Council Meeting Monday, March 5, 2007 Minutes Executives:
Jennifer Leaman, President Todd Embley, VP Finances & Administration Thomas Trowbridge, VP of Student Affairs Rick Sandu, VP Campus Life Matt Chong, VP Public Relations & Marketing Scott Haller, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Ron Asperin, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Sukh Aujla, Business Chair Carlo Ocampo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Julia Cornester, Health Sciences Chair
Amanda Harris Zhasmina Mihova Matt Crawford Paul Matthews Shane Gilbertson Doug Holdgate Hyup Lee Yoojin Park
Sajan Zachariah Bryson Norrish Arun Randhawa Allan Olson Marlina Kinnersley Jennette Leung Brenda Corbett Rahil Lalani
Caroline Gagnon, Director
Geoff Gauthier, Editor
Tod Fraser
Pankaj Garg
13.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Jennifer Leaman, calls the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. (24 voting members). 13.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be approved with the following addition: 13.4 Guest Speakers – Gordon – BOG student representative Moved by: Ron Asperin Seconded by: Carlo Ocampo 22/2/0 Carried 13.3 Acceptance of the Minutes from February 19, 2007 It was moved that the minutes from February 19, 2007 be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Sukh Aujla Seconded by: Julia Cornerster 24/0/0 Carried 13.4
Guest Speakers • Gordon informs Council about the role of student representative on Board of Governors. BOG looks at big pictures and not day-to-day, where the school should be positioned in the future. If the referendum goes through, Gord hopes that the president treats this position seriously, as he does. Meetings are held every second month for one full-day, in addition to the in-camera
meetings. There is a lot of work/research behind each decision. Gord looks forward to the changes. 13.5
General Reports: Executive Nothing to report
Progress Reports As presented. • Julia announces that after a long meeting with City Hall, they have agreed to change signalisation on corner of Goard Way and Wellingdon. People will only be able to turn left on green arrow, and not on green regular lights. Last year 58 accidents occurred 8 serious, and 4 deaths. The changes should be made by the end of May. • Matt scheduled the Cut for the Cure event for the first week of April. Packages will be available soon. • Jennifer invites other students to participate in the Food Committee as they address issues, which primarily affect students.
Question Period • Shane to Ron - How long will the clothes run for? Until the end of the school year. • Bryson to Julia – What is the timeframe for the light change? It should be installed by the end of May. • Bryson to Ron – Is there any advertising for clothing run? It is in is office and should be out this week. • Bryson to Scott – What have you been working on? The focus has to find a Councillor. • Jasmine would like some update about the 24/7 room as they have been kicked out of the library. Jen will look into making any exception during the exam period. There has not been any update from the BCIT administration about the 24/7 room. • Carlo to Julia – How come school interpret policy 5002 differently? Faculty members have taken the policy and amended it, thus the discrepancies between schools. • Amanda to Todd – Is there any promotional information that is available for the election. We do not have any flyers or pamphlet at this time. Info can be found on the website. • Jennette – If clubs lapse, where does the money go? Jennifer affirm that the money would stay in the bank account. After some time, the issue would be brought to Council for discussion. However, if the money is a non-SA bank, there is nothing that can be done. • Jennifer updates that EdCo is looking at policy 5002. Some schools, such as Health Sciences, have asked for exception from this policy. • Thomas would like to thank Julia for her work on the light issue. • Emily suggests that we use the washroom posters to advertise the election. Thomas support that some SA funds be used for that purpose.
Unfinished Business No unfinished business
New Business 13.9.1. Special General Meeting After receiving the signature of 30 students and approval from Council, the Chairperson, Jennifer Leaman, calls a special general meeting for Monday, April 26, 2007 at 5:30pm in the Council Chamber. This meeting is open to all members and will only address the update of the Constitution and Bylaws. 13.9.2 Services Committee Rick informs that the Services Committee is looking for another member following Thomas appointment to the VP Student Affairs position. The meetings are held after every Council Meeting. Motion: Be it resolved that Brenda Corbett be appointed to the Services Committee effective immediately. Moved by: Rick Sandhu Seconded by: Julia Cornerster 26/0/0 Carried Motion: Call the question. Moved by: Julia Cornerster 26/0/0 13.9.3 Auditor Committee Todd explains that the task of choosing an auditor firm be moved to the Business Committee, thus no longer needing an audit committee. Motion: Be it resolved that the Audit Committee be dissolved effective immediately. Moved by: Todd Embley Seconded by: Carlo Ocampo 26/0/0
13.10 Next Meeting – March 19, 2007 Next meeting is scheduled for March 19, 2007 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 13.11 Meeting adjourned It was moved Sukh Aujla and seconded by Matt Chong that the meeting be adjourned at 6:30pm. Carried
BCIT Student Association Monday March 5, 2007 AGENDA
Meeting called to order
Acceptance of the Agenda
13.3.1 Acceptance of the Minutes 12.3.1. Council, February 19, 2007 13.4.
Guest Speakers:
General Reports:
Progress Reports: Executive
Question Period
Unfinished Business 13.8.1.
