BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Monday, November 26, 2007 Minutes Executives:
Brenda Corbett, President Jennette Leung, VP Finances & Administration Irina Osipova, VP Public Relations & Marketing Thomas Nguyen, VP Campus Life Christopher Peacock, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Thomas Trowbridge, Business Chair Roan Hidalgo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Emily Ho, Health Sciences Chair Leanne Atienza, VP of Student Affairs Doug Holdgate, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair
Angela Meyer Alec Lee Billy Moore Pulkit Jain
Caroline Gagnon, Director Geoff Gauthier, Editor
Roland Neil Dorais Tod Fraser Aga Khan Wendy Ngo Konstantin Kleiner
Joshua Smith Robby Basi Eugene Park Manjot Mattu
Baljinder Gurewal Arun Randhawa Heidi Barker Robby Basi Jennah Stavroff
7.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Brenda Corbett, calls the meeting to order at 6:23 pm. (19 voting members). 7.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the following agenda be accepted with the following changes: • To change - 7.3 from October 22 to November 5 • To add- 7.9.3 Plotter Moved by: Thomas Nguyen Seconded by: Leanne Atienza 18/0/0 Carried 7.3 Acceptance of the Minutes from November 5, 2007 Be it resolved that that the minutes from November 5, 2007 be accepted with the following changes. • To add the attendance information to the minutes Moved by: Irina Osipova Seconded by: Thomas Nguyen 19/0/0 Carried
7.4 Guest Speaker 7.4.1 BCITHRA Student Club The clubs’ representatives present the club’s vision, mission, purpose, constitution, organizational hierarchy, members, meetings, budget, election & appointments. Questions: • Joshua – Why would BCIT students need a BCITHRA club? The club will provide a support network to further students’ experience. Would other students benefit from this club? Not only HR students can become members, therefore it will also provide them with the same benefit. • Emily – Can you explain your proposed mentorship program? BCHRMA wants to create a program that will create links between BCIT alumni and students. • Roan – Is the mentorship program open to other students? Yes, it will be open to all members. • Pulkit - How will the other student benefit from their involvement? Like ACE, ca other students join the club? Yes, everyone is welcomed. • Irina – What did “task” mean in the presentation? Members will be asked to participate in different activities such as fundraising. Is it realistic to ask people to participate monthly? Yes. • Eugene – What type of fundraising events will the club organize? General events such as bake sales. • Emily – You mentioned 80-90% students support the clubs. How many students was this survey taken? From the 60 students enrolled in the program. • Justine – Will your low membership fee meet the financial needs of the clubs? We want to keep the membership low to recruit more members. • Joshua – What will the election criteria be? The clubs does not have concrete criteria. We are waiting for sanctioning. 7.4.2 BCIT Real Estate Association Club representatives distribute an information sheet about the proposed club. Questions: • Jennette – Do you think that running meeting through Robert’s Rule of Order be too much onerous? No. Other clubs are using it successfully. • Emily – How will you schedule the meetings to fit everyone’s schedule? Priority will be given to board members. Do you encourage other schools to participate? Yes. What will members learn from joining the club? The will learn about the market, impact of currency on real estate, how to invest in a home. • Manjot stated that he has attended a function, which he was able to learn from professionals insights. • Thomas supports this club, as it can be a great information forum for people who want to invest. • Emily sees the benefit for all students, thus the importance to advertise the clubs to all schools. • Leanne – What are the club’s strategies for sustainability of membership? The club made it a priority for this year. The transfer will be done in April to ensure that enough students are taking over the operation of the clubs. • Jennette – When will the meetings be scheduled? Nothing has been booked. We are waiting for sanctioning.
General Reports: Executive Nothing to report
7.6. • • • • •
Progress Reports As presented Brenda – Please complete the EdCo survey located on the BCITSA website. Jennette needs another member on the election committee – Simon volunteers. Christopher updates Council about the Extended Hours Committee. Roan – The Dean has received the petition about SE 12 extended hours. He is negotiating with Security how to deal with this issue. Resolutions could support the extended hours committee. • Doug – The opening of the balcony was moved to January
7.7. Question Period • Thomas T asks about whose responsibility is it to pursue the set and tech reps? o Jennette suggests that faculty attends the meeting. o Caroline explains that the Set and Tech program is a BCIT program that SA uses to dissipate information. o Emily suggests that it is everybody’s responsibility. o Thomas N. asks if the committee has determined the added value of the Set and Tech reps. • Jennette to Irina – Why SAIT & NAIT were phoned? To receive information about their fundraising events. 7.8.
