COUNCIL MEETING M M MINUTES Monday, October 4,, 2010 Ex xecutives: Jordan Harrris, President Rachael Radford, VP Fin nance & Adm ministration Dan Smith, VP Campus Life L Nicola Gard dner, VP of Sttudent Affairss Ciara Hamaagishi, VP Pub blic Relationss & Marketin ng Michal Harrrison, Compu uting & Acaddemic Studiess Chair Dillon Zoln nierczyk, Busiiness Chair Jim Moore, Health Scien nces Chair Andrew Io, Manufacturiing, Electroniics and Industtrial Processees Chair Dom Audettte, Chair of ATC A Councilo ors:
Tara Johnsoon
Jarrett Raainier
Sean Dwyerr
Khashayaar Torabi
Sharon Loh h
Kathryn C Cleven
Alexander Osipov O
Mat Brow wnell
Alisa Dalhu uisen
Dan Colliins
Daniel Khattkar
Jessie Abrraham
Kevin Piturra
Brian Harrvey
Jill Hidalgo
Tristan H Hansen
Jennifer Ji
Chris Woood
George Ko
Lizhi Cheen (Huges)
Alex Rines Staff:
Caroline Gaagnon, Directtor
3700 Willingdon W Avenue, Burnaby y BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.4332.8600 Fax: 6604.434.3809 |
Absente ee:
Robby Basi, Transportattion, Constru ction & the E Environment Chair
Christine Livingston L
Meeting M Callled to Orde er
The Chairrperson, Jordaan Harris, callled the meetiing to order aat 5:49pm. (277 voting mem mbers).
Acceptance A e of the Age enda
It was mo oved that the following f ageenda be accep pted with the following ch hanges: 5.9.5 Com mmittee Selecttion Moved by: Nicola Gardneer 26/0/1
Seconded by: Dillon Zolnierczyk
Acceptance A e of the Min nutes
Be it resollved that the minutes m from m September 20, 2 2010 be acccepted as disstributed. Moved by: Nicola N Gardnerr 21/0/2
Seconded by: Michaal Harrison
carried d
Guest G Speak kers
Technically T Queer Q
Christine Livingston presents p the details d of the new n Technicaally Queer Stu udent club. They have been n running fo or 3 years und der the umbreella of BCITSA A. The club’s focus is to prrovide social oopportunitiess for students and a their alliees. The focus of this group is to increasee visibility of minorities an nd provide welcomin ng and inclusiive environmeent. They do not n do advocaacy work. Ch harter and bud dget are preseented. Events such as weekly movies and ski s trips are offered to mem mbers. They p presently havee 20 studentss c does nott require a lot of funding frrom BCITSA ggiven that stu udents are payying attendingg events. The club their own n way.
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |
Question n: • • •
Will W the budgeet requiremen nt increase? Yes Y but they aare confident that they cou uld receive fun nding byy other group ps. Why W only 3 meeetings per yeear? Meetingss are only for planning purrposes. Memb bers can atten nd evvents that aree social by natture. Councillors C haave issues witth the election n process wheen positions aare not conteested. Membeers sh hould have th he right to sayy yes/no for th he uncontesteed position. C Christine is noot opposed too making m the change. Engineer E with hout Borderss
Engineer without w Bord ders is an inteernational nott profit organnization closin ng the gap bettween 3rd world countries and developeed world. Thee organization n focuses on A Africa addresssing issues su uch as fair-traade. In Canadaa, the studentt clubs are creeated to open n dialogue, enccouraging peoople to make a difference. By being invo olved, membeers receive thee satisfaction that they cann help peoplee around the w world. Presen nters go over th he values of th he clubs and the t proposed events that w will be offered d. They alread dy received th he support of o over 100 stu udents, facultyy members, other o student chapters and d the professioonal chapter. If the club b can prove th hat their even nts are sustain ned for 2 year s, they can bee sanctioned n nationally. Question ns: • • • •
What W type of benefits b woulld national saanctioning givve to the club b? Financial su upport, accesss to reetreats for stu udents. How H much aree they requirin ng from BCIT TSA? Limited funding is reequired from B BCITSA. They T have receeived a lot of support s from m other sanctiooned studentt clubs (MESss and CSE) an nd, evvery engineerr programs Why W sanctioniing a third en ngineering clu ubs? This one is very differeent. It is to ad ddress the rd deevelopment of o 3 world coountries, whille the others hhave a professsional focus.
