13 MinutesExecutive March 17, 2008

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BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 17, 2008 Executives:

Brenda Corbett, President Jennette Leung, VP Finances & Administration Irina Osipova, VP Public Relations & Marketing Leanne Atienza, VP Student Affairs Thomas Nguyen, VP Campus Life Christopher Peacock, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Thomas Trowbridge, Business Chair Roan Hidalgo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Emily Ho, Health Sciences Chair Doug Holdgate, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair


Angela Meyer Pulkit Jain Alec Lee Konstantin Kleiner Eugene Park Anmar Stephan-Tozy


Caroline Gagnon, Director


Billy Moore


Neil Dorais Arun Randhawa Tod Fraser Katie Klassen


Peter Orlaudi, Technology Teacher Education

Joshua Smith Simon Woo Wendy Ngo Jennah Stavroff Amrrish Mani

Heidi Barker Robby Basi

13.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Brenda Corbett, calls the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. (19 voting members). 13.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the following agenda be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Thomas N Seconded by: Chris Peacock 19/0/0 Carried 13.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from February 25, 2008 Be it resolved that that the minutes from February 25, 2008 be accepted with following changes: Review the spelling of the names Jennah & Katie Moved by: Thomas Trowbridge Seconded by: Chris Peacock 18/0/1 Carried

13. 4 Guest Speaker No guest speaker 13.5. Executive Progress Report • Jennette reminds Council that nominations are open until Tuesday March 25th. • Irina reminds people to complete the fundraising survey on the SA website. • Emily • Will hold a set & tech rep meeting this Wednesday at 2:45 • Caroline agreed to have a training session for councillors next year • Next crash course cooking will be on sushi • Leanne has difficulties reaching BCIT to discuss recycling bins. 13.6. Councillors’ Open Forum • Amrrish wants to know why students exempt from courses are still paying full fees. Brenda will inquire during the next administration meeting. Doug states that money is refunded and should contact program head for further information. 13.7. Question Period • Thomas T wants to know if an election information package could be available for set and tech reps. Jennette will sent a package to Chairs for their respective schools. • Wendy wants to know the status of the election contest. Jennette is aware of one team, and needs to contact the second one. • Thomas N. states that emails sent by BCIT are not effective, as students do not read them. • Thomas T would like to change the name of Zeljka at the end of the SA emails to SA. It is confusing to students as they do not know who Zeljka is. 13.8.

Unfinished Business

13.8.1 BCITSA Sun Run Team Due to the lack of interest, and past deadline, this initiative has been cancelled. If people are interested, they will need to register as individual. 13.8.2 Vision Statement Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA adopts the following as a vision statement: “To unite the students of today into a strong and vibrant community while providing them with the best possible services to aid them in their success”. Moved by: Jennette Leung Seconded by: Irina Osipova 20/0/0 Carried

Murals Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA supports pursuing murals on campus. Moved by: Thomas Trowbridge Seconded by: Emily Ho



Questions: • Following comments from students that the campus looks too much like an “institution”, murals were considered to beautify the campus. • A petition of 35 students demonstrated some interest. • Thomas T. would like to focus on internal mural. • Josh recommends that we go to BCIT with a plan. • Leanne recommends that the SA invest time to do the research before going to BCIT administration. • Thomas T recommends that SA pay for these murals. Motion: Call the Question Moved by: Doug Holdgate 15/0/4 Carried

Seconded by: Roan Hidalgo

Councillors would like to know how to pursue this issue. Motion: Be it resolved that a committee be struck to deal with the mural issue. Moved by: Roan Hidalgo Seconded by: Thomas Nguyen 18/0/1 Carried Committee members: Roan Hidalgo (Chair), Thomas Nguyen, Emily Ho, Jennah Stavroff, Joshua Smith, Thomas Trowbridge, Amrrish Mani. 18/0/1 13.9.

New Business

13.9.1 Referendum – VP Student Affairs Brenda proposes to Council that the VP Student Affairs be voted to the EdCo as a voting student representative. This initiative would bring more value to the committee, as student executives are more experienced. The existing students may not have the experience to truly represent students. Under the BCITSA by-laws (, it is the responsibility of the VP Student Affair to deal with student issues. A referendum would bring a question to student body. BCIT is supporting this idea. Motion: Be it resolved that the BCITSA conducts a referendum to ask the question: “Do you agree that by electing the BCITSA Vice-President Student Affairs each year that are also appointing the BCITSA Vice-President Student Affairs as one of the elected student representatives to sit on the BCIT Education Council for a period of one year?” Moved by: Jennette Leung Seconded by: Wendy Ngo 17/0/2 Carried Question:

• Roan would like to know why not President. Brenda feels that the president will remain as an ex-officio member. Further, it is a lot of work. The VP SA is better equipped and brings more value to the process. • Roan worries about the perception that SA looks “power hungry”. Brenda states that there are 4 representatives, so the vote would only represent 25% of student representation. • Emily- Are student representatives from the EdCo invited to attending SA Council? Yes, they are but can obligate them to attend. Motion: Call the Question Moved by: Thomas Trowbridge 15/0/4 Carried

