3 Minutes Council September 22, 2008

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BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Minutes Monday, September 22, 2008 Executives:

Christine Johnson, VP Finance & Administration Christine Rampage, VP Public Relations & Marketing Hui Hang, VP Campus Life Pulkit Jain, VP of Student Affairs Christopher Peacock, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Processes Chair Doug Holdgate, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Merima Kostecki, Health Sciences Chair Billy Moore, Business Chair Peter Kemp, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Ian Williams on behalf of Lusia Kurk, ATC Chair

Councillors: Angela Meyer Hardeep Dhillon Stacy Lowe Neil Dorais Manny Alamwala Upkar Rai Daniel Chan Erika Diaz Staff:

Caroline Gagnon, Director


Peter Orlandi, President


Rita Qian Victor Liang Donald Rhee

Kevin Preston Courtney Webber Alec Lee Joseph Prophet Amrrish S. Mani Peter Petkow Mathew Brownell

3.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson Peter Orlandi is away on business. Christine Johnson will act as the Chair person in his absence. The Chair person, Christine Johnson, calls the meeting to order at 5:49 pm. (24 voting members). 3.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the following agenda be accepted with the following additions: 3.4 Guest Speaker - Finance Student Association 3.9.1 Finance Student Association 3.9.2 Service Committee 3.9.3 U-pass Moved by: Christine Ramage Seconded by: Pulkit Jain 24/0/0 Carried 3.3.

Acceptance of the Minutes

3.3.1 From July 16, 2008 Be it resolved that that the minutes from July 16, 2008 be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Peter Kemp Seconded by: Christine Ramage 24/0/0 Carried 3.3.2 From August 26, 2008 Be it resolved that that the minutes from August 26, 2008 be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Peter Kemp Seconded by: Billy Moore 24/0/0 Carried 3.4 Guest Speaker – Finance Student Association Rita Qian, Victor Liang, Donald Rhee are requesting the sanctioning of the Finance Student Association. This new club will focus on the finance students as they were unrepresented. Events organized on campus are geared towards accounting students. The vision of the new club is “to build an ongoing, supporting and interactive club that will assist finance students in their studies and employment.” This club will provide events that are for finance students for the purpose of exploring career options, establishing relationships with other student of the same program, and meeting potential employers. Membership to join the club is free and they have already signed over 200 students. The 3 presenters are forming the executives, and they are looking for a fourth member to join the executive. Larry Stubbs, School of Business, has agreed to be the faculty advisor. Question period: What is the difference between senior and junior executives? Second year students can join the executives and manage the affairs of the clubs, while junior (or first year) executives can participate in the events. Junior executives can be voted as senior executives on their second year. How will the election process work? Out-going executives will select the new executives. Membership will not vote on the executives. Will this look more like an appointment (or hiring process) instead of election? Yes. How will you pay for expenses if not membership is free? It is anticipated that all participating at these events will do it free of charge. Is the membership open to all programs? Not yet. The club is planning to outreach other programs. Do you any ideas about including other programs? The focus of the club is more informational, so information sessions could be open to all students. Further, there will be weekly meetings to discuss investment, which should interest all students. Is this the first time that this type of club has requested sanctioning? Yes. The finance program is a very small option. What will guarantee the sustainability for next year? By having first year students involved, it is hoped that they will take over the club.

Some students have issues concerning the “hiring” process of executives. The club is open to revising it. 3.5.

Executive Progress Report

Christine Johnson: • She met with the BCIT Registrar office about facilitating a better online voting process. Christine Ramage: • Christine reviews her objectives. • She will be using the SA page to communicate to the student membership about SA events and issues. • Three events are already planned for Peak Leadership. Chris Peacock: • Chris reviews his objectives. Doug Holdgate: • Doug reviews his objectives. Merima Kostecki: • Merima reviews her objectives • She has already organized a Set and Tech Rep meet and greet on October 1st, 2008 from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. The dean and associate deans will be present at this event. • She is still working on gathering the names of all set & tech reps, and will be planning another event in January with a more social focus to help promote the amalgamation of all programs. Hui Hang: • Hui is reviewing the Orientation process and is updating the document. Ian Williams (on behalf of Lusia Kirk): • Would like to see more fun activity on the ATC campus. A new event is being organized by Lu and SA staff members. Students will enter a competition to build an airplane out of stationary supplies. Billy Moore: • Billy reviews his objectives. • He has been talking to Translink about the possibilities of bringing a U-pass at BCIT. He has received the support of the Translink union workers. The first step would be to allow an official survey to be conducted on campus by Translink. Pulkit Jain: • Pulkit reviews his objectives. • He will be meeting with International Students to promote their involvement while attending BCIT. • Pulkit is reviewing the Bike rack situation on campus. He would like to see more safe places for students to leave their bike.

Peter Kemp: • Peter reviews his objectives. 3.6. Councillors’ Open Forum • Ian Williams mentions that the quality of water at ATC is very bad. They use to have bottled water, but people from the other building used it, so they had to discontinue the service. They would also like to have a hot water tap. •

Jason states that the temperature control in the classrooms for the ABET program is too high and very uncomfortable. This situation is found also in SE 6. BCIT has placed plastic covers on thermostat making it difficult to control the temperature.

