasonable. The next two articles in this series will survey members of the BC community in an effort to document both the trends and the proposed connection from both student and faculty perspectives. n

professor profile: Seth Jacobs

Jacobs finds a way to bring history to life By Lauren Gray For The Heights

It’s hard to believe that Seth Jacobs never intended to become involved in history. According to this Boston College history professor, he fell in love with the subject completely by accident. While waiting for the L in Chicago, the Midwestern metropolis’ equivalent of the T, Jacobs decided he wanted to buy something to read on the ride to the theater where he was acting in a performance of Twelfth Night. With the dollar and 25 cents in his pocket, he purchased a book entitled A Documentary History of the United States. Ashamed to learn that he knew so little about the history of his own country, he signed up for history classes at the University of Illinois to ease his guilt. In his four years as an undergraduate at Yale University, Jacobs never took one history class. He instead focused his attention on philosophy and psychology. Later, he went on to receive his M.F.A. in theater from DePaul University and an M.A. in social science from the University of Chicago. With the new passion he developed for history, especially that of the Vietnam War era, Jacobs received a masters degree and Ph.D. in U.S. history from Northwestern University. Before embarking on these academic endeavors, Jacobs enjoyed his childhood while growing up in New York City. For his junior and senior years of high school, he journeyed to Massachusetts to attend Cambridge School West. Looking back on his years

alex trautwig / heights editor

From the theater to the classroom, Jacobs adds animation to history for his students boarding there, Jacobs recalls that it was a very Bohemian school, and that the use of certain illicit substances was not entirely uncommon. The culture at Cambridge School West sharply contrasted with that of the prestigious Yale University, making for a not-so-easy freshman year, to say the least. After his football-player roommate almost burned down their room, Jacobs jokes that no one’s freshman year could be as bad as his. For this reason, he enjoys speaking with and advising freshmen to reassure them “that things could always be much worse.” Happily married for 20 years, Jacobs admits he owes much to his wife, who is the boss of their household. Without

her, he muses, he does not know how the bills would be paid on time, how the doctor appointments would be made regularly, and how his daughters’ school functions would be kept track of. His wife’s position as head of the household is also reaffirmed by the fact that she is the family driver. Growing up in New York City, Jacobs never had the need to get his license. Before Jacobs could object to his 13-year-old daughter going on a date for the first time, she reassured him that his opinion didn’t matter, because mom said it was okay and there would be no further discussion on the subject. He is able to laugh at this family dynamic and, although his daughters are growing up, his favorite part of the day

is reading with them for an hour every night. This semester, Jacobs is teaching Vietnam and foreign policy classes that students rave about. Erin Brandt, A&S ’11, considers Jacobs among her favorite professors at BC and finds his class very engaging. While he does not intentionally make his lectures theatrical performances, he finds himself naturally adopting the accents of largerthan-life men such as Henry Kissinger, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Bill Clinton when quoting them. He believes it is very effective to also show students footage of these great men speaking to allow them to really connect with the specific topics being discussed. While he teaches in a variety of different classroom formats, Jacobs believes the smaller, personal seminar environment is the best way to connect with students. He finds that students in large lectures are intimidated by him and have a difficult time coming into his office hours for extra help or just to have a chat. To remedy this, he encourages students to come talk to him and even sets aside a few hours a week to sit in the Chocolate Bar and converse with students in a more laid-back environment. Although he does spend a lot of time in the Chocolate Bar, it is surprisingly not his favorite dining facility at BC. He has found Carney’s salad bar to be his favorite place to go for his lunch break. Currently on a diet, he loves getting a salad to go with plenty of edamame and vegetable toppings covered in the fat-free balsamic vinaigrette dressing. n

he said, she said My boyfriend recently has become obsessed with the movie Slumdog Millionaire. I can understand why he likes it, but he has learned the entire dance to “Jai Ho,” and he wants me to do it with him. I want to be supportive, but he’s out of control. What should I do? I’m worried he may choose Bollywood over me.

