The Heights 11/11/2013

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A look at body image issues on campus and the resources available, B10

BC’s Contemporary Theater performed the dramatic comedy The Last Days of Judas Iscariot this weekend, A10

Andre Williams rushed for a school-record 295 yards in BC’s victory over New Mexico State, B3



The Independent Student Newspaper of Boston College



Monday, November 11, 2013

Vol. XCIV, No. 42

Love Your Body Week seeks to change BC perspectives on body image BY NATHAN MCGUIRE Heights Staff AND


Heights Editor Editor’s Note: This story is part of an ongoing series about body issues and health on campus. Emma Moriarty, A&S ’14, says that most weekends at Boston College begin with a script molded around body shaming,

BC Fossil Free protests bank info session

creating an atmosphere of negativity. The dialogue is exhausting, relentless, unrealistic, and it can suck you in. “There’s this group mentality where everyone is shaming their bodies so much so that it becomes normalized, and you don’t realize that what you’re saying is problematic or hurtful to yourself and to others,” said Moriarty, a student director of the Women’s Resource Center’s (WRC) Love Your Body Week. Jessica Stevens, Moriarty’s co-director

and A&S ’14, agrees. “I feel like it’s really hard to extract yourself from that atmosphere, and it’s so easy to become absorbed in that mentality once you start,” she said. Love Your Body Week, which begins today, started in 2004 as a way to educate students about body image issues and to create and sustain a more positive dialogue around body image. Katie Dalton, director of the WRC, helped create a more collaborative process for planning

the week’s events. “All of our events are co-sponsored with another group or many groups, as a way to involve student populations that may not necessarily be involved with the Women’s Resource Center and to address those issues that intersect with the issues that we deal with,” Dalton said. Dalton, Moriarty, and Stevens all hope that this year’s program will help students evaluate how the media creates an unrealistic expectation of beauty, and recognize

FIRES SET ON CAMPUS Circumstances of fires in Gasson and Stokes halls deemed ‘suspicious,’ BCPD and Newton Fire are investigating


what it means to have a healthy relationship with one’s body. The week’s events include public forums and conversations with BC professors to discuss body image, as well as a presentation about the media’s role in sexualizing women in pop culture. One of the week’s hallmark events will be a presentation called “Fat Talk,” by Northwestern University professor Renee

See Love Your Body Week, A3

BCAAUP petitions for cell service BY CONNOR FARLEY

News Editor

Heights Editor Last Thursday evening, representatives from BC Fossil Free showed up to a Bank of America recruitment event in order to protest the bank’s investment in fossil fuel companies. BC Fossil Free is a coalition of undergraduate and graduate students that formed last year and aims to encourage sustainability and divestment from companies that invest in fossil fuels. According to Louis Gaglini, the associate director for employer relations at the Career Center, the event was an information session regarding internship opportunities through Bank of America for the summer of 2014. He said in an email that 39 students attended, arriving before 6 p.m., and that the presentation began around 6:10 p.m. Of the five Bank of America representatives presenting, he said that four were BC alumni. “Fossil Free’s motivation for attending the recruitment event was to stand in solidarity with the actions and beliefs of the RAN network [Rainforest Action Network] who couldn’t be there that night,” said Delia Ridge Creamer, a member of BC Fossil Free and A&S ’16, in an email. “We of BCFF and RAN are angry that Bank of America has invested 6.4 billion in fossil fuel companies in the last two years alone. They claim to be environmentally friendly but have continued to invest in the harmful coal industry, specifically mountain top removal.” The other BCFF members in attendance were T.J. Buckley, A&S ’16; Bobby Wengronowitz, GSAS ’19; Gloria Kostadinova, A&S ’14; and Mary Popeo, A&S ’14. According to Ridge Creamer, BCFF planned to enter the event while holding signs, hand the Bank of America workers a letter, and then leave. “Immediately BCPD stopped us from entering the event, claim-


Fires in Gasson and Stokes were reported early Sunday. Damaged property was removed from Stokes North later that day. BY ELEANOR HILDEBRANDT News Editor Three small fires were reportedly set in Gasson Hall and Stokes Hall on Saturday night, according to a press release from the Office of News and Public Affairs. “No one was injured, but the North wing of the fourth floor of Stokes Hall sustained smoke and water damage caused by the fire and the activated sprinkler system,” the release read. At 2:10 a.m. on the morning of Sunday, Nov. 10, the BC community received an emergency alert. “Small fires have been reported

on campus in Gasson and Stokes,” the alert read. “BCPD and Newton Fire are investigating … If an alarm should sound, evacuate the building immediately and follow the directions of the public safety staff.” Recipients were also urged to report any relevant information or suspicious activity to BCPD. According to the press release, BCPD Chief and Director of Public Safety John King described the fires as suspicious. “The cause of the fire remains under investigation,” the release read. “King added that BCPD and/or Newton Fire officials will remain in the

building until the fire alarm system is reactivated.” The professional cleaning firm Pro Care arrived on site Sunday in order to clean soot from the walls on the fourth floor of Stokes North and to clean books that were damaged by the sprinkler system. Damaged equipment and cubicle walls were also being removed from the building and loaded into a Piece by Piece Movers truck. Several offices in Stokes North will be closed for renovations, and classes held in the two classrooms on the fourth floor will be relocated to

See Fires, A3

See BC Fossil Free, A3

The Boston College Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (BCAAUP) is concerned with the lack of cell phone service in Stokes Hall. Last week, a petition was created by BCAAUP to improve cell phone services for students, faculty, and staff who don’t use AT&T, based on concerns for the safety of those who attend classes and hold offices in the building. Although Stokes currently houses an AT&T antenna that provides phone services to its customers, other service providers—mostly Verizon—have no antenna in the newly built humanities building. The petition is a request on behalf of BCAAUP members and the extended BC community to work with the administration and University Information Technology Services (ITS) to provide other cell users with service. “Not only have we had a strong response from faculty, but also from concerned students and staff,” the petition reads. “We have been told that the problem has been resolved for those who have AT&T as a provider—those with other providers, however, have poor or no service in Stokes. We believe that this on-going problem poses a serious safety issue for faculty.” “[The petition] is a concerted effort to respond to serious concerns,” said Susan Michalczyk, assistant director of the A&S Honors Program and president of BCAAUP. “Not only is it about convenience, but it’s about safety and the complete lack of available service—the complete disconnect from the moment you walk into Stokes, until you leave, which is not acceptable in the 21st cen-

See Cell Service, A3

Ridge reflects on political career, crisis management

Senators propose formation of new programming body



For The Heights “I’ve always had this theory—you manage things and you lead people. Don’t forget that.” At his Thursday evening Clough Colloquium lecture, Tom Ridge, who served as the Governor of Pennsylvania from 1995 to 2001 and was appointed by George W. Bush as the first Office of Homeland Security Advisor soon after the events of Sept. 11, discussed the importance of leadership in a time of crisis. Ridge has also served in several other public service roles, such as a sergeant in the Vietnam War, a lawyer, and an assistant defense attorney. “As I take a look back on most of those opportunities to serve, whether I thought about it or not, I was put in a position that if the circumstances warranted I was going to be called upon to lead,” Ridge said. “But I can look back to those experiences and say that along the way, someone decided that I could lead an organization.”

According to Ridge, no matter how big or small a crisis may seem, one of the qualities needed in leadership during a time of crisis is confidence. If somebody trusted someone enough to give them that leadership position, they should have the same confidence in themselves and their abilities. “If you feel funny sitting on a horse, it’s pretty difficult to lead a cavalry charge,” said Ridge, quoting politician Adlai Stevenson. In addition, a leader needs to own the crisis. Whether one is responsible for causing it or not, one should accept total accountability for the catastrophe. A leader neither blames anyone else for the emergency at hand nor plays the victim, Ridge said. Although Ridge was not responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks, he knew that he was given a job to do—to develop a national strategy in order to improve the defenses against terrorist attacks in the U.S. If another attack had occurred, Ridge stated that, as a leader, he would have taken complete responsibility for that crisis.

Asst. News Editor


Former Homeland Security Advisor spoke to students about leading under duress. A leader also needs to communicate clearly and promptly to demonstrate empathy, honesty, and motivation to the people around him or her, Ridge said. Visibility is crucial, as a leader’s presence in itself sends a message about hope, aspiration, and resolve. “People do not care what you know until they know that you care,” Ridge said. After three tornadoes wiped down three

See Ridge, A3

After two months operating under the new constitutional structure of UGBC, the Student Assembly (SA) is discussing further amendments to the constitution to separate programming from the student government. At the weekly SA meeting on Oct. 29, Chris Marchese, SA president pro tempore and A&S ’15, gave a presentation outlining a preliminary proposal that would shift the focus of UGBC away from programming and toward advocacy. To do so, Marchese suggested the creation of a separate, independent “Campus Activities Board.” In his presentation, Marchese analyzed the structure and effectiveness of student governments at peer institutions and looked at the history of UGBC, ALC, and GLC before proposing a new structure that would, in addition to divesting programming, merge the two branches

of UGBC—the executive and the SA—entirely. After meeting with other senators and executives, however, he has removed the complete restructuring from his proposal. “The biggest change for me has just been in terms of what I’m pushing for,” Marchese said. “Right now, I’m really just focusing on programming because I think that it’s overwhelming and a little unfair to change everything all at once because it really doesn’t allow people to think through one aspect, which is probably the biggest aspect, which is changing programming.” Without presenting any formal proposals or ideas for implementation, Matt Alonsozana, UGBC executive vice president and A&S ’14, also outlined a vision for what he thought UGBC should look like in the future. “UGBC should be the primary student advocate for Boston College and it should

See UGBC Programming, A3





Veterans Memorial Mass Women in the Church

Monday, November 11, 2013

Finding the Common Good

1 2 3 Today Time: 9:30 a.m. Location: St. Ignatius Church

The 13th annual Veterans Memorial Mass and Rememberance Ceremony will be held this morning in St. Ignatius Church. Roll call at Veterans’ Memorial Wall will occur at 11 a.m. on the Burns Library lawn.

Tuesday Time: 5:30 p.m. Location: Gasson Hall, Room 100

A panel discussion will be held on women for a contemporary church. The panel will feature professors from the School of Theology and Ministry and Theology Department and is open to the general public.

Monday Time: 7:30 p.m. Location: Gasson, Room 100

For the conclusion of the three-semester celebration of Boston College’s sesquicentennial, a symposium will be held on “Religious Diversity and the Common Good.” The symposium will feature public figures, scholars, and religious leaders.


GLC discusses GLBTQ issues with student leaders B Y J ESSICA T URKMANY For The Heights On Thursday night, the GLBTQ Leadership Council (GLC) hosted a panel addressing the question: “Are GLBTQ issues BC issues?” Six panelists involved in a myriad of different leadership roles across the Boston College community came together to discuss this big idea. The six upperclassmen—Nanci Fiore-Chettiar, co-director of FACES and A&S ’14; Matt Nacier, UGBC president and A&S ’14; Matt Alonsozana, UGBC executive vice president and A&S ’14; Lexi Schneider, head coordinator of the Student Admissions Program and A&S ’14; Sarah Antonelli, 4Boston council member and A&S ’14, and Devon Sanford, orientation leader, associate news editor of The Heights and A&S ’15—first individually talked about the presence of the GL BTQ community on B o ston College’s campus now and how it has substantially improved even since the beginning of their academic careers at BC. “I think the state of the GLBTQ community here at B C has improved dramatically within the four years I’ve been here,” Nacier said. “Some of you who are juniors or sophomores right now could say that there’s been bigger changes since your freshman year, and I would imagine … some of us here who are seniors, it’s changed from our freshman to senior years.” According to the panel, one of the key components to these improvements across campus has


Six students spoke on a panel Thursday night, discussing the state of BC’s GLBTQ community. been the strength and teamwork of the GLBTQ community. By making themselves heard through streamlined conversation, members are changing the perception of the community as a whole. “For me I think one of the biggest things that I have as a takeaway from the GLBTQ community is a real appreciation for dialogue,” Schneider said. “I think this has been the experience, as of yet, an educational point in my life where such a group has been so willing to converse not only among the student population but also with administrators as well. And I think that really

has affected the growth [of GLBTQ’s presence on campus].” Although there was positivity surrounding the progress that has been made thus far, much of the conversation lent itself to what can be done to emphasize the presence of the GLBTQ community on campus now and in the future, and how this can affect all students of BC. “It’s safe to acknowledge that there’s a lot more that needs to be done and there’s momentum,” Nacier said. “And with that momentum, we should really keep it going on, and I think it really starts at the student level.”



Wednesday, November 6

was caused by burnt food.

11:04 a.m. - A report was filed regarding harassment in Boston College Police Headquarters.

12:35 p.m. - A report was filed regarding medical assistance provided to a BC student in Maloney Hall. The student was later transported to a medical facility.

12:54 p.m. - A report was filed regarding a fire in Middle Roadways. 3:43 p.m. - A report was filed regarding a fire alarm activation in Ignacio Hall.

Thursday, November 7 12:16 p.m. - A report was filed regarding a firealarm activation in Ignacio Hall. The Newton Fire Department also responded and found the alarm

12:43 a.m. - A report was filed regarding a fire alarm activation in Medeiros Hall. The Newton Fire Department also responded and was unable to determine a cause of the alarm. 1:31 p.m. - A report was filed regarding a traffic accident in Beacon Street Garage. 4:51 p.m. - A report was filed regarding medical as-

College Corner NEWS FROM UNIVERSITIES ACROSS THE COUNTRY BY ANNA OLCOTT For The Heights In the years since University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) voted down affirmative action and passed Proposition 209, which prohibited factoring race, gender, and ethnicity into its admissions process, representation of black students has dropped tremendously. While many universities strive to maintain diversity, the percentage of African Americans in the student population is only 3.8 percent. Sy Stokes, a third-year student at the institution, led a group of black male students in order to shine light on the glaring disparities in diversity. In a spoken-word poem titled “The Black Bruins,” Stokes highlighted glaring issues in the enrollment of African American students at the university. Of the 2,418 male students in the incoming class of 2012, only 48 of them were African American, contributing to a total of 660 African American male students in the entire university. Of

In a broader sense, the student speakers addressed the fact that there is often a stigma surrounding GLBTQ events, which makes students think they are exclusively for GLBTQ students. They confronted this idea and made it clear that a majority of the time these gatherings are for GLBTQ and straight students alike. “I think that there’s the prolific, topical view of the GLBTQ community that would kind of be what our webpage is demonstrating , like events like this on Facebook,” Antonelli said. “And I do think that it would be awesome if the people more on the outside of that were still included more, because you know they’re out there.” When asked about specific ways in which BC can become more inclusive, the panel shared its thoughts on the strength of the straight community as Allies, the role of BC as a Jesuit institution, and most directly, the power and presence of love across campus. “I think one thing that has always struck me in working with GLC and the members of this community is the attention to supporting love,” Alonsozana said. “And, you may find this interesting, but I think what needs to happen at Boston College as a whole is that it needs to become more Catholic. But when I say that, I don’t mean Catholic in adherence to doctrine, but I want to bring it back to the essential value of Catholicism, which is love. And when you think about it in those terms … I think there is an unprecedented opportunity for us to really support love, and to build love into inclusivity.” 

these students, 65 percent are athletes, according to The Huffington Post. The poem was delivered in front of Campbell Hall, the site of the 1969 assassinations of two UCLA students were members of the Black Panther Party. According to The Daily Bruin, the student newspaper of UCLA, Stokes felt isolated and uncomfortable when arriving at UCLA and considered transferring universities. Although he found a place within the school, he still feels a responsibility to “uphold the strong voices of the Black Bruin community.” In the poem, posted on The Huffington Post, he cites the struggle in finding pride for his university that refuses to acknowledge the issues within its admissions process. In response to the exposition of these statistics, the vice chancellor of student aff airs, Janina Montero, admits to the difficulty in rectifying this “imbalance” without including race in admissions decisions. 

sistance provided to a BC student in Gasson Hall. The student was later transported to a medical facility.

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Friday, November 8 1:15 a.m. - A report was filed regarding a fire alarm activation in Robsham Theater.


3:56 a.m. - A report was filed regarding medical assistance provided to a BC student on 90 More road. The student was later transported to a medical facility.

Please send corrections to with ‘correction’ in the subject line.

—Source: The Boston College Police Department

VOICES FROM THE DUSTBOWL “In honor of Movember, what is your favorite celebrity facial hair?”

“Justin Timberlake.” —Alex Nunan, LSOE ’17

“Jake Gyllenhaal’s stubble.” —Casey Hague, A&S ’17

“Ryan Gosling.” —Nicole Strik, A&S ’17

“Adam Levine’s scruff.” —Elena Pezzino, A&S ’16

The Heights

Monday, November 11, 2013


WRC collaborates to bring body image issues into the spotlight at BC Love Your Body Week, from A1 Engeln, who will discuss how negative dialogue fuels negative body image in women and men. “It’s really a starting point for people to shift the way they’re thinking, and it’s really about celebrating your bodies and taking yourself out of this cycle of having negative thoughts,” Stevens said. One of the week’s main goals is to transform the way students think and talk about their bodies. Julie AhnAllen, a senior staff psychologist in University Counseling Services (UCS), said that many students at BC have a competitive nature that contributes to an unhealthy culture surrounding body image. “I think there’s almost this competition amongst students,” she said. “There’s a general sense of negative talk and comparison about bodies and food and exercise.” Many of her students describe the com-

petition as exhausting because they feel that they are constantly worrying about their own appearances and those of other students, she said. This pervasive sense of competition among the females at BC is one of the issues that I Am That Girl (IATG), a newly registered student organization (RSO) this year and a collaborator with the WRC for Love Your Body Week, hopes to address through its discussion-based weekly meetings and programs aimed at boosting women’s self-esteem. One of the tenets of the organization is “collaboration instead of competition,” and it strives to communicate to girls that there is more power in coming together than in tearing one another down. “It’s about becoming each other’s champions,” said Erica Ludlow, vice president of IATG and CSOM ’14. “Championing each other’s growth and development and progress. We have a lot to offer each other, and we have a lot of strengths that can play off each other, and I think that’s

something people need to hone in on a little more around here.” Ludlow and Abbey Clark, president of IATG and LSOE ’14, were eager to get involved with Love your Body Week as a first year RSO because of how closely the week’s mission aligns with IATG’s mission to promote healthy self-esteem among females at BC. “The first step to turning that statistic around, that BC girls leave college less confident than when they came in, is starting that conversation,” Clark said. IATG is working with the WRC to put on a “mirror campaign” during Love Your Body Week, which includes posting positive messages on mirrors around campus. In addition, a photo of them holding a sign saying what they love about their bodies will be featured in this year’s Robsham Window Project. Another feature of this year’s Love Your Body Week is a talk by the director of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program, Sharlene Hesse-Biber, on her

book, The Cult of Thinness. The book focuses on the societal pressures women feel to look a certain way, and is based largely on her experiences with the high number of BC students struggling with eating disorders. Hesse-Biber conducted extensive research on specifically BC students’ selfesteem and eating problems as far back as 30 years ago, and came to the same conclusion then that still troubles BC today—that female students’ self-esteem decreases while they are at BC. “If you believe this data, college may not be such a great experience for women, compared to men,” she said. In the face of these statistics, HesseBiber says that she has “a passion to make things better,” and she views Love Your Body Week as an important step in that direction. Moriarty, who recently led one of the WRC’s “Res Talks” with freshman girls, said that many in the group also expressed concern about the emphasis on image at

Petition aims to improve cell service

Homeland Security Advisor discusses leadership in crisis Ridge, from A1 small communities and caused several million dollars worth of damage, Ridge, as a young congressman, arrived to the scene as quickly as he could. With his prompt arrival, Ridge was able to express his concern and reassure the people that he would help them until the matter was resolved. He said that was a lesson that he would never forget. Ridge also emphasized the need for leaders to be able to adjust to their particular crisis and listen to the people around them. No one has the capability to handle these complex situations entirely by him or herself, and leaders in crisis cannot be afraid to empower others in order to get the job done. As an example, Ridge referred to his days as a sergeant during the Vietnam War. On one

occasion, Ridge was leading a squad down a path. After constantly walking through the same place, the soldier in charge of the radio suggested taking an alternate route, and Ridge decided to take his advice. If Ridge had not listened, the enemy would have found them first. “Rank and title do not make you a leader,” Ridge said. “If you rely on your title, the only thing that you will get from your team is compliance, and leaders don’t get compliance—they get commitment.” For Ridge, it takes a leader to stand out in moments of crisis and controversy. People will respond to this leadership not because of the power implied by the title but rather because of the qualities the leader possesses. “I think that Governor Ridge’s career experience is pertinent to everyone,” said Brooks Barhydt, assistant director of the Winston Cen-

Cell Service, from A1

juseub yoon / heights staff

Tom Ridge spoke on Thursday afternoon in the fall semester’s second Clough Colloquium. ter for Leadership and Ethics, which sponsors the Clough Colloquium lecture series. “The Winston Center identifies with all different types of leadership, but crisis leadership is

something that a lot of people aren’t familiar with, and he embodied it in so many different ways—that was a message that we wanted to get out to the campus community.” n

BC Fossil Free protests Bank of America’s investments BC Fossil Free, from A1

alex gaynor / heights editor

Damaged materials were removed from Stokes on Sunday afternoon. Repairs will be ongoing this week, and classes on the fourth floor of Stokes North will be moved to Carney Hall.

