6 Minutes Executive - November 06 2006

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Council Meeting Monday, November 06, 2006 Minutes Executives:

Jennifer Leaman, President Todd Embley, VP Finances & Administration Jason Vranjkovic, VP of Student Affairs Rick Sandu, VP Campus Life Scott Haller, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Ron Asperin, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Sukh Aujla, Business Chair Carlo Ocampo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Julia Cornester, Health Sciences Chair


Marlina Kinnesley Jennette Leung Brenda Corbett Tod Fraser Thomas Troubridge Sajan Zachariah Yoojin Park Diksha Chellaramani Amrit Dhaliwal Amanda Harris


Geoff Gauthier, Editor Caroline Gagnon, Director


Matt Chong, VP Public Relations & Marketing Rahil Lalani Jo-Leen Sellars Emily Ho

Hyup Lee Allan Olson Zhasmina Mihova Doug Holdgate Paul Mathews Bryson Norrish Pankaj Garg Marlina Kinnersley Nick Martynov Shane Gilbertson

6.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Jennifer Leaman, calls the meeting to order at 6:45 pm. (26 voting members). 6.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be approved as distributed. Moved by: Amanda Harris Seconded by: Ron Asperin 25/0/0 Carried 6.3 Acceptance of the Minutes from October 23, 2006 It was moved that the minutes from October 23, 2006 be accepted with the following changes: • Under new business, the first motion should state, “higher table be placed” instead of “table be placed” • Under the question section, it should be changed from Scott asks “why could” to “why can’t”

• • •

Club ASST should read ASSTBC Civil Engineer should read Civil Engineering Under 9.5.1 motion – “seconded by: Julia Cornerson” should read “Cornester” Moved by: Julia Cornester Seconded by: Amanda Harris 26/0/0 Carried 6.4 Guest Speakers – Jim Mitchell Jim Mitchell is not in attendance. Guest speaker is cancelled. 6.5 General Reports: Executive Nothing to report. 6.6. Progress Reports • Jennifer mentions that executives will no longer read all their objectives but only the highlights. • Todd reiterates the importance for councillors to communicate to him (phone, email) their absence at Council meetings. • Rick informs Council about the International Food Fair. Rick is looking for volunteers. If anyone interested please contact Rick directly. Rick also would like to receive some feedback about the Event. Councillors complained about the size of the portion, and stated that the event was not well attended. • Jennifer gives an update about the future of the U-pass. Tanslink has funding available up to 2 schools in 2007, which will not be BCIT. Translink requires that all BCIT students, full-time and part-time to be part of the plan. • Jennifer informs that the BCITSA website should now be available from all BCIT labs and residence. 6.7. Question Period • Nick would like to know who funds the International Food Fair. Rick mentions that this is a BCIT event and BCITSA provides assistance only. Chartwells is in charge of the menu, while BCIT funds the event. Nick would also like to know which countries will be represented. Instead of specific countries, continents will be represented. • Amanda ask about the timeframe for the 24/7 lab. Scott states that the research findings will be presented to BCIT by December. Then, it will depends on BCIT for its implementation. He is hoping for January. • Bryson wants to know about the Credit awareness event. Todd explains the background of this initiative and the impact on credit scores for students. The event will be offered to trades students first. • Marlina, asks about donations under Matt’s report. Jennifer explains that previously BCITSA donated to other charities, but the funding was eliminated last year. The money is now used for BCITSA initiatives. 6.8.

Unfinished Business No unfinished business


New Business 6.9.1. Hiring Policy (Todd) Motion: Be it resolved that the BCITSA adds a new employment classification of full-time seasonal employees. Moved by: Todd Embley Seconded by: Carlo Ocampo 24/2/0 Carried Discussions: Jason asks about whom will it affect and why is this new classification required? Caroline explains that it will not affect current employees as they will be grandfathered, however new employees hired for the school term will receive the new classification. The main purpose is to control cost.


