Council Meeting Monday, December 2, 2002 Minutes Present: Executives:
Samantha Yeung, President John Alexander, VP Student Affairs Daniel Boffo, VP Campus Life Patricia Stefani, VP Public Relations & Marketing Cristina Roman, Business/ Health Chair Winston Tong, Transportation / Construction Chair Monica Sparks, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Sanjay D’Lima, Trades Chair Jeff Patton, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair
Will Heller Rebecca Montgomery Vince Chabot Jeanneth Jacome Teri Almas Marina Reimer Sam Bombardier (SI)
John White Deep Thind Gabe Hoye Tindy Bassi Angela Gleeson Seven Daves (SI)
Caroline Gagnon, Director
Jay Selinger, VP Finances & Administration Driss Adrao
8.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Samantha Yeung at 5:45 pm. (21 voting members) 8.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved by Patricia Stefani and seconded by Daniel Boffo that the agenda be accepted with the following changes: To add
Guest Speaker Kevin Wainright, President of the FSA
8.3. Acceptance of the Minutes – November 18, 2002 It was moved by Cristina Roman and seconded by Jeff Patton that the minutes of November 18, 2002 be accepted as distributed. 8.4.
Guest Speakers
a) Kevin Wainright, President of the Faculty Staff Association: Kevin gives an update on the 3-hour break issue. He states that the change of the 3-hour break from 11:30 to 2:30 on Wednesday was not the preference of the FSA. However he acknowledges that given the timetable needs to be 1
scheduled in blocks of 2 hours, the FSA recommended that the break be reduced from 3 to 2 hours during mid-day on Wednesday and that an extra hour be given another day, such as Friday. Kevin states that BCIT has lost something which was part of the culture. Now everyone leaves at 2:30pm becoming hard for students to meet with their instructors or participate in extracurricular activities. Also the 3-hour break is part of the FSA Collective Agreement. Kevin is asking SA’s position on this issue. Jeff states SA’s position and Sam mentioned the letter which was sent to the BCIT administration stating SA disagreement with this issue. Kevin informed the Council that they are presently working on redesigning the timetable using a sophisticated software program. They have also filed a grievance against BCIT. As a result FSA is reopening the dialogue with BCIT starting in January. FSA would like to know various issues surrounding the problems that were caused to the students and also some solutions. Sam states that SA would support FSA’s initiative in restoring the 3-hour break. b) Diana Perry, Architecture Institute of BC Student Chapter Representative: Ms. Perry is requesting the sanctioning of the AIBC Student Chapter at BCIT. She explains that this group provides network opportunities to the BCIT Students with professionals in the industry. They organize minglers and guest speakers for about 200 student members. 20 students attend their meetings on a regular basis. Daniel wants to know if the group is an on-going group. Diana thinks that these minglers will continue next year. Will inquires about membership status and if they could become a future source of income for the group. Diana mentioned that the membership drive is still at the stage of recruiting and also create excitement for all the students. Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA sanctions the Architecture Institute of BC Student Chapter. Moved by: John Alexander Seconded by: Patricia Stefani 20/0/1 Carried c) Sami Barakat, IEEE Student Group Representative: Mr. Barakat is requesting the sanctioning of the IEEE Student Group at BCIT. He explains that the purpose of this group is to link students with professional in the field. They are presently working on a magazine discussing technology and future employment. The number of members is approximately 90 students from Electronic, Engineering and CST.
John would like to know if IEEE has submitted their financial statements and other documents as stated in the BCITSA constitution prior to requesting a sanctioning status. Motion: Be it resolved that the sanctioning of IEEE be postponed definitely until next meeting. Moved by: Daniel Boffo Seconded by: Jeff Patton 20/0/1 Carried 8.5.
Reports Executive & Director
Patricia Stefani, VP Public Relations & Marketing • Patricia informs that the Rogers deal is still in effect and the deadline is this Wednesday at 2:30. Daniel Boffo, VP Campus Life Daniel is still looking to have the plotter in operation for January 2003.
Sanjay DiLima, Chair of Trades • As submitted. Monica Sparks, Manufacture, Mechanical, & Process Energy & Natural Resources Chair • Monica is having difficulty to organize the Tech Rep meeting. Students want to have it electronically. • She invites everyone to see the Technology Teacher Association Race which is scheduled this Friday from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Jeff Patton, Electrical/Electronics /CST Chair • Jeff attended the EdCo meeting. Dr. Tony Knowles presented the BC Campus initiative which promotes more courses to be on-line. John Alexander, VP Student Affairs • As submitted. • On behalf of the SA, John is still discussing the issue of tuition fee increase with EdCo and Bog student representatives. Cristina Roman, Business/Health Chair • Cristina made an agreement with Charwells that CFML will be played in the cafeteria. • Cristina announces that Carla Megeth has resigned from position of councilor and introduces Marina Reimer as the new councilor. Winston Tong, Transportation / Construction Chair • As submitted. Jay Selinger, VP Finances & Administration • Excused. 3
Samantha Yeung, President • Sam announces that she is working with the FSA on a new student scholarship. • A food drive between AIM/ACE is underway. Caroline Gagnon, Director • Nothing to report. 8.6.
