The Heights 09/10/12

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open tables in hillside

MDNA Madness back on track




Students divert their weekly dining to new locations with the changes to the meal plan, B10

Queen of Pop solidifies her title with TD Garden Show, A10

Deuce Finch returns from injury and energizes BC’s ground game in win over Maine, B1

Monday, September 10, 2012

Vol. XCIII, No. 27

BC hopes for 150 minutes of service VSLC sponsors Eagle Volunteers initiative By Devon Sanford Heights Editor

As part of Boston College’s Sesquicentennial celebration, University President Rev. William P. Leahy, S.J., and the Volunteer and Service Learning Center (VSLC) have invited members of the BC community to participate in 150 minutes of community service during the three semesters of the Sesquicentennial. BC Alumni will also be asked to participate in 150 minutes of service through the more than 25 alumni service projects offered by alumni chapters or on the National Day of Service, April 23, 2013. To promote student involvement and outreach on the BC campus during the 150th anniversary, the VSLC has created a new program called the Eagle Volunteers. The Eagle Volunteers is a student volunteer program that allows BC students to choose a volunteer opportunity that fits their schedule and interests. Through the VSLC, the Eagle Volunteers will be offering BC students three volunteer locations where they can complete their service time on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays throughout the year. Volunteer opportunities will be offered at the Epiphany School on Tuesdays, where students can prepare and serve a meal to middle school students; at St. Peter’s Teen Center on Wednesdays, where students will have various opportunities to tutor, do crafts, or play games with teens; and at the Yawkey Center Food Pantry on Thursdays, where students will help fill orders, stock shelves,

See Eagle Volunteers, A4

Eun hee kwon / for the heights

Stayer Hall was officially dedicated at a ceremony held this past Friday, Sept. 7. The building was named in honor of the generosity shown by Ralph (above right) and Shelly Stayer.

110 STM’s new name is here to Stay-er By David Cote News Editor

“A building’s name is more than a marker. A building’s name tells a story,” said Jim Husson, senior vice president for University Advancement, at the dedication of the newly-christened Stayer Hall Friday afternoon. Formerly 110 St. Thomas More Hall, or “the Gate,” Stayer Hall was recently named in honor of the generosity shown by Ralph and Shelly Stayer, beginning a new chapter in the building’s story. Ralph Stayer, an alumnus of Notre

Dame, is currently the CEO and chairman of Johnsonville Sausage, LLC, the nation’s leading sausage company. He is also the author of Flight of the Buffalo and How I Learned To Let My Workers Lead, two wellreviewed books focusing on management and leadership strategies in business. Johnsonville Sausages currently sells products in more than 30 countries worldwide, and the company employs over 1,000 workers. Stayer’s daughter, Brooke Stayer, is a junior at Boston College. The dedication ceremony, held in the Vanderslice parking lot, opened with a

welcome by Husson. “Stayer Hall is a gracious welcome to all who visit the University,” Husson said. “It is my great pleasure to welcome all of you to this very happy occasion, the dedication of Stayer Hall, Boston College’s newest residence hall.” After Husson’s welcome, Chris Osnato, UGBC president and A&S ’13, addressed the guests, which included residents of Stayer Hall, administrators, members of the board of trustees, and other friends of the University. Osnato, a resident of Stayer Hall, thanked the Stayers for their

News Editor

This year’s Fall Concert, hosted by the UGBC, will feature hip hop duo Time Flies and Lupe Fiasco in Conte Forum on Friday, Sept. 21, at 5 p.m. Student DJs Guy Dupont, head of ILO Productions and LSOE ’13, and Sha-lee Flavius, aka Mr. Wake Upp, CSOM ’14, will open the concert. “I’m excited about this show,” said Michael Cavoto, director of campus entertainment for UGBC and A&S ‘13. “As long as the students come and enjoy the music, I’ve done my job.” Like last spring, tickets will go on sale through the Robsham Theater website, starting at 8 a.m. on Monday, Sept. 10. Students who wish to buy tickets should log onto the site beforehand to ensure access once tickets go on sale. According

to Cavoto, there is a high probability that the concert will sell out this year. Upon purchasing the tickets online, students will need to pick up their physical tickets from the Robsham box office. The earlier start time of the concert is similar to the Spring Concert hosted last semester, which was intended to decrease medical transports. Like the Spring Concert, the doors will close after an hour and a half and no students will be admitted to the concert after that point. Last spring, the concert sold out despite the earlier start time, and was effective in lowering the number of medical incidents. This year’s show will end around 8:30 p.m. Lupe Fiasco previously visited BC for the 2009 Spring Concert with Ben Folds. Taylour Kumpf, Editor-in-Chief, contributed to this report. n

By David Cote News Editor

Editor’s Note: This story is part of an ongoing series about the subpoenas of the Belfast Project.

When asked if any students had come into Health Services yet this year clearly affected by West Nile, Nary replied, “No, not even close.” University Health Services decided to send out the email alerting students of West Nile in large part to allay anxiety that may have resulted from media coverage of the disease. Health Services felt it was responsible to comment on the virus after media reports of the “high threat level” in the Boston area most likely brought it to the attention of students and parents in the BC community. The email also served as a way to suggest simple precau-

As the legal battle over the fate of the Belfast Project tapes continues in the United States Court of Appeals in Boston, and an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court is in the works on behalf of researchers Ed Moloney and Anthony McIntyre, the two earned a small victory on Friday in the Belfast courts. The Irish High Court issued an injunction on Friday afternoon, temporarily preventing the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) from accessing any interviews from the project that may be turned over as a result of the subpoenas. The injunction will prevent any and all tapes, including those recorded with former IRA member Dolours Price, from falling into the hands of the British authorities, despite the U.S. appeal court ruling last month that the tapes be handed over. According to arguments made by lawyers on behalf of Moloney and McIntyre, releasing the tapes to the PSNI would put the lives of the researchers and those who participated in the interviews at risk due to the sensitive nature of the material disclosed. “The PSNI seeing or receiving this material is going to be putting the applicant’s life at risk,” said David Scoffield on behalf of McIntyre, according to the BBC. In addition, Scoffield argued that the injunction he wished was only temporary,

See West Nile, A4

See Belfast Project, A4

Photo courtesy of creative commons

UGBC’s Fall Concert will feature rap artist Lupe Fiasco (above) and hip hop duo Timeflies.

West Nile Virus should have little effect on BC campus Students are at a relatively low risk for infection, despite attention from the media By Mary Rose Fissinger Heights Editor

Both Newton and Boston have been classified as areas of “high” threat for the West Nile Virus by their cities’ health departments, prompting University Health officials to raise awareness of the illness and urge students to take appropriate precautions. West Nile is a mosquito-borne disease, usually contracted through a bite from

an infected mosquito. All Boston College students received an email on Aug. 31 warning them of the disease and advising them to wear long sleeves, long pants, and insect repellant when outdoors, especially at dusk, as well as to attempt to eliminate areas of standing water, a common breeding place for mosquitos. Health Services also ensured that cans of bug spray were available at the freshman barbeque, which took place around dusk. Despite the amount of attention paid to

See Stayer Hall, A4

Belfast court issues stay on materials

UGBC Fall Concert will feature Timeflies, Lupe By David Cote

generosity. “As a resident of Stayer Hall, I’m honored to be representing members of that community and the student body as a whole,” Osnato said. Addressing the Stayers, he said, “May you always remember your BC family, just as we will always remember yours.” Osnato was followed by Kathleen McGillycuddy, chairwoman of the Board of Trustees, who publicly welcomed Ralph Stayer to the Board of Trustees for the first

the disease by national, state, and University health officials, Thomas Nary, director of University Health Services, assured that the virus is not a real danger. “Most cases of people that have West Nile are either asymptomatic, meaning they don’t even know they have it … or, conversely, they have flu-like symptoms, and then, you know, it goes away.” Nary also commented on the fact that, as is the case for many other illnesses, once a person has West Nile, they are immune for life. “There are probably lots of students on this campus that didn’t even know that they have ever been infected with West Nile, that are immune,” Nary said.


Monday, September 10, 2012 The Heights

things to do on campus this week




Volunteer Fair Tuesday Time: 7 p.m. Location: The Rat

The Volunteer Ser vice and Learning Center will host its annual Volunteer Fair.Come hear about the various oppor tunities, both on and off campus, available to students this year. Over 30 student-led volunteer organizations will be in attendance to share information and answer questions.

Luis Enrique Mejia Godoy: Stories and Song


Tuesday Time: 7 p.m. Location: Gasson 100

The Nicaraguan singer-songwriter will perform songs and tell stories in Spanish about his native country and South America.

Law, Culture, and Legacies of Slavery



Wednesday Time: 5 p.m. Location: Higgins 300 Annette Gordon-Reed, Professor of Law and History at Harvard University will present the lecture. A round-table discussion will follow.

In s w e N

NCAA considering increase in schools’ power over own programs A study by The Chronicle of Higher Education analyzed the top 25 college athletics programs in the country and found that none of the presidents or chancellors of these schools have contract language granting them oversight of athletics. The NCAA has tried to support presidential control over athletics in light of recent infractions. Mark Emmert, president of the NCAA, called together over 50 college presidents and chancellors in August 2011 to discuss presidential power. The organization hopes to hold officials more accountable for what happens at their schools and therefore make them more aware of potential problems.

On Campus Catholic Conversation Project unites theologians, community in conversation The Catholic Conversation Project (CCP) met at BC’s Connors Family Retreat and Conference Center for a conference centered on the Church’s role in public life. Topics of conversation included the Health and Human Services mandate that contraception be provided in health plans. Created by School of Theology and Ministry Dean Mark Massa, and Fordham University Assistant Professor Charles Camosy, the CCP strives to build community by having honest conversations about modern Catholic issues. “Making peace in the Church and building bridges within the community is something I think BC should be involved in,” Massa said in an interview with Boston College Magazine. The conference included representatives from various colleges and universities as well as Boston Archbishop Cardinal Sean O’Malley and other Church leaders. Conference organizers said they made a conscious effort to invite such leaders in order to promote conversation between high level officials and other theologians in the community.

Teachers’ Union, public schools nearing agreement on evaluations The Boston Teachers’ Union and Boston Public School officials met this weekend to further negotiate teacher contract proposals, a discussion that has been on hold for the last two years. The original proposal would lessen the role of teachers’ seniority in personnel decisions. The union accepts this but is pushing for a notification process to allow inefficient teachers to improve. The city has acknowledged the union’s agreement to new teacher evaluations, which, if formally adopted, would include compromises on both sides regarding teacher evaluations and wages.

By Andrew Millette Assoc. News Editor

Photo Courtesy of the Office of News and PUblic affairs

Rev. Gregory Kalscheur, S.J., (left) believes in asking big questions to help the Boston College community grow. “My hope would be that candidates are excited to be at a place that takes seriously the question of who our students are becoming,” Kalscheur said. “We need to have teachers who are enthusiastic about asking the big questions and who will be good models for the students we hope will go on ask these questions throughout their lives.” Faculty development is the third crucial duty that Kalscheur hopes to impact. “We are thinking about different sorts of programming that will foster more conversation about the issues of faculty development with respect to integrating teaching and research and

the Catholic intellectual tradition at Boston College,” he said. According to Kalscheur, greater integration of the Catholic intellectual tradition into academic life at BC could have many positive benefits for students and faculty. “Catholic is a word that has to do with being oriented towards wholeness, so an authentically Catholic education should help people to move towards that wholeness in their intellectual life,” Kalscheur said. Kalscheur believes that this search for wholeness can apply to a disparate group of people. “I don’t think the Catholic

intellectual tradition is a set of absolute truths that somebody has to adhere to or appropriate as a totality in order to engage the tradition,” he said. “Instead, I think the Catholic intellectual tradition is this process of asking questions with a particular kind of horizon, in search of wholeness. If we are going to do that in a human way we have to have a whole range of people who are from a whole range of traditions who can contribute to the conversation.” This wide range of people includes not only people from all different cultural and religious traditions, but also those from different academic disciplines. “The pursuit of truth in any discipline is a sort of openness to the biggest questions if you pursue that truth as far as it can go,” Kalscheur said. “Anyone doing anything in any department can be open to questions that have a faith dimension in them.” Though Kalscheur has only worked for a month as a senior dean, he has already realized that this new position sets a lifetime of work ahead of him. “There’s always greater depth that can be looked for,” he said. “There’s always greater interdisciplinary collaboration that can be developed.” n

Police Blotter

Voices from the Dustbowl

9/5/12 - 9/7/12

“What skill do you wish you had?”

Wednesday, September 5 8:00 a.m. - An officer filed a report regarding damaged Boston College property. 9:59 a.m. - An officer filed a report regarding found property at Xavier Hall which was held at BCPD headquearters for safekeeping.

3:50 p.m. - An officer filed a report regarding credit card offenses occuring at an off-campus location.

Friday, September 7

10:33 a.m. - A report was filed regarding medical assistance provided to a BC student at Merkert Hall. The student was transported to a medical facility by cruiser.

12:15 a.m. - An officer filed a report regarding medical assistance provided to an underage BC student at Keyes Hall who was transported by ambulance to a medical facility.

1:32 p.m. - A report was filed regarding a suspicious phone message received by a BC employee.

1:25 a.m. - An officer filed a report regarding an off-campus noise complaint.

Thursday, September 6

1:30 a.m. - An officer filed a report regarding medical assistance provided to an underage BC student at Welch Hall who was transported by ambulance to a medical facility.

12:07 a.m. - A report was filed regarding assisstance provided to Residential Life staff in Rubenstein Hall. 3:40 a.m. - An officer filed a report on a suspicious motor vehicle which was determined to be authorized in the area.

“To be fluent in all languages.” —Allie Dichiara, A&S ’16

2:32 a.m. - An officer filed a report regarding suspicious circumstances.

“To be able to fly.” —Tim Bovery,

—Source: The Boston College Police Department

CSOM ’16



73° Sunny 50°


79° Sunny 56° 82° Sunny 59°

Source: National Weather Service

A Guide to Your Newspaper The Heights Boston College – McElroy 113 140 Commonwealth Ave. Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02467 Editor-in-Chief (617) 552-2223 Editorial General (617) 552-2221 Managing Editor (617) 552-4286 News Desk (617) 552-0172 Sports Desk (617) 552-0189 Metro Desk (617) 552-3548 Features Desk (617) 552-3548 Arts Desk (617) 552-0515 Photo (617) 552-1022 Fax (617) 552-4823 Business and Operations General Manager (617) 552-0169 Advertising (617) 552-2220 Business and Circulation (617) 552-0547 Classifieds and Collections (617) 552-0364 Fax (617) 552-1753 EDITORIAL RESOURCES News Tips Have a news tip or a good idea for a story? Call David Cote, News Editor, at (617) 552-0172, or e-mail news@ For future events, e-mail, fax, or mail a detailed description of the event and contact information to the News Desk. Sports Scores Want to report the results of a game? Call Greg Joyce, Sports Editor, at (617) 552-0189, or e-mail Arts Events The Heights covers a multitude of events both on and off campus, including concerts, movies, theatrical performances, and more. Call Brennan Carley, Arts and Review Editor, at (617) 552-0515, or e-mail arts@ For future events, e-mail, fax, or mail a detailed description of the event and contact information to the Arts Desk. Clarifications / Corrections The Heights strives to provide its readers with complete, accurate, and balanced information. If you believe we have made a reporting error, have information that requires a clarification or correction, or questions about The Heights standards and practices, you may contact Taylour Kumpf, Editor-in-Chief, at (617) 552-2223, or e-mail editor@ CUSTOMER SERVICE Delivery To have The Heights delivered to your home each week or to report distribution problems on campus, contact Dan Ottaunick, General Manager at (617) 552-0547. Advertising The Heights is one of the most effective ways to reach the BC community. To submit a classified, display, or online advertisement, call our advertising office at (617) 552-2220 Monday through Friday.

The Heights is produced by BC undergraduates and is published on Mondays and Thursdays during the academic year by The Heights, Inc. (c) 2012. All rights reserved. “Play the guitar really well.” —Reina Stillman, A&S ’16

1:49 a.m. - An officer filed a report regarding suspicious circumstances.

3:58 p.m. - An officer filed a report regarding a minor traffic accident with no injuries. 2:15 p.m. - An officer filed a report regarding a past larceny in a Mod. The matter will be investigated further.

“An awesome jump shot.” —Ryan Towey, A&S ’16

7:05 p.m. - An officer filed a report regarding providing medical assistance to a BC student who was transported by ambulance to a medical facility.

72° Sunny

Local News

Kalscheur emphasizes intellectual tradition in new role

review and hiring processes, as well as responsibility for faculty development. The academic review process involves a number of steps. First, each department in A&S conducts a self-study. Next, an external review team analyzes the department and prepares a report of its findings. The department then prepares a response to the external report, which is sent to the dean. The dean finally prepares a response back to the response of the department. Kalscheur’s duties in the hiring process include involvement with the on-campus interviews for prospective professors.



featured story

Rev. Gregory Kalscheur, S.J., the newly appointed senior associate dean for strategic planning and faculty development in the College of Arts and Sciences, asks some very big questions. “What does it mean to live a good human life?” Kalscheur said. “What does a just world look like? How does life have meaning when there can be so much suffering and injustice?” Kalscheur, who was appointed in August, hopes to use his new position to inspire the Boston College community to ask these questions and search for answers to them. “Something that is important to me in thinking about the mission of this school is the question of who our students become through their experience at Boston College,” Kalscheur said. “Being in the habit of asking the big questions is characteristic of a graduate or the faculty of a Jesuit school.” Kalscheur hopes to lead the University to ask these questions and engage more with the Catholic intellectual tradition through his various duties as senior dean. These duties include involvement in the academic

Four Day Weather Forecast

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The Heights

Monday, September 10, 2012


A culture ODSD renamed for clarity’s sake of constant change By Andrew Skaras Heights Staff

Andrew Skaras As everyone at Boston College returns to campus excited for the potential of the new semester, the one question I have heard all around campus is: “How was your summer?” I have heard tales of boring summer jobs back home, frustrating bosses, high school friends that have grown distant, and family trips. While I did not have the opportunity to return home this summer, these were the things that I expected to hear upon my return. What surprised me was that several tales corroborated my own experience. Let me explain. I am a second generation Greek-American. My grandparents immigrated to the United States in the late ’40s. I never met my grandfather, but my grandmother lived with my family for several years before she died. My father married an American, but immersed my brothers and me in Greek culture through my grandmother. Though I never learned the language as a child, I was given lots of exposure to Greek culture. My father also took my family to Greece six times throughout my childhood, with each trip being about a month long. While there, I was surrounded by my father’s cousins, all close to him in age. These experiences enkindled in me a love of Greece, both as a classical culture and a modern country. I loved the ruins and the history, as well as the food and the dancing. I loved it all. What I did not notice as a child is what I have started to notice now. This last summer marks my seventh trip to Greece, but my first trip really on my own. As I went to Greek language classes five days a week, I had the opportunity to really explore Athens. On the weekends, I had the opportunity to explore the younger areas of the city. For the first time in my life, I began to understand what Greece was to Greek kids my age. In all the time I have spent on connecting with Greek culture, the one thing I never considered was with which Greek culture I was connecting. All my life, I was immersed in the culture of Greece, as it was when my grandmother left it in 1950. After years of feeling intimately connected with Greek culture, I realized how disconnected I really was. My second realization was the one that absolutely horrified me. I realized how much America influenced the current culture of Greece. And by influence, I really mean invaded. And by invaded, I really mean took over. It was really one of the most depressing moments of my trip. It was the moment when I realized that so many of the things that I loved about Greece – the things that made it Greece and uniquely NOT America – were disappearing with the passing of the older generation. I realized that I really did not know my own culture. While I was in Greece thinking about this, I felt like I was the only person experiencing this. I was pleasantly surprised upon my return, however. One of my close friends had the very same experience during his trip to Italy over the summer. Another friend, an Irish exchange student explained it to me in another way. He saw all the Irish-Americans who came to Ireland expecting it to be like the stories of their grandparents, yet only to find that they were on quite foreign soil. He said that a lot of the Irish immigrants left the old country and never came back. So the culture they transmitted to their children and grandchildren was frozen in the time they left. I hadn’t considered things from that angle, and it shed quite a bit of light on my experience. I realized that culture was an extremely fluid thing. Most of the time we don’t realize this because we are experiencing it as it changes. It takes a jolt, say the jolt of expectations not matching up with reality in a foreign country, for us to realize how much culture really does change.

Andrew Skaras is a staff columnist for The Heights. He welcomes comments at news@

In 1980, when Dean of Students Paul Chebator came to Boston College, the Dean of Students’ Office was a small one, with only five or six staff members. In 1997, after years of growth, the office was renamed the Office of the Dean for Student Development, to reflect its expanded mission. At that time, the office had 20 staff members and encompassed the Alcohol and Drug Education program, the Office of International Programs, Graduate Student Life, Student Programs Office, Crisis Management, and various leadership programs. “Six years ago, there was a realization that the office had become too big,” Chebator said. “It was unwieldy. We started spinning offices off.” As a result of that, the Office of International Programs, Graduate Student Life, Alcohol and Drug Education program, the Women’s Resource Center, and many other programs became their own offices or were merged into other departments. In the process, the office staff shrunk down to its original size. “We changed the name in order to clarify things,” Chebator said. “The name ‘Office of the Dean for Student Development’ implied that other offices did not do student development.” Now, Chebator describes the mission of the office very succinctly:

“to remove barriers for students’ success.” While narrowing its focus, the office has also expanded its work in certain areas. Although the office has divested its counseling offices, it does still coordinate services for students who are in crisis or distress. This is handled by Stacy Green, assistant dean for student support, who helps students who have had to take leave of absences for emotional or health reasons. Over the past several years, the office has expanded its work with the off-campus student population as well. The office focuses its efforts on teaching students how to live in a community, be good neighbors, and represent BC, in order to prevent problems from arising. When problems do arise, the office serves as a liaison for students and guides them on how to deal with landlord problems. Though most student conduct issues are handled by Residential Life, the most serious cases go to the Dean of Students’ Office. The office takes the view that conduct is part of the educational system and is responsible for creating the student conduct policy that Residential Life enforces. “We want to help students understand what it means to be good citizens,” Chebator said. “In addition, their ability to succeed is impacted by bad habits and addictions. We provide support and treatment for those people. We started an ongoing

treatment group, which has grown in size over the last several years to four groups a week.” This year, the office has started a new initiative, led by the assistant dean for student support, to support GLBTQ students by providing counseling services. The office also provides significant support to individuals with physical and mental health handicaps. Paulette Durrett, assistant dean for students with disabilities, works individually with students that comes to her office to help create a plan for them and get them the tools they need to succeed at BC. Looking to the future, Chebator has a plan of what direction he wants the office to go in its new, smaller form. “We want to be seen as experts on student life issues on this campus,” Chebator said. “We have started running workshops for Student Affairs and ResLife. We are now reaching out to faculty members, as well.” Chebator also spoke about the student conduct policy at BC and how he wanted to see it change. While he was proud of some of the new policies, he also saw room for significant improvement. He mentioned the help seeking policy as one of the major accomplishments of his office, citing its 85 uses last year. Chebator also wants the office to continue to support its Bystander Education program, in the hopes that more BC students will stand up for one another. n

On behalf of the Boston College Office of Sustainability, welcome back to the Heights and welcome back to The Green Corner. We wish you all the best in your studies for the 2012-2013 school year and challenge you to make this year your greenest year at BC yet! We’d like to begin by reflecting on the BClean Program that took place during move-out last May. The event was organized by The Office of Residential Life and Facilities Services. Waste Management, BC’s waste and recycling contractor, was on hand along with volunteers from two charity organizations, Household Goods Recycling Ministry (HGRM) and St. Vincent de Paul. They handled the collection and transportation of donations from the residence halls. To many students, the idea of donating old clothes and leftover food made a lot more sense than just throwing it away. In fact, the support of the student body was so exceptional that the amount of donations to the charity organizations was up by 35 percent. BClean demonstrates, again, how a coordinated effort can achieve great results. On Aug. 3, on the grounds behind St. Clement’s Hall of the Brighton Campus, the BC Office of Sustainability worked in conjunction with BC Dining, Facilities Services, and the Bureau of Conferences to host BC’s first ever “Zero Waste” event at the Facilities Services Cookout. The

goal of the event was to keep the amount of all waste generated at the event to less than 10 percent. By using compostable and recyclable materials where possible and by encouraging over 200 attendees to dispose of these appropriately, the event was a success. On another front, in an effort to spread the messages of sustainability from the get-go, all members of the Class of 2016 received reusable water bottles and pamphlets on campus sustainability upon move in last week. The idea to distribute the bottles followed a generous donation from the residents of Edmond’s Hall and winners of last spring’s “NRG Games,” who decided to donate the cost of their pizza party to support another sustainable effort instead. “The hope is to get freshmen off to a good start in conserving resources,” said Bob Pion, director of sustainability. The Office of Energy & Engineering, through a partnership with NSTAR, also offered all students a free LED light bulb to replace a compact fluorescent or incandescent light bulb. The LED bulb will save 80-90 percent of the energy used by the replaced bulb. For more information about BC’s sustainability initiatives and for a list of upcoming events, visit us online at www. or like us on Facebook at “The Boston College Office of Sustainability.”

