Council Meeting Monday, September 25, 2006 Minutes Executives:
Jennifer Leaman, President Todd Embley, VP Finances & Administration Matt Chong, VP Public Relations & Marketing Jason Vranjkovic, VP of Student Affairs Rick Sandu, VP Campus Life Scott Haller, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Ron Asperin, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Sukh Aujla, Business Chair Carlo Ocampo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Julia Cornester, Health Sciences Chair
Marlina Kinnesley Jennette Leung Brenda Corbett Amrit Dhaliwal Rahil Lalani Tod Fraser Thomas Troubridge Sajan Zachariah Nick Martynov
Geoff Gauthier, Editor
Pankaj Garg
Hyup Lee Allan Olson Emily Ho Amanda Hams Jasuina Mikova Paul Mathews Bryson Norrish
4.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Jennifer Leaman, calls the meeting to order at 5:48 pm. (25 voting members). Roberts Rules of Order were postponed due to Caroline being sick. 4.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be accepted as presented. 25/0/0 Carried 4.3 Acceptance of the Minutes from September 11, 2006 Pushed forward to next meeting to pass it then 4.4 Guest Speakers: No guest speakers 4.5 • •
General Reports: Executive Office Hours Posted (Jen) Jen- Sign up Tech Reps and Set Reps to sign up on the SA website
4.6. Progress Reports Progress reports as submitted.
4.7. Question Period • Emily (Councillor for Health Sciences)- Shinerama was very difficult to raise money towards because a lot of people are not aware of what it is, Paul at Recreation Services did not know what CF was. • Todd- 2 years ago CF speakers came around • Speaker came up with CF • Wellness Fair- Not enough promotion, no one knew about it • Jeanette- Orientation- saw a video on CF, play it on the TV’s around campus, suggested that they put the CF issue into the rolling PowerPoint during orientation • Nick- Track- see how feasible it is to dig the track out and pour concrete rubber into it and make it into a running track, see the budget, if we can afford it, long process to figure it out, take time, • Nick- Get extra tables down in the great hall, long tables , Get more garbage cans, recycling, ash trays outside • Todd- agreed that new lounge furniture will be bought for the campus • Removed the taller tables to make it more of a lounge area • Meant to be a social centre • Geoff- 6 Garbage Cans in the Great Hall and nobody uses them, students don’t use them properly • Students need to take responsibility for garbage • Rick- More group, dynamic- brought up live at lunch weekly music, found out what the actual agenda was, campus life • Thomas- In the library you can’t discuss anything • Asked about getting Amazing Race forms • Amanda- Media Works is not doing free printing anymore • Jen- Media Works did not realize how much free printing would cost them, their whole staff. Found they couldn’t do specialization and have stopped that. • Todd- Can still save money if you bring a group of people to print at Media Works • Rahil- Surveys, going to different schools, seeing how feasible this project is, open up labs in different buildings, more study space, study all night, • Emily- Question about nutrition program, Uconnect worked something out with Res and got them 10% off at Save On Foods, asked if they would like to make the shopping trip a monthly issue. • Juila- More appropriate into seeing how they want to implement the issue, working on it, premature in the planning stage. • Geoff- Will be doing the event again, does not think that this will happen yet because of the deal brokered between metro town and Save On • Amrit- Why not open the U connect shopping trip to non Residence Students• Jen- Working on making this a bigger thing, Res feels isolated want to keep them involved, a lot of res kids are right out of high school, prepare them for school, not quite at a point where we can offer that to everyone. • Geoff- bridge gap between BCIT and Housing • Julia- Move into the bigger community once this goes forward • Rick- Bearings and Deja vu document, start promotion in these vehicles • Thomas- lecture promotion is the best way to reach the students • Jen- Teachers feel that too many people are coming into the classroom and taking away from learning time. • Rahil- 1st and 2nd year minglers, have u though of any other events? • Sukh- Not sure which clubs to use, sort out timing, get tickets for people in that club, all depends, figure out who’s going to do it. • Nick- Thinks that minglers are a good idea
Unfinished Business 4.8.1
24/7 room Committee Volunteers: Jasmine, Nick, Rahil Bylaw Committee Jen- Guides the organization, important to have different imputs, affects all students, important, set the direction, bind the organization, what they support, what we don’t support. Volunteers: Jason, Jennifer, Scott, Emily, Bryson, Jeannette Motion: Be it resolved that the BCITSA forms a bylaw committee Moved by: Scott Haller Seconded by: Julia Cornester 25/0/0 Carried 4.9
New Business 4.9.1 Foundation Funding Jen- BCIT Foundation fundraising arm, donation for over $200,000, asking for council’s support of $500 for an awards ceremony, timing is off, were not aware of it, every other year we have supported. Motion: Be it resolved that the BCITSA donates $500 towards the BCIT Foundation. Moved by: Jennifer Leaman Seconded by: Scott Haller 25/0/0 Carried
Questions: • Nick had a question on if SA had enough money 4.9.2 Clubs – Van City Banking (Jason) Jason explains in plain English about what this motion means, asks for the authorization to open bank accounts for the clubs so Jason can sign off on it. Jason explains that accountability of the money and moving forward with finances, Jason has the authorization to open new accounts as the need arises. Motion: Be it resolved that the Council authorizes the opening of one bank account at Vancouver city Savings Credit union for each BCITSA subsidiary organization that qualifies for BCIT SA Funding. Moved by: Jason Vranjkovic Seconded by: Scott Haller 24/0/0 Carried Questions: Amanda- who would have access to these accounts? Jason- one of the VP student affairs or controller and one of club president or club treasurer to sign off on the accounts. (Policy) • Jen- Van City requires a motion to be passed • Jason- Business account set up so this must be passed by council. • •
Ron- Question about clubs- Jason listing the benefits, to any interested clubs, Jason is asking for a proposal to start a club, Clubs must be sanctioned, Jason is asking for a brief description of the club, vision, community, start up requirements, resources needed, how many people they have interested or how they will get people interested.
