Council Meeting Monday, October 23, 2006 Minutes Executives:
Jennifer Leaman, President Todd Embley, VP Finances & Administration Matt Chong, VP Public Relations & Marketing Jason Vranjkovic, VP of Student Affairs Rick Sandu, VP Campus Life Scott Haller, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Ron Asperin, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Sukh Aujla, Business Chair Carlo Ocampo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Julia Cornester, Health Sciences Chair
Marlina Kinnesley Jennette Leung Brenda Corbett Rahil Lalani Tod Fraser Thomas Troubridge Sajan Zachariah Yoojin Park Diksha Chellaramani
Geoff Gauthier, Editor Caroline Gagnon, Director
Amrit Dhaliwal
Hyup Lee Allan Olson Emily Ho Zhasmina Mihova Doug Holdgate Paul Mathews Bryson Norrish Pankaj Garg Marlina Kinnersley
Nick Martynov
5.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Jennifer Leaman, calls the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. (28 voting members). 5.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be approved with the following additions: New Business: 5.9.3 AGM 5.9.4. Bylaws 28/0/0 Carried 5.3 Acceptance of the Minutes from September 25, 2006 It was moved that the minutes from September 25, 2006 be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Sukh Aujla Seconded by: Matt Chong 28/0/0 Carried 5.4 Guest Speakers: No guest speakers
5.5 •
General Reports: Executive Professor Mugs closed down their breakfast service due to slow businesses. Until the liquor license can be changed, it is unlikely that breakfast will open in the near future.
5.6. Progress Reports Progress reports as submitted. •
Todd goes over the September income statement. Overall, the Association is doing well LYTD (43,000), YTD 106,000. Some minor issues need to be looked at the Coffee Shop. Jason informs that the eight (8) clubs eligible for funding are getting together to bring recommendations forward to Council about the distribution of funding. He is working on a club’s package, which should help the better functioning of the clubs. There are still issues concerning the financial control of clubs’ monies. They are presently opening their own personal bank account for clubs usage, increasing liability for all parties. Jason is working toward having standardized processes established. Todd mentions the work that he had done in protecting the 3-hour break by finding the gymnasium as a location for a finance exam. By dong so, the exam was scheduled in the morning, and not during the 3-hour break.
5.7. • •
• • •
Question Period
Sukh wants to know who Chartwell’s competitor is. Todd will get back to him. Bryson would like to know the status of the Burlesque show. Rick states that due to time of day and open door policy, the performers were no longer interested, thus the show was cancelled. be presented. Todd mentions that Halloween is on Tuesday and a Friday party might not be as successful. Rick will look into this. Julia asks who is responsible for the cost for maintaining the furniture. BCIT is responsible. Thomas wants to know who is responsible for the fit pit. Ultimately, BCIT is responsible for that venue. Amanda heard that the Gymnasium was getting new signage. Todd will look into this.
Brenda is leaving 5.8.
Unfinished Business 5.8.1
24/7 Open Lab Scott explains that a survey is being developed to investigate the wheres and hows students are studying. • Rahil is looking for the distribution channel for this 11 question surveys. Respondents can drop-off the survey at the U-connect. The findings will be presented to BCIT. The survey should be distributed to all Schools •
Joleen is leaving
New Business 5.9.1. Great Hall space (Scott) Motions: Be it resolved that the BCITSA recommends to BCIT that table be placed in the Great Hall to use by students for studying. Moved by: Scott Haller Seconded by: Jason Vranjkovic 13/12/2 Carried • • • • • • • •
Scott asks - why could the Great Hall have a dual-purpose, lounge and study. Todd would like to see the Great Hall without tables. There are other spaces on campus allocated as study space. Amanda with this statement. Scott is not suggesting the elimination of other purposes, students can still relax and still study at the same time. Jason has fond memory a great place to study with his team-mates. Scott informs that students are presently using small tables to do their work. The Great Hall is a good place to eat and study, and is well located. Julia mentions that high table could be useful to eat. Sukh states that the Great Hall is the only place to relax. Todd ads that if table are placed in the Great Hall, it will increase the garbage.