BC undergrads win prestigious summer research scholarships By Cathryn Woodruff Heights Editor

Photo Courtesy of Boston college police department

Officer Sarah Fantasia, a six year veteran of the Adopt-A-Cop Program and one of the two Adopt-A-Cops for Keyes North/South is shown with residents of Keyes North/South at a Crime Prevention Education Program.

BCPD Adopt-A-Cop program continues to grow and evolve By David Cote News Editor Now entering its seventh year at Boston College, the Adopt-ACop/Community Liaison program, sponsored by the BCPD and the Office of Residential Life, continues to grow. “The Adopt-A-Cop program was launched as a joint partnership between BCPD and BC Reslife, and the concept emerged at the time as a way to build and strengthen relationships between the police, ResLife, and the residential students on campus,” said Jeffrey Postell, sergeant of community Policing, Community Relations and Crime Prevention. “The program has been successful, but I always think anything can be more successful.” In the past, the Adopt-A-Cop program assigned BCPD officers who volunteered for the program to various residence halls on campus. “In the past, our officers would volunteer their time on weekends and off days to come in and spend time with the residents,” Postell said. “That’s something that we’re very proud of. That’s what kind of officers we have here.” Officers would attend programs in the residence halls, sponsor community education classes, and build connections with resident students. Postell says those goals remain, but his hope is that the program will continue to grow and become integral to the BC experience. Postell, a strong advocate for the community policing model being rolled out at BC and other universities, emphasized the presence of a two way street between students and the police department, saying that both have obligations to the other. “If it wasn’t for our students we wouldn’t be here, so we have an obligation to provide public safety

services and to protect their persons, their property, and to build relationships,” he said. “But on the flip side of the coin, if it wasn’t for faculty and staff, we wouldn’t have students.” Described as a wheel, BCPD and the Office of Residential Life create the center hub of a safe, welcoming community, Postell said. Spokes off the wheel represent the various aspects of BC life, including academics, athletics, and diversity. It is this metaphor, Postell said, that emphasizes the importance of progress and “forward motion,” allowing students at BC to pursue their passions. “The Adopt-A-Cop program works by forming a partnership, identifying programs, collaboratively working together to find solutions for those problems, and enhancing the knowledge, communication, and overall safety of everyone in our community,” Postell said. Although students, especially college-aged students, are often skeptical of relationships with police officers, Postell emphasized the importance of building interpersonal relationships to the goals of the BCPD. “The personal connection that our officers get with residents in assigned residence halls is priceless. That is a rewarding part of our job—having a positive effect and providing a positive outcome for folks that may have some problems. That’s what community policing is about.” This year for the first time, the Adopt-A-Cop/Community Liaison program began with an orientation program for involved officers. “This is the first year that our Adopt-A-Cop/Community Liaison consisted of an orientation program, which introduces officers to the expectations of the program

and what they get out of the program. The orientation session allows the officers to gain some idea of what their roles are.” During the orientation, officers met with representatives from various campus organizations, including the Women’s Resource Center, Allies, and the GLBTQ Leadership Council, Postell said. Through the training, the officers were introduced to their role as Adopt-A-Cops, and to the various resources offered on campus. The training prepared BCPD officers for offering programs in residence halls on topics from theft prevention to sexual assault. “Not only are our officers out there meeting people, they’re also educating people with crime prevention and safety presentations and seminars,” Postell said. This year, two dozen police officers are involved in the program. Moving forward, Postell hopes that number will increase to help attain more of the goals of the program. Specifically, Postell stated his hope that students remember the Adopt-A-Cop program throughout their time at BC, learn more about police and general safety, and feel comfortable and confident approaching the police. In the future, Postell hopes that the Adopt-ACop/Community Liaison program will be the cornerstone of BCPD programs, and will spread to other universities interested in building a community policing model. “In the future, we want to continue strengthening the community’s relationship with the police, being engaged, being somebody people can feel comfortable coming to,” Postell said. “It has been a rewarding program and it will continue to be a rewarding program through additional training for our officers and further connections with the community.” n

This year, two Boston College students, Casey Brodsky, A&S ’14, and Benjamin Reiner, A&S ’13, received Norris Richards Undergraduate Summer Research Scholarships. Granted by the American Chemical Society (ACS), the largest academic society in the United States, these prestigious awards are given to only four students from the northeastern area each year. The northeastern section of the ACS website dictates that each winner is required to submit a report of their summer projects by Oct. 26 for publication in The Nucleus. Additionally, winners are required to participate in the Northeast Student Chemistry Research Conference this coming April. Brodsky and Reiner were competing against students in a notably competitive region of the country, including students from Harvard, MIT, Yale, and Brown. Their outstanding academic achievement, coupled with the state of the art research they have been working on, has led to the acknowledgement of their success. Reiner has been working in the lab of Jeffery Byers, assistant professor of chemistry, on a project involving small complex molecule synthesis. He and the other members of his research team are seeking a transition metal-mediated rearrangement reaction that will be useful for assembling simple organic compounds to more sophisticated molecules useful in the pharmaceutical industry. Reiner equated his work with a builder constructing a house. A construction worker must harbor the necessary tools to create a building. “We’re building a scaffold to synthesize larger molecules that can be extremely beneficial,” Reiner said. “We are building new synthetic tools.” His overarching hope is to build high molecular complexity very quickly, which subsequently generates economical as well as chemical benefits. “We’re building on a previous motif in hopes of expanding chemical, economic and environmental benefits and advantages,” Reiner said. Reiner has been working on his project all summer and will continue his research all semester. Not surprisingly, he has gained a great deal of insight into a potential career in chemistry. “What struck me the most over

the summer was how you need to tell your chemistry in a narrative fashion,” Reiner said. “If you can’t make it tangible or accessible or interesting, it detracts from the science. That’s something I never expected.” Reiner’s next step is to apply to graduate school. He would like to stay in Boston and pursue a doctoral career in organic chemistry, in hopes of eventually becoming a professor in chemistry. “Ben joined my group when we literally had nothing,” Byers said. “His success in the lab is a testament to the diligence and attention to detail that he has demonstrated. He deserves all the accolades that come his way.” Brodsky has had her attention focused on a separate project in the laboratory of Frank Tsung, assistant professor of chemistry. She and her team have been working on manipulating the composition and atomic surface structure of nanoparticles in order to create catalysts that are very active for necessary fuel cell reactions. Her research focuses on creating bimetallic nanoparticles composed of palladium and rhodium, two metals that have proven to be very catalytically active. Working with Tsung, Brodsky and the rest of the research group have compared the effects of different surface structure and metallic composition on catalytic activity, with the ultimate goal of finding the most advantageous metals to be used as catalysts. “Casey Brodsky is an outstanding undergraduate researcher,” Tsung said. “Her work in my group will bring a great impact to this research field. I strongly believe she will be an amazing scientist in the future.” Brodsky’s research is interesting partially due to the fact that rhodium has not been studied extensively. By publishing information on how to make the structures and whether or not they work for different applications, Brodsky hopes that future scientists will build on her foundation in the production of fuel cells. “The most exciting news is that we have recently submitted our first 10-page paper to The Journal of The American Chemical Society, which has been the culmination of our project,” Brodsky said. “I learn more in the lab than I do in class because it’s real applications and solving problems on my own rather than learning what other people have already done,” Brodsky said. “I hope to continue doing research through the end of school and in graduate school.” n


The Heights

While cases proceed in U.S., Irish court grants injunction Belfast Project, from A1 until Moloney’s judicial review could be assessed. Judge Justice Treacy pointed out that the appeal in the Belfast courts seemed to be a direct response to recent rulings in the U.S. preventing Moloney and McIntyre from interceding in the Belfast Project case. “It seems a bit rich, having taken that step, then coming to this court having failed in America, to seek to restrict the police access to this material in discharging their obligation to investigate serious crime,” Treacy said, according to the BBC. Treacy granted the temporary injunction, but emphasized that the injunction is directed only

to the PSNI, and not American authorities. “There is no question whatsoever of this being an injunction directed towards any American authorities,” Treacy said. “The interim relief is directed solely at the PSNI and any other relevant UK authorities.” While the stay remains in place, two legal cases continue in the U.S. The first, involving lawyers representing BC, seeks to reverse Judge William G. Young’s ruling that seven Belfast Project tapes should be handed over to the PSNI in relation to the investigation of the murder of Jean McConville in 1972. BC has argued that the tapes have “limited probative value” to the investigation and should remain confidential.

Monday, September 10, 2012

students turn out for involvement fair

The second case, proceeding on behalf of Moloney and McIntyre, seeks a stay on all Belfast Project tapes, including those with Price. “In Boston, attorneys Eamonn Dornan and JJ Cotter have filed a petition to the First Circuit Court of Appeals seeking a stay on the handover of the Price interviews as well as those that are the subject of Friday’s appeal by Boston College, until the Supreme Court considers a bid to hear the case, which has huge constitutional, legal and political consequences, in front of America’s highest court,” Moloney said in a press release dated Sept. 6. The temporary injunction issued by the Belfast court will remain in place until the researchers’ judicial review challenge is heard. n

Stayers recognized for generosity Stayer Hall, from A1 time. Stayer joined the Board of Trustees earlier this year. “On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to offer my heartfelt thank you to Ralph and Shelly Stayer,” McGillycuddy said. “Stayer Hall will represent the family values of their name and remind residents how important their [own] family is.” The donation was made as part of the Light the World 150th Anniversary campaign, an effort by BC to raise $1.5 billion to secure the future of BC. University President Rev. William P. Leahy, S.J., who has spearheaded the Light the World campaign, also thanked the Stayers for their donation. “It is my hope as we go forward and see the name Stayer, that we realize the generosity of Ralph and

Shelly Stayer,” Leahy said. “I’m very grateful to Shelly and Ralph for making this possible, and to all of you for coming.” After Leahy’s thanks, Shelly and Ralph were given the opportunity

“It is my hope as we go forward and see the name Stayer, that we realize the generosity of Ralph and Shelly Stayer.” -Rev. William P Leahy, S.J. University President to address the audience. Shelly, who spoke first, spoke in the form of a letter from a fictional student living in Stayer Hall to her parents. Her

address ranged from comical to serious and back again. “This guy went to Notre Dame, how did he get his name on a building?” During his address, Ralph Stayer discussed his honor at being recognized, and his faith in the will of God, which he believes led him to his donation. He spoke highly of his many employees, thanking them for bringing him to where he is today. “Their work and dedication to becoming the best that they can be provides the funds to make this donation to BC, and I am honored to represent them here today,” he said. The dedication ceremony was followed by a reception in the St. Ignatius parking lot, where guests were treated to Johnsonville Sausage products and cupcakes from Shelly Stayer’s personal cupcake stores. n

daniel lee / heights editor

Dozens of campus clubs and organization set up shop hoping to attract students at the activities fair last Friday.

Devino named Secretary, Vice President By David Cote News Editor

photo courtesy of the office of news and public affairs

Rev. Terrence Devino, S.J., (above) will become University Secretary in January.

Rev. Terrence P. Devino, S.J., director of Manresa House and special assistant to the president, will succeed Mary Lou DeLong as vice president and University Secretary upon her retirement in January. Devino, who has also worked in leadership positions at Fairfield University and the University of Scranton, is looking forward to the new challenges the job presents. “I love BC and I love Jesuit education, so to be a part of this University at a different level and in a different way is great,” Devino said. As University Secretary, Devino’s responsibilities will include overseeing the annual Commencement ceremony, as well as the Sesquicentennial Committee, which plans the events of the University’s 150th anniversary celebration.

Devino said he is most excited to work with members of the campus community from a variety of areas. The Commencement Committee consists of about 50 staff members, representing “almost every constituency on campus,” according to Devino. “It’s really kind of exciting. “For me the most exciting thing is widening my experience at BC and getting to know people in different areas across the University, meeting new people and being involved in a whole new thing.” Devino was approached for the job by University President Rev. William P. Leahy, S.J. “Fr. Devino knows Boston College well and brings substantial experience from his work here and from his previous assignments at Fairfield University and the University of Scranton,” Leahy said. “He will be an engaging presence among our students, faculty, and

VSLC provides unique volunteer experience Eagle Volunteers, from A1 and prepare food. The community service trips will occur between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. starting Sept. 24, and vans will drive BC students to the volunteer organizations. No application or experience is needed, and all students are encouraged to sign up. “The idea is that people can go into service without having a yearlong commitment,” said Anthony Ford, Eagle Volunteers team leader and A&S ’13. “You can sign up on a weekly basis and only commit the kind of time you can give. You can do it once

and that’s it, or as long as other people are getting the chance to go too, you can go again. First priority is going to be given to people who haven’t had a chance yet, and it’s on a first-come, firstserved basis.” With the help of the new student volunteer program, VSLC is confident that every student will be able to complete at least 150 minutes of community service in the coming year. Ford and VSLC have worked closely with the three volunteer sites over the past year. St. Peter’s Teen Center and the Yawkey Food Pantry are both part of the Catholic Charities of Boston and all three programs are

located in Dorchester. “Dorchester is nearly inaccessible by T,” Ford said. “We want BC students to connect more to those communities. We hope to be able to share the resources that we have as a Jesuit college with our neighbors, and increase the relationship between BC and Boston.” The community service programs will run throughout the fall and spring semester, excluding finals weeks and the week of Thanksgiving. With such competitive volunteer programs on the BC campus, the VSLC hopes that the Eagle Volunteers becomes a convenient, noncommittal alter-

native for students who wish to participate in community service. If the program is a success, the VSLC plans to continue it in the years to come. “The idea is that anyone who wants to serve can serve,” Ford said. “Once the Sesquicentennial celebrations have come to an end and we are in the 151st year or the 152nd year, we hope that the Eagle Volunteers are still a presence on campus and [the organization] becomes one of our key programs at BC.” Students interested in the Eagle Volunteers program can find more information at eaglevolunteers. n

College students a low risk group for WNV West Nile, from A1 tions students could take to lower their chances of contracting the disease. The email cited a description of West Nile Virus from the Massachusetts department of Public Heath, including the fact that in

most cases of WNV, no symptoms occur. University Health Services takes great care in deciding to send out an email warning students about a disease. The two main factors to take into account about a disease are frequency and severity, Nary said. If a great number of students are getting sick, or if

more than usual are contracting a serious disease, Health Services will say something. They are also careful to not send out too many of these emails, however, for fear that students will more readily disregard them and as a result not pay attention when a real threat arises. Nary acknowledged that many

students seemed to have disregarded the email about West Nile as well. “By the way, I looked into the students’ stands at the [first football] game. I didn’t see anyone all wrapped up, so I guess they didn’t really listen to me.” He concluded, laughing, “Maybe they all had bug spray that I just didn’t see.” n

alumni.” Devino said he is also looking forward to the new experience he will gain from being in a higher leadership position. “It’s a new challenge, it’s something new, and with the grace of God and the companionship and assistance of so many people on campus I’m looking forward to it greatly,” he said. For the time being, Devino will serve in both his current capacity as director of Manresa House and in his new role as University Secretary. He will have the assistance of an intern from the School of Theology and Ministry, and feels confident in his ability to manage both areas effectively. “One of the things that’s most important to me is that I continue to have the experience of working with our students,” he said. Specifically referring to Commencement, Devino said he is excited to create an event that helps

students reflect on their time at BC, much as St. Ignatius often told his followers to reflect on their lives. “Gratitude is a necessary element of our lives that we should never underestimate,” Devino said. “So too with Commencement—it is really our responsibility as a University to take the Commencement moments, and assist our students in their reflection upon the four years and accompany them to a place of gratitude. “So for me, to be a part of Commencement in my role as University Secretary, is very Ignatian. It’s very much an honor to assist those who arrive as freshmen with dreams and hopes to commence their time here with a spirit of gratitude.” In addition to his work with Commencement and the Sesquicentennial Committee as University Secretary, Devino will be responsible for the University’s charter and the official University seal. n


The Heights


Monday, September 10, 2012

Community Help wanted Personal Assistant needed to organize and help. Basic computers skills needed, good with organization. We are ready to pay $650 per week to any interested person. Should contact

help wanted Study buddy needed. BC freshman looking for study companion for Literary Themes. Will take any available assistance, not particular. Open to help from freshmen to seniors. Inquiries may be sent to: jennlamonca@

help wanted Used bicycle wanted. Mild to moderate use preferred. A bright paint color is desired. Willing to pay variable price but will also take it off your hands for free. Please contact if interested.

Check out the B-Line at

Directions: The Sudoku is played over a 9x9 grid. In each row there are 9 slots, some of which are empty and need to be filled. Each row, column and 3x3 box should contain the numbers 1 to 9. You must follow these rules: 路 Number can appear only once in each row 路 Number can appear only once in each column 路 Number can appear only once in each 3x3 box 路 The number should appear only once on row, column or area.

Monday, September 24 7 PM, Fulton 511 Boston Globe Sports Columnist:

Chris Gasper

Former Boston Globe Arts Reporter and current Senior Editor of BC Magazine:

MaureEn Dezell

Former Boston Globe Senior Metro Editor and Pulitzer Prize winner:

Steve Kurkjian


The Heights



Paul Klee showcase a landmark display for BC

Monday, September 10, 2012

“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” -A.A. Milne (1882-1956), author of Winnie the Pooh

The Heights encourages students to take advantage of McMullen Musuem’s prestigious exhibit On Sunday, Sept. 1, Boston College’s McMullen Museum held the opening reception for the exhibition titled Paul Klee—Philosophical Vision: From Nature to Art. Set to run until December 9, the exhibit is a huge get for the small but celebrated museum. Klee’s work hangs in the most prestigious art museums around the world, and London’s Tate Modern will play home to the German painter’s largest exhibition in the country in over a decade. At the moment, the McMullen Museum displays the most comprehensive Klee showcase in the country, a feat that BC should be honored to achieve. Klee’s work is fascinatingly complex and The Heights commends the McMullen Museum for taking a risk in featuring the thought-provoking

artist as part of its fall collection. While last year’s Rural Ireland exhibit did more to pay homage to a country’s history than its art, From Nature to Art launches the McMullen into the forefront of cultural institutions in the northeast. It’s sure to draw crowds from beyond the surrounding area, including esteemed art scholars as part of the upcoming International Klee Conference (Oct. 16-19). We encourage students to take advantage of the museum’s exhibition as the semester progresses. It offers a chance to escape to another time and place for free, and will certainly broaden all visitors’ cultural horizons. Download the free audio tour from the museum’s website, set aside an hour to stroll the museum, and make your semester a more artistically informed one.

Celebrate BC’s 150th starting this weekend Students are reminded to register online prior to Saturday’s kick-off event at Fenway The Sesquicentennial Celebration, marking Boston College’s 150th year, will officially begin with a mass at Fenway Park this coming Saturday, Sept. 15. Open to all members of the BC community—students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, and their families—the mass will be concelebrated by members of the Jesuit community and alumni priests. It will be followed by a reception and activities in the ballpark. With the opening celebration less than a week away, The Heights would like to take the opportunity to encourage the entirety of the student body to attend. Not only will the event be the perfect excuse to head to the historic Fenway Park with your friends and roommates, it will also make for a lovely evening of Eagles young and

old coming together in prayer and community. Although no fee is required to attend the mass, The Heights does want to remind students that registration is necessary. Those interested in attending must register online by following the “Mass at Fenway” link on the BC homepage. Over the course of the coming year, the University has many special events and activities planned to commemorate its landmark anniversary. For students, this is sure to be an exciting year on the Heights. Everyone—from freshmen who are just getting acquainted with life in Chestnut Hill to members of the senior sesquicentennial class—should be sure to take advantage of all that’s being offered.

Samantha Cohen/ Heights Illustration


West Nile email valued, but sensational University Health Center email fails to mention that college students are a low-risk group As of Sept. 7, nine cases of the West Nile virus have been reported in Massachusetts, putting the state, and the media, on high alert. Headlines about the disease were featured daily in The Boston Globe, The Boston Herald, and on local news stations. Such media attention led the University Health Center to issue a warning to Boston College students. In an email on Aug. 31, they outlined steps to avoid contracting the virus, urging students to use insect repellent, wear long sleeves and pants during the evening hours, and avoid stagnant water. We ap p r e c i at e t h e Un i v e r s i t y Health Center sending such an email. It is comforting to know that when disease outbreaks occur, they will take the necessary steps to ensure student safety. However, The Heights feels that the email was missing a vital section – the one that said that, as healthy college students, we are at extremely low risk for West Nile. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 80 percent of infected persons with WNV will never show any symptoms. Those 20 percent who do are overwhelm-

ingly those with weak immune systems, essentially the elderly, infants, and immunocompromised persons. Only 1 out of 150 people who contract HNV will develop a severe form of the disease, according to WHO. In the age of a 24/7 news cycle, disease outbreaks will inevitably be sensationalized. Bird flu, swine flu, and now West Nile have gained unnatural attention and have instilled u nw a r r a nte d fe a r i n m i l l i o n s o f Americans whose infection chance is low. A mountain is made out of a proverbial molehill—such is the result of news outlets looking for the highest ratings and profits. Yet, BC did not address the exaggerated information often published in the press. We at The Heights wish they had included the aforementioned facts to assuage the fears of some facets of the BC population that are unfamiliar with the virus, namely those from areas where West Nile is not prominent, and therefore may not know fact from rumor. It is always good to err on the side of caution, but in a case where a disease has been over-hyped, the truth about who is at risk is just as imperative.

The Heights The Independent Student Newspaper of Boston College Established 1919 Taylour Kumpf, Editor-in-Chief Daniel Ottaunick, General Manager Lindsay Grossman, Managing Editor


The Heights welcomes Letters to the Editor not exceeding 200 words and column submissions that do not exceed 700 words for its op/ed pages. The Heights reserves the right to edit for clarity, brevity, accuracy, and to prevent libel. The Heights also reserves the right to write headlines and choose illustrations to accompany pieces submitted

to the newspaper. Submissions must be signed and should include the author’s connection to Boston College, address, and phone number. Letters and columns can be submitted online at, by e-mail to, in person, or by mail to Editor, The Heights, 113 McElroy Commons, Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02467.