Clubs (Jason)

Motions: Whereas, sanctioned groups have been created in the past and now appear to be defunct; therefore, be it Resolved, That the following list are the only recognized subsidiary organizations of the Association: IEEE BCIT Student Chapter BCIT PCMA AIM BCIT BCIT Sunrise Toastmasters ACE BCIT BCIT Marketing Association BCIT JHR CIPS@BCIT BCIT Film Club BCIT CSCE BCIT CCM Moved by: Jason Vranjkovic Seconded by: Julia Cornester 24/2/0 Carried Discussions: Jason states that this motion came after receiving a phone from the Architectural Institute of BC school club asking for funding. After review, this club had not been operating for the last two years. If the club were still interested in being sanctioned, they would need to reapply for the status. • Nick wants to know which students this club is serving. They are serving the students in the architectural program. •

Motions: Whereas, club funding has been decided through the Clubs Committee; and Whereas, all club funding will be disbursed as per the bylaws, policies, and procedures of the BCITSA to ensure that funds are handled in a transparent and accountable manner; therefore, be it Resolved, That club budget be divided as follows: IEEE PCMA AIM Toastmasters ACE MA JHR CIPS Moved by: Jason Vranjkovic 26/0/0

$829.13 $1243.70 $1243.70 $829.13 $1243.70 $1243.70 $600.00 $829.13 Seconded by: Julia Cornester

Discussions: Jason explains that the decision to allocate the funds came from the clubs. Ron would like to know if there is additional money for new clubs. Jason states that there is $930 left for new clubs. • Jennifer wants to know if the VP Finance & Administration had the chance to go over these amounts. Jason states that as per by-laws, this is not required. These amounts were also discussed at the last Executive Meetings. • When will clubs receive the funding? Clubs will receive their money as soon as they open their bank account with BCITSA. • •

6.10. Next Meeting – November 6, 2006 Next meeting is scheduled for November 20, 2006. The AGM will start at 5:30pm and Council Meeting will follow. 6.11 Meeting adjourned It was moved Sukh Aujla and seconded by Ron Aspirin that the meeting be adjourned at 6:29pm. Carried

BCIT Student Association MONDAY, November 6, 2006 AGENDA


Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from October 23, 2006


Guest Speakers: 6.4.1 Jim Mitchell – Director of Student Services


General Reports:


Progress Reports: Executive


Question Period


Unfinished Business 6.8.1. 6.8.2. 6.8.3.


New Business 6.9.1.

Hiring policy (Todd)


Clubs (Jason)



Next Meeting – November 20, 2006, AGM


Meeting adjourned


Date of Introduction


September 2006


September 2006


September 2006


September 2006

Meeting Schedule for Set & Tech. Reps

Waiting for Set Reps to be identified


Sept 6th

Opening of the Fit Pit Juice Bar

Nothing to report until contract is resolved.


Sept 6

Nutrition Guide / Residence Relationship

Waiting on word back from Save-On about collaborating on this project with us.

Credit Awareness

We are beginning with an event aimed at trades students (but open to all) designed to give them some tools for starting their own business. Trade show model with vendors, key-note speakers starring Shell Busey. NOV 21st in Great Hall


Action or Outstanding Issue 24/7 lab room Program Term Survey Web Forum

Status Surveys are being completed

Waiting to meet with BCIT executive (last meeting cancelled) Outstanding


Sept 13


Oct 12

Lounge Furniture

Furniture will be cleaned over Christmas.


Oct 25

Lounge Space

Met with Jim Mitchell, looking at increasing lounge space on campus. Will be reviewing spaces to fulfill three types of need: lounge, group meeting and study.




Ongoing dealing with student issues.


Clubs funding completed Clubs funding was decided through the clubs committee. Jason


Clubs Clubs Package released Includes new financial system for clubs



Update clubs bylaws

Done, waiting for AGM



Update bylaws (non-clubs)

Done, waiting for AGM



Update VP-SA job description

Done, waiting for AGM


Test bank

No action


Nutrition Program

Spoke with customer service personnel and waiting to get call back from nutritionist


Test Bank

Met with Program Heads to discuss re-opening of test bank and submitting materials from each school/level


Meeting with Set Reps and Tech Reps

Waiting to get contact information


Smoking Cessation Program

Communicated with all the members of the committee and arranged first meeting of the year for November



Communicated with marketing/recruitment rep and arranged to meet on campus this month Will be attending event to further working relationship with School of Health Sciences


