Council Meeting Monday, February 5, 2007 Minutes Executives:
Jennifer Leaman, President Todd Embley, VP Finances & Administration Rick Sandu, VP Campus Life Matt Chong, VP Public Relations & Marketing Ron Asperin, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Sukh Aujla, Business Chair Carlo Ocampo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Julia Cornester, Health Sciences Chair Scott Haller, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair
Amanda Harris Zhasmina Mihova Matt Crawford Paul Matthews Shane Gilbertson Doug Holdgate Emily Ho Hyup Lee Yoojin Park
Geoff Gauthier, Editor Caroline Gagnon, Director
Kim Heemskerk
Rahil Lalani
Sajan Zachariah Bryson Norrish Allan Olson Marlina Kinnersley Jennette Leung Brenda Corbett Thomas Troubridge Pankaj Garg
Arun Randhawa Tod Fraser
11.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Jennifer Leaman, calls the meeting to order at 5:46 pm. (26 voting members). 11.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be approved with the following additions: 11.9.1 VP Student Affairs 11.9.2 Shinerama Committee Moved by: Julia Cornerster Seconded by: Matt Chong 25/0/0 Carried 11.3
Acceptance of the Minutes from January 8, 2007 & January 22, 2007 11.3.1. from January 8, 2007 It was moved that the minutes from January 8, 2007 be accepted as posted. Moved by: Carlo Ocampo Seconded by: Rick Sandhu 25/0/0 Carried
11.3.2. from January 22, 2007 It was moved that the minutes from January 22, 2007 be accepted as posted. Moved by: Thomas Troubridge Seconded by: Julia Cornerster 25/0/0 Carried 11.4
Guest Speakers No Guest Speaker
General Reports: Executive Rick • Rick explains the new Cooking Lesson program. See handout. Rick is looking for volunteers for the event. Jennifer Jennifer announces the change in the BCIT Administration. Verna MageeSheppard was appointed as the acting VP Education and Student Services. BCIT will re-evaluate the new appointment in 6 months. • Imaginus is looking for four (4) students for February 21 and 22. These are paid positions. Contact Uconnect or Ian Morton for further information. •
Progress Reports As submitted. • Jennifer introduces Mohamed, Edco student representative. Mohamed invites students to look at the Edco information on the BCIT website.
Question Period • Amanda inquires if the cooking lessons will have themes. Rick did not think of it. He will pursue the idea. • Matt asks Julia about the purpose of the ASTTBC meeting. Julia confirms that Jason (ASTTBC rep) wanted to look at supporting students in her school that would benefit from ASTTBC. • Shane would like to know if it is possible to give feedback about lounge space. Todd states that BCIT contracted an architects/designer firm to investigate the cost associated with the proposed project. Scott confirms that BCIT (Jim Mitchell) contacted student representatives (See December minutes) about the need for additional study/lounge space on campus. Based on these discussions, BCIT is not looking at expending gym space. • Thomas would like to know more about the steam room in the men’s change room. Jim Mitchell informed Rick that the work is scheduled for next year; however, he is not aware the exact time. Rick will look into this issue and will bring statistics of female vs. male usage and compare them to resources spend on the steam room for women. • Thomas asks about why the Smoking Awareness event was cancelled. Julia confirmed that it is mainly due to timing, and low interest from students. Todd confirms that the issue was brought forward to the Executives and all agreed to cancel the event. • Jennette mentions that there is no clock/timer in the women’s steam room, and could cause serious hazard. She also recommends that it be sanitized. Rick will look into this. • Amanda asks about the smoking cessation program was offered by medical services. Julia will focus on promoting this program to students.
Unfinished Business 11.8.1. Study Space – 24 hours room (open discussion) Jennifer opens up to floor for an open discussion about the 24 hours. BCIT is looking for feedback from students, and they are looking for two (2) students to sit on the committee. She invites Councillors to bring this issue to their peers. •
Thomas would like more information so that he can pass on the information to the set/tech reps. Jennifer will email information to all.
New Business 11.9.1 VP Student Affairs Jennifer announces that Jason Vranjkovic resigned from the VP Student Affairs position, effective immediately. Elections will be held at the next council meeting. As per the by-laws, council members are invited to run for the position. Speeches will be in held at the next Council meeting followed by a vote. For further information on the position, contact Jennifer or Todd. 11.9.2 Shinerama Committee Matt proposes that an ad-hoc committee be formed to evaluate the Shinerama campaign. Motion: Be it resolved that the Shinerama evaluation committee be formed with Matt Chong as the Chair and, Julia Cornerster, Jennifer Leaman, Bryson Norrish, and Jennette Long. Moved by: Matt Chong Seconded by: Julia Cornerster 26/0/0 Carried
11.10. Next Meeting – February 19, 2007 Next meeting is scheduled for February 19, 2007 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 11.11 Meeting adjourned It was moved Sukh Aujla and seconded by Matt Chong that the meeting be adjourned at 6:27 pm. Carried
BCIT Student Association Monday, February 5, 2007 AGENDA
Meeting called to order
Acceptance of the Agenda
Acceptance of the Minutes 11.3.1. Council, January 8, 2007 11.3.2 Council, January 22, 2007
Guest Speakers:
General Reports:
Progress Reports: Executive
Question Period
Unfinished Business 11.8.1. Study Space – 24-hour room (open discussion) 11.8.2. 11.8.3.