Fires still under investigation Fires, from A1 Carney Hall for the time being. Terence Leahy, director of engineering and energy management in Facilities Management, said that the graduate student area 420 A-D in Stokes Hall sustained the most significant damage. “Books and belongings from the area were relocated to More Hall where they will be cleaned during the next several days,” the press release read. “All occupants of Stokes Hall [can] access their offices on Monday, but several offices in the affected areas [will] require additional attention throughout the coming week.” Most of the damaged areas are on the fourth floor of Stokes North, but some areas on the third and second floors, and in the first floor Pulse office will require minor repairs as well. Contractors will also be present to repair the ceilings and replace carpet over the next several days. Vice President for Facilities Daniel Bourque said that office cubicles for at least

five stations in Stokes 420 A-E would need to be replaced. “There are a number of offices on the north wing of the fourth floor that need to be completely emptied and others that we will clean with the contents in place,” Bourque said. “We will give the occupants the option of emptying their offices themselves, if they so desire.” Bourque said that ideally, faculty members whose offices are on the fourth floor of Stokes North will be able to remove all their necessary belongings before 1 p.m. today so that facilities workers can remove damaged materials. “We will adjust our activity as necessary to try to accommodate the faculty and departments as much as possible,” Bourque said. “We are working hard to return operations to normal as soon as possible, but we ask for the community’s patience and assistance as we deal with this cleanup process.” University Spokesman Jack Dunn confirmed that there was no significant damage caused by the fire in Gasson. n

BC, revealing that even students who had only been on campus for a few months feel the pressure to be thin. “Something that came up over and over again was feeling like once they came to BC, they felt like they had to look a certain way, act a certain way, and dress a certain way,” she said. “I think, unfortunately, the culture kind of perpetuates itself.” Dalton and AhnAllen agree that there is a sense of unattainable perfection on campus. They also think that the media plays a prominent role in shaping body image perceptions, saying that a majority of the images that the media puts out are manipulated and create unrealistic expectations of beauty. This can, in turn, contribute to the negative dialogue. “When other people are talking negatively about their bodies, you just sometimes jump in and it’s just really hard to take a step back and think about it,” Stevens said. A full list of the week’s events can be found at n

ing it was a BC student event and that if we were planning to disrupt it we weren’t welcome,” she said. The BCFF students said they would wait until a Q&A session to ask any questions they had, and were subsequently admitted. “The students from BC Fossil Free arrived approximately 10 minutes into the presentation as a group, all wearing BC Fossil Free shirts, and were welcomed to attend the meeting as Boston College students,” Gaglini said. “They were informed at the door of our expectations regarding proper conduct during the meeting.” After the students entered the presentation, they walked through Higgins 300, distributing flyers, and sat in the front row. “When one of the students took a cell phone photo of the lead Bank of America representative, she asked him not to do so and that he was interrupting the meeting by doing so,” Gaglini said. “She then left the room briefly, informing me that she did so to report the incident.” Matt Lindquist, CSOM ’15, was in attendance at the information session. “[It] wasn’t a corporate presentation,” he said. “These weren’t corporate CEOs or anyone working in their corporate office.” According to Ridge Creamer, once the question and answer portion of the presentation started, Wengronowitz asked the Bank of America representatives if they were aware of the money the bank had invested in fossil fuel companies. “The Bank of America employees responded that they deal with many clients who are interested in environmentally friendly investments, and that their head bank in NYC is environmentally friendly,” she said. Wengronowitz later said in an email that the answer represented a lack of understanding on the urgency of the climate crisis. “Green buildings are great, and we are all for them, but any investments in coal do worse than negate

any reduced emissions through efficient buildings, he said. “These investments spell disaster for our generation and all those following.” Lindquist said that some of the other students in attendance objected to the questions that BC Fossil Free representatives were asking. “Some kid in the back row yells down, ‘Hey, these are questions for corporate bigwigs and CEOs, not you guys,’” he said. “One of the kids in the front row turns around and goes, ‘Well that’s who we want to talk to,’ and it was starting to get kind of tense, and I honestly thought there might be some kind of altercation.” At that point, Gaglini and the BCPD officers in attendance intervened. “When the questioning (by the five students) of the other Bank of America representatives repeatedly interrupted their intended discussion about internship opportunities for Boston College students, the five students were, at that time, invited by two representatives of the BCPD and me to leave the meeting,” Gaglini said. “I explained that their conduct was disruptive to the intended business scheduled for the evening. He said that the students left when he and the officers asked them to. “It was just really not the right forum for them to be asking that,” Lindquist said. “Not the right people, not the right forum, and really was just sort of, honestly, embarrassing to BC kids in general, and was just not appropriate, and not well thought-out at all.” Wengronowitz and the other BCFF members had a different view of Thursday’s events. “We were removed from the event after having a cordial exchange with bank representatives during their Q and A session,” Wengronowitz said. “We are pleased that students interested in working for Bank of America are now aware of how the bank earns part of its income. We know the job market is poor—we face the same situation—but we also know students have a right to understand the short-term thinking of Bank of America as a potential employer.” n

tury at a research university in a new building.” The petition, in addition to student signatures, asks for signees’ service providers to assist ITS in resolving the lack of reception in Stokes more accurately. After garnering over 80 student signatures in its first day of circulation, the petition has since been signed by more than 200 faculty members and students as of last week. “The great irony is BC has been diligent in requesting cell phone numbers in case of emergency so they can contact us, but they can’t contact us if we are in Stokes,” Michalczyk said. “There was a time when the faculty or the administration might have said that it’s wonderful that students don’t have access to their phones because that will allow them to focus on their studies, but realistically, in this day and age … it’s ridiculous.” Michalczyk, who is also the lead creator of the petition, encourages student organizations and any interested faculty to sign the petition. “Ever yone can sign the petition because it’s an example of standing in solidarity for the greater good of the University and the integrity of everyone,” she said. Vice Pre sident of ITS Michael Bourque has acknowledged BCAAUP’s concern and attributed the problem not to the building’s owner—the University—but to individual service providers’ decision not to provide coverage. “Cellular coverage is typically provided by the carriers and not by a building owner,” Bourque said in an email. “As most people have experienced elsewhere too, there is uneven cellular signal based on antenna coverage installed by the carriers and their partners. “To address the issue in Stokes Hall, we have worked with AT&T to install what is called a neutral host distributed antenna system (DAS),” he said. “This type of system is commonly used in stadiums, airports, tunnels, etc. so that each carrier need not deploy their own unique antennas but rather sub-lease the capacity on the neutral host DAS.” Bourque also noted that service providers like Verizon are working to make their services available in Stokes. “Currently we have implemented coverage in Stokes for AT&T users and Verizon is working through contractual arrangements to come on board also,” he said. “Cellular coverage and DAS systems represent a complex combination of business and technical challenges for us and for the carriers. We understand how frustrating poor cellular signal can be and we are working diligently to improve the situation.” n

UGBC Senators propose splitting programming from policy matters UGBC Programming, from A1 be focused on the democratically elected members of the Assembly,” Alonsozana said. While acknowledging the importance of programming, he said that programming and advocacy are not necessarily aligned. “They are two very different operations that are not necessarily mutually beneficial or mutually reinforcing,” Alonsozana said. “To allow each manner of operations to have the resources that it needs and the

structure in which it is most comfortable will lead to greater benefits for the student body as a whole. That’s my vision for moving on into the future—where you have a programming board that is very responsive to the needs of the students and has its own independent resource channel away from the politics that UGBC can sometimes be involved in and, at the same time, you have a political discussion on issues where it should matter, on issues ranging from diversity to academic reform.” During the Nov. 5 SA meeting, there was a debate on the floor as to whether or

not splitting programming was the right move for UGBC and whether or not this year is the right year to do so. “I just want to point out that we are less than 100 days into the new structure and that it isn’t perfect, but that it is also not being executed, I think, in the way that was envisioned,” said Alex Sarabia, senator and A&S ’14, at the meeting. “I think that it’s great that we are talking about structural changes that we can make, especially concerned with programming, but I think that we owe it to the organization that we are in now to make smaller improvements and see

if we can make it run more efficiently.” Chris Park and Isaac Akers, both senators and A&S ’16, along with Hagop Toghramadjian, senator and A&S ’17, spoke in favor of considering changes to the constitution this year. In addition to Sarabia, Ricky Knapp, vice president for student affairs and A&S ’14, and Tom Napoli, senator and A&S ’16, expressed doubts over whether this was the right year for the changes. “We took a lot of time and effort in last year’s UGBC to create a new constitution,” Napoli said. “Frankly, I think that it is a

little bit extreme to come up with a new constitution the next year. I’m worried that there is this issue with programming and that single issue with programming has been hijacked to change the entire constitution. I feel like we can make a change with programming without changing the entire structure.” Alonsozana has said that he plans on holding a vote by Dec. 3 in the SA. Matt Nacier, UGBC president and A&S ’14, was contacted, but declined to comment before the executive branch had met to discuss the issue internally. n

The Heights


Monday, November 11, 2013

Auslin argues Asia faces unsure future

Celebrate yourself

By Rebecca Moretti Heights Staff

Brendon Anderson I watched The Breakfast Club for probably the 11th time yesterday. It’s one of the best movies ever made. And that’s not my opinion. It’s just a fact. People always say that it’s one of those perfect teenage high school movies. Pretty much everyone put that line, “We’re all pretty bizarre, some of us are just better at hiding it,” in their yearbook. Plus there’s that hugely famous part right before “Don’t You Forget About Me” starts playing that Pitch Perfect convincingly argues is the best end to a movie ever. It’s that one that goes, “You see us as you want to see us. In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess, and a criminal.” Right on, Breakfast Club, right on. And that’s all pretty great stuff, but for some reason I was really moved by one of the not-so-famous parts of the movie. So what happens is the geek is talking about how he failed his shop class even though he took it just because it was an easy class. He has this exchange with the burnout where the burnout calls him a “f—ing idiot.” And he goes, “I’m a f—ing idiot because I can’t make a lamp.” To which the burnout replies, “No. You’re a genius because you can’t make a lamp.” And I just want to go up to the top of Gasson and ring the bells and scream these two lines across campus. Because everyone really just needs to hear it. It’s some whole big thing at BC that everyone has to be perfect at everything they do ever. If you’re not a pre-med, in an a cappella group, volunteering on average 49 hours a week, getting invited to at least four parties every weekend, and haven’t won at least two intramural championships, then you’re a failure. It’s so high pressure and competitive. It’s actually kind of scary. Once someone actually told me that he was really happy that everything at Boston College was competitive because “it’s preparing us for the real world.” Seriously? I would have laughed if it didn’t make me so incredibly sad. I guess maybe it’s just me being naive, but I don’t think that’s the world we live in. At least maybe it’s not the world we have to live in. The world’s only competitive and cutthroat if you make it that way. And even if it is, it’s certainly not “real.” Nothing about inadequacy and utility and ranking is real because nothing material is real. It’s all those immaterial feelings of worth and joy and belonging that are what’s real. The Breakfast Club is right about everything. It doesn’t matter if you can or can’t make that lamp. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t get accepted into that lab for the semester which means you won’t be able to do anything over the summer which means you’ll be totally unprepared for interviews which means you won’t get into medical school. You’re meant to do what you need to do and no more. It doesn’t matter that you can’t do something. All that matters is that you can do something. What matters is that you do do something and that you do it for someone else. So I guess what I’m trying to say is that you don’t need to constantly beat yourself up for all the things you can’t do. You need to celebrate what you can do and be happy with yourself even while you realize you can do even better. And you need to take those gifts you have and give them away, in the same way that so many others give their gifts to you. BC teaches us a lot of things, but realizing how innately good and beautiful each of us is somehow gets left off our four-year syllabus. We need a different BC—we need The Breakfast Club to teach us that.

Brendon Anderson is a staff columnist for The Heights. He can be reached at

clara lee / For the Heights

Gavriel Rosenfeld discussed modern interpretations and categorization of post-World War II Jewish architecture.

Rosenfeld assesses identity of post-Holocaust architecture By Daniel Perea-Kane For The Heights On Thursday afternoon, Gavriel Rosenfeld, professor of history and director of the undergraduate program in Judaic studies at Fairfield University, came to speak at Boston College about post-World War II Jewish architecture and how some question that categorization. Rosenfeld said that this is because these people do not consider the work of Jewish architects particularly religious or even ethnic. Rosenfeld writes about the subject at length in his book Building After Auschwitz, a finalist for the National Jewish Book Award in the category of Visual Arts. Rosenfeld began his lecture with photographs of two houses of worship, one a Protestant church designed by the Jewish architect Leopold Eidlitz and the other a synagogue designed by the Nazi sympathizer architect Philip Johnson. Johnson built the synagogue to get in good graces with the Jewish community and atone for his Nazi sympathies during the war. Rosenfeld asked the open-ended question of which architectural work is more Jewish. Rosenfeld left that question unanswered. He instead tried to answer the question of why Jewish architects such as Louis Kahn, Frank Gehry, Daniel Libeskind, and Peter Eisenman have had unprecedented post-war success. In addition to asking this question, Rosenfeld argued that their work has been particularly Jewish. The work of Jewish architects during the late ’40s, ’50s, and ’60s, however, was not particularly marked by Jewishness. Rosenfeld discussed how this affected the architecture of synagogues built during that time period. “There was a big boom in

building of synagogues conforming with modernist aesthetics that are often hostile to memory and history,” he said. According to Rosenfeld, modernism’s rebellion against historicism had the effect of making Jewish architecture more hostile to historical reference and uninterested in alluding to historical example. Rosenfeld said that Jewish architects such as Richard Neutra, Gordon Bunshaft, Marcel Breuer, and Max Abramowitz were uninterested in Jewishness and rethinking their principals in the immediate aftermath of the Holocaust. The postmodern period ushered in changes to historical memory in architecture in which a sense of loss and absence replaced stability according to Rosenfeld. “Modern architecture’s taboo against historicism was thrown out the window,” he said. “Otherwise inhibited Jewish architects began to draw on Jewish themes.” Rosenfeld also attributed some of this change to the rise of multiculturalism which allowed people from diverse backgrounds to deal more openly with the darker side of history. He also focused on a third movement, deconstructionism, which profoundly shaped Jewish concerns and attitudes of Jewish architects toward the Holocaust. “[It’s] unsettling architecture, disorienting and anxiety provoking, suitable for a post-Holocaust world,” he said. Rosenfeld quoted deconstructionist and Jewish architect Eisenman, who once said, “Since the Holocaust, we live in a world of what I call memory and imminence … it seems to me that architecture could reflect this condition symbolically.” Eisenman designed the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin. “[This memorial] blurs

boundaries between architecture and sculpture and challenges architectural premises,” Rosenfeld said. Rosenfeld pointed to other architectural works reflecting post-Holocaust Judaism such as Libeskind’s Berlin Jewish Museum, which has a fractured Star of David on its exterior. Part of the Museum is called Memory Void and illustrates the mysteries of the stories of the 500,000 German and 150,000 Berlin Jews who died in the Holocaust. Rosenfeld then asked the question of why it took 40 years for Jewish architects to sensitize to Jewish architecture. In answering the question, he focused on the backgrounds of Libeskind, Eisenman, and also Frank Gehry—whose works involving fish seems to Rosenfeld to be wrestling with Jewish identity. Rosenfeld also took question and touched on how architecture can express politics. As far as what makes architecture Jewish, Rosenfeld said he believes in authorial intent and that if architects are trying to incorporate Jewish themes, one should take them seriously. “There’s been a lot written about Post-War Germany when modernists moved away from the Nazis’ neo-classical style,” he said. “When post-modernism appeared later, they said that modernism paved the way for Nazism while some said neo-revivalism paved the way. It’s fascinating to see all the arguments people use to justify the meaning of their work.” A Holocaust survivor in attendance at the lecture, who was 14 when she was liberated from Auschwitz, praised Eisenman’s memorial. “I was amazed by the central nature of the Eisenman Memorial,” she said. “People have to look at the memorial every day as a reminder.” n

At a time when the Chinese economy is rapidly growing, one out of every three people on the planet is either Chinese or Indian, and 40 percent of the global economic output comes from Asia, it is only natural to pose the question: will Asia own the future? This exact question was the title of a talk given by Michael Auslin, an expert on Japan studies and columnist for The Wall Street Journal Asia, in the Murray Function Room on Thursday, where he explored the implications of Asia’s growing power and presence in the world. “Asia has become a natural part of our lives in a way no one could have anticipated,” he said, arguing that Asia is much more relevant now than it was 20 years ago. “Our economic present and future depend on it.” Almost immediately after achieving independence, the U.S. started reaching out to Asia, with the first merchant ship sailing from New York to Macao in 1784. “Although we’ve had long-term multi-generational alliances with Asian nations, we Americans still have a trans-Atlantic mindset,” Auslin said. “Americans thinking forward must shift the trans-Atlantic mindset and adopt a Pacific mindset.” The balance of political weight in Asia has shifted to being more democratic than not. While millions of people have been lifted out of poverty thanks to economic growth, there is still an inordinate amount of poverty. Moreover, people are beginning to feel insecure about what the future holds, and this has started a risk cycle that has proven very harmful to the region. In fact, the majority of elites in China hold foreign passports due to this sense of instability. While the days of Europe’s border fights are over, in Asia there are dozens of ongoing maritime disputes that threaten the region’s stability. This has contributed to a continuing sense of distrust among Asian nations that has prohibited the formation of supranational institutions, or the kind of political and military alliances created by European nations. China and Japan are the world’s second and third largest economies, respectively, and neither have allies in the region—or at all, besides the U.S. Although the U.S. has an alliance with some Asian nations, these nations do not have any alliance with each other to ensure their protection. As China has increasingly invested its wealth in offensive military capabilities, it has become far more assertive on its territorial claims, em-

boldening the country in a negative way, according to Auslin. China and North Korea’s nuclear power also pose a threat to stability, with North Korea—backed by China— regularly provoking South Korea. There is no good reason to justify China’s support of North Korea, Auslin said. A country like China that controls billions of people could certainly absorb some million Koreans, if the regime were to fall. The U.S. may be missing an opportunity to create stability and prosperity in Asia, as it could also be dragged down by Asia’s problems. The U.S. government, however, has already faced criticism from China, which asserts that it is being contained and disrespected, and should be playing a bigger role on the world’s stage. “The U.S. isn’t stopping China from doing anything,” Auslin said. “The U.S. is trying to get China more involved.” China often sees itself as the alternate power, however, and sides with destabilizing actors. In addition to being North Korea’s biggest supporter, China also supports Iran and Syria. Beyond political considerations, Auslin addressed the current state of economic affairs in Asia. “We always think of Asia as this great growth area, and for now that holds true,” Auslin said. China’s GDP is now growing at a rate of close to 8 percent, and although this is a lot, it is still a drop from years before. Although most Asian countries are still growing, the rate of growth is dropping every year, and this has caused a lot of dissatisfaction. In fact, economic reform may face a collapse throughout the region. “China is the engine of Asia, but it faces more problems than any of us can realize,” Auslin said. The corrupt Communist party has virtually no legitimacy anymore, he said. As a result, it has become paranoid, distracted, and has forgotten progress. In addition to these problems, the one-child policy is throwing China off a demographic cliff, as there is already a labor shortage. In order for China to face these enormous problems going forward, it has to develop a rule of law, transparency, and trust, as well as a freemarket attitude in a population not used to a free-market. These will be difficult feats. Meanwhile, the state-owned sector is growing larger than the privately owned sector. “Asia’s future is likely to be one of lower growth and higher dissatisfaction,” Auslin said. Because of its instability from a security, economic, and political standpoint, he argued, Asia will most likely not own the future. n

CSON sponsors project to plant daffodils for Boston marathon By Jennifer Suh Heights Staff Joining the effort to honor the spirit of Boston Strong and celebrate the arrival of spring, B o ston Colle ge community members volunteered Friday to plant 3,500 daffodil bulbs on Br ig hton C ampu s along Commonwealth Ave. from 1 to 5 p.m. Sponsored by the Connell School of Nursing (CSON) and Facilities Services, the event is part of the Marathon Daffodils project led by its president, Diane Valle. The project is a collaboration of nonprofit organizations, gardeners, cities and towns, organizations, businesses, and citizens in the greater Boston area. The goal of the event is to plant 100,000 daffodil bulbs along the 26.2-mile Boston Marathon route from Hopkinton to Boston. The idea of involving BC with the Marathon Daffodils project originated from Michele Hubley, staff assistant of CSON, during a staff meeting in September. Hubley and her family planted daffodil bulbs about three weeks ago in Hopkinton as a tribute to everyone in the community and her late mother. “We [CSON] quickly realized

that [the planting of daffodils along the marathon route] was a great idea for building community in the School of Nursing, and when I discussed it with the dean, we realized it was a good event for the whole University to participate in and also a community responsibility since we do occupy a large portion of the marathon route,” said Anne Severo, associate dean of finance and administration of CSON. CSON received support in planning and organizing the event from Grounds Maintenance, the Office of the Executive Vice President, the Office of Marketing Communications, and the Office of Governmental and Community Affairs. Grounds Maintenance helped by purchasing the daffodil bulbs through its wholesalers and supervising the terms of the planting. “I think my favorite part of this project is looking around and seeing all of the multi-generations—neighbors who just are stopping by to ask us what’s going on and to tell us how much they appreciate BC doing this, the little children who are toddling around with their gardening kits trying to plant some daffodils, the faculty, the staff, and the students,” said Susan Gennaro, dean of CSON, who

helped plant at the event. “This is a community, and it feels great to know that we’re going to, year after year after year, see these daffodils come up.” Daffodils are a symbol of rebirth and new beginnings, because they begin to grow at the end of winter and the start of spring. Their symbolic meaning goes in sync with the Boston Strong message. “One of the great things about daffodils and one of the reasons why daffodils are the choice [of flower for the Marathon Daffodils project]—I think—is because A, they’re beautiful and B, they don’t take any maintenance whatsoever,” Severo said. “You drop them in the ground, and hopefully they come up in the spring. Part of the message of a daffodil is that you put it in the ground, you don’t know what’s going to happen, you hope it grows to be something beautiful—and we’re really excited about just the idea of being here in the spring and looking and saying, ‘wow, we did that.’” The Marathon D af fo dil s project serves as a way to commemorate those who participated in the Boston Marathon as well as to inspire 2014 Boston Marathon participants , and Severo said she believes they

jen bishop / For the Heights

Students planted daffodils to line Comm. Ave. for the 2014 Boston marathon. hold a deeper meaning. “In my opinion, the daffodils are a simple way of representing the pain we all endure in life—the death of winter followed by the

reawakening of spring—and the strength to come back stronger and more beautiful than before, transformed by life’s most difficult moments.” n


The Heights The Heights

Monday, January 17, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

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The Heights


Love Your Body Week is among most inclusive yet The WRC’s annual week dedicated to healthy body image takes steps to address a serious issue at BC Today marks the beginning of the Women’s Resource Center’s (WRC) annual Love Your Body Week, co-sponsored by UGBC. The next five days will feature several events, programs, and campaigns geared toward improving students’ relationships with their bodies and promoting a culture of health and confidence, rather than one of low self-esteem and competition. The programs are designed to educate students on a variety of issues relating to health and body image, including eating disorders, healthy exercise habits, and the media’s impact on body image. Women’s self-esteem at Boston College has become a matter of particular concern in recent months after a survey conducted by the Office

The Women’s Resource Center has responded to growing concern over BC females’ self-perception with what seems to be the most collaborative and highly publicized Love Your Body Week in recent years. of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment revealed in February that female students leave BC with lower self-confidence than they entered with. The WRC has responded to this growing concern over BC females’ self-perception with what seems to be the most collaborative and highly publicized Love Your Body Week in recent years. Every event this week is co-sponsored by another organization on campus in order to ensure that the week’s message can reach as many students as possible. UGBC, the Freshmen

League, the SANKOFA leadership program, the Office of Health Promotion, BC Rec, the Women’s and Gender Studies Program, the Office of AHANA Student Programs, and I Am That Girl all had a hand in the planning of this week. The wide range of involved organizations is reflected in the variety of events scheduled, which include one focusing on the portrayal of women of color in the media, and an event geared specifically toward men. The level of inclusion demonstrated in the organization of this week is indicative of the cooperation necessary to transform BC’s culture into one that promotes a healthy body image. Additionally, this year’s Love Your Body Week will, as it has in the past, feature a number of highly visible campaigns around campus that aim to get everyone—whether or not they may attend any of the events—aware of and thinking about Love Your Body Week’s mission. Such visibility is an important factor in starting conversations about the way in which BC’s culture discourages healthy body image and may negatively affect the mental health of students. This issue is one inherent in the student culture, and therefore cannot be fixed overnight. By including as many people as possible in Love Your Body Week, the WRC is taking an important step toward addressing the fundamental issues at hand that perpetuate poor self-esteem in relation to body image on this campus. The WRC cannot singlehandedly alter the student culture, however. For this week to have a lasting effect, students must attend the events and engage with the issues presented. True progress on this issue will be the result of a collective shift toward attitudes and practices that support every BC student’s selfconfidence, not just those that fit the stereotypes—for both males and females—that society, the media, and even peers teach students are best.

Gold Pass momentum should carry into winter Rewards points and new seating section offer incentives to draw students to basketball games It was a disappointing weekend for the Boston College men’s basketball team. After battling with the Providence Friars and new defensive rules for two halves and overtime on Friday night, BC lost by four points. Things got worse yesterday, as the team was severely outplayed in the second half and fell to UMass 86-73. Still, despite the 0-2 start, students have plenty of reasons to take advantage of BC’s two games at Conte Forum this week, in particular the home-opener on Thursday night. The new seating arrangement in Conte will debut on Thursday. Basketball is an entirely different game when watched from up close, and the athletic department has given students access to prime seating with the new setup. The first 166 students through the doors will receive wristbands that grant them access to the new sideline seats running opposite the team benches. Any students who show up after the wristbands run out will have access to seats behind the back boards, which have been pushed right up to the baseline of the court. Both games will also have Gold Pass points offered for attendance. The Gold Pass has helped promote attendance at BC’s non-revenue sports so far this year, and it has also led to more packed crowds at football and hockey home games. It is now more convenient for students to attend games, and the potential to accrue reward points in the hope of admission to high demand games offers an added incentive to at-

tend games that perhaps would have been bypassed normally. But the Gold Pass, more so than anything else, can have the greatest effect on basketball attendance, which has plummeted the past few years. The team hasn’t been competitive, and that fact, coupled with students’ busy schedules on week nights and the inconvenience of paper ticketing, led to perpetually empty seats in the student section. Now, there are multiple reasons to attend. For one, BC can hardly afford another consecutive loss. It is easy for students to roll their eyes at an 0-2 start and dismiss the basketball team, but it is a long season, and two games will not decide its fate. Crowds at the games make a difference. Rather than having a wait-and-see attitude about the team, students should realize that a real home court advantage could make Conte Forum fun again, in addition to helping BC break out of its slow start. Students also have the incentive to attend games so that they can earn reward points for the BU hockey game next semester, the Beanpot, and the high-demand basketball games like Syracuse, Duke, and Notre Dame. The Gold Pass has helped make BC games into more of an event than they used to be. Students have begun planning in advance, making sure their friends will be free for games with the added ease of only having to swipe an ID. That same mentality should apply to basketball.



