BCIT Student Association BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 21, 2008 Executives:
Brenda Corbett, President Jennette Leung, VP Finances & Administration Irina Osipova, VP Public Relations & Marketing Leanne Atienza, VP Student Affairs Thomas Nguyen, VP Campus Life Christopher Peacock, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Thomas Trowbridge, Business Chair Emily Ho, Health Sciences Chair Doug Holdgate, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair
Angela Meyer Alec Lee Neil Dorais Anmar Stephan-Tozy Katie Klassen
Caroline Gagnon, Director
Eugene Park Heidi Barker Robby Basi Billy Moore
Sara Dhaliwal, Business Hui Hang, Health Sciences Merima Kostecki, Health Sciences – Public Health Shannon Evans, Nursing
Joshua Smith Simon Woo Amrrish Mani Tod Fraser Manjot Mattu Peter Orlandi
Wendy Ngo Konstantin Kleiner Pulkit Jain Jennah Stavroff
15.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Brenda Corbett, calls the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. (20 voting members). 15.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the following agenda be accepted with the following additions: Under New Business 15.9.1 Extended Health and Dental 15.9.2 Budget 2008-2009 Moved by: Jennette Leung Seconded by: Irina Osipova 20/0/0 Carried 15.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from April 7, 2008 Be it resolved that that the minutes from April 7, 2008 be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Thomas Trowbridge Seconded by: Joshua Smith 21/0/1 Carried
15. 4 Guest Speaker 15.4.1 Timetabling Feedback – Deborah Crawford Deborah explains issue with having timetables available to students before the school starts. She explains the process of timetabling and constraints around the issue. However, there is a possibility to improve communication with students and the possibility of having a “non-confirmed” one by July. These are some of the comments to Deborah’s questions: • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Tentative schedules would change 80% of the time if given in July. Formalize the process of gathering timetables on line prior of start such as the school. Tentative schedule is good as it could accommodate students and faculties. Tentative would help students better plan other activities (i.e. jobs, family obligations). Schedule might be helpful to demonstrate to students the course load. Not the majority of students knew the workload when entering BCIT; therefore, a tentative would be useful. Different timeline are offered (between 2 weeks to 2 months) before sending the tentative schedule. Most students knew how to view their full time registration through MyBCIT. The self-serving portion of MyBCIT is not user friendly and could be improved. Information about the difficulty rating of courses (academic weighting), teamwork, and course exemption could help students in their study planning. Workshop on study strategies before the start of the school year Advertise tech entry before starting their programs. It is important to contact students throughout the months before orientation. Audit timetables before going out to ensure that they are not outdated
15.4.2 Intervarsity Christian Fellowship – Shannon Evans Shannon is requesting the sanctioning of the clubs under the SA. She explains about open membership, weekly meetings, election process, mission statement, representation around the province, duties of executives, executive and social meetings. Questions: • Thomas T. asks about funding. Shannon is aware that BCITSA is not allocating funding to religious clubs therefore did not ask for any. There is no membership fee, and most of the activities of free. • Are the supporters, who have signed the application form, interested in joining the clubs? Some of the supporters were interested in joining the club. • Billy asks about the Christian Fellowship club already existing on campus. Shannon contacted them and might be interested in joining. • Thomas N. states that the clubs is a great opportunity because of the staff support and larger organization. 15.5. Executive Progress Report • Brenda is working in linking the Edco rep to the BCITSA. • Jennette: o Presents the findings of the daycare report o Reports financial status of the organization o Announces the winners of the election for 2008-2009
Announces that the Real Estate Club has now met all criteria for the election contest o Thanks all volunteers of the election committee Irina is forming a focus group for those interested in participating on the fundraising committee. Chris - as presented. Roan: o Working on the workshops o Announces that there is a direct SA link on all computers in the school of business. This will make it easier for students to contact SA. Doug announces that BCIT will not open the balconies. Emily - as presented. Thomas T.: o Set and Rep committee meeting is scheduled after Council meeting. o The report is almost completed and he is collecting feedback from people. Leanne: o Has met with BCIT rep (Cindy McIntosh) and had a walk through the campus to demonstrate the need for new and more bins (combos) to increase usage. BCIT states that it is cost related. o Still working on with Uconnect on reusable coffee mugs o Working on developing a mascot for the Uconnect o
• • •
• • • •
• Thomas worked with the clubs on determining their budget for next fiscal year. 15.6. Councillors’ Open Forum No comments 15.7. Question Period • Marina asks about voters turnout compared to previous years. Jennette mentions that it is higher compared to last year, and will provide further details at the next meeting. Jennette confirms that it is the role of each candidate to get people interested in voting. Irina has concerns with the bios and the lack of consistency amongst the candidates. Jennette states that candidates were given criteria and examples on how to write their bios, however it is up to them to use the information. • Emily inquires about what the Real estate club did to win; how many lectures have they done? Jennette states that the clubs will do a presentation at next Council. • Amrrish asks about the process when candidates do not have any competition. Chris and Brenda explain that candidates need to have more yes than no, and still need to go through the same process. • Thomas T asks about the involvement of SA staff in the election. Jennette states the some staff were involved. • Jennette states that Peter did his first interview with the Evolution radio station today. • Jennette asks about extended hours. Brenda announces that there is a room open in the basement of the library (South side of SE 14) for extended hours. Students can enter swiping their BCIT cards. All software should be available under lab provisioning from home and library. According to Thomas N, all business programs are available. 15.8.
Unfinished Business
No unfinished business 15.9.
