11 MinutesExecutive February 11, 2008

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BCIT Student Association BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 11, 2008 Executives: Brenda Corbett, President Jennette Leung, VP Finances & Administration Irina Osipova, VP Public Relations & Marketing Thomas Nguyen, VP Campus Life Christopher Peacock, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Thomas Trowbridge, Business Chair Leanne Atienza, VP of Student Affairs Doug Holdgate, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Alec Lee Joshua Smith Simon Woo Wendy Ngo Amrrish Mani Manjot Mattu Eugene Park


Angela Meyer Tod Fraser Neil Dorais Billy Moore Pulkit Jain Anmar Stephan-Tozy Konstantin Kleiner


Caroline Gagnon, Director


Baljinder Gurwal Arun Randhawa Jennah Stavroff


A Student Rep from the Open House Committee

Heidi Barker Robby Basi

11.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Brenda Corbett, calls the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. (20 voting members). 11.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the following agenda be accepted with the following additions: 11.9.1 MyBCIT.ca 11.9.2 School of Business Councillor 11.9.3 ACE BCIT to SIF Moved by: Thomas Nguyen Seconded by: Leanne Atienza 20/0/0 Carried 11.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from January 28, 2008 Be it resolved that that the minutes from January 28, 2008 be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Thomas Nguyen Seconded by: Irina Osipova 20/0/0 Carried 11.4 Guest Speaker - BCIT Open House Student Reps A student representative explains to Council the details of Open House, which is scheduled for April 10 & 11. Open House is a great opportunity to display student work

to the larger community. Students can also volunteer and gain experience. He is looking for ideas to promote the event. If people have more questions/comments, please contact him via email - Openhouse@bcit.ca • Thomas T invites the student representative to attend the set and tech rep for each respective school for business. • Emily and Roan state that open house is left to the students and there is a lack of support from faculty. Students are not buying into getting involved. • Irina states that there is no consistency between schools/programs. She recommends that the open house committee uses the Link newspaper and website. • Thomas N. recommends the use of targeted emails highlighting specific benefits to various programs. • Todd and Josh inquire about resources available for external advertising. • Angela suggests that faculty distribute a sign-up sheet. It helps solidify students’ involvement. • Roan inquires about advertising done on campus. He has not seen anything. The student rep states that it is up to faculty to invite student to participate. • Irina states that this event should not be mixed up with career fair. Open house is used to advertise the institute. • Todd wants to know if faculty are been involved. Future students may be interested in meeting faculty prior to making their decision. 11.5. Executive Progress Report • Brenda requires students’ input on Policy 5002. • Jennette: o Two teams are participating in the election voter media, and the sponsor of the contest has removed himself from funding. o The Pub is closed on Saturday and Sunday due to management change. o Councillors are asked to read over the vision statement. It will be discussed at the next meeting. • Irina has delivered the new to Cystic Fibrosis. • Chris is still working on the Councillor package. He is receiving good input from everyone. • Roan is still working on the student workshops. He might have some issues to deal with prior to implementing them in September 2008. • Doug will be meeting with director to deal with service • Emily o Crash course cooking is starting this week. o Cheap tickets will be available at the U-connect by Friday for $8.00 o Set and tech rep meeting turn out low but effective • Thomas T. announces the set and tech rep committee for tonight. • Leanne o Attended a conference on Sustainable Campus. o Selling valentine candy-o-grams – and looking volunteers to sell for $2.00 • Thomas N. announces the “Fall in Love with Wine” wine tasting and info session the cost is $20 (4:00-6:00) 11.6. Councillors’ Open Forum • Billy would like to organize a SA sun run team. Registration fee is $40. Registration is opened to all.

• Josh would like to organize a penny drive, for any cause. Some ideas, Irina would like to meet with him. • Simon would like to know about why the water in water fountain – SW1 2 & 3 floors water is warm, cloudy, and white. Alec announces that the cloudiness is a result of chlorination. 11.7. Question Period • Irina has some concerns about students having the responsibility to elect Set & Tech Rep. Thomas cannot guarantee that students will do it, thus set reps may not be elected. If left to faculty, fears that they will not do it. • Billy announces that the food at the pub is better. Caroline updates Council about the change in the pub. • Thomas T. – what is the status of Cystic Fibrosis? Irina states that in the future, fundraising will go to another charity. A survey is opened to all students to discuss this issue. This decision of changing charity was made by last year Executives. They found that students do not relate to the charity thus the low participation. 11.8.

Unfinished Business

11.8. 1 Murals No updates 11.8.2 Pub Food Open Window Put on hold until the pub is being reorganized. 11.8.3 Ice on Campus Ground BCITSA received a replied from BCIT facilities. They are doing their best to maintain campus safe. 11.3.4 SW 5 Air Quality Still no answer 11.9.

