6 Minutes Council November 3, 2008

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BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 3, 2008 Executives:

Peter Orlandi, President Christine Johnson, VP Finance & Administration Christine Rampage, VP Public Relations & Marketing Hui Hang, VP Campus Life Pulkit Jain, VP of Student Affairs Christopher Peacock, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Processes Chair Merima Kostecki, Health Sciences Chair Billy Moore, Business Chair Peter Kemp, Computing & Academic Studies Chair

Councillors: Angela Meyer Jamie Bentien Manny Alamwala Upkar Rai Daniel Chan Greg Frisque Aman Khangura Joshua Smith Staff:

Caroline Gagnon, Director


Doug Holdgate


Jim Mitchell, BCIT Director of Student Services

Kevin Preston Alec Lee Joseph Prophet Mathew Brownell Erika Diaz Neil Dorais Peter Petkov Amrrish S Mani

6.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Peter Orlandi, calls the meeting to order at 5:50 pm. (23 voting members). 6.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the following agenda be accepted with the following amendments: Delete Guest speaker 6.4.1 Caroline Gagnon Moved by: Peter Kemp Seconded by: Merima Kostecki 23/0/0 Carried 6.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from October 20th, 2008 Be it resolved that the minutes from October 20th, 2008 be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Christine Ramage Seconded by: Kevin Preston 23/0/0 Carried 6.4 Guest Speaker Jim Mitchell, BCIT Director of Student Services, introduced the different department included as part of BCIT Student Services. Jim went over the work that was done with regard to student lounge/space on campus. After numerous focus groups, which SA was involved with, three types of lounges were identified, Lounge, Group Work, and Quiet Space. SW9 – SW3 – SW1 were identified as possible lounge spaces.

Further, Jim introduces is the concept of the Toonie Drive event, which is a fundraising campaign including Students, Staff and Faculty. The event is scheduled for January and would be a way for the BCIT community to raise money for projects such as an Endowment Fund, Greening initiatives/bicycle access, and Student Lounge space. Everyone would be asked to contribute a toonie Jim hopes that the event can raise $20,000, which will be matched by BCIT. Jim is working with SA to recruit 200 volunteers to make this event possible. Jim invites Council to contact him for further information. Christine Ramage and Hui are the contacts for the BCITSA. Questions: • Which space can students expect to have upgraded? SW03 second and third floor are the first projects scheduled. • Kevin raises these issues that couches can be moved to classrooms. This is always a possibility, but it will be necessary for BCIT people to get better at monitoring it. • Could classrooms be converted into a lounge? It has been considered, however the need for classroom exceeds the existing space, therefore it is probably not possible. • The Great Hall is a great place, but its cleanliness is an issue. It has been an issue for years. Both SA and BCIT have worked on it. There is no easy answer. • What would be the investment for setting up the event? BCIT will contribute a Laptop, a free tuition,and an Ipod touch. The cost will be limited. BCIT marketing will be doing the marketing. Foundation will give $1000 towards T-shirts. • Is there any information that will be dissipated to students? It is being worked on. In the next couple of weeks, students should be receiving the information. • Will any of the lounges look at computer space? No.


Executive Progress Report

Merima: o Announces that 20 students are now attending the set and tech rep meetings, which is quadrupling the attendance from last year. Her new goal is to increase attendance to 30 to 40 students. o She also provided more training for set and tech reps. o The following issues were being dealt with: classroom, eh pod access, water fountain and taste of water, o Students are complaining that Chartwells food is very expensive. She mentioned to them of the 5.3% increase this year on average.

Pulkit: o Dealing with the No Food and Drink Policy in SE10 issue. Bike Racks on campus. o Services committee scheduled for tonight. o Recreation Services is now providing students with tools and repair kits for their bikes.

Chris o New vending was placed in SW9 following the recommendations from previous meeting.

Billy o o o

First Tech meeting last week. BCIT Financial Award department will present to the Set and Tech. Has dealt with issues surrounding Great Hall access.