New Business
11.10. Next Meeting – February 19, 2007 11.11. Meeting adjourned
BCITSA EXECUTIVE PROGRESS REPORTS FOR FEBRUARY 5, 2007 General Reports Rick – Cooking Lessons Jen – There has been a change in the BCIT Administration. There use to be a VP Education and a VP Student Services but a week ago, they decided to combine those two roles. Verna is now filling the new role and to help her she has two assistants.
Date of Introduction
September 2006
September 2006
Action or Outstanding Issue 24/7 lab room
Status BCIT has expressed a desire to create this area. At this point, they are looking to consult with various stakeholders (particularly on the tech and trades side) to complete a needs analysis. BCIT is hoping to have this completed by the end of this term. No expected date of completion of the full project at this time.
Web Forum
This website is operational. Need to look at ways of advertising it to students to increase usage.
Nutrition Program
Still trying to get a nutritionist on board. Met with one in November who was not able to help with our program
Test Bank
No action
Meeting with Set Reps and Tech Reps
Scheduled Set and Tech meetings
Smoking Cessation Program
-Met with Health Canada Reps 2 weeks ago- Meeting with Health Services staff and Medical Services staff to start promoting event - Ron and Matt helping to recruit volunteers - Receiving materials for display - Asking for volunteers to sign up after meeting
Appointment with Director of Marketing in February
Student concerns
Followed up with student several times during January and will continue to facilitate as needed
Minglers for Minors
No progress to date.
Jan 07
Teacher issues & Evaluations
Working with students, faculty and Jason to resolve.
Test bank
Wine Tasting Seminar
Councillors Marlina and Branda have taken ownership over this venture and we will be meeting to discuss its progress.
Jan 07
Cut for the Cure
Working with Matt to arrange
Cooking Lesson
Attended cooking lesson meeting with Rick on Wednesday 31st. Plans are underway and tasks were delegated
End of term Grad party
Discussing possibilities with the clubs. ACE currently has ownership over the end of term party. Talking to clubs and exploring the possibility of doing a joint venture aong all of the clubs in the SOB to do a formal grad party open to all graduating school of business students. In this case will still hold their party for everyone along with the formal. Doing research on possible venues and feasibility of the grad party (ticket price, event theme, venue etc)
All chairs now have a request letter they can give to their prospective program head. Making slow progress with faculty. Will meet with faculty members to discuss further and make some progress‌‌ hopefully
Sukh Sukh
Attending meeting with Scott Blythe and other execs.
Postering policy was an existing policy that is now being enforced by BCIT institution. Every one has to put posters up on the poster boards provided around campus, any poster out else where will be torn down. As we are renting this space from BCIT we have no choice but to abide by their rules. We still control which posters are allowed to go up but not where. Jan
Poster policy meeting and executive meeting
Sept 5 , 2006
Create a nutrition program that helps students eat and cook well on a strict time & $ budget
Clubs and anyone else still have a lot of avenues to use to promote their event. Tables and a microphone can be set up in the great hall during busy times, a banner ad can be placed on the BCIT SA website, we can put an ad in the link on the SA page about the event and we can put up a banner in the great hall regarding the event (the cost for printing a big colour banner works out the same as printing loads of posters). You can still put posters on the poster boards (20 more have been put up around campus) and tickets are can be sold in the link. Any questions please ask. Held a brainstorm session as well as a delegation meeting – Ready to debrief council about project details Looking for 5 student volunteers with some cooking experience to help lead the cooking stations Pilot run scheduled for end of March – for Residence Students 2nd run scheduled for end of April – for all students .
On going. Venue has been decided. It is going to be held in BCIT Downtown Campus 8th floor. September 2006
CST/CIT Open House and Job Fair in March
This event will be more a Job Fair rather than an Open House. There will be about 20 to 25 booths for companies to be in. First committee meeting held on January 22, 2007 1:30pm.
On going. November 2006
Programming Competition
For more info: First set rep/tech rep meeting for 2007.
January 17, 2007
Set Rep/Tech Rep Meeting
Discussed instructor issues and class concerns. Discussed the Job Fair set for March. On going.