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The Heights

Monday, September 10, 2012



Batman goes nuclear

Thumbs Up UGBC Campus Entertainment- We’ve got to give credit where credit is due: UGBC has been killing it lately with their concert selection. With Nelly, Third Eye Blind, and now Lupe Fiasco as recent selections, we are starting to believe the UGBC Campus Entertainment group is a competent entity run by students and not old cranky men hell-bent on destroying fun. Really though—who else would choose Jay Cole and Wale? The sweet taste of victoryWe won, guys, we actually won! Yes, we were supposed to and it’s only the second game, but we think Chase Rettig looked pretty good. Should we dare say we are feeling more optimistic about this season than seasons past? Eh, it’s probably bad for us if they are good anyway. They’ve really become a Thumbs Down staple. Fall TV premieres- We here at Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down really only like to do three things—sleep, get our nails done, and watch T V. So it comes as no surprise that the upcoming slew of fall TV premieres is our Christmas morning. We’ve really missed our friends this summer—Emily, our sociopathic bestie bent on destroying her frenemies the Graysons, Liz, who is hilar but ALWAYS single, and Cam, our gay BFF. Now, if only Daniel would dump Emily and date us instead… .

Thumbs Down

Bobby Williams Since the early 1940s, generations of filmgoers and comic book fans alike have been fascinated by the fantastic gadgetry and impossible tech wielded by billionaire-turned-vigilante Bruce Wayne. Although the character’s mythos—and indeed his crime-fighting tools—descended into campiness and absurdity during the 1960s, courtesy of Adam West, the last two decades have seen a return to serious Batman storytelling and real-world influence, courtesy of visionary (soon to be legendary) filmmaker Christopher Nolan. Over the course of his unforgettable Dark Knight Trilogy, Nolan makes a serious effort to ground both Batman and his arsenal in a very real place. While some of Nolan’s imagined devices lend themselves to reality better than others (I had an easier time buying that cell phones could be used for sonar-mapping than I did accepting the miraculous effects of a certain leg-brace), one invention in particular from this summer’s The Dark Knight Rises caught my attention. The third installment of Nolan’s batsaga finds Bruce Wayne attempting to revive Gotham’s economy and reduce its crime by solving the energy crisis. A lofty goal for any full-time custodian of justice, Wayne’s plan is made possible by his greatest bat-gadget to date: a nuclear reactor capable of generating unlimited stores of cost-effective clean energy. Sound too good to be true? It is—but perhaps not by much and not for much longer. In 1967, a French laboratory complex near Aix-en-Provence became home to a piece of remarkable technology: a breeder reactor. A departure from traditional pressurized water reactors, the breeder

Doing homework- We have homework and we don’t like it. That’s all we really have to say. The Bus- In a long list of our off campus woes (for those of you who read this column religiously, the man in the baseball cap was back again this morning), the Commonwealth Avenue bus only leaves from Conte during the week. Considering there are no academic buildings down there, you’d think they would pick a bus stop that was a little more centrally located. For those of you who think we’re being whiny, you try buying all your books at Mac and having to trudge them all the way to Conte. Heat stroke, Cheap strokeWe walked into our classroom on Friday and it felt like we entered a locker room in the depths of hell. We get it, times are tough and you need to save money by continuously jipping your student body (we’re looking at you, BC Dining). But doesn’t general comfort mean anything to you? Like Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down? Follow us on Twitter @BCTUTD

ball. The only apparent drawback to this compact design is its gargantuan external power source. To which I ask, why buy a MacBook Air if the charger is the size of a coffee table? And, more importantly, why do nuclear reactors need to be portable in the first place? In reality, a breeder would never need to be mobile. In the realm of cinema, however, its size and mobility help the director to illustrate a problem that breeders share with all nuclear devices, both real and imaginary: the possibility that their weapons-grade nuclear material might fall into the wrong hands. In The Dark Knight Rises, the hulking, muzzled zealot known as Bane steals the portable breeder and converts it from a beacon of sustainable energy to an instrument of sheer destructive power. As nuclear power and, indeed, nuclear annihilation were of great interest to the first generation of ’40s Batman fans, it comes as no surprise that Christopher Nolan chooses to end his Batman trilogy with a bang, so to speak. Caught halfway between science and science fiction, Nolan’s nuclear bat-gadget may not be as far off as we think. Dozens of new designs and new ideas have been proposed for future breeders, ranging from innovative waste recycling systems to reactors that could potentially extract all of the energy contained in Uranium (traditional light water reactors extract less than 1 percent). However exciting a prospect this may be, the explosive conclusion to The Dark Knight Rises reveals the director’s intention to caution and even terrify his viewers as well as inspire them. Whether you’re an opponent of nuclear power or, like me, acknowledge that improved fission fuel could have a major place in our future, there’s no doubting that Nolan’s latest film provides a truly spectacular backdrop for the debate. Bobby Williams is a staff columnist for The Heights. He welcomes comments at

Squirrels dodging land mines William Adamowicz

Contagions among us- We have an irrational fear of the squirrels on campus ever since we saw one jump into a trash can and reemerge with an entire blueberry muffin (for more on this story, see previous Thumbs Up, Thumbs Downs.) Now, we have one more reason to cower in fear when we see these furr y mutants: They recently gave a 7-year-old girl the bubonic plague. As in the disease that killed 1/3 of Europe in the Middle Ages. Okay, so she may have picked up a decomposing squirrel carcass, but we are still playing it safe. If a squirrel and its bushy, plague-filled tail come any where near us , we are whipping out a Nerf gun.

is capable of producing more nuclear fuel than it consumes, ideally amounting to a vast supply of energy. Quite literally, it breeds its own fuel—like a candle regenerating its wick mid-burn. What’s more, if it’s built correctly and properly maintained, the reactor can pull off this technological hat-trick at virtually no cost to the environment. So what’s the catch? If, in fact, this astonishing phenomenon is possible, why is Gotham the first place most of us are seeing it? The fact is, even today’s modern breeders are not the cheapest or easiest ways to produce nuclear energy. Plentiful reserves of uranium and newer, more affordable methods of uranium enrichment ensure that conventional nuclear power continues to dominate the industry. As an added disadvantage, the cost to build a breeder is significantly higher than your average nuclear power plant—all those approved for development in the U.S. since the 1960s have been shut down and decommissioned due to funding cuts and construction delays. Of course, the reactor that makes an appearance in The Dark Knight Rises is a very different breed of breeder—a futuristic machine that the scientists of today can only dream of. Funded by the incomprehensibly wealthy Wayne Enterprises, the reactor in the film represents a few dream refinements in nuclear technology. For instance, it can somehow recycle its own by products to drastically slow the build up of nuclear waste. For now, all we can do is reprocess such wastes to reduce their radioactivity and make them ineffective as weapon components. If we could follow Wayne’s example and simply eliminate them, nuclear energy would become a much more attractive and far safer option. In addition to possessing a pseudorevolutionary waste disposal system, the movie breeder is also small. Ridiculously small. Where today’s engineers can build massive, stationary reactors in huge plants, the Wayne employees of Nolan’s tomorrow can shrink the entire operation down to about the size of a medicine

“Set the world aflame! The world is your oyster! Expand your horizons!” Although some of us here at Boston College have taken these words to heart and truly felt their meaning, most of us have felt something more like an urge to maim or gravely injure the individual whose mouth one of those lines came out of. College is a time when doors appear in every direction. While you may think this is a variant of what mommy and daddy told you on your first day—that is, the old cliche that hails a university’s ability to “open countless doors of opportunity”—this is in fact a gross oversimplification of what actually happens. Contrary to what you may have been told, “doors” do not gracefully present themselves like pretty butterflies on a sunny day. Rather, a flood of unwanted doors assaults you and you’re left maneuvering around them like a squirrel running through a field of land mines. Should we go see this movie? Have lunch here? Have coffee there? Take this class? Or that one? Silver bullets? OR STONES?! That’s right, Sally Sue (freshman, class of obviously not a real person), making decisions in college is going to be just like that time you stayed at the party until 3 a.m.: The opportunities are looking grim, they’re very persistent, and there’s one stumbling onto your lap every 30 seconds—about to regurgitate some latenight chicken fingers all over your spankin’ new Jimmy Choos. I don’t think so. The fact is, it’s impossible to do everything. But we will all try to do way too much at some point. Throughout these four precious years, we constantly find ourselves overflowing, whether it be emotionally, physically, or literally (happens to the best of us). The fact is, until you let all those doors hit you in the face—at least once—you’ll never get to experience the rush of running

Bazoomie Wagon

through that field of land mines. You may be thinking, “This is all nonsense, I’m no woodland critter!” Wrong. Your first mistake was writing your email down on every clipboard at student activities day last Friday. It’s quiet now, but they’re coming for your inbox. And they’re hungry. At last we meet again, BC Office of Transportation and Parking. While college is probably the only time you’ll find yourself saying things like, “I’m sorry, I just really don’t want to go see your friend’s sister’s Irish folk dancing performance,” recognizing which doors not to walk through is an invaluable asset in life. Saying no to people, difficult as it may be at times, gives us a chance to be honest with ourselves. And more importantly, learning how to say no in the right manner and at the right times will clear the path for your autonomic instincts. It will guide you toward the doors that you are destined to walk through—doors that lead to the promised land, my child, whence thou shalt deservedly suckle on the honeysweet teat of success! In order to move forward, you will inevitably have to walk into certain rooms that you have no desire to be in. We have a name for those rooms—they’re called internships. While there are a select few of you out there who have found the company that will motivate you to become a fruitful and successful individual, the rest of us have no idea what we want to do with our lives. But when you begin your next internship or sign up for a new club, if you have even the slightest feeling that this might be one of those doors that you are destined to walk through, apply yourself to your absolute fullest. If you crawl through these doors, you will never manage to stand proudly inside the rooms that lay behind them. While I poke fun at the BC motto, this is what it’s talking about; this is why we’re here. Unless you put yourself out there, fully investing yourself in the projects that you have carefully chosen for your life, you will never manage to cross off certain rooms, and your life will start to look something like a freshman dorm—doors open everywhere, people talking all around, neither friends nor enemies, and as you walk in and out of those rooms and have conversations that you will never remember,


you will eventually be left standing in the hallway, not knowing where to go or who to speak to. It is only by fully dedicating ourselves to certain paths that we may cross them off with certainty. One of the saddest moments in my life came with the realization that I would never be able to contribute something of value to pure academic philosophy. Despite the fact that I was drawn to this subject, one that is now my major, I walked through this door confidently, interacted with intellectuals whom I regarded as the authorities of their respective disciplines, and I came out battered, knowing that I would never achieve the level of understanding that they have. But this experience left me with a very important realization—that I must necessarily turn to art if I have any hope of feeling accomplished in life, for education and art are born from the same womb of life’s true essence. Now, I have picked myself up, and I have found a new direction. More importantly, I know myself, at my core, in a more intimate and profound way. So what do you do now? March past the thickets of meaningless doors that mask distractions and degenerates alike! And onwards, down that long and dark hallway, confidently breathing in the cold air of a future that is clouded by uncertainty. The doors that stand at the end of these paths are the ones that you will feel the most ambivalence toward, since they will ask you questions about your career, your love life, your friendships, and your interests. But know that you have your priorities straight and forget about the cousin’s grandmother’s dog’s birthday. Whenever you have to say “No” to someone—with unmatched confidence and impeccable poise, of course—remember that you’re one step closer to opening the door that leads to a room full of the people whom you cherish, and the passions that define you. Now go light some things on fire! William Adamowicz is a staff columnist for The Heights. He welcomes comments at

Social responsibility

Kameron Bain Thanks to the generous four-month summer that Boston College provides us, I had some time to catch up on some leisure reading. I went a little over the top and read basically every book written by the English entrepreneur Richard Branson. They were all incredible and I highly recommend each and every one of them, but Screw Business as Usual should be a required text for (at least) everyone in CSOM. We try to teach business ethics at BC via the Portico program, but this book reflects the principles of business ethics better than any Portico class. I cannot begin to explain how much it annoys me that the United States has so many citizens that still believe global warming is a hoax. I recently saw an SUV with a bumper sticker of the Earth with red print over it saying, “Stop Global Whining.” No offense to you if that is your car, but I cannot begin to comprehend the stupidity of that individual. To be fair, I honestly hope all you naysayers are correct. However, science and logic seem to disagree and it is a fact that the carbon level in our atmosphere is higher than it has ever been before. For all of you who haven’t yet seen An Inconvenient Truth and The Island President, go do that. Screw the politics and partisanship of this issue. Global warming affects us all and literally decides whether our children’s children will have a future on Earth. It is simply greedy and naive to ignore this problem. So, what does Screw Business as Usual have to do with this? Everything. Branson discusses how our world is so interconnected and that we must seriously change our current business practices. He uses the term “Capitalism 24902” (which I personally feel is incredibly corny). Capitalism 24902 (the Earth is 24,902 miles in circumference) is based on the principle that everything we do affects those across the globe, and therefore we must focus our business practices on creating a better Earth, not just profits. Branson leads by example through his philanthropic business organization, Virgin United. He also created and carried out the idea of the Global Elders, which is essentially an advisory board of the most respected individuals in the world, including Nelson Mandela, Jimmy Carter, Mary Robinson, Desmond Tutu, and others. I find it pathetic that I hadn’t heard of this ingenious group of people until reading Branson’s autobiography, but now feel it is my responsibility to spread the word. The Elders give their opinion on major international issues such as Darfur, global warming, forced child marriage, and countless other problems that most of society conveniently ignores. It is people like the Elders, Branson, and Bill Gates that give our world hope. They stand up against the grotesque corporations that will sacrifice all of Earth for more profit, and they give me hope that one day (and it better be sooner than later) our entire world will wise up and realize we have a serious problem on our hands. Alleviating global warming will be one of the most difficult tasks mankind has ever faced, but it is possible. However, major corporations, like Branson’s Virgin group, need to lead by example and ensure that their business practices are making the most environmentally friendly decisions possible. One company that has annoyed me for the last decade is Jamba Juice. Don’t get me wrong, I love Strawberries Wild and Caribbean Passion. Unfortunately, Jamba Juice is a prime example of a company sacrificing the Earth for profits. With over 700 locations, Jamba Juice is a thriving company, but conveniently ignores their participation in increasing global warming. They use Styrofoam cups for their smoothies, which they say is the best insulator and therefore the best material for keeping smoothies cold. However, they fail to acknowledge the fact that Styrofoam takes around 5,000 years to biodegrade. Thousands and thousands of smoothies are served at each of the 700 locations. That is an exorbitant amount of Styrofoam. I would not be quite as angered if there was no alternative, but with today’s technology there are hundreds of plantbased cups that could be used in lieu of Styrofoam. Walk into any Whole Foods and the cups and silverware are all plant-based and are capable of biodegrading within the year. Sadly, there are countless examples of corporations like Jamba Juice that ignore their global footprint in the name of profit. This needs to change and politicians need to stop bickering over this issue, trying to act like it is a partisan topic. It is not. It affects us all and society needs a wake-up call. People like Branson are trying to be that wake-up call, but it is honestly up to each and every one of us (especially in our generation) to demand that corporations and individuals start acknowledging that there is a issue and start doing something about that problem. Kameron Bain is a staff columnist for The Heights. He welcomes comments at

The Heights


Monday, September 10, 2012

‘Bachelorette’ adeptly avoids the ‘Bridesmaids’ comparisons By Joe Allen Heights Staff

Bachelorette has been compared to Bridesmaids quite a bit in the last month by people who have seen its trailer. The comparison couldn’t be further from the truth. Here is a movie far nastier, with jet-black humor, and no moral compass whatsoever. Starring Kirsten Dunst, Isla Bachelorette: Fisher, and Leslye Headland Lizzy Caplan, Bachelorette BCDF Pictures also tries to ground its mean jokes in below-the-surface drama that tackles serious issues. Once the movie starts shifting into reflective mode, it becomes much less funny and takes on a muddled tone. Regardless of where Bachelorette ends up, it starts with a string of good jokes and a promising premise. Regan (Dunst) is eating lunch with her friend, Becky (Rebel Wilson). Regan orders a healthy meal. Becky orders junk. The lunch takes a turn when Becky tells Regan that she is getting married, prompting Regan to later call her other high school friends, Gena (Caplan) and Katie (Fisher), in


absolute outrage. Regan always thought she would be the first of the old gang to get married, not her “fat friend.” Flash forward to “The Day before the Wedding.” Regan has been stressed planning Becky’s wedding as the maid of honor, but is excited to be reuniting with Gena and Katie. All four friends meet, at which point it becomes clear that the bridesmaids are much meaner and messed-up than the bride is. Upon finding out that Becky just wants to eat ice cream and drink champagne after the rehearsal dinner, Gena and Katie bust out the cocaine. Regan has a bitter remark for seemingly every employee at the wedding. After ruining Becky’s bachelorette party in a predictable manner, all three girls continue drinking and snorting coke. This all culminates in the ripping of Becky’s wedding dress, and the movie then switches into “we need to fix this before the bride finds out!” mode. The drinking, the drug abuse, and the casual meanness of the first half-hour is entertaining, especially since it has Dunst, Fisher, and, to a lesser extent, Caplan playing against type. Watching Mary Jane Watson and that girl from Wedding Crashers get high and act bitchy should be fun, and writer-director

Leslye Headland knows this. Also, seeing the incredibly talented Lizzy Caplan co-starring in a film should bring joy to every TV nerd. The only noticeable flaw in the film is the steady stream of fat jokes directed at Wilson’s Becky. Reducing Rebel Wilson to increasingly tired jokes about her weight is a far cry from her scene-stealing role as one of Kristen Wiig’s roommates in Bridesmaids. The constant bashing of Becky also undermines the efforts of the other three to fix her wedding. Are we to really believe that Becky’s “friends” care about saving her wedding? They seem much more interested in protecting themselves. This narrative inconsistency doesn’t matter much with all the darkly funny antics on display. The flaws don’t really start to show until the movie tries to get serious. As the partying and scrambling to fix a dress unfolds, the bridesmaids meet up with the groomsmen, at which point the audience learns that the girls have deeper issues that everyone should care about. This is learned because the women talk about their issues. Over and over again. For the rest of the movie. After watching the three coleads try to convince a dry cleaning employee to fix a ripped and blood-soaked wedding dress, conversation about eating disorders and

Bradley Cooper intrigues in ‘Words’

Courtesy of bcdf pictures

Lizzy Caplan, Kirsten Dunst, and Isla Fisher make quite the group of friends in ‘Bachelorette.’ abortions feels entirely out of place. There are many great comedy-dramas out there, but dramatic refection doesn’t work in this case, given the film’s cruel comedic tone. Watching Dunst, Fisher, and Caplan cause problems is one (hilarious) thing. Being asked to care about their personal problems is something else entirely. Shedding a sympathetic light on mean characters is a difficult juggling act, and Headland unfortunately drops the ball here. Even so, there is enough good in Bachelor-

ette to warrant a viewing. The film, seeming to realize its mistakes, shifts back into black comedy mode for its final act. Any fan of the short-lived Starz series Party Down has an obligation to see the movie, as it reunites Lizzy Caplan and Adam Scott as angry exes. Most importantly, the movie gets a lot of laughs from horrible people doing horrible things. And Kirsten Dunst and James Marsden totally have sex in a strip club bathroom. Don’t worry, it feels just as random when it happens in the movie. n

Box Office Report title

weekend gross

weeks in release

1 photos courtesy of

1. The possession



2. lawless



3. the words



courtesy of animus films

‘The Words’ proves itself to be an introspective movie, rife with crackling chemistry between its leads, Bradley Cooper and Zoe Saldana. By Kira Mulshine For The Heights

Brian Klugman and Lee Sternthal make their directorial debut with The Words­— a surprisingly thought-provoking romantic drama starring an impressive cast consisting of the usually teasing Bradley Cooper, Zoe The words: Saldana, Brian Klugman D e n n i s Quaid, JerAnimus Films emy Irons, Ben Barnes, and the stunning Olivia Wilde. After the over-stimulating back to school ruckus at Boston College, the matinee showing of The Words was my ideal end of the week excursion off campus, and into the life of Clayton Hammond (Dennis Quaid). The seemingly confident and charming Clayton is the speaker at a book reading of his highly praised novel The Words, telling the story of Jansen’s (Bradley Cooper) struggle to deal with the consequences of one colossal mistake and how it affects not only him, but a broad spectrum of people around him. Clearly, Jansen did not anticipate any consequences when he forged a novel he found. As time continues, Jansen is no longer anonymous and the country falls in love with his false work. Jansen begins

B+ B+

to recognize that his success is undeserved and suffers with the knowledge of his corrupt actions. Meanwhile, the true author, an old man (Jeremy Irons), finds Jansen and exposes his own identity as the true author—but out of pain rather than spite. The old man explains that he expects nothing from Jansen—no money, no fame, no recognition. The devastated old man tells Jansen his story of love, heartbreak, struggle, and absolute agony

The Words will give you an uninterrupted 90-minute period to reflect on your life. which inspired him to write the novel that Jansen now owns. To him, Jansen must know the true meaning behind the words he stole and his punishment is to “carry the burden” of the pains he claimed to write about. Through Jansen’s own struggle with the grand amount of love, fame, and lies in his life, the viewers are exposed to an important lesson: you must never forget the past, but you can forgive it, and use those gaffes to create a future for yourself that you are proud of. As the film comes to a close, the viewer realizes that this is a lesson that Clayton himself has learned

and is in the process of accepting. The viewer questions, “Is Jansen Clayton? Is he telling a true story, or did he really write the next American novel?” These are questions the film never answers, and one of many questions that leave you hanging as The Words concludes. Storyline aside, the cast, specifically Cooper, surprise audience members with its ability to enthrall onlookers with its convincing and contemplative personalities and without the overwhelming flirtation or sensual references I expected from a Bradley Cooper film. Cooper was able to keep his shirt on, and instead captivated audiences by showing his character mature while handling his mistakes and the pain they caused. His chemistry with Zoe Saldana (Jansen’s wife, Dora) was undeniably intriguing. Most romantic dramas depict “the perfect couple” coming together, but The Words illustrates how “the perfect couple” can fall apart. Dora forgives Jansen, but will never forget their past, and therefore their marriage fails. The Words will give you an uninterrupted 90-minute period to reflect on your life. But I must warn you, the contemplative mindset I was thrust into as the movie concluded remained with me throughout my Friday evening - so plan accordingly, and be aware. n



4. The expendables 2



5. the bourne legacy



6. paranorman



7. the odd life of timothy green



8. the campaign



9. the dark knight rises



10. 2016: Obama’s America



bestsellers of hardcover fiction 1. stolen prey John Sandford 2. 11th Hour James Patterson 3. Columbus Affair Steve Berry 4. Deadlocked Charlaine Harris 5. Calico Joe John Grisham

6. Innocent David Baldacci 7. In One person John Irving 8. Wind through the keyhole Stephen King 9. Bring Up the bodies Hilary Mantel 10. Road to grace Richard Paul Evans SOURCE: Publisher’s Weekly

Fall finally delivers movies worthy of praise and critical discussion Sean Keeley According to conventional wisdom, the Hollywood movie year is easily divided into thirds. The period from January to April is the dumping ground for generic romantic comedies and cheap genre movies that can be produced inexpensively, make a small profit, and are soon relegated to the bargain DVD bins at Target. During the busy summer

months, the studios bring us gargantuan moneymakers like The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers. Finally, the period from September to Christmas is a long march to Oscar night, as theaters become crowded with literary adaptations, biopics, and politically topical films all vying for Oscar gold—plus a few summer-style blockbusters for good measure. By the looks of it, this fall movie season seems poised to hit all of the usual notes. There’s a new adaptation of Tolstoy’s classic Anna Karenina, brought to us by director Joe Wright and actress Keira Knightley, who previously collaborated on Pride & Prejudice and Atonement. In Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln, Daniel Day-Lewis plays America’s greatest president during the waning days of the Civil War. Kathryn Bigelow, fresh off her 2009 Best Director win for The Hurt Locker, is back with another politically-charged thriller: Zero Dark Thirty, the story of the Navy SEALS team that assassinated Osama bin Laden. As for the blockbuster contingent, look no further than Daniel Craig’s third outing as James Bond in Skyfall and Peter Jackson’s return to Middle Earth with The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

The talent behind this slate of films is undeniable, and each of these films holds great promise—but I’m more intrigued by the season’s riskier propositions. Take, for instance, the upcoming drama The Master. The film’s advertising has been daringly enigmatic, relying on cryptic voiceovers and ominous music without revealing much of the plot. Director Paul Thomas Anderson has acknowledged that the movie is inspired by the life of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, but early reviews suggest it is more concerned with the character played by Joaquin Phoenix, a psychologically scarred WWII veteran whom “the Master” takes under his wing. In any case, expectations are high after Anderson’s last movie, the highly acclaimed There Will Be Blood. In that film, Anderson combined a compelling, focused character study with an epic historical background to create a convincing portrait of American greed. The Master seems to be going for something similar, although this time with a focus on the power of cults and the postwar American experience. Featuring the talents of Anderson, Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman and a score by Radiohead’s Johnny Greenwood, here’s hoping it delivers.