The Independent Student Newspaper of Boston College Established 1919 David Cote, Editor-in-Chief Jamie Ciocon, General Manager Joseph Castlen, Managing Editor


Kendra Kumor, Copy Editor Eleanor Hildebrandt, News Editor Austin Tedesco, Sports Editor Michelle Tomassi, Features Editor Sean Keeley, Arts & Review Editor Tricia Tiedt, Metro Editor Mary Rose Fissinger, Opinions Editor Samantha Costanzo, Special Projects Editor Graham Beck, Photo Editor Lindsay Grossman, Layout Editor

Monday, November 11, 2013

Letters to the Editor A time to be proactive Before Chris Christie was a twice-elected governor of New Jersey, he was the student body president of the University of Delaware. After his presidential inauguration, Christie stated, “I think it’s about time that the student government becomes proactive rather than reactive. We have been a good reactive group, but we now need to be an initiator.” Though you may disagree with his politics, Chris Christie’s words are applicable to UGBC. We have been a good reactive group, but the time has come for us to be proactive. Of course, this is easier said than done. To be proactive, UGBC must be deliberate, open, and willing to engage in discussion. Thus far, those of us in UGBC have neglected to use the Student Assembly as a vehicle to question the status quo, engage in elevated debate, and fulfill our mission to become the premier forum for advocacy at Boston College. Don’t get me wrong, we have done a lot. I’m proud of the 32 resolutions that have hit the floor. I’m proud of the initiatives we’ve put on. I’m proud of the outreach we’ve performed, and I’m proud of how far we’ve come both individually and as a collective group. Despite these accomplishments, though, a part of me worries that we might miss an opportunity—an opportunity to truly effect change at BC. I’m here to debate the notion that UGBC does not matter, that elections do not have consequences, and that we are not agents of change. Put simply, we are and we have been for decades. As editorialized in The Heights in 1982: “BC student-oriented administrating is important, and certainly it is UGBC’s duty to provide enjoyable social programming, yet that is by no means where the job ends. There is a world out there full of problems and injustices, and it is up to the Undergraduate Government to address these issues and lead the students of BC into active and conscientious participation in their resolution.” This mission, I’m honored to say, has been the focus of many previous UGBC administrations. In 1968, BC students petitioned the administration to successfully form UGBC. Soon after UGBC’s formation, the initial student caucus orchestrated a boycott of classes to protest the Vietnam War. Later that year, the president of UGBC led a march on St. Mary’s Hall to protest the denial of tenure to a female theology professor. Noting the opposition, the administration overturned its decision and granted tenure to the professor. In 1970, students of the Black Talent Search program took over Gasson Hall to highlight the struggles of AHANA students at BC. Throughout the early 1970s, UGBC held “green-ins” to protest environmental degradation and deforestation. In the mid 1970s, UGBC protested the lack of academic freedom on campus and the lack of student input on

tenure decisions, which led to student representation on the tenure committee. During the late 1970s, UGBC lobbied the Board of Trustees to divest from companies associated with apartheid South Africa. In 1977, UGBC organized over 3,000 students to protest the fifth year of consecutive tuition increases. Within 48 hours and after relentless chants of “For Boston, For Boston, We’re Paying Through the Nose,” the Board of Trustees surrendered and reduced the tuition increase. In 1982, UGBC’s president traveled to Washington, D.C. to lobby against the Reagan administration’s cuts to financial aid. Two years later, in 1984, UGBC again hosted rallies to successfully protest tuition increases and the lack of student input in university decisions. In 1988, UGBC held a rally in the Dustbowl to protest Boston’s decision to ban kegs on college campuses. Later that night, students invited Channel 7 news to an illegal keg party in what is now Rubenstein Hall. Although BC’s level of activism has never reached the same levels of schools like UC Berkeley, UGBC has had a successful streak of student activism throughout its time. Unfortunately, as BC’s demographics began to change, so did its level of activism. By the early 1990s, students turned their concerns away from social justice, student rights, and policy matters toward finding a job. As one BC student put it, “Disinterest is the principal passion of BC students.” Reflecting back on UGBC’s history—one of activism and advocacy work—we must also reflect on ourselves. Are those of us in UGBC going to continue to be a reactive body, or are we going to follow in the footsteps of our predecessors and begin to be proactive? Are we going to continue to allow outside forces to shape our agenda, or are we going to chart our own path? As a Christie-admirer who voted for Mitt Romney in the last election, I’m not advocating for radical demonstrations. I am suggesting, however, that as the elected body of BC we have an obligation to honor the past and continue the legacy on behalf of the undergraduate student body. To do this, we must begin by pushing our limits, stepping out of our comfort zones, challenging precedents and the status quo, and engaging with each other. The time for discussion is here and I call on everyone in UGBC to partake. We owe it to the thousands of students who have served in UGBC before us and the thousands of students who will serve after us. Most importantly, we owe it to the students of BC. With that said, I end by asking, “What do you want the students of the class of 2045 to say about our time here at Boston College?” Chris Marchese President Pro Tempore, Student Assembly, UGBC A&S ’15

The following letter is in response to “Fall concert took $112,000 loss with lowest turnout in three years” by Andrew Skaras, originally published on 11/7/13:

Four questions we should be asking after the 2013 fall concert On Thursday, Nov. 7, 2013, The Heights reported that the 2013 Fall Concert took a $112,000 loss with the lowest turnout in years, selling just 955 tickets. Although the concept of losing $112,000 in a single night on a concert of average music sends my blood pressure through the roof, I am more concerned with the way that the “Fall Concert Fact Finding Committee” (FCFFC) approached the aftermath of the event. In my opinion, the FCFFC has chosen to focus their investigative efforts on a number of issues that fail to adequately address the more significant problems with the concerts. I’d like to invite discussion on the following four questions that I think might help us better understand the nature of the problem of the financial loss of the 2013 Fall Concert and other concerts at Boston College. 1. Why is it “normal” for these concerts to lose money? Should losing between $23,000 and $131,000 in one night ever be normal for anything? There are endless examples of ways to make better use of such massive quantities of money—for example, paying for one semester of tuition at $22,435 (think of how many semesters $131,000 could pay for). Other worthwhile on-campus causes include funding the initiatives of student organizations, funding service trips and providing more financial aid to students in need. I don’t intend to list all of the other possible uses of large sums of money, but I think the reality of the situation is clear: there has been an egregious amount of money lost over the past three years and a multitude of better ways to use it. 2. What is the value of these concerts to the student body? I don’t know what the answer is to this question but if I were to speculate, I think ideally, a large-scale event like this should provide an enjoyable, safe, and positive community building experience for the BC campus. It should be something that promotes positive energy through the shared experience of attending a concert of great music with the other members of one’s school. Through my observations, these concerts encourage more reckless behavior than genuine campus camaraderie. Excessive alcohol consumption (which these concerts often encourage), I think, is something that does not have any ultimate “value.” Any “value” derived from excessive alcohol consumption is only superficial and is not creating a greater sense of community. I should also note that this year’s Fall Concert reported having no medical transports. To this I say

great job BC, but this should be the norm. What does it say about our community if there is an expectation that students will be transported to the hospital/infirmary at every major event? 3. In any case, if these concerts do positively contribute to campus-wide camaraderie, how can we make them as meaningful as possible to as much of the campus as possible? It sounds like the FCFFC is beginning to think about this, but is overemphasizing the importance of internal procedures in making the event more successful. For example, according to the findings released at a weekly Student Assembly meeting, “All technical aspects from the sound to the lighting to the seating arrangements were executed with near perfection .... Boston College should applaud the efforts of this year’s on-campus programming branch and look forward to seeing the great events that this truly capable, experienced team has planned for the future.” This sort of focus in the wake of a $112,000 loss is insulting. It is like saying that it is mainly important to realize that deck chairs on the Titanic were in perfect order when the ship was sinking—it’s completely missing the issue. 4. Beginning to think more externally, how do other schools of comparable size put on large-scale events and are there instances in which massive quantities of money are not lost in these events? Ideally, we would at least break even after such an event. Can this “break-even” ideal be achieved through better marketing of the event to the campus, better expense control, etc.? I think that the planning of these events should have a balance of external and internal focus as opposed to the primarily internal focus of the SA report. Past methods of planning have not produced acceptable financial results, thus it is time to look outside of BC for answers. In conclusion, I do not mean to personally belittle or demean anyone involved in the planning of these events; however, I do intend to be highly critical of the planning and investigative process. I hope that these questions stimulate some lateral thought and conversation on the planning of these large-scale events. After all, it is unfair to the entire BC community when our precious resources are needlessly lost and when we are not being extremely thorough in our investigative efforts to prevent future losses.

The Heights welcomes Letters to the Editor not exceeding 400 words and column submissions that do not exceed 700 words for its op/ed pages. The Heights reserves the right to edit for clarity, brevity, accuracy, and to prevent libel. The Heights also reserves the right to write headlines and choose illustrations to accompany pieces submitted

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Jonathan Mott A&S ’14

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The Heights

Monday, November 11, 2013


Skin deep

Saljooq Asif Cups Of Happiness - It’s officially the best time of year: Starbucks has switched to its winter-themed cups. We can’t quite explain it, but this switch always brings us immense joy. Just holding that warm, red, Styrofoam cup ensures us that life is good. It is a symbol of all things cozy, of relaxing and watching a good movie with friends as the cold continues to bear down on the outside world. It creates a fortress around us that only good cheer and warm smiles can penetrate. It transforms winter from something formidable into an old friend, welcoming us into its embrace after a long eight or so months apart. You’re Beautiful - It’s Love Your Body Week once again, and we for one are happy about it. We enjoy being told repeatedly that we are beautiful, and we propose a Love Your Body Year. Tell someone they are beautiful today. Paramore’s Prime - We’re going to throw a thumbs up at Paramore. Why not? While many of us remember the band from our emo/preteen angst stages of life in the seventh grade, it has recently shown us that it is so much more than just an outlet for 12-year-old frustration. Hayley Williams has some pipes, and this makes us a little psyched that we may or may not have seen them live for $10 eight years ago … no big deal. Labyrinth Library - We were wondering the other day if any student has actually traversed every inch of O’Neill Library. That place is mammoth. For example, have you been to the far corners of the third floor, the corners closest to Devlin and the million dollar stairs? We suspect many of you have not. Some of you are probably trying to picture it now and failing miserably. What about the maze of shelves that stand between the trafficked areas of the first floor and the bathrooms, which you track down deliberately, coming close to disbelief in their existence that, until you finally set your eyes upon them, is hinted at only by the few signs that claim the “restrooms” are just a little further along the direction of that arrow. And these restrooms seem utterly conspicuous when compared to the elevator. Extra credit if you could direct someone to that. We are also sure that there are hundreds of students who have not set foot in the Connor’s Family Learning Center since orientation, and probably even a few who think that it’s the same thing as the CTRC. Also, did you know there are classrooms in O’Neill? We bet you didn’t. Our point: thank you, O’Neill, for being a source of constant mystery and amazement, never getting old or boring. But we are a little disappointed we didn’t know about you when we were seven and could have played the most epic game of hide and seek ever.

Break Up - Robin Thicke is apparently dead set against ever performing with Miley Cyrus again. Or, that’s what we gathered at least, when he reportedly responded to questions about it with, “Oh no, no no no. No no, definitely no, definitely not.” This is probably a good thing, but we have to give it a thumbs down because, as Justin Bieber has taught us, you should never say never.

Like Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down? Follow us @BCTUTD

Since my friends and I are probably the coolest people you’ll ever meet, we hosted a little party in our dorm room about two weeks ago. And together, the 16 of us huddled around the television screen and watched the Blu-ray Diamond Edition of The Little Mermaid. And it was magical. What child of the ’90s doesn’t love Disney’s The Little Mermaid? Nearly everyone has witnessed the story of Ariel, the prominent red-headed mermaid who longs to be human. Nearly everyone can hum along to the infectious songs, be it “Under the Sea” or “Kiss the Girl.” And I bet nearly everyone has heard the scathing criticism of Disney princesses as well. Let’s face it—the amount of outcry over the Disney princesses in the past couple of years has grown so much that it’s impossible not to notice. In fact, just last month The Heights featured a column detailing the “problem” with Disney princesses and how “Disney has no incentive to elevate the role of women.” Indeed, the Disney Princess franchise itself—established in the late 1990s and featuring a lineup of fictional heroines who have appeared in Disney animated feature films—has been the subject of continued condemnation, with many censuring its pervasive influence. In her 2006 article published in The New York Times, author Peggy Orenstein points out that the brand, which includes more than 25,000 Disney Princess items, is rapidly “on its way to becoming the largest girls’ franchise on the planet.” But I guess the main problem is found not in the franchise but in the Disney princesses themselves, women who constantly fulfill feminine stereotypes and bow down to patriarchal authority. Many detractors, particularly feminists, assert that the princesses are negative role models for young girls. As Tamara Weston of TIME magazine claims,

most of the princesses “spend much of their movies as damsels in distress, waiting to be saved by men.” The critics seem to have a point, don’t they? Most of the Disney princesses are characterized by sexist undertones. Ariel from The Little Mermaid may defy her father and act independently, but she sacrifices her voice and alters her body to win the love of a man. Belle from 1991’s Beauty and the Beast, a headstrong woman who loves to read, has been labeled “a victim of oppressive masculinities and patriarchal cultures.” And let’s not forget Jasmine from 1992’s Aladdin—though born and raised in the Arab-influenced city of Agrabah, she remains one of the most overtly sexualized Disney princesses to date. Even my most favorite princess, Pocahontas from the 1995 film of the same name, has been the target of scornful criticism. As a child, I loved to watch as she teaches John Smith how to “paint with all the colors of the wind”—at least, that’s what I saw when I first watched the Academy Award-winning movie. Unfortunately, feminist critics continue to lambast the film and are “appalled by the buxom babe makeover of the title protagonist, who was in fact only a little girl when John Smith was part of the Jamestown settlement.” It seems that the main faults of the Disney princesses, according to critics, are that they reinforce traditional gender roles, submit to patriarchy, and constantly emphasize beauty. After all, there has to be a legitimate reason why an event entitled “Beauty: The Real Beast” is being held this Wednesday as a part of Love Your Body Week that is going to “analyze the way the way media (and Disney specifically) manipulate our understandings of beauty from a very young age.” Clearly, the Disney princesses must be terrible role models for young children, especially girls, right? Think again. I would be lying if I said the above statements are inaccurate or unfounded. How can you avoid the fact that Ariel mutilates herself to find a man, and that Belle may be a victim of an abusive relationship? It can even be said that Jasmine’s greatest sense of authority manifests itself when she tries to seduce and trick the villain, and that Pocahontas may in fact

epitomize western fascination with “exotic” women. But to malign the princesses and decisively say they represent absolutely nothing good? That would be entirely foolish as well. Earlier last month, writer Mark Tapson wrote a piece for Acculturated entitled “In Defense of Disney Princesses”—a piece I recommend everyone should read. Tapson argues, “Disney movies aren’t telling girls that they should limit their aspirations to becoming princesses … they are teaching them to adopt the values of Disney princesses.” Disney doesn’t promote its princesses as career role models, but instead depicts them as moral role models—and isn’t morality what we should instill within our children, girls and boys? Why do we condemn Ariel, the mermaid who rescues a man from drowning and sees the good in an entirely different world? And although some may say Belle is controlled by the masculine forces around her, doesn’t she sacrifice herself for her father and discover the true beauty within a monster? Even Princess Jasmine, whose midriff is anything but appropriate for the Middle East, sympathizes with a “street rat” and realizes that the law preventing her from marrying a commoner is “stupid.” And of course, what about Pocahontas? The respective film delivers a profound message against intolerance and prejudice, spearheaded by an equally powerful heroine. “This is where the path of hatred has brought us,” Pocahontas declares during the film’s climax, in spite of her flowing hair and long legs. Pocahontas becomes a bridge between two worlds and urges us to accept one another “whether we are white or copper-skinned.” And in today’s fractured world, is that really a bad message? You can make a decent defense about how and why Disney princesses are terrible role models, but you can’t say they’re unethical characters. You don’t need to be a child to see that they’re champions of quintessential love. Sure, the princesses may be dolled up and looking glamorous, but shouldn’t we look beyond that?

Saljooq Asif is a staff columnist for The Heights. He can be reached at opinions@

Art: set to self-destruct Ben Miyamoto “[ALL ART HAS BEEN CONTEMPORARY]” blares the bright blue neon letters of Maurizio Nannucci’s installation piece in the Cohen Galleria of the Museum of Fine Arts. This seems hard to believe as I pause in front of a giant silver box titled “Endlessly Repeating Twentieth Century Modernism.” The contemporary art wing jostles me from a pleasant trip through the “non-contemporary art” world into an unsettling set of questions: why is this in an art museum? Does this mean anything? Did the artist get paid for this? A stroll through the contemporary art section of the MFA feels like being caught in a world as paradoxically absurd as Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland—why is there a talking caterpillar on a mushroom and why is he smoking a water pipe? It feigns to be steeped in meaning, but all of it is beyond reach. In another wing, the impressionists’ room with Renoir, Monet, and Degas is as familiar and homey as “The Starry Night,” (a print of which hangs in every middle school art classroom across the U.S. and colors the backdrop of the DVD case of Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris). The walls are filled with paintings that make sense, that are familiar. No formal art education is necessary to feel at home among the impressionist pieces. The soft landscapes and the emotive portraits seen for the first time, evoke a feeling of remembrance, as if they had been seen before. Perhaps they have been seen, but only as part of the subconsciously absorbed backdrop of our popular culture, drawn from public domain caches for the billboards, textbooks, or commercials. What is strange about the Impressionists’ room is that, in its time, it would have drawn the kind of reactions from viewers that the contemporary wing of the MFA

Bird Flew

draws from visitors today. Confusion, discomfort, and uncertainty would likely have met those who observed the impressionist works while expecting a realist depiction of landscapes and poised figures. The conspicuous strokes, vibrant colors, and subjective quality of impressionist paintings clashed with the dominant artistic culture during the impressionist nascence. The dominant culture stressed a nearly photorealist depiction of life on the canvas. Impressionism drew more attention to the medium used and rejected the idea that looking at a canvas should be like looking at life through the window of the canvas’ frame. The artistic cycle that pushes “contemporary art” into the limelight, popularizes it, and then offers it a spot on the mantle of Middle America is ever-churning. It happens not only to visual art, but to fashion, architecture, literature, music, film—everything. The artists and creative minds on the edge of the current artistic paradigm drive art into its next stage. The metaphors often deployed to describe these “creative geniuses” are telling—they are on “the fringe,” “pushing the boundaries,” “at the brink.” These descriptions all put our leading artists at an edge or threshold. It seems as though they teeter, with no assured balance, on the precipice of greatness, walking a narrow line between inconsequential tinkering and groundbreaking achievement. The precarious position of the artist on the ledge is equally responsible for the fame adorning household names like Da Vinci, Andy Warhol, and E.E. Cummings as it is for the unfulfilled dreams of the innumerable lot whom history has forgotten (because they toppled off the edge into obscurity). Even artists whose names are known in their time have no certainty that their name will be remembered. The dream of every talent is to shape the history of their genre, to influence the artists after them, to draw their art into a new era, and to be remembered, at least by those who care about the art. The worry about one’s legacy, the institutionalization of one’s art, can create

a gargantuan problem for the artist’s sense of self. It is the instability on fame’s ledge, I believe, which causes so many of our icons to tumble into horrific publicity stunts, other unsettling displays of egotism, or self-destructive acts (e.g. Britney Spears, Charlie Sheen, Hemmingway, and Kurt Cobain). There is a constant need of selfreflection, realignment, and reinvention for the artists on the fringe. Moving too far from the norms of popular culture will cause them to drift into inconsequence, while staying too close to the norms will have them perceived as an inauthentic, forgettable copy of everything else. It is only those who tirelessly pour into their art either in certainty about or indifferent to the public opinion, who make it to the limelight—the first is in danger of identity crisis as certainty about what the public thinks, and what needs to change, necessitates that the artist constantly reshape her “image” to lead the public along the path to the new paradigm she is establishing. An indifference to what the public thinks increases the risk that the art will become out of touch and cease to communicate with anyone but the artist and her friends. So, when Kanye says, “I will go down as the voice of this generation, of this decade, I will be the loudest voice,” it may be pompous, overly-arrogant, and perhaps incorrect, but it is not far from John Lennon’s statement that “if being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or music, then in that respect you can call me that.” Both display the type of self-recognition necessitated by the perpetual process of reinvention. This egotism allowed Lennon to thrive at the fringe of the artistic world and eventually earn a permanent place in the legacy of music. Time will tell what will define our generation’s egoism. If Kanye’s, or anyone’s, project is enshrined like Lennon’s, it will only happen through the consent of the dominant majority culture. We decide how we will be remembered.

Ben Miyamoto is a staff columnist for The Heights. He can be reached at opinions@


The opinions and commentaries of the staff columnists and cartoonists appearing on this page represent the views of the author or artist of that particular piece, and not necessarily the views of The Heights. Any of the columnists and artists for the Opinions section of The Heights can be reached at

Calvin and Hobbes on life Matthew Beckwith Next week will mark the 28th anniversary of the publication of Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes comic strip. If you are like me, you love the strip as an exemplar of genius shining through in a childlike medium. If you have never read the strip, you need to. The strip possesses a strange magical quality that I cannot describe. Suffice to say that as you read, you know you have picked up something special and silly that appeals not just to the kid in you, but the good in you. If you don’t like Calvin and Hobbes, I’m sorry that you have mashed potatoes for brains, and I’m certain that you are a “Moe” (a reference my fellow Calvin and Hobbes fans will understand.) Calvin and Hobbes is wonderful because the strip ages with you. It follows Calvin, a six-year-old with a tiger named Hobbes, who appears to be just a stuffed animal to every character but Calvin, who sees him as a real anthropomorphic tiger who walks, talks, and reads comics. He’s like Garfield, if Garfield wasn’t a single-joke dullard. Watterson explained Hobbes nature by saying “I’m juxtaposing the ‘grownup’ version of reality with Calvin’s version, and inviting the reader to decide which is truer.” The strip sees Hobbes tackle Calvin and eat sandwiches, and yet Hobbes is also sewn up and washed in the dryer. His exact nature is never explained, and is part of the magic of the strip. The literal scope of the strip is so small, only dealing with the home life and schooling of a single young boy, but the soul of the strip is the reflection of the complexity of the world. In this way, the strip is both high and low art at once. A comic strip is an inherently pedestrian art form, accessible to all sorts of people. And certainly Calvin’s experience is incredibly middle class. His mother is a homemaker and his father is a patent attorney, and the family lives on the edge of the suburbs. There is nothing too remarkable about that scene, and if anything, the home life would be stagnant if it wasn’t for the explosive imagination on display visually and verbally on every panel. It is here that the panel can claim to be high art. Through the mouthpiece of Calvin and his six-year-old imagination (which is unburdened by the mental confines that come with age and cynicism), Watterson can tackle all sorts of highbrow material. The strip tackles the issues that accompany scientific empirical study, environmental issues, and deep philosophical quandaries. There is no more obvious example that the strip is intent on dealing with heavy philosophical issues than in the names of Calvin and Hobbes. As typical with the strip, they may not appear extraordinary on the surface, but they are rich in symbolism. Calvin is named after John Calvin, the 16th-century theologian, and this is why, despite his youth, he has an extraordinarily developed mind. Hobbes is named for Thomas Hobbes, because Watterson wanted his animal character to embrace Hobbes’ “dim view of human nature.” The whole strip works on layer after layer, exploring the adult world with the mind of a precocious child. Calvin walks around the world exploring the brilliance and wonder in a life in the doldrums. School becomes a fantastic experience when dinosaurs are suddenly bursting in through the walls, or nuclear weapons are being dropped on your school to prevent you from having to tell your teacher that you did not do your bug collection assignment. (Calvin tried to pass off a button and a piece of lint as bugs after he attempted to buy another student’s project for a nickel.) Or Calvin can turn into his superhero alter ego, Stupendous Man, and fight the enemies of humanity, which include his mother, his teacher, and his baby-sitter. Stupendous Man only won “moral victories” over the course of his illustrious sporting career. Personally, Stupendous Man is one of my favorite parts of the whole strip. To me, the concept of an anonymous boy hiding his true superhero self is fantastic and perfect for this series. Watterson is a famous recluse. Since ending Calvin and Hobbes at the height of its popularity, he has turned away all media and fans from his door and refused millions of dollars in offers to merchandize his work. He has consistently stated that he does not want to reduce the value of his work, and I am thankful for this. Some things are better left untouched. My writing does not come close to capturing the intelligence, humor, and emotion of Calvin and Hobbes, but I hope you consider turning to it. If the strip has taught readers anything, it is that escaping into an imaginary world can be extraordinary, and for my money, I think that Calvin’s world is as extraordinary as they come.

