7 Minutes Executive - November 20 2006

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Council Meeting Monday, November 20, 2007 Minutes Executives:

Jennifer Leaman, President Todd Embley, VP Finances & Administration Jason Vranjkovic, VP of Student Affairs Rick Sandu, VP Campus Life Matt Chong, VP Public Relations & Marketing Scott Haller, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Ron Asperin, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Sukh Aujla, Business Chair Carlo Ocampo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Julia Cornester, Health Sciences Chair


Amanda Harris Zhasmina Mihova Paul Matthews Shane Gilbertson Doug Holdgate Emily Ho Rahil Lalani Tod Fraser Pankaj Garg


Geoff Gauthier, Editor Caroline Gagnon, Director


Jo-Leen Sellars Sajan Zachariah Bryson Norrish

Hyup Lee Yoojin Park Diksha Chellaramani Allan Olson Marlina Kinnersley Jennette Leung Brenda Corbett Thomas Troubridge

Nick Martynov Amrit Dhaliwal

7.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Jennifer Leaman, calls the meeting to order at 7:25 pm. (23 voting members). 7.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be approved as distributed. Moved by: Scott Haller Seconded by: Julia Cornester 23/0/0 Carried 7.3 Acceptance of the Minutes from November 6, 2006 It was moved that the minutes from November 6, 2006 be accepted with the following changes: • 6.9.2 – “Clubs will receive their money as soon as they open their bank account with BCITSA.” Should be read – “Club funding will be distributed after resolving transparency, accountability, and liability issues.” • Paul Mathews - should be Paul Matthews • 6.1 - should be: calls the meeting to order at 5:45 pm (not 6:45)

6.9.2 Should states: Jason states that this motion came after receiving a phone call from the Architectural Institute of BC school club asking for funding. Moved by: Julia Cornester Seconded by: Scott Haller 23/0/0 Carried 7.4

Guest Speakers No guest speaker


General Reports: Executive Nothing to report


Progress Reports As presented.

7.7. Question Period Thomas would like to know how the “tool box” event relates to other entrepreneurs. Todd explains that the School of Construction sponsored this event therefore focused on trades students wanting to start their own business. However if others want to participate, they are welcomed to attend.


Unfinished Business No unfinished business


New Business 7.9.1. Business Committee (Todd) Todd looking is looking for volunteers for the Business Committee. If anyone interested, please contact Todd directly. Todd will schedule a meeting prior to the end of the calendar year.

7.10 Next Meeting – December 4, 2006 Next meeting is scheduled for December 4, 2006 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 7.11 Meeting adjourned It was moved Julia Cornester and seconded by Diksha Chellaramani that the meeting be adjourned at 7:40pm. Carried

BCIT Student Association MONDAY, November 20, 2006 AGENDA


Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from November 6, 2006


Guest Speakers:


General Reports:


Progress Reports: Executive


Question Period


Unfinished Business 7.8.1. 7.8.2. 7.8.3.


New Business 7.9.1. Business Committee 7.9.2. 7.9.3.


Next Meeting – December 4, 2006


Meeting adjourned



Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue

Sept 5th, 2006

Create a nutrition program that helps students eat and cook well on a strict time & $ budget

Oct 19th, 2006

Status No kitchen available at Residences. Michael Van Lane says Pub kitchen is available on Saturdays. Working on finding suitable recipes . Posters are now up

International Food fair

Volunteer numbers are good. Confirmed more items for this year



Shinerama Recap

Finishing off final tasks such as thank you cards, inventory check, funds ..etc.


November 20th, 2006

Shinerama 2007

Starting to develop strategic plan


November 6th, 2006

New Study Spaces

Met with Jim Mitchell regarding concepts for new study space on campus


November 15th, 2006

Cut for the Cure

In the planning stages Completed.


November, 2006

Set Rep/Tech Rep meetings

Monthly Set Rep/Tech Rep meetings held November 15. Discussed several issue within the program: - Program operational feedbacks: a) Marking procedures b) Course feedbacks c) Work load - Planning of different social activities: possible CST/CIT first year and


second year wide event on December 15 afternoon (last day of term). On going. Carlo

September, 2006

CST/CIT Open House and Job Fair in April

On November 15, 2006 it was decided that we will do a Job Fair instead of a full blown Open House because of the scope of the job needed to put this event together. The place of the event will most likely be in Downtown. On going. Have spoken to program head regarding having students next year compete in the annual ACM International Collegiate Programming Competition.


November, 2006

Programming Competition

BCIT students, when we were sending students back then to the competition, were placing 10th or 11th in the region. Beating even graduate students from Berkley and Stanford. For more info: http://icpc.baylor.edu/icpc/


Sept 6th

Opening of the Fit Pit Juice Bar

Nothing to report until contract is resolved.


Sept 6

Nutrition Guide / Residence Relationship

Waiting on word back from Save-On about collaborating on this project with us.

Credit Awareness

We are beginning with an event aimed at trades students (but open to all) designed to give them some tools for starting their own business. Trade show model with vendors, key-note speakers starring Shell Busey. NOV 21st in Great Hall



Sept 13


Oct 12

Lounge Furniture

Furniture will be cleaned over Christmas.


Oct 25

Lounge Space

Nothing new to report

Nov 2

Student Loans for BBA Students

Been discussing with program head and Fin Aid why tuition is more but loans are less.