Another movie I’m highly anticipating based on the director’s past work is Seven Psychopaths, opening October 12. Martin McDonagh is not a household name, but his 2008 debut, In Bruges, was a unique blend of buddy comedy, Tarantino-style violence, and existential drama. Seven Psychopaths stars Colin Farrell, Woody Harrelson, Christopher Walken, and Tom Waits in what appears to be a violent black comedy involving the kidnapping of a neurotic gangster’s Shih Tzu. If In Bruges was any indication, this outlandish premise will be milked for all it’s worth: politically incorrect laughs, unpredictable narrative twists, and rich, witty dialogue. In terms of sheer ambition, the movie to beat this season is Cloud Atlas. Based on an award-winning 2004 novel by David Mitchell, the movie interweaves six storylines, ranging from an 1850 ocean voyage to a postapocalyptic dystopia. Judging from the movie’s nearly six-minute trailer, it’s unclear how all this fits together, though the movie does offer some continuity by having its cast—including Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Hugo Weaving, and Hugh Grant—play multiple roles across the different segments.

The movie’s tagline is “Everything is Connected,” and I’m eager to see how. I’m also curious about the directing team, which consists of the Wachowski siblings (of The Matrix and Speed Racer) and Tom Tykwer, a German director best known for his art house hit Run Lola Run. Will Cloud Atlas manage to integrate so many disparate plot threads and stylistic influences, or will it collapse under the weight of its ambitions? Only time will tell, but it’s refreshing to see a big budget Hollywood film explore such risky territory. Even with all these films to look forward to, though, it’s always conceivable that the season’s highlight will come out of nowhere. A year ago, Drive looked like a generic action movie, Hugo seemed like a dubious project for Martin Scorsese, and no one was talking about Take Shelter. Yet these three very different movies all became personal highlights of 2011. Ultimately, then, what I’m most looking forward to this fall is not a particular film, but something more abstract: the element of surprise.

Sean Keeley is a staff columnist for The Heights. He welcomes comments at arts@


Monday, September 10, 2012

The Heights

Train performs in rain MixFest, from A10

Courtesy of livenation

The always provocative Madonna brought her showstopping ‘MDNA’ tour to Boston’s TD Garden on Tuesday night, packing the arena to capacity.

Queen Madge shows up competition MDNA, from A10 a motel room and warded off dozens of masked criminals, all while tussling them on her bed. After taking out her last victim with a gun to his mouth, Madonna fell to her knees and belted out her first classic hit of the night, “Papa Don’t Preach.” The song produced an almost tangible upheaval of excitement and nostalgia. Given her unrivaled work ethic, she was sure to pick up some new tricks before her tour kicked off. In the MDNA tour, we not only see a new vulnerability in Madonna, but also witness her walk a tightrope during “Hung Up” and dabble in folksy music with a trio of Basque singers and drummers. The cheekiest and most humorous part of the show was most definitely the following portion. Madonna and her dancers, all sporting cheerleader gear, rose onto the stage and belted my favorite hit, “Express Yourself.” She strutted past her drummers as they were all pulled into the air in an impeccable, single-file line. But because Madonna is, well, Madonna, she could not help but throw shade at an artist who, like the rest of us, is also inspired by the songstress. Right when it seemed like she was about to wrap up “Express Yourself,” she

transitioned into Lady GaGa’s “Born This Way,” poking some fun at the similarities between the songs. Throughout her rendition of GaGa’s hit, the screens behind the stage displayed animated “little monsters” devouring cans of prepackaged food. Your

Right when it seemed like she was about to wrap up “Express Yourself,” she transitioned into Lady GaGa’s “Born This Way,” poking some fun at the similarities between the songs. faves would never. There is also something to be said about the effort Madonna put forth in her brief intermission videos, which significantly contributed to the story she told throughout the show. In the first video, a morbid funeral procession took place as her dancers brutally fought one another on stage—an intense and quite gruesome visual. The next

video featured the highly sexual soundtrack “Justify My Love,” and Madonna hiding from a gang of masked clowns in a luxurious hotel room. But the final video was perhaps the most impactful, played to the tune of “Nobody Knows Me.” A series of painful images were shown, displaying some of the prejudices and hatred our world faces, ranging from homosexual suicides to religious persecutions. Although the concert featured many songs from her newest album, Madonna definitely pleased her fans with remixes of unforgettable classics like “Vogue” and “Like a Virgin,” to which she flashed her toned bum to the audience. And then it happened—“Like a Prayer.” This performance inspired a volume of love and energy I had never witnessed before. Madonna worked every part of the movable stage as her large choir stood behind and belted the song’s bridge. In less than two hours, I had experienced every human emotion and was left with a feeling of worthiness, self-love, and power. As she said her final goodbye, I looked around and saw that the energy of the entire audience was in sync and a magical sensation of wonder permeated the air. It was at this very moment

the affable singer from his earlier hits “I Don’t Wanna Be” and “Chariot”—both of which found their way into the surprisingly thorough and enjoyable set. DeGraw, a former contestant on ABC’s Dancing With The Stars, has shown throughout the years his ability to command a crowd, and his control over the Mixfest audience was sprightly and sincere. He often offered a back-story for his songs, like new single “Soldier,” which he claimed was about getting past that inherently gushy first phase of a relationship. “Once you cut through all the bulls—t, it’s about when someone doesn’t just tell you, they show you,” DeGraw instructed the crowd before launching into the song that would’ve nestled in snugly in the background of One Tree Hill, were it still a show. On songs like opener “Sweeter” and the inspired Aloe Blacc cover of “I Need a Dollar,” DeGraw proved his frontman ability as he masterfully belted and promised a good time even when thunder and lightning crackled in the sky. “I’m still here if you’re still here,” he sang as the skies opened, before breaking out “Chariot,” sparking yet another audience singalong in the rain. It was a moment straight out of a John Waters movie, cliche and kitschy but all at once cementing the moment as one of triumph over nature. Following DeGraw’s punchy set, Train listlessly ambled onto stage, lead singer Pat Monahan never looking vaguely as interested in singing his band’s songs as he was with running his fingers through his hair aimlessly. It was, at first, a departure from the crackling hour audiences had just spent with DeGraw, who had taken the gospel trope of “taking us to the water” as literally as he could. Monahan and Train picked up steam on “Mermaid,”

inviting a gaggle of nervous looking girls onto the stage to be “Boston’s mermaids” for the evening. It was trite but touching, engaging the audience and perking up Monahan in one fell swoop as the clouds once again descended upon the otherwise idyllic event. “This is our favorite song to perform,” Monahan said of “Bruises,” a track from the group’s April release California 37. He proceeded to invite the band’s self-proclaimed biggest fan onto stage to sing along to the track—her inability to do so proved a point about Train’s success in recent years, as well as the changing face of the record industry. Music is a singles game, has been for years, and shows no signs of stopping. Not even pop-rock groups like Train can expect the masses who showed up to hear the hits at Mixfest to know the deep cuts off of new albums, which is why its insistence on playing them struck many as odd. But when Train shone, it unleashed the heavens above, torrents of rain battering the still legions of fans as the group soldiered through “Hey Soul Sister” and, most excitingly for everyone, “Drive By,” a buzzing eight-step of a song that relentlessly remains with listeners eons after its conclusion. Children and adults alike hopped around in the puddles forming on the ground and shouted along with the newly energized Monahan as he belted, “Oh I swear to you / I’ll be there for you / This is not a drive by .” It capped a muddled and musty, but eventually animated, 90 minutes. The thing that many forget is how sterling of a legacy Train has established for itself over the past decade. Songs like “Drops of Jupiter” and “Angels” were radio staples of long ago, hits buried in all of our heads waiting to be dusted off and played again. They’ve always been there, and sure, we forget about them, but there’s something so cathartic about remembering them every now and then. n

charlotte parish / heights editor

Gavin DeGraw demonstrated an impressive command of the crowd at this year’s MixFest.

Klee exhibition juxtaposes nature with artistic flair at McMullen Klee, from A10 -tion with the Zenstrum Paul Klee in Burn, Switzerland. John Sallis, a philosophy professor at BC, curated it. BC, McMullen patrons, and the Newton College Class of 1967 generously aided in underwriting From Nature to Art, and swissnex Boston and Swiss International Air Lines Ltd. offered additional support. Featuring over 65 paintings, sketches, and drawings— plus an impressive case of written notes, essays, and lectures gathered from museum collections in Switzerland, New England, and New York—the Klee exhibition offers viewers a diverse, yet cohesive, presentation of the central themes that underlie all of Klee’s work. Though Klee often centers on nature, his approach is not to mechanically copy it, but instead to portray it as the ancient Greeks defined the concept of “physis.” Thus, he depicts its intrinsic qualities. According to Klee, art “does not reproduce the visible, but makes visible.” In this first section,

pieces such as Green Terrain and Late Evening Looking Out of the Woods exemplify Klee’s rejection of classical representation of appearances. Both works are simultaneously simple and startling. While they seem unsophisticated at first glance, they reveal themselves to be the product of incredible mastery and deliberate precision. Klee was also an avid admirer of French impressionism, and he was, in part, influenced by the movement. For example, his painting Aliup, a colorfully vibrant portrayal of the quintessence of the sun, employs methods of pointillism, techniques clearly evident in the art of the French. In another gallery of From Nature to Art, Klee’s keen interest in the themes of flight, balance, and movement is explored. Klee’s Superior Bird is a commanding chalk sketch of a cartoon-like bird, wings decidedly tucked away, taking a step forward. Though perfectly capable of flight, the bird exerts his supremacy in that he has the ability to both stride and soar. Waterbirds is yet another piece that illustrates

both the “heavenward mobility” and the “earthbound existence” of Klee’s creaturely subjects. The theme of movement is investigated in Klee’s The Fish, an inked sketch of layered fish, taking shape, shifting, and changing, enticing the viewer to experience

While they seem unsophisticated at first glance, they reveal themselves to be the product of incredible mastery and deliberate precision. both shock and wonder. Some of the most emotionally evocative works in the collection are those in which Klee studies the notion of balance. He depicts stick figures teetering uncertainly on the edge of their existence. For example,

Tight Rope Walker is disturbingly riveting. It’s a lithograph fixing on the subject who is obviously human, but, while high in the sky, has a bird-like head. Meanwhile, Suicide on the Bridge, an astonishing penned piece featuring a basic, lined figure, a top hat, a ticking clock, and an X-marks-the-spot, forebodes disaster. Klee’s art has the rare, special characteristic of being stark, yet unassuming and playful, yet thoughtful—all owing, in certain, to the weight he places on imagination. The paintings and drawings are whimsical and fantastic, and they call on the viewer to deconstruct the works further in search of the elemental truth. Small World is the perfect example: crowded, formative, and unclear, it is a black and white etching in which it seems as if absolutely anything can appear, if the viewer just looks. Likewise, Nomad Mother is a red and brown geometrical composition that invites onlookers to inquire whether it is a painting of a human or an animal—it depicts the emo-

tion of pain and sadness clearly, but the particulars, as is typical of Klee, are less evident. Klee, with all his creative genius, was “at bottom,” “a poet after all”—a lover of words, much of his art features letters and texts that enhance its overall meaning. Serpent’s Prey is such an example. A fervent fan of music, his artwork possesses a sense of sonorous and rhythmic musicality as well. The final two galleries, covering work produced during WWII and leading up to his death, are rather serious. He “draw[s] the national-socialist revolution” and underlines Nazi political failure in Violence, Manhunt, and The Militarism of Witches, and he pensively reflects on man’s place in the world in Death for the Idea. Whatever his subject, though, From Nature to Art confirms Klee’s passion for portraying the primal principle of his subjects—his art, like his philosophy, resonates with unadulterated truth. Perhaps the two, reaching beneath visible surfaces, are somehow one in the same for Klee. n

New television distribution models make catching up a blast Joe Allen I love movies, but I am obsessed with television. Example: eight days ago, the mid-season finale of Breaking Bad’s last season aired. As soon as that AMC logo flashed across the screen, the television had my complete attention. I don’t remember blinking. At one point, someone knocked on the door that I was clearly closest to, but I just yelled “Door. Door! DOOR!” until one of my roommates opened it. A friend walked in and tried to strike up a conversation, to which I replied, still watching the TV, “Stop talking or I WILL END YOU!” At 11:00 p.m., everyone in the apartment could here an “Oh my God. No way! OH MY GOD!” meaning that the episode had ended. Cue my happy dance. Since that Bryan Cranston-filled Sunday night, I have read analyses of the episode online. I have spent time talking with friends about what it all meant. Question I would ask and be asked: Did you see that coming? Do you think the season set up that finale well? What was your favorite part of the episode? Least favorite part? Where will the show go from here for its final eight episodes? In the past week, I have learned all I can about the episode and can now leave it alone for a while. The point of this story, besides prov-

ing that I can be a jerk while watching something, is that being among the first to watch a television show still means something. Having to wait a week for a new episode or several months for a new season allows for time to reflect on the last batch of episodes, to predict the show’s future, and to remember why you love your show so much in the first place. Watching a show during its initial run, especially a show seen by fewer people, like Breaking Bad, can lead to a significant personal attachment to the series, and to the people you see it with. When I watched last week’s Breaking Bad

finale, I was reminded of saying goodbye to my high school friends last month. We partied together one last time and then had to part ways, feeling a bit sad but knowing we would all see each other again in time. Of course, Breaking Bad is now on Netflix Instant, so I never have to part with it completely. If I wanted to, I could shut myself in my room, watch all 54 hours of it, and wait for my grades to drop. I won’t do that, but I could. Anyone could. For a television lover, Netflix is like a gift from God. They have so many classic shows that you might have missed, with every episode

courtesy of amc

Without ‘Breaking Bad’ on Sunday nights, how should BC television watchers fill their time?

available. This mode of distribution has proven so popular that the much-anticipated season four of Arrested Development will be released via Netflix. But this relatively new distribution model raises a problematic question. Should you speed right through a great TV show, watching one episode after another because you can and because cliffhangers are often tantalizing? After waiting almost a decade for new episodes, will you run through AD’s new season in five hours? Because I love examples so much, here’s another one: I’ve been on a huge Joss Whedon kick this year. Loved Cabin in the Woods (a must-see for any fan of horror movies). Appreciated the gargantuan juggling act that was The Avengers. In January, Netflix told me “because you liked (this), (that), and (the other thing), you’ll love Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” Since Netflix seems to know my tastes better than I do myself, I was all like “Hell yeah Netflix! Let’s do this! (happy dance)” And I did. In the past eight months, I watched all seven seasons of Buffy. Got home from work this summer? Watch an episode of Buffy. Caught the flu? Watch a season and a half of Buffy. Had a bad day? Eat some Chunky Monkey ice cream, then watch a Buffy. Good day? Happy dance, then Buffy. Watched a Buffy? Watch another Buffy, fool!

It continued that way until I finished in August. I was satisfied with the series, but had not discussed it much with anyone besides the occasional friend or sister I would watch it with. So I went online. I started talking to more people. That’s when the satisfaction started to wane. “The musical is considered one of the best episodes of television ever”? I had sped through it without much thought. “Dawn is one of the most hated TV characters in the history of ever”? I thought she was a bit annoying, but I can’t believe people hated her that much! Stuff like that. I started to feel like my speed run caused me to miss out on the essential Buffy experience. Comparing the two ways of watching TV, I feel that show marathons, while fun, never create the lasting impressions that once-a-week episode releases do. While it does require more discipline, watching episodes in spaced intervals allows for reflection, discussion, and recognition of truly great series. Keep this in mind next time Netflix recommends that you watch all of The Vampire Diaries, right now. Sexy horror is better in small doses.

Joe Allen is a staff columnist for The Heights. He welcomes comments at arts@


arts&review Monday, September 10, 2012

An Eye on Culture

Switch out Swift Taylor Cavallo

“Ah, your name is Taylor! Like Taylor Swift?” The amount of times I’ve heard this phrase would shock you. “No, she was actually named after me.” That response doesn’t get as many laughs as I would hope, but it is the first thing that pops into my head to say during these disappointing moments. I lack a filter. What troubles me about this is simple: the fact that my androgynous name automatically evokes an almost instant connection to a celebrity that I not only don’t listen to, but also don’t respect. Swift makes money (lots and lots of it) off of girls and young women. She has proudly boasted herself as a singer-songwriter, and this is what concerns me. Swift writes all her own lyrics, yet they’re almost all about men: the wrong that they’ve done, break-ups (with her as dumper or dumpee), cheating, etc. Granted, I haven’t listened to every single Swift song—maybe there is a random tune that addresses larger social issues of injustice, poverty, or politics that hasn’t yet hit the Billboard chart, that I just haven’t heard. Love is an unavoidable theme of all music, regardless of genre or the sex of the singer or composer. It’s a human experience that is felt by all. Love is an intensely felt phenomenon that engages all the senses. It can evoke the most extreme level of unimaginable euphoria or pain. What concerns me is the model of a young woman that Swift illustrates in her songs—and as we all know from every magazine or blog, this hypothetical “woman” is very closely modeled after her own lifestyle as a blonde serial dater who seems to nab every eligible bachelor in the limelight, but is, unfortunately, promptly dumped. This woman in her songs is mostly weak or crying, when she’s not seeking spiteful, somewhat immature revenge on an ex. Again, these are all valid concerns in a woman’s world. But her execution is all off. I guess my disappointment peaks when I listen to the female musicians that have come before the Taylor Swifts of our generation. My question is, where did all the female fire go? Debbie Harry, Pat Benatar, and even Stevie Nicks all sing about these tough relationship issues, and are, at different points, both the powerful and the powerless in the relationship. No female captures the kick ass attitude better than Joan Jett (except maybe her group The Runaways), and she sings about her fair share of frustration toward men. Yet the attitude and persona these women embody through their lyrics is so incredibly different from the young, meek woman that Swift presents to her young female listeners. While this issue could no doubt be the topic of an extensive thesis in the field of music and its cultural implications through a feminist lens (which I plan on writing), I can put forth one simple example. Two breakup songs. Two women. Two mean, mean men. Both women are down and out, except one is truly on top. Swift’s “Picture to Burn” and Joan Jett and The Blackhearts’ “I Hate Myself for Loving You.” Swift’s first verse eloquently states, “So go and tell your friends that I’m obsessive and crazy / That’s fine I’ll tell mine that you’re gay!” The solution to this situation isn’t to go around lying, claiming that your ex-boyfriend is a closeted homosexual. “I’m planning my revenge / ... nothing stopping me / From going out with all of your best friends.” Hmm…. She later says that if her ex-boyfriend comes around her, her “daddy will show [him] how sorry he’ll be.” Joanie teaches that lesson herself. Even though Jett depicts a similar situation, she articulates this feeling differently. Joan’s straight up: she feels DUMB, she’s been left hanging and messed around with. But her anger and sexuality makes her a woman in charge. “Hey man … treat me right / You just don’t know what you was missin’ last night / I wanna see you beggin’, say forget it just for spite.” Whether you’re going through a breakup, or just pissed at your boyfriend, pump the classics, not the overdone sappy Swift songs. You’ll feel better about yourself, and he’ll probably be intimidated once you’re listening to a band called The Blackhearts. Keeping with the androgyny, I wish I was named Stevie.

Innovative Paul Klee show opens at McMullen By Ariana Igneri Heights Staff

Groundbreaking and innovative, the McMullen Museum’s new exhibit, Paul Klee: Philosophical Vision; From Nature to Art, is as riveting and intellectually provocative as the man himself. Klee was not only an artist, but also a profound thinker. Driven to portray the “primal ground,” or essence, of his subjects rather than just replicated semblances of appearance, Klee focused on producing pieces that delved deeply into the simple truth of existence, and in doing so, he inspired brilliant artists and philosophers alike. From Nature to Art is the first Klee exhibition to showcase his artistic work

as related to his philosophical beliefs. It is divided into eight categories, focusing on his ideas about nature, words, and music; his theories of movement, flight, and balance; and his emphasis on the importance of imagination and creativity. Moreover, the exhibit incorporates pieces created near the end of the artist’s life, including a gallery that highlights Klee’s role as a political critic of Nazi Germany and also a section that presents his dismal and contemplative outlook on man’s place in creation. The exhibit was organized by BC’s McMullen Museum of Art in collabora-

See Klee, A9

courtesy of google images

Paul Klee’s works are now on display at the McMullen Museum as part of the semester-long exhibition, ‘Paul Klee: Philosophical Vision: From Nature to Art,’ ending on December 9.

