14 MinutesExecutive April 07,2008

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BCIT Student Association BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 7, 2008 Executives:

Brenda Corbett, President Jennette Leung, VP Finances & Administration Irina Osipova, VP Public Relations & Marketing Leanne Atienza, VP Student Affairs Thomas Nguyen, VP Campus Life Christopher Peacock, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Thomas Trowbridge, Business Chair Roan Hidalgo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Emily Ho, Health Sciences Chair Doug Holdgate, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair


Angela Meyer Pulkit Jain Alec Lee Konstantin Kleiner Neil Dorais Anmar Stephan-Tozy Katie Klassen Billy Moore


Caroline Gagnon, Director


Eugene Park Heidi Barker Robby Basi


Jared Easton, School of Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Hui Hang, Health Science Merima Kostecli, Health Science Angelo Muro, BCIT ELEX Set Rep

Joshua Smith Simon Woo Wendy Ngo Jennah Stavroff Amrrish Mani Tod Fraser Manjot Mattu Peter Orlandi

14.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Brenda Corbett, calls the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. (24 voting members). 14.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the following agenda be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Thomas Nguyen Seconded by: Irina Osipova 22/0/1 Carried 14.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from March 17, 2008 Be it resolved that that the minutes from March 17, 2008 be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Thomas Nguyen Seconded by: Thomas Trowbridge 22/0/2 Carried 14. 4

Guest Speaker

14.4.1 Operations Management – Neil & Todd Neil announces that the operations management program celebrate its 40th anniversary. The event ticket price is $50.00 for alumni, students, and professional. Because of the cost, they ere are having difficulties selling tickets. Therefore, they are looking for supports from SA around $1000 to $2000. They will be approaching the clubs committee through Thomas Nguyen. Initiatives such as bake sales and sponsorship are underway to reduce the ticket price. The event is scheduled for May 30th. Students can contact Todd directly for tickets at tfraser21@my.bcit.ca 14.5. Executive Progress Report • Jennette explains that the PCMA is out of the ad media competition promoting the election. They have not met all requirements. The real estate clubs is still in the running. • Irina: o Received complaints from international students and will bring these issues to the meeting with BCIT Administration o Goes over the findings from the fundraising event survey Received 100 responses Overall students believe that SA should offer a fundraising event that would be more locally focused. A new steering committee will be formed to discuss the framework about the new event. BCIT has confirmed their support for the event • Chris states that BCIT announced that extended hours will start shortly. Students, using their one card, will have access to a room in the Library until 3:00 am. • Roan: o Working on recruiting volunteers for Open House for the CST program o Working on a proposal for the mural project with Emily Carr • Doug is working on opening the SW3 balconies. • Emily o Samples Council about a potential guitar hero event at the pub o Reports that BCIT is looking at the air quality for SW5 • Thomas T announces that the Set & Tech representative proposal is almost completed. • Leanne is working on different initiatives to promote the Uconnect such as the “I belong” button and coffee mugs. • Thomas N. o The Clubs package is completed and will be available for new clubs in September o Working on the murals. 14.6. Councillors’ Open Forum • Angela inquires about the air quality for SW5, and if the test will be completed with or without students. Emily will find out. 14.7. Question Period • Irina mentions that they should look at the quality of the plastic if the Uconnect will provide coffee mugs to ensure the safety of the students. • Thomas T wants to ensure the SA is recognized for the efforts in getting the extended hours at the library.

• Charles asks about the prize for the clubs promoting the election. The price is $2000. The amount will be received only if they meet the criteria. Emily states that she has not seen any advertising for the election. 14.8.

Unfinished Business

14.8.1 Referendum Results Brenda announces that the referendum as passed however, it was poorly attended. Only 18 people voted which only represent 2/3 of Council. The results was 13 yes or 5 no. 14.9.

New Business

14.9.1 Pinball Machines Angelo presents to Council that some students are interested in having pinball machines in the pub. A meeting will be scheduled with Caroline. Caroline mentions the history of the arcade on campus. The average price is $5000, but there is a possibility of cost sharing. 14.9.2 BCIT Vanhoc Committee Brenda announces that Vanhoc has approached BCIT to inquire about BCIT’s plan during the 2010 Olympics. The committee is looking for student representatives. Joshua wants to know why this committee is needed. Caroline explains that Vanhoc has received the commitment from other institutions to cancel classes during the Olympics in order to remove cars from the road, and transit, or simply to encourage voluntarism. Doug and Jennette will sit on the committee. 14.14. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 21, 2008 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 14.11. Meeting adjourned It was moved Doug Holdgate and seconded by Leanne Atienza that the meeting be adjourned at 6:30pm. Carried

Council Meeting Agenda Monday April 07, 2008 5:45-7:30pm 14.1

Meeting Called to Order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from March 17, 2008


Guest Speakers: 14.4.1 Operations Management-Neil


Executive Progress Report


Councilors’ Open Forum


Question Period


Unfinished Businesses: 14.8.1 Referendum Results 14.8.2 14.8.3


New Businesses: 14.9.1 Pinball Machines 14.9.2 BCIT Vanhoc Committee 14.9.3

14.10 Next Meeting: Monday April 21, 2008- 5:45pm 14.11 Meeting Adjourned


Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


September 17, 2007

Education Council

Referendum results are in.

