Council Meeting Monday, February 6, 2006 Minutes Executives:
Ashley Steier, President Craig Hall, VP Finances & Administration Andrea Charlton, VP Public Relations & Marketing Jennifer Leaman, VP of Student Affairs Grace Budiono, VP Campus Life Michael Louie, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Tara Perret, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Shannon Roberts, Health Sciences Chair Tunde Gal, Computing & Academic Studies Chair
Lee-Ann Banfield Megan Chambers Jeff Piper Tim Erickson Julie Ho Vanessa Ouellette Robert Yuen Fred Haiderzada Adam King
Ly Pham Phil Stringer Greg Hodson Marlina Kinnersley Matthew Chong Brenda Corbett Giancarlos Escalante Armit Dhaliwal Darren Vonic
Todd Embley, Business Chair Simon Parada Monica Pearson
Heather Thompson Bre Ogawa Christina Bell
Caroline Gagnon, Director Geoff Gauthier, Editor
Michael Gorson Harbans Mann
12.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Ashley Steier, at 5:50 pm. (25 voting members). 12.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be accepted as distributed. Carried 12.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from January 23, 2006 It was moved by Jennifer Leaman and seconded by Shannon Roberts that the minutes of January 23 2006 be accepted with the following changes: ƒ 11.11 should read: it was moved by Shannon Roberts and seconded by Grace Budiono 24/0/1 Carried 12.4. Guest Speakers No guest speaker
12.5 General Reports Executives See attached general reports. 12.6 Progress Report See attached general reports. Craig is looking for a councillor to sit on the Election Committee. The committee will be comprised of Craig Hall (CRO), Ashley Steier (DCRO), Scott Blythe (Staff Rep), and a student rep. Craig invites anyone interested, and not running for any position, to contact him. Anyone interested in running for Executive positions, please feel free to contact any executive members. 12.7.
Questions Period (5 min.) Bob would like to know about the student positions at the Uconnect. Caroline confirms that the student position related to United Way is still available given that funding is coming from a third party. However the other student position has been cancelled due to financial restrictions. Ashley confirms that the SA year end is May 2006. Andrea would like to know more about the Student Initiative Fund. Ashley confirms that BCIT allocates $25,000 to be managed by the SA. Students can apply for up to $500 going towards conferences benefiting their professional development. Applications will be available on line. Bob would like to know if the policy has changed regarding the campus being open 24 hours. He’s had some problems with security guards instructing him that the campus was closing at 1:00am. Tara confirms that the campus is no longer open 24 hours. Geoff states that gates close at 1:00am. Ashley will confirm the status of this policy. Ashley would like more information about the Faulty Tour. Tara explains that teams are given cards and a role of tape to build the highest tour. The cost to enter is $20 per team of 5 participants, and the prize for the winning team is $100.
12.8. New Business 12.8.1. Proposed Referendum Policy - Craig Hall Craig explains that following last meeting’s motion on the increase of the SA student activity fee, it was recommended by our lawyers that these fees should be approved by the student population via a referendum. To ensure the integrity of the Association, it is proposed that a referendum be presented to the student population. In order to satisfy this process, a referendum policy addressing this issue was written and distributed to all. Motion: Be it resolved that the policy regarding referendum be accepted as distributed in the minutes of February 06, 2006. Moved by: Craig Hall Seconded by: Jennifer Leaman 25/0/0 Carried Questions: Shannon would like to know the status of the motion from last council meeting. Craig confirms that if we go to referendum, the motion will be obsolete. Adam wants to know how the referendum will be advertised. Ashley states that the information will be on the website, in the newspaper and banners will be placed in the Great Hall. Ashley will also send an email to all set and tech reps.
12.9 Unfinished Business 12.9.1. Student Association Fee Increase Proposal - Craig Hall Motion: Be it resolved that the BCITSA goes to referendum for the proposed student fee increase. Moved by: Craig Hall Seconded by: Michael Louie 24/1/0 Carried Referendum Questions: For the last 10 years, with the exception of 2005 when the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase was approved, the BCIT Student Association (BCITSA) had not increased its student activity fees to meet the demands of the rising cost of doing business. 1. Proposition - the BCITSA will increase the SA student activity fee by 13.3%, representing the Consumer Price Index for British Columbia for the last 10 years. As an example a fulltime student will see an increase of $6.80 per semester. This percentage will apply to all students. Do you accept this proposition? YES
2. Proposition - the BCIT Student Association will annually increase the SA student activity fee by the cost of living based on the Annual Average index for British Columbia per Statistics Canada (Table 326-0002) per year. Do you accept this proposition? YES
Questions: Bob would like to know why this referendum could not be linked to the election. Ashley explains that due to BCIT deadline requirements, the amount of student fees needed to be given to the Institute by January. Jennifer has some issues with the clarity of the proposed question 1. Some changes are made and can be seen in the minutes. A councillor wants to know if students will have access the information about where the additional funds will go. Craig states that the info will be available on the web and also at the Uconnect when voting. Some have questions with regard to having no minimum voters. Ashley states that because Council was comfortable with the increase, the policy is reflecting of this sentiment. Ashley states that this referendum policy could be used for other issues. However it is anticipated that Council would change the referendum policy depending on the issue. Ashley officially calls the referendum for Monday February 20, 2006 from 11:00 – 6:00pm. Voting will take place at the Uconnect Resource Centre.