Motions: Be it resolved that the question be called. Moved by: Thomas Troubridge Seconded by: Doug Holdgate 22 for Carried 5.9.2 Clubs (Jason) Motion: Be it resolved that the BCIT CSCE (Canadian Society for Civil Engineer) is recognized as a sanctioned subsidiary organization of the Association. Moved by: Jason Vranjkovic Seconded by: Scott Haller 23/0/0 Carried • • • • •
Jason presents three (3) executive members of CSCE. Scott asks how ASTT is different and looking for technologist and cover all engineering technologist. The clubs is planning to bring events such as minglers to civil engineering students. Jennifer wants to know who is bringing this club on campus. Jason confirms that this club was student initiated. Amanda informs that CSCE has other student chapters (ie. UBC).
Motion: Be it resolved that the BCIT CSCE is granted $500 funding from the club budget. Moved by: Jason Vranjkovic Seconded by: Scott Haller 24/0/0 Carried •
Jason mentions that the funding seeds money to help set up recruiting initiatives.
Scott asks where the funding comes from. Jason informs that $2000 was reserved from the funding club to help support. The rest of the funding, $8000, will be distributed to the already sanctioned clubs.
Motion: Be it resolved that the BCIT Film Club is recognized as a sanctioned subsidiary organization of the Association. Moved by: Jason Vranjkovic Seconded by: Julia Cornerson 25/0/0 Carried •
Jason presents the club’s proposal. The students involved in this proposal were not able to attend due to school obligations. The program has two intakes per year, insuring continuity. This is a great extra curricular club for all BCIT students.
Motion: Be it resolved that the BCIT Film Club is granted $500 funding from the club budget. Moved by: Jason Vranjkovic Seconded by: Julia 21/0/0 Carried • •
• •
The funding will be used to create a website for a short film festival, a start up mingler, and some marketing information. How many people will be involved in the organizing of this club? Jason states that three (3) students form their executives. For continuity, the club has is in good shape because of the course design. The club will not charge sign up fees for members. Rick – How will movies with political and religious topics be handled given our existing restriction for political and religious clubs. Jason states that Council should support freedom of expression. The money will support creative work and not religious and political views. Bryson states that most of the work is documentary. It will create a place to showcase students’ skills. Rick wants to ensure that Council does not create double standards. Scott mentions that the mandate of the club should confirm that they are not political. Jennifer aggress with this statement.
Motions: Be it resolved that the question be called. Moved by: Todd Embley Seconded by: Carlo Ocampo 21 for Carried 5.9.2
Annual General Meeting (Todd)
Todd Embley, VP Administration and Finance calls the Annual General Meeting for Monday November 20th, 2006 at 5:30 pm, in the Council Chamber. Information packages will be available on the website or in the BCITSA front office.
Bylaws (Jennifer)
Jennifer informs council that the Bylaw Committee has proposed amendments to the bylaws. To meet the bylaws requirement for change, the Constitution and Bylaws package will be posted on the website as part of the AGM information package. Council need to make themselves 5.10. Next Meeting – November 6, 2006 Next meeting is scheduled for November 6, 2006 at 5:45pm. 5.11 Meeting adjourned It was moved Amanda and seconded by Julia that the meeting be adjourned at 7:35pm. Carried
BCIT Student Association MONDAY, October 23, 2006 AGENDA
Robert’s Rules 5.1.
Meeting called to order
Acceptance of the Agenda
Acceptance of the Minutes from September 25, 2006
Guest Speakers:
General Reports: Executive
Progress Reports
Question Period
Unfinished Business 5.8.1.
5.8.2. 5.8.3.
New Business 5.9.1.
Great Hall space (Scott)
Clubs (Jason) please see additional information attached to agenda
Next Meeting – November 6, 2006
Meeting adjourned
Todd Embley -
Professor Mugs will no longer be open for breakfast.
Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
Nutrition Program
Met with Rick, Todd, and Michelle to plan out event and get more specific information
Hiring Councillors
Final hiring completed
Meeting with Set Reps and Tech Reps
Waiting to get contact information
Drafted questionnaire for students about what would help them to eat nutritious food on a budget
Waiting on response to Todd’s request for subsidy in order to contact Nutritionist
Sept 6th
Opening of the Fit Pit Juice Bar
Had meetings with Terry Wells of Chartwells and Nina Leemhuis of BCIT. Looks like it may open as early as January.
July 15
Wine Tasting/Networking Event
THIS THURSDAY!! Hope everyone can make it.
Oct 12
Lounge Furniture
Sept 6
Nutrition Guide / Residence Relationship
Sept 13th
Credit Awareness
September 11, 2006
Contracts with BCIT
September 11, 2006
October 11, 2006
Education Council
September 11, 2006
October 17, 2006
October 16, 2006
Campus 2020
Met with Nina, will look into cleaning any of the furniture that is not being replaced soon. Met with Michelle Heyworth of the Uconnect regarding her experience with the Save-On shopping trip and nutrition based events. Will be meeting with Tom Moore next to gain his buy-in. Have been meeting with Scott Blythe, who has in turn been meeting with Marv Steir, and foremost expert on this topic. We have some great plans in place for the near future. Still reviewing contracts, will be having more meetings in the next couple of months. Missed a meeting the other week because I was ill, but these talks are still ongoing. Next meeting will be in November Committee has met a couple of times. Once again because I was ill I wasn’t able to make all the meetings. Thanks to the rest of the committee to pick up the slack and ensure that it was finished. Great work. Attended Ed Co meeting on October 11. Currently there is a bylaw election going on to elect a student member to the board. Remember to vote on Education Council meets to discuss various educational issues. The policy committee of Ed Co is trying to make policy 5002 (Student Regulations policy) more user friendly. They are inviting anyone to have a meeting with the committee to offer input. If you are interested let me know and I will send you the contact information. Drafted and sent a four page letter to the clubs trying to address some of their concerns about the changes with clubs. Jason has been doing a great job working with them and addressing their concerns. I have been hearing from students about the need for a U-Pass. I will be gathering information to make sure it is current to give to students on the reasons why BCIT does not have a U-Pass. The government is doing a review on the post secondary system. They are trying to envision what the system will look like in 2020. The tour was at BCIT last Monday. There were lots of different ideas from various stakeholder groups of what the education system should look like and what needed to be fixed. I will be going to another two symposium at the end of the month
Jen October, 2006
BCITSA website problems
October 19, 2006
Advocacy Office
Sept 5th, 2006
Create a nutrition program that helps students eat and cook well on a strict time & $ budget
Sept 5th, 2006
Strengthen and increase the relationship and participation with Macquinna residence
I realize that there are problems when students are trying to access the website from BCIT. We have been trying to deal with this for over a month but we still have not seen results. By the meeting on Monday night I hope to have this issue resolved.