Matthew Beckwith is a staff columnist for The Heights. He can be reached at

The Heights


Monday, November 11, 2013

Marvel hammers out familiar superhero structure in ‘Dark World’ By Ryan Schmitz For The Heights

The Marvel universe is back with another installment of the ongoing saga between the various members of The Avengers and the ever-increasingly dangerous foes that somehow keep presenting themselves. In the new blockbuster, Thor: The Dark World, Chris Hemsworth dusts off his red cape and comes back as the Asgardian hero, Thor: The Dark Thor. The film presents a World: whole new set Alan Taylor of challenges, Walt Disney this time more Studios difficult to overcome than ever. With its signature witty battle banter and rousing action scenes, The Dark World has just about everything you would come to expect from a Marvel superhero movie. Marvel has done very well for itself in the last few years. With the success of The Avengers as well as the recent Iron Man 3, the studio was coming into the newest episode with plenty of momentum. In The Dark World we find both our hero and his love interest, Jane Foster, played


by Natalie Portman, still dealing with the effects of the first Thor and The Avengers. With the villain Loki now in Asgardian prison, it appears all is finally becoming well. But when Jane accidentally stumbles into a world she does not understand in the search for Thor, she unknowingly sets off a chain of events more devastating than she could have ever imagined. Unfortunately for the inhabitants of the universe, this one human awakens a villain that actually predates the universe—one that has been asleep for thousands of years and is now finally awake and ready to take vengeance. There was plenty of action to be found, which one would come to expect from a Marvel film. The fight scenes were phenomenal, with exciting special effects and more than enough bad guy bashing to satisfy the always carnage-hungry audience. Just like in any good superhero movie, an unsuspecting city was absolutely torn up in the process. This time it was London, but fear not, it was for the greater good. The film also did a great job of integrating plenty of comedy into what could otherwise be a pretty rough premise. The writers managed to keep things light, despite all the death and destruction going

on throughout. The dialogue was made even more effective by the absolutely stunning performance of Tom Hiddleston as the god of mischief, Loki. Hiddleston was without a doubt the best part of this movie, playing the role of comic relief as well as keeping an air of mystery to the film with his always unpredictable schemes. He was able to go from calm and collected to filled with rage, seamlessly making his performance the stand out of the film. If there was anyone on the fence about going to see The Dark World, Tom Hiddleston’s Loki should be the edge that brings you to the theater. In spite of the solid action and witty banter that Marvel movies often boast—and this movie was not short on either—there were some pretty large flaws. The pacing of the film was pretty difficult to keep up with. With a running time just shy of two hours, the whole film seemed rushed, leaving out important opportunities for character development and exposition. Not only that, but it appeared that the director and cinematographer took a page out of George Lucas’ book, with many scenes looking like they were cut out of one of the new Star Wars movies. When

photo courtesy of Walt Disney Studios

‘Thor’ sequel is a classically crafted Marvel film that fails to pound through its own identity. thinking of the Norse gods that these characters are supposed to represent, one rarely pictures them with giant lasers that defend the city from attacking enemy space ships, but that is exactly what The Dark World offered. All in all, the heavy science fiction effects weakened the film and made the plot slightly tougher to take seriously. Though the newest adventure in

what has been and what will continue to be a long Marvel storyline did have its fair share of flaws, the film was fairly successful, especially with the standout performance from Hiddleston. The movie was exciting and visually very beautiful, but its sloppy plot and Star Wars rip-off effects prevent it from being anything more than another average Marvel flick. n

‘About Time’ is fond, but fleeting drama


Box office report title

photo Courtesy of Universal Pictures

Exploring time travel, but ignoring its nuance, ‘About Time’ fails to find life beyond its Hallmark card appeal, in spite of a strong leading performance. By John Wiley

Asst. Arts & Review Editor Oscar season is nigh, and with it comes a pretentious lot. About Time is an interruption—a structurally sound, artistically conservative time-traveler drama written and directed by Richard Curtis (Love Actually, Bridget Jones’s About Time: Diary). The film sacrifices Richard Curtis greatness for Universal goodness, a Pictures compromise responsible for some of its strengths and many of its shortcomings. Domhnall Gleeson—who is perhaps remembered best for his work as Bill Weasley in the Harry Potter film series—gives an extraordinary performance in the role of Tim, a young, soft-spoken lawyer with a romantic mind and a crude composure. Bill Nighy (Love Actually, Davy Jones from the Pirates of the Caribbean series) complements Gleeson well, playing his father in the film. The film’s premise is introduced when at his 21st birthday, Tim is informed by his father that the men of his family all share the gift of time travel, a capability restricted to the memories of one’s life. Tim is able to reenter any given moment of his life, change his course of action, and thus modify the consequence of that moment. Tim’s father, a retired professor, is a bookish man who uses this power to accomplish lifetimes worth of reading. Tim, himself a


romantic, decides to use this power to find true love. About Time contains elements of the classic romantic comedy, but decidedly maintains its form as a drama. The time traveling concept is used as a crucial plot device, but is given little explanation, and much of the film is similarly simplified to fit in a Hallmark card, its themes tying together perhaps too neatly. While working in London, Gleeson’s character meets Mary (Rachel McAdams), a character the film quite explicitly reveals as Tim’s main love interest moments after the two first see each other. Mary is a professional reader, an outspoken fan of Kate Moss, unconventional, trendy, spontaneous—extrapolate from here. The awkward guy, liberating girl cliche seems to be the special sauce required to create a compelling romance in less than five minutes, an ever-attractive formula for writers looking to shave their risk in writing two characters. The most interesting point of About Time’s love story is how damn creepy it is. Essentially, Tim uses his time traveling abilities to stalk McAdam’s character, to make discoveries on her personal details and interests to approach her, uninvited at a party, and woo her into a sexual encounter. Then later, during that initial sexual encounter, he revisits the situation three times to optimize the outcome. The film seems to try to skirt the weirdness of it all, at one point qualifying that time travel cannot be used to make two people fall in love—but this seems a strange statement going contrary to the very essence of the movie.

For an unexplained reason, Tim and his father keep their time traveling ability secret from their spouses, even as they use it to manipulate some of the most important aspects of their marriages—at one point, Tim’s time traveling changes the sperm that fertilizes his firstborn child, and thus changes the gender of his firstborn child, a mistake he quickly remedies and never even thinks of telling Mary, who is then his wife. There is a whole dimension of moral ambiguity behind the film that, in its clean packaging, seems unwilling to confront. Were the movie 90 minutes long, this would be an understandable omission. Clocking in at 123 minutes, however, About Time gives an unjustifiably shoddy treatment to many of its most pressing themes. The greatest strength of About Time is the father-son chemistry between Nighy and Gleeson—their exchanges are the most honest, beautifully shot moments of the film. At its core, About Time is a story of fatherhood. While there’s little worth noting in the casual passing on of the time traveling ability, there’s careful treatment to the passing of fatherly responsibilities. It’s a dismal science, pushing and prodding the themes of About Time to try to expose something beyond its sweet, sentimental exchanges. Any attempt to read too far into the nuance of a Hallmark card will surely undermine its sentiments. In a season of ambitious films, About Time is a conservative attempt that’s less about content, and more about message—at moments good, but never great. n

weekend gross

weeks in release

1. Thor: The Dark World



2. Jackass Presents: Bad grandpa



3. Free Birds



4. Last Vegas



5. Ender’s Game



6. Gravity



7. 12 Years A Slave



8. Captain Phillips



9. About Time




3 photos courtesy of Google images

bestsellers of hardcover fiction 1. SYCAMORE ROW John Grisham 2. After Dead Charlaine Harris 3. The Goldfinch Donna Tartt 4. Winners Danielle Steel 5. Doctor Sleep Stephen King

6. The Longest Ride Nicholas Spark 7. Accused Lisa Scottoline 8. S. Doug Dorst 9. We Are Water Wally Lamb 10. Indentical Scott Turow

‘Blue Is the Warmest Color’ paints striking portrait of sexuality By Logan Wren For The Heights

Having won multiple prizes and widespread praise at the Cannes Film Festival this year, Blue Is the Warmest Color is a beautiful, passionate, striking movie—a lesbian coming-of-age story whose warmly real, sensually exceptional performances and directing place this Abdellatif Kechiche Blue Is The creation in a Warmest Color: place of unique esteem. Abdellatif The film, Kechiche Quat’sous Films originally titled La vie d’Adele, is just that: a chronicle of the life of Adele (Adele Exarchopoulos) from late high school, when she meets her first female lover, a girl with dyed blue hair named Emma (Lea Seydoux), to her early adult life. Over the course of the film that relationship lunges, gropes, and dances forward with the physical passion of light caresses, intimate intertwining bodies, and playful tongues, but eventually begins to lose some of its practicality and form—but never its overwhelming memory of ecstasy. In order to pull away bedroom sheets, it


must be said outright that this movie contains an unusual amount of explicit sex—it is a French film in more than its language. Not that any college student would care much about copulatory reverence, but I must make this defense: the sex in this film is not lewd and should not be dismissed as pornographic fodder. It is a beautiful, comfortable, and passionate part of the film. The difficulty of finding a word in English to describe the intensity and the pathos of the sex without any of the negative, rather Christian connotations of wickedness, perversion, and licentiousness is unfortunate and a fact that the movie stands against. Three hours of on-and-off sex is a hard thing for a director and an even harder thing for performers, but Exarchopoulos and Seydoux give such life, character, reality, and immediacy to their roles that I am still reeling from the sensation. Their chemistry is taut, like a coiled spring, ready to explode into vigorous sex at any moment—and explode it does. The movie is not just about sex, either. It is a movie about relationships, mostly that first, especially defining relationship, and two characters: one, a young girl experiencing the first throes of love—the other, an experienced lover and artist trying to help the younger

mature and realize herself. The supporting cast is laudable, too, and the camera work is astounding. I think of one scene in particular, wherein Adele’s movements are caught in parallel—with intermittent focus—with a black-and-white film playing in the background, the achromatic actress expressing the emotions Adele herself simultaneously experiences. Strong themes of class divisions, the meaning and purpose of art, norms, and acceptance are present, and there are philosophical undertones carrying these comments forward. Numerous references to Sartre form the backbone, such as his ideas that experience precedes essence and that people can choose their lives without a higher principle. The philosophy is not gimmicky, and its reflections are deeply rooted. The movie’s success is most questionable in its storyline, which sets up the disapproval of Adele’s friends, the class differences between Adele and Emma, and Adele’s desire to have children as potential future conflicts but does not address them much later. I think, though, that having these factors introduced and relegated to the background is a smart decision—to have them in any other way

than implicit in the final half of the film would be distracting and a shade to the light of the captivating, relational performances and the pulchritude of the entire film. Also, the dialogue of the film is impressive in its span of humor and tragedy, a range matched and excelled by the actors, but the attention to silly puns and ironies becomes almost jejune.

Apart from those very minor criticisms, this film has a strong beating heart, coursing with warm, swelling pathos that recognizes the difficulties of relationships, love, and identity. It is a French nude beach, a radiant sunburst, a Van Gogh southern countryside, a cerulean sea, a Sartrean gallery, and a recognizable, but still ultimately appreciable—for any orientation—love story. n

Photo Courtesy of Quat’sous Films

Director Kechiche develops a film that captures a story of young love in all its rich shades.

The Heights

Monday, November 11, 2013


alex gaynor / heights editor

Filled with clever touches and outstanding performances, ‘The Last Days of Judas Iscariot’ transcended a problematic script.

Contemporary Theater stages ‘Last Days’ ‘Judas Iscariot,’ from A10 the stand to tell the jury nothing more than that which they already knew. The atmosphere of frustration during a trial was thoroughly created, yet it only served to drag the audience through a plot that, for up until the last 15 minutes, left a lot to be desired. That being said, much of the acting succeeded in creating a character out of every single soul to grace the stage, from the surprisingly flirtatious Mother Theresa (Gennaro) to the haughty and aloof Pontius Pilate (Kirsten Haley, A&S ’16), no one was without some sort of distinctive personality. Given the contemporary setting, all of the persons were given their own modern day update, such as a sailor-mouthed Saint Monica decked in Day-Glo mesh and leggings, sassing her way through Heaven and Hell in a stellar performance by Danielle Wehner, A&S

’16. Many actors juggled multiple roles and switched between them without calling to mind their former role. Were there characters that could have been done without? Yes, and yet, they were all distinct despite this, and with that in mind, a nod to the actors must be given. Another qualm with the play was the script. Too often it was overtly vulgar and played on offensive stereotypes, both factors which do nothing to add to the play besides creating cheap laughs and an excuse to rely on caricature and profanity in order to break the tension. Given the overall trial-like feel of the play, however, the comedic bits were quite welcome. More frequently than not, though, the jokes went too far, with the racist stereotypes too obvious and the avant-garde-ness of foul-mouthed saints getting old after the first few monologues. And when the humor was finally dropped for the more serious tone of the second act, there is not much else keeping the

attention of the audience as witnesses and counselors alike spent too much time spewing irrelevant information that did nothing for either Judas or the viewer. Was this supposed to be a trial or a soap-opera? Nevertheless, the last scene of Judas Iscariot is heart-wrenching, an emotional final encounter between Judas and Jesus after which Butch Honeywell (Ted Kearnan, A&S ’17), a juror, happened upon Judas and informed him of his decided guilt. Honeywell then proceeded to tell the tale of his greatest sin: throwing away the only gold he ever had in his life, his wife. And here, each actor gave a tear-jerking performance, with Honeywell’s anecdote and final moral leaving the audience awed and with reason to contemplate. Judas may have cashed in his silver, but Butch had thrown away his gold. On that note, The Last Days of Judas Iscariot walked away not guilty, a poignant experience despite its flaws. n

Young country talent on display at CMAs Column, from A10 Cyrus anymore. It has Taylor Swift. It gave Taylor Swift the Pinnacle Award (essentially a lifetime achievement award) last Wednesday, and while she’s just 23, Swift deserves it. She’s one of the biggest country music stars ever. More so and in opposition to Cyrus, she’s the good angel. Sure, Red was hardly a country album, but she’s not out there twerking and doing weird things to hammers. And while the CMAs and Swift’s “look at me” front row singing was predictable, country music isn’t going anywhere. Swift isn’t going anywhere. Ultimately, country music is just too much darn fun. There’s just an eclectic simplicity to it. Drums, guitar, and occasionally a violin. Trucks and beer. Some of you are shaking your head.

You’re saying, “I listen to Vampire Weekend and Kendrick Lamar. I own vinyl. I’m better than you.” Good sir, dear ma’am, you do not understand country music. I don’t hold Pitbull against rap. I don’t hold Nickleback against rock. Don’t hold Taylor Swift against country. Because underneath the Swifts you’ll find Kacey Musgraves, whose Same Trailer Different Park featured some of the best songwriting of any album in any genre this year. Musgrave’s breakthrough single “Merry Go ’Round” was a debut akin to Lorde’s “Royals.” One’s a country singer-songwriter. One’s a pop singer-songwriter. That’s the difference. Musgraves performed her latest single “Follow Your Arrow” at the CMAs, encouraging the audience to kiss lots of boys (or girls) or light up a joint. Same old country, right?

Underneath the Luke Bryans you’ll find Eric Church, whose seething new single “The Outsiders” nearly blew the top off the arena. The question going forward for country music is not: how do we appeal to the “cool” crowd? With rising artists like Musgraves and Church, it’s done that. The question is how do we welcome this new crowd and these new artists into country music without alienating the old crowd and old artists. And the answer is simple. Good fans and real artists like good music. You let Musgraves and Church loose and trust the old crowd and the old artists to know good music from crap. Maybe Miley might even come back. Ryan Dowd is a staff columnist for The Heights. He can be reached at arts@

Andrew Skaras / Heights Editor

Conducted by John Finney (above), the University Chorale’s Fall Concert premiered ‘God’s Grandeur,’ a piece written for the Sesquicentennial.

Chorale Fall Concert is full of grandeur By Bridget Galvin For The Heights

Last Saturday at Trinity Chapel on Newton Campus, the pews were teeming with an excited audience prepared for a wondrous performance from the University Chorale. About 100 chorale students walked toward the stage in their black dresses and tuxedos, prepared to entertain the audience with their fall concert. The concert was directed by John Finney, now in his 21st year as the director of the University Chorale as well as the conductor of the Boston College Symphony Orchestra since 1999. This year the University Chorale only performed two pieces, but both were so diverse and spoke to different themes that it was a lovely and complete experience. While the pieces “God’s Grandeur” and “Missa Sancti Nicolai” were both about 20 minutes and seemed to never end, they were also both very lovely. Finney explained that the show was a sandwich, with the first and last songs being the same, like a piece of bread, with the meat of a song in the middle. First was the world premiere of “God’s Grandeur”—a compilation of poems by Rev. Gerard Manley Hopkins, S.J. set to

music by professor Thomas Oboe Lee of the music department. The songs include the poems “God’s Grandeur,” “Pied Beauty,” and “The Habit of Perfection.” The poems were not exactly flowing lyrics, but short words that were set to high and low tones. For example, one line from “Pied Beauty” was “All things counter, original, spare, strange.” It was set to very thunderous and tense music. It seemed that the performance was a dramatic reading of poetry. Although the audience was given a program containing the lyrics, the Chorale was so harmonized that it was sometimes hard to hear the lyrics and it was easy to get lost in the sounds. The Chorale should be given a lot of credit for their harmonization of this dramatic performance. It is very difficult to make poetry that does not rhyme into beautiful music, and although it was a bit bumpy lyrically, they kept things perfectly pitched. Next up was a classic for the Chorale, “Missa Sancti Nicolai,” which was composed by Franz Joseph Haydn in 1772 in honor of his patron Prince Nikolaus Estrhazy’s name day, Dec. 6. It was designed for SATB (soprano, alto, tenor, bass), soloists, a choir, two oboes, two

horns, strings, and an organ. This was a much more comfortable and flowing piece for the Chorale, it seemed, since it was classic hymns for masses such as “Credo,” “Kyrie,” and “ Angus Die.” It was interesting to see how the students were able to sing the Latin more easily than the first song, but it is reasonable to say that it was their first time performing it live. The flow of the song was very good, but it was also very long. The song required different variations of short phrases at different pitches by the sopranos and altos along with much echoing. It was lovely and lengthy—almost 30 minutes—and it left the harmony of “Kyrie eleison” stuck in the audience’s head for a while. Later, after “Missa Sancti Nicolai,” we were given the “second world premiere” of “God’s Grandeur.” Lee, who was present for this preview, was given a standing ovation for his work, which was created in celebration for the 150th anniversary of BC. In total, the Chorale’s fall concert was very good. It may have had some very long pauses and less flowage in between songs, but this helped in preparation for beautiful music. The University Chorale’s next concert is the Christmas concert, set to take place on Dec. 6 to 8. n

alex gaynor / heights editor

Photos taken across the world by BC students are featured in the latest O’Neill exhibit.

O’Neill photo exhibit takes international outlook Exhibit, from A10 skills of the students. Each photo utilizes bright colors, light contrasts, and interesting perspectives to give the entire exhibition a professional air. Nearly 50 different photographs line the walls of the gallery, each a small rectangle displayed on a simple black background. Beneath each photograph is a tiny box of text where the student explains the circumstances in which the photo was taken and some details on why the photo is special to them. The clarity and simplicity with which the photographs are displayed, however, only heighten their bright and lively content. When standing in the room, surrounded on three sides by the lines of photographs, it becomes nearly impossible to decide which one to focus on first. The best way to see the exhibit is to go around the room to fully appreciate the individuality and beauty of each piece as well as the unique stories of each photographer. Some of the most interesting photographs of the collection feature the natives of the various countries. In these photographs, the BC students step back and allow each individual to speak for him or herself. In “Kid Eating a Mango,” by Carlos Bello, CGSOM ’15, a young member of the Jiui Tribe from the savannah of Venezuela enjoys a ripe mango while smiling at the camera. The boy’s white shirt makes a stark contrast against the bright green mango he eats and teal wall he stands in front of, making this photo a great example of the lively colors seen throughout the exhibit. Bello, who was on a service trip doing social work with a native Venezuelan community, is just one example of BC students mingling with and learning from the native children of the countries they visit. In “Just Sipping,” photographer Katie Cutting, CSON ’14, captures two young Haitian girls drinking from plastic cups while laughing and gazing into the camera. Cutting took this photo while on an independent study in Borgne, Haiti, aiding at a dental clinic. Another intriguing photograph in

the collection is one of a Mayan business woman working at a produce stand, surrounded by verdant vegetables and bright fruits which stand out along with her orange garb. This photograph, called “Market Day in Zacualpa” and taken by Natali Soto, CSOM ’14, is a rare one, as Soto explains that Mayans tend to dislike having their pictures taken. Other photographs merely celebrate the unique and beautiful landscapes of other countries. “Sunset over Rio de Janeiro,” by Kilbourn Gordon, CSOM ’14, shows a cloudy skyline from atop Pao de Acucar, a mountain overlooking the Brazilian city and famous Christ the Redeemer statue. In “Night in Shanghai,” photographer Zhou Yu, CSOM ’14, captures a shot of various buildings reflecting the bluish light of dusk while in China for a family reunion. The photograph that speaks the most to BC’s history with international connections is “BC Sings for Pope John Paul II,” provided by Susan Shea and dating back to March of 1997. Shea was once a BC student and now works in the Office of International Students and Scholars. This photograph shows the continuance of BC’s presence abroad over the years and how this presence has only become more of a priority to the university and its students. This exhibition strives to show the diversity within the BC community and students’ efforts to represent this diversity abroad through visiting and living among communities in foreign countries. From Mexico to Brazil to Taiwan to Tibet, these photographs cover unique people and places from all across the globe. The exhibition not only brings together BC students with people from these countries, but it also brings together the students with one another through these shared experiences. The purpose of these photographs is for students to share something special about their trips to other members of the BC community. We are seeing the world through the eyes of other travelers, our fellow students, and the true beauty of these messages can only be seen in the photographs. n




Monday, January 17, 2013




Bring the good times home

ARIANA IGNERI Though it’s desperately tried to since 2010, Blockbuster can’t fast-forward its way through its latest mess. The “Bring the Good Times Home” movie rental franchise is finally paying the price for years of accruing late fees, as it closes its last 300 stores in the face of commercial ruin. Its financial issues began to escalate when Netflix and Redbox came into the picture, offering consumers both convenience and variety with more on-demand and rental options. Nine-hundred million dollars deep in debt, Blockbuster was unable to keep up with the rising competition, and on Sept. 23, 2010, it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. After three decades in the business, the floundering franchise was sold to Dish Network at an auction. It would seem that a happy ending was not meant to be a part of Blockbuster’s story. So, when the announcement that it was closing the rest of its stores hit media outlets Wednesday evening, it really didn’t come as much of a surprise. But just because the news wasn’t a shock doesn’t mean that it was easy to hear. A decade ago, Blockbuster monopolized movie renting, and with 9,000 stores worldwide, it was hard to ignore its presence, especially in American culture. I’m sure I’m not the only one who misses the days when there was a Blockbuster situated in nearly every shopping center lined along the highway—its royal blue and gold ticket stub sign standing out from everything else. Now, though, it’s merely a fading symbol attached to memories of weekend movie nights with family and friends. The thing is, we’re not just losing Blockbuster, we’re losing part of our pasts—we’re losing a place that influenced the way we experienced movies. Renting them was a huge part of growing up for me. My dad would take my little sister and me to the Blockbuster around the corner every Friday or Saturday night—if we didn’t go to the movie theater instead—and he’d let us pick something out. Of course, we never agreed. She’d want The Incredibles, and I’d want A Cinderella Story, so there was always a bit of a fight in the aisles. She usually won the argument, but that didn’t matter. What did matter, and what I’ll always remember, is how we’d all sit on the carpet in the living room after getting back, eating my dad’s homemade pizza and spending time together laughing at the TV. There was something special about driving to and from Blockbuster to rent and return a movie, something that you don’t get by just queuing up your Netflix with your remote control—it’s all become way too easy, and I think we’re letting something go in favor of gaining simplicity. Nostalgia and sentimentality aside, I think these changes in media consumption have altered not only the way we watch movies, but also the way we think about them. We used to have to rent a physical copy, making certain that it was returned on time so that the person who wanted to watch it next could borrow it, as well. It was a very active and social system of sharing. And it’s not like that anymore. All we have to do is flip through the pay-per-view options on our TVs and click on a title. After it’s been watched or after it’s expired, it automatically disappears. It takes no effort, no consideration. So in a way, the demise of Blockbuster and the deterioration of the conventional movie-renting method really is a societal loss. I’m not saying we need to bring the company back. I realize that’s not possible. In the wake of technological development, it isn’t economically feasible for things to operate as they used to. What I am saying, however, is that we shouldn’t forget what movie renting used to be about. Blockbuster may not be our “ticket to entertainment” anymore, but it taught us how entertainment could define a culture—it taught us that entertainment is just as much about the excitement of watching a movie as it is about the camaraderie inherent in sharing one. Even with its end, it taught us that every now and again we should rewind and remember all of these things. Most of all, though—and I say this only part in jest—Blockbuster taught us what happens to those who neglect to pay their late fees.