Policy/Course changes

Met with program head re: student concerns about class content and number of hours per week. Will follow up in the following weeks

Oct 6th

24 Hour room Survey

Jason Julia

Julia Julia Julia Julia

Julia Sukh

Made an online survey that we can get out to lots of students. Working with Rahil to see if this is in line with the data analysis we are looking for. Can


preview the two versions of the surveys at: http://ws.bcitbusiness.ca/wsb.dll/A00639456/24studyroom.htm http://ws.bcitbusiness.ca/wsb.dll/A00639456/24room.htm Sukh Sukh

Oct 23rd

Halloween at Mugs Pub

Helped Rick Promote event.

Oct 4th

Minglers for Minors

No progress to date.

Sukh Michael Van Lane came up with this great idea. Need more input from students to see if this would be successful. Mugs has an opportunity to host a weekly Texas Holdem Tournament. THIS IS A NON GAMBLING EVENT. Students will be playing for bragging rights and to see your name and rank on the website. Oct 30th

Texas Holdem’ Night at Professor Mugs

There is no entry fee. You get 2000 points to start. If you show a food or alcohol receipt for $10 you get another 2000 points. The event lasts from 2 – hours start to finish. This will happen weekly - Wednesday after 2:30pm.

Sukh Sukh


Oct 30th

Alcohol awareness week

Working with Jason to brain storm ideas

Oct 11th

Teacher issues & Evaluations

Working with students, faculty and Jason to resolve.

Oct 18th

Test bank

Meeting with Dick Dolan Friday November 3rd



Oct 18th

Wine Tasting Seminar

Discussed with Todd his plans for a Wine Seminar. Students will have to pay for this seminar and will learn all about the different wines and how to taste etc. Unfortunately this will not be available for minors as you will have to taste the wine in the seminar. Meeting Friday November 3rd


Sept 5th, 2006

Create a nutrition program that helps students eat and cook well on a strict time & $ budget

Sept 25th ,2006

Organizing The Halloween 2006 party @ Mugs

Oct 19th, 2006

International Food fair



Michelle Met with Tom @ Housing. Waiting to hear whether or not we have a kitchen space available for the cooking lessons . Pub event was a reasonable success Participation and Sales were higher than last year, although the two years can’t be compared Organization is in full swing Looking for volunteers Did anyone go to last year’s food fair?

Jen September 11, 2006

Contracts with BCIT


October 17, 2006



October 16, 2006

Campus 2020

October, 2006

BCITSA website problems


Met today. Plan is to have all the contracts signed off on before the New Year. We are working on the lease and master agreement. I have started to gather information about why reasons why BCIT does not offer an U-Pass. There was a presentation last week from Translink. I was not able to attend but Caroline did. We haven’t had the time to connect since then, by this meeting; I hope that we have connected. Went to a two day symposium last week for Campus 2020. It was extremely interesting to see what all the different stakeholders say about what the post secondary education system like by 2020. The final report that Geoff Plant was commissioned to do should be ready in the Spring. I believe that the issues are fixed. If you are experiencing issues with the website please let me know as soon as possible. If you let me know that there is a problem can you please include where the problem occurred, what time it happened and the message.



Alumni Association Strategic Planning Session

November 3, 2006

International Student Centre

October 30th, 2006

Shinerama Housekeeping

November 1st, 2006

Alcohol Awareness Week

Working with Jason to get this event up and running


Shinerama Campaign Report

Will spend the next month or so reviewing the process, doing some planning


Shinerama 2007

Started planning out the process and creating an overview for next year’s exec.

October 31st, 2006

Sponsorship and Donors

Have been receiving quite a few calls requesting donations from the SA; working on figuring out a process in which to deal with these people as donation money is no longer written into the budget.


Matt Matt

Went to an all day strategic planning session a week ago for the Alumni Association. I sit as an appointed director on the board to make sure that there is a relationship between the Alumni and Student Association. Meet with some people from the International Centre to see how we can encourage international students to become more involved in campus life at BCIT.

October 28, 2006

Sending out reference letters to volunteers and thank you letters to sponsors.

Matt Matt Matt


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