October 01, 2007



October 01, 2007

Coaching/Feedback sessions


October 15, 2007

Board of Governors

Presentation went well, Education session occurring on April 24th.

March 17th, 2008

Alumni Association Meeting

Golf Tournament will be put on by the Alumni Association July 15, 2008

Brenda Brenda Brenda Brenda Brenda Jennette September

Daycare Service

No progress made on report.

Jennette September

Monthly SA Projections

Jennette October

Elections Committee


SE 40 Renovation


Business Committee


Councillor Accountability

Waiting on report. Nominations for VP Finance and VP PR were extended. All dates for elections have been extended. Balloting is from April 11-18 and results will be announced April 18 at 5:30pm. Dates will be preset for next year and I will be working with the new VP Finance in developing a plan of action.

Jennette Waiting on the renovation plans when Caroline gets back.

Jennette No progress

Jennette Chairs are taking action.

Jennette Vision Statement


Part-Time Student Representation Task Force

The BCIT Annual Charity Campaign

Results are in.

The BCIT Annual Charity Campaign

Increasing awareness of SA: Building value in SA e-mails

April 17th is the last Link Issue. Executive will be providing summaries of their reports

Increasing awareness of SA: Building value in SA e-mails

Election committee

No action

Election committee

Business committee

No action

Business committee

International students integration

Working on the concerns that int. students have raised. Issue will be brought up to the BCIT Admin. attention

International students integration


Set and Tech Reps

Good turn out on Wednesday the 2nd, Councillors attended as well


Extended access Study Room

Will keep updating when info is available


Councillor package

Working over draft with Emily

August 24, 2007

Computer workshops

On Hiatus.

December 4, 2007

Computer Systems Open House 2008

Organizing event, operational issues. Recruiting volunteers for CST department.

Mar 6, 2008

Mural Committee

Established contact with Emily Carr. Good to go.

Jennette Irina Irina

Met with Scott (Outreach Manager) to develop a strategy to communicate the statement and incorporate it into SA operations.


No progress

Irina Irina Irina

Chris Chris Chris Roan Roan Roan

Doug September 2007


3 councillors have been appointed for my school, still need 2

October 2007

SW3 Balconies

Currently looking into possibility of opening for good weather months

February 2008

Business Committee

No update

Mar 5 - 31

Set and Tech Rep

Had set and tech rep meeting. Biggest turn out. Councillor has brought up Guitar Hero Event. That is being worked on by the events team. Schedule all upcoming set and tech rep meeting to keep everyone accountable. Next Set and Tech rep meeting on April 16. Please remind your Set and Tech reps.

Mar 22 - 31

Councillors Package

Sent out to Director, President and Chris. Feedback has been provided, the document needs further revisions.

Crash Course Cooking

Sushi making event. Went super well. 5 people attended. Join in on the next Crash Course Cooking next month. Stay tune.

Service Committee

Next meeting April 7.

David Suzuki

Nothing to report.

November 26

Set and Tech Rep Committee meeting


November 24

Set and Tech Rep roles and responsibility document

Review today

March 26

Set and Tech Rep meeting



Promotion of UConnect

Doug Doug Emily

Emily Emily Emily Emily

Mar 27 Mar 31 Mar 31

Thomas T Thomas T Thomas T Leanne

• •

Scavenger hunt ideas gathering ideas from Services Committee Drafting copy for “I belong” button campaign


• •

Waiting on Cindy MacIntosh’s decision for new recycling bins Planning compost pilot project on residence (Billy Moore)


Environmental Committee Green Initiatives

September 14, 2007

Orientation Day Final Write up

October 22, 2007

Clubs Package

Feb 14, 2008

BCIT Online Clubs Community

Obtained access to an online community structure based out of Ontario. Will do testing on it ASAP.

Feb 28, 2008

Club Budgets In

Budgeting process will begin after spring break.

April 5th, 2008

Mural Proposal

Proposal for the Mural Initiative almost completed

Thomas N. Thomas N. Thomas N.

The initial stages of the write up are underway. Completed and under revisions. Estimate that by January we should have a fully functional document.

Thomas N. Thomas N.

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