Council Meeting Monday, November 7, 2005 Minutes Executives:
Ashley Steier, President Craig Hall, VP Finances & Administration Andrea Charlton, VP Public Relations & Marketing Jennifer Leaman, VP of Student Affairs Michael Louie, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Tara Perret, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Shannon Roberts, Health Sciences Chair Todd Embley, Business Chair Tunde Gal, Computing & Academic Studies Chair
Lee-Ann Banfield Megan Chambers Jeff Piper Tim Erickson Julie Ho Paven Saran Robert Yuen Fred Haiderzada Heather Thompson Phil Stringer Adam King
Grace Budiono, VP Campus Life Simon Parada Monica Pearson
Caroline Gagnon, Director Geoff Gauthier, Editor
Kate Scotton Peter Kim
Greg Hodson Tina Nagra Marlina Kinnersley Matthew Chong Brenda Corbett Tim Suri Christina Bell Darren Vonic Giancarlos Escalante Yazdi Balsara
Mila Nawrocki Leila Asdal
Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Ashley Steier, at 6:15 pm. (28 voting members).
Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be accepted with the following additions: 7.4.2. Journalists for Human Rights Carried
Acceptance of the Minutes from October 24, 2005 It was moved by Jennifer Leaman and seconded by Andrea Charlton that the minutes of October 24, 2005 be accepted as distributed. 24/0/4 Carried
7.4. Guest Speakers 7.4.1 Education Council – Heather Thompson A presentation from BCIT Security was made at the last EdCo meeting discussing student conduct on campus, from disrupting behaviour to criminal issues. BCIT Security went over support services available on campus for faculty, staff and students. The Nursing Program has been asking to be exempt from Policy 5002 which would reduce the number of failure from 3 to 2. EdCo has voted in favour of this amendment. Heather reports that EdCo is very pleased of the new partnership with the SA. It has increased student feedback and open lines of communication. 7.4.2 Journalists for Human Rights Representatives from the Journalists for Human Rights student group present to Council the history of their chapter and associated group; their organizational mandate and mission statement; and the benefits to BCIT students, which is to raise awareness of human rights issues around the world. They have presently 20 full-time members and 20 part-time members. 7.5
General Reports Executives & Director See attached general reports.
Progress Report Craig adds that financial statements will now be presented to Council on a monthly basis to ensure that Council is aware of the financial situation of the organization.
Questions Period (5 min.) A councillor states that VanCity’s has supported other existing U-Pass programs in the lower mainland and inquires if there would be a possibility for this support at BCIT. Ashley states that discussions are still at the beginning stage and once all parties (Translink, BCIT, and BCITSA) can agree on a proposed service, they would make sure to contact VanCity for additional funding.
A councillor states that he has received many complaints about NE1 parking lot. There is no line and very large holes. If anything could be done by BCIT, this would reduce the level of frustration amongst students and improve space usage efficiency. Ashley believed that this issue was addressed, but it will bring this issue forward to the Executive Committee on Wednesday.
Many questions are asked with regard to recycling (paper, bottle and compost). Geoff clarifies that money coming from bottle recycling directly goes to the student assistant fund (grant offered by BCITSA), while paper can be recycled by placing it any large grey bins all over campus. As for compost, the bins were moved from SE2 to NE1, but no one is aware of the status of this program. Any questions with regard to recycling can be addressed by Cindy Macintosh from BCIT.
Michael would like to know about the process approval for a U-pass program. Ashley confirms that a referendum would need to be conducted. He also reiterates that many hurdles need to be crossed before being at this stage.
Unfinished Business No unfinished business.
