6 MinutesCouncilMeeting - November 21, 05

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Council Meeting Monday, November 21, 2005 Minutes Executives:

Ashley Steier, President Craig Hall, VP Finances & Administration Andrea Charlton, VP Public Relations & Marketing Jennifer Leaman, VP of Student Affairs Grace Budiono, VP Campus Life Michael Louie, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Tara Perret, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Shannon Roberts, Health Sciences Chair Todd Embley, Business Chair


Megan Chambers Jeff Piper Simon Parada Monica Pearson Robert Yuen Fred Haiderzada Heather Thompson Phil Stringer

Greg Hodson Adam King Marlina Kinnersley Brenda Corbett Christina Bell Darren Vonic Giancarlos Escalante


Tunde Gal, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Lee-Ann Banfield Tim Erickson Julie Ho

Paven Saran Tina Nagra Matthew Chong Tim Suri Yazdi Balsara


Caroline Gagnon, Director Geoff Gauthier, Editor


Sat Dhillon Mila Nawrocki

Leila Asdal


Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Ashley Steier, at 5:45 pm. (24 voting members).


Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be accepted with the following additions: 8.5. Financial Reports (Move all other agenda items down) Carried


Acceptance of the Minutes from November 7, 2005 It was moved by Jennifer Leaman and seconded by Andrea Charlton that the minutes of November 7 2005 be accepted as distributed. 23/0/1 Carried Acceptance of the Minutes from the AGM - November 7, 2005

It was moved by Andrea Charlton and Grace Budiono seconded by that the AGM minutes from November 7, 2005 be accepted as distributed. 23/0/1 Carried 8.4. Guest Speakers No Guest Speakers 8.4. Financial Reports Craig reviews the association’s Income Statement as of October 31, 2005. These are the highlights:

Student fees decrease by 1.6%, even after a 1.7% increase for a total loss of 3.2%. Administration and Executive on Budget Uconnect: Still waiting for an answer from United Way. New projections will reflect new expenditures and we will meet budget. Communication & Outreach: Sponsorship proposals will go out in December. Budget target is $17,000. Ticket sales are lower than anticipated. Orientation overspent by $7,000. Special event budget is maxed out. Image Centre: One Card sales are down by 12% Stores: Sales are down. Not far from budget, should be able to pick up in the upcoming months. Pub: Sales of beer and alcohol are down. Cost of alcohol and beer is higher. Prices went up to match last year margins. Sales of food are up. Insurance are higher by 40% because of added liability ($1,000,000). Casual labour is higher due to security. Link: On budget

Ashley invites councillors to send their questions directly to Craig at vpfin@bcitsa.ca. 8.5

General Reports Executives & Director See attached general reports. Ashley adds: Grey Cup event at the Pub, tickets is $10.00 - free burger and drink. Please visit our new e-store on line with all the BCIT clothes and gift ware.


Progress Report See attached general reports. Please note that the website in Ashley’s project should read “accountingcareer.ca”. Ashley updates council about the status of NE1 parking lot. BCIT has no plan to pave this parking lot because of future campus expansion. Ashley will meet with Glenn Magel to review signage. STA Travel and BCITSA have planned a Travelogue session on Australia.


Questions Period (5 min.) Students complained about Impark conducting maintenance on parking machines between 8:00 and 8:30 am, which is very inconvenient for students. Ashley will bring this issue to Glenn Magel. Shannon Roberts informs council that non-authorized individuals are emptying recycling bins. Ashley will also bring this issue to Glenn Magel. Councillors are interested in bringing Alumni guest speakers to their Schools. Ashley will send the Alumni contact information to all councillors.


Unfinished Business 8.8.1. Journalists for Human Rights Sanctioning Proposal Ashley invites councillors to ask questions about the sanctioning of this Club. Ashley reiterates that councillors have to decide if the JRH’s mandate is political or not.

Councillors ask about future financial sustainability of the group. JHR states that subsidies from BCITSA would probably be a significant part of their funding at first, however they hope that other source of funding will be available making them more selfsufficient. Jennifer asks why JHR be beneficial to the student population. JHR states that through special events and fundraising events, students would receive information about human rights issues. Jennifer would like to where their money goes. 20% of the money goes to the main organization to send to train people in Africa, and 80% stays with BCIT chapter for the growth of the club. After research, it was found that not only independent journalists are trained. JHR confirms that they were told that they had no political affiliation. Jennifer would like to know of a third party that could confirm this statement. Todd would like to know on what topics reporters are trained. Journalists are only trained to report on human rights issues. Ashley would like to confirm if 20% of the funds provided by BCITSA would be given to the national organization. JHR confirms this statement. JHR states that membership is free for students. Funding and fundraising would help send students to events and seminars. Jennifer states her concerns about the lack of Annual Report and transparency. The last report posted on the website dates from 2003. Also, no financial information/budgets are published. JHR will bring this information to Jennifer. Lisa suggests that JHR charges membership fees to cover some of their costs.

Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA does not sanctioned JHR based on their political affiliation. Moved by: Jennifer Leaman Seconded by: Simon Parada 5/16/2 Not Carried Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA sanctioned JHR. Moved by: Todd Embley Seconded by: Fred Haiderzada 13/6/4 Carried 8.9. New Business No new business 8.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled on Monday, December 5, 2005 Council Chamber at 5:45pm. 8.11. Meeting Adjourned It was moved Shannon Roberts and seconded by Jennifer Leaman that the meeting be adjourned. (6:49 pm) Carried

COUNCIL MEETING Monday, November 21, 2005 AGENDA


Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from November 7, 2005 Acceptance of the Minutes from the AGM


Guest Speakers


General Reports: Executive & Director


Progress Reports


Question Period (5 min.)