Seconded by: Wendy Ngo

Thomas T states the importance of educating the students before asking them to vote. Information will be placed on our website. 13.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 07, 2008 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 13.11. Meeting adjourned It was moved Chris Holdgate and seconded by Emily Ho that the meeting be adjourned at 6:42pm. Carried

Council Meeting Agenda Monday March 17, 2008 5:45-7:30pm 10.1

Meeting Called to Order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from February 25, 2008


Guest Speakers:


Executive Progress Report


Councilors’ Open Forum


Question Period


Unfinished Businesses: 11.8.1 BCITSA Sun Run Team 11.8.2 Vision Statement 11.8.3


New Businesses: 11.9.1 Referendum-VP Student Affairs 11.9.2 11.9.3

10.10 Next Meeting: Monday April 07, 2008- 5:45pm 10.11 Meeting Adjourned


Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


September 17, 2007

Education Council

Under New business wants to seek approval for a referendum, to move the VP of Student Affairs as one of the voting student representatives on the Education Council.

October 01, 2007



October 01, 2007

Coaching/Feedback sessions


October 15, 2007

Board of Governors

Student Association will be making a presentation at the next board meeting tomorrow on March 18th, 2008

March 17th, 2008

Alumni Association Meeting

Golf Tournament will be put on by the Alumni Association July 15, 2008


Brenda Brenda Brenda Brenda Jennette September

Daycare Service

The report is being edited and will be ready in March.

Jennette September

Monthly SA Projections


Elections Committee


SE 40 Renovation


Business Committee


Councillor Accountability


Will be reported on today Nomination forms have been released and can be retrieved online or from the SA main office. Voter Media teams have launched their campaigns.

Jennette Jennette

Waiting on the renovation plans when Caroline gets back. Stephen Ferguson, Kitchen Supervisor is currently acting as Pub Manager until the role has been filled.

Jennette Chairs are taking action.


“To unite the students of today into a strong and vibrant community while providing them with the best possible services to aid them in their success.� Passing the vision statement today.


Vision Statement


Part-Time Student Representation Task Force


The BCIT Annual Charity Campaign

In progress Student survey is on-line

October 30, 2007

Increasing awareness of SA: Building value in SA e-mails

No action

January 22, 2008

Election committee

No action

February 1, 2008

Business committee

No action

February 17, 2008

The Alumni Golf Tournament

Deliver new to VP Development and the Alumni Association Director that students are not interested in the upcoming Golf Tournament in July 14, 2008 (in the proposed format)


The BCIT Annual Charity Campaign

In progress Student survey is on-line


Set and Tech Reps

Poor turn out on Wednesday the 5th due to final/midterms.


Extended access Study Room

Will keep updating


Councillor package

No progress (working on it after spring break)

August 24, 2007

Computer workshops

No progress.

December 4, 2007

Computer Systems Open House 2008

Currently accepting registrations. Placed in charge of Business/IT room.

Jennette Irina Irina

As presented.

Irina Irina Irina

Irina Chris Chris Chris Roan Roan

Roan February 22, 2008

CST Instructor Difficulties

Discussed issues with instructor. Problem has been rectified.

September 2007


3 councillors have been appointed for my school, still need 2

October 2007

SW3 Balconies


February 2008

Business Committee

No Update

February 2008

Set/Tech Rep Meeting

Set and Tech Rep Meeting on Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Feb 25

Set and Tech Rep

Combine Set and Tech Rep meeting with School of Transportation, Construction and the Environment. The meeting is on March 19, 2008. The Dean from the School of Health Science has cancel appearance. Meeting will be held in council chambers,

Feb 26

Councillors Package

Meeting with Chris to finalize the package.

Crash Course Cooking

Need feedback on when a better day to hold Crash Course Cooking.


Cheaper Movie tickets have arrived.

Service Committee

Nothing to report.

Feb 29

David Suzuki

Met with Mark Giltrow. Re-scheduling meeting with John English. Looking into proposal application.

November 26

Set and Tech Rep Committee meeting


November 24

Set and Tech Rep roles and responsibility document


Doug Doug Doug Doug Emily

Emily Emily Emily Emily

Feb 27 Feb 27 Feb27


Thomas T Thomas T

Leanne September

Promotion of UConnect

Scavenger hunt ideas gathering ideas from Services Committee


Environmental Committee Green Initiatives

• •

Waiting on Cindy MacIntosh’s decision for new recycling bins Planning compost pilot project on residence (Billy Moore)


Evaluation of The Link

Cancelled since focusing on promoting UConnect

September 13, 2007

Orientation Day Final Write up

October 22, 2007

Clubs Package

Feb 10, 2008

BCIT Online Clubs Community

Obtained access to an online community structure based out of Ontario. Will do testing on it ASAP.

Feb 28, 2008

Club Budgets In

Budgeting process will begin after spring break.

Leanne Leanne Thomas N. Thomas N. Thomas N.

The initial stages of the write up are underway. Completed and under revisions. Estimate that by January we should have a fully functional document.

Thomas N.

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