12.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled on Monday, February 20, 2006 Council Chamber at 5:45pm. 12.11. Meeting Adjourned It was moved Grace Budiono and seconded by Shannon Roberts that the meeting be adjourned. (6:45 pm) Carried
COUNCIL MEETING Monday February 6, 2006 AGENDA
Meeting called to order
Acceptance of the Agenda
Acceptance of the Minutes from January 23, 2005
Guest Speakers
General Reports: Executive
Progress Reports
Question Period (5 min.)
Unfinished Business 12.8.1. Student Association fee increase proposal – Referendum Policy 12.8.2. 12.8.3.
New Business 12.9.1. 12.9.2. 12.9.3.
12.10. Next Meeting – Monday February 20, 2006
12.11. Meeting adjourned
Referendum Referendum shall mean a process in which a specific question is asked to be made by the general student membership of the Student Association. A referendum shall be required when matters relate to the increase or addition of membership fees. The president shall call a referendum: a. upon the majority vote of those present at a council meeting or, b. upon receiving a valid petition requesting that one be held signed by 10% of the members of the Association This referendum shall be binding upon the Association when: a. There is a 50% plus one majority of the voting members.
Procedures Polling and Voting Procedure • At the time of voting, polling stations shall have a non-biased information package for members to review regarding the issue question • The voting shall be by secret ballot and a single “X” or “9” shall be the system of voting employed. This procedure will be noted on each ballot slip, failure to do so will result in a spoiled ballot. • The Chief Returning Officer shall inspect the ballot box before and after the casting of the ballots. • The ballot box shall be constituted of metal or wood, and shall be equipped with a lock and appropriate seal. • Each voter must satisfy the C.R.O. that he/she is a member of the Association. Each member of the Association shall have one vote only. The voter shall mark the ballot, fold it, and place it in the ballot box him or herself. • While the voting is in progress, access to the polls shall be limited to the following: I. Chief Returning Officer II. Deputy Returning Officer III. Polling Clerk IV. Staff Advisory to the C.R.O. • Voting shall be for at least 1 day of at least 6 hours. • Voting shall be between the time of 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Counting Procedures • Immediately following the closing of the polls, the Deputy Returning Officer shall convey the ballot boxes to the area where in the counting of ballots is to take place. The C.R.O. will personally unlock and unseal the boxes.
• The C.R.O. shall decide on the validity of all ballots and once a ballot has been declared invalid, it shall remain such. Ballots shall be declared invalid if any mark other than an “X” or “9” is used to show their choice. • The following and no others shall be allowed inside the area and once inside not one will be allowed to leave until all ballots have been counted. I. Chief Returning Officer II. Deputy Returning Officer III. Polling Clerk IV. Staff Advisor to the C.R.O. • Results of the Referendum will be made available to the members of the Association through: I. Posting on the Association website II. An announcement in the Association newspaper III. At the following Council Meeting Advertising Procedure • The referendum shall be advertised for 14 days directly prior to voting through the Student Association newspaper, the website, and any other media deemed necessary. • Advertising and information regarding the issue is to be unbiased. • Executives shall remain impartial if members request information regarding the issue. The referendum issue question must: a. Present two options from which those voting must choose only one and b. Be answered with only yes or no and c. Not request suggestions from those voting and d. Be descriptive but not argumentative or prejudicial
SA EXECUTIVE GENERAL REPORTS FOR February 6, 2006 Jenn Leaman -
JHR – Speak Silence on February 8-9, actual day on the 11. They are on the website, as is all the other clubs. Check it out. ACE had their monthly showcase last Tuesday. Both Ashley and I checked it out. Right now they are getting ready for the national competition in Spring. IEEE has a new president, Ryan. Had a meeting with him late last week
Craig Hall -
Financial Report for the month ended December 31, 2005
Grace Budiono - Valentine’s Day Matchmaking Fundraiser Mon Feb 6th – Thursday Feb 9th at the UConnect Centre. From 8am-4pm. Please spread the word!! ISC looking for volunteers to give input regarding the International Student Handbook. Email If you are interested! SA EXECUTIVE PROGRESS REPORTS FOR February 6, 2006 Executive
Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
October 3, 2005
November 17, 2005
TEK Initiative
December 8, 2005
Advertising Policy
Status Met with Scott and Caroline, going to proceed with Forums. In process of setting up a demo. Met with Jo-Ann, co-ordinator with TEK Initiative. Discussed possibly linking TEK initiative with my forums. Met with Marketing Committee, discussed policy from other Universities.