On Thursday October 19 the Advocacy office had an Open House. I attended and talked to different people about the value of having the advocacy office and how much it helps students. Met with Julia, Todd, and Michelle. Brainstormed and discussed general conceptual details of the project. Met with Michelle – we are looking into accessing guest kitchen facilities at residence. Michelle is meeting with Tom soon . Decided that the nutrition project will be piloted at residence first. Met with Michael Van Lane about booking entertainment and general concepts
Met again with Michael Van Lane to form a timeline and implementation strategy
Sept 25th ,2006
Organizing The Halloween 2006 party @ Mugs
Attended BCIT Clubs committee meeting and introduced party concept and held a question/answer session. Lots of positive feedback given. Confirmed Sweet Soul Burlesque Booking Obtained prizing for costumes Party plans dismissed, daytime pre-party instead because student feedback was not in support of returning to campus for evening party
Sept 5th, 2006
Create a Strong Succession plan for Orientation
Created poster and posted them – thanks to everyone who helped Missed Orientation Committee meeting – Was at home, sick Met with Jim Mitchell on Monday Oct 16th to make-up for the missed
meeting. Rick
Oct 19th, 2006
Scott September 2006
International Food fair 25/7 lab room
Open discussion about planning an international food fair in November Student consultants are about to begin survey
Scott September 2006 Scott September 2006
Program Term Survey Web Forum
Waiting to meet with BCIT executive (last meeting cancelled) Outstanding
Scott September 2006
Hiring Councillors
All Councillors have been hired
September 2006
Meeting Schedule for Set & Tech. Reps
Waiting for Set Reps to be identified
September 2006
Review and rewrite By-laws
Committee has met twice and a preliminary draft has been completed
Scott Scott Sukh Met with Jim Mitchell to discuss possibilities. New track will cost a lot of money $300,000 was quoted 5 years ago. Cannot spend that much on the track at this point in time as other area need attention ie. Changing rooms/ fit pit Sept 18th
New running track
Asked for more coal deposit to put down and fill the holes of the track but it is very difficult to find and expensive. Maintenance will be done on the track, but there is not much coal deposit left to grind down. Objective over. Not to be revisited until track is in dire need of replacement
Sept 27th
Shinerama, Amazing Race
Amazing race great event!! Had a lot of fun participating and cleaning up at the end. Some student complaints that there were not enough BBQ’s open.
Sept 29th
1st and 2nd year minglers
Clubs are aware that there is a plan to have these minglers. Looks at dates and arranging those now with Jason.
Minglers for Minors
Explore the demand and possibility for a mingler/ networking event that caters to minors, Talked to Scott Blythe other Student Associations have come along this problem. BCIT is different from other schools as there is an older demographic here. It is possible to arrange a mingler with minors where alcohol is available. Still have to work out the logistics of it probably best to have a wine event.
Oct 5th
Oct 5th
Additional funds from renting the field out
Local soccer clubs have approached me about the possibility of renting the field out to local weekend leagues starting soon, After discussing with Jim, it will cause too high of a cost in maintaining the field to be any benefit from us. We do currently rent the field to student teams and Whitecaps. On a one-off basis they will consider it but a regular weekend league will not work out.
Sept 25th
Set and Tech Rep sign up
Dick Dolan said he will communicate the sign up process to faculty to pass on to students. Arranged another meeting so we can touch base on where we are.
Oct 11th
Teacher issues & Evaluations
Some Instructor issues have arose, working with Jason to resolve
Evaluations – Met with Carroll Nelson, program head for marketing communications, to shed light on the evaluations. The path that they go through is to the dean – associate dean – instructor. Its up to the associate dean to cite any action. Issues have arose in the past where there has been results but the length of time the instructor has been at BCIT does pay a role in the severity of the action. Teachers do receive a rating from the opscan along with all the reports that were written. They do not receive this until all the grades are finalised and given out.
Oct 18
Test bank
Met with Carroll Nelson to discuss possibilities. Most instructors are unaware of the copyright infringement and most will be on board to supply exam like questions and format for duplication. Suggested meeting with Dick Dolan to discuss further
Sukh Discussed with Todd his plans for a Wine Seminar. Students will have to pay for this seminar and will learn all about the different wines and how to taste etc. Unfortunately this will not be available for minors as you will have to taste the wine in the seminar.
Oct 18th
Wine Tasting Seminar
September 11, 2006
Video Game Tournament
September 25, 2006
CST/CIT Open House and Job Fair in April
On going, Further discussions on the event will resume on Oct 18.
September 25, 2006
Tech Rep elections
Completed. The process was completed through online voting and an electronic counter. Tech Reps should be signed up now in the BCITSA website.
October 2006
Set Rep/Tech Rep meeting
October meeting will be held on the 18th.
