16 MinutesExecutive May 5, 2008

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BCIT Student Association BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Minutes Monday, May 5, 2008 Executives:

Brenda Corbett, President Jennette Leung, VP Finances & Administration Irina Osipova, VP Public Relations & Marketing Leanne Atienza, VP Student Affairs Thomas Nguyen, VP Campus Life Christopher Peacock, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Thomas Trowbridge, Business Chair Roan Hidalgo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Emily Ho, Health Sciences Chair Doug Holdgate, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair


Angela Meyer Pulkit Jain Konstantin Kleiner Katie Klassen Manjot Mattu Peter Orlandi


Caroline Gagnon, Director


Eugene Park Heidi Barker Alec Lee Neil Dorais


Christine Ramage, School of Business Merima Kostecli, Health Science

Joshua Smith Simon Woo Wendy Ngo Amrrish Mani Tod Fraser

Robby Basi Billy Moore Jennah Stavroff Anmar Stephan-Tozy

16.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Brenda Corbett, calls the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. (21 voting members). Brenda thanks everyone for his or her involvement this year. 16.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the following agenda be accepted as distributed: Moved by: Wendy Ngo seconded by: Christopher Peacock 21/0/0 Carried 16.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from April 21, 2008 Be it resolved that that the minutes from April 21, 2008 be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Thomas Nguyen Seconded by: Leanne Atienza 21/0/0 Carried 15. 4 Guest Speaker No Guest Speakers


Executive Progress Report

Brenda – as presented. Jennette – as presented. Thomas T. – as presented. Christopher – as presented. Roan – as presented. Emily – as presented. Leanne – as presented. Thomas N. – as presented. Irina – no progress Doug – no progress 16.6.

Councillors’ Open Forum

• Todd would like to thank the Executives for their work throughout the year. • Thomas T. inquires if Councillors felt included in Council o Katie suggests that training might help people to get involved. o Angela recommends that training be done outside of Council meetings. • Thomas T. asks if Councillors would like to change the location in the room (i.e. at the table instead of the bench area) to improve their involvement. o Josh feels that the location in the room is irrelevant as they are already involved. 16.7. Question Period • Emily wants to know why the coffee shop closes so early. o Caroline explains that the decision is based on sales. With the combination of the coffee shop and convenience, it should solve this issue. • Josh mentions that there are some issues with AC in room SW 5 1710 – 1750, and also heating problem on the second floor of the same building. o Caroline will look into this with facilities. • Amrrish inquires about the status of the mural. o It was recommended that the issue be transferred to next year. • Christopher inquires about the Councillors package. If they were new Councillors, would the package be adequate. o Angela states that it might be interesting to know about SA’s power, its ability to change things on campus, and what was done in past years. o Simon states that the committees should be mentioned. • Roan inquires about the real estate available (coffee shop, travel agencies) o The issue will be looked into this summer

• Josh wants to investigate the idea of a juke box in the pub. o Caroline explains about the juke box in previous years. The project was not financial viable thus was cancelled by the company. o Chris proposes a request list for music, which Wendy states that such a list needs to be maintained continuously. 16.8.

Unfinished Business

16.8.1 Budget Motion: Be it resolved that the BCITSA accepts the budget for 2008/2009 fiscal year. Moved by: Jennette Leung Seconded by: Thomas Nguyen 20/0/0 Carried Question: • Josh inquires about the possibility of receiving donations from Alumni. Caroline explains that it would probably not be well received by the BCIT community as it would go against the BCIT foundation. • Leanne asks about priorities and project. Caroline explains that this money is not dedicated to any project. Each year, the Executives can allocate this money to whatever they wish. 16.9. New Business No new business. 16.10. Meeting adjourned It was moved Irina Osipova and seconded by Jennette Leung that the meeting be adjourned at 6:25pm. Carried

Council Meeting Agenda Monday May 05, 2008 5:45-7:30pm 16.1

Meeting Called to Order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from April 21, 2008


Guest Speakers: 14.4.1 14.4.2 14.4.3


Executive Progress Report


Councilors’ Open Forum


Question Period


Unfinished Businesses: 14.8.1 Budget 14.8.2 14.8.3


New Businesses: 14.9.1 14.9.2 14.9.3

16.10 Meeting Adjourned


Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue



September 17, 2007

Education Council

Last meeting of my term May 28th, 2008


October 01, 2007


In progress

October 01, 2007

Coaching/Feedback sessions

Finishing up last initiatives

October 15, 2007

Board of Governors

Attend Board dinner was well put on. Attended GNW Visioning session on May5th. Last meeting will be May 20th, 2008

March 17th, 2008

Alumni Association Meeting

April 21st, 2008

Executive Transition


Monthly SA Projections


Elections Committee


SE 40 Renovation


Business Committee


Councillor Accountability


Part-Time Student Representation Task Force

Brenda Brenda Brenda

Brenda Jennette Jennette

Golf Tournament to be put on by the Alumni Association July 15, 2008. Their AGM is Thursday May 29th 1130am to 130pm register online at www.bcit.ca/alumni it is at the BCIT Downtown campus Working on integrating incoming executives with team for next year. Ongoing. Cheque presented to Real Estate Association. By-election for VP Finance and Administration. Campaigning and balloting begins next week. Results will be on Friday May 16, 2008. Will set up a plan and new dates for 09/10 elections and work with incoming VP Finance for an elections strategy. Welcome and Exiting Event for execs will be on May 14.

Jennette Jennette



No update New Pub Manager and Kitchen Supervisor hired. Thank you to Pulkit Jain, Billy Moore, Heidi Barker, and Jennah Stavroff for their contributions this year. Help edit the Councillor package with Emily and Chris. Overall, impresses with the involvement of councillors this year and the attendance of councillor compared to previous years. Chairs did a good job in replacing councillors when needed. No progress.





Exec Package


Set and Tech Reps

Holding last Set and Tech Rep meeting first Wednesday of May. Councillors are invited


Extended access Study Room

First “pod” (Lower level of library) has now been opened and is being used


Councillor package

All major edits complete, asking for councillor input now and will be finalizing for implementation next year.

August 24, 2007

Computer workshops

Workshops due a week before 2 weeks before finals

Mar 6, 2008

Mural Committee

Proposal almost ready


April 3 - 9

Councillors Package

Almost complete


April 7

Service Committee

Nothing to report.

April 9

David Suzuki

Spoke to BCIT Admin. Some suggest to invite the CEO of the David Suzuki Foundation to the school for a talk.

April 12

Set and Tech Rep

Last meeting


Promotion of UConnect

Scavenger hunt ideas gathering ideas from Services Committee scrapped.


Environmental Committee Green Initiatives



Low-cost reusable coffee mugs



“I Belong” Button

Thomas N.

September 13, 2007

Orientation Day Final Write up

The initial stages of the write up are underway.

Feb 10, 2008

BCIT Online Clubs Community

Obtained access to an online community structure based out of Ontario. Will do testing on it ASAP.


Chris Chris Chris Roan Roan

Emily Emily Leanne Leanne

Thomas N.

No progress at this time. Will have it ready after Elections are over and will have a comprehensive training session with the incoming VP Finance. It will be fun.

Meeting with Cindy MacIntosh on Tuesday to reassess placement for recycling bins Planning compost pilot project on residence (Billy Moore) Michelle (UConnect) sent mug quotes to me. Waiting for green light. Sent ideas to Michelle waiting for feedback.

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