Executive Meeting Monday, July 9, 2007 Minutes Executives:
Brenda Corbett, President Jennette Leung, VP Finances & Administration Irina Osipova, VP Public Relations & Marketing Thomas Nguyen, VP Campus Life Christopher Peacock, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Doug Holdgate, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Thomas Trowbridge, Business Chair
Caroline Gagnon, Director
Roan Hidalgo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Emily Ho, Health Sciences Chair Leanne Atienza, VP of Student Affairs
1.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Brenda Corbett, calls the meeting to order at 5:49 pm. (7 voting members). Brenda explains the reasons for calling this meeting. 1.2
General Reports Executives & Director
Jennifer Leman, President • Projects o Set and Tech Rep Initiative: This initiative started last year by the VP Campus Life and will be used as a communication tool to deal with the diverse Schools. o Student Code of Conduct Policy: Working with BCIT to establish a policy dealing with non-academic issues. •
Microwaves: Five additional microwaves were purchased last year. Two will go to SE 2, one in NE1. Brenda is looking for additional locations for the last two. She has looked at downtown campus, but there is no need for it. Jennette recommends that one be placed in SE 12, while Chris recommends SW 9. Thomas wants to ensure that not only the number of microwaves be looked at but also accessibility during non-school/business hours.
Gallivan Conference: Brenda attended the conference with Roland. Some issues to know about the Health & Dental Plan; HPV vaccine is a drug that should be further investigated, and is not presently covered by the plan. Caroline asks for some ideas on how to improve the plan, given that it has a gap of approximately $10.00 between what we charge the students, and the service invoiced to BCITSA. After discussion, Caroline will talk to Gallivan about fact sheet on the HPV vaccine and also about the potential drugs that could be added (i.e. Yellow fever – Hepatitis A)
Parking: The cost of parking went up by $.50 per day. They also eliminated the monthly parking passes. Brenda is working with Security on finding new payment
methods. Students have only two choices, pay weekly passes using a credit card on line, or cash only at the machine. There is no debit card machine option. •
Student Edge Conference: Jennette and Brenda are leaving for Halifax for the Student Edge Conference this Wednesday returning on the 20th. It is a great opportunity to meet other student leaders and learn about what other schools are doing.
Resident move in weekend: Residence move in is scheduled for Saturday September 1st. Brenda ask if any executives will be involved with the event. It is an opportunity to connect with students living in residence. People interested: Brenda, Chris, Thomas T., and Jennette. Thomas will talk to the clubs.
Irina Osipova, VP Public Relation and Marketing Irina explains the difference between Shinerama & Amazing Race. This year will be a transitional year. Irina will announce shortly to Cystic Fibrosis that it will be their last year as the recipient charity. • Events for the Shinerama campaign: o New event targeting International students. o 4 BBQ (each Wednesday) – 2 by SA 2 by Chartwells o Sept 12 – Casino day in the GH: students will play games such as poker, fortune wheel. The details are being worked out. o Sept 12 – Car wash: Irina is presently working with the Clubs to volunteer for these events. o Sept 19 – Social Auction: Irina will need help conducting the event. o Sept 26 – the Amazing Race: Irina is working with Recreation Services. They expect 100 teams, and will need 150 volunteers. o Sept 26 – Golf Tournament: Irina is bringing the golf tournament back. It might increase faculty participation thus students participation • Irena’s is working with Thomas on recruiting volunteers. • Jennette would like to know where we are renting things from. Irina received different quotes. If anyone as recommendations, she welcomes new ideas. •
Thomas Nguyen, VP Campus Life Orientation o Thomas informs that he is not planning major changes from last year, simply improving on what was created. Students will receive a survival guide with a map describing the expo and tours. The Clubs are interested on being responsible for the campus tours. o It has been proven challenging to recruit volunteers. As of today, 29 volunteers have been recruited. It is hoped that 50 be recruited by next week, for a total of 100 needed. Training will start next week. o Jennette asks to receive a formal email that she can forward to her friends.
Clubs o Thomas is developing a new training package for the clubs that will be mandatory in August. Topics such as liability and diverse administrative responsibilities will be covered.
Caroline Gagnon, Director •
Caroline gives an operation overview: o E-store: The new e-store should be live this week. This service will enable students from other campus having access to BCIT gift items. o Renovations: Renovations for the convenience store is scheduled for the Christmas break. A committee has been struck to come up with the new plan. Brenda will represent the student executives for the summer. o HR Strategic Plan: A new Human Resources Strategic Plan should be completed in February of 2008. o New photocopiers: A new fleet of photocopiers will be on campus in August. Most of the self-serve photocopiers will provide services such as colour photocopies, PDF, email, poster printing. o Clean Air Policy: Following the new legislation on Tobacco, the association is putting a position paper together for the ministry in order to deal with the regulations surrounding the changes.
Caroline reiterates the dates of the retreat, which is mandatory for all to attend (August 24 to 30).
1.3. Next Meeting Next Executive Meeting is scheduled on Wednesday August 29th at 2:45 in Council Chamber. The meeting was adjourned at 7:10pm.
Executive Meeting Monday July 09, 2007 at 5:30pm Reports Irina • Shinerama Update Thomas N • Orientation Update • Clubs Brenda • Projects o Set and Tech Rep Initiative o Student Code of Conduct Policy • Microwaves • Gallivan Conference • Parking • Student Edge Conference • Resident move in weekend Caroline • Strategic Plan Important Dates Friday August 24th leaving between 3-5pm (TBA) to Thursday August 30th, all executives must be available!!!