16 Minutes Executive - April 16 2007

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Council Meeting Monday, April 16, 2007 Minutes Executives:

Jennifer Leaman, President Todd Embley, VP Finances & Administration Rick Sandu, VP Campus Life Matt Chong, VP Public Relations & Marketing Thomas Trowbridge, VP of Student Affairs Bryson Norrish, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Sukh Aujla, Business Chair


Amanda Harris Paul Matthews Shane Gilbertson Doug Holdgate Emily Ho Hyup Lee Yoojin Park Arun Randhawa

Allan Olson Marlina Kinnersley Jennette Leung Brenda Corbett Rahil Lalani Pankaj Garg Dimitrius Kavouras Kerri Parker


Caroline Gagnon, Director

Geoff Gauthier, Editor


Matt Holland Christopher Peacock

Irina Osipova Sean Lee


Carlo Ocampo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Ron Asperin, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Tod Fraser

Julia Cornester, Health Sciences Chair Zhasmina Mihova Matt Crawford Sajan Zachariah

16.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Jennifer Leaman, calls the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. (22 voting members). 16.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be approved with the following addition: 16.9.3 Election Committee Moved by: Sukh Aujla Seconded by: Thomas Trowbridge 20/0/0 Carried 16.3 Acceptance of the Minutes from April 2, 2007 It was moved that the minutes from April 2, 2007 be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Sukh Aujla Seconded by: Bryson Norrish 18/1/1 Carried Disapproval of the Special General Meeting, March 26, 2007 It was moved that the minutes from the Special General Meeting, March 26, 2007 be rejected as distributed. Moved by: Todd Embley Seconded by: Rick Sandhu 19/0/0 Carried



Guest Speakers - Natalie Sands – EdCo student rep Did not attend meeting.


General Reports: Executive Nothing to Report


Progress Reports As presented. • Jennifer – The $10,000 committee has decided to spend the following monies: $500 Cooking Course, $6500 Council Chamber, $3000 for 5 Microwaves. • Sukh - Due to findings about formal graduation parties, it has been changed to a club party after convocation. • Rick – the Orientation volunteer recruiting drive will start soon. • Matt – Cut for the Cure was postponed to April 30th. Ten volunteers are needed. • Bryson – Survey about the cooking program will be analysed this week. • Thomas – Club policy will go out tomorrow. Students came forward with issues with regard to air quality at SE6. BCIT is presently looking at it. • Jennifer – An activist group approach the Foods Service Committee to bring freerange eggs on campus. It would increase the price of $0.40 per eggs. Jennifer will get more information. Registrar is asking how they can inform students about tuition deadline.


Question Period • Some recommendations about tuition deadline: text message, a well-titled email, monthly email, mybcit, on the agenda, poster, letter, hybrid email/letter depending the programs, and the main BCIT sign on Wellingdon. • Sukh - the tables are not back in the Great Hall. Jennifer will look into this. • Some recommendations about the free-range eggs: o People need more information about the impact to make proper decision. o Rick & Emily recommend that students should have the option to choose freerange eggs and pay premium for them. o Matt H. is worried about the price of food increase. o Todd - BCIT is pressured to make these changes. He proposes a separate kiosk with organic foods, idea proposed by Jennifer at the last food committee meeting. o Bryson - who will pay for that increase? Jennifer – the students are. • Jennifer to Rick – What is the judgement panel with Recreation Council? A student was found violent. A panel of students heard the student’s case. They decided on appropriate actions about that case. • Bryson – What is happening with the sauna? Jennette – the steam room had to be renovated to meet the new guidelines.


Unfinished Business 16.8.1. Auditors Todd explains that the Business Committee reviewed four (4) auditors proposals. Motion: Be it resolved that that Reid Hurst Nagy be appointed as the BCITSA Auditors. Moved by: Todd Embley Seconded by: Sukh Aujla 17/0/2 Carried


Questions: • Jennette – Why did the committee recommended Reid Hurst Nagy. Todd – they were selected based on their lower quote, more realistic work projections, and references. 16.9

New Business 16.9.1. 2007/08 Budget Approval Motion: Be it resolved that the 2007/08 Operational Budget and Capital Budget be approved as distributed. Moved by: Todd Embley Seconded by: Matt Chong 16/0/4 Carried Questions: Sukh – What are bain maries? Soup warmers. Rick – Is the work on the computer Network only for the office? No, it is for the entire organization. Amendment to the motion: Be it resolved that the Campus life budget (030- 42199) be increased to $300. Moved by: Thomas Trowbridge Seconded by: Rick Sandhu 17/2/1 Carried 16.9.2. Policies and Procedures Caroline announces that all councillors will receive a linked with the new Policies and Procedures. According to the By-laws, Policies and Procedures need to be ratified by Council. She invites people to look at it before next meeting. 16.9.3 Election Committee Todd informs that an Election Committee needs to be formed for the next two weeks. The committee will supervise the election process. He heeds a deputy and two councillors. Motion: Be it resolved that the election committee be formed consisting of Bryson Norrish (deputy) and Arun Randhawa and Paul Mathews for the 2007/2008 elections Moved by: Todd Embley Seconded by: Rick Sandhu 19/0/0 Carried

16.10 Next Meeting – Special General Meeting April 23, 2007 Next meeting, Special General Meeting, is scheduled for April 23, 2007 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 16.11 Meeting adjourned It was moved by Todd Embley and seconded by Rick Sandhu that the meeting be adjourned at 7:13pm. Carried


BCIT Student Association Monday, April 16, 2007 AGENDA


Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from April 2, 2007 Disapproval of Special General Meeting, March 26, 2007


Guest Speakers: Natalie Sands – EdCo student rep


General Reports: Executive


Progress Reports


Question Period


Unfinished Business 16.8.1. Auditors 16.8.2. 16.8.3.