New Business

11.9.1 My.BCIT Student Associations Roan presents the new way for students to access the BCITSA website through my.bcit. The challenge will get students to sign on 11.9.2. School of Business Councillor Thomas T announces that a new School of Business Councillor needs to be hired. Resumes are accepted until Friday. 11.9.3 ACE BCIT to SIFE

Motion: Be it resolved that ACE BCIT now be knows as SIFE (Student in Free Enterprise). Moved by: Thomas Trowbridge Seconded by: Leanne Atienza 22/0/0 Carried 11.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 29, 2008 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 11.11. Meeting adjourned It was moved Chris Holdgate and seconded by Josh Smith that the meeting be adjourned at 6:30pm. Carried

Council Meeting Agenda Monday February 11, 2008 5:45-7:30pm 10.1

Meeting Called to Order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from January 28, 2008


Guest Speakers: 11.4.1 BCIT Open House Student Reps


Executive Progress Report


Councilors’ Open Forum


Question Period


Unfinished Businesses: 11.8.1 Murals 11.8.2 Pub Fast Food Open Window 11.8.3 Ice on Campus Grounds 11.8.4 SW 1 Air Quality


New Businesses: 11.9.1

10.10 Next Meeting: Monday February 25, 2008- 5:45pm 10.11 Meeting Adjourned


Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


September 17, 2007

Education Council

Trying to get a VP Student Affairs as a voting member on Education Council. Met with chair to review student code of conduct policy. Still seeking input to policy 5002. Need input on final exam structure here at BCIT

October 01, 2007



October 01, 2007

Coaching/Feedback sessions

New month

October 15, 2007

Board of Governors

October 22nd, 2007

Alumni Association Meeting


Brenda Brenda Brenda


The new President of BCIT was announced three weeks ago in a press release on the BCIT website; press release is available at http://www.bcit.ca/news/releases/newsrelease01240800000001.shtml Attended Schmoozapoolza on Wednesday February the 6th, 2008 at the Westin Bayshore downtown. The event was very well organized, and it was nice to see business students and industry enjoying themselves in a fun, warm, environment. Next meeting is Wednesday February 20th

Jennette September

Daycare Service

The report is being edited and will be ready in March.

Jennette September

Monthly SA Projections


Elections Committee


SE 40 Renovation


Business Committee


Councillor Accountability


Ongoing Two participants for the Voter-media contest. SA Candidates package is being completed. Dates for elections are set.

Jennette Renovation plans coming by February

Jennette Problems, suggestions, and solutions have been identified.

Jennette Chairs are taking action.


“To unite the students of today into a strong and vibrant community while providing them with the best possible services to aid them in their success.”


Vision Statement


Part-Time Student Representation Task Force


Shinerama 2007 Campaign

No progress “Bad news” to be delivered


The BCIT Annual Charity Campaign

In progress Scott revises the surveys, working on the surveys promotion

October 30, 2007

Increasing awareness of SA: Building value in SA e-mails (Uconnect letter about events Æ changed to the updates in the Link (paper version and online )

Working on detail of the process Requested updates from executives

January 22, 2008

Election committee

Discussed ways to attract School of Media students to promote the SA elections

February 1, 2008

Business committee

Discussed the Pub operations


Set and Tech Reps

Holding Set and Tech Rep meetings first Wednesday every month. Will be inviting councillors to next meetings.


Extended access Study Room

Will keep updating


Councillor package

Met with a few councillors and went over the document. Good feedback.

August 24, 2007

Computer workshops

Discussed workshops with Kathy Musial, Learning Commons Coordinator. Outcome: need more research and detail in registration process and scheduling.

August 24, 2007

Integration of BCITSA with my.bcit.ca

Complete! ‘BCITSA News’ channel now fully functional on myBCIT.

Jennette Irina Irina Irina


Addition to Bylaws is being worded.

Irina Chris Chris Chris Roan


Roan December 4, 2007

Computer Systems Open House 2008

Recruiting volunteers. Generating ideas for exhibition booths and organizing registration process.

September 2007


3 councillors have been appointed for my school, still need 2

October 2007

SW3 Balconies


February 2008

Business Committee

Business Committee Meeting #3 Update - Pub

Jan 25

Councillors Package

Meeting set up for week of Feb 11 - 15.

Crash Course Cooking

Looking for quality student chief to champion the project.

Annual Charity Event

In progress

Doug Doug Doug Emily Emily

Jan 25

Emily Jan 25 Emily

Jan 30



Cheaper Movie tickets have been approved for BCITSA. Student will be able to purchase the tickets at the U-connect. The tickets will be about $8 each. Love Lounge being put in place at the Great Hall on Feb 14. There will be information on HPV and other STI as well as booth with speciality items. There is talks about selling chocolate Vajj’s to raise money for a women’s shelter.

Jan 31

Objective: Awareness of Communicable Disease

Feb 6

Set and Tech Rep

Tech rep meeting with the Dean of Health Science.

Service Committee

Been approved for BC Sustainable Campus Conference in Kamloops that on Feb 8-9.

November 26

Set and Tech Rep Committee meeting


December 08

Student Entrepreneur Program

Have spoken with Ace. Postponed.

Emily Emily

Feb 8

Thomas T Thomas T

Thomas T November 24

Set and Tech Rep roles and responsibility document

In progress

February 4

Set and Tech Meeting

Jan. 30th Update


Promotion of UConnect


Environmental Committee Green Initiatives


Evaluation of The Link

September 13, 2007

Orientation Day Final Write up

October 22, 2007

Clubs Package

Feb 6, 2008

Fall in Love with Wine

Thomas T Leanne



• • • • • •

Final version of UConnect promotional sticker ready to print Scavenger hunt ideas will be going to Services Committee Possible valentine’s day candy-o-grams this week Re-birth of ‘Green Column’ in The Link in progress Waiting on Cindy MacIntosh’s decision for new recycling bins Planning compost pilot project on residence (Billy Moore)

Survey ideas with Irina in progress

Thomas N. Thomas N.

The initial stages of the write up are underway. Completed and under revisions. Estimate that by January we should have a fully functional document.

Thomas N. SA Wine tasting event and info session!

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