Ariana Igneri is the Associate Arts & Review editor of The Heights. She can be reached at


Boston College Contemporary Theater’s performance of ‘The Last Days of Judas Iscariot’ re-imagined a religious and ethical dilemma in a modern theatrical context. BY MAGDALENA LACHOWICZ


For The Heights he case for Judas Iscariot is tossed onto your desk, an appeal for his innocence, and one cannot help but scoff at the very idea. Judas is guilty through and through, right… right? This very question is the one tackled in The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, a play written by Stephen Adly Guirgis, directed by Sarah DeVizio, LSOE ’14, and presented by Boston College Contemporary Theater. Set in the town of Hope in Downtown Purgatory, the two-act play examines the happenings during the post-mortem trial of Judas Iscariot (Andrew Troum, A&S ’16), the best friend and

infamous betrayer of Jesus Christ (Nicholas Gennaro, CSOM ’16). Defending his honor is Fabiana Aziza Cunningham (Amanda Melvin, A&S ’17), a member of Purgatory with a troubled past life, all the while the fiery flatterer El-Fayoumy (Lauren Onthank, BC ’16) makes a case for maintaining Iscariot’s guilt. Ever more colorful witnesses take the stand and then they leave, with either side never making too strong of a case and with the increasingly irritated Judge Littlefield (Taleen Shrikian, A&S ’15) overseeing the trial. What ensued was a trying experience with an ending that left the audience hushed and contemplating, making up for any earlier issues it had with the production. For the most part, the setting of the play was little more than a metaphorical thought in the back of the audience’s mind: a T station for the stop of

Hope, a transitory place befitting another more literal, transitory place, a court room. Outside of this, it played little significance into the message of the play and served only as a clever, if contrived, backdrop. The same could be said for many scenes and characters of the play—they were not of any real necessity and oftentimes served no more purpose than to prolong run time. At two and a half hours, The Last Days definitely did not lack it. The audience itself felt as if it were on trial, mirroring the plight of Judge Littlefield, especially when El-Fayoumy had to interject with yet another gratuitous remark in a rushed, hardly understandable accent or yet another meaningless witness was called to

See ‘Judas Iscariot,’ A9


Staging the trial of Judas Iscariot in a T station in Purgatory, ‘The Last Days of Judas Iscariot’ was occasionally repetitive but was redeemed by a powerful ending.

The CMAs set the stage for contemporary country revival RYAN DOWD Halfway through last Wednesday’s CMAs, Sean “Diddy” Combs stepped on stage to present an award. After some stilted banter with Kellie Pickler, Diddy couldn’t help himself and let loose with an “I love me some country music!” The crowd erupted. It’s an odd time for country music. Never has Nashville had so many viable stars. Country music has never been more popular. Florida Georgia Line’s “Cruise” was as much the song of the summer as “Blurred Lines.” Taylor Swift’s cross genre Red, like it or not, was the biggest album of 2012. Blake Shelton has been the winning judge on The Voice three years in a row. Country music stations from Rhode Island and then Portland won CMAs. Boston’s WLKB won that same award last year. When Jason Aldean came to Fenway this summer, he broke Paul McCartney’s one-night-attendance record, then smashed Dave Matthews Band’s two-day record. Diddy’s not alone. We all love us some country music. At some point (and it wasn’t yes-


terday) country music went from the anthem of confederate flag waving cowboys to the anthem of Friday nights not just in Nashville but in Chicago, Denver, and yes, Boston. Does country music know this? Yes, I’m sure it’s well aware of its packed summer concerts. Does it care? That’s not the right question. Does country music sometimes come across as petty and laughably conservative? Not for lack of effort, which was on full display at the CMA’s. Hosts Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley touched on just what we expected—Obamacare, Julianne Hough’s poorly planned blackface Halloween costume, and most of all, Miley Cyrus. We saw it coming. Just a few years ago, Miley was on stage at the CMA’s. A few years before that she was country princess Hannah Montana. Now, she’s the prodigal daughter of country music, and it doesn’t look like the “establishment” is opening its arms any time soon. Country music doesn’t need Miley Cyrus anymore. It has Taylor Swift. It gave Taylor Swift the Pinnacle Award (essentially a lifetime achievement award)

See Column, A9

Chorale premieres Sesquicentennial piece

At its Fall Concert, the University Chorale performed ‘God’s Grandeur’ and other works...... A9


O’Neill’s ‘World Through Our Eyes’ photo exhibit is part of International Education Week.

Photo exhibit urges viewer to see ‘World Through Our Eyes’ BY KATHERINE THIBODEAU For The Heights From now until Nov. 30, the level one gallery of O’Neill Library showcases Boston College’s International Education Week Photo Exhibition, proving that after celebrating its 150th anniversary, BC is “more international than ever.” This student photography exhibition, sponsored by the Office of

Thor: The Dark World

The Norse god thunders back into theaters with the lastest in the Avengers franchise.....................A8

International Students and Scholars and the Boston College Libraries, celebrates the presence of BC students in countries all across the world. From mission trips to vacations, each photo captures a special moment that the student experienced while visiting another country. The exhibition also celebrates the excellent photography

See Exhibit, A9

More movie reviews

Blue Is The Warmest Color.................A8 About Time....................................A8



Monday, November 11, 2013



Reineke brings home BC’s second straight sailing national title BY CHRIS GRIMALDI Assoc. Sports Editor

For the second straight season, the Boston College women’s sailing team can boast a national champion. Sophomore Erika Reineke defended the title she captured in her rookie season, winning the ICSA Women’s Singlehanded National Sailing Championship in Newport, R.I. this past weekend.

Although Reineke found herself buried in third place after the first day of competition, she stormed back to the front on Saturday. The Fort Lauderdale, Fla. native braved afternoon temperatures dipping into the 40s and westerly winds to build a commanding 10-point advantage in the first-place spot. She dominated on the competition’s last day, widening the margin between

herself and the second-place opponent Arielle DeLisser from Hobart and William Smith Colleges. By the weekend’s conclusion, Reineke had built an impressive 20-point margin between herself and the second-place finisher. With the 2013 title, Reineke became the second BC women’s sailor in program history to capture back-to-back national titles. The other Eagle to accomplish the feat was Annie Haeger, BC


’12, who won consecutive single-handed championships in 2008 and 2009 before adding a third in 2011. Reineke’s 2013 title run followed a rookie season in which she attained AllAmerican and NEISA honors in addition to the 2012 championship. Senior Carolyn Naughton joined Reineke at the championship, rounding out the BC effort with a 13th-placeoverall finish. 

2012 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP First Place Erika Reineke Boston College, Points: 25 Second Place Mayumi Roller St. Mary’s College, Points: 79 2013 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP First Place Erika Reineke Boston College, Points: 49 Second Place Arielle DeLisser William Smith College, Points: 69




Andre Williams broke the BC record for single-game rushing yards with 295 while Alex Amidon passed the mark for career-receiving yards in BC’s 48-34 win over NMSU. SEE B3

BC 5 BU 1

BC 11 Army 0

BC 78 Providence 82

BC 73 UMass 86

Eagles still searching for first win after long weekend

Complete performances lead to dominating BC victories EMILY FAHEY / HEIGHTS STAFF


BC men’s hockey extended its win streak to four games, dominating on both ends of the ice with a win at BU on Friday and at home against Army on Sunday. SEE B4



After an 82-78 loss in overtime at Providence to kick off the season Friday, BC was dominated on the glass by UMass at TD Garden yesterday, falling 86-73. SEE B4

Providence and UMass crack the code on BC hoops, and it’s a simple one

AUSTIN TEDESCO The Garden was relaxed enough to feel like an exhibition game before Boston College and UMass tipped off yesterday. Even though the Northeastern-BU game right before had gone down to the wire, there wasn’t any energy in the building after the Huskies and Terriers cleared the court. “Any idea where my seat is?” I asked a member of the BC staff while

Northeastern tried to knock down a couple key free throws. He told me he didn’t know, but that I’d probably have to go through the stands to get there. He asked me, with a smile, if I was nervous. “Yeah, it’s really tough to write a good story in a fancy arena like this one,” I shot back, but I knew what he meant. Covering this team would probably get a lot less fun if the Eagles started the season 0-2. I managed to work my way through the crowd and up into the concourse without making anyone stand up for me, a massive success. On the way to what I was hoping was a free media seat, I stopped for a snack. No real food in the media room. “Who are you with?” a middleaged man in a fading white sweater


asked me when he saw the credential around my neck while waiting in line. He was grabbing a beer with his son. Very clearly Minutemen fans, they had been going through the game’s matchup when I walked up. “BC,” I said. “The student paper.” “Oh that’s great,” he said, flashing a genuine smile. “You enjoy it?” I gave a standard answer about how awesome the job is. He asked me how I thought the game would go, and I give the same answer I pretty much always give when I get that question. “I don’t know. Should be close.” This time it was honest. I really didn’t know, and I wouldn’t bet on either team having an easy outing. UMass had Chaz Williams, and the three of us talked about how well he can score and how badly Providence’s

BC women’s hoops falls in opener

The Eagles couldn’t find consistency on either side against Stanford.........................B5

Bryce Cotton hurt BC in the opener on Friday. Williams could give BC the same fits Cotton had. They didn’t sound too confident about any other player in particular, though. They eventually got their popcorn and beer, wished me luck (I never know what to say when someone wishes me luck before I cover a game. Maybe they’re hoping my computer doesn’t crap out) and started heading to their seats. But the dad slowed down before he passed me and leaned in a bit. “I think BC is going to get their ass kicked,” he said. He laughed and patted me on the shoulder. He was right. It wasn’t exactly a blowout on the scoreboard, but it was an ass kicking in the paint. For as relaxed as the Garden was

Field Hockey exits from ACCs

BC squandered an early lead against Syracuse in a 3-1 loss......................................B2

before the game, UMass cut through the breezy air with an overpowering ferocity in the second half on the way to an 86-73 win. Led by 6-foot10, 253-pound center Cady Lalanne, the Minutemen destroyed the Eagles down low. The numbers speak for themselves. Fifty-two UMass points in the paint compared to BC’s 26. Thirty second-chance points to 11. Fortyfour rebounds to 27. Ten more shots for the Minutemen. BC got its ass kicked, and head coach Steve Donahue said the game was that simple. “[UMass] said, ‘We’re gonna drive the ball and throw it up there, go get it, and put it in the basket,” Donahue

See Column, B5

Football Recap..........................B3 Sports in Short............................B2

The Heights


Monday, November 11, 2013

Eagles drop two home ACC games By Alex Stanley Heights Staff

emily fahey / heights staff

Leah Settipane, who has been steady in goal all year, had nine saves against Syracuse.

BC knocked out of ACCs By Chris Grimaldi Assoc. Sports Editor

Despite winning 12 of its 18 regular season games, the Boston College field hockey team met a daunting match in the ACC Tournament’s quarterfinal round on Thursday afternoon. Head coach Ainslee Lamb’s Eagles saw their title hopes disappear against conference powerhouse Syracuse in a 3-1 loss. BC looked poised to mount an upset over the 16-2 Orange early at the Newton Campus Field Hockey Complex. The Eagles’ pressure on Syracuse goalie Jess Jecko paid dividends in the middle of the frame, as they struck first blood just under 17 minutes into regulation. Sophomore forward AshLeigh Sebia sent a cross-pass to senior Chapin Duke, who received the feed and ripped a shot screaming toward the far post. The ball eluded Jecko and nestled into the back of Syracuse’s net for the first goal of the game and the fifth of Duke’s season. Yet the Orange struck back five minutes later with retaliation on the offensive end. Jordan Paige sent an assist from the corner to Leonie Geyer, who fired a shot from the top of the circle past BC goalie Leah Settipane to tie the game at one. The Eagles tried to turn the tide of momentum back in their direction soon after with a volley of shots from Sebia and rookie forward Eryn McCoy. Their attempts were futile, however, as Jecko rebounded from Duke’s goal with two timely saves. Feeding off of Jecko’s solid play between the posts, Syracuse’s potent offense began

to flex its muscle heading toward halftime. Emma Russell corralled a rebound in Eagle territory and beat Settipane with an unassisted, go-ahead goal. A second before the first frame’s close, Lauren Brooks tipped a screaming shot attempt from Geyer and lifted it into the BC net to push the Orange lead to 3-1. Although the Eagles were firing out of the gates, the first period belonged to Syracuse. The away team had outshot the Eagles by a wide margin of 14-4, notched five penalty corners, and took a two-goal advantage it never relinquished. Settipane had tried to halt the Orange onslaught with seven saves, but the damage had already been done The second period saw a back-and-forth struggle down the field, with neither Syracuse pulling away nor BC making a run at a comeback. Both offenses were held in check at four shots a piece, while Settipane and Jecko played soundly in goal. Yet the second-half defensive grudge match was all the Orange needed to fend the Eagles off until the final horn. By game’s end, Syracuse was headed to the next round of ACC Tournament play. While the loss marked an unceremonious end to the Eagles’ ACC tournament run and the continuation of BC’s struggle against conference competition, it was also a closely contested matchup that was emblematic of the Eagles’ regular season Six of their seven losses were decided by two goals or fewer, with five of those coming against conference rivals. BC will take on No. 7 UConn on Saturday to start the NCAA Tournament. n

Against Syracuse on Sunday, Boston College went up 14-11 in the vital fifth set of play. It was a point away from victory. The Orange fought their way back, though, to eventually lead BC 17-16 and won the final set off of a blocked Katty Workman spike. This was the second five-set loss in two days, as BC had lost in the final points against Notre Dame just the day before. Saturday’s game against Notre Dame ended in a 3-2 loss after five sets. The Eagles managed to take the lead early, winning the first two sets 25-18 and 25-17, but the Irish swept them in the next three sets, taking home the fiveset victory. In the final set, BC last held the lead at 13-11, before Notre Dame closed the game out. The Eagles brought the score back to 14-15, forcing Notre Dame to end the game at 17-15. Two Eagles recorded double-doubles on the afternoon—Workman and junior Courtney Castle. Workman recorded 13 kills and 13 digs on the night, while Castle surpassed her with 14 kills and 21 digs, having more digs than anyone else on the court. Freshman Madisen Lydon came close to Castle with 19 digs, providing valuable defense. Amanda Yerke also had 14 kills, and captain Kellie Barnum managed to set up her teammates with a total of 52 assists. The story was somewhat similar against the Orange. The Eagles captured an early lead, winning the first set 2516. Then they dropped two sets in a row, with Syracuse’s Nicolette Serratore and Silvi Uattara leading the attack, recording 11 and 14 kills respectively as Syracuse pulled ahead. With the match on the line, BC pulled off a 25-20 win in the fourth set to pull the game into five sets. “Well, we started off kind of flat.” said head coach Chris Campbell. “It really

Three Eagles score twice on Northeastern

By Jim Hill

For The Heights

Asst. Sports Editor


Graham Beck / heights Editor

Dana Trivigno scored twice and had two assists during Sunday’s game against Northeastern. play after a body checking call against Northeastern, put one more tally on the board as a quick cross from Haley Skarupa left Northeastern goalie Chloe Desjardins with her back to Dana Trivigno, who was receiving the pass. Trivigno’s shot flew into the top left corner of the net before Desjardins could turn around, the power play goal giving BC the 2-1 lead heading into the first intermission. The scoring flurry that had ignited during the later half of the first period died down for most of the second, as neither team could put a decisive shot on net. During this time, the penalty kill unit came up strong for BC, killing two penalties. Given the man advantage off of a tripping penalty, the Eagles ended the scoring drought with just over three minutes remaining in the period, when Haley Skarupa fired her 11th goal of the season past Desjardins off of assists from Taylor Wasylk and Lexi Bender to give the Eagles a 3-1 lead as the second period came to a close.

Women’s Hockey East Standings Team

wasn’t until the fourth set, or halfway through the third set, that we started to see some life and energy.” The team did appear livelier, and narrowly lost the fifth set. Workman once more starred for the Eagles, notching 22 kills and eight digs. Barnum surpassed her assists against Notre Dame, putting in 59 assists and three valuable kills. After the game, Campbell was not happy with the final result, but saw significant strides, as this had been the first

week since August that the full roster had practiced. “I actually thought that both matches our quality of play has really taken a jump forward,” he said. “Unfortunately, we didn’t get rewarded with a win in either, but we’re definitely on the right path.” However, Campbell noted that the team needed to focus on more consistency. They will look to implement this against Maryland on Friday at 7 p.m. at Power Gym. n

BC routs Vermont on the road

By Marly Morgus Overcoming a slow start to the game, the Boston College women’s hockey team would use the combined efforts of three separate multiple-goal performers on Sunday night to defeat the Northeastern Huskies in a special teams battle with a final score of 6-1. “Special teams is huge,” assistant coach Courtney Kennedy said. “If you can put away power play goals, you can be up ahead very quick. We’ve been working on our power play and trying to get it going because if you can score every time that’s obviously going to help your team out. There’s a lot of pressure there but that’s our goal.” Although the Eagles failed to capitalize on their first couple of offensive opportunities during a power play midway through the period, it was another special team that would put the first point of the night on the board. A too many players on the ice call would send the Eagles on a penalty kill, and Emily Field would score an unassisted, shorthanded goal to give the Eagles their first lead of the night. Back at even strength, the Huskies responded less than two minutes later, but the Eagles were not going to let the period wind down without another final effort. With just under a minute remaining to play in the period, the Eagles, on the power

emily fahey / heights staff

Kellie Barnum had 111 assists and eight kills on the weekend, but the Eagles lost both matches.



Boston University



Boston College



New Hampshire


















The Eagles began to open up the margin even earlier in the third when Field’s second goal marked the Eagles’ first even-strength goal of the night. Skarupa would follow up with another power play goal just two minutes later, bringing the score to 5-1 BC. Later in the third, Trivigno scored her second goal of the night in a four-on-four situation to bring the tally to 6-1 Eagles, the final score of the night. The penalty kill shone for BC, not allowing a single power play goal from Northeastern in six penalties served, including 37 seconds of five on three action late in the third as the Huskies made a final offensive push. “Penalty kill wise, I’m always impressed with our bunch of kids and the hard work that they put in, just trying to outwork the other team,” Kennedy said. “It was great.” Northeastern actually ended up outshooting the Eagles 31 to 24, but goalie Corrine Boyles kept her composure, stopping all but one shot in the Eagles’ winning effort. n

Roused by a “Pack the Gut” campaign, 2,028 spectators—enough to shatter the previous Women’s Hockey East regular season record of 1,498—swarmed Vermont’s Gutterson Fieldhouse this past Friday, but the home crowd would leave the venue sorely disappointed, as the No. 5 Eagles bested the Catamounts in a decisive 6-1 rout. For BC, the game was an expose of quick maneuvering and skillful shooting. Darting across the ice, the Eagles pounced on the Catamounts early and often—anticipating a battle. “Vermont, we know from last year they have a great goaltender, who finds a way to stop [shots],” BC head coach Katie King Crowley said prior to the matchup. Despite Crowley’s concern, the team scored within seven minutes of the game’s start and again at the 10:48 mark, the first goal coming from junior Emily Field and the second coming off the stick of senior Melissa Bizzari. The Eagles took 19 shots to UVM’s 11 over the course of the first period, and the trend remained the same through the middle stanza, as the aggressive Eagles notched four goals off of 17 shots. Among the standout plays were those of Field, who added to her first period tally with another goal in the second. Her first goal was a deflected slap shot that spiraled beyond the Catamount goalie’s outstretched legs, and that began the flurry of offensive activity. Her next goal came four scores later—a quick tap off a series of rapid, accurate passes—and concluded BC’s run.

Quote of the Week

Numbers to Know

31 The number of yards by which Andre Williams surpassed the single game rushing record.


The last year during which the BC men’s hockey team had a double digit scoring game before Sunday.

2 First-half points scored by Olivier Hanlan in the first half against UMass in which he logged nine minutes

Other contributions came from forwards Haley McLean, Haley Skarupa, and Andie Anastos. McLean added a spark to BC’s second period offense, flitting past defenders and getting the first of four goals. Skarupa, the conference leader in scoring, added to her fast-growing tally—attaining her 10th goal of the season. Anastos led the team with two assists and scored a shorthanded empty-netter, securing the win for the Eagles. These offensive plays were complemented by a notable effort from BC goaltender Corrine Boyles and the defense, which foiled many a deke and pass, Boyles racking up 30 saves and carrying a shutout until midway through the third period. An unanticipated wrist shot marred the goalie’s otherwise perfect performance, as UVM forward Bridget Baker sent the puck skidding through the bottom right side of the net in the third period. In spite of the late Catamount score, Boyles kept her composure and closed out the game without further incident, improving to 6-2-0. From the aggressiveness of the offense to the consistency of the defense, Friday’s game was a complete realization of head coach Crowley’s strategy, outlined in an earlier press conference. “We’re going to have to find ways to get to [Vermont goaltender Roxanne Douville] and to keep concentrating on burying pucks,” she said. “When you have those opportunities, those two-on-one opportunities, those odd man opportunities in front of that net … and find a way … to put these teams away when we get up by a couple goals.” n

“This was a day when the offense needed to gear up. The defense had a couple of good plays when they had to, but we just lacked some consistency.” —

Head football coach Steve Addazio


Monday, November 11, 2013


Offensive firepower makes up for lackluster defensive performance BY MARLY MORGUS Asst. Sports Editor

Las Cruces, N.M.—Boston College couldn’t break through. Since the first score of the second quarter, the de34 fense had alNMSU lowed answers Boston College 48 to each of BC’s additions to the scoreboard, and the New Mexico State Aggies were chipping away at BC’s once solid lead. After two scores in a row for the Aggies, freshman Myles Willis lined up deep for the kickoff, ready to return the ball if it should come his way. The ball soared into his hands at the two and he took off, running the ball all the way downfield into the opposite end zone. Willis’ 98-yard return would mark a turnaround as BC pulled itself out of a defensive lull during the middle of the game to earn its first road win since beating Miami in 2011. The Eagles defeated the Aggies 48-34. While BC was the favorite heading into the matchup, the game ended up being hard fought on both sides of the ball. “They tempo’d us up, we were getting tired up front, but I really love the way our guys, in the end, they strained,” said head coach Steve Addazio. “We had a couple of those big explosions in the end, and we had to do that, because we were hanging on both sides of the ball. We were gassed.” The Eagles faltered early in the game when, after recording a three-and-out on the Aggies’ first offensive drive, David Dudeck lined up to receive the punt, letting it bounce off of his chest only to be recovered by the Aggies. This resulted in a field goal and the first score of the game going to New Mexico State. The Eagles were quick to counter, however, coming up with the game’s next three scores to round out the first quarter—two field goals from kicker Nate Freese who


Chase Rettig threw for 230 yards and three touchdowns on Saturday, completing 17 of his 25 attempts without throwing an interception. recorded his season-long at 51 yards, and Chase Rettig’s first touchdown pass of the day to senior Mike Naples, the 69-yard reception being Naples’ career long and first touchdown. The pass would be Rettig’s longest of the day, as he finished 17-for-25 through the air with 230 yards and three touchdown passes. New Mexico would bring it within three, but another first brought BC back on top as Harrison Jackson caught a seven-yard pass with three minutes remaining in the half for his first career touchdown.