Unfinished Business No unfinished business
New Business 7.9.1 HR Management Club Motion: Be it resolved that the BCIT Human Resources Association Club be sanctioned as an official BCITSA club from this day forward and shall receive all the benefits pertaining to BCITSA Clubs as determined by the SA Constitution and the Policies and Bylaws. Moved by: Thomas Nguyen Seconded by: Irina 16/0/1 Carried 7.9.2
BCIT Real Estate Association
Motion: Be it resolved that the BCIT Real Estate Association Club be sanctioned as an official BCITSA club from this day forward and shall receive all the benefits pertaining to BCITSA Clubs as determined by the SA Constitution and the Policies and Bylaws Moved by: Leanne Atienza Seconded by: Thomas Nguyen 18/0/1 Carried
7.9.3. – Plotter Caroline explains that the image centre needs a new plotter as it is becoming more expensive to fix it. Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA purchases a new plotter for $9500. Moved by: Jennette Leung Seconded by: Thomas Trowbridge 19/0/0 Carried Call the questions Moved by: Doug Holdgate 19/0/0 Carried
Seconded by: Jennette Leung
7.10 Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 10, 2007 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 7.11 Meeting adjourned It was moved Doug Holdgate and seconded by Leanne Atienza that the meeting be adjourned at 7:32 pm. Carried
Council Meeting Agenda Monday November 26, 2007 5:30-7:30pm 5.1 Meeting Called to Order 5.2
Acceptance of the Agenda
Acceptance of the Minutes from October 22, 2007
Guest Speakers: 5.4.1 Ravinder Minhas, Sandy Takhar, and Sarina Ram for HR Management Club 5.4.2 Justine for BCIT Real Estate Association
General Report
Executive Progress Report
Question Period
Unfinished Businesses: 5.8.1 5.8.2 5.8.3
New Businesses: 5.9.1 HR Management Club 5.9.2 BCIT Real Estate Association 5.9.3
Next Meeting: Monday December 10, 2007- 5:30pm
Meeting Adjourned
Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
September 17, 2007
Student Code of Conduct
September 17, 2007
Education Council
October 01, 2007
Still Ongoing
October 01, 2007
Coaching/Feedback sessions
Still ongoing
October 10, 2007
Extended Hours Access
October 15, 2007
Board of Governors
Brenda Jennette
October 22 , 2007
Alumni Association Meeting Daycare Service
Monthly SA Projections
Bylaw Committee
Elections Committee
Status No new progress Seeking input on policy 5002‌ Please read get your classmates to read and provide feedback by December 14th, 2007 go to http://www.bcitsa.ca/ENE/news.htm
Meeting will be December 14th, 2007 Next meeting November 27th, 2007 Schmoozapoolza will be held February the 6th, 2008 More details to follow as it gets closer. They are currently working with the foundation to build higher endowments for students. Surveys sent out to set/tech reps to distribute to parents. Not many respondents, not looking optimistic. Ongoing; annual audit will be reported this evening (AGM). Will update council on October’s income statements next meeting. Passing proposed bylaw changes today. Had first meeting with Mark for Voter Media. Looking for one more councilor
SE 40 Renovation
Business Committee
Extended Campus Access
Shinerama 2007 Campaign
The BCIT Annual Charity Campaign
In progress Goals and objectives are defined. Surveys to be designed.
Building Relationship with UBC and SFU
I’ve contacted SAIT, NAIT for their fundraising goals Still no responses
October 30, 2007
Increasing awareness of SA: Building value in SA e-mails (Uconnect letter about events)
Waiting for renovation plans. Had first meeting and will be focusing attention on the Pub, Coffee shop, and convenience store renovations. Spoke to Val about campus hours on holidays. Great Hall is opened until 5pm. BCIT has an extended hours task force committee and we’re pushing to have student representation. No action Collecting the rest of the funds. Waiting to post the money “Bad news” to be delivered (scheduling the meeting) Sent all the leftovers of Shinerama promotional materials
No action Uconnect is developing a letter to send out to Set and Tech Reps. Completed Developed a survey for international students Presented result to Tom Vincent, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Advanced Education
October - November
BCIT International Strategy
Promotion of UConnect
Spoke with Scott re: sticker design an SA branding
Creation of Environmental SubCommittee
• •
Chaired 2nd Services Committee meeting Waiting on more response re: good recycling bin locations to increase
Thomas N.