New Business
Journalists for Human Rights Sanctioning Proposal A DVD is presented to Council Jennifer informs Council that JHR has received the supporting club status by BCITSA, but are now requesting to be upgrading to the sanctioned status. Jennifer informs Council about the differences between sanctioning and supporting status. According to our existing by-laws, JHR might fall under the political umbrella, which would deny them of the sanctioning benefits. Given that the by-laws are not as clear as they could be, Jennifer would like to have an open discussion about JHR’s mandate. Comments & Questions: Councillors would like to know the goal of JHR. Representatives state that they would ultimately like to send one BCIT graduate to Africa to work with JHR. Katherine is aware that Human Rights might bring political issues. Ashley states that the discussion should be about the definition of the word “political” in our by-laws. A JHR representative states that the organization provides forums for discussion and does not take side on the issue. The idea is to bring the dialogue out and promote freedom of speech. Heather states that a story as two sides and that as long as the organization looks at all sides of a story instead of making an opinion, it might be view informational. Geoff would like to know the selection of journalist being trained by JHR. Geoff would also like to know who funds JHR and where does the money go. Many questions are raised concerning the political actions that JHR are taken. Geoff would like to know if there are documentations available for students. Representatives invite students to go on the website In view of the many questions that are brought forward, Jennifer proposes that this issue be tabled until next meeting to gather more information. 7.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled on Monday, November 21, 2005 Council Chamber at 5:45pm. 7.11. Meeting Adjourned It was moved Shannon Roberts and seconded by Andrea Charlton that the meeting be adjourned. (7:07 pm) Carried
COUNCIL MEETING Monday, November 7, 2005 AGENDA
Meeting called to order
Acceptance of the Agenda
Acceptance of the Minutes from October 24, 2005
Guest Speakers Education Council (EdCo) Report
General Reports: Executive & Director
Progress Reports
Question Period (5 min.)
Unfinished Business 7.8.1. 7.8.2. 7.8.3.
New Business 7.9.1.
Journalists for Human Rights Sanctioning Proposal
7.9.2. 7.9.3.
Next Meeting – Monday November 21, 2005
Meeting adjourned
SA EXECUTIVE GENERAL REPORTS FOR NOVEMBER 7, 2005 I need some feedback for the Food Festival on Nov 23rd as to what types of food or from what country that students would like to try?
Grace Budiono -
If you have any questions, concerns or feedback about any of the services that the BCITSA provides such as the pub or Coffee shop, etc, please feel free to email me at or come talk to me. Jennifer Leaman -
The Halloween party at the Buffalo Club was great. I know that I had a lot of fun. On Thursday, ACE is holding a Great White Shark party at the Au Bar. Tickets are $10 and are available from ACE members and at lunch time in the Great Hall. Everybody is supposed to wear white.
Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
September 7th, 2005
Recruiting Counsellors
Yes! Got my last counsellor. Now have all 5.
Right now we want to look at the maintenance end of the forum, whether or not its easy to maintain, and also whether the BCITSA staff will be able to keep it running after I leave. Got a response from my contact and he gave me some links to look at.
October 3 , 2005
October 15th, 2005
SA Halloween Party
Vancouver Giants Games
October 17, 2005
Clothing Donation Drop off @ U Connect
October 17, 2005
Tech/Set/Councillor Meeting
November, 2005
Talked to Events Co-ordinator. Told me bus rental costs. $$$. Looking at other options. Posters are done. Please take one at the end of the meeting and place it in your building on a TACK BOARD where people can see it. We can not put poster up any where else. These posters should stay up all year so make sure they’re always visible, use tacks so you can move them if they get covered. Successful meeting. Still need a lot of tech reps, I only have 8 programs involved out of approx. 30
1 - 2 year and Faculty Program Mingler
Gathering ideas to create an ongoing event for programs to socialize and expand on their education form each other. Please drop me an email and suggest what you’d like to see, Would you go? If not what would interest you to go?
Promoted Halloween Party, Made Presentations in front of classes, etc.
November, 2005
Name change for the Coffee shop and the TnT Stores
The re-naming of some of our services will happen in conjunction with a larger branding project for the organization. Once the branding is chosen I will be attending a brainstorming meeting to discuss possible names. We will then hold 2 student focus groups to see what works and what doesn’t.
November, 2005
Challenging my councillors
I want to challenge my councillors to each organize a hamper for the “Gift of Choice” Campaign. If not organize their own, get someone else involved.
Nov. 4, 2005
Amazing Race Meeting
September 7, 2005
Amazing Race
October 14, 2005
Gift of Choice Holiday Campaign
Meeting with Amazing Race Committee to talk about this year’s event. If any councillors have feedback, email Still trying to get all teams to pick up their prizes at the UConnect. Deadline for pick-up Nov. 10, 2005 Campaign dates: Nov 7 – Dec 9. Talked to student organizations about putting together hampers and promoting the event.
October 14, 2005
Gift of Choice Holiday Campaign
Initiated a hamper with the SA Execs. Trying to start another hamper in my own set.
