Brighton College Bangkok Newsletter July/August 2016

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What is a Brighton College Teacher?

What Makes A Brighton College Teacher Exceptional? expectations. These teachers are able to transmit their passion for teaching to their pupils, offer a high degree of engagement and promote positive learning experiences.

Creativity We all recognise that we learn best when the lessons are fun, challenging and varied. Creativity in teaching helps to ensure learning is enjoyable and engaging. Our teachers provide classroom experiences that are imaginative, stimulating and innovative.

Enthusiasm Brighton College teachers are the key to our world-renowned education that supports pupils in achieving the very highest level of academic excellence, whilst also allowing them a balanced life outside the classroom.

Brighton College teachers’ enthusiasm for their profession and the children in their care ensures that learning at Brighton College is highly personalised to every child’s need and interests. They show a pleasure in acquiring skills and knowledge that is infectious.


All of the teachers who are part of the opening team at Brighton College Bangkok will be shortly arriving and Headmaster, David Tongue, gave us an insight in to what makes a Brighton College teacher so exceptional.

No achievement goes unnoticed at Brighton College. Our teachers praise pupils for all their successes as they work towards fulfilling their acadmeic and personal potential. Whilst the teachers never compromise on the high standards they expect, they do this in an encouraging and supportive way.

Inspirational Teaching


Our teachers are able to inspire their pupils, to teach them to be independent, to think critically and to question, lead and innovate. This is achieved through excellent classroom practice alongside the highest

Reliability, respect and professionalism in everything we do are expected norms at Brighton College for all members of staff.

Brighton College Bangkok Teacher Experience 2016/17 82% have experience from leading schools in the UK such as Brighton College 74% have experience from leading international schools 48% have experience in British independent schools operating overseas 20% have experience from within the Brighton College family of schools

Excellence Outside Teaching Many of our teachers have excelled in fields outside education. This includes industry, sport and the arts. They take transferrable skills from their myriad of experiences and use these to enrich their classroom practice. Have a chat to any of our teachers, you never know what you might find out!

Compassion Brighton College teachers build nurturing relationships with their pupils and understand the extremely important social and emotional aspects of their job. They show genuine warmth and empathy towards all the pupils in their care and provide a classroom environment that is positive, supportive and inclusive.

Attention to Detail Attention to detail reflects the ethos of excellence that pervades every Brighton College. Our teachers do not accept mediocrity from themselves or others.

Admissions Information Our Admissions Office will be open throughout July and August to support pupil enrolment for both September 2016 and also the 2017/18 academic year, when we will be accepting pupils up to 15 years of age. To visit our Admissions Team and to meet members of our academic team, please contact us by any of the following methods: »»Website: applying-for-a-place/visits-and-tours/ »»Email: admissions@brightoncollegebangkok. com »»Tel (landline): +66 (2)136 7898 »»Tel (mobile): +66 (0) 89 009 1111 We look forward to meeting you soon.

Ambition Our teachers are ambitious for themselves and their pupils. Our innovative professional development programme ensures they constantly improve their practice. This is one of the main reasons so many teachers apply for positions within the Brighton College family of schools.

Dedication Brighton College teachers show commitment to our family of school’s ethos and vision, alongside a determination to be a truly outstanding practitioner. They are also committed to their pupils’ well-being both inside and outside the classroom. This helps to ensure all children are able to confidently move on to the next stage of their education or life, as successful and highly motivated learners

Meet our Brighton College Mascot Every child enroled to start in September 2016, the founding year of Brighton College Bangkok, will receive one of our cuddly mascots to take home and treasure. Look out on our Facebook page over the summer when we will be running a competition to name our Brighton Bear.

Introducing the Deputy Head of Prep School and therefore one chance to get its homeostasis just right. Having a hand in shaping this, in an environment which builds on Brighton’s successes and ethos, in the wonderfully rich culture that is Thailand’s, is irresistible. The team already in place has so much experience, with an enormously impressive track record of success and I feel privileged to be a part of this team, united in its quest to make Brighton College Bangkok the preeminent school in the region.

What has been your career highlights to date? What has been your proudest achievement? Naturally, my family, consisting of my wife, Marta, and my two gorgeous daughters, Lucia and Arabella, is of what I am most proud. We look forward enormously to joining the community

Edward Johnson has lived and worked in Bangkok for the last five years. Edward will be joining Brighton College Bangkok as Deputy Head of the Prep School. Tell us about your background and career to date. I started my teaching career at Dulwich College Preparatory School, London, and now have five years’ experience in a secondary international school in Bangkok. However, I did not go straight into teaching. After four years working in London’s financial square mile, I decided to embrace what had always

at Brighton. My role as Head of House at Dulwich was one where I feel I developed a sense of identity, pride and determination. The beauty of a House system is the vertical interaction between pupils, where the younger pupils look up to and feel supported by the older, where leadership opportunities abound, and where pride and mutual respect are the norm. I’d like to think I had a role in reigniting this passion; it is a passion that I try to inject in all my pursuits and this verve is stronger than ever as I look to the advent of Brighton’s newest chapter.

perhaps been lurking in the subconscious and enter the world

What is a Brighton College education?

of teaching: a career path that in fact followed that of both my

I see a Brighton College education as a hallmark of excellence.

parents. My first glimpse into education was actually at Brighton

The unrivalled results speak for themselves; yet this is obviously

College, UK. I managed to secure work experience there and it

only half the picture. A closer focus reveals happy young people,

was this motivating few weeks that confirmed my calling. On

who enjoy outstanding facilities, but who are aware of their

joining the profession, there was suddenly an intrinsic value in

responsibilities to one another. The premise for the sustained

what I did: immediately, I became fully involved. Although I love

success, and this is what excites me when I look forward to

my current role in secondary education, where I have taught

becoming part of the team, is the provision of pastoral care and,

English Literature and Language and been Head of Years 7 and 8,

not least, its enormously successful House system. There should

I do miss the innately holistic involvement I had in a Preparatory

never be a child that goes under the radar and the attention to

School. My experiences, which include being a curriculum

detail in this regard at Brighton College is second to none.

leader for English at Dulwich, an Assistant Director of Studies

What are your priorities between now and when the school opens?

and pastoral experience as Head of House, will combine well with my more recent secondary experience.

With over a year until the Preparatory and Senior Schools

What attracted you to a Senior Leadership post at Brighton College?

open, we have the luxury of time and none must be wasted.

When I look back on my decision to change careers, I do so with

with others in the leadership team, are to draw upon others’

great relief. It is a something of a cliché to say that working with

experiences and to help create an environment that is befitting

the young is a privilege; however, the contrast in careers was

of all that Brighton College stands for, whilst integrating these

without any hint of hyperbole, a metamorphosis for me. There

high expectations into an international environment. I am keen

are so many varied components of one’s role as an educator

to have an eye on service, with charitable pursuits forming an

that are exciting, but, ultimately, it was my desire to be involved

integral part of the caring, pastoral spirit that will be the Brighton

in the ‘heart and head’ of a school that inevitably led me to more

College paradigm. Foremost, however, is to get to know the

senior roles. Obviously, a new school only has one beginning,

team and to help lay strong foundations for the College.

My priorities, through rigorous research and consultation

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