October 3, 2006
Offering positions as councillors
Gone to a couple classes and made short speeches to recruit people
Carlo Carlo Carlo
Carlo Ron
Ron October 5, 2006
Uconnect clothing drive
Waiting for posters to be printed
October 2, 2006
Balconies in SW3
Spoke with Glen Magel from Safety and Security about getting balconies opened
October 6, 2006
No Action taken
October 6, 2006
Christmas Trees
Students from forestry want to sell Christmas trees for student project
Sept 27th, 2006
Shinerama Recap
Review of the Amazing Race and Shinerama
October 5th, 2006
Volunteer Wrap Up
Planning a Volunteer Wrap Up event for Shinerama, planning it to be around the end of October
October 10th, 2006
Halloween Party
Helping Rick and Michael Van Lane in the Pub plan this event
October 10th, 2006
Alcohol Awareness Week
Working with Jason to get this event up and running
October 5th, 2006
Shinerama Campaign Report
Will spend the next month or so reviewing the process, doing some planning
Shinerama 2007
Plan to start the process again in November in terms of sponsorship and long term planning.
Ongoing dealing with student issues.
Clubs funding in progress Developing Clubs Package (draft has been released)
Update clubs bylaws
Done, waiting for AGM
Ron Ron Ron Matt Matt
Matt Matt Matt Matt Jason Jason Jason
Jason September
Update bylaws (non-clubs)
Done, waiting for AGM
Update VP-SA job description
Done, waiting for AGM
Test bank
No action
Jason Jason
BCIT FILM CLUB PROPOSAL Sasha Wade FilmFLEX Student October 5, 2006
Dear BCIT Student Association, We all like watching movies, and whether or not we know it, we all like making movies too. That’s what the BCIT Film Club will be all about: watching student movies and developing those skills involved in or related to making them. Creating film does not simply entail pointing and shooting a camera. A wide array of other elements are involved in the moviemaking process that require a diverse group of skills from original ideas, to internet streaming, digital animation, marketing, business, accounting, management, statistics, critiquing and much more! The BCIT Film Club will be a welcoming opportunity for all BCIT students to attend free workshops, a resource centre for both film and nonfilm students to accomplish projects or to simply ask questions, and above all, a fun way to meet new people, show off work, and learn new skills. The club will be the much needed link between students who spend most of their time in the Broadcast Centre, and all other students across campus. Mandate: To provide a platform for all BCIT students to screen their projects, to interact with other students who are interested in any element of filmmaking, and to provide training, networking andcopportunities for experience in any area of film production. Startup Requirements: • BCIT Film Club Website with moviestreaming capability • BCIT Film Club Online Blog/Discussion Forum • Weekly oncampus meeting space with adequate A/V equipment • Marketing: Posters, Posting on BCITSA website and televisions • Honorarium funding if available for workshops and guest speakers • An initial promotional Film Club event Benefits to Students: • Opportunity to network with other students and industry professionals • Opportunity to break the on campus (soon to be offcampus) industry barrier • Resource for both broadcast and nonbroadcast students to exchange one another’s thoughts, ideas, help on film or filmrelated projects (e.g., a broadcast student who wants help making a budget, marketing, designing a website etc. or a marketing student looking for the resources to help them shoot a commercial or use Photoshop) • Provide students with a means to screen their film projects or share other related work and see what other students on campus are working on • Free workshops for areas/genres club members are interested in (e.g., pitching ideas, starting a small business, lectures on our favorite films, software workshops) • Access to man power and shared costs if students want to get involved with entering film festivals, student film competitions, or work on personal or school projects together • Possibly provide students with a means to see publicly available new or special interest films at a discounted rate • Networking and fun through Film Club social events
Membership: The great thing about film is that it appeals to more than one particular group. Films are made to appeal to people on a wide scale, to entertain, to provoke thought, to demonstrate new ways of looking at things, or to simply express oneself. Furthermore, film production and analysis requires a skill set that reaches far beyond actually shooting a film; It requires production management, skill searching, marketing, critical analysis, story writing, creative thought, software knowhow, website design, budgeting, research, human resource management, and being up to speed on the latest media technology. You do not need film equipment to get involved with film. This is why BCIT Film Club membership will be attractive to the student body. Of course film and broadcast students will be interested in joining and becoming active members, but many other students will too. Whether you are a digital media design student wanting to explore related opportunities in filmmaking, a marketing student who wants to gain hands on experience helping a student shoot a commercial or promote a project, or any student who wants to learn more about business, budgeting, web design, media software, posting movies to the