September 13, 2007
Orientation Day Final Write up
Thomas N.
October 22, 2007
Clubs Package
Leanne Leanne
The initial stages of the write up are underway. Completed and under revisions. Estimate that by January we should have a fully functional document.
November 8th, 2007
Clubs Committee Meeting
Set and Tech Reps
Extended access Study Room
August 24, 2007
Computer workshops
August 24, 2007
Post grades online. Banner System.
August 24, 2007
Integration of BCITSA with my.bcit.ca
September 21, 2007
SE12 Petition
September 2007
September 2007
Set/Tech Reps
Will hold set/tech rep meeting in early December
October 2007
SW3 Balconies
September 2007
Business Committee
November 2007
24hr Committee
Thomas N.
Last meeting of the term completed Issues resolved, but will be checking throughout year to make sure no other issues come up Putting together a package for Tech reps to hold own meetings - No progress Creating survey to send out to students - No progress Have discussed possibilities Will discuss issues with Margo Slater, Director of Cognos Reporting/Banner system on the implementation of uploading spreadsheets to post grades online. Ongoing. In progress. Researching different options. Kim Dotto, Dean, School of Computing & Academic Studies and Glen Magel, Director of Security have drafted a contract for CST students to use SE12 for 24/7 access. See contract for details. 4 councillors have been appointed for my school, still need 1
Emily Emily Emily Emily Emily
Nov 5 - 9 Nov 5 - 9 Nov 5 - 9 Nov 12 - 16 Nov 12 - 16
Set and Tech Rep Crash Course Cooking Service Committee Set and tech Rep Harvest Box at Residence
Meeting with School of Business to discuss there view of Set and Tech Rep Attending last session to evaluate the progression. Overall a great program but needs a couple of improvements. Job well done. Discussed the implementation of alternative bins around the school. Met with Dick Doland Dean of School of Business with Thomas Trowbridge. Engaged in some good discussion that could be used at the Set and Tech rep committee, as well as the School of Health Science. RLA was interested in providing a Harvest Box option at Res.
Nov 19 - 23
Objective: Awareness of Communicable Disease
Nov 19 - 23
Annual Charity Event
Thomas T
September 17
Connect with Set and Tech. Reps
Waiting on Final List
Thomas T
September 17
Set and Tech Rep meeting with Dean
November 28th, 2007
Thomas T
November 26
Set and Tech Rep Committee meeting
Commence after today’s meeting
Thomas T
November 16
Emily and Myself met with School of Business Dean
In the works… Talked about directions and idea’s about how the event can benefit the students and the charity.
BCIT Human Resources Association (BCIT HRA) Proposal for BCIT Human Resources Association (BCIT HRA) Developed by: Ravinder Minhas HR Committee Members: Ravinder Minhas, Sandy Takhar & Sarina Ram Updated: November 25, 2007 Purpose of club: The purpose of the BCIT HRA is: • • • • • • •
To build and strengthen the relationship between the HRMG students and BCHRMA To create a support network where students support one another in our studies now and our careers later To create a venue to meet with alumni To develop networks within the HR community To learn more about the variety of career opportunities in the profession, the CHRP designation, mentoring programs, further professional development training (i.e. workshops) To develop a post-secondary club that offers student events and workshops that strengthen the professional development of the students UBC and SFU have HR clubs offer professional development support and networking opportunities through student run events, mentoring programs, and workshops.
The Vision: The goal is to form a BCIT Human Resources Association by November 30, 2007 that will include students from the current program and alumni, and will be supported by HR Faculty and BCHRMA. Guiding Principles: •
HR students at BCIT will gain support for professional development through networking, student events, and mentoring opportunities provided by the BCIT Human Resources Management Association.