4.10 Next Meeting – October 16, 2006 Next meeting is scheduled for October 16, 2006 at 5:30pm. A Roberts Rule of Order session will be offered at the next meeting. 4.11 Meeting adjourned It was moved Julia Cornester and seconded by Rick Sandhu that the meeting be adjourned. Carried
BCIT Student Association MONDAY, September 25, 2006 AGENDA
Robert’s Rules 4.1.
Meeting called to order
Acceptance of the Agenda
Acceptance of the Minutes from September 11, 2006
Guest Speakers:
General Reports: Executive
Progress Reports
Question Period
Unfinished Business 4.8.1.
4.8.2. 4.8.3.
New Business 4.9.1.
Foundation funding (Jennifer)
Clubs – Van City banking (Jason)
Next Meeting – October 16, 2006
Meeting adjourned
Jennifer Leaman -
All of the executives have office hours that they will be available for drop in to meet with students. We will be posting these hours on the web. If you know of any set reps or tech reps please have them go to to fill out the set and tech rep form.
Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
Sept 6th
Looking to see if we can’t work with BCIT to use as a revenue sharing space
No further progress, trying to track down the right person to talk to.
Sept 6
Manned the Shinerama booth for two hours to help get the word out and answer questions
July 15
Wine Tasting/Networking Event
Had a meeting with Scott, Amy, and Michael to go over details, still need to work out transportation and logistics.
Sept 6
Nutrition Guide
Working with Julia to put together an info package for students and a tour of a shopping center for Res Students.
September 11, 2006
Contracts with BCIT
Still reviewing contracts, will be having more meetings in the next couple of months
September 11, 2006
Still in progress – need to start up committee
September 18, 2006
Hiring new Pub Manager
September 11, 2006
September 12, 2006
Meeting with various students about different interests they have in regards to what sort of services we should be offering.
September 12, 2006
Media events – Strengthening relationships
Went to three different media events to help strengthen the relationship with BCIT Student Association and BCIT and departments within in it.
24/7 lab room
Student consultants have volunteered to provide input to the committee on this objective
Part of hiring committee to hire new Pub Manager. Success, hired Michael Van Lane as our new Pub Manager. Working with Jason and staff of SA to come up with a package for all clubs.
Rick Scott September 2006 Scott September 2006 Scott September 2006
Program Term Survey Web Forum
Outstanding Outstanding
September 2006
Hiring Councillors
Hired 2 (waiting for confirmation for a 3rd councillor)
September 2006
Assisted a one BBQ. Recruited 5 volunteers for the Amazing Race.
September 2006
Meeting Schedule for Set & Tech. Reps
Schedule set and room booked. Need to communicate schedule with Set & Tech Reps once they have been identified.
September 2006
Review and rewrite By-laws
Committee needs to meet.
Scott Scott Scott
Julia August
Nutrition Program
Hiring Councillors
Still waiting on numbers
Meeting with Set Reps and Tech Reps
Waiting to get contact information
Met with Todd and Rick; have an appointment with dietician
Julia Julia Sukh Carlo . Ron Matt Jason
Clubs meeting + feedback occurred. Next clubs meeting Sept. 29. There is interest in forming new clubs
September 11
September 11
Update clubs bylaws
September 11
Update VP-SA job description
No action
September 11
Test bank
No action
September 11
Update bylaws (non-clubs)
No action
Jason Jason
Have running notes on experiences and impressions of clubs system so far. Ongoing dealing with student issues. First office hour in safe space was Sept. 22
Jason Jason Jason