Madonna lights up the TD Garden with new tour By Marc Francis Heights Editor

Napoleon Bonaparte, Catherine the Great, and Julius Caesar—all of them contributed to the modern day’s notion of power. Which contemporary figure will be carrying on their legacies? Madonna. Madonna Louise Ciccone is not only the biggest-selling female artist of all time, but also the most influential celebrity of the last 30 years. Just hearing the queen of pop’s name

stimulates thoughts of expertise, intelligence, controversy, and, most extraordinarily, fear. It has been 30 years since her debut single, and she has yet to be dethroned. Currently, Madonna is promoting her 12th studio album, MDNA, on her ninth concert tour of the same name. Last Tuesday, Sept. 4, she brought her arsenal of guns, crosses, outfits, and beautiful dancers to the city of Boston. A few minutes after 10 p.m., the blinding lights of TD Garden dimmed and an enormous censer descended

from the ceiling, spewing incense. A band of hooded dancers appeared out of the murky darkness reciting Gregorian chants as Madonna’s “Act of Contrition” echoed throughout the stadium. I was able to view a portion of the backstage from my seat, granting me the opportunity to see the Material Girl execute several rounds of intense stretches before stepping onstage. As her dancers hoisted the censer into the air, the glass surrounding her backstage haven shattered, revealing Madonna, microphone in

this issue

See MDNA, A9

Degraw and train rock mixfest By Brennan Carley Arts & Review Editor


ith the constant threat of rain on their minds, popular pop rock acts Andy Grammer, Gavin DeGraw, and Train brought the summer concert season to

a lilting close during Saturday evening’s Mixfest at Boston’s Hatch Shell. Grammer kicked things off with a breezy set, incorporating a slightly sped-up cover of Snow Patrol’s hit “Chasing Cars” into the mix, ending with his current single “Fine By Me.” At that point, with the venue at capac-

ity and the sun high in the sky, Grammer directed the audience to sing along to the easy-on-the-ears chorus. DeGraw struck a chord with many an audience member, most of whom fell into the 18-24 age range and knew

See MixFest, A9

Taylor Cavallo is the Associate Arts & Review editor of The Heights. She can be reached at

i nside Arts

hand and gun cocked. Her high-energy opening number, “Girl Gone Wild,” quickly transitioned into a full-fledged gun fight with her dancers during “Revolver,” which featured a healthy dosage of Lil Wayne on the big screen. Madonna reminded us why she is the expert of combining performance and controversy during “Gang Bang,” an explosion of sexuality and violence that stirred up the audience. Armed with a pistol, she entered into

Charlotte parish / heights editor

How Breaking Bad Makes Life Better

Thanks to Netflix, thousands of TV viewers can finally afford to catch up on worthy programs, A9

The Words Stirs Audience Sentiments

The multidimensional action flick keeps audiences guessing until the very end, A8

Bestsellers...............................A8 Box Office Report........................A8

SPORTS The Heights

Monday, September 10, 2012


Monday, September 10, 2012

Week two

Maine 3

BC 34

defense returns, eagles fly past maine Improved defensive effort leads BC over Maine, while offense gets going after slow first quarter By Austin Tedesco Asst. Sports Editor

After a slow and sluggish first quarter, Boston College responded with some big plays on both sides of the ball to defeat the Boston College 34 Maine Black 3 Maine Bears 34-3 on Saturday afternoon at Alumni Stadium. The win was the first of the season for the Eagles, who let one slip away last week in their opener against Miami. “I think it’s huge,” senior linebacker Nick Clancy said. “Every year, our first goal is to get our first victory. In a lot of ways, it’s the hardest one for us to get. We now have this first win under our belt. We have some momentum now and guys have good energy and our psyche is in a good place right now.” Although Maine plays in the lower FCS division of college football, the defense that gave up 41 points to the Hurricanes looked much more on-

point in its second outing. “They played well,” said head coach Frank Spaziani of his defense. “Maine is well-organized. They have a good plan. They are well-coached. They understand what they are doing. The defense did some nice things. We were in better position, it looked to me, on some things. Once again, we are going to have to be better in a lot of areas, but they did a good job.” The defense didn’t dominate in a way that would eliminate all concerns from last week, but it played well enough to at least relieve some worry. As the offense stuttered early on, the defense picked up the slack. Deuce Finch fumbled the ball on BC’s third drive midway through the first quarter, allowing the Black Bears to take over with less than 20 yards to score. Solid, fundamental execution from the Eagles would hold Maine to only a field goal. “It was big,” junior linebacker Steele

See Football, B2

graham beck / heights editor

Spiffy Evans found the end zone twice on Saturday, collecting his first collegiate touchdown reception and returning a 82-yard punt (above).

A step back while moving forward Greg Joyce

graham beck / heights editor

Kaleb Ramsey and the BC defense wrapped up Maine early and often in Saturday’s win.

It’s strange how sometimes a loss can give you more hope than a win. And that sometimes, your biggest flaws can be magnified even more in a win. Boston College’s Week One loss to Miami was no doubt disappointing, but there were so many positive things to take away from that game. It made you feel like the Eagles were there to play for real. Sure, there were things to work on as there always are, but work out a few kinks on the defensive side, and all would

be good, right? At least, that’s what I thought. Instead, I left Saturday’s win over Maine feeling a little bit less confident in this BC squad. While many were grim about the season’s prospects from the start, I had hope and big expectations for this team. That hope and the expectations are still there, but I’m a little less confident than I was a week ago. Zero points in the first quarter? I know Maine is no slouch, and you always have to look out for FCS teams ready to pull off upsets, but how is it that these same Eagles marched down the field last week and in just over seven minutes had scored 14 points, but against Maine they couldn’t light up the scoreboard once in the first 15 minutes? I don’t think it was a case of BC looking past Maine, and then realizing the Black Bears were for real midway through

Lackluster defense hurts BC Eagles forced to settle for tie with Central Florida For The Heights

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon in Newton, two elite teams exchanged blows for 110 minutes, each unable to deliver a knockout punch. Boston College 2 The No. 6 Boston Central Florida 2 College women’s soccer team dueled No. 8 UCF into a 2-2 double overtime draw, grinding through a game characterized by flashes of brilliance and marred by general inconsistency. BC struck first in the 16th minute, capitalizing on a rare opening in the UCF defense. Pressing high and working hard to contain the ever-threatening Eagle attack, UCF failed to drop back fast enough after losing the ball near midfield, leav-

ing a dangerous amount of space in the middle. Senior Kristie Mewis was first on scene and tore through the midfield with an evasive, darting run. With only one defender to beat at the top of the box, Mewis cut to her left and fired the ball home across her body, burying the ball behind a stunned UCF defense. Instead of demoralizing UCF, Mewis’ goal fired the Knights into high gear, and the game’s momentum pulled a complete 180. Overrun by the furious Knights, BC’s central midfield practically disappeared from the last 25 minutes of the first half and BC quickly found itself on its heels. UCF swarmed the Eagles with high-pressure soccer, anticipating well and frustrating BC with chippy and physi-

See Women’s Soccer, B3

BC continues to improve, tallies first ACC win By Steven Principi Heights Staff

However, with that said, the first [goal] is a bad clearance, the second [goal] is a bad clearance, and the third [goal] is a bad clearance. The game is over.” The Eagles came out quickly in the first half. In particular, forward Kevin Mejia utilized his speed to create several breakaway opportunities down the pitch. Regardless, the home squad was unable to net any shots. On the other side of the field, the veteran presence of defenders Chris Ager and Ryan Dunn limited Maryland’s lethal scoring attack. Senior Charlie Rugg, who had not seen game action all season due to an injury, entered the game off the bench

The Boston College volleyball team took two out of three games over the weekend while taking part in the Spring Hill Suites at Arundel Mills Invitational, sandwiching a loss to No. 15 ranked Tennessee between wins over George Washington and conference foe Maryland. The Eagles used a balanced attack and some timely defense as they improved their record to 6-4 while winning their ACC opener. The Eagles closed out their weekend with a four-set win over George Washington. After losing the first set 25-21, BC managed to steal a tightly contested second set 25-23, before dominating in the third and winning 25-17. The fourth and final set was another hard fought affair, but the Eagles managed to hold off a late George Washington rally and take the set and the match at 28-26. Head coach Chris Campbell spoke about the team’s improved play from the earlier game and mentioned the balance he saw in the attack. “In the afternoon against George Washington we got a little better,” Campbell said. “I liked to see us overcome some adversity there after a loss. One of the girls we’ve been relying on a little bit, Katty Workman, just had an off day hitting so we had to find offense from other places. And in the long run, that’s going to be good for us.”

See Men’s Soccer, B3

See Volleyball, B4

graham beck / heights editor

The Eagles were stopped cold at times by UCF, but came back from a 2-1 deficit to get the tie.

Maryland throttles Eagles By Chris Marino

Assoc. Sports Editor

graham beck / heights editor

Kyle Bekker took his best shot against the Maryland defense, but he and BC were unable to score.

i nside S ports this issue

See Fumbles, B2

Volleyball takes two out of three

Women’s Soccer

By Connor Mellas

the second quarter. It’s tough to look past an opponent when you haven’t even won your first game yet, never mind the fact that head coach Frank Spaziani constantly reminded his team throughout the week that it was not going to be an easy game by any means. I do think it may have been a case of playing down to your opponent. There’s a clear difference and atmosphere between playing a big-time program like Miami in your home opener and playing Maine in front of a half-full Alumni Stadium. The pace of the game seemed to be a lot slower than it was in Week One, at least in the first 15 minutes of the game. But regardless of your opponent, there’s one thing that’s happened in both games so far, and it’s got to stop: the fumbles. There’s not many things worse than

On Friday night, the No. 24 Boston College men’s soccer team was dominated at home, 4-0, by No. 4 Maryland in its first ACC match 4 Maryland of the season. Boston College 0 The game saw an evenly matched first half before the Terps pulled away in the second with three goals. Head coach Ed Kelly gave credit to the tough Maryland squad, however, he felt his team’s downfall came by way of the turnover. “We didn’t protect the ball enough,” he said. “They’re a better team than we are, so I’m not making any excuses. That’s a quality college soccer team.

Field hockey splits pair

After losing to BU Friday night, the Eagles rebounded with a win over Harvard......B3

The changing ethics of football

With the recent studies on the unhealthy impact of big hits, is going to games okay?......................B5

Point/Counterpoint...................B5 Then and Now...........................B3

The Heights


Monday, September 10, 2012

Notebook: Offense slowly finds its way By Chris Grimaldi Heights Editor

graham beck/ heights editor

Chase Rettig figured out a way to pick apart the Maine defense after a sluggish first quarter.

Eagles get back on track Football, from B1 Divitto said. “For us, it was a confidence thing. The more stops we get and the better we respond to tougher situations, they really pay dividends down the road. I feel that builds confidence in everyone.” As the game moved into the second quarter with the Black Bears still leading 3-0, the defense continued to do its job while quarterback Chase Rettig and the offense struggled to find any rhythm. “I have a new bald spot in the back of my head,” Spaziani said. “It was an inauspicious start. Those things are there. They need to be corrected. We are not going to be able to go the rest of the season, playing the schedule that we play, doing that.” Throughout the whole game, Maine only converted three of its 18 third downs, something the Eagles stressed all week in preparation. “That is always one of our MOs,” Divitto said. “You want to stop them on third down, get off the field and get the offense in and give them a shot. The offense did an awesome job taking care of the ball. They were a little sloppy in the beginning, but they responded well.” BC stuck to its base defense all game, and it worked. “I am really proud of the way the defense played,” Clancy said. “Last week, we gave up a lot of big plays. During the week, we prepared to stop those big plays. This means everybody doing their jobs, everybody executing the defense that we are in together. We did that today. We barely ran anything other than the base today. We lined up with [Maine], got everyone set, and played BC football. We came down and we stopped them.” Midway through the second quarter, the BC offense hit its stride as Rettig

led a nine play, 62-yard drive down the field that was capped off with a touchdown throw to sophomore wide receiver Spiffy Evans, the first of his career. Rettig called for Evans to run a fade against single coverage on the goal line and the play worked just as planned. A fumbled snap from Maine allowed the Eagles to start their next drive in the red zone, and this time it was Johnathan Coleman catching a fade on the other side of the end zone from Rettig to put BC up 14-3. Kicker Nate Freese would then nail back-to-back field goals, one from 39 yards and one from 29 yards, to remain perfect on the season and put the Eagles up 20-3. Evans made noise again with an 82-yard punt return for a touchdown when the Maine punter outkicked his unit’s coverage, leaving room for Evans to burst through a gaping hole. Late in the third quarter, Alex Amidon caught a 32-yard touchdown pass from Rettig as the Eagles went ahead 34-3, concluding the scoring in the contest. It’s tough to judge how well the defense actually played given the competition on the field, but they undoubtedly took care of business. Allowing just 193 yards of total offense on 2.6 yards per play and forcing three turnovers is exactly what this group needed heading into a matchup with a very talented Northwestern offense on the road “I am just ready to see where it goes with Northwestern next week,” Clancy said. “We’re going to a different stratosphere now,” Spaziani said. “We’ve got two games under our belt. We’re going on the road. It’s a game that we need to go play well. We took some steps forward in areas, but we’ve got 10 tough games coming up and we’ve got to get better. There are some good things out there, but we’ve got to get better.” n

Looking to avenge its frustrating opening weekend loss against ACC foe Miami, the Boston College football team broke into the win column with a 34-3 shellacking of the Maine Black Bears on Saturday afternoon. The Eagles’ first victory of the season marked another impressive performance by the offense under new coordinator Doug Martin. Despite suffering from a scoreless opening quarter that featured two costly fumbles and flawed execution, BC found the groove it needed to notch its second consecutive scoring effort of over 30 points. “[After the first quarter], we tried to let our players know it’s a football game,” said head coach Frank Spaziani of his team’s initial struggles. “It’s 60 minutes and you’ve got to keep playing.” Another Solid Day for Chase Whatever advice Spaziani and his coaching staff instilled in their squad paid huge dividends, inspiring the Eagles to dominate the final three quarters with a 34-0 scoring run. Junior quarterback Chase Rettig picked up right where he left off after his strong performance against Miami with another admirable showing. BC’s signal caller threw for 219 yards and tied a career high with three touchdown strikes. By the time he exited the game in the fourth quarter, Rettig had already affirmed the growing confidence of Superfans in his ability to orchestrate efficient drives and forge a consistent aerial attack in Martin’s system. “Chase was fine today. He had a winning effort,” Spaziani said of Rettig, though realizing there are adjustments his starter must make. “He’s a good player, but he made a few mistakes that we need not to make. We need him to be almost perfect. That’s what we’re looking for.” Of course, Rettig ’s day was not perfect, especially considering that he was facing an unproven Maine defense. Spotting open targets and consistently delivering accurate throws will be steps the junior must take to reach an elite level. Rettig’s handling of pressure in the pocket must also be an area improvement that, if not for the sake of his effectiveness, is essential for his long-term health. An otherwise solid BC O-line allowed Maine to put some hard hits on Rettig, including two sacks.

During the postgame press conference, it was revealed that the BC quarterback underwent X-ray testing for an apparent back injury, though the severity was not made clear. If the Eagles have any shot at overcoming the difficult schedule that looms in front of them, they’ll need an effective Rettig under center. Emergence of Coleman As part of an offensive touchdown trifecta that included scoring receptions for receivers Spiffy Evans and Alex Amidon, BC’s Jonathan Coleman tallied a touchdown of his own—the first of his career—after coming down with a Rettig pass deep in the corner of the end zone during the second quarter. It will be interesting to see what role the sophomore receiver takes on in Martin’s more pass-friendly game plan and amidst the emergence of Rettig, especially with the likes of Colin Larmond, Jr. and Bobby Swigert out with injuries. In the meantime, Coleman’s contributions to the offense can benefit BC long-term, and already have his teammates fired up. “When Coleman got his first touchdown, that had to be one of the greatest moments for me because I got to celebrate with my teammates,” Evans said. Lookin’ “Spiffy” Speaking of sophomore wide-out Spiffy Evans, any recap of Saturday’s contest would be remiss without mentioning his own flare for the dramatic, both on offense and on special teams. In addition to executing on a 36-yard touchdown reception and collecting a career-high 53 receiving yards, Evans provided the play of the day. After receiving a booming 63-yard punt in the third quarter, Evans proceeded to sprint straight through Maine’s special teams coverage and arrive in the end zone untouched with an 82-yard return for a touchdown—the first by an Eagle in three years. Although the return proved to be a momentum-shifter in the game, it might have been the highlight-reel spark BC needs as it heads into the heart of the 2012 season. “I love giving my team that extra spark because once I scored, everyone was really into the game,” Evans explained. “You could see how bland the game was at first, but once you get a spark like that on special teams, there is no telling what our team will do on both sides of the ball.”

Moving Forward The Eagles’ effective combination of sound defense and timely offense was key in putting a win on the board and injecting some confidence into a team that has faced its fair share of struggles over the past year. Yet Spaziani realizes that their early-season dress rehearsal ended with Maine, and the Eagles will have to exceed expectations to survive a daunting stretch of games starting at Northwestern next week. “We took some steps forward in areas, but we’ve got 10 tough games coming up and we’ve got to get better. There are some good things out there, but we’ve got to get better,” he said. A New Superfan in Town? While Saturday’s game had its moments of excitement and stagnation, one interesting side note was the sight of Larmond, Jr. showing Celtics first-round draft pick Jared Sullinger around the Superfan section. Hopefully, Larmond will soon find his way back onto the field while Sullinger looks to find his place alongside KG and Rondo. n

matt liber / for the heights

Coleman tallied his first collegiate touchdown.

graham beck/ heights editor

Deuce Finch was effective on the ground in his first game of the year Sunday, but coughed up the ball on BC’s 5-yard line.

To fumble less, BC should pass more Column, from C10 coughing up the ball to end a stellar drive, especially in the red zone. The Eagles have now lost four fumbles in two games, and when the defense has only recovered one on their side, that just can’t be happening. It’s been a point of concern for Spaziani, even before Saturday’s game against Maine. Last Thursday, he said that not coughing up the ball was a “point of emphasis,” and that they’ve spent a lot of time on making sure the ball was secure in the hands of the running backs. “There’s not much more you can do than make a point of emphasis over it, which we always do anyways,” a frustrated Spaziani said. “We usually don’t play anybody if they fumble. If they’re afraid to fumble, then they probably shouldn’t be out there. But if everybody’s fumbling….” Against Miami, it was Andre Williams and Tahj Kimble who turned the ball over because of fumbles, and on Saturday it was Kimble and Deuce Finch. Finch had problems throughout last season with ball control, but Spaziani said that he looked fine during the preseason securing the ball. He said that about Williams too, but the statistics have showed otherwise through the first two games. Asked further about the fumbling issues on Thursday, Spaziani gave his opinion on why the loose balls were happening. “You fumble for two reasons: you’re either afraid or you’re not concentrating,” Spaziani said. So what is a coach to do when all three of his featured backs cough up the ball in the same game? Pass more. Spaziani even said himself on Thursday that if everyone’s fumbling, passing the ball more might be the answer. I’m not saying to completely shut down the run game. That obviously is not going to happen, and all

three of the backs have great potential to do big-time damage in any given game. But there’s another part of the offense that has been thriving in the first two games: Chase Rettig. It’s a small sample size, but Rettig has been more of what BC needs him to be. He’s not all the way there yet, evidenced by a few poor decisions on Saturday and a few snaps he’d probably like to have back. But I do think Rettig, if given the chance to air it out 50 times like he was against Miami, is capable of big things. You can still involve the running backs if you want to give them more opportunities to not fumble the ball, as screen passes to the backs in the flat have been clutch. While two of Rettig’s big targets in Chris Pantale and Bobby Swigert have been out, he’s still been able to effectively drive the offense down the field. Alex Amidon has been Mr. Dependable, while Jonathan Coleman and Spiffy Evans both scored their first collegiate touchdowns on Saturday, hopefully a sign of things to come. Look for two true freshmen to get their feet wet in the passing game as well in the near future: Dan Crimmins and Harrison Jackson. They are ready to step in, and the coaching staff seems high on these two wideouts. There is plenty of talent in the BC backfield. And in the right situations, Williams, Kimble, and Finch can be lethal. But if they keep fumbling like they did in the first two games, there’s only one thing to do: ride Rettig. The new leader of this offense is ready to air it out, and if Rettig is given the chance to do so for a majority of the game, the running backs might not have anything to worry about.

Greg Joyce is the Sports Editor for The Heights. He can be reached at

The Heights

Monday, September 10, 2012


Field hockey bounces back at Harvard By Stephen Sikora Heights Staff

The No. 17 Boston College field hockey team went into its two games this weekend with a goal of sweeping both of their Boston Boston College 3 rivals. Although 0 Harvard t h e y c o u l d n’ t beat No. 12 Boston University Friday night at home, the Eagles dominated a Sunday day game at Harvard to bring their season record to 4-2. The Eagles won 3-0 yesterday, and truthfully, the game was over by halftime. BC took 15 shots in the first half compared to two by Harvard, and had seven corners while the Crimson had none. “I was impressed with Har vard’s energy and determination on the field today,” said head coach Ainslee Lamb. “We needed to work very hard for the win. The team found a way to come out with a positive result.” Chapin Duke scored her first goal of the season off a corner just 4:48 into the game. Nicole Shuster—on the first of her

two assists—attempted a shot, which Duke then deflected into the net. Shuster also contributed to a goal with four minutes left in the half, setting up Emma Plasteras for a long-range snipe into the upper right corner of the cage. Although Harvard did take 11 shots to BC’s five in the second half, they didn’t lead to any scores, as BC goalkeeper Leah Settipane kept everything in front of her. The defense, led by senior captain Kara Mackintire, kept the Crimson at bay all game long. With just under seven minutes left, the Eagles extended their lead to three. Senior captain Jacqui Moorfield hit the ball near the goal, and AshLeigh Sebia deflected it for the first score of her career. BC’s game against BU on Friday was much closer. “The BU-BC rivalry is always an emotional, intense game,” Lamb said. “I felt that we played hard and maintained our composure throughout the game, which is something we have been work-

ing hard on.” BU got off to an early lead with a goal by Leslie Zules 12:06 into the game, but BC quickly countered, just two minutes and 29 seconds later. Jacqueline Kelleher scored the first goal of her career following up off of her own rebound. The game wasn’t tied for long, however, as 20 minutes into the game BU struck again, this time on a Terrier shot from the top left corner of the circle. BC could not manage a score after that, despite taking more shots (14-10) and having more corners (7-5) than BU. The outcome of the match, though, was not the most important part of the night. Before the contest, the Eagles honored former player Kathleen Murphy. The 2009 graduate found out she had multiple sclerosis during her junior year at BC. The Eagles have raised over $35,000 for the MS Society since 2007, and presented a fundraising check to MS Society representative and BC graduate David Young-Hong. n

graham beck / heights editor

AshLeigh Sebia helped BC get the win on Sunday, notching her first collegiate goal in the decision.

BC settles for tie with UCF Women’s Soccer, from B1

graham beck / heights editor

Justin Luthy was left helpess on Friday night in Newton, as the impressive Maryland attack got the ball by him four times over 90 minutes of play.

