13 CouncilMeetingminutes March29-04

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BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Minutes March 29, 2004 Present: Executives:

Samantha Yeung, President Erin Smith, VP Finances & Administration George Nicolaou, VP Student Affairs Renee Geronimo, VP Public Relations & Marketing Elfina Luk, VP Campus Life Deep Thind, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Angelia Harris Gray, Business/ Health Chair Michael Klein, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Michael Kahn Mona David Tallis Stevenson Woon Manning Paul Condon Farzan Al Marzooqi Leon Farasati


Teddy Diress Matt Fitzmaurice Ariane Saunders Sarah Ellis Jag Uppal Owen Fu Jeanneth Jacome


Caroline Gagnon, Director Shea Dahl, Special Events Coordinator


Ashley Steier


Ben Lytwyn Nathan Mahan Aharon Arnstein

Brent Cote Bhu Bains

14.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Samantha Yeung, at 5:45. (21 voting members) 14.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved by Erin Smith and seconded by Renee Geronimo that the agenda of March 29, 2004 be accepted as presented. Carried 21/0/0 14.3. Acceptance of the Minutes It was moved by Deep Thind and seconded by Michael Klein that the minutes of March 1, 2004 be accepted as distributed. Carried 19/0/2 14.4. Guest Speakers Shae Dahl, SA Special Event Coordinator, introduces himself. He describes events that he has been working on; Mugs unplugged, Pepsi cash giveaway; a Pub Casino night. He will also bring other free events in the Great Hall by the end of the semester. The new 2004/05 calendar should be completed soon. If anyone has any ideas, please contact him directly.



Reports Executive & Director

Samantha Yeung, President • Working with Renee on the Daycare presentation to BOG March 30th meeting. It is important that people attend the meeting. • She announces that Anthony Vanderhook, Chair of Trades, is no longer with the SA. The position is now open. • She has been working on an Open House presentation. Erin Smith, VP Finances & Administration • Finishing up the logo. • Erin announces that some daycare petitions have still not been returned. Please return them ASAP as the numbers are needed for tomorrow. George Nicolaou, VP Student Affairs • Nothing to report. Elfina Luk, VP Campus Life • Still working on the climbing wall. • The Pub will host the Open House volunteer breakfast on Friday from 6:30 to 8:00 am. • Working on recruiting volunteers for 2004 Orientation and Shinerama. • Elfina mentioned the deadline for registration for the BCIT 15th annual Quintatlon is approaching. This fun event is scheduled for April 28th. Registration forms can be picked up at the Recreation Services. Michael Klein, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair • Nothing to report. Deep Thind, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair • Nothing to report. Angelia Harris Gray, Business/ Health Chair • Julie Win, Councilor, had to resign. Leon Farasati will take over her duties. • Nomination forms for the elections are available until the end of the week. She will be looking for volunteers for the election. Please sign-in at the Main office. Renee Geronimo, Business/ Health Chair • Need some help to place Cut for the Cure posters. Four people are already registered, however more are needed. The event is scheduled for April 14th. Caroline Gagnon, Director • Finalized daycare proposal and distributed it to the BOG. • Working on various projects: 2004/05 budgets; ATM; logo; 2004/2005 Strategic Actions. • Caroline announces that the BOG had accepted the short term resolution to host the daycare service at the Willingdon church until June 2005, recognizing their legal obligation under the existing lease agreement. 14.6. Progress Report • No progress.


14.7. Question Period • Angela wants clarification on the BOG presentation. The meeting will be held at the International building (SE40) located behind the ICBC building. Please be there around 12:50pm. • Angela wants to know if alumni can volunteer at Orientation and Shinerama. Elfina confirms that all volunteers are welcomed. • Michael wants to know about the tuition increase. Sam informs that a proposal will presented to the BOG. Once the decision is passed, the SA will be informed. It is anticipated that the increase will be around 20%. 14.8. Unfinished Business No unfinished business 14.9.

New Business

14.9.1 Logo for the SA – Erin Erin explains that after asking for public opinion, these are the results: Logo 1 – 5 votes; logo 2 – 5votes; Logo 3 – 30 votes. Councilors and executives are asked to vote on the logo. The results are; Logo 1 – 4 votes; Logo 2 – 5 votes; Logo 3 – 12 votes. Motion: Be it resolved that the SA accepts the incorporation of a new logo number #3 as presented to Council on March 29th, 2004. Moved by: Erin 19/0/0 •

Smith Carried

Seconded by Angelia Harris Gray

Jeanneth wants to know the reasons for changing the logo. Erin explains that as part of the strategic plan, it was decided that the SA needed to update their corporate image. The existing logo has had many changes, so it was important to standardize our image.

14.10 Further Business No further business. 14.11. Next Meeting The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday April 13, 2004 at 5:45 pm, due to the Easter holiday. 14.12. Meeting adjourned It was moved by Deep Thind and seconded by Angelia Harris Gray that the meeting be adjourned. (6:20 pm). Carried


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