12 Minutes_Mar _21_05

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Council Meeting March 21, 2005 Executives:

Erin Smith, President Ashley Steier, VP Finances & Administration Karen Leung, VP Public Relations & Marketing Susie Da Silva, VP of Student Affairs Sarah Ellis, VP Campus Life Navdeep Manchanda, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Misaki Kobayashi, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Fred Haiderzada, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Shannon Roberts, Health Sciences Chair


Caroline Gagnon, Director


Amy McLaughlin Katharine Scotton Peter Kapela Margareta Swacryndon Julia Johnston Farzan Almamooqi Megan Chambers Heather Thompson Raj Dhillon Ian Sanderson Simon Parada

Lee-Ann Banfield Paolo Alonzo Robert Yuen Tara Perret Randy Cavanagh Kayla Read Damien Dilbert Rosalind Enktaiva Phil Stringer Caitlyn Corrigal


Glen Magel

Grace Budiono


Jennifer Leaman Jonathan Vanderheyden

Robert Scales, Business Chair

12.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Erin Smith, at 5:45 pm. (29 voting members) 12.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be accepted with the following changes: 12.9.2 New pub patio infrastructure Carried 12.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from February 28, 2005 It was moved by Misaki Kobayashi and seconded by Sarah Ellis that the minutes of Feb 28, 2005 be accepted as distributed. Carried

12.4. Guest Speakers Glen Magel, Director of Parking and Security: Glen was invited to answer questions about Parking. Glen goes over the changes that have happened on Campus with regard to parking issues. The parking department have identified two areas that needed the most update: additional students and customers parking. They also want to improve older parking ticket dispenser and additional pay per stall parking. This new service will be available in May. This new web base service will allow students to pay for the time in school and not by month, facilitating the issue for trade students. This option will be available to all campuses. This will also eliminate time spent at the cashiers. Erin inquires about the cost. Weekly cost will be $15.00/week, plus additional administration fee of $0.75 per transaction. Students can register up to 16 weeks. The system will not be able to change the plate number of your car. Susie invites Glen to elaborate on the safety aspect of parking. Glen states the difficulty facing this issue. Some initiatives, such as information ticketing, have been implemented. BCIT is working with ICBC, by adding bike patrol guard, and bait program. Questions: Amy would like to know about how web tickets will be controlled. Magel informs that guards will have a live hand held system. Councillor would like to know if some parking lots are worst than others with regard to theft. And are cameras being looked at? Magel states that there is not parking lot worst than the other. Magel confirms that some have already been installed. But given the cost, the acquisition of more cameras will be done over time. Catherine would like to know the benefits of pay by stall. Magel confirms that students won’t need to go back to their car, and also reduce the theft of parking passes. Erin states that some students have received a ticket from walking to the dispenser and registering. The company stated that there is a delay of 30 minutes. Magel will look into this issue. Sarah would like to know about the steering wheels lock program. Magel confirms that the program is ongoing. Shannon would like to know about people that have two cars and carpool. The web base will not allow that, however other options, such as pay per stall will be available for these clients. If others have questions, please forward them to Susie. 12.5

General Reports Executives & Director • Ashley informs the Council about the BCIT Scholarship programs. Please distribute the information. • Erin informs that set photos will not be in conjunction with the election this year. SA will only be marketing them. Photo sessions will be from March 30 and April 8. Set reps can register at the U-connect Centre. Information went out on the list serve and also on the web. • To increase the interest for new candidates to run in the election, there will and open house session on April 6 in the Council Chamber. Food and refreshment will be provided. There is a need for approximately 60 polling clerks during the election. Please pass on the information.

12.6 Progress Report See attached. 12.7. Questions Period (5 min.) Sarah would like to know about the rumour that the International School was closed. Erin confirms that some employees moved on due to a restructuring. Councillors would like to know about the polling clerk scheduled. Erin goes over the schedule and location of the polling stations. Volunteers can volunteer as little as one hour. What about the possibility of double voting if two lists are available? Erin confirms that the ballots will be numbered, so the CRO can eliminate one or both votes if students are fraudulent. 12.8 Unfinished Business No unfinished business. 12.9. New Business 12.9.1. Purchasing of Microwaves Fred informs that 5 microwaves will be purchased. BCIT is looking at the circuitry surrounding the proposed locations. Erin states that the money will come from a $5000 annual account that was set out as a follow up to the ATM going back directly to the student membership. A sponsorship letter has been sent to the microwave supplier, and response is pending. BCIT is looking at having the cleaning of the microwaves done by their custodian contract. 12.9.2 Pub Patio Infrastructure Erin explains the reasoning behind the need to changes the infrastructure of the pub patio. Motion: Be it resolved that the BCITSA upgrades the patio at Professor Mugs Pub at a cost of $10,000. Moved by: Ashley Steier Seconded by: Fred Haiderzada 28/0/1 Carried Question: Councillors have some issues about the style of enclosure; about the ability to clean it; replacement if vandalised; and air flow. Erin will pass on these concerns. 12.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for April 11, 2005 at 5:45pm. 12.11. Meeting Adjourned It was moved by Shannon Roberts and seconded by Sarah Ellis that the meeting be adjourned. (7:04 pm) Carried

BCIT Student Association MONDAY, March 21, 2005 AGENDA


Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from February 28, 2005


Guest Speakers: Glen Magel, Safety and Security


General Reports: Executive


Progress Reports


Question Period


Unfinished Business 12.8.1. 12.8.2. 12.8.3.


