Council Meeting September 27, 2004 Executives:
Erin Smith, President Ashley Steier, VP Finances & Administration Susie da Silva, VP Student Affairs Sarah Ellis, VP Campus Life Karen Leung, VP Public Relations & Marketing Fred Haiderzada, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Jeanneth Jacome, Health Chair Navdeep Manchanda, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Owen Fu, Business Chair Misaki Kobayashi, Transportation and Construction Chair
Caroline Gagnon, Director Geoff Gauthier, Link Editor
Johanthan Vanderheyden Katharine Scotton Amy McLaughlin Peter Kapela Margareta Swacryndon James Webster Brad Barrett Julia Johnston Shannon Roberts Mike Widman Charles Cote
Guests: Excused:
Phil Stringer
Raj Dhillon Ian Sanderson Megan Chambers Robert Scales Kayla Read Alastair Thurley Heather Thompson Manny Sangha Chris Pattullo Sam Sajadi
Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Erin Smith, at 6:00 pm. (24 voting members)
Acceptance of the Agenda The agenda of September 27, 2004 was accepted as presented.
Acceptance of the Minutes from September 13, 2004 It was moved by Misaki Kobayashi and seconded by Owen Fu that the minutes of September 13, 2004 be accepted as distributed. 15/0/9 Carried
3.4. Guest Speakers No guest speaker.
General Reports Executive & Director
Ashley Steier, VP Finances & Administration • Found members of the Business Committee. They are: Owen Fu, Sarah Ellis, Director, and Operation Manager; chaired by Ashley Steier. • AGM is scheduled for October 25, 2004 at 5:45 pm. Annual Financial Reports will be available for pick up at the general SA office starting October 12, 2004. If any questions about these reports, please contact Ashley directly. Navdeep Manchanda, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair • Navdeep received many complaints about security on campus. Students are complaining that more money is being charged for parking but they do not see anything in return. There were already a few car break-ins. Erin informs that that Susie da Silva will be bringing this issue to the parking committee. Misaki Kobayashi, Transportation and Construction Chair • Misaki is trying to have more pictures printed in the Link. Pictures need to be submitted in the Link for the following edition. Jeanneth Jacome, Health Chair • Jeanneth appointed two councillors. She is presently looking at other applications. Fred Haiderzada, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair • See progress report. Susie da Silva, VP Student Affairs • After talking to the BCIT Security department, a car lock program will be brought on campus. Students will be able to purchase steering wheel locks at cost. Specific dates and time to be determined at a later date. Owen Fu, Business Chair • Some students are concerned with the workload in the School of Business. Owen will be working with these students. Karen Leung, VP Public Relations & Marketing • See progress report. Sarah Ellis, VP Campus Life • Hypnotist event was a success. Students want to bring him back on campus. • Sarah has distributed an information brochure from the Recreation Services. If anyone would like an electronic copy, please let her know. • Day passes for Whistler will be available at Recreation Services for $58.00, while the 4X4 passes will be sold in the Great Hall and the Uconnect Centre. Caroline Gagnon, Director • In the process of hiring some staff. • Still working on the childcare centre issue. Erin Smith, President • Erin has been answering emails from the address.
Erin announces that the Laurie Jack Award is now available. Two awards of $500.00 are available. Nominations can be picked up at the SA general office. The deadline is October 7, 2004.
3.6 Progress Report See attached. 3.7. Questions Period (5 min.) • Misaki inquires about the Clubs Presidents meeting. It is confirmed that the meeting will be held this Friday. • Mike asks about the U-pass. Susie informs Council about Translink’s decision not to expand the program to more schools for a number of years. She will be meeting with them this Friday. Erin informs that SA will keep up in touch with regard to U-pass. • Allister wants to know about the Childcare Centre. Erin informs Council about the history surrounding the closure of the Centre. The BCIT BOG decided that they did not have the space, or the ECE program to offer such service. They would be ready to provide funding for students that are using external daycare providers. Erin informs Council that the SA is still working on the issue. • Jeanneth asks about the number of teams registered for Shinerama. Karen informs that approximately 60 teams are already registered. • Katharine would like to receive a list of all executives. Erin informs that the information is available on the SA website. • Shannon wants some clarifications about Practicum Tuition fees. • Kayla informs Council that some programs such as Power Engineering, Security System trades, and Multi-media did not get Wednesday off for Shinerama. Susie will bring this issue to the BCIT administration in the morning. 3.8. Unfinished Business No unfinished business. 3.9. New Business 3.9.1. Student Representative – Ceremony Advisory Committee Caroline goes over the duties of the student representative position. If interested please see me at the end of the meeting. 3.9.2. Student Representative – Student Awards Sub-Committee of Education Council Erin goes over the duties of the student representative position. If interested please see me at the end of the meeting. 3.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for October 4 at 5:45pm. The first part of the meeting will be hosted by an expert on Roberts Rule of Order, while the second part will be a regular Council Meeting. 3.11. Meeting Adjourned It was moved by Sarah Ellis and seconded by Navdeep Manchanda that the meeting be adjourned. (6:55 pm) 24/0/0 Carried
Meeting called to order
Acceptance of the Agenda
Acceptance of the Minutes from July 15, 2004
Guest Speakers
Reports: Executive & Director
Progress Report
Question Period (5 min.)
Unfinished Business 2.8.1. 2.8.2. 2.8.3.
New Business 9.9.1. 9.9.2. 9.9.3.
2.10. Next Meeting – September 27, 2004 2.11. Meeting adjourned
Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
June 2004
The Amazing Race
June 2004
Shinerama Events
August 16, 2004
Set/Tech Rep Contact Info Search
September 9, 2004
Councillor Recruiting
September 9, 2004
Degree Name Change
September 13 2004
Councillor Recruiting
June 2004
Orientation D’eh
September 9, 2004
Halloween Party @ Prof Mugs
July 2004
Website Overhaul
July 2004
July 2004
Technology Upgrades
September 8-9
September 10
Student Initiative Committee
Status Planning promotion to students, faculty and staff. Needing the SA Execs’ help on class announcements. Still waiting to confirm Mega Cranes for placing logs for Beat the Pond. Waiting for prizes from Jim Mitchell. Social Auction - MA is ready for it. Silent Auction - Secured 2 year-long parking passes. Shinerama Party - MA is on top of it. Find out Set/Tech Rep names for all Health Sciences programs, e-mails sent out to staff and faculty to facilitate process. Received information from Nursing Faculty only Post Information on all bulletin boards for HS students about Councillor Recruitment and Set/Tech Reps to contact me. emails to interested students about councillor positions Following up with EDCO on status of the BTech Degree Name change to BScN . Waiting to hear back from Tony Tanner Preparing to organize representatives in the school. Over- Was a success. Completed Thank you letters & reference letters Brainstorming. Want to have party around 29th. Have psychic that will come. Around $500 He’ll ask three questions per person for 2 hours. Working on mailing lists and on-line forms for various items. Providing feedback to Scott. Reviewing all existing contacts with BCIT Completion of new on-line tutor database soon. Creating BCIT SA mailing list with Scott. System upgrades to accommodate communications with student body. Conducted interviews for events/promotion coordinator Began coordination of Student Initiative Committee schedules are being looked at and announcements regarding meeting dates will be sent out this week.