6.6. Treasure’s Report Christine went over the September Financial Statements. 6.7 Councillors’ Open Forum • Jamie would like to join the Service Committee. • Kevin mentions the lack of computer availability on campus. Peter will bring this issue to BCIT. 6.8. Question Period • Angela – can BCIT replace the parking machine in NE1 parking lot, the one located the middle of the lot, because it eats money and does not accept credit cards. Caroline will bring this issue forward to Security. • Aman mentioned that there are some irregularities with IDing in the pub. • Mathew asked about the Planetarium. It is only open by appointment or during Open House. • Students inquire about what was done in the past to deal with the issue of cleanliness in the Great Hall. Campaigns were done, garbage cans were added. Angela recommends having a cleaning station with sanitation products. • What is SA’s affiliation with worm composters? Josh mentions the inaccessibility of the composts. Caroline mentions the history with the compost. Last year executives were working on this issue, however no one as taken over. • Christine Ramage asked who is responsible for cleaning the cafeteria. By keeping the cafeteria clean, it might motivate students to continue in other space on campus. • Peter Kemp mentioned that there were computer thefts around campus this campus. If anyone sees anything suspicious, please contact Security immediately. 6.9.

Unfinished Business

6.9.1 Microwave Mathew and Billy explain that after evaluating the need on campus, it is recommended that BCITSA purchases 9 microwaves. Peter recommends that the committee be dissolved. Questions: • It is recommended that sanitation bottles be placed beside the microwaves. • Who will claim the orphan microwaves? Caroline will look into it. Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA buys 9 microwaves with installation cost. Moved by: Mathew Brownell Seconded by: Angela Meyer 23/0/0 Carried Caroline went over the state of the student lounges on campus. She would like to propose to BCIT that BCITSA work together on upgrading lounge space. Motion:

Be it is resolved that a BCITSA lounge committee be formed. Moved by: Josh Smith Seconded by: Erika Diaz 23/0/1 Carried Committee: Peter Kemp, Hui Hang, Erika Diaz, Aman Khangura, Daniel Chan, Pulkit Jain, Joshua Smith Caroline will draw the names for the committee members and will be in contact with them. 6.10.

New Business

6.10.1 Survey: Councillor Packages Chris distributes a survey with regard to Councillor training. All are asked to complete it and give back to Chris. 6.10.2. Policy Changes Presentation Caroline explains the reasons behind these new policies. Christine explains that the Executives have received the full presentation surrounding Human Resources changes. It is proposed that the 3 following policies be included as part of BCITSA Policies and Procedures Manual. Under Page 6 – Preamble: Vision and Value Statements: While we are working together, we will give you our best and expect your best. 1. Safe space for people, ideas and dialogue 2. Ability to learn and grow professionally 3. Empowerment and ownership from staff 4. Innovation and creativity 5. Build community within the organization Under P. 7 – Our Practice Compensation Policy This compensation policy enables the association to meet its organizational vision, mission and organizational objectives. In order to attract and retain competent employees, BCITSA is committed to offer a competitive compensation package including base pay and benefits though not a market leader, the base pay rate situates itself between the 50th and 75th percentile of the Vancouver job market. The Association prides itself on offering a wide range of non-monetary and monetary benefits that promote its organizational culture. Staff member’s performance is the main reason for employees to reach the higher level of their respective pay scale, which in turn motivates staff to offer their best to the association, as stated in the HR vision statement. Succession Planning Policy BCITSA adopts a succession planning philosophy instead of a replacement approach.