Angela mentions that she is concerned by the noise made by the construction around campus, especially for classes in the SW1 – 3rd floor (351). This situation is similar for SE 6 and SE 12 construction. In the SE 12 building the monitors are vibrating making it difficult for students. Could the noise be limited to before or after class time?

Joseph felt that there was a lack of student cohesion after Orientation. Once the event was done, there was limited set interaction. He proposes that other events be organized to promote such cohesion amongst students.

Matt would like to know why only 1st year student receive free agenda. Caroline explains that the cost of free agenda for all would be approximately $20,000. If Council is interested in offering this service, they will need to make changes during budgetary time.

Ian talks about the issues around the ATC parking lot. People are speeding in the school parking lot making it very dangerous for students. In September, BCIT had a security agent in the parking lot, which helped this situation.

Alec asks about how to increase student fees. Caroline explains that the only way is through a referendum process.


Question Period

Neil would like to know what is happening in the pub. The service and food has changed drastically. A new manager, Mike Neil, was hired and he brought lots of changed, such as new services (minute lunch).

Is the Set and Tech Rep meet and greet on October 1st for all students? Merima confirms that it is only for health students. If this works well, other Chairs are more than welcomed to duplicate the idea.

Daniel inquire about how will Merima be able to invite all set and tech reps, especially those from the school of nursing, as their school schedule may not allow the student to be available for this event. Merima anticipates that only 60% of student will show up, and explains the difficulty of planning an event ensuring that everybody can attend. Daniel proposes a web forum for the set and tech rep meetings. Merima

is opened to the idea. Angela recommends that even if the set tech reps cannot attend, they could send a representative on their behalf. By sending the agenda in advance, it could be a way to inform students.


Unfinished Business


Harassment and Discrimination Policy

Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA supports the division of the existing BCIT Harassment and Discrimination Policy into two documents, Policy and Procedures. By doing so, BCITSA acknowledges that the Procedures will no longer require Council approval for changes, while the Policy will still require Council approval. Moved by: Christine Ramage Seconded by: Peter Kemp. Caroline explains the reasons behind this motion. Motion: Be it resolved that the Harassment and Discrimination Policy be definitely postponed until the next Council Meeting October 6th, 2008. Moved by: Christopher Peacock Seconded by: Doug Holdgate 23/0/1 Carried 3.9.

New Business

3.9.1 Finance Student Association Proposal Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA sanctions FSA Moved by: Mathew Brownell Seconded by: Chris Peacock 4/ 21/1 Defeated Question: • Students have issues with the voting process of their executives. It looks unethical to vote your successors. • Billy would like for the club to review their impeachment clause. • Alec proposes that an odd number of executives be created. It would help the voting process (i.e. 5 executives). • Angela has issues with not giving token appreciation to companies that will be coming for free to inform students. • Christine proposes that a minimal membership fees that will allow for seed money for future events. • Hui cites that the club should have financial provisions for next year to ensure sustainability of the club. • Kevin proposed a membership fee, which would help support some of the concerns. Call the question Moved by: Christopher Peacock 25/0/0 Carried

Seconded by: Doug Holdgate

Hui will talk to the club to make and or debate the proposed changes. 3.9.2 Services Committee Pulkit is looking for Services Committee volunteers. Pulkit explains the issues that the committee was working on last year. Volunteers: Christopher Peacock, Mathew Brownell, Billy Moore, Ian Williams, Christine Ramage 3.9.3 Universal bus pass (U-pass) Motion: Be it resolved that Council gives Billy Moore the mandate to pursue the U-pass on behalf of BCITSA. Moved by: Billy Moore Seconded by: Kevin Preston 24/0/0 Carried Caroline explains the past history about the U-pass at BCIT. Questions: • Kevin would like to know more about research? Billy explains that he is working to have Translink conduct a survey on campus determining if students are interested in such program and how much could it cost. It will targeting full-time and part-time students. 3.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 6, 2008 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 3.11. Meeting adjourned It was moved Peter Kemp and seconded by Christopher Peacock that the meeting be adjourned at 7:32pm. Carried

Executive Meeting Agenda Monday September 22, 2008 5:30-7:30pm 3.1 Meeting called to order 3.2 Acceptance of the Agenda 3.3 Acceptance of the Minutes from July 16th and August 26th, 2008 3.3.1 Acceptance from July 16th, 2008 3.3.2 Acceptance from August 26th 2008 3.4 Guest Speakers 3.5 Progress Reports: Executives 3.4.1 Progress Report of Hui Hang 3.4.2 Progress Report of Merima Kostecki 3.4.3 Progress Report of Peter Kemp 3.4.4 Progress Report of Pulkait Jain 3.4.5 Progress Report of Christopher Peacock 3.4.6 Progress Report of Lusia Kirk 3.4.7 Progress Report of Billy Moore 3.4.8 Progress Report of Christine Ramage 3.4. 9 Progress Report of Christine Johnson 3.6 Councilor Forum 3.7 Question Period 3.8 Unfinished Business 3.8.1 Harassment and Discrimination Policy 3.9 New Business 3.10 Meeting Adjourned

