4 MinutesCouncilMeeting - October 24, 05

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Council Meeting Monday, October 24, 2005 Minutes Executives:

Ashley Steier, President Craig Hall, VP Finances & Administration Andrea Charlton, VP Public Relations & Marketing Grace Budiono, VP Campus Life Jennifer Leaman, VP of Student Affairs Michael Louie, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Tara Perret, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Shannon Roberts, Health Sciences Chair Todd Embley, Business Chair


Lee-Ann Banfield Megan Chambers Jeff Piper Monica Pearson Tim Erickson Julie Ho Robert Yuen Fred Haiderzada Phil Stringer


Tunde Gal, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Heather Thompson Simon Parada Yazdi Balsara Tina Nagra


Caroline Gagnon, Director Geoff Gauthier, Editor


Lloyd Jacobs (AIM) Spencer McMurdy (AIM) Kirsti Stubbs (ACE) Karling Jago Simon Hodson (IEEE)

Greg Hodson Marlina Kinnersley Matthew Chong Brenda Corbett Tim Suri Christina Bell Darren Vonic Giancarlos Escalante

Dimitri Karouras (IEEE) Brian Piskovik (IEEE) Reid Schretleu (ACE) Daniel Smith (CST)


Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Ashley Steier, at 5:43 pm. (23 voting members).


Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be accepted with the following changes: To add: 6.4 Guest Speakers: AIM & IEEE Carried


Acceptance of the Minutes from October 11, 2005 It was moved by Tara Perret and seconded by Andrea Charlton that the minutes of October 11, 2005 be accepted as distributed. 23/0/0 Carried

6.4. Guest Speakers Introduction from BCITSA Sanctioned Clubs Representatives of the following sanctioned student clubs introduce the mission and activities of their clubs on campus: ACE BCIT (Advancing Canadian Entrepreneurship) CIPS (Computer Information Processing Society) BCITMA (Marketing Association) AIM (Association of Interactive Marketers) BCIT IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) 6.6

General Reports Executives & Director See attached general reports.


Progress Report See attached progress report.



Questions Period (5 min.) Monika would like to suggest that statistics about BCIT students victim of drinking and driving accidents be used during the Alcohol Awareness Week. It might have a better impact on students. Leanne would like to have more information about each item of the progress report, such as who, what, where, when? Ashley would like to know more about the gifts of choice. Andrea explains that hampers are done by the BCIT community for Christmas, and are distributed to students with children in need. Groups are being recruited for these families. Spencer would like to know if specific recommendations be indicated in order to truly provide what is needed by these families. Andrea clarify that the cheque presentation from the Shinerama campaign was conducted last week. A preliminary donation cheque of $15,000 was donated to the Canadian Association of Cystic Fibrosis. Monica would like to know the location of the bike cages. The cages are located at NE1, SW9, and SE16.

Unfinished Business No unfinished business.

6.9. New Business 6.9.1 Sanctioned Club Funding (Jennifer Leaman) Jennifer explains that $9000 was budgeted for this fiscal year to distribute to Sanctioned Clubs, and recommends the following allocation of funding. Motion: Be it resolved that the BCITSA releases $7950 to the sanctioned clubs on October 24, 2005 as follow: $750 to CIPS $750 to IEEE $750 to Toastmaster $1900 to ACE $1900 to MA $1900 to AiM Moved by: Jennifer Leaman Seconded: Craig Hall