Motion: Be it resollved that meeeting be in reccess until training is providded (6:15pm). Moved by: Rachael Radfoord 21/1/4
Secondedd by: Michal Harrrison
Back from m recess (7:00pm)
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |
Ex xecutive Prrogress Rep port
Jordan: Attended A the Board B of Goveernors (BOG)) meeting. SW W1 is still on ttrack. It is antticipated thatt 24 hours shiffts will start soon s to ensurre that buildin ng is completted by the end d of March. H Has been work king on the U-pass extensivvely. Rachael: Has been deaaling with thee by-electionss which will bbe commented d on later, and has been ports for Coun ncil. preparingg financial rep Dillon: Nothing to report. b time, which was mention ned Andrew: Has worked with his Schoool to resolve the issue of eextending lab by Counccilors last meeeting. Has met with associate dean to exxpend access to other labss. Jim: Had set meeting and a has been working w with h the staff meembers on exttending the m mentorship program for f the Schooll of Health. Dan: Club b training session went weell. The next training t sessiion will happeen this springg to ensure th hat new electted club execu utives have th he knowledgee before they sstart planningg for the upcooming year. H He is also work king on the “m movember” campaign. Michal: He H is planningg a LAN partyy and also woorking on the mentorship p program. As p part of his rolee on the Educaational Counccil, Michal is sitting s on thee policy comm mittee. He is ttrying to addrress the issue of faculty no ot bringing work w back to students s in a “timely” fashiion, by establlishing speciffic timing. The EdCo Com mmittee feels that it should not be addrressed via pollicies but throough departm ment level. Dom: Hass recruited a new n Counciloor from ATC. Ciera: Haas also been working w on the “movemberr” campaign. Nicola: Met M with security about bik ke rack. Cameeras are not fiinancial viablle. BCIT will provide signaage. There are 6 bike lockerrs on campus with wait lisst. She will coontinue to woork on this isssue. 5.6. Councilor C Fo orum • Poweer outlets in th he Rix not en nough and mu usic too loud ffor studying. • Birds in the Great Hall should be b dealt with. • A resp ponse was recceived from Safety S and Seccurity addresssing the NE1p parking issue rose last meeeting. Studeent still have issues i with BCIT’s response. Caroline w will contact them again. • Smok king people arre not smokin ng in designatted area. • Coun ncilors questio on why Chairr of Business does d not havee objectives. T They should b be available foor next meeting. m Question Q Period 5.7. • Theree is a lack of water w fountain n and microw waves at the E Eh Pod. Also tthe selection oof the vendingg machiine needs to be b looked at. Dan D will purssue it. Furtheer, men’s wash hroom is not w working in E Eh Pod.
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |
The taaste of water in the SW3 / SW1 buildin ngs water founntain is horrib ble. Jordan sttates that therre are issuess with piping on campus, but b will look into it.
Unfinished Business
U-pass U
Jordan provides a U-paass update. Th hough Septem mber 30 was tthe deadline tto provide a lletter of inten nt to o give that all Post-Seconndary Instituttions (PSI) haave banned participatte, it was deciided to hold off together to t bring forward unresolveed issues to Translink. T Wee are waiting tto hear from w what has transgresss from the neggotiation betw ween the PSI and Translinnk. We should d have an app proved contraact by next Coun ncil meeting (October ( 18). It does not loook too goodd for a Januaryy adoption, bu ut a referendu um should bee held in Noveember. Question ns: • 5.8.2.
How manyy institutionss are a part of it? 10
Rachael announces a thaat the nominaation period has h been extennded for the p position of Ch hair of Transporttation, Construction & the Environmen nt. Nominatioons and electiion period haas been postpooned by one weeek, which en nds in November. Anyone from f the Schoool of Transportation, Con nstruction & Environm ment, please co ontact her. There wass a change on n the election committee. Dillon D Zolnierrczyk has rep placed Andrew w Hou. 5.9 5.9.1
New N Businesss Co-curricular Pilot Prog gram
Rachael in nforms Counccil that BCIT T is thinking of o creating a r ecognition prrogram for stu udent who arre active in co-curricular c activities. Sch hool Businesss is investigatting a passporrt style docum ment vs. havin ng co-curricu ular activitiess listed on thee transcript orr through a ceertificate. Stu udent would rreceive officiaal recognitio on for their leeadership. In generall, Council dem monstrates an n interest for this idea, andd would like tto know the d difference bettween having it listed l on a traanscript vs. a certificate. Other O schools (i.e. Universiity of Calgaryy) offer such program. At this momeent, only the School S of Bussiness is lookiing into it. 5.9.2
Councilor Benefit B Clariffication
Rachael in nforms Counccilors that they do not receeive free beveerage or discoounts at BCIT TSA stores.
