15 Minutes Executive - April 2 2007

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Council Meeting Monday, April 02, 2007 Minutes Executives:

Jennifer Leaman, President Todd Embley, VP Finances & Administration Rick Sandu, VP Campus Life Matt Chong, VP Public Relations & Marketing Thomas Trowbridge, VP of Student Affairs Ron Asperin, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Carlo Ocampo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Julia Cornester, Health Sciences Chair Sukh Aujla, Business Chair


Paul Matthews Shane Gilbertson Doug Holdgate Yoojin Park Sajan Zachariah Bryson Norrish Arun Randhawa

Allan Olson Marlina Kinnersley Jennette Leung Brenda Corbett Rahil Lalani Pankaj Garg Dimitrius Kavouras


Caroline Gagnon, Director

Geoff Gauthier, Editor


Scott Haller, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Amanda Harris Zhasmina Mihova

Matt Crawford Emily Ho Hyup Lee Tod Fraser

15.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Jennifer Leaman, calls the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. (20 voting members). 15.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be approved as distributed. Moved by: Julia Cornester Seconded by: Matt Chong 19/0/0 Carried 15.3 Acceptance of the Minutes from March 19, 2007 It was moved that the minutes from March 5, 2007 be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Todd Embley Seconded by: Thomas Trowbridge 19/0/0 Carried 15.4

Guest Speakers

15.4.1 Compass Group Presentation

Bob McKenzie, Executive Director Administrative Services for BCIT, explains that BCIT partnered with the Compass Group with regard to custodial, facility and food services. A BCIT food committee, composed of faculty and students, is looking more specifically at the food services. Gord fro the Compass Group, goes over the BCIT Food Service Plan. Tina Taylor, Food services Coordinator for BCIT, invites students to come to her if they have issues. • How many places will be upgraded? Over $1 million in renovations will be spent on renovating all location for the exception of ETC and Royal Oak. • How will they provide high-end items while keeping the value for students? Brands such as Tim Horton’s will be able to provide such service. • Jennifer mentions that students may not have the time to go for items all over. Gord explains that some core items (soup, sandwich) will be at all locations. • What will be happen with the space over at the gymnasium? BCIT will close what is there. They are looking at a smaller kiosk, instead of larger operation as the sales were low. • Julia when will the renovations happen? Campus Café will be the first location being renovated this summer, then the Rix. • Rahil asks more details about the survey. 250 students completed the survey. Another survey targeting part-time students was also administered. Jennifer recommends that survey be sent on-line because of the schedule of full-time students. • Rahil asks about extended time during exam time. Tim Horton’s is a flexible operation that can be open for extended period of time and remain efficient. 15.4.2 Rick – presentation Rick goes over the Food Program, which was a great success. 15.5

General Reports: Executive As presented.


Progress Reports As presented. • Carlo explains their mingler went very well, and that exam bank is coming up with some hurdles with the BCIT administration.


Question Period • Bryson to Jennifer – SIF falls under the student services. Jennifer states that the new fund is at the beginning stage, and she will let people know, when she has more details. • Jennifer to Matt - What is happening with the clubs. Thomas met with them today. Although only 4 clubs were present, it was a very good meeting. Issues such bylaws, budget were discussed. • Thomas to Matt – Are we changing the charity for Shinerama? We will be staying with Cystic Fibrosis in 2007.


Unfinished Business 15.8.1. Referendum results Jennifer states the results of the referendum to the question:

Do you agree that by electing the BCITSA President each year that you are also appointing the BCITSA President as one of two elected student representatives to sit on the BCIT Board of Governors for a period of one year? Yes 76 No 30 Motion: Be it resolved that the referendum results be ratified. Moved by: Carlo Ocampo Seconded by: Matt Chong 20/0/0 Carried 15.8.2. Special General Meeting Jennifer mentions that the amendment to the motion at last week Special General Meeting did not pass. Amendment Be it resolved that full-time and part-time students attending for an entire school year session. 23/12/4 Motion failed Todd reads a note from the lawyer:

