BCIT Student Association Executive Meeting Minutes September 6, 2003 Present: Executives:
Samantha Yeung, President Erin Smith, VP Finances & Administration George Nicolaou, VP Student Affairs Elfina Luk, VP Campus Life Renee Geronimo, VP Public Relations & Marketing Jamie Higgins, Transportation / Construction Chair Deep Thind, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Michael Klein, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Angelia Harris Gray, Business/ Health Chair
Jeanneth Jacome
Caroline Gagnon, Director
1.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Samantha Yeung, at 5:40 pm. (9 voting members) 1.2
Acceptance of the Agenda The agenda was accepted with the addition of “Parking” under item 1.9.5 of New Business.
1.3. Acceptance of the Minutes No minutes. 1.4. Guest Speakers No guest speakers. 1.5.
Reports Executive & Director
Samantha Yeung, President • Presently looking for Chair of Trades. 4 students are interested and will be coming to the next meeting. • Working with Erin on the ATM project. Erin Smith, VP Finances & Administration • Working, in conjunction with Sam, on the ATM project. Waiting for answers from BCIT CFO about legality. George Nicolaou, VP Student Affairs • Sign-up 12 new writers for the Link in conjunction with the Editor.
Elfina Luk, VP Campus Life • Working on the final budget for orientation, and would like to donate the rest of the money from her budget to Shinerama. Renee Geronimo, VP Public Relations & Marketing • Working on the amazing race. Looking for more volunteers for theregistration table. Made over $1000 on the first BBQ. Jamie Higgins, Transportation / Construction Chair • Recruiting set and tech reps. Deep Thind, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair • Has difficulties finding his councilors, and he is asking for some helpful suggestions. Michael Klein, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair • Has found 2 councilors and his still looking for another one. Angelia Harris Gray, Business/ Health Chair • Has found 2 councilors from the School of Health, one from the School of Business. She is still looking for 4 more. 1.6. Progress Report No progress report. 1.7. Question Period • Sam suggests that a schedule be placed on the board to identify the volunteer needs for Shinerama. • Caroline mentions that a motion would be needed to transfer the money from Orientation to Shinerama, as it was not allocated for that purpose. Erin will meet with Renee and Elfina to further discuss this issue. • Erin inquires about the number of registered students for the Amazing Race. 50 people are registered as of now. • Jeanneth suggests that info about the Amazing Race be given to promote it to SE 12, as students tend not to be informed in this building. Renee will pass on more information to all Executives and Councilors. 1.8.
Unfinished Business
1.8.1. – U-Pass (George & Angelia) VCC proposed that they get together with BCIT SA for the purpose of negotiation with Translink. George & Angelia think that the U-pass might not be a good idea due to the existing cost of parking and BCIT. They believe a referendum would not be in favor of the U-pass. Sam recollects that 54% were in favor for the U-pass when a survey was conducted last year. Jeanneth comments that this might not be the case for all students. She has talked to many students that have to attend other campuses to finish their degree, or need to go to work. The first study was very preliminary. 2
Caroline proposes that a decision be made based on concrete data before assuming the result of a referendum. Sam recommends that we get marketing students to conduct another survey with a larger sample. 1.9. – New Business 1.9.1 Business Committee Membership – Erin Erin invites new members to the Business Committee. If any are interested please inform Erin by the end of the week. 1.9.2 Environmental Project – Angelia Angelia would like to evaluate the environmental need on campus through one of her course. She would evaluate the program and would also like to implement the recommendations. Elfina is interested in helping Angelia during the implementation phase. 1.9.3 Education Council – Samantha The Educational Council is looking for a SA representative (ex-officio). Sam proposes that George be the representative, but the position is open to all. 1.9.4. Alumni Event – September 25 - Samantha Alumni Distinguish Alumni Awards night is scheduled for September 25. The BCIT Alumni Association asked that BCIT SA purchases a table for the cost of $750. Motion: It is proposed that BCIT SA purchases a table at the Alumni Distinguish Alumni Award for the cost of $750. Moved by: George Seconded by: Renee 9/0/0 Carried 1.9.5. Parking – Jeanneth Jeanneth mentions apparent problems with the availability of parking spaces and security. She would like to instigate the BCIT Parking Committee to discuss these issues. Sam mentions that a BCITSA representative will be appointed next meeting, and that representative can further these issues with the BCIT Parking Committee. Motion: Be it resolved that the topic be postponed indefinitely until the SA parking committee representative has been appointed and further research has been done. Moved by: Renee Seconded by: Deep 7/0/1 Carried 1.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for September 20, 2003 at 5:45pm. 1.11. Meeting adjourned It was moved by Deep and seconded by Elfina that the meeting be adjourned. 3