4 MinutesExecutive October 1, 2007

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Council Meeting Monday, October 1, 2007 Minutes Executives:

Brenda Corbett, President Jennette Leung, VP Finances & Administration Irina Osipova, VP Public Relations & Marketing Thomas Nguyen, VP Campus Life Christopher Peacock, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Thomas Trowbridge, Business Chair Roan Hidalgo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Emily Ho, Health Sciences Chair Leanne Atienza, VP of Student Affairs Doug Holdgate, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair


Angela Meyer Tod Fraser Neil Dorais Billy Moore Pulkit Jain Aga Khan Benjamin Davidson


Caroline Gagnon, Director Geoff Gauthier, Editor


Patrick Sandi Alec Lee

Konstantin Kleiner Joshua Smith Maria Pia Fasan Robby Basi Arun Randhawa Eugen Dark Sam McCullough

Jason Birchenco

4.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Brenda Corbett, calls the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. (21 voting members). 4.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the following agenda be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Doug Holdgate Seconded by: Chris Peacock 21/0/0 Carried 4.3

Acceptance of the Minutes from September 17, 2007 Be it resolved that that the minutes from September 17, 2007 be accepted as posted. Moved by: Doug Peacock Seconded by: Leanne Atienza 21/0/0 Carried


Guest Speaker – Jim Mitchell, BCIT Director of Student Services

Jim announces that following the floods, recreation services located in SE 16 are now open. Counselling has been relocated in SW1 until their offices are operational. Medical services will open tomorrow in trailers located on the north west side of SAC.


Jim explains that due to the floods, the amazing race was cancelled, as recreation services provides support for the event and were not able to provide such support with the clean up of the flood. However, he proposes some ideas of new fundraising events that may be created to raise awareness for not only Cystic Fibrosis, but Guichon Creek, which was damage by the heavy rain. Ideas such as a button campaign, accompanied with a BBQ were stated. Questions: • What were the total damages to the SE 16 building? It is too early to tell. Carpets were replaced, sanitized or cleaned. Flooring needed to be replaced in computer rooms and prayer room. No damage to medical or fitness equipment. • Were gym lockers damaged? There were no damage to lockers or personal items in the lockers. • How much needs to be raised to fix the creek? Jim is not sure. • Will the relocation of the services be announced Yes, the new locations are on BCIT website and mybcit. New signage will also be done. Irina will investigate the funding possibility and will contact Jim. Motion: Be it resolved that that the meeting be adjourned until 7:00pm or until the end of the Roberts Rule of Order presentation. Moved by: Jennette Leung Seconded by: Thomas Nguyen 22/0/0 Carried Called to Order The Chairperson, Brenda Corbett, calls the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. 4.5

General Reports: Executive Nothing to report

4.6. Progress Reports • As presented 4.7. Question Period • Irina asks Council members about Jim Mitchell’s proposal for fundraising. - Instead of bottom, students could be asked to contribute extra when purchasing something such as a cup of coffee. - $5 for a button might be too much. $2 is more appropriate. - Issues surrounding what students get for their donation. For example, will they receive a free BBQ. Timing of the event was also discussed. - A button might not be too interesting. Students should donate money because they want to donate $ for that cause. - We should know what are the damages and how much money is needed to restore the creek before planning an event. - Other fundraising such as the bracelet is better to increase awareness for the cause. The fundraising was meant to be for Cystic Fibrosis and efforts should not go to the creek. - Should BCITSA donate money instead of organizing a fundraising event.


Motion: Be it resolved that a committee be formed to discussion the funding event proposed by Jim Mitchell Moved by: Thomas Trowbridge Seconded by: Doug Holdgate 16/1/2 Carried Committee Members: Joshua Smith, Alec Lee, Konstantin Kleiner, Aga Khan, Neil Dorais, Tod Fraser, Irina Osipova (Chair). • Irina asks about the election process. Jennette will be looking for volunteers to sit on the election starting in October. 4.8.