Carlo January 31, 2007
Exam Bank For School of Computing
February 1, 2007
Uconnect clothing drive
January 28, 2007
January 29, 2007
Sept 6th
Opening of the Fit Pit Juice Bar
Sept 6
Nutrition Guide / Residence Relationship
Oct 12
Lounge Furniture
Oct 25
Lounge Space
Program head discussed the exam bank with staff. Waiting for further information
Ron ongoing
Ron Ron
Todd Todd
No action Preparing for Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board, CEAB interview to approve the Bachelors of Civil Engineering. Interview is based on student involvement at BCIT i.e. BCITSA Space is being looked at for lounge space with big screen TV’s, and possibly a smaller kiosk for coffee/sport drinks under the area where the current tv is now. This is not going to happen. The stores are unwilling to cooperate and add value for the students, so trips to Metrotown where they can shop for anything are what is happening now. Meeting keeps getting pushed back but for the last time as I have voiced my concern that we want to know so Feb 14 is the day. Furniture is cleaned every month by vacuum only. Areas have been identified. Jim Mitchell is waiting for a cost breakdown per unit of furniture any cost to modify space not conducive to studying at this current time.
15% auto-grat will be dropped for all except pre-planned parties where payment will be made by one member or firm in excess of 12 people.
Nov 9
Business Committee
Student Executive and SA management team
Meetings with BCIT Administration
Student Initiative Fund
Ed Co
Attended a regular meeting of Ed-Co where some new concept papers where passed. Still trying to get involvement in policy 5002.
Contracts and Vending
Nothing new to report. Next meeting is in the beginning of February.
Taking care of some house keeping issues. Also went on an Executive Retreat this past weekend to help focus all of us on what we want to accomplish for the rest of the year. Also have had meetings with our management team to discuss issues and concerns. Met with BCIT Administration a few times to talk about various different issues such as Verna taking on the acting role of VP Education and Student Services and talking about enrolment issues. Due to low enrolment in some programs BCIT will not longer be offering those programs to first year students starting in September. Have been getting inquires from various students about the Student Initiative Fund. The Student Initiative Fund (SIF) is administered by the BCIT Student Association as a tool to assist those students wishing to obtain funding to supplement their current studies with expert knowledge not available through their programs of study within the BCIT curriculum. The purpose of the fund is to allow students to enhance their knowledge in their area of study, or in developing their career.
Jen Jen Jason
Ongoing dealing with student issues. − −
Jason September
Service committee
All but three clubs have committed to setting up SA bank account. Some clubs have not yet claimed their funding as they still do not have financial controls in place. This funding is not serving its purpose being tied up like this. In discussion with one of three clubs. − AIBC (new club) held industry mixer on Feb. 1st Have not met yet. Two items to address: − test bank / copy centre • advocacy office location / safety
Matt December
Wine Mingler Event
Working with Todd and Sukh on this event
Cut for the Cure
Working with Sukh on creating this event
Business Committee
Talked to MVL about some suggestions for the Pub
Cancelled Valentines Party
Due to problems with the venue and logistical issues
Poster Policy
Had a meeting with the Execs and Scott Blythe
Matt Matt Matt Matt
Cooking Lesson Program Background: • Many students are away from home for the first time or don’t have the skills required to cook and practice good nutrition. Most have a strict budget and very little time, and they often resort to low nutrition options to get by. Purpose: a. To teach students how to cook healthy food while considering their strict time and financial budget. b. To create a fun, social environment where students can meet new people c. Foster a health conscious atmosphere within the BCIT community Audience: • The event will start with a pilot project targeting Maquinna Residence students. As organizers we feel that Residents are our best option for testing this project. The subsequent events will be open to the whole of the BCIT community. Event: • The event will take place the last Sunday of every month in the afternoon at Professor Mugs Pub. A 10 minute presentation starts the event with details about the recipes, and a quick skill-builder on cooking tourniquets, and food safety. • All food will be chopped ahead of time to save time and make room for more socializing. • In small groups, students will be preparing the meal for the event with the help of a student leader within each group, and a chef that will supervise everything. • During the cooking portion of the event, there will be engaging activities for the students such as trivia, fun facts and prizes. • When the cooking portion of the event is completed, students can sit down all together and enjoy the potluck dinner that they made together. • Tickets will be sold to resident students through the housing office and the RA’s and will hopefully price at $5. • All students will leave the event with a hardcopy of the recipe they prepared. • Students will have the opportunity to get any nutrition and cooking questions they have answered by a follow-up email. Contacts: Rick Sandhu, VP Campus Life
Maria Wentzel, SA Acting Resource Manager
778-888-4180 604⋅432⋅8549
Other Organizers: Michael Van Lane – Manager, Professor Mugs Pub Sukh Aujla - Chair of the School of Business Ian Morton, SA Events and Programming Coordinator