Bollywood Uh-Oh

Bollywood, huh? Very interesting choice, but one of which I, too, would not want to be a part. The short answer to this is that if you don’t want to be a part of his obsession, you should be able to skip it and not feel too guilty. Also, if it came down to it and he actually thought about choosing the “Jai Ho” dance over you, maybe things weren’t as great as you really thought. All that being said, you should be Alex Trautwig supportive of him, even if you don’t understand it or want to be his dance partner. The most important part of this, to me, is not making him choose between you and his newfound passion for Slumdog and subsequent desire to learn the “Jai Ho” dance. Any time in a relationship when there is something that could potentially affect both people involved (i.e. time spent together), it’s important to be supportive, but to also not be passive aggressive if you feel that the activity is taking away from your time together. “Jai Ho” is great and all, and you should support him in whatever he decides to be involved with, but if the time comes where you feel you’re suffering because of it, you need to find a non-nagging way of bringing it up and making your feelings known. If you don’t, the situation will continue to worsen and could eventually lead to some real problems, even if it’s something as simple as this dance. Lastly, if you do explain to your boyfriend that you don’t want to dance with him (at least in this context) but have no problem with it in general and he starts to make you feel guilty, it could be time to re-evaluate. Because something as small is this really shouldn’t be a big deal. It’s not as if you’re saying he can’t do it, just that you won’t join in on the “fun.”

Alex Trautwig is an editor for The Heights. He can be reached at features@bcheights.com

Ah, the all-too-common Bollywood versus girlfriend dilemma. I’ve seen it happen to far too many couples. My advice: Embrace the “Jai Ho” and be glad he’s not obsessed with playing “Shots” on repeat (and you should really be grateful it’s not the Pussycat Dolls’ version). At least “Jai Ho” is a whole lot more original than “Teach Me How to Dougie.” It’s probably pretty important to him that he has your support Julia Wilson on this one, especially if he’s considering moving to Mumbai to pursue his Bollywood career (I promise you that they don’t have those opportunities at the Career Center). Unless he is actually obsessed with Slumdog Millionaire – in which case, he may require some serious psychiatric attention – you should humor this phase of his, which probably won’t last too long, anyway. With any luck, this will be over before you can say “Crank That Soulja Boy.” Think about the things you make him do with you. Has your chai tea obsession ever gotten in the way of your Tuesday morning Hillside coffee dates? Do you choose to stay in and watch Millionaire instead of going to Wednesday night trivia games? If you answered yes to any of the above, you two should work out a compromise. For every one of the things he does for you, you should make a concession to his “Jai Ho” obsession. If compromises don’t do the trick, try to expand his cinematic repertoire. If Mean Girls (no group dance scenes in that one, so you’re safe) doesn’t work with him, give him an ultimatum. If he does choose Bollywood over you, then he’s not worth your time anyway.

Julia Wilson is a senior staff member of The Heights. She can be reached at features@bcheights.com


The Heights

Monday, October 25, 2010


College Connections

A wolf in sheep’s clothing

Dustbowl goodbyes are bittersweet

Mike Wolf Sure, Boston College. Okay. Stokes Commons … right. I really can’t believe you think you can pull the wool over our eyes like this. Maybe you’ll trick a few kids, but not this one. I’m not going to be silent and pretend like the “construction of Stokes Commons” isn’t a cover-up. I didn’t get my Faith, Peace and Justice minor by being idealistic and gullible. Students deserve to know the truth. You can’t just throw up a big green fence and hide your intentions. This is bigger than you and me, BC. This might even be worse than when we found out that no one in the theology department has actually ever met God. Now, I’m usually not one for fear mongering or scare tactics, but I think the suspicious demolition of the Dustbowl calls for wild speculation and mass hysteria. Here’s what I am almost positive is really going on: dinosaurs. What do I mean? Has it occurred to you that perhaps BC found out that our school was built over mass deposits of hundreds of dinosaur bodies? T-rexes and brontesori used to roam like crazy all over Chestnut Hill. Until they died in the Flood or something. Now, their bones are buried under the Dustbowl. Think about it. Why else would they have all that heavy machinery digging down, tearing up the earth? Unless Stokes is going to be exclusively for BC’s subterranean community, things just aren’t adding up. But why is this being kept secret, you ask? Why not share the exciting news with the student body and finally give the pre-archeology students something to do? Oil, that’s why. Some of those dinosaur bones must have melted into oil or whatever and now BC officials are going to be rolling in it. If it’s kept secret, then BC doesn’t have to report the earnings and pay taxes on them. So they’ll use some of the money to throw up a shoddy new building (Stokes Commons … more like HOAX Come-on!) and put the rest in their back pockets. I guarantee you that within the next 10 years, all faculty and administrative offices will be redone entirely out of velvet and silk, while the student body is still paying $15 for a buffalo chicken sub. The other possibility is that the biology department is in on this one. Getting a little cloning action in. BC might very well be secretly harvesting the DNA of dead dinosaurs so they can reanimate them and build a dinosaur theme park on Newton Campus. We should be able to have a say in whether we clone a triceratops or an ankylosaurus first. Meanwhile, this is all kept hush-hush so Father Leahy can be the first one to ride around on a raptor. Selfish. So what if I don’t have any hard proof and can’t back up my claim? So what if several medical professionals have told me that I suffer from acute megalomania and extreme delusions and paranoia? So what if I haven’t left my room in weeks and will do anything for a little bit of attention and / or excitement? Next time you walk around the “construction site,” don’t just look at the big green wall of lies. Look through it.