Unfinished Business No unfinished business


New Business 4.9.1 Washroom Advertisements Caroline reports that the advertisement in SE 12 bathrooms were removed by BCIT after receiving complaints from our students. 4.9.2

Bylaw Committee

Motion: Be it resolved that a bylaw committee will formed to create vision statement and amend the bylaws with (councillor) and (councillor) appointed to the committee. Moved by: Jennette Leung Seconded by: Doug Holdgate 19/0/0 Carried Debate: • What are the bylaws that will be changed? Jennette states that all bylaws will be reviewed to ensure that they are updated. • Caroline mentions that the importance of the vision. Committee Members: Alec Lee, Konstantin Kleiner, Tod Fraser, Roan Hidalgo, Irina Osipova, Leanne Atienza, Thomas Nguyen, Pulkit Jain, Jennette Leung (Chair) 4.9.3

Service Committee

Motion: Be it resolved that the services committee be created on this date with the intention of analyzing available BCIT services (specifically those environmental related) in order to make recommendations for further improvement. Moved by: Thomas Nguyen Seconded by: Joshua Smith 19/0/0 Carried Debate: • Is there information about environmental services available to students at BCIT? Thomas states that there is a current a website with limited information.


• Leanne has contacted Cindy McIntosh, BCIT Manager for custodial services, who is also dealing with environmental issues. Leanne is still waiting to hear from her. Initiatives such as food containers and bicycle storage can be investigated. Committee Members: Leanne Atienza, Christopher Peacock, Thomas Nguyen (Chair), Emily Ho, Joshua Smith. 4.9.4

SE-12 24/7 Lab Petition

Roan explains the issues surrounding the closure of private lab after 1:00am. According to the Dean, the VP of education wants to limit the access to students for safety reasons for both the individuals and BCIT assets. Roan asks support from BCITSA for a petition to be distributed to keep these private labs open. Roan has talked to Dean and he supports this petition. Motion: Be it resolved that the Student Association acknowledges and supports the petition written by the students of the School of Computing & Academic Studies to keep the private labs of SE 12 accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Moved by: Roan Hidalgo Seconded by: Doug Holdgate 17/0/1 Carried Debate: • Will this petition only address computer labs or other types of labs that might be needed for students? Roan states that this petition is only for the private labs with the School of Computing & Academic Studies. • Were there any concerns with vandalism prior to BCIT closing these labs? Not to Roan’s knowledge. • Some would like to see some negotiation happening to ensure that it is not all or nothing. 4.10 New Business Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 22, 2007 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 4.11 Meeting adjourned It was moved Irina Osipova and seconded by Leanne Atienza that the meeting be adjourned at 7:43 pm. Carried


BCIT Student Association MONDAY, October 01, 2007 Council Meeting AGENDA


Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from September 17, 2007


Guest Speakers: 4.4.1. Jim Mitchell, BCIT Director of Student Services


General Reports: Executive


Executive Progress Reports


Question Period


Unfinished Business 4.8.1. 4.8.2. 4.8.3.


New Business 4.9.1. Washroom Advertisements 4.9.2. Bylaw Committee 4.9.3. Service Committee 4.9.4. SE-12 24/7 Lab Petition


Next Meeting – Monday October 22, 2007- 5:30pm


Meeting adjourned



Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue



September 17, 2007

Ternopil National Economic University (TNEU)

Found 1 student so far still looking for more volunteers meeting will take place October 16th, 2007

September 17, 2007

Education Council

Met last Wednesday September 26th, 2007.

September 17, 2007

Alumni Board

Distinguished Alumni Awards were September 26th, 2007. It was a very memorable event. Most executives attended, and inspiring to see BCIT Alumni being successful in the community.

October 01, 2007


Started but ongoing

October 01, 2007

Coaching/Feedback sessions

Commencing this week


Researching opportunities to work with the Ministry of Education in a more structured format. Spoke with a current student representative on the Ministry last week, and spoke to various institutions in Alberta in regards to their current structure and format. For more information you can visit http://www.albertastudents.ca/ or http://www.caus.net/

Daycare Service

Conducting research for the current demand for the daycare.

