Executive Meeting Monday, July 24, 2006 Minutes Executives:
Jennifer Leaman, President Todd Embley, VP Finances & Administration Matt Chong, VP Public Relations & Marketing Jason Vranjkovic, VP of Student Affairs Rick Sandu, VP Campus Life Scott Haller, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Ron Asperin, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Sukh Aujla, Business Chair Carlo Ocampo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair
Caroline Gagnon, Director
Julia Cornester, Health Sciences Chair
1.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Jennifer Leaman, calls the meeting to order at 5:35 pm. (9 voting members). Jennifer explains the reasons for calling this meeting. 1.2
General Reports Executives & Director
Matt Chang, VP Public Relation and Marketing • Matt goes over Shinerama; the logo has changed, this year’s goal is $30,000 and 100 teams. • Volunteer recruitment will start in a couple of weeks. 200 volunteers are needed. • There will be 3 BBQ scheduled this September; a social auction in conjunction with AIM, the Amazing Race, a Shinerama Party in conjunction with AMA, and Post amazing race party at the Mugs. • Students can register on-line for the Amazing Race. • Sponsorship is underway. • Four street teams of four students will be recruited to generate interest for the Amazing Race. Rick Sandu, VP Campus Life • Based on the changes initiated last year, Orientation process will go from a 5hour process to a 3-hour one. • The challenge is to recruit volunteers given that no students are at school. Between 80 and 100 volunteers are needed. About 60 students have signed up as of now. • The goal is to ensure that everything is taken care of prior to the event day. This will allow Rick and his organizing team to concentrate on students instead of process. • Rick distributes a promotional flyer, which was designed to recruit volunteers. • The theme concept was eliminated because of the restrictions associated with specific a theme. This year, there will be an underlying theme, which is community. Rick explains the Drum Circle event.
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Orientation is divided in three main components: Gym registration and Presidents presentation; program registration; and BCIT expo at the Great Hall and outside square. Some volunteers have already participated in a one-hour training session. Rick invites the executives to participate in one training session so that they have a better understanding of the event. Campus tours will still be organized. Sukh recommends that students be connected to their sets to increase involvement between students. Rick is still working on ensuring that Chairs can connect with students during their program orientation. Jennifer states that the role of the executives is to represent the SA. This time should also be used to recruit councillors.
Jennifer Leman, President • Jennifer is working on the first draft of the by-laws. They need to be approved during the AGM scheduled for the end of October. • All renovations will be completed by August 14, 2006. • Jennifer was part of the hiring committee for the new advocate. This part-time position will start in August. • Clubs packages were completed. A Student Club meeting is scheduled for July 29, 2006. Jason Vranjkovic, Scott Blythe and Jennifer Leaman will be presenting to all club presidents. More and more students are showing interest in starting new clubs. • Jennifer has been working with the VP external affairs from UBC to see the interest in hosting a local student conference to discuss student issues. She will keep the executives posted. • Residence staff approached Jennifer to reconsider the executive involvement in “Moving Day”. Tom Moore felt that it was a great initiative and should be continued. It is a great opportunity to link his students to the campus. Jennifer recommends that executives volunteer for one day (Saturday) only. In addition to the executives, Michelle from the Uconnect is also working on various initiatives to involve and support students living in residence. A BBQ is scheduled in October to reconnect with these students. If executives are able to volunteer, they should contact Jennifer. • Jennifer goes over the important dates. Caroline Gagnon, Director •
Caroline goes over the strategic plan. She asks that executives to comment on the “BCITSA 2011” section. Once all information is completed, Caroline will send a second draft to the executive for their approval. This strategic plan will be presented to staff on August 21, 2006, and will be officially approved by Council at the AGM.
1.3. Next Meeting Next Executive Meeting is scheduled during the August retreat.