Francesca Bacardi

you should strive to make your friends’ birthdays the best they can be. College adds new challenges for doing so, but a fantastic day is definitely achievable. Think about what your friend likes best, and expand your ideas into a full day of fun. Your friend will be thankful and happy to celebrate such a good birthday away from home.

Remember that time we didn’t have the Dustbowl anymore? Oh wait, I do, and I think the entire campus does as well because it’s right now and lasting for approximately the next two years. Remember that time all we got was a simple e-mail from the administration basically saying, “Oh, hey! By the way, starting Monday, the Dustbowl will officially be shut down for two years. Welcome Stokes with open arms when it’s finally here!” Let me start off by saying in no way am I slandering the 10-year Institutional Master Plan (IMP) that has been in the works forever and has been talked about for even longer. I couldn’t be more excited for what will eventually be the new Boston College, with its bigger and better facilities. Granted, I will no longer be a student here and won’t be able to enjoy the renovations, but at least I will be able to say I attended this fine institution. What I am not excited for, however, is the lack of greenery on campus. The Dustbowl is iconic in so many ways, and now all that is left of it is an ugly, tall fence with bulldozers and piles of dirt. With the Dustbowl gone, where are we supposed to do the stereotypical college activities that we all dreamt about as high school students? You know what I’m talking about – throwing a Frisbee on the grass, reading in the shade, lying out and catching the few rays that are left before the dreaded New England winter … all of that now taken away with a simple e-mail two days before the imminent closure. With the Dustbowl such a key aspect of our campus, you would think the administration would give us a touch more warning before fencing off our little bit of green space. First, it was Gasson Hall. Sure, I don’t mind having class in McElroy, the O’Connell House, or any other unusual locale this semester, but what I do mind and I’m sure others probably do as well, is the inconvenience of the closing of Gasson on top of the Dustbowl. I understand that the renovations had to start sometime, and inconveniences were unavoidable, but on a campus that pretty much consists of zero greenery aside from those two small spaces next to Bapst Library and St. Mary’s, taking away the Dustbowl is practically a tragedy. Sure, the Brighton Campus exists and there is certainly far more grass over there than anywhere on the Upper, Middle, Lower and probably Newton Campuses, but no one thinks to go there because there is nothing over there that a BC student would be interested in (that is, until BC completes the IMP). As a freshman, I traversed Comm Ave. to go to the Theology and Ministry Library for my theology class’ final paper (not because I was an overly ambitious student, but because we had go there to research instead of having class). I can still remember, to this day, thinking about how much more open space they had than Main Campus, but I was honestly so distracted by the curvy roads and confusing layout that I just kept on trekking, trying to find the mysterious Theology and Ministry Library that I didn’t notice anything else at the time. After that journey, I never returned to that campus and I’m now a junior. The last thing I heard about it is that there is a garden that students can make use of as part of BC’s efforts to be “green,” which is probably the most ironic thing I’ve ever heard. I really commend all of BC’s efforts to become a “green” campus, especially the students who run the green organizations, such as EcoPledge. To be green requires a lot of effort on different fronts – recycling, conserving energy, water, etc. – and EcoPledge promotes all of that through the various events it hosts and other efforts it puts forth. However, it just seems odd to me that with all of these noteworthy green initiatives, we have zero green to enjoy for ourselves. Instead, we have cranes, smog, too much dirt, and a lot of loud noise. Like I admitted earlier, I know the renovations had to commence at some point, and destruction of the greenery was inevitable, but I wish students had a place to just relax outside while the weather is still warm, and someplace to return to come springtime. Without the Dustbowl, spring at BC just won’t be the same.