September 17, 2007

Monthly SA Projections

No Progress

September 17, 2007

Bylaw Committee

Looking for interested members for the committee. Goal: revise and create a vision statement. Committee duration: short term

September 17, 2007

Shinerama 2007 Campaign

Shinerama 2007 Campaign is over. The Amazing Race was cancelled due to safety issues. Options of another fundraiser are being considered.

September 17, 2007

Extended Orientation Session for International students

Follow-up meeting is scheduled for Oct.4, 2007

Brenda Brenda

Brenda Brenda Brenda October 01, 2007

Jennette September 17, 2007 Jennette Jennette Irina



Irina September 17, 2007

International Councillor recruitment

Complete •

Leanne September 17, 2007

Promotion of UConnect

• • •

Leanne September 17, 2007 Creation of Environmental Committee

• • •

Thomas N.

Received past UConnect posters from Zeljka. Noticed all posters have been paired with an event, not strictly promoting UConnect In the past, they used bookmarks strictly with UConnect branding on it (as giveaway) Possibly using UConnect events on campus as a vehicle for posters and flyering of stickers Brought up creation of Environmental Committee last executive meeting, now will have it under the Services Committee Looking for 3 executive supporters and 4 councillors Will get BCIT staff member contact from Brenda on support of environmental issues on campus Will contact Chris to get Bryson’s contact for more information on enviro-friendly take-out containers

Currently all documents needed are present. Final write up is in progress.

September 13, 2007

Orientation Day Final Write up

September 27, 2007

Clubs Package

Currently in progress. The budgeting section is the last and final element needed. Revisions will begin shortly afterwards.

September 17, 2007


Have recruited three councillors and need one more.

September 17, 2007

Computer quality in computer labs

Graphics cards or drivers may need upgrading

October 01, 2007

Set and Tech Reps

Received list of set reps from electronic and computer engineering technology

August 24, 2007

Computer workshops

August 24, 2007

Post grades online. Banner System.

Thomas N. Chris

Chris Chris Roan


Emailed Tony O’Kelly on Tuesday September 25, 2007 regarding his current computer seminars. Have not received any reply. Will approach him in person the following Thursday. Discussed the issue with Stephen Meyles, program head for Computer Systems Technology. He suggests researching on the benefits to students, in precise detail, to convince instructors to use the system. Will look into the matter further.


Roan August 24, 2007

Integration of BCITSA with my.bcit.ca

Contacted Alistair Calder via mobile phone regarding proposal. Have not received a reply.

August 24, 2007

Set Tech Rep initiative

Have a sit down with Department of CST to discuss Set/Tech rep related issues.

Sept 12, 2007

Creation of VanLug – Linux & Open Source Computer Club

On hiatus.

September 21, 2007

SE12 Petition

Discussed issue with Dean of the School of Computing and Academic Studies. Have a prepared statement of support written by Kyla Carter, 2nd Tech Rep for CST. Discuss issue with Council Monday October 1, 2007.

September 17, 2007

Searching for Councillors

Still Ongoing

September 17, 2007

Set/Tech Reps

Gathering up all Set/Tech Rep Contacts and Will be Establishing a First Meeting in Early October

October 01, 2007

SW3 Balconies

Still Ongoing

September 17, 2007

Set and Tech Rep

Send letter to School of Health Science.

September 17, 2007

Set and Tech Rep

September 17, 2007


Called potential partners for golf tournament. Helped with BBQ

September 24, 2007

Set and tech Rep

Talk to Food Tech student about set and tech rep; the role and responsibility as well as time commitment. Address questions about set and tech rep.

September 24, 2007

Experience as a Student at BCIT

Talk to Tech Entry students about my experience as a BCIT student.

September 24, 2007

Objective: Awareness of Communicable Disease

Beginning stages: setting vision and direction of objective

Roan Roan Roan

Doug Doug

Doug Emily

Emily Conducted interviews for the position. Hired 2 council members.

Emily Emily

Emily Emily


Thomas T September 17, 2007

Connect with Set and Tech. Reps

Have received e-mail list.

September 17, 2007

Set and Tech Rep meeting

October 03, 2007

September 17, 2007

Recruiting councillors


Thomas T

Thomas T


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