Unfinished Business


Journalists for Human Rights Sanctioning Proposal 8.8.2. 8.8.3.


New Business 8.9.1. 8.9.2. 8.9.3.


Next Meeting – Monday December 5, 2005


Meeting adjourned


Grace Budiono - International Food Festival this Wednesday November 23. 11:00-2:00 TownSquare D $4 for 3 tickets $2 for 1 ticket (1 ticket = 1 serving) If you have any questions, concerns or feedback about any of the services that the BCITSA provides such as the pub or Coffee shop, etc, please feel free to email me at vpcl@bcitsa.ca or come talk to me. Jennifer Leaman Party at the Au Bar for the Great White Shark party was great. ACE put on a great party and sold out the event. Remember to check out the website to see upcoming events.



Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue



October 3rd, 2005


Met with Scott Blythe. Looked over forums, he seemed to understand. Arranged meeting with Hilton Jacobs, head tech guy.


November 16th, 2005

TEK Initiative

Trying to co-ordinate meetings with the other members.


November 16th, 2005

Alcohol Awareness Week

Getting Involved‌.



November, 2005

Smoking Cessation Poster Contest

3 prizes of $300 for the best designed poster. Topics are second hand smoke, health and expense. DEADLINE: END OF NOVEMBER please contact me if there’s someone interested, I have no contestants so there’s a good chance they’ll win $300!!!!!!!!!!!11 ASTTBC establishes and maintains competency standards and ensures, through certification, that BC's technologists and technicians maintain a high standard of performance and professionalism. Free to join as students and a great opportunity to network. At the TnT Store front counter (next to the pub)


November, 2005

Applied Science Technologists & Technicians of BC (ASTT)


November 2005

Recycle your used batteries


Nov. 4, 2005

Amazing Race Meeting

Meeting with Amazing Race Committee to talk about this year’s event. Waiting on a template from Michael Van Lane to get started on the campaign report


September 6, 2005

Amazing Race

Deadline for pick-up of prizes Nov. 10, 2005. The remaining prizes will be used for next year’s event.


October 14, 2005

Gift of Choice Holiday Campaign


October 6th,2005

International Student Forum


October 6th, 2005

International Food Event

Campaign dates: Nov 7 – Dec 9. Getting hamper started with Executive.

Starting Nov 30 2:45 in SE6

Preparation completed Grace

October 6 th, 2005

Bridging the Gap

In Progress - Meeting with Scott Blythe soon.


October 21st, 2005

Business Committee

Met on Wed, discussed issues about the services of the BCITSA. Already received some feedback.




ASTTBC meetig



Set/Tech rep meeting



Gift of Choice








Creating a presence at other campuses Alternative sources of revenue


November 10th

Sea Island


November 17th

Alcohol Awareness week

Caroline, Roland and I visited the Sea Island executives. We changed their bank accounts from RBC to Vancity. Discussed various issues. Trying to help Jen


Sept 7/05

Rec Fee

Meeting with Nina next week. Stay tuned‌


Oct 3/05

Student Credit History

Meeting with Scott to assess methodology of ideas


Oct 11/05

Pilot Toastmasters

No new news.


Nov 3/05

Judy Brandt

A speech from one of the most knowledgeable people to speak on international business to the US. Have arranged a special discount price for students to attend on Nov. 22.


October 28, 2005

TEK initiative student project

Met with JoAnn Braem, discussed the role of the BCITSA and the students in the project


September 12, 2005


Have been at 5 out of the 6 six sanctioned clubs meetings in the last couple of weeks. Met with Scott to talk about the direction of where we want clubs to go. Will be working on the club portfolio more after alcohol awareness week is over.

Attended a meeting with Jason from ASTTBC. Learned more about the designations they offer technologists and about future interactions he has planned with BCIT students. complete Set/Tech rep. meeting planned for next Wednesday (November 23, 2005) Promoting the gift of choice campaign. - ongoing

All microwaves have been installed throughout the campus. Project is complete. Working with Scott on contents for glass case. Will be testing concept in the Great Hall. Melodie is working on an application.



Se ptember 12, 2005

Alcohol Awareness Week

November 28 – December 2. Have been meeting with various people and organizations about alcohol awareness week. Check out the schedule of events. (to be handed out in the meeting) Still need volunteers to help with the events and man the booth. The overall goal is have students drink responsibly. Want to arm students with different choices, not to preach to them. Campaign will focus on three different area including drinking and driving, drinking and sex, and drinking and health. Events and campaign will be in the Great Hall, NE1 and the pub. Ongoing, have been in frequent contact and in meetings with various student groups. I spent the majority of time dealing with these issues. Still in the research stage.


September 12, 2005

Student Concerns


October 24, 2005

Prayer Space on Campus


October 24, 2005



October 5, 2005



October 3, 2005

Alumni Association

Began accountcareer.ca will be getting assistance from Alumni and Industry partners for content.


September 5, 2005

Set Reps and Tech Reps

November Mail-out sent……..


November 17. 2005

Alumni Association


October 5, 2005

Health & Dental

Attended Alumni Association Board of Directors meeting, they pledged $1,500 to the gift of choice campaign as well as assembling a hamper. Exploring options for promoting the plan


October 2, 2005

Consignment Bookstore


Still in progress to see how feasible this will be for BCIT students. Hopefully will be meeting with Administration in the next couple of weeks to discuss this again. Committee will begin to address the issues surrounding a UPass at BCIT.


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