Megan Cain is staff columnist for The Heights. She welcomes comments at features@bcheights.com

Francesca Bacardi is a staff columnist for The Heights. She welcomes comments at features@bcheights.com

Ceclila Provvedini/For the Heights

The Head of the Charles is an annual event that attracts student atheletes from across the country, around the world, and of different skill levels.

Charles, from B10 atmosphere is very lively and the race is just a lot of fun.” In order to compete, the BC women’s varsity crew and men’s club crew both invest themselves fully in the sport. Both teams endure 5:00 a.m. practices six mornings a week plus supplemental weight and cardiovascular workouts. The teams are also required to keep a rigorous summer workout schedule to assist in a smooth adjustment to the season. The teams consist of rowers of mixed experience levels, allowing student athletes to experience the sport and its camaraderie regardless of their skill level. BC competed against many teams, including those from Boston University, Harvard, Queens College in Canada, and even a team from Germany. The Regatta is a unique chance for rowers to gain exposure to different teams and take part in a special tradition. Rowers and crew fans alike are united over the course of the weekend to share the spirit along the Charles. “I started rowing at BC without any prior experience, but came to love the sport,” Charnowski says. “This year is my third on the team. Crew challenges me daily, and I have grown tougher both physically and mentally. My teammates are some of my best friends. As a team, we are committed to helping each other through the intense morning practices and grow quite close.” The women’s team consists of 19 rowers, a mixture of walk-ons and recruits. Charnowski attributes the team’s success to the fact that all the women are athletes who thrive on competition. Ross Tremblay, a captain for the men’s team and A&S ’12, shared Charnowski’s team spirit and was eager for the Head of the Charles. Tremblay has been rowing since high school, but truly enjoys racing at the college level at BC. “Most of our team began rowing here at BC, and it has been great to compete at a high level in a sport that requires unity and dedication,” he says. “Since

the start of the season, our training has focused on preparing us for this one race. And even having to deal with several setbacks early in the season, such as a fairly serious injury to one of our captains, we are confident that we’ll turn some heads this weekend.” Boston’s Regatta was designed to harmonize sport with city. The course challenges the participants while offering incredible views of downtown Boston and Cambridge. Starting at the Boston University Boathouse, the course stretches for three miles, passing underneath five bridges and following the shores of Cambridge. Spectators line the five bridges, and the banks of the river are flooded with white tents of refreshments and other vendors. Racing enthusiasts, family and friends of participants, and those just looking for a fun event, are able to take part in the Boston tradition, even if they are not the ones competing. Rachel McMonagle, A&S ’12, went to the Head of the Charles for the first time this year and enjoyed the experience. “The Regatta was a very picturesque scene, with the skyline in the background of the river,” she says. “It was great to see people from all over the country in one spot cheering on the teams and participating. I saw athletes from high schools and colleges all over the country.” Allie Bowman, A&S ’13, went to the Regatta both Saturday, to support her roommate on the BC team, and Sunday, to see a cousin participating in the high school races. “Seeing how the race process worked was really interesting, and having BC there made it even that more special,” she says. “I thought it was great to see a sport that doesn’t get as much publicity. The amount of support around at the Charles this weekend was so cool.” Spectator support is a great part of the Head of the Charles atmosphere, and is incredibly important for the athletes throughout the course. Rowing is a demanding sport, and requires stamina and dedication. With a course of only three miles, the competing teams aim to