October 7th,2005
International Student Forum
In Progress – Starting in Nov
October 7th, 2005
International Food Event
In Progress – Nov 23rd Wed 11am-2pm Twnsqr D, Food and prices TBD.
October 7th, 2005
Bridging the Gap
In Progress - Meeting with Scott Blythe soon.
October 21st, 2005
Business Committee
Met on Wed, discussed issues about the services of the BCITSA.
Attended the Health Sciences and School of Transportation, Construction, and Environment awards ceremony. Attended the Business Committee meeting. There is now a suggestion box in the pub.
Creating a presence at other campuses
Alternative sources of revenue
November 1st
Reviewing Financial Statements
Had a meeting with Roland to go over the audited statements.
November 2nd
Business Committee
Had our first meeting.
Sept 7/05
Rec Fee
Sept 7/05
Set/Tech Reps
On-going Received the quote to have microwaves installed. Project should be complete in the next week or two. Working with Scott on contents for glass case. Will be testing concept in the Great Hall. Have been inquiring with the Gaming Branch in Victoria to see if we can qualify. Met with Caroline, Scott and Melodie. Melodie is working on an application.
Will be trying to have a published version of reasoning in Link soon. Would like to know if there are to be more increases next term or even next year. Still in progress. Everyone is now grouped.
Sept 8/05
Cynthia Kersey Presentation
Oct 3/05
Student Credit History
Sept 27/05
Oct 11/05
Nov 3/05
Judy Brandt
October 28, 2005
LAN Party
September 12, 2005
September 12, 2005
Alcohol Awareness Week
September 12, 2005
Student Concerns
October 24, 2005
Prayer Space on Campus
Due to venue issues, moving possible date to Spring sometime, but looks like it will be a go. Met with Marv Steier, President of TVS about Fraud Protection/Awareness and credit history access and information. Will be examining different avenues for students to utilize. Still trying to get the word out about how effective being a part of Toastmasters can be and recruit more members. Been discussing the idea of starting a SOB Toastmasters club with Allison as a pilot project. Looking to start at beginning of next term, need to nail down a consistent time and place. A speech from one of the most knowledgeable people to speak on international business to the US. Have arranged a special discount price for students to attend on Nov. 22. Had second LAN party. Meeting with different clubs about various issues. Trying to formulate a new proposal for funding. Looking at new clubs that want to start up. Trying to get all the clubs involved in the “Gift of Choice” Holiday Campaign. I have also started to sit in some meetings of the clubs to check out what is going on. Went to the ACE showcase last week and will be visiting AIM, MA and Toastmasters this week. Will be visiting KIPS and IEEE next week. Moved date to November 28 – December 2. Meet with Scott and Mary about different ideas and the message that we want to get across. The overall goal is have students drink responsibly. Want to arm students with different choices, not to preach to them. Campaign will focus on three different area including drinking and driving, drinking and sex, and drinking and health. Events and campaign will be in the Great Hall, NE1 and the pub. Ongoing, have been in frequent contact and in meetings with various student groups. I spent the majority of time dealing with these issues. Trying to find a long term solution to meet the needs of students who need prayer space on campus. Working with administration to find ideas that may be suitable. Researching what other schools are doing. I have made contact with some schools. This will be not be a quick fix.
A committee has formed to look into U-Pass. Met with a student group who is doing research on the feasibility of having U-Pass here at BCIT and will continue to work with them. Meeting with the administration later this week with Ashley to talk about it. Meeting with administration on Thursday to see if their stance has changed at all from previous years
October 24, 2005
October 5, 2005
October 3, 2005
Alumni Association
September 5, 2005
Set Reps and Tech Reps
November Mail-out coming soon‌‌..
September 25, 2005
Credit & Fraud Education
Todd and Scott will be heading this project. I will be involved when they request my assistance.
September 21,2005
Admin issues
Admin has been giving presentations regarding student conduct on campus. Be aware of the policies so you can abide by them.
October 5, 2005
Health & Dental
October 2, 2005
Consignment Bookstore
Compiling information for the CA project, deciding how we want it to look.
The executives will be meeting with representatives from Gallivan to discuss education and promotion opportunities. A letter has been sent to administration outlining the details of the store and some contractual isses. We are awaiting a response.