HR students will be more successful with their studies at BCIT and in their careers through the ability to connect with existing students, alumni, and faculty members.
Aims and Main Targets: • • •
To attract and maintain at least 65% membership involvement by end of May 2008 To increase peer support for first year BCIT students To support the professional and educational development of BCIT students through networking and mentoring opportunities by focusing on two key areas: • To address the needs of BCIT students • To develop methods to build connections between students and Human Resources Professionals (ie. Alumni support) Further aims and targets will come from consultation from BCIT students, students in HR program, the BCHRMA and BCIT Human Resources faculty
Constitution: •
For a complete version please refer to Appendix A
Membership: o Fees: Approximately $4.50 - $5.00
Organizational Chart: o President o Vice presidents o Vice President of Marketing o Vice President of Administration o Vice President of Finance o Vice President of Events o Second Year Representative o First Year Representative The representatives do not have to be the Set Representatives
Governing Body, Members and Eligibility: o Open to all students at BCIT o For further details please refer to Constitution in Appendix A
Duties of Members: o To complete assigned tasks that pertains to their area of specificity.
General Meetings: We will be hosting one meeting per month, attendance to these meetings will be optional Each member is required to attend a minimum of two meetings per semester We will be offering incentives to HRA members to attend all meetings For example: If you attend all meetings will receive a reference letter from a member of BCIT faculty. o We will be holding one event per month For example: Fundraising and Networking Events o
Elections and Appointments o Elections will be held at the beginning of every school year, in the month of August Voting will take place over a couple of days via a secret ballot ** The 2008 committee will be appointed as this is the first year of the clubs creation We will send email to first and second year HR students regarding the positions available and based on who responds will get the position but if there is more than one person we will hold a vote.
Conditions of Office and Impeachment: o Please refer to the Constitution in Appendix A.
Budget: o This will be provided by the Student Association upon conception of the club and monies raised by fundraising events.
Supporters: o Students: Approx 80-90% of HR students o Staff: Bonnie, Fred o BCHRMA
Appendix A: Constitution of
BCIT Human Resources Association
I Club Name 1. The official name of the club shall be “BCIT Human Resources Association (BCIT HRA)”. No other name shall be used in the advertising or representation of the club. II Purposes and Aims Purpose: To develop an student club that will help students at BCIT to enhance and support their professional development in Human Resources through networking, student events, and mentoring opportunities through the help of BCIT faculty and BC Human Resources Management Association (BCHRMA). Club Aims: • To build and strengthen the relationship between the HRMG students and BCHRMA • To create a support network where students support one another in our studies now and our careers later • To create a venue to meet with alumni • To develop networks within the HR community • To learn more about the variety of career opportunities in the profession, the CHRP designation, mentoring programs, further professional development training (ie. workshops) • To develop a post-secondary club that offers student events and workshops that strengthen the professional development of the students III Membership 1. Membership shall be open to all BCIT students in good standing with the BCIT Student Association (BCIT SA) Society. 2. Membership can also be open to non-student individuals such as staff, faculty, alumni or community members. If any restrictions are to be placed on these associate members they must be noted, and are subject to approval. “Associate Members” may not run for club executive positions. 3. A member may be expelled from the club by a vote of at least 2/3 of quorum. The duration of the penalty must be determined before the expulsion vote is
conducted. An expelled member has the right to appeal, and may rejoin the club if 2/3 of quorum vote to permit this. IV Executive 1. The Executive shall include at least a President, Vice-President and a VicePresident of Finance. A typical Executive includes: • President • Vice President • VP of Administration • VP of Finance • VP of Marketing • VP of Events • 2nd year rep • 1st year rep 2. All members of the Executive must be student members of the club. 3. All members of the Executive shall be voted into their positions via an election or by-election. The only exception to this will be from January 2008-August 2008 due to the limitations in voting due to the development of the club. For single nomination positions, a yes/no vote shall be held. No member can be appointed to an executive position unless the appointment is less than a month in duration. 4. Responsibilities of the Executive members are as follows: 4.1 President: shall conduct all executive or general meetings; is ex-officio member of all committees within the club; is responsible for promoting the club to the campus community. 4.2 Vice-President: shall fill all responsibilities and duties of the President in the absence of the President; is responsible for promoting the club to the community. 4.2 VP of Administration: Shall record minutes of all meetings; is responsible for clu correspondence. 4.3 VP of Finance: Keeps a record of allocation of club funds; periodically checks and updates the club asset list; shall give an account of the club’s financial standing and make the record books open to the club or to the SFSS if requested to do so. 5. Any Executive member may be impeached by a vote of at least 2/3 of quorum. Reinstating a member can be done by a similar vote.