New Business
15.9.1 Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) Motion: Be it resolved that Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Club be sanctioned as an official BCITSA club. Moved by: Thomas Nguyen Seconded by: Thomas Trowbridge 14/2/6 Carried Questions: • Thomas N. confirms that the clubs cannot receive funding according to our by-laws. • Emily has issues with having two Christian Clubs. • Joshua inquires why the clubs need to be sanctioned if the receive no funding. Thomas N and Caroline explain other benefits that the clubs will receive (mailing, room booking, bank account, and advertising). • Angela has some concerns about the fact that the club existed previously and then stopped due to the lack of interest. Call the questions Moved by: Thomas Trowbridge 19/0/3 Carried
Seconded by: Doug Holdgate
15.9.2 Student Extended Health and Dental Plan Caroline explains to Council the status of the Student Extended Health and Dental Plan. While the health plan is well utilized, dental could be improved in services to decrease the ratio. After further discussion, students mentioned three options where services could be augmented; improving dental, adding critical illness insurance, and vision care. After informal voting, vision care represents the area that students would like improvement with 54% of the vote. 15.9.3 2008-2009 Budget Caroline distribute to Council members the 2008-2009 budget, which will be discussed at the next Council meeting. 15.15. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 5, 2008 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 15.11. Meeting adjourned It was moved Jennette and seconded by Joshua that the meeting be adjourned at 7:40pm. Carried
Council Meeting Agenda Monday April 21, 2008 5:45-7:30pm 14.1
Meeting Called to Order
Acceptance of the Agenda
Acceptance of the Minutes from April 07, 2008
Guest Speakers: 14.4.1 Timetabling Feedback - Deborah Crawford 14.4.2 Intervarsity Christian Fellowship – Shannon Evans 14.4.3
Executive Progress Report
Councilors’ Open Forum
Question Period
Unfinished Businesses: 14.8.1 14.8.2 14.8.3
New Businesses: 14.9.1 Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) 14.9.2 14.9.3
14.10 LAST Meeting: Monday May 05, 2008- 5:45pm 14.11 Meeting Adjourned
Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
September 17, 2007
Education Council
October 01, 2007
October 01, 2007
Coaching/Feedback sessions
October 15, 2007
Board of Governors
March 17th, 2008
Alumni Association Meeting
Golf Tournament to be put on by th Great job at
April 21st, 2008
Executive Transition
Working on integrating incoming
Referendum passed. Currently wor a solution to link better w
Will be complet
Brenda Brenda Brenda Brenda
Board Education Session this Thu Last meeting will
Jennette September
Daycare Service
Jennette September
Monthly SA Projections
Elections Committee
SE 40 Renovation
Business Committee
Councillor Accountability
Vision Statement
Part-Time Student Representation Task Force
The BCIT Annual Charity Campaign
October 30, 2007
Increasing awareness of SA: Building value in SA e-mails
Report is revised and completed!
School TnT and convenience stores produced great sales all year. Sales expected to drop because of the los The Image Centre expenses are low Sale of food in liquor at the Pub is s reduced. Results were announced Friday Apr executives. The Real Estate Club w you to the Election Committee mem
Jennette No update
Jennette Working with Doug to get feedback
Jennette No progress
Jennette Jennette Jennette
Complete. No progress.
Increase in honourium and wage fo reflect the increase in inflation. Club little more to add. No drastic change
Irina Irina
No pr
The last Link issue c with no Execu
Irina January 22, 2008
Election committee
Chaired all can
February 1, 2008
Business committee
No a
March 31, 2008
International students integration
Set and Tech Reps
Extended access Study Room
Councillor package
August 24, 2007
Computer workshops
Workshop for How to Buy a Lapto
December 4, 2007
Computer Systems Open House 2008
Event was a success. Options Dat Processing won $400. Prizes to be
Mar 6, 2008
Mural Committee
Jenna Stavroff had to leave for w
January 19, 2008
You may know find a BCITSA lin Business co
October 2007
SW3 Balconies
April 2008
Business Committee
April 3 - 9
Councillors Package
April 7
Service Committee
April 9
David Suzuki
April 12
Set and Tech Rep
November 26
Set and Tech Rep Committee meeting
November 24
Set and Tech Rep roles and responsibility document
Review today. Draft, please provid track changes t
March 26
Set and Tech Rep meeting
April 30
Promotion of UConnect
Irina Irina Chris
Working on the concerns th Issue were brought up to
Holding last Set and Tech Rep Councillors
Will keep
On Second Draft and will be
Roan Roan Roan Roan Doug
Waiting to here back from Bo
No u
Emily Make revisions to the
Emily Emily Emily
Spoke to BCIT Admin. Some sug Suzuki Foundation to
Set and Tech rep meeting has bee as I was sic
Thomas T Thomas T
Last Mee
Thomas T Thomas T Leanne
Scavenger hunt ideas gathering Drafting copy for “I belong� butto
Meeting with Cindy MacIntosh o for recycling bins Planning compost pilot project o
Environmental Committee Green Initiatives
Low-cost reusable coffee mugs
“I Belong” Button
September 13, 2007
Orientation Day Final Write up
The initial stages of the write up are
Feb 10, 2008
BCIT Online Clubs Community
Obtained access to an online comm Will do testin
Feb 28, 2008
Club Budgets
Completed, distributed $16000 to c $2000 contingency f
Leanne Waiting on Michelle to give me
Drafting “I Belong” button inform
Thomas N. Thomas N. Thomas N.