22/0/1 Carried Questions: What were the criteria for this recommendation? Jennifer explains that criteria such as number of membership, level of activities, and financial sustainability were used to evaluate the needs of each club. Please note the update in members for ACE: current members 25; projected members 40. Ashley explains that the left over money will be distributed at a later date for new clubs or for existing clubs if necessary. Please note the update in membership for CIPS: current members 35. Andrea would like to know if the left over money is sufficient if there is a lot of interest from new clubs. Jennifer states that enough money should be available given that half of the year has past and only seed money would be necessary for this fiscal year. 6.9.2. Professor Mugs Equipment Craig informs council that a new deep fry will be purchased for the amount of $1300 for the Pub given that the current one is no longer functioning. 6.9.3 BCITSA Events Ashley would like to have a discussion about the future of BCITSA events. Ashley explains that most of the events are not getting the numbers. What should BCITSA do to make it more appealing to students? Ashley limits the discussion to 10 minutes. Discussion: Leanne recommends that fun event such as “Price is Right” be available. Kirsti proposes that continuing of using emails as a marketing tool. They are more effective than poster. Meagan suggests that many smaller gifts be distributed instead of one of two large one. Students might participate more if they feel they have a chance of winning anything. Christina states that the exposure of the events is getting better, however recommends that students get involved in promoting them also. Todd suggests that we look at alternatives for prizes. Monika states that some students are not looking for party type events but more business oriented. Andreas mentions that with a very tight school schedule and heavy work load, it makes it difficult to attend events. With school being a priority, students will attend school prior to events. Spencer discusses the internal competition between the student clubs and the SA. Students have limited free time so having 2 parties in one month may be difficult to recruit enough participants. Cooperation would be better. Lloyd recommends that word of mouth, lecture presentation, table hours are also good marketing techniques. Todd questions the role of the SA for party focused events. Cooperation with student clubs might be a better solution. Bob suggests that we promote the SA during Open House. This might help future students to be involved from the start. Ashley invites all councillors to contact Grace (VP Campus Life) or Michael Van Lane (Event Coordinator) directly if they have more comments.

6.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled on Monday, November 7, 2005 after the AGM – Council Chamber. The AGM will start at 5:45pm. 6.11. Meeting Adjourned It was moved Shannon Roberts and seconded by Andrea Charlton that the meeting be adjourned. (7:07 pm) Carried

COUNCIL MEETING Monday, October 24, 2005 AGENDA


Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from September 26, 2005


Guest Speakers 6.4.1 Intro’s from BCITSA Sanctioned Clubs (5min each) ACE CIPS MA


General Reports: Executive & Director


Progress Reports


Question Period (5 min.)


Unfinished Business 6.8.1. 6.8.2. 6.8.3.


New Business 6.9.1.

Sanctioned Club Funding


Professor Mugs Equipment


BCITSA events


Next Meeting – Monday November 7, 2005 AGM Monday November 7, 2005


Meeting adjourned


Remember to check out www.bcitsa.ca for a complete list of events that are going on. This Friday, Professors Mugs is having a Halloween party and also there is a Halloween party at The Buffalo Club put on by the Student Association and the clubs. Both venues should be awesome. Hope to see you all there.

Craig Hall -

AGM – November 7, 2005. Audited 04/05 Financial Statement will be presented to council. Financial Statements will be available for pick-up this week

Ashley Steier -

Match Stick Production’s Hitlist – Come watch an action packed ski/snowboard film and get a 2 for 1 Whistler Ski pass (approx value $70) 7$ for students and alumni 10$ other. SA EXECUTIVE PROGRESS REPORTS FOR SEPTEMBER 26, 2005


Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue



September 7th, 2005

Recruiting Counsellors

Have 4. Just need one more


October 3rd, 2005


Met with Scott, came up with BCITSA mission statement for forums, looking at a pre-existing one and determining suitability.


October 12th, 2005

Meeting with Associate Dean

Big set rep meeting with Associate Dean Paul Morrison, got more set rep and tech rep contacts


Recommendation about club funding coming out today. Spent many hours reviewing the clubs and meeting with different stakeholders. Met with new and forming clubs. Journalist for Human Rights is the newest supported club.


September 12, 2005



September 12, 2005

Alcohol Awareness Week

Organizing it for November 21- 25, 2005. In the process of designing a successful campaign. Any suggestions will be helpful. Still need ideas


September 12, 2005

Student Concerns

Ongoing, have been in frequent contact and in meetings with various student groups


October 24, 2005

Millennium Scholarship Foundation

Had a meeting with a representative who is visiting postsecondary schools across Canada


October 24, 2005

Prayer Space on Campus

Trying to find a long term solution to meet the needs of students who need prayer space on campus. Working with administration to find ideas that may be suitable. Researching what other schools are doing


October 24, 2005


A committee has formed to look into U-Pass. Met with a student group who is doing research on the feasibility of having U-Pass here at BCIT and will continue to work with them


October 17, 2005

Computing students volunteering

Got a few names of students who volunteered for Orientation and Shinerama. Waiting for the rest of the names


October 19, 2005

Set/Tech Rep Schedules


October 20, 2005

TEK Meeting


Sept 7/05

Rec Fee


Sept 7/05

Set/Tech Reps


Sept 8/05

Cynthia Kersey Presentation

Started to make up a schedule.