New Business 12.9.1. Purchasing of Microwaves 12.9.2. 12.9.3.

12.10. Next Meeting – April 11, 2005 12.11. Meeting adjourned


Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue



March, 2005

Industry Night Event will be on April 11


March, 2005

Met with CIPS executives about the Industry Night Event



March, 2005

Wrote a follow-up letter to Dunlevy Food Equipment’s President



March 16, 2005

Tobacco control strategy


March 1, 2005

Tech rep meeting


March 1, 2005

Clothing Drive


March 6, 2005

Drafting tables


Marc. 3, 2005

Election Committee meeting


March 22, 2005

New Councillor


October, 2004

Business Committee


September, 2004

Bridge the Gap


February, 2005

Elections Committee

Work in progress

Meeting to discuss focus groups I had a meeting. I had interview with BCIT journalism students, and went over this project plan. BCIT students are noticing the posters and brought in some old clothing. The Dean of Architectural and Building Engineering ordered new stools and their maintenance person completed repair run over the spring break period We had meeting 2 new Councillors Will be meeting soon this month.

Will be meeting w/ Scott to finalize all plans. Making arrangements w/ Fiona & Tasso. Meeting w/ Michael to make arrangements & decisions re: decorations.



February, 2005

Rec Council


November 18, 2004

Sea Island Campus


January 8, 2005

Admin issues/contract renewal


February, 2005

Health & Dental


February, 2005

Health & Dental (2)


March 1, 2005

Student Initiative Fund - Funding


July 2004



September 2004

Child Care Facilities


January, 2005

Elections Committee


March, 2005

Meeting with Registrar


March, 2005

Health & Dental


February, 2005

Professor Mugs Pub

Meeting this Tuesday. Will bring all updates to next meeting. Working with Controller to analyze their financial situation. Planning a trip to meet their representatives. Working with lawyers to finalize a contract renewal. Meeting TBA for the week after Easter. Met with a representative from the Kwantlen Student Association. We are looking into setting up a meeting with the UBC Alma Mater Society (SA) to address the issue of exclusivity of student discounts. Currently working with three groups who are in need of funding for various projects and initiatives. Reviewing existing contacts with BCIT & BCITSA. Met with Lawyers. Compiling binder of existing contracts. Next meeting for April 18. The BCITSA will make a joint statement with the FSA to the Board of Governors May 18, 2005. This has been re-scheduled again. Nomination form is available on web. Candidates package of information has been completed and will be sent to each Candidate once nominations forms have been submitted. Banners and posters have been created and placed throughout the campus. We need LOTS OF VOLUNTEERS for polling clerks and counters. Please see website for details. Met with Val Karpinsky regarding elections. There are also elections being run by BCIT at the same time as ours for student reps on both EdCo and the BOG. We are working together to promote these elections. BCIT has developed an on-line voting system this year for the student rep positions. If successful the would like to provide the BCITSA with this resource next year to use in our elections. Meeting with G&A to review and possibly renew out contract. Completed an appeals package and sent to all members of the BOG March 10. Upon review, the BOG passed a motion at the March 15th meeting that will allow the BCITSA to continue operations of the Pub and the suspension is lifter. There are a number of conditions that must be met during a 30 day period. The Pub should resume the sales of


liquor sometime during the week of March 21.


February, 2005



March 2005

Student Complaints


March 2005

Set/Tech Rep Meeting


February 2005

Degree Name Change


February 2005

Tuition Practicum












Policy 5002


October 2004

Marketing Committee


February 2005

Elections Committee


January 2005

Shinerama 2005

Spoken with Bob and Tina from the Campus CafĂŠ in SE12 about the completely broken microwave their. The need to replace this machine is immediate. We will ask Council approve the replacement of this microwave and purchase four additional microwaves. Still currently seeking sponsorship of 6-8 microwaves from Dunlevey. Have received some complaints from students regarding the restructuring of the Cashier/Registrations/Administration area at SW1. The line-ups are way too long and inefficient. Will be addressing with BCIT Administration. Set for March 22, 2005. Nursing degree name change application has been sent to Victoria. Composing a letter to send to EDCO about other programs that want the name change and reasons for wanting the change. Working with Susie to organize a meeting for students with questions about the new tuition for their practicum terms. -

Glen Magel will be attending the March 21st Council Meeting


Organizing meeting between Administration and health science student representatives


Package is ALMOST complete and will available on our website along with several accompanying documents.


Completed a review of the new policy, compared to the previous version. - Presented several questions and comments on it. - Deciding on ideas for fundraising for Student Assistance Fund - Developed website launch plan - Marketing Communications Plan developed - Met with Michael on sponsorship


Covered issues on course coordination, Digital Arts Admin issues, the strike, pub etc…


March 2, 2005

Rep Meting


March 7, 2005

Meeting with Digital Arts Associate Dean Laura Davie

A series of meetings with each program groups (Animation, Design Essentials and New Media), feedback sessions with students.


March 15, 2005

Digital Arts Industry Night

Working with the Administration for the preparation of the upcoming Industry Night coming May ?? (Date TBD)


March 18-20, 2005

New Media Slam

Participated in new media Slam with the BCIT New Media Team


March 23, 2005

Tech Rep Meeting

Meeting to be cancelled – Too many Reps can’t attend. To be rescheduled for March 30


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