BCITSA places an emphasis on developing internal staff to have access to future supervisory and managerial positions. This philosophy enables the association to cultivate its existing workforce to meet organizational objectives. This open process supports BCITSA’s efforts in ensuring that it offers staff members the ability to reach their full potential. Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA accept the 3 policies regarding vision, compensation and succession management for employee of BCITSA. Moved by: Christine Johnson Seconded by Christine Ramage 20/0/3 Carried Questions: • Are they replacing existing policies? No they are new ones. • If we need to change these policies in the future, will it be the same process to change the? Yes. • How will it be implemented? Staff will be informed via information sessions and during orientation. Call the question Moved by: Daniel Chan 20/1/2 Carried

Seconded by: Upkar Rai

6.11. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 17, 2008 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. There will be the AGM for the first part followed by a regular Council meeting. 6.12. Meeting adjourned It was moved Christopher Peacock and seconded by Peter Kemp that the meeting be adjourned at 7:25. Carried

Council Meeting Agenda Monday November 3rd, 2008 5:30-7:30pm 6.1 Meeting called to order 6.2 Acceptance of the Agenda 6.3 Acceptance of the Minutes from October 20th 2008 6.4 Guest Speakers 5.4.1 Caroline Gagnon on Policy Changes 5.4.2 Jim Mitchell 6.5 Progress Reports: Executives 6.6 Treasurer’s Report 6.7 Councilor Forum 6.8 Question Period 6.9 Unfinished Business 6.9.1 Microwaves 6.10 New Business 6.10.1 Survey: Councilor packages 6.10.2 Policy changes presentation 6.11 Next meeting November 17 6.12 Meeting Adjourned

PROGRESS REPORT FOR Merima Kostecki Last updated: October 28, 2008 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


Set/Tech Rep Meeting Attendance Objective was to increase it by 50%


Set/Tech Rep training

Status 2nd Set/Tech Rep meeting – October 29, 2008 Confirmed attendance – 17 reps Objective met and exceeded! Good turnout from 6 different programs (Nursing, OCHS, ENVH, Biomed Eng, Med Rad, Foodtech) Training conducted at the Set/Tech Rep Meeting Set/Tech Rep package given out Main role – communication link b/w different levels of BCIT and SA and students

PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Peter Kemp Last updated: October 27th 2008 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue

September 2008


September 2008

Second Set rep meeting conducted

Status The LAN Party is booked for November 7th from 10pm to 2am(or later) and will be held in SE06. Registration system and payment methods have been set up and registration will start on Thursday via word of mouth from set reps. I have 5 volunteers who are going to help run the event. Games and prizes have been collected and are ready to be rolled out. My second set rep meeting was conducted with a turn out of 22 students. Everything is running well within the program minus a couple problems with a teach that I have had a meeting with and sorted out.

PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Pulkit Jain Last updated: October 27th 2008 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


As submitted

PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Christine Johnson Last updated: October 27th 2008 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue

October 2008

September 2008 Financial Review

November 17th 2008

Annual General Meeting

Status -Discussed why we did or did not meet our budgets with our director and controller. -Prepared brief power point illustrating how these figures came about -Posted in The Link the and on SA website date and time of AGM

PROGRESS REPORT FOR – DOUG HOLDGATE – Chair of the School of Transportation, Construction and the Environment Last updated: October 29, 2008 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


September 2008


I have 2 councillors, but I still need 3 more. If anyone knows anyone in my school who would be interested please let me know or ask them to send me an email.

November 2008

Set/Tech Reps

October 2008

24hr Access Program

Set/Tech rep meeting will be in the first week of November. Time and place TBD. Looking into better ways to advertise and make students aware of this program.

PROGRESS REPORT FOR – PETER ORLANDI Last updated: October 28, 2008 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue

Status •

September 2008

Set and Tech Rep system • •

September 2008

Returned from Education without Borders

September 2008

Campus Comfort

October 2008


• • •

Have met with the Deans and various Associate Deans. The meetings are more or less complete. Last scheduled meeting Oct 29th Still available to help any Chair should they require assistance in promoting the Set and Tech Rep system. Recruiting o Contacting Canadian Institutions o Hosting a Meeting Nov 10th at 7:30am in Council Chambers for those interested in the March 2009 conference Still starting a Burnaby focus, Ongoing In early discussions with Jim Mitchell, Hui, and Christine R about a “Toonie Drive” fundraiser

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