BCIT Student Association PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Hui Hang Last updated: Sept 16th 2008 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue



VP Campus Life Orientation Training Manual

Completed, Orientation Committee Wrap-Up meeting on September 24th


Sanctioning Finance Student Association

FSA President to present to council at our earliest convenience

PROGRESS REPORT FOR Merima Kostecki Last updated: September 16, 2008 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


School of Health Set/Tech Rep Meet and Greet


Set/Tech Rep issues

Status • • • • •

Waiting for Set/Tech Rep lists to send an Invite Dean and Associate Deans have confirmed attendance Other guests: Amanda from Uconnect, Val Karpinsky VP Two set reps per set are not recommended Clearer definition of Tech rep duties is needed – establish a committee to update Set/Tech Rep Doc • i.e. Tech reps as PAC reps in 2nd year, Tech reps as Set reps in 1st year • System to ensure that Program Heads receive Set/Tech document


Last updated: September 16, 2008 Date of Introduction


Action or Outstanding Issue

Launch Student Research Centre

Status Talked to our dean Kim Dotto and he has given me the go ahead to create a list of companies that I can target to sponsor this centre. Once the list is complete I will submit it for approval and then start talking to the companies. The room we are going to use is a combination of 301 and 303 in SE12 LAN Party


Increase awareness of the SA through events


The first event is going to be in October, the Friday after mid terms. o If the event is worth while we will have

another in Jan/Feb of 09. •

I will be talking to security next week about the possibility of using SE06 as our HQ for this all night event. o I might have to offer to hire a security guard for the night to manage SE06 during this event.

Algorithms competition. •


Increased interest in the CASP program.

Talked to our algorithms teacher, Rob Nelson, and he has agreed to help with problems and evaluating. Talked to the set reps about these events and I have a team of volunteers who are going to help organize the events. Posted SA with posters of myself explaining who I am and what I can do for the students; Plus the upcoming events.

Talked with our dean, Kim Dotto, and he has informed me that on top of the BCIT program we also have a program that offers transferable credits in high school that can be applied towards the diploma to help promote CASP. CASP also runs information sessions where a couple of teachers go around to all of the schools and do presentations to the schools about BCIT CASP. My dean has advised me that he likes the idea, but would prefer if I really concentrate my efforts on the BCIT LAN party and

algorithms competition. Set up dates for all of the set rep meetings for the rest of the year and booked the SA board room for them. • First set rep meeting was held with 16/21 set reps

General: Beginning of term

Set Rep meetings

turning out to the 7:30 meeting. • International student counselor has been chosen. • Residence counselor is an RLA position and there are 2 candidates that I still have to choose from with the aid of tom. • 3 CST students would like to be counselors and am just going through the choosing process.

PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Christopher Peacock Last updated: September 17 2008 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


Sep 2008

Set/Tech rep

Waiting on contact lists. First meeting scheduled for the first week in October

Sep 2008

Extended access

Sep 2008

Councillor package

Will be communicating info and procedures to set/tech reps as soon as I have the first meeting Waiting until October for feedback and to start editing

PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Christine Johnson Last updated: September 17 2008 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


Sep 2008

Student Association Elections

Meeting last Friday to discuss Online voting software

PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Pulkit Jain Last updated: September 18th 2008 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue

Status th


The informal meet for international students

Scheduled for October 8 , the promotion will begin next week, different events being planned out


The issue of increasing bike racks on campus

The idea of bike storage with card access is in works


Peer tutors for 2008- 2009

The interview process has ended and U-Connect has hired 41 peer tutors

PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Billy Moore Last updated: 2008-09-18 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue




Early Stages, Speaking with MGMT w/in Translink


Set and Tech Revolution

Beginning to use Set and Tech Reps w/in more programs

PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Christine Ramage Last updated: 2008-09-18 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


September 17 2008

PEAK Leadership Kick-off


September 22 2008

Increase Student Awareness Through use of SA page in Link


PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Lusia Kirk Last updated: September 21 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


Need weights in gym September



Office Airplane contest


Shirt designs for ATC campus Games tournament fundraiser for pool table repairs


Meeting with Ian Morton Sept. 19 Preliminary sketches Preliminary drafts in progress

PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Peter Orlandi Last updated: 2008-09-18 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue

Status •


Set and Tech Rep system.

Have been meeting with Deans promoting the Set and Tech Rep system. Often these meetings have included the Chair of the appropriate school


Reminder that Bylaw asks that all school chairs submit a list on councilors to the VP of Finance and Administration by the end of September

**This Progress Report is to be updated and submitted to the President no later than the Thursday preceding a Council Meeting. Once an Action or Outstanding Issue is completed it should then be removed from the Progress Report. Updates are to be provided during the Executive’s Report or under Unfinished Business if a dialogue or motion needs to be made on the subject. This Progress Report will be supplied to all Members of Council prior to each Council Meeting.

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