2 Minutes Executive August 26, 2008

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Executive Meeting Wednesday, August 26, 2008 Minutes Executives:

Peter Orlandi, President Christine Johnson, VP Finance & Administration Christine Rampage, VP Public Relations & Marketing Hui Hang, VP Campus Life Pulkit Jain, VP of Student Affairs Christopher Peacock, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Processes Chair Doug Holdgate, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Merima Kostecki, Health Sciences Chair Billy Moore, Business Chair Peter Kemp, Computing & Academic Studies Chair


Caroline Gagnon, Director


Lusia Kurk, ATC Chair

2.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Peter Orlandi, calls the meeting to order at 2:40 pm. (10 voting members). 2.2 Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the following agenda be accepted as presented. Moved by: Billy Moore Seconded by: Christine Ramage 9/0/0 2.3 Acceptance of the Minutes from July 16, 2008 The Chairperson announces that minutes from the July 16, 2008 meeting will be presented to the next Council meeting for acceptance. 2.4 Progress Reports Peter: • Please submit to Caroline any amendment to the Team Charter no later than 4:00pm today. Document will be ready for signature for Thursday. •

Hui: •

Updated Set and Tech Rep document to be presented to the Schools of Manufacturing and Computing in September. Respective Chairs are invited to attend these meetings. Peter has difficulties to contact the Schools of Construction and Health.

Is conducting the last Orientation training sessions this week. Executives will be trained on Thursday, and their positions will be greeters.

Christine: • In depth training will be this Thursday


2.5 •

Question Period Billy asks if student executives will receive a name tag to identify themselves. Hui confirms that student executives will be identified by a yellow t-shirt with the SA logo on it.

2.6 Unfinished Business No unfinished business.


New Business

2.7.1 BCIT Harassment and Discrimination Policy Caroline informs the executives that as a member of the BCIT Harassment and Discrimination Policy Committee, we have recommended to separate the procedures from the policy to facilitate update. Caroline states that this issue needs to be ratified by Council and be presented to them in September. In the mean time, executives should make themselves aware of the policy. 2.8 Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 22 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 2.9 Meeting adjourned It was moved Peter Kemp and seconded by Christopher Peacock that the meeting be adjourned at 2:55 pm. Carried


BCITSA Executive Meeting Tuesday August 26, 2008 at 3:00pm Location: Council Chambers SE2AGENDA 2.1

Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from July 26, 2008


Progress Reports


Question Period


Unfinished Business


New Business. 2.6.1 Harassment and Discrimination Policy 2.6.2 2.6.3


Meeting adjourned


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