Progress Report
See attached Report 8.7. • •
Question Period
Will offers his help for any upcoming projects. Sam invites him to participate in the Food drive. Will wants to know if the “furniture” committee is still active or they are waiting for Jay to come back. He would like to see a quick fix for the microwave situation. Cristina confirms that it is still one of Jay’s priorities and that the project is expected to be completed in January. Winston proposes that the walk about be done during the Christmas break. However some opposes this proposal and would like to ensure that students are present when the committee goes around the campus in order to capture students comments. Sam proposes that the walk about be scheduled this Wednesday at 2:30 pm, in order to have to a motion for January.
Unfinished Business
Sanctioned Student Group Funding – John
John states that there is approximately $2750 left over from that account and he would like to see new groups receiving that funding while leaving some funds for emergency requests. Motion: Be it resolved that AIBCSC be granted $900 and IEEE be granted $900 if they meet the sanctioning criteria, while the left over be set aside for emergency funding applications. Moved by: John Alexander Seconded by: Rebecca Montgomery 15/0/2 Carried Patricia states that IEEE should not be receiving funding given that they have passed the deadline. She also explains that due to human error, AMA has received an extra $1000 too much, putting them at $2000 for the year 20022003. John wants to ensure that questions are addressing the motion.
Amendment to the Motion: To remove “IEEE be granted $900 if they meet the sanctioning criteria� from previous motion. Moved by: Daniel Boffo Seconded by: Will Heller 15/2/3 Carried John states that it is important to support other groups than those in the School of Business. Motion: Be it resolved that the debate be closed. Moved by: Will Heller Seconded by: Patricia Stefani 14/3/3 Carried Will does not think that $900 should be granted to new groups. Many discussed various positions on this topic. Amendment to the Motion: Be it resolved the amount be reduced to $500 from $900. Moved by: Patrica Stefani Seconded by: Sam Bombardier 0/15/1 Defeated Dan opposes the changes and Rebecca states that they have over 200 members. John wants to see the fund diversified. Motion: Be it resolved that BCIT SA refers funding distribution to the Committee. Moved by: Winston Tong Seconded by: Rebecca Montgomery 5/10/4 Defeated Will does not think that a committee should have the authority to make such a decision. Winston states that it is the role of the committee to do so. Motion: Be it resolved that the debate be closed. Moved by: Daniel Boffo Seconded by: Jeff Patton 11/2/6 Carried More discussion on the amendment to the motion are stated by all. Motion: Be it resolved that the debate be closed. Moved by: Patricia Stefani Seconded by: Teri Almas 17/0/1 Carried
Amendment to the Motion: Be it resolved that BCIT SA distribute the left over money as follow: $500 AIM, $150 Toastmaster, $500 ACE, $500 AMA. Moved by: Daniel Boffo Seconded by: Teri Almas 2/11/4 Defeated Caroline states that it might be a good idea to keep some funds available given that we are only half way in the fiscal year. Motion: Be it resolved that the debate be closed. Moved by: Jeff Patton Seconded by: Teri Almas 13/0/4 Carried Motion: Be it resolved that the debate be closed. Moved by: Jeff Patton Seconded by: Teri Almas 16/0/1 Carried 8.9.
New Business
Sea Island Finances - Winston
Sam, President of the SISA, present to Council various projects on which their executive distribute their funding: Upgrade equipment, Pub night, Student appreciation night, Open House, Cafeteria, etc. Caroline states that the relationship between BCITSA and its Sea Island Chapter is very well organized, and that bank statements are needed in order to receive more funding. 8.10 Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for January 6, 2003 at 5:45pm. 8.11 Meeting adjourned It was moved by Teri Almas and seconded by Jeff Patton that the meeting be adjourned. (7:50 pm.).
Meeting called to order
Acceptance of the Agenda
Acceptance of the minutes from November 18, 2002
Guest Speakers EEE Student Group – Sanctioning Request AIBC Student Group – Sanctioning Request
Reports: Executive & Director
Progress Report
Question Period (5 min.)
Unfinished Business 8.8.1. Sanctioned Student Group Funding (John) 8.8.2. 8.8.3.
New Business 8.9.1. Sea Island Finances (Winston) 8.9.2. 8.9.3.
8.10. Next Meeting 8.11. Meeting adjourned