V. Meetings 1. Clubs must decide on a quorum, i.e. the minimum number of executives and members necessary to conduct official club business. 2. The BCIT Human Resources Club (BCIT HRA) club quorum is 2 Executive members + 25% of signed members. 3. At least one official meeting must be called per semester. If assembling members is difficult, club business can be conducted over electronic mail. 4. Club meetings should be well posted in advance using electronic mail, website, posters, etc. 5. Minutes shall be recorded for all meetings. VI Elections and by-elections 1. Club Executives of the Club must be elected from and by the membership with a majority vote. An election must be held at least once per year. 2. The club’s elections will take place BCIT Great Hall (e.g. week 2 of each semester) 3. The results of any election are recorded in the BCIT HRA Club Registration sheet. 4. Executive positions can be held by any student member of the club. 5. Votes may be cast by secret ballot or a simple show of hands. Majority vote wins. In case of a tie, the chair casts the deciding vote, or the member with the least votes drops out and votes are recast. 6. If for any reason an executive position becomes vacant, a by-election for that position will be held. This is not required if less than one month is left before the next scheduled election; instead, a member may be appointed to the position by the Executive. VII Amendments 1. Notice of the proposed amendments to the constitution shall be presented via email to the active club membership in advance, prior to the meeting in which the amendments will be discussed and voted upon. 2. Amendments to this constitution require a 2/3-majority vote of quorum.
3. Upon receiving 2/3 affirmative votes in favor of amendment/revision, an executive member shall submit the new constitution to the BCIT SA General Office for approval. VIII Dissolution 1. This club will be dissolved if a 2/3 majority of quorum votes to do so, or if club attendance falls below BCIT SA standards. 2. In the event of the club’s dissolution, all club assets become property of the BCIT SA. IX Agency 1. The Club is not an agent of the BCIT SA and the club’s views and actions do not necessarily represent the voice of the BCIT SA. X Special Club Policies ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ This constitution has been adopted by: BCIT HUMAN RESOURCES ASSOCITION (BCIT HRA) On: _________________ of: ______________________________________. Day Month Year President: _______________________________________, ___________________ Signature Date Club Executive Member:____________________________ ,___________________ Signature Date
BCIT Real Estate Association Proposal
Table of Contents
Name of Club
Club’s Purpose
Club’s Vision
Organizational Chart
Eligibility of Members and Governing Body
Duties of Members -
VP Finance and Administration
VP Marketing & Communications
VP Events
VP Memberships
VP Creative
First Year Liaison
Elections and Appointment Processes
How can we Guarantee Succession of this Club in the Future
Name of Club BCIT Real Estate Association (REA)
Club’s Purpose To provide an opportunity to all members of the Real Estate Association to network within the real estate industry while further educating them on topics involving real estate. In addition this club will establish a professional reputation of BCIT students and the school as a whole.
Club’s Vision The BCIT Real Estate Association acts as a link of higher learning between classrooms and the business world while establishing professional representation of the BCIT Students and the BCIT School of Business through networking within the real estate industry.
Constitution All students at BCIT, first and second year, interested in joining and participating in the benefits of the Real Estate Association are all welcome. The membership fee will be affordable at a price of $20 per year. This fee does not include personal business cards, since not all members may want them. The club will leave the business cards optional at an additional charge.
Organizational Chart: The organizational hierarchy will consist of:
VP Finance and Administration
VP Marketing & Communications
VP Events
VP Creative
VP Memberships
2 First Year Liaison
Eligibility of Members and Governing Body -
All BCIT students, regardless of program or program year, are eligible of becoming a member of the club
All members, regardless of program are allowed to run for any governing position
All elected governing executive, except for First Year Liaison, must be in their second year of their program
All members running for the position of First Year Liaison, must be in their first year of their program
Other then school and program work, all governing bodies must have the club as their primary commitment and be fully dedicated towards their position and duties
To qualify for election, all members who are running for executive position can not be in an executive position for any other BCIT club. This will not limit their membership to any other BCIT club
Duties of Members President: The president acts as an organizer and leader. He/she must be impartial, unbiased, reliable, passionate, professional, a good spokes person, and of good representation of all the members of the club and the Institution.
