Council Meeting April 18, 2006 Executives:
Ashley M Steier, President Craig Hall, VP Finances & Administration Grace Budiono, VP Campus Life Andrea Charlton, VP Public Relations & Marketing Michael Louie, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Tara Parret, Transportation and Construction Chair
Lee-Ann Banfield, Megan Chambers, Jolene Versteeg, Tim Erickson, Phil Stringer Geoff Gauthier - Link
Christina Bell, Marlina Kinnersley, Matt Chong, Giancarlos Escalante, Amrit Dhaliwal, Adam King, Greg Hodson
Michael Miezlaiskis, Veronica Gutierrez, Kerri Parker, Becky Parker, Colin Waddell Todd Embley Tunde Gal Jennifer Leaman Fred Haiderzada Monica Pearson
Ricky Chang, Melissa Wycherley, Steph Johnson, John McLaughlin, Vanora Stowe Jenn Leaman Darren Vonic Jeff Piper Brenda Corbett
Staff Guests:
16.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, April 18, 2006, at 5:50 pm. (18 voting members) 16.2. Acceptance of the Agenda The agenda of April 3, 2006 was accepted as presented. Moved: Andrea Seconded: Grace 18/0/0 Carried 16.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from April 3rd, 2006 It was moved by and seconded by that the minutes of March 20,2006 be accepted as distributed. Moved: Andrea Seconded: Grace 18/0/0 Carried
New Business 16.4.1 Capital Budget Craig talking about the capital budget. Clarified that this was not the operational budget. Various items on the budget were covered in detail: Convert servers, upgrade hardware and ram and hardrives, switch to Outlook from Groupwise, change our peer tutoring database, improve computer system for our stores (hopefully be able to speed up customer help rate), move SA door, allow operations manager to be closer to the front, move advocacy office to where Link office is, move Link office to where Michael Van lane Is, spruce up image center, improve pub fence as planned last year.
Motion: Be it resolved that the BCITSA accepts the 2006/2007 Budget as submitted Moved by: Craig Hall Seconded by: Andrea Charlton 18/0/0 Carried 16.4.2 Elections Motion: Be it resolved that we accept the election results as presented Moved by: Craig Hall Seconded by: Andrea Charlton 17/0/0 Carried 16.5 Guest Speakers 16.5.1 Presentation by BCIT Tourism Association (Michael Miezlaiskis) Questions: Ashley asks what are the fees? Michael M. tells him that they are currently $5 but could be closer to $40 US if they join a larger federation. Adam ask if there are any associations within Canada that could do the equivalent? Michael M. lets him know that there is nothing in Canada. Christina asks when did this start? Michael M. lets her know it was about a month ago. Ashley asks if there are any teachers that want to step up and help? Michael M. mentions that Ros Casey is onboard as the teacher rep. Andrea asks if the Tourism Association can apply for funding this year? Ashley answers by saying yes, but there is no budget allotment anymore. However, rollover is June 1. 16.5. 16.6. 16.7
General Reports See attached general reports Progress Reports See attached progress reports Question Period Meghan asks what students should do when they leave their OneCard with AV and security asks her to produce her ID and prove shes a student? Ashley doesn’t know the answer but he will find out and get back to her.
16.8. Unfinished Business No unfinished business. 16.9. New Business 16.9.3 Sanctioning of the BCIT Tourism Association Motion: Be it resolved that the BCITSA sanction the BCITTA Moved by: Andrea Charlton Seconded: Grace Budiono 18/0/0 Carried 16.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for Monday May 1st, 2006 at 5:30pm. 16.11. Meeting Adjourned
It was moved by Andrea Charlton and seconded by Grace Budiono that the meeting be adjourned. (6:33 pm). Carried Andrea/Grace (17/0/0)