As the clock wound down on the first half, the Aggies worked their way downfield, bringing themselves into a third and five situation in the red zone with no timeouts and just over 30 seconds remaining in the half. The Aggies had two options—the safe one of spiking the ball to stop the clock then kick a field goal, or to take a risk and go for the end zone. The Aggies ended up going for it and scoring a touchdown with only one second remaining in the half, marking a huge shift in momentum as they came back within three. “I wasn’t really sure what to expect,”

said senior running back Andre Williams. “I’d never been in New Mexico before and I think the hardest part, one of the hardest things, was the atmosphere. The stadium wasn’t so full so we had to bring our own energy and besides that, the actual air is thin, so we were feeling kind of gassed during the first half.” Much of the second half turned into a shootout—neither team having much success on defense, with touchdowns and field goals driving up the score without either team taking a dominant position. During the third quarter, a 30-yard pass from Rettig to fellow senior Alex

Amidon gave the Eagles the go-ahead— Amidon surpassing the record for alltime receiving yards at BC—but it wasn’t until the fourth quarter that BC started to pull away. Willis’ 98-yard return was countered by a touchdown by New Mexico State, but it gave BC the spark that it needed as the play clock wound down. “You see special teams, defense, offense when they start working together, that’s when we’re really successful,” said senior linebacker Steele Divitto. “When we’re off face and lack consistency on both sides, that’s when we have issues.” On the Eagles’ next offensive effort, Williams, who had had steady contributions throughout the game, broke through coverage to run 80 yards, scoring and putting BC ahead by seven. Then, the Eagles’ defense that had looked so flat during the second half, allowing 17 points, stepped up and managed what was only the third turnover of the night—the first in BC’s favor—when Steven Daniels picked off Andrew McDonald’s pass, giving BC it’s last chance on offense. “Defense came up big with the interception,” Williams said. “It was one of those fourth quarter moments that really changed the momentum of the game.” At that point, it was Williams’ turn to come up big, and he came through for BC—quickly this time—as just a couple plays into the drive he ran the ball another 47 yards for a touchdown, allowing him to surpass BC’s previous single-game record for rushing yards by a single player, 264, as he tallied his 295th yard of the game to reach the final score of 48-34. With the fifth win of the season, the Eagles are just one victory shy of bowl eligibility. “It gives us a great opportunity right now to fight for number six,” Addazio said. “That’s what we wanted to do, was to go home and fight for six.” 

Alex Amidon and Andre Williams post record-breaking days for BC UPDATED LEADERBOARDS RUSHING YARDS IN A SINGLE GAME: Andre Williams Montel Harris Phil Bennett Deuce Finch Troy Stradford

Year 2013 2009 1972 2011 1986

Yds Game 295 264 253 243 240

NMSU NC State Temple Maryland Army

Rushing ahead With his 295 yard performance against New Mexico State, Andre Williams set a new record and brought his season total to 1,471 yards, just 111 yards short of his total from the previous three seasons.

BOSTON COLLEGE CAREER RECEIVING YARDS: Alex Amidon Rich Gunnell Pete Mitchell Kelvin Martin Brian Brennan


Andre Williams had a memorable fourth quarter against the Aggies, breaking free for 133 yards on just five carries. He had touchdown runs of 80 yards and 47 yards to help BC pull away.

BC’s seniors lead the way against New Mexico as the Eagles grab their fifth victory BY MARLY MORGUS Asst. Sports Editor


Harrison Jackson helped draw attention away from Amidon by grabbing his first career score.

L as Cruces , N.M.—Just when it looked like it was all going to go wrong— like Boston College was going to be defeated by a 1-8 opponent after just last week riding the high of its biggest win of the season—there was Andre Williams. BC had been deadlocked with New Mexico State for the greater part of two quarters, trading scores and looking incapable of breaking away to seal the win that, on paper, was supposed to come much more easily than the way this game was playing out. The Williams storyline is not a new one. As one of the nation’s top rushers, going into Saturday’s game he had already racked up 1,176 yards on 216 attempts, good enough for second in the country. During the first three quarters of the game on Saturday, Williams was his usually productive self, putting up 162 yards with a long of 57. While the first three quarters amounted to an outstanding performance by normal standards, Williams’ impact had been overshadowed by his lack of touchdowns, and even by performances from earlier in the year, such as the one against Army in which he came just one yard shy of matching BC’s

single-game record for rushing yards. All of that changed, however, when BC most needed a strong impact on offense. As the game turned into a back and forth competition, each team scoring only to be answered immediately by the other, BC needed an additional effort in order to force itself through the New Mexico State defense and break open the scoring margin. Williams had a fourth quarter that will go down in history books, netting 133 yards on just five carriers. Two of those carriers, the biggest ones, came within the last five minutes of play. With 4:33 remaining, Williams took an 80-yard run downfield to give the Eagles the go-ahead after being tied at 34. Then, after an interception by BC’s defense, Williams made his efforts count one more time with a 47-yard run for yet another touchdown. This run, in addition to the insurance it gave BC with the extra seven points, also brought Williams’ total yardage on the night to 295, breaking the record that he had so narrowly missed earlier in the season. “I just think that we made great adjustments for the second half, the offense really stuck with it and executed to a great degree and it just worked out,” Williams said. “We were able to pull out



2010-13 2006-09 1991-94 1983-86 1980-83

2499 2459 2388 2337 2180

Old reliable Although he’s been the primary target of opposing secondaries in every game this season, Amidon has managed to accumulate enough yards to pass Gunnell’s career record with at least three more games to go. some scores when we needed to and the defense did a great job—they complemented us, and we were just able to get this win and it feels great.” Williams was not the only record breaker of the day. Also on offense, senior wide receiver Alex Amidon surpassed Rich Gunnell as BC’s all-time leader in receiving yards, ending the game with 2,499. Amidon broke the record in good fashion on a 30-yard reception for a touchdown that put the Eagles up 27-17 in the third quarter. “At the end of the game you’re watching these seniors really grinding it,” said head coach Steve Addazio. “I know how out of gas they were. They were grinding it to bring this one home.” With three games remaining in the regular season, Amidon will have ample opportunity to increase his record as the Eagles continue toward their goal of bowl eligibility, but he chooses to pay more attention to the team milestone that the Eagles hit on Saturday rather than his own. “Just getting the win. That’s all,” he said. “We’ve got five. We’ve got the opportunity to get six.” “It’s so meaningful. We came out and it was an ugly game, back and forth like that and just for us to be able to hold on on the road like that, because we haven’t gotten a road win since my sophomore year, and that’s something we really needed to do.” 



Monday, November 11, 2013

Eagles roll past Terriers BY MIKE HOFF For The Heights


Johnny Gaudreau tallied four points against the Black Knights. He kicked off the game with two goals and later notched two assists.

BC posts 11 goals in a shutout of Army BY ROB SHEEHAN For The Heights

After a dominant 5-1 road win over archrival BU on Friday, the Boston College men’s hockey team looked to avoid a letdown against 0 Army winless Army. Boston College 11 Ye t t h e r e was no such letdown for the Eagles against the Black Knights as BC posted an impressive 11 goals and had two goalies combine for a shutout. Ten different Eagles scored goals on the afternoon. Sunday’s game also marked the first time BC has scored 11 goals since a matchup against Holy Cross on Nov. 19, 1984. The Eagles were sporting shuffled lines to start the game with sophomore Peter McMullen and freshman Matthew Gaudreau seeing their first game action of the season. Gaudreau and McMullen were on the fourth line while Destry Straight and Michael Sit sat out. While Gaudreau was making his debut, his older brother Johnny Gaudreau was continuing to add to his collegiate hockey credentials. The elder Gaudreau opened the barrage of scoring with a power play tally at four minutes into the first. Johnny was tripped by Army’s Garret Peterson,

drawing the power play on which he deked three defenders and backhanded the puck past Army goalie Rob Tadazak. Gaudreau struck again at 8:40 with another breakaway goal, undressing another Army defender with his quick hands. Freshman Scott Savage assisted on Gaudreau’s first goal while Bill Arnold and Steven Santini provided the helpers on the second. BC held the puck for most of the first period and gave up very few chances to Army. Bill Arnold continued the first period scoring at 11:48, and freshman Ryan Fitzgerald added a power play strike less than two minutes later with a rocket from the edge of the left circle. The Eagles ended the period with 21 shots on goal to Army’s three. The BC scoring attack got rolling again early in the second period. The Eagles applied sustained pressure in the attacking zone, paving the way for Evan Richardson’s second goal of the season. Hayes kept the puck in the zone and passed to Fitzgerald, who made a nice drop pass to the trailing Richardson. Matt Gaudreau netted his first collegiate goal by getting to the front of the net and corralling a rebound nearly 15 minutes into the second frame. This sixth BC goal of the day chased Tadazak from the net. Freshman Adam Gilmour added another

Eagle power play goal at 16:37 when a high rebound found him perfectly in front of the net. Junior Brian Billett stopped 11 Army shots in the second and all of the 14 shots he had faced so far. After sophomore defenseman Michael Matheson zipped a shot past Army’s Parker Gahagen in the third for an eight goal lead, head coach Jerry York opted to pull Billett and get junior goalie Brad Barone some game action. Both Billett and Barone finished with 15 saves and combined for the shutout. Freshman Ian McCoshen, freshman Austin Cangelosi, and Hayes all added goals in the third to bring the final BC tally to 11. Several Eagles had prolific scoring days. Johnny Gaudreau and Arnold each had four points on the afternoon while Cangelosi, Hayes, Gilmour, and Fitzgerald each tallied three points. York noted the chemistry his lines have developed and the confidence the players have gained with the increased scoring output. He likened the confidence boost to that of a golfer with his driver. “Just like when you drive the fairway once, you feel like you’re going to hit the next fairway,” York said. BC’s head coach was also pleased that his team carried momentum from the BU win and didn’t suffer a letdown. 

Going into Friday’s game, both the Boston College and Boston University men’s hockey teams were ranked in the top 25 nationally. Other than that, 1 BU the two ComBoston College 5 monwealth Ave. rivals could not be in more disparate states. Take the respective coaching situations. This past week, BC signed its head coach, Jerry York, the winningest coach in college hockey history, to an extension through the year 2020. BU’s head coach, David Quinn, had eight games of college head coaching experience heading into Friday’s showdown. The Eagles dominated on the scoreboard, on the ice, and deflated the Terriers en route to a 5-1 throttling at Agganis Arena during Friday night’s game, BC holding BU to just six even strength shots on goal. “That’s a really good hockey team we just played, [they have] a lot of depth up front, good defense, very good goaltending,” Quinn said. “They beat us in all facets of the game. It was a mismatch as the game went on. I don’t want to say we quit, but I think we got demoralized.” Dominant from the start, the Eagles controlled the first period. BU was outshot 16-5 in the first frame and gave the Eagles’ top lines chances that the Terriers could not afford in their current state. The most egregious of these opportunities came when, after a failed BU clearance, the puck found BC forward Johnny Gaudreau who quickly spotted linemate Austin Cangelosi, who calmly slid the puck in between O’Connor’s legs to put the Eagles up 1-0 9:10 into the game. Less than three minutes later, York showed part of why he deserved that extension. York spotted that Quinn iced his seldom-used fourth forward line, and York responded with the same Gaudreau-Bill Arnold-Cangelosi mix that put BC ahead. On the ensuing shift, Gaudreau beat O’Connor for his only goal of the night off of a pass from Arnold. The snipe gave BC a 2-0 lead 11:36 into the contest. “[Gaudreau]’s just a great college player,” Quinn said. “He’s a guy that can create an awful lot of offense and when you go to him and you don’t have 100 percent intent to play the body, you’re [going to] pay a price and we certainly paid a price tonight.” Arnold’s assist was the 100th point of his BC career, joining Gaudreau as the only active players to reach that milestone. The only time all game that the Terriers threatened to grab any momentum was 31

seconds into the second period, when Arnold was sent off for high-sticking. A minute and 29 seconds into the Terrier power play, forward Robbie Baillargeon’s shot caught freshman Nick Roberto’s stick and the puck fluttered past BC goaltender Thatcher Demko to make the score 2-1. The blemish would be the only one of the night for Demko and the Eagle defense. Despite six BU power plays, including a five on three late in the second, BC surrendered that sole goal and just 23 shots on net. “I thought we got outstanding goaltending from Thatcher Demko,” York said. “I thought our ability to defend on the penalty kill was [good], part of that was Thatcher, but also blocking shots and making good plays … especially on the five on three.” Any positives gained from Roberto’s goal were quickly retracted when Gaudreau pounced on a loose puck on an Eagle power play. With a shooting lane available, Gaudreau deked past a Terrier defenseman and saw nothing but white between him and O’Connor. He faked out O’Connor such that O’Connor was flailing on the ice, and then skated behind the net. Gaudreau threw a no-look, behind his back pass to Arnold once O’Connor had risen and skated to the other post. Arnold put it away and BC went up 3-1. “Johnny’s the only player I’ve ever played with that would know not to shoot it on that kind of mini-breakaway, take it behind the net, curl, and throw it back out,” Arnold said after the game. “It was the easiest goal you’re ever [going to] score. It was just a tremendous play by him.” In the third period, Kevin Hayes and Fitzgerald tapped into their recently developed chemistry on a neutral zone turnover by BU a little over seven minutes in. Hayes would beat the goalie with a forehand to backhand move for a 4-1 lead with 12:25 left. Less than a minute later, Hayes topped himself with a no-look cross-ice backhand pass to BC forward Destry Straight who was unmarked and behind the BU defense. Straight, a fourth-liner, easily beat O’Connor for the last goal of the game at 8:27. While the goal was mostly due to Hayes’ brilliance, Quinn saw mistakes from his squad that were representative of a team that doesn’t get it yet. “Hayes made a great play but we got three guys around him and everybody’s stick-checking,” he said. “It’s not about impressing the crowd with big hits, it’s about the subtle toughness in this game that ‘Joe Fan’ doesn’t notice. And we didn’t have any of that tonight.” 

Similar second halves lead to two straight losses to start season BY AUSTIN TEDESCO Sports Editor

Steve Donahue wouldn’t even let the question finish being asked. He had heard, “How much did Friday…” and he had his answer. “Nothing,” the Boston College head coach said, putting his head down slightly and shaking it. Then he let out a quiet “no” under his breath. The BC men’s basketball team had just been dominated inside and on the glass by UMass in an 86-73 loss at TD Garden on Sunday, and he wanted to make it clear, in the simplest way possible, that Friday’s season-opening, 8278 overtime loss at Providence wasn’t the reason. This was a different game to Donahue, not a loss forced from a hangover of disappointment. Although Sunday’s result may not have been caused by Friday’s, the games had their striking similarities. The BC offense was stagnant for a majority of both contests. The Eagles found a little more flow against the Minutemen, especially right before and after halftime, but it couldn’t be sustained. Sophomore point guard Olivier Hanlan and junior forward Ryan Anderson carried the scoring workload, with Hanlan notch-

ing 23 points on Friday and 19 on Saturday and Anderson adding 21 then 22. They weren’t the type of offensive performances that impress their head coach, though. “When we’re playing well, five or six guys are close to double figures,” Donahue said. “I expect our overall team to be four double figure scorers, no one more than 15 or 16, a couple of eight. “What that tells me is that we’re just not playing good basketball like we need to.” Although Hanlan finished with 19 against the Minutemen, it was a quiet scoring effort for the most part. He was held to two points in just nine minutes of playing time in the first half after picking up two fouls, and then struggled to get going as the second half began. When Hanlan finally started to feel it from the floor, the game was growing steadily out of reach and BC was unable to make stops. The same thing happened on Friday, as Hanlan was held in check by the Friars until the second half. Anderson’s scoring was consistent throughout both games, but he couldn’t carry the offensive burden himself, especially since most of the points came within the larger framework of the offense. “I don’t know if he’s that kind of player,” Donahue said when asked if BC needed to


Olivier Hanlan logged just nine minutes in the first half against UMass, picking up two fouls.

run the offense through Anderson more. “I don’t think we’re that kind of team.” With BC getting killed on the glass— outrebounded 80-47 combined in the two games—the offensive deficiencies were even more costly. “One thing you combat if you are getting your butts kicked on the boards, is you do a great job on offense,” Donahue said. “You control the possessions. You get great looks, and at times we did and other times we were foolish. They got advantages in transition and threw it up on the glass and that’s where we’re exposed.” Sophomore guard Joe Rahon and junior forward Patrick Heckmann were BC’s two steadiest players through the Eagles’ first two games. While Anderson played well offensively and contributed on the glass, and Hanlan eventually found his shooting touch both nights, Rahon and Heckmann both played well all-around. With Hanlan flying around at an incredibly quick pace trying to take advantage of the referees’ quick whistles under the new hand-checking rules, Rahon picked his spots, using pace and his body to open up shots for himself or others. Through two games he’s put up a combined 21 points on 18 shots, adding nine assists. After logging four turnovers on Friday, he cut the total to one yesterday, despite playing 39 minutes. Rahon has missed less than two minutes of game time so far this year, an impressive feat considering he’s had to guard two quick and talented scorers in Providence’s Bryce Cotton and UMass’ Chaz Williams under the stricter handchecking rules. Heckmann hasn’t filled the box scores, but he’s proven a greater efficiency and consistency to his game. He’s a combined 5-of-8 from the field and 4-of-4 from the line for 16 points. As Alex Dragicevich continues to struggle in his return to the court after sitting out last season and Heckmann’s sore ankle starts to heal, Heckmann is becoming a greater threat for starter minutes. Even with the 0-2 start, Donahue said he needs to change what he emphasizes, not the team’s overall approach. “I don’t think there’s a change,” Donahue said. “I’m real honest with our guys. I have great confidence in this group. We’re going to be a good basketball team. I’m disappointed, for sure, but I’m not discouraged in how I feel this team can be.” BC gets two chances to bounce back against Toledo and Florida Atlantic at home this week, before a challenging slate at the 2K Classic in New York. “The scheduling is what it is,” Donahue said. “I’ve said this many times, if we want to be as good as we can be, we’ve got to play this schedule. That’s going to make us better. We’re going to learn from this. I have great confidence in these guys.” 


UMass’ Cady Lallane dominated BC inside, putting up 27 points and grabbing 12 boards.

The Heights

Monday, November 11, 2013


Eagles’ season tips off with loss to highly ranked Stanford By Jackie Scherer For The Heights

Boston College’s Kat Cooper waited at the top of the arc and, upon receiving a pass from Nicole Boudreau, sunk in her second 3-pointer of the game just before the halftime buzzer blew. Cooper’s last-second shot brought the Eagles within 20 points of the Stanford Cardinal at the end of the first half at the BC women’s basketball season opener at Conte Forum. The E agles would narrow that margin during the second segment of play to bring the game to a final score of 83-71. Stanford came into the game ranked No. 3 in the country, but despite its intimidating standing, BC came out with energy that temporarily stunned the Cardinal. The Eagles dominated rebound control in the first few minutes, and had an 18-13 lead going into the first media break. Thanks to the help of senior Chiney Ogwumike, a player of the year nominee, Stanford’s offense picked up. The Cardinal’s quick transitions upset the Eagles’ settled defense, and Stanford went on a 28-0 scoring rush. From 11:29 to 1:08 remaining in the first half, BC failed to score, remaining at 18 points. The Eagles struggled to get open and set up plays during Stanford’s 28-0 streak. The rebounds were snagged by Cardinal defense and rushed back to turn the tables and put BC on the defen-

sive. Stanford’s transition offense often caught the Eagles off guard, allowing the Cardinal to take the ball end to end for easy points. “We’re going to play six games this year against top 10 competition, and having a stretch like we had at the end of that first half, we simply have to make sure that never happens,” said head coach Erik Johnson. “You can’t [give] up after a 20-point deficit against a team that’s that good and that wellcoached.” Two BC three-pointers at the end of the first half by Emilee Daley and Kat Cooper brought the first half to an end with a score of 24-44. The Eagles were 10 for 34 on field goal shots, and three for 10 on 3-pointers, with Stanford going 15-for-26 on its field goal attempts and 3-for-8 in 3-pointers. While BC dominated the rebound game early in the matchup, Stanford stepped up to control 29 rebounds over BC’s 12 after the first half. In the second half, the Eagles repeated the fast start they created at the beginning of the game. The Eagles stepped up both their offensive and their defensive game, led by Kristen Doherty with several key, aggressive plays on the court. “There were definitely points where we put Stanford back on its heels and it showed we could play against anybody,” Johnson said. “We just need to make adjustments quicker.” BC nearly doubled its point total

Graham Beck / Heights Editor

Although Kristen Doherty helped to chip away at Stanford’s first-half lead with 16 points, the Eagles collectively struggled from the floor. from the first, putting up 47 points and shooting 52 percent. Doherty led the Eagles in points with 16, and Shayra Brown followed closely with 15 points. Doherty scored all 16 of her points in the second half against Stanford’s defense. Brown led BC in rebounds with a total of five, while Doherty and Boudreau

each had four. Stanford’s Ogwumike had a total of 14 rebounds, and Amber Orrange was one rebound away from a triple double, which would have been Stanford’s first since March 2002. While the Eagles only shot 39 percent in the loss, they hit 83 percent of their foul shots, going 19-for-23. With the new

Eagles fall in overtime ACC clash at UVA


BC tees off for last time in ’13 By Chris Grimaldi Assoc. Sports Editor

By Alex Fairchild Heights Staff After a crushing away defeat to Clemson two weeks ago, Boston College men’s soccer head coach Ed Kelly said his team needed to win its final three games. The team only came out on top once in those contests, but three points were all that was required to qualify for the ACC Tournament. A win against Virginia would have kept the Eagles from traveling to Maryland to play the No. 1 seed Terrapins on Tuesday, but Kelly’s men failed to get the job done on the road, forcing BC to take the competition’s eighth and final spot. BC fell to the Cavaliers in overtime by a score of 1-0. Alex Kapp started in goal, while Amit Shumowitz, Chris Ager, Ryan Dunn, and Matt Wendelken rounded out the BC rearguard. The Cavaliers and Eagles battled in a physical first half of play that lacked offense. Virginia’s Eric Bird shot a ball over the crossbar in the fifth minute, and neither team generated an opportunity until the 22nd minute when Issac Normesinu’s shot went wide of the post. Consecutive corner kicks were ceded by the Eagles 20 minutes from halftime, but Patrick Foss’ own attempts were not of the quality required to pierce a stout BC defense. “BC was very resolute and organized in their defending,” said Virginia men’s soccer head coach George Gelnovatch. “They made it very difficult for us to get behind them. They closed us down very quickly and defended well.” Between the pair of set pieces and the end of the half, Shumowitz was cautioned, while Alex Kapp kept an effort from Foss out of his net. Zeiko Lewis, who leads the ACC in assists with 12, nearly added to his season total when his drive at the Cavalier defense

changes in officiating and penalty rules for NCAA basketball, these are promising numbers for the first game. Stanford, in comparison, shot 54.8 percent on free throws. “I have to compare [this game] to where we were after our first game last year,” Johnson said. “It’s remarkable how much farther along we are.” n

Emily Fahey / heights Staff

Despite keeping the Cavaliers out of BC’s net for 97 minutes, goalie Alex Kapp couldn’t stop UVA’s Brian James from netting an OT goal. saw him nudge the ball to his left. The leftward pass to an on-coming Giuliano Frano was controlled well by the junior midfielder, who took a touch forward before firing a shot straight at goalkeeper Calle Brown. Gelnovatch made a triple substitution at 62 minutes. Kelly countered by putting Normesinu in for Atobra Ampadu. While BC’s Cole DeNormandie was able to muster a shot after the change, three consecutive chances from Virginia were squandered. Attempts from Darius Madison, Brian James, and Todd Wharton all failed to test Kapp. Brown made two saves on Diego Medina-Mendez to keep the Cavaliers level with the Eagles. Foss had the opportunity to give Virginia a late win with two corner kicks in the final two minutes, but attempts failed to yield a shot, forcing overtime.

