Executive Meeting Monday, August 29, 2006 Minutes Executives:
Jennifer Leaman, President Todd Embley, VP Finances & Administration Matt Chong, VP Public Relations & Marketing Jason Vranjkovic, VP of Student Affairs Rick Sandu, VP Campus Life Scott Haller, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Ron Asperin, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Sukh Aujla, Business Chair Carlo Ocampo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Julia Cornester, Health Sciences Chair
Caroline Gagnon, Director
2.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Jennifer Leaman, calls the meeting to order at 2:51 pm. (9 voting members). 2.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved by Rick Sandu and Seconded by Todd Embley that the agenda be accepted as distributed. 9/0/0 Carried 2.3. UBC Conference Jennifer goes over the details of a conference that she attended in August. The conference, hosted by UBC Alma Society, was an opportunity for BC student associations to get together and discuss student issues. Most schools were Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) schools. However, most of the issues discussed during the conference are not representing issues found at BCIT. Jennifer informed the group that BCITSA is not political and have no policies surrounding fee tuition. CFS has extended their invitation to BCITSA to partake in the National Day of Action. Jennifer will have more information about this event in the near future. 2.4. BCIT Foundation For the last 2 years, BCITSA has donated to BCIT Foundation $500 toward their donor recognition campaign. Due to schedule changes, this amount was not budgeted. This is issue will be brought forward to Council in September as per the by-laws. 2.5. Distinguished Alumni Awards Ceremony Since its creation, BCITSA has attended the Distinguished Alumni Award. This year, this event is scheduled for September 21, 2006 at 5:45 pm, and the cost is $85 per individual or $800 per table of 10. Jennifer asks if the executive would like to attend this event. Scott would like to know about historical information and networking opportunities. From a personal experience, Todd states that he did not gain anything personally by attending
the event, however he is not certain how SA can benefit from attending. Jennifer informs that it is a good opportunity to demonstrate support to the BCIT community. Executive members discuss the need to attend. The following topics are discussed: • Cost effectiveness • Personal and professional benefits by attending • Relationship and support between BCIT Alumni and BCITSA • Existing representation by Jennifer and Scott Blythe • Allocating the money elsewhere • Budget approval from previous Council • Purpose of the event - “recognising past students” Motion: Be it resolved that the BCITSA purchases a table of 10 at the price of $800 for the Distinguished Alumni Award on September 21, 2006. Moved by: Julia Cornester 9/0/0 Carried
Seconded: Scott Haller
Questions: Discussion about the use of these tickets is further discussed (executives vs. staff vs. volunteer recognition) Motion: Be it resolved that the VP Student Affairs, President, and VP PR & Marketing select the attendees of the table. Moved by: Scott Haller Seconded: Julia Cornester 9/0/0 Questions: Sukh states the importance for staff to be recognized if space is available 2.6. Campus 2020 Jennifer explains the Campus 2020 initiative launched by the BC government on July 17, 2006. This report will review post secondary education. Jeff Plan is leading the process, Jennifer has been appointed as part of the committee, and will not representing BCIT students but students in general. Jennifer will keep council informed as per specific goals in the near future. 2.7. Resident Move In Jennifer asks about who will be available for resident move-in. Matt explains that executives are not there to lift things but more to inform students. Saturday (Jason, Carlo, Ron) Sunday (Matt with his street teams) Monday (Matt with his street teams) 2.8. Link – Executive write-ups As part of their responsibility to communicate with their students, executives will have to write an article to be published in the SA page. Executives will rotate throughout the
year, and a schedule will be shortly available for all to choose their week. The article needs to reflect what is happening with their position. 2.9. Projects and Initiatives - Budget Jennifer reminds the Executives to start thinking about projects and initiatives surrounding the $10,000 available. This money should be spent to benefit students. Rick would like to know about policies regarding this money. Jennifer states that no policies were created to deal with this item. 2.10. Meeting Adjourned It was moved Scott Haller and seconded by Matt Chong that the meeting be adjourned (4:00 pm). Carried