Mike Wolf is a staff columnist for The Heights. He welcomes comments at features@bcheights.com

finish the race in less than 18 minutes. The Charles is more than just rowing, though. The race incorporates obstacles composed of fellow boats, bridges, and buoys that all contribute to making the navigation difficult. The course requires skill as well as strength, making the championship title quite impressive. “During every single workout and race, there’s a point where each individual has to make a decision to either submit to the physical pain and decrease his effort, or to refocus and disregard the discomfort,” Tremblay says. “Getting past this mental barrier is one of the most difficult parts of the sport, yet necessary for success. The best part of rowing is knowing that everyone in your boat gave the race everything they had.” Coaches, watching from the banks of the river, find race day to be both extremely stressful and rewarding. They must trust in their team’s preparation as well as the knowledge of each boat’s coxswains, the team members who essentially coach the boat from the water, giving instructions and warnings. Coffin has rowed for 12 years and is currently part of Union Boat Club in Boston. He enjoys sharing his love for the sport with the athletes, as well as cultivating more fans. “Coaching at Boston College is the realization of one of my great ambitions,” Coffin says. “I have always regarded my coaches as key figures in my life. Naturally, I have always wanted to be one. I couldn’t ask for a better group of athletes, and watching the team’s energy and numbers grow has been extremely gratifying.” Even with the Head of the Charles now complete, the rowing teams will continue to wake up at the crack of dawn and get in their boats for tough practices for the rest of the season. The time spent in the boats this past weekend will provide fond memories as well as motivation for future triumphs. The Head of the Charles clearly shows that crew is more than simple sport; it is a lifestyle and a well-honored tradition here at BC and beyond. n

Ceclila Provvedini/For the Heights


Ways to make birthdays special away from home Megan Cain

We’ve all been there. The clock ticks from 11:59 p.m. to 12 a.m., and we hope that there are knocks on the door, a buzzing phone full of new text messages, or balloons hung in the room. Birthdays. Everyone has one, and for a lot of people, it occurs during the school year. There are no parents around to bake a cake or throw a party with clowns. Most people would agree that they like their birthday to be a special day, so here is how you can make your friend’s birthday the best day yet, even while away at school. Try to be the first to wish your friend a happy birthday. This can be done in several ways. The easiest one is to send a text message at midnight, and while this is simple, it can really go a long way. If 10 people send your friend a text right at the beginning of her birthday, it makes her feel special (and not to mention popular). A more personal way of wishing your friend happy birthday is to show up at her dorm room at midnight, yell “Happy birthday!” and make a big fuss that she is now a year older. The idea is to let her know that you remembered her birthday … without having Facebook tell you about it. Decorate. Hang balloons, make posters, and put them on her door or inside her room if you can. Try to center the decorations on a particular

theme that resembles something she likes. This theme could be anything from her favorite movie to the sport she plays. She’ll notice the attention you gave to her interests and appreciate the thought you put into decorating for her birthday. Also, decorating her door will attract more attention to her birthday from floormates, ensuring extra happy birthday wishes. Another way to really draw attention is to put a large “Happy birthday” sign in the window, facing the outside. This is especially effective if you have a big bay window in Vandy or 90. With all of the decorations, she won’t forget that it is her special day. Make cards. These are a fun way to be creative and also express why the birthday person is a great friend. You can make them yourself or buy them, even at the bookstore. From humor to general wishes, cards never cease to make the birthday person happy. Don’t forget to include the date and year on the inside of the card. Some people like to save their cards to look back on them as a memento, and the year is crucial in remembering the experience. Buy or make a cake, or whatever treat your friend desires. We all have sweet memories of our families baking us birthday cakes, or of our elementary school classmates bringing in cupcakes to celebrate their birthdays. Why change that once you get to college? Dessert is a key component of the birthday celebration, so take note of your friend’s fro-yo flavor of choice

or favorite cookie and transform those tastes into a delicious birthday treat. Gather her friends to sing “Happy Birthday” around the cake. Add some candles, and let her make a wish! Just don’t set off the fire alarm. Make unique gifts. The fact that many college students are short on money should not stop you from giving your friend a gift on her birthday. There is really no need to buy a present from the store. Get creative. Think of things that make your friend happy. Maybe it’s the funniest inside jokes you share, her favorite TV show, or BC hockey. Oftentimes, making a gift for your friend that is unique to her personality turns out even better than a store bought gift, and it shows that you know what your friend is all about, both inside and out. Give them attention. Your friend’s birthday is the one day that you need to give up telling your hour-long story. Let her dominate the conversation. Ask her questions about her life and truly try to show an interest in what she cares about. Make her feel like the most special person in the room. As long as your friend is somebody who likes good attention, remember to tell other friends about her birthday. Before your friend knows it, she will be receiving birthday wishes from everyone. Most people want their own birthday to be special and one of the best days of the year. For the same reasons,