The Eagles were pounded in the extra period, as the Cavaliers put Kapp to work on multiple occasions. Madison dominated the right flank, creating two opportunities for himself in the opening minutes of overtime. The sophomore forward received the ball 18 yards out and took on Wendelken with an inside-out dribble that created the inch of space necessary for the Cavalier to get off a shot. Kapp did enough to parry Madison’s close-range effort over the bar. Madison did the same to Wendelken moments later, as he drove right at the Eagles’ left back. He took a few touches toward the arc surrounding the 18-yard box, before sharply cutting the ball into the box with the outside of his right foot. Ager’s sliding tackle thwarted Madison’s shot, and Wendelken did well to clear the ball. Madison’s ability to create space

to shoot was brilliant, and Ager’s defense gave the Eagles a bit of life. Despite making three saves in overtime, Kapp would not be able to keep out sub Brian James. Foss whipped in a diagonal free kick from the right side that landed on the penalty spot, where it was controlled poorly by Kevin McBride, whose momentum took him away from the ball with his back to goal. The ball popped into the air and sat up perfectly for James who unleashed a volley past Kapp using the inside of his right foot. “At the start of the overtime, I could tell they were starting to wear down and our best chances of the night came in the first five minutes of overtime,” Gelnovatch said. “Given how well they were defending and how organized they were, it was a very good win for us.” n

Over this past week, the Boston College men’s golf team closed out its fall season at the Wolfpack Intercollegiate tournament in Raleigh, N.C. The Eagles notched a 13th place finish out of 17 teams in the competition, finishing with a team score of 895 and a plus-31 mark in three rounds. East Tennessee finished in first place with an overall team mark of 843. BC was led by junior Max Christiana with a performance of 222. Rookie Patrick Oleksak and sophomore Nicholas Pandelena followed with marks of 223 and 227 respectively. Junior Andy Mai’s 229 and classmate John Jackopsic’s 231 rounded out the Eagle effort at the tournament. After this past weekend’s tournament, BC now heads into the offseason before starting competition again in March at the Gonzaga Bandon Dunes Invitational. Meanwhile, both the BC women’s and men’s swimming and diving squads traveled to duel with Cornell on Saturday. BC’s men fell to the Big Red by a final score of 148-125. In the loss, junior Andrew Stranick finished second in the 100-yard breaststroke with a time just under 58 seconds. Senior Sean Murphy finished right behind the junior with a third-place finish in the event. In the 100-yard freestyle event, sophomore Daniel Kelly took the first-place spot to earn his squad nine points. The BC women’s squad also faced defeat at Cornell, falling short in a 159-114 loss. Despite coming up short in the scorebook, the Eagles enjoyed bright spots during the event, including a dominant performance in the 100-yard butterfly. Jordan Parry, Mackenzie Merriam, Anne Fothergill, Ann Ragan Kearns, and Elizabeth Mangone took the event’s top five spots. BC also enjoyed success in the women’s 200-yard IM, as Samantha Couillard, Stephanie Ng, and Melissa Merwin rounded out the race’s top three. n

Eagles searching for toughness after slow start Column, From B1 said. “That’s what they did, and they deserve all the credit. Lalanne just absolutely demolished us on the boards. I’m obviously very disappointed, but I give UMass a lot of credit. Right now that’s the way to beat us.” He thought the same thing happened in the loss to Providence. “Both teams came out and said, ‘I don’t think they’re tough enough to handle us on the glass,’” Donahue said of Providence and UMass’ second half mentality. It’s so rare that a concept like toughness is actually the real difference-maker in a game. Toughness is almost exclusively a coachspeak term riddled with

false, cliche meaning that helps avoid real issues like rotations in help defense, switching screens quickly enough, or throwing a forearm into a guy’s chest on every box out. All of those deficiencies can be grouped into a perceived overall lack of toughness, when in reality that explanation is too simple. BC wasn’t tough enough to win on Friday or Sunday. It’s not that these players aren’t tough enough or that they’re soft. They’re not. That’s not the problem. But Lalanne had 27 points and 12 rebounds. Eight of those 12 boards came on the offensive end, and no one on BC’s roster came close to getting in his way. Toughness wouldn’t be throwing an elbow or using a dirty move to shove him out of the way or anything like that.

Toughness would be Ryan Anderson, Eddie Odio, Alex Dragicevich or, hell, even Garland Owens, deciding that after the 16th or 17th second-chance point maybe they’ve had enough, and that no matter what happens on the next possession, if a shot went up they were going to throw the hardest forearm they had into Lalanne’s chest, turn around, and push him back. And then repeat that until they had to be subbed out. That’s the toughness BC was lacking. It’s as much mental as it is physical. After two losses, the stigma from the past two seasons is already starting to creep back in. BC isn’t tough enough. Throw the ball up at the rim. You can go grab it and put it back in. They won’t hold you off. Donahue said UMass smelled blood

and took advantage. Even the fans at the Garden, like that guy in line before the game, could smell it. The coach blamed himself, and his next move, his only move, was to make this his biggest point of emphasis now. “I’m taking the blame,” Donahue said. “Ultimately I didn’t emphasize this enough. It’s emphasis. This is the most important thing now.” Sometimes toughness is more than coachspeak. Sometimes toughness really is the difference in the game. And sometimes toughness, and whether or not you have enough of it to win, is all in your head. It’s all a game.

Austin Tedesco is the Sports Editor for The Heights. He can be reached at

graham beck / heights editor

Ryan Anderson and the Eagles struggled in their opening weekend, dropping two games.


The Heights

Monday, November 11, 2013


Monday, November 11, 2013


The quest for a healthier diet

PATRICK EBBERT I’ve never had the healthiest of eating habits. I grew up thinking pepperoni pizza was just about the healthiest meal I could consume because it basically contained all five food groups. (Tomatoes are kind of like a fruit and a vegetable, right?) I played lineman on my middle school football team like all the other fat kids and looked forward to Burger King Benefit Night like it was some sort of monthly greasy Christmas. I grew taller and therefore thinned out in high school without really trying, but my diet never really changed and as soon as that convenient power-up wore off I found myself packing on the pounds once again when I came to BC in 2011. Quick access to tons of restaurants, a tough breakup, and thousands of Monopoly money dining dollars later, I realized I had gained not 15, but 25 pounds since coming to college. What the heck, body? I knew it was time to make a change but didn’t quite know how. After all, what really was healthy eating anyway? I decided to start off my search with the basic FDA food pyramid that I always had known existed and probably had to take a quiz on for a health class or something sometime. I recalled it having a bunch of bread and cereal and stuff in the largest quantities, fruits and vegetables next (gross), and then the good stuff—meat, dairy, and sweets—on the top. To my dismay I discovered through research, i.e. one Google search, that that version of the food pyramid had actually been replaced in 2005 with some weird rainbow road prism being climbed by a giant torso-less man. Okay, so clearly the government was more into designing avant-garde modern art than trying to help me eat right. What about my beloved BC Dining? It always has the best interest of student health at heart. I journeyed into sophomore year intent on eating three full meals a day from Lower to cut down on my restaurant-food intake: ham and cheese croissants in the morning, meatloaf-sized burritos for lunch, and either a steak-n-cheese, foot-long sub, or burger for dinner. Thanks a lot BC for not leading me into temptation. But BC came back at it this year and began a campaign to help every student eat better. Signs around campus, in the dining halls, and at the Plex started to treat being healthy as some larger lifestyle rather than just focusing on diet. Sleep eight hours a night, exercise three to four times a week (but not too close to bedtime), and avoid stress and alcohol. Alright BC, good jokes. How about some diet advice I can actually follow? All the signs consistently implore all to “eat foods close to their natural form.” This sounds good in theory, but moldy peaches and rabbit carcasses just didn’t do it for me. It was time to turn to some real-life college-age healthy people. I knew they existed. I had plenty of thin, fit friends that I assumed at least indulged in the act of eating every once in a while. Surely they knew the secrets to eating right. By talking to many people, I never really figured out what I should be eating, but got plenty of advice on what I shouldn’t be eating. I shouldn’t eat red meat cause it would give me heart disease. I shouldn’t eat meat at all because meat is murder. I shouldn’t eat bread because it has no nutrients. I shouldn’t eat processed food cause there are too many chemicals. I shouldn’t drink milk or eat cheese because “humans weren’t meant to consume dairy.” I shouldn’t eat fatty, greasy things because duh. Alright, so what did that leave me with? Fruits and vegetables. Crap. This is what I feared. But that can’t be right, surely the food pyramid is a pyramid and not just a binary Venn diagram. Okay, so after another single Google search it turns out that the FDA’s flashy tastethe-rainbow pyramid got changed to a stained glass window dinner plate two years ago. I give up. I looked around the other day trying to find something for lunch and noticed a few leftover Snickers bars from our bucket of Halloween candy. The Snickers wrapper claimed the candy was high in fructose as well as cocoa. (Kind of like a fruit and a vegetable, right?) Maybe I will just never actually figure out how to eat healthy.

Patrick Ebbert is a staff columnist for The Heights. He can be reached at


Students gain diversity in perspective with Woods courses Woods, from B10 WCAS, apart from its flexible course offerings and schedules, is the broad range of its students’ ages. Traditionally, BC students’ classes consist of collegeage students alone. In WCAS, however, things are a bit different. In any given class, one can expect to find college-age students as well as middle-age students, varying by as much as 20 to 30 years. Bringing together different generations within the classroom allows for a variation of thought and perspective that one cannot expect to find in daytime

college courses. “We think the mix of the ages brings out a much richer discussion and really great opportunities for students to learn from one another as well as the professor,” Burns said. “Profit and learning go together. We profit when learning allows new perceptions to widen our horizons.” Kaitlin Brown, A&S ’16, is enrolled in a once-a-week Marketing Overview course in WCAS, and has changed her perspective because of the diversity in the classroom. “The range of students was a little

uncomfortable at first, but it’s actually really interesting to have that much generational diversity in one classroom,” she said. WCAS also runs the BC University Summer Session, giving students the opportunity to take courses and fulfill credits outside of the academic year. For students already enrolled at BC, registering for WCAS courses follows the same process as registering for any other classes. After freshman year, any BC student can register for one WCAS course per semester. Non-BC students, however, apply to WCAS through a

separate application process, or may fill out forms for visiting student status. Learning among students outside of the “BC Bubble” can be an incredibly enlightening experience—an experience that WCAS is truly proud to offer. “Our goal is to assist our students in completing an academically excellent Boston College education,” Burns said. “Students in the Woods College receive a Boston College degree in the Ignatian tradition. The motto of Boston College, ‘Ever to Excel,’ is as much a commitment to our students as it is a tribute to our history.” 

Empowering students to combat disordered eating Body Image, from B10 bodies and other peoples’ bodies. “Fat talk is really prevalent in college,” Bly said. “But I also don’t think it is a stretch to say it’s extremely prevalent at BC.” Bly noted how the WRC is fully there for students—men and women. “We are by no means licensed counselors, and we don’t pretend to have all the answers,” she said. “But just being able to say something out loud can be a very empowering experience. The WRC wants to make it known that they can air it out with us there. If we can’t handle it right there in the office, we will do our best to make sure the student feels more comfortable when they leave and has a sense of direction.” Students can talk to the WRC staff, a graduate assistant, or the director. They can also be referred to Counseling Services for further support. Part of the work of OHP involves improving body image and educating about what healthy eating actually is, compared to what the perception of it is. Directly educating students about what healthy eating is has proven effective in helping to prevent eating disorders. The “Nourish” campaign, spearheaded by OHP and Dining Services, is the official healthy eating campaign that aims to broaden knowledge of healthy eating, and to try to overcome barriers to eating well. OHP offers various programs such as iBalance, iEat, iCope, and Girl Talk. Girl Talk fosters conversations in learning how to reject the thin ideal. Stress management provides students with tools on how to cope with stress in order to try to inhibit them from turning to food to control the way they feel. Students play a vital role in this mentoring process. Student health coaches are trained and certified to educate their peers in group situations related to the definition of healthy eating. Additionally, there are health coaches certified in iHPs (health plans), and they are available for one-on-one conversations about health, offering mini assessments and strategizing with students on their health goals.

The peer health model has proven extremely effective for the initial level of health education. “We know from studies that students will listen first to a knowledgeable peer before they will listen to a professional,” Tucker said. OHP works in tandem with the Women’s Resource Center (WRC) and University Counseling Services to provide students with the most seamless path toward help. Tucker noted how there is no one “right way” to go about getting help for eating issues at BC. The system functions so that a student can get help from whichever avenue they are most comfortable pursuing. Katie Dalton, director of the WRC, explained how the WRC addresses the issue of eating disorders by offering resources on and off campus. In addition, the WRC offers a weekly discussion group called UnSaid to address disordered eating on campus. “UnSaid aims to explore the unspoken and unrealistic expectations of ‘health’ and ‘beauty’ here at Boston College,” she said. “It is a welcoming place for students to come together to raise concerns, investigate and collaborate on issues of body image and body acceptance on our campus.” Dalton articulated what she sees as a main cause of the prevalence of eating issues on campus. The adjustment to college, new independence, and general change can be unsettling. She attributed the feeling of being unable to find stability in this new environment as a factor in disordered eating. “Regardless of where one is in the college experience, for approximately 20 percent of college-aged women, the stress manifests itself into an issue of control—one in which the student feels that so many changes has made life feel out of control,” she said. “The result is that a lot of people make the mistake of thinking that by controlling what they eat, how much they exercise, and looking ‘thin,’ they can not only look more attractive, but also cope with and be successful in the new environment.” Love Your Body Week, taking place this week, is put on by the WRC, and is dedicated to “promoting healthy body


Love Your Body Week has several events planned to address issues surrounding body image. image and reminding people of all the amazing things the body can do,” said WRC staff member Jessica Stevens, A&S ’14. “It is a chance for students to engage with their body in a positive way and start to shift the negative perceptions some people have about their body. It is a week for discussing the issues of eating disorders; the media’s influence on body image; healthy eating and exercise habits; the connection between physical and mental health; the various stereotypes and body expectations for different cultures, ethnicities, genders, and sexualities; and a chance to celebrate the body.” Stevens added that while Love Your Body Week is an awareness campaign, its efforts should not be restrained to one week. Conversations about body image should continue all the time, and the dialogue should extend into discussion groups, residence hall talks, and other programs. In essence, the resources for students on campus aim to broaden knowledge about healthy eating, to widen the lens of how students interpret health, and to

address some of the barriers they may perceive as getting in the way of their ability to eat healthily. Stevens sees change as promising when our society becomes more aware of the unrealistic expectations of beauty and size that are engrained in our culture. “While it is difficult to change the media’s portrayal of beauty and its obsession with thinness, we as a community can be more aware of these expectations and how they negatively impact us,” she said. “Knowledge can be a source of empowerment and can lead to a desire to seek change in society.” Love Your Body Week is a great awareness campaign, but constant campus-wide dialogue about health and body image is necessary to combat the normalizing of a body-conscious culture. “It’s ultimately rewarding because even if you only help one person every once in a while, that is enormous,” Tucker said. “The rewards are in seeing people do better. The sooner someone gets help, the sooner recovery is likely to happen. The longer you allow the behavior, the more work needs to be done.” 


Real Food BC provides Brighton garden and sustainable food options in dining halls BY CAROLINE KIRKWOOD Heights Staff With the growing movement across the country toward ecologically sound and humane food production, Real Food BC attempts to bring this national movement to Boston College by encouraging the administration and the students to think about where their food is coming from and work toward a more sustainable food system. But what actually does this concept of “Real Food” mean? “Real Food is pretty much anything that is sustainable,” said Kat Kavner, co-president of Real Food BC and CSOM ’14. “So food that is produced in a way that is ecologically sound, that is fairly traded, or things that are grown locally.” Real Food BC was founded in 2007 as part of a greater movement, The National Real Food Challenge, which aims to bring these sustainable, fair trade foods to universities across the country. “The challenge is to try to get your school administration to sign on to have 20 percent of your food budget allocated to Real Food by 2020,”

Kavner said. This year, the club is making strides toward this goal, as it is reviewing Addie’s Loft, the dining option that offers locally sourced and sustainable food. Both Real Food BC and BC Dining Service worked in conjunction to bring this dining option to campus. “We are making sure that Addie’s is sticking true to its mission of being a local eatery on campus,” Kavner said. “We are working on going through line by line all of the items we have up there and checking in with the producers to see where they source their items.” Along with the food at Addie’s, Real Food BC is committed to making sure that steps toward humane and fair-trade food are being made in other aspects of dining at BC. “Last year we did a campaign to get all cage-free eggs in the dining halls which was successful,” Kavner said. This year all eggs used in the dining halls are cage-free, whether they are freshly cracked eggs or liquid-form eggs used for baking and making omelets. This club is also responsible for the particular brand of coffee served in Hillside. “The coffee that we have in Hillside

was something that Real Food worked to put in with Equal Exchange, which is totally free trade,” Kavner said. Another facet of Real Food BC that many students may not be aware of is the organic garden they maintain on the Brighton Campus. Although the garden is currently closed for the winter, Kavner commented on the club’s attempt to spread awareness about the garden this year. “At Student Activities Day we tried to really push the garden and tell people about it,” she said. “The response we got from a lot of people was ‘Wow that’s so cool that we have a garden on campus, I had no idea, and I’d love to come out.’” The club encourages students to come out and help harvest in the fall and then take home whatever they pick. “This is the most local sustainably grown food you could possibly have,” Kavner said. Kavner explained the ultimate goal of the garden: “The long-term goal, the ultimate dream goal, is to have what we grow in the garden served in the dining halls.” To raise awareness about the sustainable food effort, Real Food BC likes

to host events throughout the year. This fall they brought cooking to the garden to show how sustainable food can go from farm to table. “We did a cooking class in the garden where we used the produce and the herbs to make food and share it with people, ” Kavner said. Real Food BC will also be hosting a Thanksgiving dinner today, Nov. 11. “We are working with a local farm to bring in a lot of local produce to highlight New England and share a sustainably grown meal,” Kavner said. It is through events like these, that Real Food BC hopes to spread this mission of Real Food to students on campus. At its core, Real Food BC hopes students and the administration can come to realize the immense power they have to choose where the food they purchase comes from and how it is produced. “The whole idea is that as college students we have this incredible power to influence the way that a lot of food is purchased, so trying to get momentum behind that idea of eating more sustainable,” Kavner said. 




Monday, November 11, 2013


Go from 5k to Spotting the newcomers at the onset of New England winter marathon ready C D ORINNE

CAITLIN SLOTTER You may not have realized it, but in a mere month training for the 2014 Boston Marathon will officially commence. Whether you’re a senior trying to knock the marathon off your bucket list, a freshman thinking of giving it a try, or anyone in between, training for and running the Boston Marathon will be a fulfilling, once-in-a-lifetime experience. For those of you who are seasoned runners ready to take on the training in a month, this column isn’t for you. This column is for those of you who aren’t regular runners, those of you that want to run the marathon but maybe don’t feel quite ready to start the training. Don’t worry! You still have a whole month to prepare, and that one month is plenty of time. Here, then, is how you can prepare for Boston Marathon training: 1) Start running. This seems obvious, but the only way you’re going to be able to train for a marathon is if you’re able to run. Generally, if you’re able to race a 5k (3.1 miles) you can start training for a marathon. If you’re just starting to run, plan 20-30 minute workouts where you run for two minutes, walk for one minute, etc. Each week, increase the time you’re running and decrease the time you’re walking until you can run for the entire time. Then, increase the amount of time or the distance that you’re running each week. A wise coach once told me that if you can run five miles, you can run any distance. This is true—the mentality that it takes to run five miles is the same mentality it will take you to run any distance when training for the marathon. 2) Set your goals. You will be more willing to stick with your training if you set goals for yourself. While your ultimate goal is to be able to train for the marathon, you can also set smaller, more immediate ones. Aim to run without stopping for two weeks. Set specific days to run your longer distances, and try to increase that distance each week. Increase your pace by a few seconds. Be happy when you do reach your goal, but don’t be afraid to set the bar higher—you’ll only know what you’re capable of if you push yourself. 3) Eat healthy. Increasing the amount you’re working out, especially through running, requires you to eat more nutrient-rich foods. Make sure you’re hitting all the food groups, focusing on whole-grains and protein. Make sure you’re getting enough calcium and Vitamin D, as these nutrients help prevent muscle weakness, pain, and fractures. Staying hydrated is important, too. If you feel thirsty, it means your body is already dehydrated, so make sure you carry a water bottle around throughout the day and try to drink six to eight glasses a day. Avoid drinking too many over-sugared “sports drinks” like Gatorade or Powerade— by eating healthy, nutritious meals and staying hydrated, you won’t need the artificial foods and drinks. 4) Take care of your body. Beginning to run and train can be strenuous and stressful. Make sure not to tire yourself out, and pay attention to your body. It’s natural to be sore, but knowing the difference between soreness and pain is important. When you do feel pain, take a few days off from running, and make sure to stretch and ice. If the pain doesn’t go away, you can always visit health services. Don’t push yourself too far—start out running three days a week before gradually adding on to that. And if any time, pace, or distance ever feels like it’s too much, don’t be afraid to pull back until you’ve gained enough strength and endurance to increase it. 5) Find out what works best for you. Ultimately, only you can determine what training regimen and running style works best for you. Some runners prefer to run with another person for conversation or motivation while others like the peace that comes with running alone. Some like to listen to music while they run, others don’t. Some run best in the morning, while others perform best in the evening, while the sun is setting. The great thing about running is that there’s no right or wrong way to do it. Anyone can run, and getting prepared to train for the marathon can be personalized to make it the best experience for you.

Caitlin Slotter is a staff writer for The Heights. She can be reached at


With all shades of grey and cloudy skies and some possibility of precipitation in Chestnut Hill’s daily forecast, November has certainly proclaimed its seemingly bleak arrival at Boston College. While bright foliage still enhances any individual’s walk across campus, a smattering of barren trees drastically alters the landscape, ruining many potential instagrams and communicating quite clearly that yes, indeed, winter is on its way. Those students who are originally from warmer climates are not fooling anyone with their very apparent bewilderment regarding the rapidly declining temperatures. This past Halloweekend proved particularly conflicting in terms of clothing—especially for BC’s female population. After all, how scantily can one dress when having to brave the elements for some portion of the night? A plethora of cats, devils, and flappers, however, did accompany the rest of the costume-clad, albeit in mild unhappiness due to Thursday’s

rainy weather. On this same theme of attire, warm winter coats, an excess of boots, and accompanying scarves, mittens, and hats indicate easily those unaccustomed to the cold within the student body—for New Englanders and Northerners know well that in order to survive this lengthy season, one has to build up resistance. All across campus, the prevalent equestrian, knee-high, and Hunter boots signal loudly tangible seasonal changes and the (sometimes dreaded) coming of winter. Gone are the days of rainbow flip-flops, Birkenstocks, and simple flats to be replaced by any footwear that provides an increased amount of insulation. Students hurry between classes huddled within down jackets, Patagonia parkas, and every variation of the North Face fleece, while only a true upper Midwesterner or upstate “Coastie” takes a 55-degree day as the last opportunity to don shorts before May. Bundled up beneath his entire supply of warm clothing at November’s inauguration, the freshman Californian is obvious by his premature layering ensemble—yeah, we see

you, and we promise the worst is yet to come. It’s easy to spot the newcomers, by their changing pace and quickened speed between classes. The casual walkers are few and far between now, as a seeming army of students hurries to Mac, O’Neill, and the Plex in record time. Chatting engagingly with classmates and peers has become an inside activity, and only a scattering of individuals enjoy the brisk November air to pass the football or play a short game of ultimate. Now and then, there is a reckless sprinter who devotes every ounce of his or her energy to make it indoors and out of the bitter cold—and, you can guess pretty assuredly that this person either runs for the track team or comes from outside of the region. While the aforementioned sign of foreign, southern, pacific, and southwestern, various other areas of origin are somewhat amusing, perhaps the most hilarious clue of unfamiliarity is facial expression. Particularly in the morning on any of these crisp autumn days, one can easily spot the squint-grimace traditionally associ-

ated with pain or distress. Commonplace around campus, the awkward, scrunched expression attempts to ward off the biting wind with its ugliness, and ultimately fails. It is successful, however, in uncovering the unaccustomed, and those who grew up in a similar climate may soon begin to don the look as well—for, they have had three seasons’ distance from the wintery weather, after all. Unfortunately, those who are ready to wave the white flag to winter now are in for a shock come February—the bleakest of the midwinter— when drying your hair before class becomes crucial, hot beverages supersede cold drinks, and any inclination to stick your tongue to a pole should really be forgotten. Winter’s longevity within New England may even facilitate the purchase of an entirely new wardrobe for those from out-ofregion. And all of you are really in for a treat—for snow has not arrived yet.