New Business 16.9.1. 2007/08 Budget Approval 16.9.2. Policies and Procedures 16.9.3.

16.10. Next Meeting – Monday, April 23, 2007 – Special General Meeting 16.11. Meeting adjourned




Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue




Meeting with Set Reps and Tech Reps

Holding Meetings






Student concerns

Speaking to students as needed



Shinerama Committee

Following up with Matt



Goard Way Intersection

Will follow up with City of Burnaby as needed



Women’s Sauna Issue

Passed along information to Rec Services



10 000 Committee

Meeting Scheduled for April 16

After many meetings and emails and review of policy, the school of Health has been informed that Policy 5002 supersedes any other document which references 5002

On hold due to other commitments. Carlo

November 2006

Programming Competition


January 31, 2007

Exam Bank For School of Computing

For more info: http://icpc.baylor.edu/icpc/ On going. No change as of last week. Had a couple of meetings with Scott Blythe, Communications and


Outreach Manager. We discussed how we are going to tackle the different obstacles and issues we will be facing upon the institution of the exam bank. He provided me with a preliminary draft of a Memorandum of Understand, which is essentially a contract signed by the faculty who would like to participate with the exam bank. We are also planning to have a meeting in two weeks with Dr. Verna Magee-Shepherd, VP of Education and Student Services, to look at possible conflicts with faculty contract agreements, as well as to discuss this with the Dean’s Office. Faculty from the School of Computing has no problem with the exam bank; however, they want the Student Association to handle all administration for the exam bank. Todd

Feb 21

Food Services Committee

Will be doing Campus Café this summer, Town Square next. Putting in a Timmy’s.


March 5

Tax Receipts

Signing of tax receipts for tax filing


Nov 9

Business Committee

Have chosen new audit company, Reid Hurst Nagy.


Feb 14


It’s campaigning time. Get online and vote.


March 7

2007/2008 Budget

Fine tuning budget for acceptance by council.


Test bank

Currently in talks with faculty, working with Scott and Carlo. No Progress since last report


Searching for Councilor


Grad Party

Sukh Sukh


Have one interested second year marketing student still waiting to see if I can find a first year to make the numbers more even. Have 7 students that are interested in making a team put make this party happen more people are still welcome to join and help out. Survey was very successful with over 160 respondents. I am


currently in discussions with night clubs, catering companies, hotels and formal attire retail outlets to make some deals about the party. Sukh April

Set and Tech rep meeting

Feb 5th, 2007

Services committee


Rick March 29th, 2007

Organizational Templates

Discussed elections, councils progress, student issues and $10,000 committee with set and tech reps. Services committee meeting cancelled as Caroline, Emily, and Brenda were not available for the time scheduled. I will be working with the President to help create templates and forms that will help future executives with project organization and successful utilization of the SA staff within their projects. No progress as of yet. Focus will now shift to recruiting volunteers for next years Orientation



March 29 , 2007

Orientation Recruiting

100 volunteers are required All roles are defined and have training manuals to ensure a successful, fun event for volunteers Preparations have begun to send out emails for next week

Rick April 10, 2007

Orientation Succession Plan

Began reconciling and sorting all orientation files and documentation into a useable system for the next executive. 50% complete

Rick April 13, 2007

All Candidates Meeting

Hosted the all-candidates meeting in Todd’s stead.

April 10, 2007

Rec Council Hearing

Sat on a Judgement panel for Paul Fortier to hear a student’s case.


Shinerama 2007

Continuing work on 2007 campaign


Cut for the Cure

Monday, April 23rd. looking for volunteers

Rick Matt Matt


Matt April

Business Committee

Decided on Audit Company


Shinerama Committee Meeting

Having a meeting this week with Jim Mitchell to discuss Shinerama

April 2, 2007

Promoting Elections

Spoke with people that would be successful candidates.

April 2, 2007

BCIT SA Cooking Event

Issued a survey to the students who participated in the Residence Event. The survey has now been completed, and the information will be processed in the upcoming weeks.

April 2, 2007

Getting Acquainted

Began settling into my new position. Scheduled meetings to get up to speed on the position.

April 2, 2007

New Councillor

Looking for a new councillor.

April 2, 2007

New Club Policies and Procedures

Rough Draft complete, formatting in progress

April 11, 2007

SE 6 Air Quality

April 11, 2007

Promoting Advocacy office with faculty

Researching channels of communication

April 11, 2007

Vancity account necessary for clubs to receive SA funding starting next Sept.


Food Services Committee

Attended the meeting with Todd, Bryson, and Caroline. They are curious to know what students would feel about free range eggs. BCIT has been approached by an animal activist group to start using free range eggs. I hope to have some more information about this before the start of the meeting. To switch to free range eggs would lead to a cost increase and would students be willing to pay more for free range eggs. So far Guelph has made the switch to free range

Matt Bryson Bryson

Bryson Bryson Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas



On going, please respond during questions period



eggs. Other things to note. BCIT does have composting at some of the food locations and they recycle cardboard. They also recycle the fat, which is thing shipped to China to make makeup. I have spoken about this before but I had a meeting last week with the registrars’ office. They are in charge of collecting tuition from returning students. They really would like some suggestions about how to let students know that their tuition is due. Any comments that you have would be useful.


Tuition Deadlines


Student issues

Have been advising in some issues regarding students. Lots of emails and meetings

Organization templates for executives

Rick and I working on coming up with some templates that would help executives with their jobs here at the SA. We are hoping to have one of the new elected executives help us with this. We plan to meet in the beginning of May.

Jen Jen April


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