“I confirm that section 23(1) of the Society Act states that a society may changes its bylaws by special resolution. A special resolution is defined in the Society Act (see attached definition), and requires the affirmative vote of not less than 75% of the members of the society present at the meeting. You have told me that in connection with the amended motion at issue (which was an amendment to the bylaws of the BCITSA) at the last special general meeting of the BCITSA, their were 39 members present, of which 23 voted in favour of the amended motion. Accordingly, the motion only passed by 59%. As such, the required 75% majority was not obtained. Therefore, notwithstanding that the chair of the meeting may have indicated that the motion had been carried, a special resolution (as defined in the Society Act) was not passed as is required to amend the bylaws. Given that the membership of the Society (or at least the members present at the last special general meeting) have been left with the impression that the motion to amend the bylaws was carried, it would be prudent for the BCITSA to now issue a written notice to the membership indicating what transpired at the last meeting and how the resolution did not pass by the 75% majority required under the Society Act and therefore is not effective.� - Jagdeep S. Shergill, LAWSON LUNDELL LLP, Barristers & Solicitors

Therefore, the special resolution is still outstanding and will be brought forward at the Special General Meeting scheduled for April 23, 2007. There will be a announcement in the Link with an apology from the Chair. Outstanding motion Be it resolved that all student executives must remain full time students as defined by BCIT for their term in office.

• Addition 4.2.12 Executives must remain full time students as defined by BCIT for their term in office. 15.9

New Business 15.9.1. Chair of School of Manufacturing, Electronics & Industrial Processes Jennifer announces that Scott Haller has resigned, and that he sent an email to all councillor and set rep. to inform of his resignation. Due to timeline, Jennifer proposes that a new Chair be elected tonight. Two candidates are interested in the position, and explain to Council why they should be elected for the position. Vote Results (secret ballot) Bryson Norrish Dimitrius Kavouras Abstention

17 1 1

Motion: Be it resolved that Bryson Norrish be elected as the new chair of School of Manufacturing, Electronics & Industrial Processes for the remainder of the term Moved by: Julia Cornerster Seconded by: Matt Chong 20/0/0 Carried 15.9.2. Special General Meeting Jennifer announces that she has received another request for a Special General Meeting from 32 people. The purpose is to add a councillor from Residence as one of the councillors that has to be hired every year, to ensure that there is representation from the residents. Motion: Be it resolved to have a Special General Meeting on April 23, 2007. Moved by: Thomas Trowbridge Seconded by: Todd Embley 17/1/1 Carried Special Resolution - Motions: BIRT that the following changes be made to the By-laws: Add - 3.2.2 Resident Student Councillor Change - 4.1.3 Provide direct communication between the Council and their respective Schools or Community Add - Solicit and appoint a Councillor from resident students, and submit the name of the Councillor to the Vice President Finance & Administration by the end of September. 15.10 Next Meeting – April 16, 2007 Next meeting is scheduled for April 16, 2007 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber.

15.11 Meeting adjourned It was moved by Julia Cornerster and seconded by Carlo Ocampo that the meeting be adjourned at 7:13pm. Carried

BCIT Student Association Monday, April 2, 2007 AGENDA


Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from March 19, 2007


Guest Speakers: 15.4.1 Compass Group presentation 15.4.2 Rick – presentation


General Reports: Executive


Progress Reports


Question Period


Unfinished Business 15.8.1. Referendum results 15.8.2. Special General Meeting 15.8.3.


New Business 15.9.1. Chair of School of Manufacturing, Electronics & Industrial Processes 15.9.2. Special General Meeting 15.9.3.

15.10. Next Meeting – Monday, April 16, 2007 15.11. Meeting adjourned

SA EXECUTIVE GENERAL REPORTS FOR MONDAY, APRIL 2, 2007 Jen - Here is an Al Gore event I am hosting with Van City and David Suzuki Fdtn in May, need to fill with 40 more TOP students from BCIT , are you interested in helping me fill the spots? I have attached more information in the email.


Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue




Meeting with Set Reps and Tech Reps

Holding Meetings






Student concerns

Speaking to students as needed



Shinerama Committee

Following up with Matt



Goard Way Intersection

Will follow up with City of Burnaby as needed



Women’s Sauna Issue

Planning a meeting/ Spoke to Burnaby Health Unit and got information




Gave nutrition talk with Rick at cooking event



10 000 Committee

Waiting to meet

Meeting with Admin and Dean regularly to establish uniform policy for school of health



Test bank

Working with Scott and Carlo. Faculty are very receptive of the idea. We just need to put a system in place of how the tests will be collected, approved and distributed. This system needs to be approved by faculty and then we can open the exam bank. Meeting with Scott Monday morning.

Searching for Councilor

Need one first year councillor. Anyone interested please send email chbs@bcitsa.ca

March Sukh Jan Sukh


Cooking Lesson


Grad Party

Event Held on Sunday 25th March, It was a sell out and was a lot of fun. Helped organise trivia, set up and run the event as a team leader. Feedback from the event was very positive and now exploring the possibility of holding another before the year is over because there was still a demand for tickets. Now working with AIM to plan a possible party for June after convocation. Now developing a survey to determine students needs and what is appropriate for the party. Pilot completed successfully Very positive initial response, lots of fun was had by all A survey has been sent out to determine how people feel on various topics surrounding the event.



Sept 5th, 2007

Feb 5th, 2007

Create a nutrition program that helps students eat and cook well on a strict time & $ budget

I would like to thank the following councillors for their part in the positive outcome of the event:

Services committee

Arun Randhawa Matt Crawford Paul Matthews Jasmina Mihova Sukh Aujla . Held 3rd services committee meeting. Emily will report on the progress.


I will be working with the President to help create templates and forms that will help future executives with project organization and successful utilization of the SA staff within their projects. Focus will now shift to recruiting volunteers for next years Orientation

March 29th, 2007

Organizational Templates

March 29th, 2007

Orientation Recruiting


Cut for the Cure


2007/2008 SA Handbook

Sitting in on planning for next year


Community Volunteer Opportunities

Making a list of community organization and contacts


Business Committee

Planning meeting to discuss audit company


Shinerama 2007

Started a plan to improve faculty involvement, Creating Sponsorship and Donation process Securing events for September Preparing succession package

September 2006

Contracts with BCIT

Still ongoing – hopefully we will be able to sign soon, nothing new to report

February 2007

Meetings with Executives

Have made appointments with or have meet with all executives.

March 2007

Student Initiative Fund

In the process of going over current applications. The fund has been changed starting April 1, 2007. Working with Caroline to decide how the fund will work in the future. We will keep you posted; this is in the early stages still. The fund is to help student for professional development outside of the class.

March 2007

Student Concerns

Working on issues that concern students.



100 volunteers are required All roles are defined and have training manuals to ensure a successful, fun event for volunteers April 18th, 2007 Online donating will be available This event will be in the great hall

Matt Matt Matt Matt

Jen Jen Jen


Todd Feb 21

Food Services Committee

No new news, next meeting on April 11th.

March 5

Tax Receipts

Signing of tax receipts for tax filing

Nov 9

Business Committee

Meeting after this meeting to choose Audit company. Anything you would like us to review please let me know.

Feb 14


Open House came and went. Small turnout. All candidates meeting April 13th.

March 7

2007/2008 Budget

Been working on the 030 (GL for Executive) budget with Caroline. Loss of cigarette sales, drop in student fees and projected decrease in soft drink negotiations have lowered overall budget.


Progress report

Forgot to attach it, but he did try to send it in on time

March 19, 2007


Present: Rick, Bryson, Emily, Caroline Absent: Thomas, Brenda

Todd Todd Todd Todd

Carlo Services Committee

Services Committee

A focus group was held last year to determine what students thought about our services.

Focus Group Review Continues

All committee members were asked to review the Focus Group notes in full detail on their own time – this was done Further Discussions of the Focus Group notes took place The group is concentrating on identifying better ways to market the SA’s services. Once complete, we will report our ideas to council.

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