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |
Club Sanctioning
Motion: Be it resollved that BCITSA sanction ns Technicallyy Queer as a cclub. Moved by: Dan D Smith
Secondedd by: Rachael Raadford
Motion: Call the Question Q Moved by: Matt M Brownell
Secondedd by: Chris Woo d
ment to the Motion: M Amendm Followingg a change to the election processing p refflecting the yyes/no vote prrocess. Moved by: Andrew A Io
Secondedd by: Tara Johnsson
4/19/5 Discussio ons:
• This issue sh hould be left to t the club to be handled aand superviseed by VP Cam mpus Life. Motion: Call the Question Q Moved by: Nicola N Gardnerr 26/1/1
Secondedd by: George Ko
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |
Motion: Be it resollved that BCITSA sanction ns Engineer without w Boardders as a club.. Moved by: Dan D Smith
Secondedd by: Andrew Io
26/0/1 Discussio ons:
• Package is missing m the fun nding propossal. pus Life. The p presenters staated that theyy should be seelf• Budget issuess can be dealtt by VP Camp sustained. n look like they t are requiiring fundingg. • Clubs does not e It is i for all studeents and has a very good n national structture • The clubs is not only for engineers. Motion: Call the Question Q Moved by: Matt M Brownell 27/0/0
Secondedd by: Khashayarr Roabi
Motion: Be it resollved that we table t the mottion until nex xt Council. Moved by: Rachael R Radforrd 8/14/5 5.9.4
Secondedd by: George Ko
Defeatted Christian Club @BCIT
It is explaained that thee Christian Sttudents @ BCIT got sanctiooned under th he wrong nam me. Motion: Be it resollved that Chrristian Fellow wship Club haas their name change from Christian Stu udents @BCIT T. Moved by: Nicola N Gardnerr 26/1/1
Secondedd by: Dillon Zolnnierczyk
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |
Motion: Call the Question Q Moved by: Dillon D Zolnierczzyk 26/1/1
Secondedd by: Sharon Lohh
mmittee Selec ection 5.9.5 Com Motion: Be it resollved that we table t the issue to next meeeting. Moved by: Rachael R Radforrd 24/3/0 5.10.
Secondedd by: Kevin Pituura
Carrieed Next N Meeting
Next meeeting is schedu uled for Mond day October 18 1 at 5:30pm in the Counccil Chamber. 5.11.
Meeting M adjjourned
It was mo oved by Kevin n Pitura and seconded by Michal M Harrisson that the m meeting be adj djourned at 7:556pm. Carried
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |
Coun ncil Meetin ng Agenda A Monday October 4 4, 2010 5:330-7:30pm 5.1
Meeting M calleed to order
Acceptance A of o the Agenda
Acceptance A of o the Minutees
Guest G Speakeers 5.4.1 5.4.2
Techn nically Queerr Engin neers Withou ut Borders
Progress Reports: Executtives
Councilor C Fo orum
Question Q Period
Unfinished U Business 5.8.1 5.8.2
U-Passs By-eleections
New N Business 5.9.1 5.9.2 5.9.3 5.9.4
Co-cu urricular Piloot Program Counccilor Benefitts Clarificatiion Clubss Sanctioningg Christtian Club @ BCIT
Next N Meetingg
Meeting M Adjo ourned
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |
Engine eers With hout Bord ders BCITT Student Chapter Initiativee Purpose marily focus oon raising aw wareness abou ut poverty, fair The EWB BCIT Studentt Chapter Initiiative will prim trade, as w well as other issues facing internationaal developmennt. The EWB BCIT Student Chapter will raise awarenesss by hosting aa variety of events includin ng developm ent related m movie nights, group discussions, and speakkers within th he developme ent communitty. Through t he clubs activvities, the EW WB BCIT Studeent Chapter w will serve as a platform for discussion on developmeent. At the sam me time, Mem mbers are givven the opporrtunity to appply for overseees volunteer positions in Africa. Vo olunteers worrk in partnership with local organizationns and communities. EWB’s work is foccused on enablin ng rural Africans the oppo ortunity to acccess clean waater, generatee an income ffrom humble farms, and access criticcal infrastructture and servvices. Value By raisingg awareness o of important issues such ass developmennt and fair traade, the EWB BCIT Studentt Chapter w will help creatte more globaally minded in ndividuals. Thhrough each o of the activities the Studen nt Chapter h hosts, Enginee ers Without B Borders root vvalues will bee followed. These values include: • Addresssing Root Causes for Impacct • Striving for Humility ng in People • Investin • Committting Courage eously • Asking TTough Questions • Dreamin ng Big & Working Hard pment issues, the EWB BCIT Student Chapter will also Along with raising awaareness of varrious develop help bridgge the gap be etween differe ent engineeriing discipliness as well as help bring stud dents togetheer from diffe erent program ms.