web, etc., the resources and connections necessary to achieve these things will be available through the BCIT Film Club. Any BCIT student who is interested in seeing other student’s work, showing off their own work on student screening nights, gaining new valuable skills from industry or industry related guest speakers, networking, learning about new technologies and how their particular program applies to the film industry and discussing movies and television will feel right at home at the BCIT Film Club. Membership will be free, so students will have nothing to lose by joining and choose to become involved as much or as little as they choose. With the right marketing, student initiative, and organization, this club is sure to be a big hit. Vision for the 2006/2007 Year: BCIT Film Club Website: • Run short streaming personal productions or promotional material for its’ members projects. • Blogs/discussion forums – let others know what you are up to, post questions, recruit help from others • Student member podcasting • Web calendar listing events, workshops, guest speakers, student debut screenings • Promote the Film Club • Student feedback on Film Club Weekly Meetings: • Welcome new members • Announce Film Club Calendar’s upcoming events • Schedule Events, workshops, presentations (e.g., industry professionals, academics with a particular focus) that may be of interest to students • Organize screenings for up and coming local film makers as well so that the club may be exposed to the craft and the community • Opportunity for members to discuss project ideas or projects in progress and to encourage one another Events: • Workshops, presentations scheduled outside of regular weekly meeting times • Field trips to screenings (possibly at a discounted rate for club members) • Student debut screenings • Social events Projects: BCIT provides students with free access to thousands of dollars worth of software and media equipment that go relatively unused while students should be taking advantage of this!
Depending on what kind of projects members want to work on, students can team up and connect through the BCIT Film Club and use one another’s skills and resources to create a masterpiece that can be screened at a BCIT Film Club screening. Students can connect with members by attending club meetings, club events, socials, and most easily, through the BCIT Film Club Blog/Discussion Forum. Community: By getting involved with our community and establishing community partners, the BCIT Film Club will establish itself, give back, develop and expand. Possibilities include but are not limited to: • • •
Teaming up with an organization in our community to host a filmrelated event Partnering with a community organization to form a mutually beneficial arrangement Volunteering our members skills and/or services for a charitable cause
There has been a very positive, articulated response to my idea for a BCIT Film Club from both film and nonfilm students on campus. I believe I have the qualifications, leadership capabilities, and motivation to make this club a huge success. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Sasha Wade
CSCE – BCIT Student Chapter Description A student chapter of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE). Founded in 1887, the CSCE is a learned society intended to develop and maintain high standards of civil engineering practice in Canada and to enhance the public image of the civil engineering profession. The CSCE promotes the development, acquisition and exchange of professional knowledge in the field of Civil Engineering and promotes Civil Engineering among the general public and governmental institutions in Canada and abroad. The student chapter will further the CSCE’s objectives through liaison and collaboration with the main CSCE organization and other Civil engineering organizations operating in the lower mainland. The student chapter will be officially affiliated with the CSCE. Benefits Members of the student chapter will be introduced to the profession of the civil engineering through technical presentations by invited practitioners, attendance at other organizations’ presentations, and social events involving students and professionals. Interactions with students from other institutions will arise from the club’s sponsorship of teams of members who enter civil engineering student competitions. Members’ social and recreational activities will be facilitated by the organizational abilities of the chapter/club. Startup Requirements At this point, the student chapter requires only affiliations with the CSCE to be completed (the CSCE is expecting our paperwork, and their approval would be almost immediate). We would like registration as a club within the SA, and possibly open a bank account. We request $500.00 from the SA to fund thank you packages for our guest speakers and social events such as minglers. Enrolment/Interest Currently, 153 members are already signed up. A continued effort on our membership drive could increase the enrolment to approximately 175 student members, which is virtually the entire Civil Engineering student population. Vision BCIT’s student chapter of the CSCE is an active student society representing Civil engineering students. The society’s objectives are to promote activities related to all of the aspects of civil engineering, to broaden the students appreciation of the profession and to encourage investigation into all branches and departments of civil and environmental engineering. 19