New Business 13.9.1 Special General Meeting 13.9.2 Services Committee 13.9.3 Auditor Committee
13.10. Next Meeting – March 19, 2007 13.11. Meeting adjourned
Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
Meeting with club executives
Expected date, March 30th 2007
Promoting Advocacy office
Met with Residence advisors Feb. 27, 2007
New clubs (FMA)
Feb. 28, 07 funds made available
Meeting with Set Reps and Tech Reps
Trying to make contact with more set reps from Med Rad, Biomedical Engineering and Sonography
Smoking Cessation Program
Health Canada would like to meet and discuss future initiatives with me and Ron
Student concerns
Speaking to students as needed
Shinerama Committee
Following up with Matt
Goard Way Intersection
Contacted Burnaby Engineering Dept and was referred to City of Burnaby Traffic Division. Waiting to hear back about stats at the intersection
Women’s Sauna Issue
Planning a meeting/ Looked up Health Policy for Burnaby
February 1, 2007
Uconnect clothing drive
February 25, 2007
Making contact with potential vendors/NGO.
February 25, 2007
Smoking Cessation Strategies
Set up meeting with Dr. Tara Ney to discuss their objective to shift the smoking culture in which trades school students anticipate working when they become trades workers.
Ron February 21, 2007
Cancelled Programs
Approached by some students with concerns with the closure of their programs. Asked Sukh and Maria (Uconnect/Advocacy) to attend Residence Advisor meeting to promote event and further develop ideas
Sept 5 , 2007
Create a nutrition program that helps students eat and cook well on a strict time & $ budget
Meeting was a success. Residence is very much on-board and excited with the event Still working on recipes and a rough budget Having frequent meetings with Maria and other event supporters .
Rick Rick
Held Second services committee meeting. Bryson will report on the progress.
Feb 5th, 2007
Services committee
Feb 21st, 2007
BCIT Executive meeting
Cut for the Cure
Contacted BC Cancer Foundation and Registered event
20013/2008 SA Handbook
Sitting in on planning for next year
Business Committee
Had a meeting regarding Audits and other issues
Shinerama Committee
Had first meeting with committee members
Shinerama 20013
Starting a steering committee with BCIT Stakeholders
Contracts and Vending
Attended meeting with the BCIT Institution Executives
Matt Matt Matt Matt Matt Jen
Helping Thomas get up to speed with Clubs. Met with FMA to help get them started and also have meet with individuals from clubs to deal with certain issues. Started to sit up meetings with every executive to provide some performance management and coaching. We have been trying to refocus and get everyone working on projects so they will be able to meet their objectives. Meet last week. We only a have a couple of sticking points and we hope to wrap everything soon so the next President won’t have to be doing this. Still in meetings for the Beverage contracts. Next meeting is later this month.
The other week Todd and I went to a food services committee to discuss the potential of food services at the campus in the future. While most of the meeting is confidential, Todd asked if more students could come to this meeting. If anyone is interested in going, the next meeting is on Wednesday at 12:30 to 1:30. Please see me for more information. This issue was brought up at our last executive and administration meeting. We felt that students were given little notification when their tuition was due in January. The administration acknowledges that the communication needs to be improved. Some suggestions that they have come up with are • Put a notice out on the Check your Grade page on the web. • Send an email to all returning students via MyBCIT. • Put a notice out on the MyBCIT website. • Consider putting a notice in the Link in late November, early December. If you have any other suggestions, I would like to hear from you. Please let me know.
Food Services Committee
Tuition Deadline
Met with the Alumni for the Board meeting. Scott Blythe showcased the Student Association.
Still helping Todd get prepared for the elections. Start to spread the word.
Met with Thomas a couple of times. Getting him up to speed on the VPSA position.
Jen Jen Jen Jen
February February Referendum
Working on getting the word out there that a referendum will be coming. Have interviewed with the Link and will also write an opinion piece from the Presidents’ perspective for the SA page. Looks very much like Chartwell’s is staying. I am on the Food Services committee now with Jennifer and met with faculty, staff and Compass group personnel at our first meeting. Lots of new fresh ideas coming to BCIT with major facelifts at all locations.
Sept 6th
Opening of the Fit Pit Juice Bar
Oct 12
Lounge Furniture
Nothing new to report.
Nov 9
Business Committee
Julia Boswell, stores manager, came to meeting and we discussed a new energy bar option as well as the coffee shop and TNT stores. Met again Thursday and discussed audit company change and committee directives.
Feb 14
Open house to be held on March 26 for all interested candidates. START SPREADING THE WORD!!
Todd Todd
Todd Feb 14
Wine Education Seminar
Liability issues too much regarding alcohol and will be abolishing the idea unless new info comes forward.
Test bank
All chairs now have a request letter they can give to their prospective program head. Making slow progress with faculty. Still to meet with faculty members Ongoing
Cut for the Cure
Date has been set for the second week after spring break this will give enough time for promotions and fundraising
Cooking Lesson
Met with resident advisors on Maquinna Residence to let them know about the event and get some feedback. Response was great and looks like there will be huge interest from residence. First cooking event is scheduled for the 25th March, recipes and finalised layout is still to be determined.
Sukh Sukh
Jan 07 Jan
SERVICES COMMITTEE PROGRESS REPORT Last updated: March 1, 2007 Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
Feb 19, 2007
Present: Rick, Thomas, Bryson Absent: Caroline, Emily
A focus group was held last year to determine what students thought about our services. The Services committee is using this information as a starting point to decide what actions we will be taking this year to improve services. Focus Group Review All committee members in attendance briefly reviewed the focus group information and came to the consensus that improving awareness of our services needs more attention than improving the services themselves
Progress reports Future meetings
Additional member required
All committee members were asked to review the Focus Group in full detail on their own time. A non-executive member of the services committee will report to council at every meeting on our committee’s progress. The services committee meets immediately after every council meeting The services committee needs to sign on 1 more council member. Thomas has left his seat open because he has moved over into Jason’s seat within the committee.