Corinne Duffy is a staff writer for The Heights. She can be reached at


Portico professor stresses expanding scope of business BY KATIE O’CONNOR

WHO: Betty Danielle Taghian WHO: Bagnani

For The Heights This professor grew up on a fruit and vegetable farm that also included a pig. She is from southern New Jersey and lived in a town so small that it had no stores, libraries, or sidewalks. A lover of apples and an athlete from a Division I school, this professor is multifaceted on numerous fronts. Additionally, she enjoys accounting and her favorite BC spot is the amphitheater outside Stokes. Guess who? It is none other than professor Betty Bagnani of the accounting department. Born in Blue Anchor, N.J. with one sibling, and, as noted above, numerous farm animals, Bagnani attended Edgewood High School. There, she discovered a love for mathematics and went on to play basketball for the College of William and Mary. She received a B.B.A. and, after interviewing for numerous jobs, and with the encouragement of a faculty member to apply to a Ph.D. program, Bagnani went straight from the College of William and Mary to a Ph.D. program at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst where she studied finance. Simultaneously, she worked for a consulting firm and, upon receiving her Ph.D., she began teaching and researching at Boston College. Additionally she has a masters of arts in ministry. “It worked for me. I can’t complain,” said Bagnani in reference to attending graduate school immediately after completing her undergraduate education. “I appreciated that I got to do some work while I was a Ph.D. student, but I do think it is a great fit if you can work for a few years to then know what you want to research when you go to graduate school.” More recently, Bagnani received an additional degree in theology, for her own knowledge and spiritual development, but has found it allows her to have conversa-

TEACHES: Portico, Molecules and TEACHES: Cells and Cancer Biology financial accounting FOCUS: The biology of EXPERIENCE: Received cancer her Ph.D. at UMass Amherst in finance, as well as Completed aRESEARCH: master of arts in ministry her postdoc at MassachusettsFACT: General Hospital in FUN Played Simon Powell’s lab as an Division I basketball EMILY SADEGHIAN / HEIGHTS STAFF undergraduate


tions with students about the wider range of courses and retreats they take at BC. At BC, Bagnani has taught and helped develop the freshman Portico course within CSOM. She also teaches financial accounting and financial statement analysis. Additionally, she will be co-leading the “TechTreck Ghana” field study course in the spring semester in which she, professor John Gallaugher, and 20 or so students will learn and examine how technology is used in emerging markets and later travel to Ghana for an eight-day field study, meeting with entrepreneurs and company leaders. “We look at the challenges and successes of technology in developing areas like Ghana specifically but sub-Saharan Africa more broadly,” Bagnani said. “Some remarkable developments are happening in Ghana that address some issues of that area and even global issues. Our students get to have break-out meetings with entrepreneurs and give their reactions to some of the apps they’ve created.” When asked about her interests within

and outside the classroom, she said, “we are often asked to become more and more specialized. One area that very much interests me is to teach classes where I can help students make links to other classes, such as linking financial accounting to Portico’s discussion of globalization, strategy, and ethics. “Developing this course really encouraged the committee of CSOM faculty, with the help of some A&S faculty, to get out of our specialized field silos and help students learn about business, about global issues, and how ethics fit in that,” she said. “A portico is the porch that takes you to the wider outside.” Thus, she stresses that having a wider understanding of business will be more helpful in business and other areas than having a very narrow perspective. This translates over into her current classes as well, as she states that over the years she has had a chance to teach a range of accounting, finance, and ethics-related courses. “Now I teach Intro To Financial Accounting and try to make links to what students have

already learned in Portico and what they will learn in their upper classes in the future.” Additionally, Bagnani has a family of two daughters and a husband. With her family, she enjoys hiking within the area and in New Hampshire and Vermont. She also enjoys walking and the outdoors. “I feel lucky in that I can walk pretty much anywhere,” she said. “And I make it my goal to drive as little as possible.” She is also an avid viewer of the TV show Modern Family. Aside from Modern Family, Bagnani enjoys watching and playing basketball. “I think women’s basketball is one of the most underappreciated sports,” she said. An interesting anecdote from her collegiate athletic career is that her coach freshman year instructed every player to knock or take the basketball out of her hands whenever they saw her, both on and off the court. “My teammates were very willing to participate, and to this day, I am ready to box out with elbows out when holding any type of athletic ball when someone comes near me.” 

HE SAID, SHE SAID I used to be pretty good about making my own food and getting to the Plex, but this semester I’m just so busy with classes. I really want to be healthy, but I just don’t have the time anymore to work out, go on runs, or cook healthy food instead of going to the dining hall. Should I just accept that I’m not going to be as healthy this semester, or is there any way to make this work? Unfortunately, you should accept that you are not going to be as healthy this semester. I, too, struggle with the same issue. If I spend too much time worrying about my food intake and exercise time, my academics and devotion to extracurricular activities are adversely affected. Coming from someone who is overloading courses and has spent the entirety of his fall semester going on internship interviews in different states, MARC FRANCIS healthy living is not at the top of my priority list—and I have no regrets. College is the only time throughout your whole life that you will be forced to manage so many different elements. It is not unusual to gain weight and live unhealthily throughout these four years— the stereotype of the beer-bellied college student exists for good reason. On a more positive note, I find that I am happiest when I unapologetically consume whatever I desire. I am not advising that you suddenly decide to let yourself make an exorbitant amount of poor life choices, but I believe that it would benefit you in the long-run if you put exercise and healthy eating on the back-burner until you sort out the chaos in your life. The pressure to stay fit at Boston College is overwhelming, but it is important to remember that you have many years ahead of you during which you can allocate an appropriate amount of time to such activities. After college, your professional career will most likely be your main focus, and once you get home at 6 p.m. you will not have to be concerned with homework, hanging out with all your college friends, or keeping up with some university activity.

While I could easily start lecturing about the importance of eating right and exercising, leading a healthy lifestyle while at college can be quite a struggle sometimes. We are expected to take five challenging academic courses, participate in and lead various clubs, hold at least one part-time job, and maintain a social life all at once. It becomes quite easy to fill days with urgent meetings and lunch dates at Hillside rather than Plex-time and grocery shopping. There is no reason, however, to AMY HACHIGIAN succumb to an unhealthy lifestyle—once you start believing you can’t change the way you live, it will become much harder to get back on track. Try some of these easy tips and tricks to make a busy schedule healthier. Good luck! First, take the stairs, everywhere and anywhere you can. While the million dollar staircase might not be the best way to start your morning, burning a few extra calories and getting your heart rate up is worth it. Next, eat when you’re hungry, not when you’re bored. If you can avoid eating that Hillside cookie simply because you’re bored of studying, you’ll be much better off. Also, opt for healthier meals at the dining hall. Sure, go ahead and enjoy a cheesesteak once in a while, but try to pick some of the “less tasty” (healthier) options for the majority of your meals. I’m not saying to load up on the carrot sticks, but perhaps opt for grilled chicken instead of the popcorn kind. Finally, put on exercise clothes at the beginning of the day. If you are already dressed with a water bottle at hand, swinging by the Plex becomes much easier. Plan out an exercise routine while waiting for class to start to maximize your time at the gym.

Marc Francis is an editor for The Heights. He can be reached at

Amy Hachigian is an editor for The Heights. She can be reached at


Monday, November 11, 2013


BCTV looks to expand presence, on and off screen BCTV, from B10 something we’ve improved on a lot.” Bushee said that one or two editors initially had to edit four shows. “That was a tremendous task to do,” Bushee said. Now, the club has eight editors, including assistants. Many of these editors were trained from scratch, with no prior experience. “Something that I’ve always said is that I’m never going to ask someone to do anything I don’t already know,” said Bushee, who gained most of his experience in high school. “Because of that, I’m able to teach them what they don’t know … everyone’s still learning. No one’s a pro, per se.” Fogarasi added that a number of students come to the network from the communication and film departments and do have some prior experience, adding to the pool of knowledge. After a show is finally edited, however, it doesn’t go on TV, contrary to

expectations. “Even though we call ourselves Boston College Television, we’re not really on TV,” Bushee said. “We film out of a TV studio, but all of the stuff we film and edit, we put online.” Shows get uploaded to and the network’s Vimeo account as quickly as possible. From there, it’s all word of mouth to advertise the shows. “ We have such a wide range of people in our group that we reach half of BC just by posting links on our own Facebook pages,” Fogarasi said. BCTV’s next step is to get out of its studio in Campion and take the cameras out on campus. “Moving out of studio has always been a big goal for us,” Fogarasi said. “Doing a lot more things where we’re visible on campus, where we’re getting the BC student body engaged, where they’ll see their friend on camera and they’ll want to check it out.” The Cash Comm. Ave. Bus, Fogarasi said, was not only a popular show in


The Dish

The Talon


Open Mic

BC Talks

its own right, but helped gain BCTV some recognition before the show even aired. “The big things are visibility, filming all over campus, and getting students involved,” Fogarasi said. Ensuring the growth of BCTV is another important goal, especially

because it’s still a rather new club on campus. “We’re only here for four years,” Bushee said. “We’re making sure that BCTV can grow in the future, so even when we’re gone, we’re leaving behind people more than capable of carrying on the BCTV legacy.” 

Double Eagles find satisfaction in returning to the BC nest Double Eagles, from B10 back and get an assistantship,” Brison said. Because of LSOE’s fifth-year program, Brison said there is a high volume of double eagles in her classes. Also a student in the higher education administration program, Brendan Kennedy, LGSOE ’14, can speak to the success of the program. Kennedy is a triple eagle—a graduate of BC High, BC undergraduate, and in the spring LGSOE. Kennedy’s assistantship is in the Office of Residential Life—he has been an RA on campus since his junior year, making this his fourth year working in the program. “BC students are so lucky to have a set of [residential] staff that are so dedicated to their growth and development,” Kennedy said. As a philosophy and political science double major during his undergraduate career, Kennedy had not always known he wanted to pursue higher education administration. He cited three mentors in his time as an undergraduate who guided him in this direction: Cameron Smith, assistant director in the Office of Residential Life; Rev. Jack Butler, S.J., vice president for University Mission and Ministry; and Brian Braman, philosophy professor and director of the Perspectives program. “The impact that [Braman] has, daily and by semester, on different students, was what I wanted to follow in his footsteps,” Kennedy said. Bryan Cocchiara, GA&S ’14, also cited Braman as a huge part of his decision to enroll in the philosophy graduate program. As a perspectives and history major during his undergraduate studies, Cocchiara had never planned on pursuing graduate school before his senior year. “[Braman] kind of showed me the light. It was a really great experience working with him,” Cocchiara said. Instead of an assistantship, Cocchiara has a fellowship with the Lonergan Institute, in which he works three hours a week helping other graduate or doctorate students who may need assistance. Since the philosophy masters program is small, only about 30 students, Cocchiara said

there are not many double eagles like himself, citing the opportunity to work with world-renowned faculty as a reason for the diversity of his cohorts. On the other hand, Matthew Palazzolo, BC Law ’16, estimates that about 40 of the 270 students in his class are double eagles. Perhaps the most well known of the graduate schools, BC Law has steadily risen in the rankings over the years, now claiming the No. 31 spot according to U.S. News and World Report. “Law school is so different than undergrad … it’s like a whole different language,” Palazzolo said. In addition to his political science major, Palazzolo cites his involvement in the debate team and The Heights as the two activities that helped him prepare for law school.

“One of the best things about the law school is that they are very helpful at getting jobs,” Palazzolo said. “It’s the friendliest environment. For example, we have our own boat cruise at the beginning of the year.” Although no longer undergrads, all of the grad students feel well connected to life at BC. “It can be funny walking to classes and seeing my old Mod … but I still come to all the football games and feel at home,” Brison said. “You can still be a total Superfan,” Kennedy affirmed. “It’s kind of like deja vu all the time,” Cocchiara said of walking around campus. “But it’s nice because everything is so familiar and there are a lot of familiar faces around.”

“It kind of feels like an athlete who comes to the games but can’t play,” Palazzolo said. “But I still go back to the football games and see a lot of graduated seniors there.” Although graduate school is not for everyone, these double eagles encourage students to consider the option. “Grad school is a lot more similar to undergrad than a lot of people think,” Kennedy said. “Make sure you visit the Career Center and reach out before making the decision to apply,” Palazzolo said. “I would recommend it to anyone who is legitimately interested in furthering their knowledge of their major … or something they really feel passionate about,” Cocchiara said. “But I would say, be committed to the idea before senior year rolls around.” 


BC Law School, which educates its students and helps in their job search, was ranked No. 31 according to ‘U.S. News and World Report’.


United veterans transcend injury through music

CATHRYN WOODRUFF His face brave and focused, he clutches the microphone, belting Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.” With his eyes shut, the music reverberates through him, and the Theater at Madison Square Garden is rendered completely silent. At first glance, he’s a wounded soldier in a wheelchair—with no legs and only one functioning arm. But Tim’s passion for music brings him to life on stage, under that spotlight, and he shines. Tim Donnelly is one of almost two dozen in a band of wounded soldiers that Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters met at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. They performed on Wednesday night at MSG in front of an audience of 5,000 for the seventh annual “Stand Up for Heroes” fundraiser. Waters, whose father was killed in WWII and his grandfather in WWI, has become passionately involved in helping wounded veterans. Waters collaborated with a group called MusiCorps, based in Walter Reed Hospital, to assemble a band of seriously injured veterans. This is an organization that the Bob Woodruff Foundation, founded by my parents in 2006, supports in giving wounded heroes new purpose through music. On stage on Wednesday, Waters allowed a band of injured soldiers to use their voices to express themselves for one night in front of thousands. Many of them missing limbs or struggling with wounds from the war transcended their injuries and came together in perfect harmony. The MusiCorps Wounded Warrior Band is comprised of wounded active service members or veterans representing all branches of the U.S. armed forces. MusiCorps is an organization that believes learning, creating, and performing are powerful agents of healing—many times exceeding medical cures. The drummer that had no legs and only one arm, beat passionately on his drum set with a drumstick attached to his prosthetic arm. On stage, these men and women taught everyone in the theater that physical injuries don’t inhibit passion and expression. They infused the venue with life. Stand Up for Heroes is an uplifting event, showcasing the brave men and women who fought and continue to fight for us overseas. Many of them overcame adversity, rising out of the darkest depths of mental and physical injuries. Many of them still live in rehab hospitals, and probably will for the rest of their lives. But they had the opportunity on Wednesday night to come to New York City and show the world how an injury does not have to be dehumanizing. To an enraptured audience of 5,000 they proved their overpowering humanity. My favorite part of the event was when the emcee on stage personally called out the names of every veteran and their ranks. One by one, they stood up when called, and the crowd watched as the front section of the venue became a beautiful sea of uniforms. The emcee then announced, “And now we honor those who cannot stand,” and called out the names of those who were amputees, stuck in wheelchairs, paralyzed, or brain damaged. The camera panned to their faces, and those who could smile or raise their hands did so with pride. MSG roared with enthusiasm and boomed with applause. Their caretakers stood proudly next to them, and you could tell they hadn’t been genuinely appreciated in a while. Thursday morning after reflecting on the event, I felt this extreme sense of pride for all the admirable work the Bob Woodruff Foundation does. But I also felt an overwhelming sense of pride for attending a University that places such an emphasis on service and giving back. This Veteran’s Day, I will be sure to show support for my country, my servicemen and women, with a reinvigorated appreciation for their bravery, and for their humanity amid the most dehumanizing of situations.

Cathryn Woodruff is the Asst. Features Editor for The Heights. She can be reached at

features The Heights



Monday, January 24, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

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BCTV runs on student collaboration

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By Samantha Costanzo Heights Editor

real talk body image

By Cathryn Woodruff Asst. Features Editor

With Homecoming quickly approaching, she pulls that skin-tight red dress out of the closet and onto her bed. It’ll take a few days, but she can fit into it. If she stops eating, maybe she’ll look great in that dress. Maybe people will notice her then. Eating disorders and disordered eating are extremely serious emotional and physical issues. According to the National Eating Disorders Association, in the U.S., 20 million women and 10 million men suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder at some point during their lives. Perhaps because there seems to be a significant stigma attached to eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder, people sometimes overlook the fact that eating disorders are not lifestyle choices. They are serious illnesses. It is because of this that combating eating disorders and their potentially life-threatening consequences is absolutely vital, and unfortunately a work in progress in society. It’s important to distinguish between eating disorders and disordered eating. According to a new study by the National Eating Disorders

Association, approximately a half million teenagers struggle with eating disorders or disordered eating. Sheila Tucker, administrative dietician at BC and auxiliary services nutritionist in the Office of Health Promotion (OHP), was careful to make the distinction. Eating disorders, she noted, entail a clinical diagnosis. She described disordered eating, however, as in a sort of gray area on the continuum—a crazy diet to fit into a dress last minute, a chronic calorie calculator, feeling the need to exercise off specific calories. “On this campus, the biggest challenge we have isn’t treating the eating disorders,” she said. “It’s how to deal with the culture that normalizes disordered eating. Some people live in the middle of the continuum all the time.” She also spoke about how important Love Your Body Week is in combating the poisonous thought patterns that are normalized at BC. “We are so much more than objects,” she said. Tucker noted that changing the culture is the only true way to change eating disorders. “Learning to reject the thin ideal is how you try to prevent eating disorder, and that’s hard because that’s the culture.” In her clinical practice, Tucker helps students with medical

issues related to the meal plan. She noted, however, that it has turned into much more than just that. She helps students learn how to navigate the dining hall, and students with other medical issues come see her for help. Her clinical numbers actually increased 100 percent last year from the year before, and more visits are for disordered eating than for any other reason. If this unhealthy behavior is so normalized on campus, it begs the question of how this came to be. Tucker described an eating disorder as a “perfect storm,” saying that “with a true eating disorder, you need to have many risk factors together.” Stress and stress management, lower self esteem as a result of the hook-up culture, and “fat talk” can all be factors. She reiterated, however, that it’s important to remember that “everyone is unique about why they might have a poor relationship with food—there is no one size fits all for why this happens.” Lauren Bly, Women’s Resource Center (WRC) staff member and A&S ’15, noted how casual “fat talk” can actually have detrimental psychological effects on how we perceive our

See Body Image, B7

Double eagles return to a familiar BC on a new journey By Kendra Kumor Heights Editor Once Boston College Eagles graduate from their respective schools, they are free to take flight and leave the nest. For many, however, the end of an undergraduate education does not signal leaving the nest, but a new chapter in their time at BC as a double eagle. In addition to BC’s four undergraduate schools, the University offers five graduate schools: the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, the Carroll Graduate School of Management, the Graduate School of Social Work, the School of Theology and Ministry, and BC Law School. The Lynch School of Education and the Connell School of Nursing offer a number of graduate programs as well. In total, these seven graduate paths enroll 5,300 students each year. All of these programs boost a national ranking in their respective fields, attracting

students from around the world. “You can’t get a better education … it’s just a really good place to be,” said Caitlin Brison, LGSOE ’14. Brison took four years off after graduating from LSOE before returning to BC for graduate school in the higher education administration program. “Dean John Cawthorne was a huge influence for me … He was just a big part of the reason I wanted to come back,” Brison said. “The professors are all awesome—they are all published authors and are really experts in their field.” In addition to classes, students in this program must obtain an assistantship in higher education for 10 hours each week. In order to fulfill this requirement, Brison works at the Career Center in the recruiting office. “BC makes it really easy for you to come

See Double Eagles, B9

Erin fitzpatrick / for the heights

BC Law School, located on Newton Campus, is home to several dedicated Double Eagles.

Boston College students have plenty of options when it comes to getting their news. There are newspapers, a magazine, a slew of Twitter feeds, and even emailed newsletters that carry the latest information about events that students consider important. What many don’t realize, though, is that they have one more option: TV. BCT V is BC ’s only student-run television network. It is made of up The Dish, a celebrity gossip show; Eagle Eye News, a BC-based newscast; The Talon, a sports show; and Showcase, which discusses the latest movies. “Each of those four shows films once a week, and they have a pretty standard formula that most of the shows follow,” said Michael Fogarasi, executive producer of BCTV and A&S ’14. After general meetings with the whole club every Sunday, the shows’ teams break off into groups to discuss their plans for that week’s episode. “The show decides as a whole, it’s not just one person making a decision,” said Joe Bushee, the club’s president and A&S ’14. “It’s still that team element, which I think is kind of cool because everyone’s involved.” The network’s members come together often to film specials, which often imitate popular TV shows. “Last year we did The Cash Comm. Ave. Bus, like the Cash Cab,” Fogarasi said. “These aren’t regular shows. We just get out there with a camera and do something that we think people will like.” BCTV itself is relatively new, but the concept of having a campus newscast is not. It began as Now You Know, a 20-minute variety show that included segments on news, sports, and celebrity gossip and was produced by UGBC’s Communication Department. Sean Casey, founding member of BCTV and BC ’12, said in an email that Now You Know broke away from UGBC in the fall of 2010 and became an independent club. “We started out with very small budgets, and it took a lot of negotiations with UGBC and SOFC … and explaining to them, ‘I know we’re new, but we’re a television station and that requires more expensive equipment than other clubs,’” Bushee said. “We had to explain that we’re a different club.” At the time it became independent, Casey said, the club had about 15 members. Fogarasi said that now it has around 35 active members who film, produce, and edit the shows. “BCTV started as just an idea and really relied heavily on the students to make it into the multi-show channel we had envisioned,” Casey said. This support, though, hasn’t always been around. Fogarasi said that getting enough members to quickly turn around shows has been difficult. “Especially when we first launched, we had trouble getting enough editors who could meet the deadlines and just edit it in a coherent fashion,” Fogarasi said. “We can get things shot, we get all the stuff done, but then unfortunately it just kind of sits there. I think that’s

See BCTV, B9

Woods College offers courses across multiple disciplines to all students By Caroline Hopkins Heights Staff We all know about A&S. We throw around the acronyms for CSOM, CSON, and LSOE in our ever yday Boston College discourse, and we pity the BC Law School as we take advantage of its Newton Campus library. But what about WCAS? Chances are, the Woods College of Advancing Studies isn’t the first name that comes to mind among the different schools here at BC. Not too many students know about the Woods College, the “non-traditional” professional studies school, often referred to as the

“Night School.” The Woods College of Advancing Studies is nontraditional in the sense that its offerings and approach to scholarship are broad and nonspecific. Unlike many of the other schools at BC, anyone can take classes at the WCAS—you do not have to have declared a specific major or concentration. Students in WCAS can be BC graduates or undergraduates, outside students hoping to obtain a degree, or even individuals looking to take a course or two simply to advance their education. Many students enrolled in WCAS classes have started their degree somewhere else and are seeking to complete it, while others include students

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that began working directly out of high school and have decided to come back to school to get a degree. “Ten years after high school a student might say to himself, ‘you know, I think I’d like to get myself a bachelors degree,’” said Rev. James Burns, I.V.D., interim dean for WCAS. The once a week, four-credit night classes that WCAS offers are especially valuable for students involved in clinicals or practicums who are unable to make their courses during the day. Athletes at BC, whose practice schedules often conflict with daytime courses, also benefit from WCAS. Almost all classes offered through WCAS are held once

a week in the evening, and are approximately three and a half hours long. Some classes are also held on Saturdays, perfect for individuals who work long hours during the week. WCAS offers nine majors, 12 certificates, and one masters degree in administration. The majors offered through WCAS range across the disciplines of the different BC day schools. “The school is designed to have a broad array of disciplines,” Burns said. “We have a corporate systems major, which is more geared toward business, but then we also have English, psychology, sociology—degrees representing the arts and sciences as well as business

He Said/She Said Two students offer their perspectives on whether or not it’s possible to be healthy with a busy college lifestyle............................................. B8

and career development.” Though already expansive, WCAS administrators are confident that these offerings will continue to broaden in the near future. “I would say we’re at a stage in the Woods College where we’re really looking at all our programs and offerings and creating new and fresh opportunities for students,” Burns said. “We are really looking forward to expanding our professional offerings— possibly adding new masters degrees and certificates down the road, which is pretty exciting.” Perhaps the most valuable aspect of

See Woods, B7

Health&Science.................................B7 Editor’s Column.........................B9

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