10 Council Meeting minutes Feb 3-03

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Council Meeting Monday, February 3, 2003 Minutes Present: Executives:


Staff: Excused:

Samantha Yeung, President Jay Selinger, VP Finances & Administration John Alexander, VP Student Affairs Daniel Boffo, VP Campus Life Winston Tong, Transportation / Construction Chair Monica Sparks, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Tony Do, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Patricia Stefani, VP Public Relations & Marketing Cristina Roman, Business/ Health Chair Rebecca Montgomery Jeanneth Jacome Marina Reimer Driss Adrao

John White Deep Thind Gabe Hoye Tindy Bassi

Caroline Gagnon, Executive Director

11.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Samantha Yeung at 5:45 pm. (16 voting members) 11.2. Acceptance of the Agenda John Alexander requests that international students be added to new business. It was moved by Patricia Stefani and seconded by Cristina Roman that the agenda be accepted. 11.3. Acceptance of the Minutes – January 20, 2003 It was amended that John Alexander did not actually attend the conference hosted in Vancouver. It was moved by Patricia Stefani and seconded by Dan Boffo that the minutes of January 20, 2002 be accepted as distributed. 11.4. Guest Speakers No guest speakers


11.5. Reports Executive & Director Cristina Roman, Business/ Health Chair • Cristina and Driss have been attending meetings for Career Fair determining criterias for companies to put on exhibits at BCIT. • Would like to see future polls of students to determine which companies the students are most interested in seeing. Patricia Stefani, VP Public Relations & Marketing • The deposit to book the BCIT Graduation Party has been made. • Cuts for the Cure is being organized for April 8, and we need everyone to recruit people. • Patricia had a meeting with IKON about the colour copier and will present a report to council next meeting. Daniel Boffo, VP Campus Life • Nothing to Report John Alexander, VP Student Affairs • John spoke with Bob McKenzie about a price quote for a new daycare fence. • John is also looking at the U-Pass, a bus pass that UBC is currently conducting a referendum over. All students would have to pay a $23 fee, and then everyone gets a bus pass. Monica Sparks, Manufacture, Mechanical, & Process Energy & Natural Resources Chair • In a tech rep meeting, a major issue that came up was parking. Will discuss in new business. Winston Tong, Transportation / Construction Chair • Nothing to report Samantha Yeung, President • Samantha went to the Langley BCIT campus last week, and they need facilities such as a lunchroom and microwaves. They will send us a wish list which we can look at and then approach BCIT. Jay Selinger, VP Finances & Administration • Jay announced the resignation of Vince Chabot and Jeff Patton from the student council. • Jay has a meeting with Terry Milligan on Thursday and will be getting a price list on the furniture. Should have a report ready for next council meeting. 11.6. Progress Report Progress report is clean except for the furniture which was already addressed.


11.7. Question Period Dan inquired as to why is Sanjay not here? Jay replied that he had the flu. Patricia inquired as to why John didn’t attend the conference mentioned last meeting. John replied that he couldn’t manage to adjust his class schedule to free up the time. 11.8. Unfinished Business No unfinished business 11.9. New Business 11.9.1. – Monica Sparks - Parking Monica has prepared a parking questionnaire and would like everyone to pass them onto the other students. She needs them back by late next week. Parking concerns cover three main issues: 1) Security 2) Monthly Cost is equal to daily costs over the month 3) Industry workers are parking in student lots Gabe inquired about the lease on the parking lots and who controls them. Sam replied that Impark controls the lots. Dan stated that the parking should be for students only, industry workers should not be allowed to park in our space. Gabe states that we should examine the contract before we do too much. Monica stated that she is just looking for suggestions and shared concerns from the student body. Discussions followed concerning number of passes sold, attendance of fulltime and part-time and day and night students parking. 11.9.2. – Jay Selinger - Appointment of New Chair of Electrical/Electronics School Jay introduced Tony Do as a student who approached early about the opening of the position, and someone who was eager to join council. Tony spoke about his background and his knowledge of the position in question through his friendship with Jeff Patton. He also answered questions 3

about his goals on council which included being friendly to everyone in order to earn trust so they would bring their concerns to him. Motion: Be it resolved that the BCIT SA appoint Tony Do new Chair of School of Electrical and Electronics. Moved by: John Alexander Seconded by: Driss Adrao 12/0/3 Carried Sam congratulates Tony upon his appointment. 11.9.3. – John Alexander – International Students John stated that he has had meetings with the BCIT Administration who would like to see some movement on the SA’s part regarding international students. He spoke to international students last week who had the following concerns: 1) BCIT has no accreditation in the US 2) Tuition fees are very high 3) They have trouble getting access to some programs & services on campus 4) There is no current structure for international students at BCIT Samantha states that SE-41 has a centre for international students and that they have their own director. There are also advisors and people to address any questions that international students have. She stated that we did speak about having an international student as a councilor, but after repeated attempts to contact them, there was very little interest shown on their part. Stuart Goodings is their director and wants to start an international students club, and if they want to come out, they’re more than welcome. Dan states that accreditation should be BCIT’s responsibility. Other discussion followed concerning why international students should or should not be treated differently, and whether accreditation in the USA is really feasible for BCIT. Jeanette spoke to lengths about the process involved in accreditation and the costs associated with it. 11.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for February 20, 2003 at 5:45pm. 11.11. Meeting adjourned It was moved by Monica Sparks and seconded by Patricia Stefani that the meeting be adjourned. (7:00 pm.).


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