Sukh Sukh

Oct 4th

Minglers for Minors

Nov 6th

SRC coordinator and Rec coordinator

Nov 6th

Business plan contest

Nov 8thth

Councillor Meeting

Met with councillors and discussed initiatives

Oct 11th

Teacher issues & Evaluations

Working with students, faculty and Jason to resolve.

Oct 18th

Test bank

Discussing with faculty, a lot of teachers are showing support. Writing up a FAQ for the test bank that can be delivered to faculty to inform them of the initiative.

Oct 18th

Wine Tasting Seminar



No progress to date. Helped Harb Johal of the International Student Center to find two students who able to fill the open positions. Both jobs are now posted on eJobs. Small business BC has a business plan contest open to all BC residents who have a business plan. The top five will share a prize pool of $16,000. Students can find out more at www.smallbusinessbc.ca/contest


Sukh Working with Todd, Marlina and Brenda to arrange possible two seminars with a mingler event with the Burnaby board of trade to finish it off.

Jason Jason





Ongoing dealing with student issues. - Clubs annual and financial reports available online. - Reviewing clubs package to make “events” section more workable and still meet policy and bylaw requirements. - Working on adding “contracts” section to clubs package. - Addressing specific liability concern - ICE ICE BABY on Friday Nov 24th at caprice. - IEEE X-box tourney on Wed Nov. 29th at BCIT.

Jason Bylaw committee met to address lawyer’s comments.


Jason September

Test bank


Alcohol Awareness Week

October 24, 2006

Uconnect clothing drive

November 10, 2006

Christmas Trees

Jason Ron

No action - Requested a smashed up car from ICBC for placement in GH. - ICBC cannot commit to drinking event in GH due to manpower shortage. Clean out your closet and bring in some old clothes. Continue to spread the word!

Ron Ron

Cancelled Spoke with the SA Events Coordinator, Ian, to schedule a performance probably next semester.

November 10, 2006

Hybrid Movement


November 10, 2006

Eco Fair

Students from in and out of BCIT are interested in putting on a show, possibly in the great hall. They’ve told me they have a 15 minute choreographed presentation that they could do during different lunch hours. The kinds of things they do is a mix of • Martial Arts • Break dancing • Free Running • Freestyle acrobatics If you would to see what they’re capable of, there’s are several trailers available on www.hybridmovement.com Helping to organize and plan the Eco-Fair happening this March. I’m going to be looking for volunteers soon, so talk to me afterwards if you’re interested. Eco-Fair is a bi-annual event of green products, technologies, services, lifestyles and careers produced by the BCIT Student Association and BCIT. Thousands of people have visited over the years since it's inception in 1995, including students and faculty of BCIT, elementary and high school students and the general public. Eco-Fair is a forum that raises awareness around environmental problems facing humanity, but focuses on the exciting solutions that are available to all of us through technology, lifestyle changes, consumer awareness, and even business opportunities! Over the years, Eco-Fair has grown in size and scope to include the green home pavilion, guest speakers (such as Bill Reese, co-creator


of the Ecological Footprint concept), art displays, fashion shows, student workshops and exhibitors of all sizes from business, industry, and government. http://www.bcit.ca/green/whatwedo/ecofair.shtml


Approached by some students to have a blood drive on campus. Last years blood drive was not as popular because students had to be driven to the blood donor clinic. Students feel it would be better to have it done on campus, but there are some issues that won’t allow this. Have had two meetings with BCIT and the two major soft drink providers about a new contract in the new year. Currently the contract is with Pepsi and the contract is finished as of December 31, 2006. Attended two of the three award ceremonies to recognize BCIT student recipients. Congratulations on everyone who received an award.

November 14, 2006

Blood Drive

November 16, 2006

Vending Contracts


November 8, 2006

Award Ceremonies


November 17, 2006

By-law committee

November 15, 2006

National Philanthropy Day

Attended a luncheon to represent BCITSA. Justin Trudeau was the key note speaker and it was a very interesting and inspiring talk.

November 14, 2006

BCIT Alumni Association

Attended the Alumni meeting last Tuesday. Nothing much to report except they will be trying to make a better effort to work with current BCIT students.

September 11, 2006

Contracts with BCIT

Plan is to have all the contracts signed off on before the New Year. We are working on the lease and master agreement. Nothing new to report at this time.


Jen Jen Jen Scott September 2006 Scott September 2006 Scott September 2006 Scott

24/7 lab room Program Term Survey Web Forum

Met with the bylaw committee to go over some proposed changes from our lawyers.

Surveys are being completed

Waiting to meet with BCIT executive (last meeting cancelled) Outstanding

September 2006

Meeting Schedule for Set & Tech. Reps

Some Set Reps have been identified. Meetings to commence in December.

November 2006

Meet with Student Services regarding study and lounge area proposals

Provided feedback to Architects and Student Services regarding changes being considered.



Scott November 2006

By-Laws Review

Committee meet to review recommendations my by our lawyers.


Nutrition Program


Test Bank

Met with Program Heads to discuss re-opening of test bank and submitting materials from each school/level


Meeting with Set Reps and Tech Reps

Scheduling Set and Tech meetings


Smoking Cessation Program

Meeting later this month



Communicated with marketing/recruitment rep and arranged to meet on campus this month


Policy/Course changes

Julia Julia Julia

No action

Julia Julia


Met with program head re: student concerns about class content and number of hours per week. Will follow up in the following weeks


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