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |
Support To gain a better understanding of th he interest th he students h ave in the EW WB BCIT Studeent Chapter, an email sign n up list was cconducted. Over 100 stude ents have signned up, and tthe email list is growing daaily. Also, The Club will be w working close ely with The EEWB Vancouvver Profession nal Chapter, U UBC Student Chapter, aand SFU Student Chapter. Membersship Membersship will be op pen to all stud dents at BCIT. Collaboratioon of studentts from differeent programss will ultimatelyy result in a better learningg experience for all membbers. Club Gove ernance The structture of the clubs executive e committee is Duties outlined b below. Title President 1.Presidee over all meeetings 2. Call sppecial meetinggs if necessarry 3. Overseee committeee activities. Assume rresponsibilityy of the presid dent if absentt Vice Presiident Secretary Record aand distributee minutes for all meetings Treasurerr 1. Handlee Funds and ffinances for the club 2. Keep ffinancial reco ords and makee financial reports aat the meetings Directors To assist the other exxecutive mem mbers in their activitiess
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |
Technicaally Queer BCIT ARTICLE I
NAME AND LOGO OF CCLUB The full naame of this cllub is “Techniically Queer B BCIT” The abbre eviated name of this club is “BCIT TQ” The logo o of this club is a stylized, rainbow‐colourred “TQ” PURPOSE OF CLUB
Technicallly Queer BCITT is a social grroup for gay, lesbian, bisexxual, transsexxual, transgen nder, queer, and two‐spirited students an nd their alliess. The club’ss goal is to fosster a welcom ming, inclusivee environmen nt for queer sstudents wheere they can ssocialize with like‐minded people withoout fear of jud dgement. Wee are not an advocacy or support grroup by chartter, but strivee to help all queer BCIT stu udents feel more welcomed d and included by their peers during theeir time at BC CIT. MEMBERSSHIP
All BCIT sttudents and ttheir allies are e welcome too attend any o of Technicallyy Queer’s sociial events, whether they aare members or not. Theree is no memb bership fee, th hough event ffees apply to aany students aattending off‐‐campus evennts and trips. A person is cconsidered a member if they are a B BCIT student aattending classses in the cu urrent year, and they havee signed up as a member for that year. ELECTION OF EXECUTIV VES
Club Executives must b be part‐time o or full‐time B CIT students in the year th hat they will b be in office. The e executive positions are P President, Vicce President, Treasurer and Vice President of Public R Relations. Ele ections for the e following yeear will take p place in Febru uary, and will be decided b by secret ballo ot. Students w who attend thhis meeting and are not caandidates are eligible to o vote. In the event that th here is only onne candidate for a particullar position, tthat candidate e will get the p position without necessitaating a vote. DUTIES OFF EXECUTIVESS
ARTICLE V V President
1. 2. 3. 4.
Presid de over all meeetings Decid de on and orgganize yearly eevents Carry out the provvisions of the constitution Overssee all commiittee actions
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |
Vice President
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Vice President of Public Relations
1. 2.
Assum me the dutiess of the presid dent in their aabsence Assistt in brainstorm ming and carrying out eveents Perform any dutie s delegated b by the presideent Co‐ch hair all meetinngs Handle funds and finances for tthe club Keep financial recoords and colleect event fees if applicablee Decid de on yearly bbudget and evvent fees Pay bills and releasse funds as decided by thee executives Make e financial repport at end off year Promote the club tthrough postters, pamphleets, Facebookk and the TQ Q website Promote upcomingg events thro ough the abovve mediums aand the TQ Q newsletter
DUTIES OFF MEMBERS Members are expected d to be accepting of each oother’s differences and resspectful towaards students, regardless off their sexual orientation.