Michael Saldarriaga/Heights Editor



Monday, October 25, 2010






he sun slowly rises while the water gently laps against the sides of the boats. The Charles River remains at peace for just a few more moments before rowers and fans descend upon its banks for the Head of the Charles Regatta. More than a weekend’s race, the Regatta is a two-day exhibition of Boston tradition. This past weekend’s regatta marked the 46th anniversary of the annual event. The Cambridge Boat Club held the first Head of the Charles on Oct. 16, 1965, envisioning a traditional New England “head of the river” race set on Boston’s Charles River. “Head” regattas are timed races on a three-mile long course. Each team within a specific race is started on 15-second intervals. Keeping true to Boston’s competitive nature on the river, the winners of each race earned the honorary title “Head of the

Charles.” The choice of the Charles as the site for the race was simply logical, since it had been a popular rowing arena for at least a century before. The Club wished to establish Boston as the greatest rowing city in the world, and they would likely be proud of the way the event looks today. The race has changed since 1965, as it is now the world’s largest two-day regatta. In 1997, the Regatta extended into a weekend-long event, and now hosts at least 8,000 athletes, 300,000 spectators, and 55 different race events, according to the organization’s Web site. However, the Cambridge Boat Club continues to be the executive organzing force, organizing yearlong planning committees and hundreds of volunteers while keeping the original spirit alive. The Regatta hosts teams of all levels, from high school to the masters. On the collegiate level, the Head of the Charles showcases the

universities’ programs and is a chance for teams to participate in a long standing rowing tradition. In addition, the teams are able to compete against rowers outside of their usual schedule. Boston College’s crew team set its sights on the Head of the Charles early in the season. Practice regimen and team mentality were orchestrated to prepare for the regatta, says men’s coach Geordie Coffin. “At the Charles, we will race almost every major collegiate crew in the country – every crew in the Northeast,” Coffin says. “We have to begin preparing for that challenge in the summer, and maintain our focus until race day.” “Especially since Boston is our home course, it’s really exciting just to be a part of the Head of the Charles,” says Emily Charnowski, women’s team captain and A&S ’12. “The

See Charles, A9



Tricks, treats found in and around Boston BY JORDAN JENNINGS For the Heights

Melody barely has time to scream before the ivory white teeth of the man-eating baby grand piano start to tear her to pieces. No, this is not a beginning piano lesson, though Music 099 students can certainly relate to Melody’s final finger-severing cadenza. This is Hausu, Nobuhiko Obayashi’s 1977 cult classic fantasy horror, and it’s kicking off the Ninth Annual Horror Movie Marathon at Coolidge Corner Theatre. At midnight on Oct. 30, patrons will sink into the plush crimson seats of this 77-year-old non-profit theater and begin a veritable cinematic bloodbath

that is fast becoming a signature Brookline Halloween tradition. “The marathon gets more popular every year,” proudly proclaims Mark Anastasio, one of the event coordinators. Anastasio, who has been on the film selection committee since 2007, cites the theatre’s commitment to showing diverse and exclusive releases as a reason why hundreds of movie buffs eagerly line up in the middle of the night year in and year out. Lasting 12 bone-crushing, axe-hacking hours, the marathon will include the double feature of Hausu and Re-Animator followed by four surprise flicks. A costume contest, live psychic readings, and music by the irresistibly irreverent Dick Panthers (CCT’s

head projectionist is in the band) will provide the interludes, as well as dark cabaret by Devilicia of Boston’s own Black Cat Burlesque. With extras like these, Coolidge Corner will satisfy the serious horror fan as well as those simply seeking a Halloween tradition with more local flare. If you’re not lucky enough to snag one of these hot tickets before they sell out, don’t despair. On Oct. 29, Rev. Ronald Tacelli, S.J., associate professor in the philosophy department, will continue his own Halloween tradition with a showing of one of his all-time favorite flicks, Candyman. Tacelli has been sharing his



See Halloween, B6

Halloween 2010

1992’s ‘Candyman’ is Professor Tacelli’s self-professed favorite horror film, and one he recommends to all students.

Read how to properly celebrate Halloween on campus, in Boston, and elsewhere in Massachusetts, as well as pick the perfect costume ....................................................................B6

Humor Column.................................B9 College Connections.........................B9

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