12 MinutesExecutive February 25, 2008

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BCIT Student Association BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Monday, February 25 2008 Minutes Executives:

Brenda Corbett, President Jennette Leung, VP Finances & Administration Thomas Nguyen, VP Campus Life Christopher Peacock, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Thomas Trowbridge, Business Chair Roan Hidalgo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Emily Ho, Health Sciences Chair Leanne Atienza, VP of Student Affairs Doug Holdgate, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair


Neil Dorais Tod Fraser Katie Klassen Manjot Mattu Billy Moore Wendy Ngo Angela Meyer


Irina Osipova, VP Public Relations & Marketing Konstantin Kleiver


Eugene Park Arun Randhawa

Simon Woo Pulkit Jain Amrrish Mani Joshua Smith Jennah Stavroff Alec Lee

12.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Brenda Corbett, calls the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. (21 voting members). 12.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the following agenda be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Thomas Nguyen Seconded by: Wendy Ngo 21/0/0 Carried 12.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from February 11, 2008 Be it resolved that that the minutes from February 11, 2008 be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Thomas Nguyen Seconded by: Jennette Leung 20/0/0 Carried

12.4 Guest Speaker No guest speakers today.

12.5. Executive Progress Report • Brenda: o Sitting on the Education Council o Amending final exam schedules o Looking into changing the minimum one hour break from first exam to next o Some programs are running into issues with current schedule o Need help, feedback for what students want to see for exam schedule o Yet some schools need to get exams finished as quickly as possible since some schools are hard to schedule since it’s based off industry o One of the EdCo council members doesn’t see any problems with current schedule • Jennette o As presented • Irina o Completed survey finally o Want people to stand in booth for people to do survey o Meeting with Laurie Clark, will talk to her for next meeting o • Roan o As presented o Currently working with addressing difficulties with one CST instructor o Trying to rectify in meantime • Doug o Hiring new pub manager o Irina and himself sitting on committee o Jennette will send a message when complete o First Wednesday back, having set and tech rep meeting with Emily • Thomas Trowbridge o Katie Klassen replacing Aga Kahn as new council member for School of Business • Thomas N o As presented • Leanne o As presented 10.6. Councillors’ Open Forum • None 10.7. Question Period • Jennah– Why is the pub looking for a new pub manager? Jennette answers that pub manager was let go, looking for new manager. There are great changes happening and pub manager wasn’t making changes. Brenda adds it’s time to make a positive change at the pub and hopefully will be with new manager. • Roan-Wants to see a variety of hot dogs at the TNT (i.e. turkey or tofu dogs). Handed off to business committee • Josh-looked at new BCIT President’s background, feels economic background might cut back on school programs and feels his program in particular might get affected (Electrical computer tech)

Brenda answers if there are any issues, suggests Josh to sit on Board of Governors since budget comes from government of Ministry of Education. Adds if having trouble with equipment, bring it to council and will bring it to program head’s attention Roan- Any computer upgrades? Josh adds walking into computer labs, sees that a lot of funding goes to School of Business when he sees brand new Mac labs compared to his program Roan adds that if SW3, there are new upgrades coming this summer. Brenda asks Chris to look into this since this is his program and have the right as students to review budget. 12.8.

Unfinished Business 12.8.1 Murals Jennah felt like when it was presented, didn’t really get adequate feedback. Might take it somewhere else to find interest. Brenda to follow-up with Caroline and will look into it if there is a budget to proceed. Emily said we have to establish it as Council before Jennah should pursue. Emily motions, seconded by Josh. Moved by: Emily Ho Seconded by: Joshua Smith 18/3/0 Carried 12.8.2 Sun Run Billy has one response so far, Josh Smith. He’s looking for 10 more people. Will set up an account at the BCITSA office. Brenda asks if there is a student discount. Billy answers discount applies for elementary and high school students. Billy wrote an article for The Link and sent it to Irina to publish. Brenda will ask BCIT admin if they are interested in joining the Sun Run.


New Business 12.9.1 Vision Statement

Jennette motions: Be it resolved that the BCITSA adopts the following as a vision statement: “To unite the students… Brenda adds all executives had feedback and sent it to staff to analyze. Josh asks if this is open for BCITSA. Brenda responds yes. Josh adds thinks the vision statement is ‘drawn out’ and too long. Jennette adds that vision statements are supposed to be specific and inspiring and not necessarily will give executives a road. Brenda says this is how you would like to see students in 10 years. Thomas T motions to table the vision statement since it took too long for BCITSA executives to figure this out. Roan seconds motion. Moved by: Thomas T Seconded by: Roan Hidalgo 21/0/0 Carried

12.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 17, 2008 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber.

12.11. Meeting adjourned It was moved Emily Ho and seconded by Roan Hidalgo that the meeting be. Carried

Council Meeting Agenda Monday January 28, 2008 5:45-7:30pm 10.1

Meeting Called to Order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from January 14, 2008


Guest Speakers: 10.4.1 FMA Newly Elected Executives


Executive Progress Report


Councilors’ Open Forum


Question Period


Unfinished Businesses: 10.8.1


New Businesses: 10.9.1 Murals, Jennah Stavroff

10.10 Next Meeting: Monday February 11, 2008- 5:45pm 10.11 Meeting Adjourned


Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


September 17, 2007

Education Council

Meeting with a committee to analyze the final exam structure for all students across BCIT. Still seeking input to policy 5002. Reviewing a Student Code of Conduct plan from the Chair. Next Meeting on Weds.