Turnovers lead to Terps’ smashing of BC Men’s Soccer, from B1 for the Eagles with about 16 minutes left in the half. Rugg may have created BC’s greatest scoring opportunity when a Maryland defender slid into him on a breakaway just in front of the box. The officials awarded the Eagles a free kick, which was taken by Kyle Bekker. The shot was blocked by the Terrapin’s defensive effort, sending the ball out of bounds. “We were fine at the first half,” Kelly said of his team’s initial play. “We don’t give that goal away, we should be up 10. Unbelievable save by the goalkeeper. Bekks had a cracking shot. So we really had no adjustments to make. Then they come out and give them another one. So, emotionally and psychologically, it just puts a dagger in your heart.” With 6:10 left in the half, Maryland

heights archive photo

took the lead when Christiano Francois, coming off the bench, knocked an unassisted goal past BC goalkeeper Justin Luthy. Francois was originally stripped of the ball though the box, but regained control and sent it to the back of the net to put the Terps up 1-0. The second half saw the Eagles unable to regain any momentum, and Maryland came out firing on all cylinders. Three minutes into the second half, a turnover gave the visiting team a chance to increase its lead. Patrick Mullins stole a pass from the Eagles, sending it to Sunny Jane down the center of the pitch. Jane found Schillo Tshuma, who finished the play with a shot to the back of the net. With the Terps up 2-0, the Eagles could not find any way to lessen the deficit. Offensively, there were very few opportunities for the home team,

while Maryland seemed to move the ball seamlessly down the field. At the 69:54 mark, Jake Pace added to his team’s lead with an assist from Francois. Pace took the shot from the far corner at about 16 yards out for the score. The final goal of the match came at the 80:11 mark when Widner Saint Cyr finished a corner shot, putting the Terps up 4-0. Though Kelly said that his team is starting to shape up with players like Rugg and Bekker coming back from injuries, the whole unit will need to regain its composure and think forward to Friday’s match against Virginia Tech. “Charles really hasn’t been practicing with us at all, so that’s the first thing,” Kelly said. “Then we just need to have some character, put this behind us, and move on to the next game. That’s it. Admit we got beat by a better team, lick the wounds, and move on.” n

cal play. Called upon numerous times, the Eagles’ backline looked great in the first half, repelling the Knights’ attacks and creating counter attack opportunities with both long balls and controlled clearances. With constant pressure on the back four and very little offensive retaliation, however, BC was lucky to escape the first half ahead. The referee’s whistle started the second half and cued another momentum swing, as the Eagles left the gate on fire. Spreading the field well and connecting its passes, BC was extremely unlucky not to score when Victoria DiMartino spun off of her defender and ripped a shot at goal. As the Eagles continued to dominate and the remaining time continued to dwindle, UCF switched into a full press, sending three players up top. The effect was nearly instantaneous. Spread too thin by the extra attackers, BC was left completely exposed and was punished in the 68th minute off of an unmarked give-and-go that culminated with the ball being smashed off the crossbar and into the net. Only minutes later, the UCF highpowered attack struck again, taking the lead in the 72nd minute. BC responded in signature fashion, an all-out assault. The Eagles attacked furiously, and were awarded a free kick

in the 80th minute when DiMartino was brought down inches outside of the box. Mewis lined up to take the kick, and smashed a knuckling laser directly at the keeper. Unable to hold on to Mewis’ blast, the keeper spilled the ball, and a goal-hungry Kate McCarthy was there to equalize for her third goal of the season. BC continued to battle until the end of the first 90 minutes and, despite its efforts, regular time ended with the score tied 2-2. The beginning of the golden goal extra period was marked by a goalkeeper change for UCF, and continued attack from the Eagles. BC nearly found the back of the net in both of the 10-minute overtime periods, the best opportunity coming when DiMartino ripped a shot off the right post that left the UCF keeper watching. In addition, a controversial no-call from the referee occurred when Mewis was pulled down in the box, but remaining consistently inconsistent, the referee refused to blow the whistle. When asked about her team’s defensive performance, head coach Alison Foley expressed regret, admitting that it wasn’t one of her team’s “best overall performances” and that she was “disappointed on the goals [UCF] scored.” Ultimately, it was the mental lapses of the defense that killed the Eagles on Sunday, and while they showed grit to fight back for a tie, BC could have won this one. n

graham beck / heights editor

Victoria DiMartino nearly found the back of the net in overtime on Sunday, but couldn’t finish.

graham beck / heights editor

The Heights


Monday, September 10, 2012

Hall of Fame honors nine Eagles for their commitment to athletics By Greg Joyce

Packers, helping them win the Super Bowl in 1997. Cicero was a four-time All-American for her performances on the cross country and track and field teams. The 2005 graduate holds the BC record for the fastest time in the 10,000-meter event. Cicero also gained All-Big East selections four times, and earned All-Northeast Region three times in cross country. After leading the men’s hockey team to the 1956 Frozen Four and the 1957 Beanpot Championship, Fox graduated in 1957 with various accolades for his play on the ice. He earned All-East and All-New England honors twice, and was named the team MVP in 1957. Lastly, Fox was named to the All-America honorable mention list during his senior year on the Heights. If it were not for an NBA lockout the year he graduated from BC, Granger may have been able to make a name for himself in American professional basketball. Instead, Granger went to play in Europe, after he helped the Eagles get to two NCAA Tournaments in 1996 and 1997. The forward was a sharp-shooter from beyond the arc, leading the Big East in three-point field goal percentage during his junior year, and currently ranks sixth for 3-pointers (193) during his time at BC. LaCombe was a two-time captain for the women’s basketball team, and is now a well-known professor in BC’s Carroll School of Management. The 1990 graduate is a member of the 1,000-point club, and still ranks in the top 15 all-time in both points scored (1,147) and steals (125). LaCombe was selected to the All-Big East second team as a junior and the third team as a senior. Another NFL product, Mamula, was a 1995 graduate and played on the football team from 1991 to 1994. At defensive end, Mamula recorded 3.5 sacks in a game and

Sports Editor

Nine Boston College greats were honored on Friday night in Conte Forum, as they were inducted into the Varsity Club Hall of Fame: Mark Chmura, Maria Cicero, Don Fox, Antonio Granger, Amy LaCombe, Mike Mamula, Marty McInnis, Casey Schmidt, and Lou Tessier. The theme of the night from the inductees’ speeches centered around how much BC meant to them and affected them, not only athletically but also academically and socially. Many of the former Eagles mentioned how humbled they were to now have their plaque hanging with the rest of the BC greats on the Hall of Fame’s wall in Conte Forum. Eight of the former Eagles were in attendance for the ceremony, with Tessier being inducted posthumously after having died while serving his country in Vietnam in 1968. The track and field star’s sister and former teammates were all on hand to honor Tessier’s memory and accomplishments. Tessier originally walked onto the track and field squad as a freshman, becoming a household name by his senior year. He earned the title of captain after a meet at Holy Cross in which he volunteered to run a hurdles race, winning the whole meet for the Eagles. Tessier graduated from BC in 1965, the same year he was the New England 100-yard dash champion. Chmura played tight end for the football team from 1988 to 1991, setting the school record for receptions with 164. That record is now good for third all-time at BC. The Deerfield, Mass. native also recorded 2,046 career receiving yards, and was a two-time All-ECAC honoree. Chmura went on to play eight seasons with the Green Bay

Courtesy of the varsity club

On Friday, nine former BC student-athletes were honored for their successes by the Varsity Club Hall of Fame at Conte Forum. 13 in a season, both of which are tied for the BC record. He finished his career with 24 sacks, and was named the Aloha Bowl MVP. After leaving BC, Mamula was drafted by Philadelphia seventh overall, and went on to play six seasons for the Eagles. McInnis was a left wing on the men’s ice hockey team, and made a splash at BC right from the time he arrived. He played in more games than any other freshman during his first year, and then went on to finish third on the team in scoring as a sophomore with 53 points and second as a junior with 57 points. During his final year

Strong start for Eagles a good sign for season ahead

Volleyball set for future success behind leadership of Sen, Barnum By Andrew Klokiw Heights Staff


Your average sports fan probably does not know much about volleyball beyond the names Misty MayTreanor and Kerri Walsh. Ask them what a setter does or what role they play on a volleyball team, and you’re likely to get a blank stare. Football has its quarterbacks, basketball has its point guards, and volleyball teams have their setters. The Boston College women’s team is lucky to have two up-and-coming stars in Cagla Sen (pronounced Cha-La Shen) and Kellie Barnum. “You make the calls, you organize your team and essentially you are the leader of the team,” Sen said of her and Barnum’s position. “[A setter] is really the quarterback of the team.” And for an Eagles squad that is slowly emerging from the shadow of its lackluster past results, Sen and Barnum are two of the major keys to leading the side towards a brighter future. Sen, a 5-foot-11 junior, arrived on the Heights three years ago from Istanbul, Turkey, where she grew up through high school. Playing club volleyball for the Eczasibasi club team, Sen earned her way onto the Turkish national team in 2008. The story of how she ended up in Chestnut Hill is a bit more simplistic than one might think. “I’ve always wanted to study here [in the USA] and play volleyball, since about fifth grade,” Sen said of her journey. “I made a video and sent it to all the coaches, literally using Wikipedia to find the schools. [BC head coach] Chris [Campbell] responded, so I’m here now and it’s been a great opportunity for me.” Sen stepped into the BC starting lineup right away as a freshman and eventually would go on to lead the team in assists, with 476 on the year. She served as one of the few bright spots during Campbell’s first season as head coach on the Heights, as the team finished a woeful 1-19 in the ACC. Sen’s sophomore season was not as much of a success, as the now junior experienced injury setbacks that would see her miss all but a few games of the campaign. “I was out for almost the whole season,” Sen said. “It was pretty tough mentally. I came back after a couple of months, and I was just mentally done. I was trying to make up for the practices and games that I had lost, but it just didn’t happen and led to a tough season.” Between moving halfway around the world and her health issues, Sen has had to deal with a lot of adversity. But this uncommon journey has seen her come out hungrier and more motivated to lead this young Eagles team. Barnum’s volleyball career has been more straightforward, and her personal success has seen her named as one of the two captains of the squad by Campbell. The sophomore joins senior Krystle Higgins as the

recognized leaders of the side. “It’s been really good,” Barnum said of her ascension to the captaincy. “It’s hard to gain respect from the upperclassmen, but I think that the juniors and seniors do respect me and what I can do. I also think it’s easier to connect all the grades together with my age.” The California native stepped into the void at the setter position created by Sen’s injury last season, and like Sen, she flourished in her first collegiate campaign. Barnum was recognized by the ACC as Freshman of the Week, one of the few accolades earned by an Eagle in the past few years. She also finished 10th overall in the ACC in her assists-per-set average (7.86), while posting a team-high 684 helpers on the season. When asked about the impact that Barnum and her fellow captain, Higgins, have had on his team this year, Campbell waxed poetic of his two leaders. “They have both done very well,” said Campbell. “They both understand that leadership is more than being the ‘knight in shining armor.’ It works so that everyone else is empowering other people to bring out their best. Leadership is more about service than it is about giving orders. They both understand that at an intuitive level, it’s just who they are and that’s been very good for us. They have handled it very well, I’ve been very happy with them.” In leading the team to its current 6-4 record, Sen and Barnum have established themselves as integral parts of a clearly tight-knit group of girls, both on and off the court. Especially with their past struggles, the two understand the necessity of fostering a strong team dynamic, but also they know that it starts with each other. “I think we are very lucky to have a great supportive relationship,” Sen said of her and Barnum’s connection. “Not a lot of other teams’ setters have that. We try to help each other out as much as possible.” However, it is not just the team dynamic that has led to this season’s fast start, as the players are quick to point to Campbell as being instrumental in the program’s as well as their own personal development. Campbell came to the Heights three years ago, the year in which he made Sen one of his first recruits, albeit from around the world. The following season he brought in Barnum, and the fact that the trio has seen the program improve each season perhaps accounts for their fondness of the coach. “He knows what he’s doing, he’s really intelligent in terms of volleyball IQ,” Sen said. “I think he does a great job balancing professional relationships with being there for you when you’re struggling. He’s very supportive.” “He wants us all to create good habits,” Barnum added. “Not all coaches give their players the tools to create those habits.” And finally on their team’s short and long term outlooks, the pair is exceptionally realistic on what to expect. They seem to know that change will not come overnight, and are prepared to accept that. But the one thing that is clear is that complacency will have no place

ACC Volleyball Standings Team

Miami Boston College Duke NC State North Carolina Clemson Georgia Tech Virginia Tech Virginia Wake Forest Florida State Maryland

Conference 1-0 1-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-1

Overall 7-1 6-4 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-2 7-2 6-3 4-5 3-5 6-1 5-4

on the Heights in 1992, McInnis represented his country at the 1992 Winter Olympics. After he graduated, McInnis played 12 years in the NHL, collecting 170 goals and 250 assists. Lastly, Schmidt graduated from BC in 2003, and was named Eagle of the Year during his senior year for his performance on the men’s soccer team. He earned NSCAA New England Regional All-America honors three times during his time at BC. Most impressively, Schmidt is currently ranked second in the program for career points with 82 and first in career goals with 35. n

Volleyball, from B1 ALEX TRAUTWIG / heights Senior Staff

Sen (14) realized her childhood dream of studying and playing in America during her freshman campaign at BC.

ALEX TRAUTWIG / heights Senior staff

Barnum’s emergence last season was recognized by the league when she was named an ACC Rookie of the Week.

on this team. “We’re trying to change the program,” Sen said. “Change is absolutely the key word. We haven’t had the best seasons in the past. BC hasn’t really had a good volleyball program [in the past].” When asked about the team’s expectations, Barnum and Sen did not give the typical “one game at a time” answer that most athletes and coaches are apt to give. This helps the outside viewer to understand that this team recognizes where it is headed, and that improvement will be slow, but obviously steady. “I think everyone should be excited for what we have this year, and in the next few years as well,” Barnum said. “Our goal is to be in the middle of the conference, as I don’t think BC has been in the middle of the conference in awhile. We’re just trying to win specific games, probably about 7 or 8 games in conference. My goal, and I think everyone’s goal, is to go to the NCAA tournament or win an ACC championship. But obviously these things take time to build.” This kind of candidness and realism is refreshing to hear from any athlete, and with these two players manning the nets for BC, the Eagles’ volleyball program could be a force to be reckoned with in the ACC and beyond in the very near future. n

Quote of the Week

Numbers to Know


The point differential between Boston College and Maine in the two teams’ last four football matchups.


The number of game-tying goals for Kate McCarthy of the women’s soccer team this season.


The number of dollars the Boston College field hockey team has raised for Multiple Sclerosis since 2007.

The morning game saw the Eagles matched up with a tough Tennessee team that proved to be too much to overcome. BC got out to a slow start in the first set and the Lady Vols took advantage, winning easily by a score of 25-9. Despite a better effort over the rest of the game, the Eagles were beaten soundly 25-11 and 25-18 and fell in straight sets. Campbell was not pleased with the way his team played and admitted that such a slow start made things much more difficult. “We really showed up not ready to play,” Campbell said. “Whether that’s residue from the night before and getting the ACC win [against Maryland] or just being an early morning match, I’m not exactly sure. We didn’t have them ready to go and Tennessee has three All-SEC players on their roster and they took advantage.” The Eagles started their tournament with a game against Maryland that served as the conference opener for both teams. With a big crowd on hand, BC came out strong and downed the Terripans 25-23 in an intense first set. The Eagles then won a dominating second set at 25-14 before Maryland came back with an impressive 25-16 win of their own. The two teams traded points for the majority of the fourth set, but BC came out on top, taking the set 25-22 and the game by three sets to one. With an ACC win under his belt and a big win in the books, Campbell spoke of the design and execution of his team’s game plan. “We went in with a game plan to try and force Maryland out of some of the things they do well and force them into some secondary options,” said Campbell. “We were able to do that successfully while mustering enough offense of our own to come out on top.” The 2-1 weekend leaves the team at 6-4, with full ACC play less than two weeks away. Campbell spoke of his team’s performance, saying that while he was happy with the results of the weekend, there are many things that need to be improved on before getting into the meat of the schedule. “Going into the weekend, that’s what we wanted to get,” Campbell said. “Everything else was gravy. We felt that the two we wanted to get were George Washington and especially Maryland. To get a road ACC win under our belts so early is a good sign. So we’re happy with the weekend. Not overjoyed since we had some opportunities to play better, but again we got the results we wanted. It’s not cause for huge celebration, but we definitely made progress.” n

“We took some steps forward in areas, but we’ve got 10 tough games coming up and we’ve got to get better.” Frank Spaziani on his team’s victory over Maine and the road ahead —

The Heights

Monday, September 10, 2012

Point / Counterpoint:


Will football have a winning season in 2012?

Eagles have reasons to remain optimistic

Poor start against Maine causes concern

By Chris Grimaldi

By Stephen Sikora

Heights Editor

At a glance, the Boston College football team seems to find itself in a rather unenviable position. Coming off of a season in which they went a dismal 4-8 and fell far short of appearing in a 13th straight bowl game, the Eagles find themselves entering the 2012 campaign with arguably more obstacles than any other season in recent memory. Head coach Frank Spaziani’s squad not only faces a daunting schedule with four ranked opponents, but is also resigned to watching last year’s best player now patrol linebacker for the NFL’s Carolina Panthers. Throw in the fact that BC has yet to find a definitive answer on defense while admittedly depending on perfect play from an otherwise unproven quarterback, and it looks like the fight song should be replaced by a 12 week-long funeral dirge. And for all these reasons, BC football will enjoy a winning season in 2012. Take a poll of 10 Superfans on campus, and probably 11 of them will be quick to call that prediction ridiculous, if not absolutely insane. Yet the truth is that for every void the Eagles will encounter this year, there will be an opportunity for a timely emergence. The team’s success ultimately begins with a breakout performance from under center, and junior quarterback Chase Rettig is more than ready to rise to the occasion. After struggling through a sophomore season plagued by inconsistency and grounded by conservative play-calling, the Eagles’ starter looks poised to make the transition from a serviceable player to an elite ACC quarterback–a luxury that BC hasn’t enjoyed since the Matt Ryan era. If Rettig’s numbers through the first two games of 2012 are any indication of his potential, then Superfans have a lot to be fired up over. The California native has already thrown for 660 yards and five touchdown passes thus far, thriving in Doug Martin’s liberated system and utilizing his relatively young receiving corps as a weapon against opposing defenses. Add on the solid presence in the backfield consisting of Deuce Finch, Andre Williams, and Tahj Kimble, and the Eagles’ offense might be its greatest asset. Then there’s the giant elephant in the room that must be addressed if BC has any legitimate shot at more wins than losses: the defense. When the Eagles lost Butkus Award-winner Luke Kuechly to the NFL Draft last April, they also saw 15.9 tackles per game and a menacing presence against opposing offenses pack their bags with him. Yet Kuechly’s exit has set the stage for the emergence of a defensive force anchored by junior linebacker Kevin Pierre-Louis. Although the BC D struggled to contain Miami in week one, it came out firing on all cylinders against Maine and held the visiting Black Bears to a mere 3 points. Linebackers Steele Divitto and Nick Clancy,

who now find themselves as a couple of the team’s most vital playmakers, realize that more well-rounded efforts like the one on Saturday will be crucial as the Eagles move forward. While BC’s internal progress on both sides of the ball justifies a prediction for the team’s first winning season since 2010, some external factors may play right into the Eagles’ wings. A schedule featuring several ranked teams—including a National Title contender in Florida State—might seem to be a downfall, but take a closer look. At least two of BC’s remaining matchups against ACC rivals appear to be winnable, namely Maryland and NC State, both of which BC defeated last year despite its monumental struggles. Imagine what Doug Martin’s offense, with a revitalized Chase Rettig, would do to a Terrapins defense that surrendered 28 points to the Eagles in 2011. Factor in non-conference games against Army and Northwestern along with the inevitable upset against an archrival (Notre Dame, watch your back), and it doesn’t seem unrealistic to envision the Eagles soaring above .500 by season’s end. If the old adage of “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” contains any truth, BC has a golden opportunity to persevere and write a new chapter in its storied football history. Though Superfans may have excuses to view this team through a cynical and skeptical lens, the Eagles will once again provide a reason to see the glass half full. n

Heights Staff

After last weekend’s events, a .500 record for the BC football team seemed reasonable. Although the Eagles lost to Miami, they still scored 32 points in what was their best offensive showing in an ACC game since 2009. They put up 542 yards—441 passing—all while missing top personnel Chris Pantale, Bobby Swigert, and Rolandan Finch. If BC could score so much against Miami, and shore up their defense in the coming weeks—the logic went—they’d be able to record a number of wins on the year. Then this weekend happened. I’ll take you through the day as I experienced it: a Superfan among the sea of yellow at Saturday’s game against Maine. Much to the disbelief of students in the crowd, BC’s offense sputtered against Maine at the start. First a three and out. Then a fumble for a touchback. Another fumble. A stalled drive of only 34 yards. Seven minutes into the second quarter, Maine—a FCS team which does not play in a division qualified for bowl eligibility—was beating the Eagles 3-0. Just as BC finally got around to doing what they were supposed to do—blow an inferior Maine team off the field—the real bombshell hit. The Alumni

Graham Beck / heights editor

Stadium screen flashed an ACC score update, which showed Miami losing to Kansas State 24-3 in the first half. A few hours later, the score had morphed to 52-13. That’s right—a team that BC couldn’t beat last week gave up 52 points before scoring its first touchdown. Duke Johnson, the Miami running back who tallied two different 50-yard runs against us: 19 yards against KSU. Chase Rettig throwing for 441 yards on 51 attempts suddenly doesn’t look so impressive when KSU’s Collin Klein totaled 210 yards in just 11 attempts. So I’m afraid that mediocrity is once again where we’re headed this season. The Eagles play four teams that are currently ranked: No. 11 Clemson, No. 5 Florida State, No. 20 Notre Dame and No. 13 Virginia Tech. I don’t see how BC has a realistic shot in any of those games. Next week they play at Northwestern, who’s beaten Vanderbilt—the Commodores almost upset No. 8 South Carolina—and Syracuse, who played No. 2 USC quite close on Saturday. Say you give the Eagles an upset win out of one of those games. To reach .500, they’d still have to go 4-1 against Georgia Tech, Maryland, Wake Forest, Army and NC State. The Yellow Jackets are about to be ranked and barely lost to Virginia Tech. NC State’s coming off an 8-5 year. Wake Forest just beat UNC. Army and Maryland are certainly winnable games but nothing’s guaranteed. Remember, the Eagles lost to Duke last year. Sure, BC’s offense is improved from last season. But Miami essentially shut the Eagles down after making adjustments in the first quarter, and Rettig only completed 16 of his 32 passes against Maine. And while BC’s defense has been a strength in recent years, both fans and media may have underestimated the impact that No. 9 NFL draft pick and all-time ACC leading tackler Luke Kuechly had on the team. The current Carolina Panther had 117 more tackles than anyone else at BC last year. Somehow I’m not too confident with fifth-year senior Nick Clancy replacing Kuechly at middle linebacker. It’s certainly possible—I hope it’s true—that what I’ve just written is wrong. Miami is actually a decent team, BC’s offense picks up with the addition of injured players, and BC wins some shootouts down the road. But at the end of the day, do you really think a 4-8 team from last year, one which has a harder schedule and lost their best player, is really going to win more games than they lose? If the Eagles are 3-8 heading into their final game at NC State, don’t say I didn’t warn you. n

Serious risk of head trauma forces questioning of college football fanaticism Daniel Ottaunick The stadium is roaring. Some fans have just seen through the completion of athletic eclat. Others are abandoning casual conversations with friends to look down onto the field and see what happened, cheering just the same so not to seem out of place. The opposing quarterback, exposed by the finesse of a defensive lineman, is down with the ball, pummeled like a dummy by the machismo linebacker. Most students at Boston College have been to a football game. While those like me have booked those special Saturdays in Alumni Stadium since arriving on campus, most have at least gone by, once or twice, to see what the fuss is about. These students might not be football fans or even sports fans, but their friends are, and they don’t want to be left out and sitting in their dormitories with a nagging sense of missing out on the biggest event of the day. At colleges across the country, football is the biggest source of school pride, of camaraderie, and of bringing strangers together to cheer for a common cause. But is going to college football games ethical? Like many sports fans, the sense that football might not be around for much longer has begun to enter my consciousness. Throughout the past few years, a number of groundbreaking studies have shown that the head injuries associated with the game are a lot more serious than we may have thought. Players have committed suicide. Many are

left with serious brain damage and memory loss. Hundreds are currently engaged in a high-profile lawsuit against the NFL for covering up information about these damages. Concussions, once thought to be the culprit, have been pushed aside by the three letters which may end football: CTE. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a brain disease resulting from the thousands of subconcussive hits to the head a football player will suffer throughout his career, appears to be responsible for the aforementioned brain problems, as well as dementia and depression, in former players. The disease cannot be diagnosed to a living person, and its effects slowly grip its victims as they age. I spent my summer reading a lot of pieces on CTE, the NFL lawsuits, and how the sport can survive and adapt to these horrible revelations. The unfortunate reality for fans is that it probably can’t. Better helmets can’t be invented: CTE results from your brain shaking in its skull canal like juice in a bottle. Eventually, others have speculated, parents are simply going to stop letting their kids play football, and the sport will become marginalized, as has happened with boxing. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it is unethical to watch boxing. I choose to avoid the sport because I can’t cope with the knowledge that I’m watching two men literally beat each other’s brains out, but that doesn’t necessarily invalidate boxing or make it evil. After all, good boxers are paid enormous sums of money to do this, and are aware of the risks associated with their sport. They are adults and are capable of making these

decisions, and professionals who know that there is a market for their talents. But I can’t say the same about the thousands of unpaid athletes playing for colleges around the country, or the children playing in Pop Warner football leagues dreaming of one day going to the pros and collecting that big NFL paycheck. These athletes, who are too young to weigh the complex factors which go into engaging in a dangerous sport, especially when they start playing in youth leagues, are not even paid for the efforts. Holding aside the increasingly popular argument that NCAA athletes are being taken advantage of by their schools and should be paid, I feel somewhat responsible for sitting on the other end of that equation, pumping money into the sport. Skeptics say that the NFL and the NCAA aren’t going anywhere because of the enormous revenues they generate. By paying to go to these games, am I exploiting these athletes? During the past two Saturdays, these thoughts have been on my mind as I stood in the crowd of Alumni Stadium with my friends, watching my beloved Eagles play. I shuddered each time I saw a big hit, and, despite my efforts not to, I mentally tried to calculate how many Gs of force each hit may have sent to an individual’s brain. I sometimes take this further, and try to imagine if this player will ever even play in the NFL and finally be compensated for the risk he is taking. Most of the players on the field will not. What happens to them if they have long-term brain damage? These thoughts are ruining football for me, and I have been wrestling with