First meeting with all members. Going over objectives. Spoke with Nina (BCIT CFO) at executive intro meeting on Sept 14/05. Acquired more background information. Spoke with Jim Mitchell as well. Will be trying to have a published version of reasoning in Link soon. Would like to know if there are to be more increases. Still in progress. Still amassing the contact and program information for all set reps and tech reps. Began forming Group’s in GroupWise, will be finished by Tuesday. Due to venue issues, moving possible date to Spring sometime, but looks like it will be a go.


Ashley brought to our attention that his uncle is an expert in this field. We will be setting up a meeting to discuss how we can make the students more aware of how it works and pitfalls to watch out for. Tentative meeting date of Oct 26 scheduled. Been discussing the idea of starting a SOB Toastmasters club with Allison as a pilot project


Oct 3/05

Student Credit History


Oct 11/05






Set/Tech rep meeting.



Bike cages



Health Sciences Mingler

Started planning for a health sciences mingler.



Nursing Policy Feedback

Have been gathering opinions from nursing students and general health science students about the policy.



Bike cages


October 17, 2005

Clothing Donation Drop off @ U Connect

Creating Posters to advertise and get the word out.

October 17, 2005

Tech/Set/Councillor Meeting

October 26th @ 2:30pm in the Council Chambers






Creating a presence at other campuses



Alternative sources of revenue


October 14th

Club funding

Worked with Jen to create a recommendation for club funding.


October 13th

Consignment book store

Attended a meeting with Ashley, the director of ancillary services and the bookstore manager.


October 14th

Holiday Campaign

“Gift of Choice� Holiday Campaign from November 7 to December 9, 2005


Counsellor Recruitment

3rd health sciences counsellor found Meeting happened Oct. 19, 2005 Found out Burnaby campus has 12 cages located across the campus. They can be rented by the month, they cost $10.00/month and you need your own lock.

Looking into bike cages for Burnaby campus.

Met with a contractor, he will be giving be quote to have the microwaves secured to the shelves. Working with Scott on contents of glass case. Will be testing concept in the Great Hall. Have a few quotes for new glass cases. Have been inquiring with the Gaming Branch in Victoria to see if we can qualify.



September 6th


Wrapping things up; Prizes, cheque presentation


October 14th

Shinerama 2006

Starting to prepare a package and or manual for next year’s VP Marketing in regards to Shinerama and the Amazing Race.


October 6th,2005

International Student Forum

In Progress – Starting in Nov


October 6th, 2005

International Food Event

In Progress – Possibility postponed until end on Nov. Meeting w/ BCIT International Wed.


October 6, 2005

Halloween Party



October 6th, 2005

Bridging the Gap

Meeting with Scott Blythe soon.


October 21st, 2005

Business Committee

Looking forward to a meeting


October 5, 2005



October 3, 2005

Alumni Association


September 5, 2005

Set Reps and Tech Reps


September 25, 2005

Credit & Fraud Education


September 21,2005

Admin issues


October 5, 2005

Health & Dental


October 2, 2005

Consignment Bookstore

Chose members for a UPass committee, 3 executives and approx. 4 other students. Keep an eye on the website for surveys and other questions. Working out the details for where and how we will distribute the information regarding the ‘A-Z CA’ project. -A comprehensive information tool where aspiring CA students can get all the information they need to be successful. Mailing lists are in full effect. Talk to your set rep if you haven’t received anything lately. A meeting is set for October 26 A project to educate students about the importance of their credit rating and how to protect themselves against fraud. Awaiting meeting times for interviews with prospective people for the VP Education. The opt-out period for regular September intake has come and gone. Concerns from students who have missed the opt out have just begun. Met with BCIT bookstore Manager and the BCIT Director of Ancillary Services to discuss the reopening of our consignment bookstore. Currently reviewing our contracts with BCIT before we proceed.


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