October 01, 2007


Will be completed by end of January 2008

October 01, 2007

Coaching/Feedback sessions

Almost complete


Brenda Brenda Brenda

October 15, 2007

Board of Governors

October 22nd, 2007

Alumni Association Meeting


Jennette September

Daycare Service

The new President of BCIT was announced last week in a press release on the BCIT website. We as a student association look forward to working alongside with him, and we would like to recognize Verna Magee-Shepard for being instrumental in achieving a lot of our objectives as a student association this year, and working closely with us to address student issues. The press release is available at http://www.bcit.ca/news/releases/newsrelease01240800000001.shtml Schmoozapoolza will be held Wednesday February the 6th, 2008 at the Westin Bayshore downtown. Tickets are $20 for students More details to follow as it gets closer. They are currently working with the foundation to build higher endowments for students. SA will not pursue opening a daycare at this time due to low response rates from students, faculty, and staff. The report is being edited and will be ready in March.

Jennette September

Monthly SA Projections


Elections Committee


SE 40 Renovation


Ongoing Voter-media package has been posted and distributed. Posters up in broadcasting/new media buildings, e-mail sent out to tech reps.

Jennette Renovation plans coming by February


The kitchen supervisor is finally hired; this may include a menu revamping. Meeting has been arranged with the business committee


Business Committee


Councillor Accountability


Vision Statement


Part-Time Student Representation Task Force


Shinerama 2007 Campaign

Paid $4246.41 to CCFF “Bad news” to be delivered


The BCIT Annual Charity Campaign

In progress Revised surveys, waiting for feedback from Scott


Building Relationship with UBC and SFU

This objective has been taken away from the list of my objectives for the year

October 30, 2007

Increasing awareness of SA: Building value in SA e-mails (Uconnect letter about events Æ changed to the updates in the Link (paper version and online )

The process is set up Requested updates from executives No response

January 22, 2008

Election committee

Discussed ways to attract School of Media students to promote the SA elections


Set and Tech Reps

Putting together a package for Tech reps to hold own meetings. Have held meeting with Tech Reps and they all like the idea. Tech reps also have agreed to have their picture and information on a poster or even displayed in the Link.


Set and Tech Rep

Holding Tech Rep meetings first Wednesday every month.


Extended access Study Room

Will keep council updated with progress

Jennette Jennette

Jennette Irina Irina Irina Irina

Irina Chris

Excessive absence: Arun, Heidi, and Robby Committee: Manjot, Eugene, Arun, Robby, and Anmar The SA does not have a vision statement. The exec has brainstormed a vision statement that is currently being edited. The vision statement will be presented at next meeting. Meeting needs to be arranged.

Chris Chris

Chris November

Councillor Package

Emily and I have created a document outlining the roles and responsibilities of councillors. We will be circulating it and asking councillors on their input.

August 24, 2007

Computer workshops

Drafted a framework. Submitted a proposal to Kathy Musial, Director of Learning Commons. Will schedule a meet up this week.

August 24, 2007

Post grades online. Banner System.

No Progress. Considering of dropping.

August 24, 2007

Integration of BCITSA with my.bcit.ca

Discussed portal modification with Dave Creswell. Possible implementation of content management system via WordPress to update News Feed.

December 4, 2007

Computer Systems Open House 2008

Discussed various room set ups. Prizes and incentives for student project exhibitions. Need more volunteers.

September 2007


3 councillors have been appointed for my school, still need 2

January 2008

Set/Tech Rep Meeting

January 16, 2008 @ 2:30pm in the Council Chambers

October 2007

SW3 Balconies


Dec 10 – Jan 10

Set and Tech Rep

In progress

Dec 10 – Jan 10

Crash Course Cooking

Looking for a new chief to lead the cooking course.

Dec 10 – Jan 10

Service Committee

In progress

Dec 10 – Jan 10

Objective: Awareness of Communicable Disease

In talks about making it a bingo event.

Dec 10 – Jan 10

Annual Charity Event

In progress

Roan Roan Roan

Roan Doug Doug Doug Emily Emily Emily Emily


Emily Dec 10 – Jan 10

Cheap Movie tickets

In progress

November 26

Set and Tech Rep Committee meeting


December 08

Student Entrepreneur Program

Have spoken with Ace. Postponed.


Promotion of UConnect


Creation of Environmental SubCommittee

• Chaired 3rd Services Committee meeting Looking for grants and 3rd party funding for compost initiative on residence and recycling bins


Evaluation of The Link

No progress

September 13, 2007

Orientation Day Final Write up

January 8, 2008

Clubs Package

Thomas T Thomas T Leanne Leanne


Sent Scott edited sticker design – in production Scavenger Hunt ideas drafted and sent to Michelle

Thomas N. The initial stages of the write up are underway.

Thomas N. Currently being branded/Final edit

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