Graham Beck/ Heights editor

College football players across the country risk their long term health each and every Saturday. the ethics of even attending games. I have four football Saturdays left at BC, and, tempted by the fun of tailgates, the ability to be with my friends in the stands, and the great displays of school spirit which come with watching my team succeed on the field, I honestly don’t think I can stop going to games. I’ve tried telling myself that I’ve already paid for the tickets, but that isn’t a very convincing argument. I don’t know how much longer I will choose to attend games, but, at the very least, I will go with a knowledge that

doing so might be unethical. I don’t want to exploit anyone, or provide a forum for others to be exploited, but the negatives associated with abandoning football culture are too strong to win me over right now. I’m only human. But the case against football and the NCAA is growing every day, and if the organization collapses, I won’t be singing its eulogy. Daniel Ottaunick is an editor for The Heights. He can be reached at sports@

The Heights


Monday, September 10, 2012

A hidden on-campus resource for students Resident Assistants can offer more than just punishments to students and are an often untapped resource By Cathryn Woodruff Heights Editor

Boston College is teeming with resources, from extra academic help in the Connors Family Learning Center to a network of Jesuits willing to meet with students to grab lunch and discuss their classes—or even just plain old life. From the time a freshman steps on campus for orientation until the teary day in May when diplomas become more than just a mysterious looming warning that the real world awaits, he or she is facilitated through each stage of their time at school. Meeting with advisers is a great way to become more acclimated with the school and to be walked through the convoluted web of core classes and major requirements. One avenue that is often overlooked as a vital resource to help students with the rollercoaster ride that is college and academia is the community of Resident Assistants and Resident Directors campus-wide. RAs are often given the stigma of being “alcohol police”—purely out to get students for bad behavior. Many RAs and RDs have walked the same paths as the students that live in their buildings, however, and can offer crucial advice. Maura McAssey, LSOE ’13, one of the RAs on the third floor of 66 Commonwealth Ave., is an example of someone eager to help those living on her floor in more than just conventional ways. “We’re here to be supporters for the residents, both in terms of listening to them, being there for them in times of stress or trouble, and also during times of excitement and joy,” said McAssey of her duty as an RA. “We are essentially community developers.” She highlighted the importance of not only dealing with students’ immediate residency concerns, but also connecting students to resources on campus that could help them with a variety of different issues. As upperclassmen, McAssey and other RAs in buildings of freshmen and sophomores can act as mentors, offering guidance in all areas of college life. In order for mentorship to work, RAs and students must forge relationships. For example, RAs can serve as a source of knowledge of topics such as how to go about finding off campus housing for junior year, or how to choose programs for going abroad. “It’s a two-way street,” McAssey said.

“Residents need to be willing to form relationships with you as well. In that way, you get to know things that interest both of you.” Once a relationship is formed, RAs and RDs can create programs that residents would actually appreciate and take advantage of. Whether it’s taking a trip off campus to a new restaurant in Boston or supporting a fellow floormate who is in the ALC Showdown, programs can be tailored to the needs of the students. It is important that RAs and students form an initial relationship and can openly communicate what programs or events they would enjoy. RAs can also join forces and create building-wide programs. In 66 Commonwealth Ave., a coalition of Resident Assistants are planning an absentee ballot program to share information about how to register to vote, how to obtain and complete an absentee ballot, and information about the presidential candidates. The position of a Resident Assistant is actually one of more involvement than many students may assume. All RAs return to campus two and a half weeks before school starts and attend different planned events, including lectures from a variety of offices on campus, from the Plex to Dining Services. They also receive training in different areas, such as counseling services and BCPD protocol. Team building within and outside of the immediate building is also essential to the RA training program. Through interactive programs, RAs are prepared for many different issues they may encounter during their time as Resident Assistants. “I personally see the role much more in the community and the support sense,” McAssey said. “For me, that’s the most important—being there for my residents. Policy is essential, but the relationship is also extremely significant.” If students and RAs are willing to collaborate, the allotted money given to each Residence Hall for programming can be used for rewarding programs and activities. Grace Kalnins, CSON ’15, noted that the best programs were the spontaneous food-related ones scheduled during times of high stress. “Last year, my RA decided one day to use the funds allotted to programming for our floor to order Crazy Dough during finals. It was not only a bonding experience for our floor, but also a much needed stress-reliever.” n

Daniel Lee / heights editor

Breakfast, formerly one of Hillside’s most popular times, now leaves more seating available as students take their morning dining elsewhere.

Once popular Hillside no longer the most overcrowded dining location Hillside from B9 and revolts that ensued when BC’s favorite Greek yogurt was pulled from the shelves even for a few days? “I mostly don’t like how they changed Lower that much with the salad bar and the yogurt, said Alexis Tedesco, A&S ’14. “I’d be really upset if I couldn’t get this food with my regular dining plan. I don’t know of any place on campus to get good coffee with regular dining money ... the mini marts, I don’t understand them. They sell the same stuff as the dining halls. I would only go there for yogurt, I guess ... It seems like it’s basically a scam for us to spend more money,” Tedesco said. BC is a school that is constantly changing, and like the newest Facebook update, it’s inevitable and just something we have to adapt to. But really, should we be getting so upset about all this? It’s food. We are lucky enough that finding something to

eat isn’t a daily worry, but a mere short walk from anywhere on or off campus to a dining hall where huge quantities of healthy, delicious, and nourishing food await us all. Are we so spoiled that the only cause for our concern is losing our beloved Baja Chicken sandwich once a week? Conversely, many students cannot afford to just pay for Hillside food and Mini Mart items out of their own pockets once they have quickly run through their allotted $175 to use at these establishments. Many of the most popular dining hall items have disappeared from their usual places and have migrated up to the Mini Marts, much to diners’ dismay. “It’s like they took every good thing and put it in the mini marts,” said Clare Maguire, CSON ’14. Although some are willing to indulge in the Chobani that has moved to the Mini Marts despite the meal plan changes, others are less hesitant to jump on the bandwagon and support

the mini marts. “I walked past it, I just haven’t had a reason to go in there,” said Allison McQueen, LSOE ’14. And for some, the Mini Marts are still a mystery. “What mini marts?” said Billy Nugent, A&S ’14. Things have changed, and will continue to change, whether we like it or not, so it’s time for us to adapt. Whether that means finding new favorites in the standard dining halls, befriending or bartering with someone who has a Flex plan, or simply giving up and adding some Eagle Bucks to our account, we will continue to survive. It can serve as a much needed lesson in money management for many members of the student body. We all like what we have grown accustomed to, for sure, but it’s good to shake it up a bit. On the bright side, Eagle’s Nest is rotating some Hillside favorites throughout the week, so with some planning, you can indulge in your New England Classic in a new place if you are willing to adapt. n

Some advice for first years Guide from B9

Joseph Castlen/Heights Illustration

wrong with being a relationship person or not wanting to go out four nights a week. Number 7: Don’t be afraid to admit it’s tough. One of the hardest things about coming to college is the conception that you will immediately find your best friends for life, meet your future husband or wife, and get straight As. There is no doubt that the beginning is difficult, and the worst way to cope with this is to hold it all in and not admit that hard times do exist. In addition to all of the positive advice, there are many things that freshmen should avoid at all costs. The “faux pas” of freshman year to avoid, if you will. Dining hall trays have one single purpose—sledding down hills in the winter. A tray shall never be used to carry food in the dining halls. It does not matter if you have to take multiple trips to carry your loot—the use of a dining hall tray is your

ultimate tell-tale sign as a freshman. Speaking of the snow, when it is in the negative degree range, freshman ladies, please don’t wear a mini skirt, especially when in groups of ten or more. We all know you are freezing, and you look like a freshman too. Though I am not suggesting you sport a huge parka, though it would be smart, you need to protect yourself against hypothermia at the least. Also, the Bookstore sells super practical lanyards to carry your freshly printed BC ID. Don’t buy one. Not only are they a “freshman thing,” they will definitely snap your ID in half and you will have to struggle to Lyons to get a new one. It’s a complete waste of time. So skip the lanyard, try not to travel in huge packs, enjoy the days when it is okay to prop your doors and meet new friends in your dorms, go to on-campus events, talk to your professors, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and start planning how to set the world aflame! n

On-campus quirks

The real reason Boston College students are in such good shape Megan Cain Lower, Middle, Upper, Newton, and Brighton Campuses comprise Boston College. While students live and study among these locations, only one houses undergraduate classes. No matter where an undergrad lives, he or she must arrive to Middle Campus each day for class. At many other universities, this may mean that students casually walk across campus, some students can enjoy riding bikes from one class to another, and other students may even take public transportation from one end of campus to another. How must students at BC either arrive to class or go back to their dorm room? They must take the stairs. BC did not get its nickname of “The Heights” for no reason. Any student at BC will tell you

how the Higgins Stairs are either their savior on a day they cannot make it to the Plex, or their worst nightmare when the stairs remind them of how much they need to go work out at the Plex. The journey from Lower Campus to morning classes can be a struggle while trying to juggle coffee and carry a large bag full of books. Students on Upper Campus are not exempt from the stair phenomenon either. They have it a bit easier on their way to class, but when they go home to their dorm room after a long day, a mountain of stairs awaits them. Many may think that the Newtonites actually luck out here, as their bus drops them off at Middle Campus, and they have a beautiful walk down Linden Lane. Anyone who has ever had to walk up the Duchesne hill at 8 a.m., however, knows that getting to the bus involves an uphill journey.

There is another option: the elevators. With an option like that, one may wonder why undergraduates even bother consider taking the stairs—but wait, there’s more. Even if a student takes the Hillside elevators, he or she must walk up the stairs through the CTRC. The elevator in the garage leads to a large parking lot followed by, most presumably, a walk through O’Neill Plaza. Even with its beautiful new grass, O’Neill Plaza has stairs too. This is all before a student even arrives to a building, where they must take more stairs within the building if their class is on any other floor than the first. The Heights is a never-ending obstacle of stairs. Having many, many stairs on campus is not necessarily a bad aspect to BC. It is something, though, that differentiates the University from most. Not every college student can

say that they have done a 120-stair workout before their professor even utters a word. Come springtime, when Lent occurs, some BC students choose to “give up” taking the elevators, realizing the added health benefit of the stairs. Maybe all of this stair climbing has something to do with the recent ranking by College Magazine deeming BC guys as the 10th “hottest” among American college students. The terrain of BC may be a bit daunting at first to a new undergraduate coming from a small, flat high school campus. Upon graduation, if not yet pleased with campus, most will at least be comfortable and used to the hilly area. If all else fails and someone can simply not handle the stairs one day, a student still has one remaining option. Walk all the way to Beacon Street or Commonwealth

Avenue and walk up a hill. Yes, that’s correct, a hill is still involved. Our university is called the Heights for a reason, and the stair-filled campus contributes to the definition of BC.

Megan Cain is a contributor to The Heights. She welcomes comments at

The Heights

Monday, September 10, 2012



Unsung HEroes: WElcome Wagon Directors

The helping hands behind a grueling move in By Michelle Tomassi Heights Editor

Moving in to college freshman year is not just an event to add to your Facebook timeline—it’s a day that most students will never forget. The excitement for the new year, combined with the anxiety of leaving home, can leave many first-year students overwhelmed and emotionally exhausted. At Boston College, however, freshmen have a much easier time adjusting to campus thanks to a group of astounding individuals: the Welcome Wagon volunteers. Welcome Wagon, a program designed to ease the move-in process for freshmen, garnered over 400 volunteers this summer, a result of the efforts by Monica St. Louis and Ally Chase, the director and student coordinator, respectively. St. Louis, the assistant director for community standards at the Office of Residential Life, is a Massachusetts native who currently lives on campus with her husband and two children. She joined the BC community in November of 2007 and has been overseeing the program since 2008. Up until three years ago, she explained, freshman move-in was a two-day process, so condensing this period to a single day has made the Welcome Wagon volunteers all the more necessary. “We had about 2,800 students this past year,” St. Louis said. “Between the hours of 7 and 5, everybody has to move in.” For students who live on Upper Campus, where parking and space are limited, the help of the volunteers keeps traffic from getting blocked up in the Newton area. St. Louis worked with Chase, CSON ’13, to organize the volunteers and assign group leaders to make the process more efficient. Chase is a very active student—she works at Beth Israel Hospital, is part of the

Graham Beck / heights editor

St. Louis, left, and Chase worked together to organize the Summer Welcome Wagon Program. Student Nursing Association, helps out with Relay for Life, and has worked for ResLife in previous years. Chase joined the Welcome Wagon as a group leader her sophomore year, and she has been the student coordinator for the past two summers. As a previous leader, Chase can attest to the rewarding experience of being part of the Welcome Wagon team. “I think it’s a great program,” Chase said. “I met a lot of friends from it, and training is actually fun, which is a plus.” Responsibilities of the leaders include running a team of about 30 volunteers per building, making sure everyone is hydrated, and ensuring that volunteers are polite and accommodating to the incoming freshmen. The Welcome Wagon volunteers are some of the first faces that the new students see when they arrive on campus, so the manner in which volunteers interact

with the freshmen can have a large impact on their initial impressions of BC. “You meet sophomores, juniors, and seniors who can welcome you to BC, who can answer your questions—who are already an established part of the community,” St. Louis said of the exchanges between the newest members of BC and the current students. “There’s a sense of comfort in seeing other students helping you move in.” Chase and St. Louis are responsible for recruiting many volunteers through email and advertisements, but many students reach out to the coordinators due to the continued success of the program. “I think a lot of students who moved in freshman year really want to be a part of that experience sophomore year because they benefitted from it and want to give back,” said St. Louis. “A lot of our recruitment is self-volunteer.”

It’s also not uncommon for students to become repeat volunteers—after having such a positive experience the first time, many return for a second or third year. The Welcome Wagon has been a tradition at BC for quite some time, yet St. Louis is continually in awe of the strength and positive spirit that the volunteers possess. “What always amazes me about Welcome Wagon is how it’s not easy,” she said. “You’ve got 400 people who are there of their own free will, volunteering their time, doing heavy physical labor.” One student, she explained, was even dubbed the “fridge guy.” It’s important to recognize exactly how much time the volunteers spend moving in students that day, especially those who have early morning shifts starting at 6 a.m. “The energy and the enthusiasm of the volunteers is just remarkable,” St. Louis noted. Reflecting on welcoming the Class of 2016, St. Louis and Chase felt very positively about how the program has been running and has high expectations for the future. “It seems to be getting better every single year,” Chase said. “This year it went pretty smooth—we didn’t lose anything, as far as I’m aware.” It’s quite remarkable that in the midst of all the boxes, refrigerators, and luggage, the volunteers were able to keep everything organized as they welcomed the freshmen with smiles and words of encouragement. St. Louis and Chase have a tremendous responsibility on their shoulders, and for the past few years they have produced a program that truly showcases the compassionate spirit of volunteerism and giving back that is ever so present on our campus. Their dedication to making sure every student feels like BC is their home is what makes them unsung heroes of our University. n

Tailgating and socializing are the season ticket draw Regardless of the success of the football season, tickets are still selling thanks to lure of tailgating By Alexandra Schaeffer Asst. Features Editor

Though Boston College football may not have the same hype surrounding it as an SEC or a Big Ten schools, it has history. The school’s current reputation and prestige is deeply rooted in its football past. With its very successful (at times) past, there is always anticipation going into a BC football season, regardless of the past season’s record. After last year’s football season, however BC’s most recognizable and awarded football player, Luke Kuechly, left the team to enter the NFL Draft. Though this was a celebrated and exciting moment for BC football fans, particularly with his ninth overall first round pick to the Carolina Panthers, it left a lot of students with the sentiment that next season would be more difficult for the team without his presence on the field. Then with the departure of several athletic department staff members, including the recently announced retirement of athletic director Gene DeFilippo, the season began looking even murkier for student fans. “I went into this season with absolutely zero expectations for the team,” said Alex Schlatter, A&S ’14. “I’m not

predisposed to thinking that they will have a bad year, but I am also not predisposed to thinking they will have a good year. Just zero expectations. I bought season tickets for the social aspect of the football season.” Others were less willing to repurchase student tickets. “I debated buying season tickets this year, until all of my roommates told me that they were planning on doing so, and that’s what kind of convinced me,” said Rachel Rudder, CSON ’14. Rudder had purchased season tickets in years past, but said her initial hesitation came from a noted decreasing interest in attending the games as the season progressed. Other students related to this tendency toward disinterest. “Last year I got student tickets, and I only ended up going to two games,” said Hannah Westfield, A&S ’14. “I still bought them again this year, but the motivation was the socializing aspect of game day. I still wanted to be able to participate in that.” The social aspect seems to be the major draw for most. “Tailgating, tailgating, tailgating!” responded Sam Prince, CSON ’14, when asked why she purchased season tickets again this year. “I just go and have a great time no

matter how the team is doing. I rarely end up attending the games for more than a quarter anyway.” It is apparent to those who do stay until the end of the game that most fans have taken a similar approach to Prince’s, leaving once the game starts turning the wrong way, or when they simply grow disinterested. This lack of commitment to the game is a major and often-noted difference between BC fans and those of other football schools. Yet, almost every ticket holder can be spotted lingering around the stadium, either on Shea field, Edmond’s lot, or the parking garage several hours prior to the official start of the game. The concept of tailgating seems to be the biggest draw for BC students in their decision to purchase student season tickets. Over 5,000 student season tickets were purchased for this year’s football season. This number has remained consistent over the past five years, showing a willingness among the student body to still attend games, or at least participate in the socializing aspect of game day, despite the team’s lack of success in the past few years. “Ratio wise versus our entire student population, of close to 9,300 undergraduates, there is a strong percentage of students attending the football games,” said Jamie DiLoreto, associate athletics director. “Next to the student section in the end zone we also sold

close to another 1,200 Young Alumni season tickets this year, with many of them still wearing their Superfan shirts to the games.” “I’m still going to go and attend the games regardless of the team’s performance,” said Kelsey Barnes, A&S ’14. “It’s a huge part of college life, especially during the fall semester, and I think the whole game day experience is still a great time no matter what the scoreboard says.” T h i s p r e s e n t s a n unusual dynamic for the freshman class—a situation where the students are excited about game day, but somewhat lackluster in their enthusiasm for the actual game. “Coming into the school year, I had heard that the team was average, but I’m still looking forward to cheering them on at games,” said Emily Schmicker, LSOE ’16. Schmicker lasted longer than most upperclassmen at the season opener against University of Miami, leaving with only four minutes remaining in the final quarter. Given the latest mass email from the captains stating, “We appreciate your support each and every game from the Eagle Walk, pregame warm-ups, kickoff, to the final play,” it’s clear they want more students to take Schmicker’s approach. Yet as in most collegiate situations, the upperclassmen pave the way, and this year it seems that the tailgate is the main event every Saturday. n

he said, she said “I broke up with my girlfriend at the very beginning of the summer, and now that the school year has begun, I am nervous to see her around campus for the first time. Things didn’t end so well, and I am not sure to handle the situation when I inevitably bump into her! What should I do?”



o matter the situation, it’s always good to be a gentleman. Even though Boston College is by no means a small school, it’s still small enough that running into exes is a common occurrence for many students here. Some choose to go with what has been known as “the BC look away,” while others might venture too far to the other side and really start chatting their ex up. Alex Manta I think the best move here is a nice middle road of cordiality and friendliness. A simple “Hey, how was your summer?” can go a long way without being creepy. It shows that you have the decency to acknowledge the legitimacy of your past relationship, while not coming off as being the overzealous ex-boyfriend she and all her friends make fun of. You know that if you say nothing, the first thing she’ll do is tell her friends later that day is how much of a jerk you were for completely ignoring her earlier, so it’s best to avoid that all together with a simple greeting when the run-in occurs. Break-up or no break-up, no one likes to get ignored by someone they know. It’s also important to try to get a sense of how they react to you the first time you end up seeing them back on campus. Some people prefer to keep their distance after a break-up, while others might want to try to stay friends. If you’re the one who broke up with her, it’s important to respect where she’s at emotionally with the break-up and act accordingly. As long as you’re polite and amicable, her friends can’t hate you any more than they already do, and that’s about as much of a victory as you’re going to get in this scenario.

nfortunately, at times like these, Boston College doesn’t seem big enough. Running into your ex on campus can be uncomfortable if you’re not on speaking terms and especially if things ended particularly badly. Hopefully, you had time to relax and refresh over the summer, but it’s understandable if the wounds are still fresh. The most important thing to remember is that you have no obligation Taylor Cavallo whatsoever to engage with her at all. Don’t feel immature or petty, and don’t get pressured by your friends to socialize with her if you share friends—remove yourself from a situation that you know she’ll be involved in. It will be unavoidable: you will run into her at some point. Honestly, the best thing to do at these moments is to ignore, keep walking, and keep your head up. It will be hard at first, but an awkward “hi” isn’t worth it. You’ll always have the support of your friends, and as the transition to campus life progresses, you’ll be more used to potentially running into her. Don’t hang around in places you know she’ll be, and don’t ask mutual friends about her happenings. I’m sure you find reminders of your ex everywhere, but soon those memories will be replaced with new ones that are even more fantastic. Seeing such a familiar face and pretending she’s a stranger stings, but sometimes, you just have to rip them out of you like a Band-Aid. Luckily for the human heart, time heals all wounds and you’ll be on to bigger and way better things.