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL The Execu utive Council w will consist off the Presidennt, Vice President, Treasurrer and Vice President of Public Relations. The dutiess of the Execu utive Council are to: 1. Goverrn activities and club events 2. Consid der or implem ment the event suggestionns of memberrs 3. Bring suggested po olicy changes to members for a vote
REPLACEM MENT OF EXECCUTIVES Should an n executive fail to do their above dutiess they may bee subject to reemoval by a ttwo‐ thirds majjority vote of club members. They mustt be notified one week priior to a vote ffor removal. A Any Executive e vacancies w will be filled byy a majority eelection withiin one month h.
MEETINGSS As Technically Queer iss primarily a ssocial group, tthere will be a total of thrree meetings yearly:
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |
1. The first meeting w will take place e one week p rior to the staart of classes in Septembeer and ents and budgget for the yeear, as well ass marketing. will diiscuss the eve 2. The se econd meetin ng will take pllace in Februaary, and will cconsist of a vote for next yyear’s execu utives 3. The th hird meeting will take placce after the laast event of th he year and w will be a wrap p‐up of the e yearly budge et and goals. During this tiime, there wiill also be brainstorming fo or the follow wing year. nd members will be notifieed of Executive attendance iis mandatory during thesee meetings, an the meetings one week in advance and invited too contribute to discussions. EVENTS
All eventss will be decid ded by the Exe ecutive Coun cil based on b budget, mem mbership num mbers, and sugge estions by me embers. The e events will bee of the below w format: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ARTICLE X XI
One m meet‐and‐greet type eventt in the first hhalf of Septem mber Six to eight Reel Qu ueer Film Fesstival eveninggs once per m month, startingg September and ding December exclud One o optional group p trip or multtiple‐day excuursion betweeen January an nd March One w wrap‐up event after the lasst Reel Queerr Film Festival Additiional optionaal events as su uggested by m members RESPONSIBILITIES
This club accepts full financial respo onsibility for all activities tthat bear its n name or logo as official sp ponsor, and w will adhere to all Student A Association regulations. Alll publicity and d marketingg for an event must bear tthe name andd logo of the ssponsoring club. ARTICLE X XII
RIGHT TO ACT Any execu utive or club member does not have thhe right to inccur any debt o or become involved iin any busine ess under the title or by im mplying the tittle of a club in n any way unless given full authority to do so by the club.
AMMENDMENTS TO CO ONSTITUTION N Any amen ndment to this constitution requires a ttwo thirds maajority vote b by Executives and a subseque ent majority vvote by club m members to bbe passed.
Technicaally Queerr BCIT
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |
2010//2011 Budgeet As Technically Queer iss a new stude ent club as of 2010/2011, w we did not haave the opportunity to app ply for fundin ng during Marrch of last yeaar. We would d like to requeest contingen ncy funds for tthe 2010/201 11 school year to cover op perational costs. Our budgget is outlinedd below. The fundss will be used to help quee er students att BCIT feel moore included aand build a seense of communitty in a sometimes hostile e environment. The goal of our group is tto create inclusive, supporrtive spaces wh here queer students will be able to sociialize and buiild relationships in a positiive environmeent. Total Fund ding Needs: $ $600 per yearr Budget Brreakdown: Item Requ uiring Fundin ng Marketing
TQ Winte er Pride Ski/B Board Trip
Reel Quee er Film Festivvals
End of Year Event
Allocation of Funds 20 x TQ Awaareness Posteers 20 x TQ Ski/B Board Trip Poosters 20 x Reel Qu ueer Film Postters 20 x Info Han ndout Sheetss 80 x $1.20 eaach = $96.00 $25.00 trip ssubsidization Up to 12 BCIIT students $20 for snacks and moviee rentals per instance 6 movie nigh hts per year $80 for a pizzza social Total for 201 10/2011:
To otal Funds Reequested $1100.00
$880.00 $6600.00
TQ will make every effort to acquire e sponsorship p for 50% of tthe above bud dgetary need ds, so we requ uest $300.00 to cover the remaining 50% %. Contact In nfo: Christine Livingstone 778.552.8 8958
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.38809 |