14 Minutes Executive - March 19 2007

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Council Meeting Monday, March 19, 2007 Minutes Executives:

Todd Embley, VP Finances & Administration Rick Sandu, VP Campus Life Matt Chong, VP Public Relations & Marketing Scott Haller, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Ron Asperin, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Carlo Ocampo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Julia Cornester, Health Sciences Chair


Zhasmina Mihova Matt Crawford Paul Matthews Shane Gilbertson Hyup Lee Yoojin Park Tod Fraser

Sajan Zachariah Bryson Norrish Allan Olson Marlina Kinnersley Jennette Leung Pankaj Garg


Caroline Gagnon, Director

Geoff Gauthier, Editor


Jennifer Leaman, President Thomas Trowbridge, VP of Student Affairs Sukh Aujla, Business Chair

Amanda Harris Doug Holdgate Arun Randhawa Brenda Corbett Rahil Lalani

14.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Todd Embley, calls the meeting to order at 5:48 pm. (20 voting members). 14.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be approved as distributed. Moved by: Matt Chong Seconded by: Ron Asperin 20/0/0 Carried 14.3 Acceptance of the Minutes from March 5, 2007 It was moved that the minutes from March 5, 2007 be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Rick Sandhu Seconded by: Carlo Ocamop 20/0/0 Carried 14.4 Guest Speakers No guest speakers 14.5

General Reports: Executive Nothing to report


Progress Reports As presented. • Todd announces that the health bars are available in the TNT stores. • Scott is still looking for a councillor. • Todd informs that Julia has scheduled a meeting with Jennifer, therefore Jennifer’s report should report accordingly. • Rick announces that the cooking lesson program is scheduled this Sunday at residence. Rick is also inviting Councillor to participate. Rick is looking for 3 volunteers to run the stations: Paul Matthews, Zhasmina Mihova • & Matt Crawford. • Julia received a confirmation from BCIT that policy 5002 overwrites other student documents that have used in the past. • Julia and Jennette are working on the steam room signage. • Carlo updates Council about the test bank. He is also working with BCIT to have the BCITSA icon on all BCIT computers.


Question Period • Ron – Todd. The information for the election found on the website is vague. Todd will double cheque the information. After viewing the website, Carlo and Scott confirm that the information is adequate and clear. • Emily – Julia: What is timeline about the steam room sanitation? Jenette confirms that BCIT scheduled renovations for this summer.


Unfinished Business No unfinished business


New Business No new business

14.10 Next Meeting – March 26, 2007 Next meeting, the Special General Geeting, is scheduled for March 26, 2007 at 5:30pm in the Council Chamber. 14.11 Meeting adjourned It was moved by Julia and seconded by Jasmine that the meeting be adjourned at 6:04pm. Carried

BCIT Student Association Monday, March 19, 2007 AGENDA


Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from March


Guest Speakers:


General Reports: Executive


Progress Reports


Question Period


Unfinished Business 14.8.1. 14.8.2. 14.8.3.


New Business 14.9.1. 14.9.2. 14.9.3.

14.10. Next Meeting – Special General Meeting & Open House – Monday, March 26 14.11. Meeting adjourned



Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue



Feb 21

Food Services Committee

Received the part-time studies survey results and reviewed them, hoping to increase night time and weekend availability of services. Look for the full time surveys in your inbox and encourage people to fill them out online.


March 5

Tax Receipts

Signing of tax receipts for tax filing


Nov 9

Business Committee


Feb 14



March 7

2007/2008 Budget


March 1, 2007

Uconnect clothing drive


March 10, 2007


Picked up new energy bar Elev8 Me! Bars now in SE2 and NE1 for a great price, $2.49, $.20 lower than Save-On. Received audit company quotes to review with committee. REMEMBER: Open house to be held on March 26 for all interested candidates. Try to encourage the first years to run and be involved, either as candidates, campaign managers or councillors. Been working on the 030 (GL for Executive) budget with Caroline. ongoing Agreed to be a judge for student projects. Attending EPIC The Sustainable Living Expo to approach possible NGO’s.



Cut for the Cure

Contacted BC Cancer Foundation and Registered event



2007/2008 SA Handbook

Sitting in on planning for next year



Community Volunteer Opportunities

Making a list of community organization and contacts



Shinerama Committee

Planning second meeting



Shinerama 2007

Starting a steering committee with BCIT Stakeholders


February 2007

“Townhall” Style Student Forum

Assist with the organization this forum that will allow students to meet with SA Executive and bring forward issues.


September 2006

Set / Tech Rep Meeting

Next meeting is scheduled for Wed. March 21, 2007 2:30 pm SA Council Chambers

Scott September 2006

Scott September 2006

24/7 lab room

Web Forum

BCIT has expressed a desire to create this area. At this point, they are looking to consult with various stakeholders (particularly on the tech and trades side) to complete a needs analysis. BCIT is hoping to have this completed by the end of this term. No expected date of completion of the full project at this time. This website is operational. There is some discussion regarding the usefulness of this forum. During the Exec. Retreat, a FAQ posting on the SA website may be a better option.

Jen September 2006

Contracts with BCIT

Jen February 2007

Meetings with Executives

February 2007

Food Services Committee


Still ongoing – hopefully we will be able to sign soon Have started to have one on one meetings with the executives. Have met so far with Todd, Matt, Rick, Carlo, and Sukh. Thomas is away for a couple of weeks and he has a scheduled a meeting. Still waiting to hear back from Ron, Julia, and Scott. Had another meeting with the committee. We reviewed the information that was collected from a part time students’ survey. Thanks Bryson for joining us. Next meeting is in April

Jen March 2007

Meeting with College and Institutes VPs/Deans/etc of Student Services

March 2007

Student Leadership Symposium

March 2007

Student Concerns


Went to a meeting with other student association’s representatives and VPs/Deans of Student Services. This was the first meeting and the purpose was to start some dialogue. It was established that we would meet more often and try to work together on some issues. Next meeting will either be in May or June, and I’m on the steering committee to help plan the next meeting. Went to one day symposium with Maria (BCITSA Student Advocate) to hear about student leadership. Different schools were there and it was interesting to see how they engage students and what they are doing to promote leadership. Gained some insight and was overall useful.

Jen Helping with student issues and concerns.

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