Alex Manta is an editor for The Heights. He can be reached at features@

Taylor Cavallo is an editor for The Heights. She can be reached at

Take advantage of Boston as the weather turns cool Brennan Carley So you’re back to school and excited to hang out with friends who you’ve missed or, if you’re a freshman, excited to make new friends and try new classes and go to the weekly football games. All that is great and the enthusiasm is certainly endearing, but what I often find happens with students at Boston College is that they forget how close they are to one of the country’s most abundant cultural resources. Boston is literally minutes away from the campus by T, but when most people on campus think of the city, their minds wander to Faneuil Hall and the North End, both far-flung destinations that really do require planning and a seemingly wasteful chunk of time, especially once the semester gets busy. I’m here to tell you that some of Boston’s best and brightest features lie on the outskirts of the city, often don’t cost much at all, and can even be accessed on foot if you’re feeling adventurous enough. For freshmen especially, Newton Centre is a 15 minute walk from Upper Campus (even shorter from Newton Campus itself ) and offers up a slew of fantastic amenities. It’s worth escaping campus on a drizzly Saturday afternoon to make the short trek to town if only to patronize Farmstead Table, a new restaurant in Newton Centre that only serves locally sourced food with an everchanging menu. Stop complaining about the lack of options at McElroy, put on some comfortable shoes, and haul it over to Newton Centre if you want to do something about the quality of food you’re eating—think of it as walking off the calories you’re about to consume. People often balk at the idea of having to take the bus anywhere, but truth be told, it’s easier and often more reliable than taking the T—especially if you’re trying to get to Cambridge. One of Boston’s most hidden gems is a tiny streetcar-turned-diner called the Breakfast Club, accessible by the 86 bus that leaves pretty reliably every half hour from the Reservoir stop. Whether you were out in the Mods until 4 a.m. or had an early night in with your roommates, the Breakfast Club caters to all walks of life. It’s delicious, it’s cheap, and it’s only 15 minutes away. Especially in the winter, BC students tend to get lazy about going off campus—understandable, I suppose, because it’s cold and snowy and icy and all the other reasons you come up with to justify another night of drinking in your dorm room. I find that winter is when Boston actually becomes a more accessible city. Restaurants and bars are less crowded, and the T is a lot more manageable. While September turns chillier, as it seems to have been doing in recent days, take advantage of the knowledge that most other people are content just to kick back in their homes. Places that can be hotbeds of tourist activity and overcrowded in the summer months often become quiet and charming as the weather turns, like Chinatown, a district that BC students often overlook even though it’s mere steps from a T stop. Pop two Advil on a Sunday morning and take the train to Winsor Dim Sum Cafe, a bustling and sometimes shockingly authentic tea parlor in the heart of Boston’s Chinatown. If you’re sensing a recurring theme throughout this column, it’s this: Make the city yours while you have the opportunity. As students, we often get swept up in classes and extracurriculars—and let’s be honest, partying—which can cloud the fact that we live so close to a multitude of incredible things. It’s easy to get caught up in the often referred to “BC bubble,” but there’s probably a reason you chose to come to school in such a great city. I learned early on that Boston had more to offer than I ever expected, but wish I’d been told to explore the city as a freshman because now, in my final year here at BC, I’m frantically trying to tick off all the little “mustsee and do” boxes on my list before I leave the city for good. Whether you’re a freshman or a senior, don’t be content just to sit in your dorm room or go to the same Mod party week after week. Break the trend, even if it’s on your own, and go off-campus, whether it’s to Newton Centre or deep into Southie. You’ll be better off because of it.

Brennan Carley is an editor for The Heights. He welcomes comments at

The Heights


editor’s column

THE HEIGHTS THROUGHOUT THE CENTURY An interview with Kevin Mulcahy, A&S Class of 1982 and author of comic strip “Norman” in The Heights for four years

Fated Friendships

By Therese Tully Features Editor

The Heights: What years were you at Boston College? Kevin Mulcahy: 1978 to 1982 The Heights: What did you major in? KM: Political Science The Heights: What clubs or organizations were you involved in? KM: The Heights, comic strip author/illustrator, UGBC executive vice president senior year (Joanne Caruso was UGBC president that year, the first woman to hold that position)

Therese Tully

Therese Tully is the Features Editor for The Heights. She can be reached at

The Heights: Who was the president of BC during your time on campus? KM: Fr. Monan (Rev. J. Donald Monan, S.J.) The Heights: Was the football team successful when you were at BC? KM: In my freshman year, we were 0 and 11. Every game seemed to be full of interceptions run back against us. We even lost to our arch-rival at the time: Holy Cross (yes, they do have a football team!). But in my junior year, when we were getting killed by Penn State, in desperation, a freshman named Doug Flutie was put in to play quarterback in the second half, and we almost came back and beat Penn State. BC football was never the same after that.

Maggie Burdge/HEIGHTS Illustration

When it comes to friendship, fate plays a huge role. Freshman year, I was randomly assigned to a random roommate, living in a random room, on a random floor, in a random dorm, and the girls I met on that floor are still my roommates and great friends today. Some of my best friends lived in other parts of the building, and if it weren’t for that thing we held in common, calling Duchesne home, we may never have met. I often wonder how differently these college years would play out if I was assigned somewhere else and had been roommates with different people. For first-year students, sophomores, juniors, and seniors, the same is true every single year. Yes, as the years go by we choose who to live with and block rooms and try everything we can to be near those who we call our friends, but fate still plays a role. It’s kind of crazy to think about how different life could be. Luckily, fate was in my favor and I have some incredible friends, but I still look at every day as a good excuse to make some new friends. Coming into junior year is really weird. All of a sudden, everyone in your grade knows practically everyone else. Friend groups are pretty much solidified, and it seems no one is looking to make lots of new friends. If you don’t know someone by now, you may never know them, seems to be the prevailing attitude. Maybe it’s the fact that so many juniors have moved off campus. Where your friends live affects the off-campus parties you go to, and there is no more of the random house hopping that categorized freshman year. And though I hardly miss those days of wandering around looking for something to do, meeting and becoming instant best friends with other students you may never have met was kind of exciting. Is there room for new friends at this point? I feel like I have met thousands of Boston College students, but still feel like there are so many great people I don’t know. I am all about having a small group of great friends, but making fun new acquaintances is exciting too. Almost everyone gives the advice to never stop meeting new people or to become complacent with your social circle, but it seems that already, during this second week of classes, people are settled into a routine. The same people are going to the same tailgates, parties, classes, and excursions. Things feel so stale already. Everyone is so excited to finally be upperclassmen, which is definitely something to be excited about, but if this is what all year is going to be like, it’s going to get old fast. The Features section today is full of sage advice from BC students. There is advice geared toward freshmen about how to survive and what to avoid, and there are lists of advice about how to make the most out of Boston this fall, no matter what year you are. If I can add my own two cents, it would be this –don’t ever stop meeting new people, even during your final years at BC. You never know who fate will throw in your path and for what reason. Not only new friends, but also interesting people who may be be good connections in some way. We all have BC as a common denominator, so why not find out what else you have in common with someone? It sounds cheesy, but really, knowing more people never hurt anyone. Fate is a funny thing, and is definitely something I subscribe to. Everything happens for a reason. We just need to be open to the possibilities. There is no better time to get into this mindset than September. It is a new beginning. Although new beginnings can sometimes be daunting and pressure-filled as we all seek to succeed and make the most out of this year, they are also wonderful. A new year, a fresh slate, a clean start is a great thing. The possibilities are truly endless. Embrace the unknown this semester, revel in new friendships, and don’t settle down too soon, because there is still so much college has to offer us, even if we are upperclassmen. Make a new friend. You never know how they might change your life.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Heights: What was your favorite place to eat on campus? KM: Eagle’s Nest. It was one of the few choices we had, and it was located right above The Heights and UGBC offices, so it was pretty convenient. If you had a friend who worked there, you could get some pretty good portions.

The Heights: How did you become involved with The Heights? KM: Early in my freshman year, I noticed that the The Heights didn’t have any comic strips. So I created one on freshman confusion over the pronunciation of “McElroy,” and they ran it. I got addicted and published a Norman comic strip every week for the remaining four years. The Heights: What initially drew you to the newspaper? KM: It was THE campus newspaper, and run by students. So it was easy to get involved. I just walked in with a comic strip in hand. The Heights: Have you continued to draw since your time as a Heights cartoonist? KM: I continued the Norman character for a year at Duke Law School, focusing on law student life. Those comic strips were run nationally by The Student Lawyer magazine, published by the American Bar Association (I even recycled a few BC Norman strips, but let’s keep that a secret). The Heights: If you were drawing a cartoon for The Heights today, what would it be of? KM: Hmm. I suppose it would cover a lot of the same ground—the ups and downs of college life, which I think remains pretty constant. But I’m sure the characters would be shown using a lot of technology. The Heights: Do you think the problems facing students today are greatly different from the ones you faced while at BC? KM: We never had to deal with the stress that can come from being so connected all the time—but we never got the benefits of that either. And

tuition wasn’t as high as it is now. But in the end, I think pressures and joys of being in college remain pretty consistent through the years. The Heights: What do you miss most about BC? KM: Spending so much time with peers who have similar interests. It’s really a great luxury to be able to do that. Once you graduate, you don’t get that any more. The Heights: What was your greatest achievement as an undergraduate? KM: Well, I suppose it was keeping the comic strip going while I was at BC. I’d got a lot of nice feedback each week. For fun, sometimes I’d walk down the halls of a women’s dorm just to see how many Norman comic strips were taped to doors (I think the record was 8). The Heights: Do you have any regrets from your time at BC? KM: Not many. It was a very good place to be during those years. But after I graduated, I looked back and thought I should have been an English or History major, rather than a Political Science major. In retrospect, it seemed to me like the skills and knowledge that you’d get as an English or History major would be more satisfying and useful as life goes on. But all in all, no real regrets. The Heights: Finally, would you do your time on the Heights over again if you had the chance? KM: Definitely! I made great friends during those years. Even had the same roommate, John Valpey, for four years. And our crew from Mod 8B are still great friends. Being at a four-year college is such a privilege. And being at a renowned one like BC, with great organizations like The Heights, made it really special. n

Kevin Mulcahy BC ‘82


BC football as a non-sports lover Taylor Cavallo “I can’t wait to eat SO much food.” Granted, this isn’t the typical expression of eager anticipation before a sporting event. Whether or not it’s normal, it’s my reaction, most likely because food is one of the things I can truly appreciate at the various fields and stadiums I’ve graced with my inexperienced presence in years past. I was never really raised to truly appreciate and love team sports, or be hopelessly devoted to a particular team. I played tennis for a very long time and reached a highly competitive level, but this individually oriented sport didn’t leave much room for a full embrace of teamwork or team spirit. I’ve realized that there is a time frame to foster the love of sports—a window of opportunity that parents need to capital-

ize on when their children are younger to really drill into them a few things: the team they should like, and most importantly, the rules. I missed out on this window—my parents thought it was more important to put me in ballet than explain what a double header, fly ball, or wild card is (really, these are all things I don’t fully understand). I have come to terms with the fact that I will never understand football. Yes, I go to BC as a full time student and I don’t understand football. And yes, those are in fact photos of me on Facebook at tailgates rocking my Superfan shirt, sporting a smile and a backwards baseball cap. This year, I am a senior, and this is my first year with season tickets. Good thing all I need to get into the Mods is my ID, not the answer to a football trivia question. Call me a fraud, I don’t care. Countless people have tried to explain football to me. When I tell people it’s not one of the things in life I understand,

which, by the way, is a very short list, their reaction is horrified, and it always starts the same way: “They have three tries to go 10 yards.” Or at least, that’s what I think they say … maybe. Honestly, I’m not sure, it goes in one ear and out the other. But who doesn’t love BC football games? Sure, the tailgating is obviously fun, (yay so college! ... we get it) but let’s be real. Everyone loves to scream in public like a maniac, jump up and down, dance, and eat hot dogs. That’s why I go to games. My qualms with BC football games are strange. Sometimes I take a step back and realize that I am in fact a little creeped out that we’re all wearing the same shirt, making the same hand motions and singing the same songs. Not that I know those, but it reminds me of a weird, bright yellow army. Then I dance, and I forget about it. Despite this lack of knowledge, I do enjoy professional sporting events. I’ve been to more baseball games in the past few months than I have in my entire life, and in various areas; both fields in New York City, the classic Boston spot, and even one in Minneapolis. Even to an ignorant soul like myself, baseball games are admittedly

a lot of fun. There’s food, music and great people watching, three things in this world that I love. Usually, the person I’m with at these games is really invested in the actual game—a strange idea for me. You know, they cheer when they’re excited for the team that’s in the lead and they boo when the team they want to win isn’t doing well. That’s about the extent of my knowledge. I like to consider myself a person who doesn’t follow the crowd, but in this case, I suck it up and cheer when those around me do. While it might freak people out that I lack this intrinsic, seemingly essential love for ANY sport, I’m here to tell you not to worry. I, and those like me (because I’m sure they’re out there), are having fun. We’re the ones dancing in the corner. We’re the people sitting behind you trying to tell our best friend a really important story that can’t wait, screaming in your ear while you’re trying to watch the game. Sorry. Oh, and we’re eating a lot of food. Taylor Cavallo is an editor for The Heights. She welcomes comments at

Campus Chronicles

Welcome to the “real world” of off-campus housing Maggie Burdge Making the first payments on your house or apartment and dreaming of the parties and independence that comes with leaving the RAs are the moments that make off-campus life so appealing. The hundreds of calls to cable companies and $300 trips to the supermarket, combined with the stress and sweat spent finding and moving in furniture are the things that off-campus students dread. Leaving home and becoming part of the dorms of Boston College is the first step to independence that most of us make, but the transition to off-campus living is one that really kicks “the real world” into gear. Move-in day is a struggle, but this year I was thrown into the community that is off-campus housing and the furniture, bills, and groceries that come along with that. For students living in apartments and houses, from Comm. Ave. to Chiswick, the initial excitement of the first weeks of school is combined with the new step of owning

property. Change is always stressful, and the jump to living off-campus is not a small change. Trying to decide whether to leave the comfort of the dorms and the campus is a struggle, but only a week into the experience, making the transition to off-campus housing has been amazing. There are definitely things that an offcampus student has to keep in mind, however. While RAs are no longer a concern, there is a new authority to report to: the police—and the streets of Boston are not in the same vacuum as a college campus. The transition to becoming a real person means that you are surrounded by other real people, who may not be as understanding when you stumble home at all hours of the night on weekends. Sure, there are times when walking home at 2 a.m. after Heights production or having to buy dining hall food with real money make me question my decision, but the perks of living off campus definitely outweigh the negatives. The weight lifted off my shoulders last year knowing I did

not have to take part in the housing lottery alone makes the decision worth it. For students with financial concerns, off-campus housing is also a good option. If you talk to different realtors and put in the research, buying a house or apartment can be very economical. For a two-bedroom apartment with significantly more space than my nine-man in Vanderslice last year, I am paying just over half as much as I would for a year in a two-bedroom Voute townhouse. Combined with the money saved on the reduced meal plan, living off-campus was a financial decision I could not pass up. Living off-campus adds to the college experience in a way that nothing else can. Although college students gain independence from their parents and finally get to make their own decisions, food prepared in dining halls bought with meal-plan “fake money” and dorm living do not prepare students for living outside the cozy greens of the Heights. For the first time, I have been introduced to signing a lease, budgeting my rent, decorating an apartment, and

not losing keys. Spending hours furnishing my kitchen with everything surpassed the welcome-back parties as my favorite part of last weekend. Some people argue that moving off campus means that you leave the community that a college campus offers, but you just switch to a new one. You move to the community of weekend barbeques and dinner parties with friends who live right down the street from you and those friends who still live on campus that you can count on for that atmosphere. No matter where you live, however, who you live with is what truly matters. Decorating my apartment with my two roommates who are also my two best friends makes the experience real and has let me know that the transition to off-campus living will be one of the most fun transitions of my life. Maggie Burdge is an editor for The Heights. She welcomes comments at


features The Heights

Monday, February 7, 2011


Monday, September 10, 2012

Internship Paradox By Juliette San Fillipo For The Heights

Daniel Lee / Heights Editor

alex manta / Heights graphic

The do’s and don’ts of your freshman year By Cathryn Woodruff Heights Editor

Finding yourself freshman year is at the forefront of everyone’s mind, but as the years go on, it is still a troubling question for students. After freshman year, a student definitely does not have all of the answers. Sophomores are still teetering between possible majors and finding themselves walking into the wrong classroom for their 9 a.m. classes. Although some things, like navigating campus, become easier, all of the answers don’t come with time. “Set the world aflame” is a motivational and inspiring phrase meant to evoke pride in Boston College students, as well as give them a sense of camaraderie and encourage them to pursue whatever they so desire. This phrase is thrown around often, but planning how you might do this yourself is a daunting task, to say the least. Freshman year is a confusing time period. After all, we are thrown out of the comfort of our homes and into the insecure environment of strangers—expected to form raw friendships from scratch, navigate the territory, and avoid too much Late Night. So how does one balance all of this? Though we may receive a freshman handbook, there is no foolproof formula to solve this problem. There is a lot to learn from those who have come before us at BC. Here is just a bit of advice: Number 1: Talk to your professors and advisor. An email can have much more of an impact than you would think. Although you may be in a huge, intimidating lecture hall, getting your name out there and letting your professor know you are serious about doing well, working hard, and learning can go a long way. Number 2: Actually read, or at least skim, the emails you get from various BC

faculty members. There are some extremely interesting lectures and events around campus that you may miss if you immediately delete every BC email that enters your inbox. Last year there were free burritos in the Quad…. Number 3: Get involved. As stressful as first semester is, try to muster enough energy to write your name down for a few clubs and activities that you will actually follow through with. Don’t drown in extracurriculars, but definitely don’t shy away from the opportunities that could be extremely rewarding. If this means getting proactive about one club or going on one service trip, that is okay. Be inspired by the service environment on campus, but don’t feel pressured or intimidated by it. I have met a lot of my good friends through mutual activities that we have been a part of. Number 4: Remain open. Don’t box yourself into anything. Sit with different people in the dining halls, and introduce yourself to people in your classes. As the months and years go on, it will become slightly less accepted to walk up to a random stranger on the steps of Gasson and shake their hand. Freshman year is all about trial and error. Don’t miss the opportunity to try. Number 5: Head into the city. One of my biggest regrets of last year was not going into Boston enough. It is a truly remarkable city with so much to offer, and there is no reason not to take advantage of it on a beautiful fall Saturday. Explore the Boston Common, go the Museum of Fine Arts, carb up in the North End, and get lost on the T. Number 6: Don’t buy into the hook-up culture just because that is what “everyone is doing.” Don’t let the “norms” at BC shape who you are. There is nothing

See Guide, B6

Daniel Lee / Heights Editor

Dining dilemma: how the changes affect us By Therese Tully

Features Editor

There used to be a sport at Boston College that required more strategic skill than any other. It was a game of patience, strategy, dedication, and sometimes a bit of crafty maneuvering. This sport was securing a table at Hillside. But this year, the popular on-campus eatery has a significantly different vibe. Due to the changes in the meal plan this year, the once-buzzing breakfast, lunch, and dinner spot is missing its customary long winding lines and crowded noisy atmosphere. We have been robbed of the sport of table spotting, because now, there are tables aplenty to be had. The buzz has spread across campus as a new sign greets Hillside eaters, telling them the multitude of ways that they can pay for their half-caf extra foam iced soy lattes and New England classic sandwiches. None of these options happens to be the regular meal plan, and diners are not happy. While the empty spaces here may be seen as a student protest against the changes in

the meal plan allotment, for some, it is just not an affordable luxury anymore. For upperclassmen with a Flex plan, though, the dining hall changes are less of a concern, “As an upperclassman, I’m loving it. I’m enjoying the less-crowdedness of it [Hillside]. I heard Eagle’s Nest is crazy packed,” said Griffin Weider, LSOE ’13. This seems to be a widelyheld sentiment for those lucky enough to have a Flex plan. “I have a Flex plan so I guess it doesn’t really affect me,” said Alexandra Smith, A&S ’14. Other changes on campus have been met with less hostility—mainly, the mini marts, three of which have been stationed around campus. After the initial thrill of seeing a bottle of Smart Water on sale for less than $5 wears off, students realize that this mini mart too does not accept the bulk of the money on their dining plan. With the evercoveted Chobani supply moved to the newest convenience store on campus, how will the students survive? Doesn’t BC Dining Services remember the anger

See Hillside, B6

i nside FE ATURES this issue

Daniel Lee/ Heights Editor

The recent changes to the mandatory meal plan have caused anguish for Hillside regulars.

Tailgating is the season ticket draw

Season ticket sales remain high due in large part to the allure of tailgating before the games.........................................................................................................................B7

Something that’s become ultimately synonymous with the summertime among the Boston College population is the internship. It seems that most students on our campus are very interested in having at least one or two internships in their time as undergraduates, usually in order to carve out a career path or to get good work experience. The summer internship usually takes the form of an entry level position where a student can learn the ropes of a certain field. With such an entry-level position, however, interns can sometimes find that they are not urgently needed where they work, and they often have a lot of down time or perhaps plenty of time to get coffee for other coworkers. For driven BC students, internships can allow voracious students to try their hands in the real working world and reap a ton of benefits when it comes to learning about a corporate field, a business, or an organization. Katherine Bildsten, A&S ’13, a senior who says she has always wanted to work in the advertising business, interned in the account services division of an advertising agency in Boston this summer called Mullen. “I worked with account executives, whose job is to oversee the agency’s accounts, maintain a good relationship with the client, and represent them within the agency,” she said. “I worked on two very different clients, Foxwoods and Ernst & Young.” Rather than pick up the slack around the office and run errands, Bildsten had many responsibilities as an intern on a daily basis, including a special advertising project created exclusively by Bildsten and fellow interns. “Day-to-day I marked up ads, had client calls, sent out schedules to stations that would be running our ads, and did competitive research,” Bildsten said. “I also worked on a project with four other interns, where our assignment was to use social and digital to solve a problem we identified. We started an initiative called City of Firsts, which encouraged Bostonians to snap out of their day-to-day routine and asked, ‘When was the last time you did something for the first time?’ I worked a 40-hour week, but ended up going about two to 15 hours over some weeks, usually for the intern project.” Bildsten figured out that she wanted the Mullen internship in the first place after her first internship. “I interned at another Boston agency, Hill Holliday, the fall of my junior year,” she said. “I decided I wanted to do something just as fast-paced and with a similar client set, and that it would be good to experience a different agency and department. Mullen is growing incredibly fast and winning a lot of new business, made Fast Company’s list of Most Innovative Companies, and was recently an Ad Age Agency A-List, so I knew I’d be in great company. The fact that it was paid was a definite plus.” Internships are first and foremost supposed to be learning opportunities, and many BC students like Bildsten take that notion and run with it. Mike Barilli, CSOM ’13, claims that one of the most important things he learned from his summer internship at Northwestern Mutual in New York City, as a Financial Representative intern, was just how to act among adults in a corporate setting. “I basically learned about office etiquette, more specifically how important it is to remember people’s names after a formal introduction,” Barilli said. Even the simplest day-to-day internship customs can be learning opportunities. Regardless, many students who have interned over the summer report that their internships were often a waste of time for various reasons. But these positions, no matter what they entail, are not taken for granted by many BC students. “It was an incredible way to spend my summer,” Bildsten said of her time at Mullen. “The people I worked with were so smart and talented, and many of them were in their 20s and 30s, so it was great to have mentors who had recently been in my position. Ad agencies generally have a fun office environment, because everyone’s job is to be creative, so there was never a dull moment. My friends often commented that I worked too much, especially when I spent time at home on my intern project, but I felt it was worth it, because I really enjoyed my work and felt valued. Advertising has long hours, so the hours I worked were really nothing.” Other students appreciated their summer internships for the compensation or to boost their resume. “Basically, I took my job as a resume builder … It was a good idea, so I did it,” Barilli said. “If it wasn’t paid, I wouldn’t have done it. Would I call my experience a waste of time? No. Would I call it a wild success? Absolutely not.” In the game of internships, students definitely win some and lose some, but in any case, through an internship they can still glean some life lessons, career knowledge, and a little cash over their undergraduate summers. n

Humor Column.................................B8 He Said/She Said.........................B7


The Heights

Monday, September 10, 2012

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