Very Successful…approx 25 entries came in. The winners have been selected by myself, Shannon and Jan from the Advisory committee. We will be having a formal presentation of the winners in the great hall February _______ Wednesday February 8th in NE 1 @ 10:30am to 12:30pm Dr. Marcia Braundy will share a video and discussion on what is underneath male resistance to women in trades and technology. Emergent themes include issues of competency, sexuality, being the breadwinner, the challenge of change and the meaning of tools in people’s lives. Unsuccessful this year…only 4 teams showed up. However if we can get 6 or more teams together we can re schedule for Wednesday February 22nd @ 2:30pm
November, 2005
Poster Contest
January, 2006
Men, Women & Tools
January, 2006
Faulty Towers – Rec Services
January 30, 2006
Cut for the Cure
January 5, 2006
Amazing Race T-Shirts
December 6, 2006
Marketing Committee
January 4, 2006
Orientation Planning
Early planning for the upcoming orientation.
October 21, 2005
Business Committee
Looking forward to the next meeting.
September 10, 2005
International Student Handbook
In Progress – Met w/ Lexie on Tuesday
Scheduled date: Wednesday, March 22. Selling leftover t-shirts through SA office starting Monday, Feb. 6th. Regular printed t-shirts $5, defective ones $2. Had meeting Jan. 26th, talked about external advertising policies, next meeting Feb. 16th.
January 8, 2006
Valentine’s Day Nursing degree name change has passed and is now a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Past graduates will have a note on their transcript indicating they have met the requirements of a BScN. Volunteering for the Valentines matchmaker/ student assistance fund campaign. Next Set/Tech Rep. Meeting is schedules for February 15, 2006.
SA Fee Increase
Financial Reports
SA Elections
January 30, 2005
Credit Fraud
January 9, 2005
Healthy Snack Options
January 26, 2006
Marketing Committee
September 12, 2005
On going
On-going On-going Helping Caroline in preparing for a referendum Met with Caroline to review the financial position of the SA as of December 31, 2005 Starting to prepare for the upcoming elections. Have met with Scott to discuss elections and to pick the dates. Forming an Elections committee to help me in the planning. Will be starting advertising this week. Scott met with Marv Steier, some great projects and seminars planned. Scott and I will be meeting to discuss dates and times. Trying to determine price point that is competitive with other stores but Mary amiable to lowering markup to help sales. Met Jan 26 to discuss current guidelines and changes to them we want to make. Meeting with clubs to discuss various different issues.
September 12, 2005
Alcohol Awareness Week
September 12, 2005
Student Concerns
October 24, 2005
Prayer Space on Campus
October 24, 2005
January 28, 2006
January 10, 2006
Reviewing BCITSA/BCIT contracts
January 30, 2006
Student Projects & Meetings
January 13, 2006
Proposed Fee Increase
February 1, 2006
Student Initiative Fund
January 30, 2006
BCIT Open House
January 27, 2006
TEK meeting
January 31, 2006
Open House working group
Jan 30 – Feb 2, 2006
Strategic Focus Group
February 7, 2006
Student Awards Sub-Committee Meeting
Report is almost finished. Ongoing, have been in frequent contact and in meetings with various student groups. Have been in contact with different students. Trying to find a solution that will work for everyone. Been in contact with students who are still interested in bringing the U-Pass to BCIT. Trying to assist BCIT in lining up students for upcoming DRB’s Had two meetings last week to work on Lease and Master Agreement Had some meetings and interviews with various student groups Still working out the details Accepting applications for Spring conferences trips etc. Finalizing the role of the BCITSA and the Executives, for the event Missed TEK meeting because I went home sick. Got updated on what was discussed. I’m part of the CST Open House working group. Had our first meeting. Tried to get students to do the focus group. Did presentations in lectures and labs. Unfortunately didn’t have any success. Coming up.