The president’s duties include: -
Tie breaker in a tied vote
Organizer of all meeting duties: this includes the meeting agenda and minutes, frequency of meetings and location
Run the meeting and delegate tasks
In charge of the presentation to introduce the program to first year students
Responsible for representing the club and communicating with club sponsors
VP Finance and Administration: This position acts as the clubs financial and administrative manager. The position entails large responsibilities towards the clubs budget and member profiles.
The VP Finance and Administration’s duties include: -
Always making sure the club has sufficient funds
Putting together semester/yearly budgets
Make sure budget is on track
Administration duties: Processing and keeping track of number of members their information
Must keep all personal member information confidential; this includes releasing member information to non-members or club related activities.
VP Marketing & Communications: This position will act as the clubs means of communication to bring together the students and the professionals in the industry. The VP Marketing & Communications is expected to coordinate and communicate heavily with the VP Events, VP Creative, and First Year Liaison’s. 22
The VP Marketing & Communication’s duties include: -
Acting as a external link: bringing in guest speakers
Will be the link with the media
Club communicator to all members
VP Events: The VP Events position acts as the clubs event coordinator. This position involves exerting high energy and motivation to encourage club events. The position will involve working heavily with the club’s VP Marketing and Communication’s.
The VP Events duties include: -
Promoting events
Ticket sales
Coordinating and scheduling events: fundraising, team building, networking
Organizing all events from beginning to finish: making sure events are on schedule
Communicating and coordinating with the VP Marketing and Communication’s
VP Memberships: The VP Memberships position involves recruiting new members to the club, and being the sole communicator between the members of the club for any member registrations and purchases. The VP membership is expected to communicate and work with the First Year Liaison’s.
The VP Membership’s duties include -
Recruiting: making and creating the presentations in PowerPoint
Collecting membership fees and passing it over to VP Finance and Administration
Member business cards
Compiling and updating of a members list: emailing out updated information to all members
Making sure there is always enough member sign up forms
Communicating with First year liaison
VP Creative: This position is responsible for all creative aspects of the club. The position will involve working with the VP Marketing and Administration.
The VP Creative duties include: -
Designing of the clubs business cards
Club merchandise design
Creation of Club logo
Creating and maintaining club website
First Year Liaison: There will be two First Year Liaisons elected to become the tie between communicating the club to first year students and recruiting new members. This position will involve working and communicating with VP Membership and VP Marketing and Administration. The First Year Liaison’s duties include: -
Communicating and exposing the club to first year students
Gaining membership within first year students
Promoting and encouraging first year students to join
Members: All members are responsible for encouraging a higher level of education among themselves and other members.
All members’ duties include: -
Act professional at all events
Act as a good representation of all the members in the club and the institution
Provide personal feedback on how the club can better itself
Take part in events and help out fellow members
Setting personal goals and gaining a higher level of education
Networking and having fun!
Meetings Club meetings will be held once a week at a specific location and time. The specific details for the meeting have not been set yet, taking into consideration the schedule change for next semester. The meetings will be taking into conversion of the Roberts rules of order.
Elections and Appointment Processes The election and appointment process will run as followed: -
All members are expected to vote
There are no proxy votes
Private voting will take place
If a tie occurs, all running members must individually give a speech as to why they are the superior candidate, and a revote will occur o in the situation of another tie, tied vote members will face a panel of executives in an interview process
Members are only eligible to run for one position at a time
Elect the 2 prime positions first (President and VP Finance and Administration), and then the remaining positions will be elected
We will rely on student association bylaws for voting someone out
Elections will be held in late April
How can we Guarantee Succession of this Club in the Future To guarantee succession of the club in the future, current interested members are committed to returning in September to help newly elected members promote and communicate the club to new students.
Other reasons why we can guarantee succession are by: -
Having good first year participation
Passing on networks and contacts that second year students have already created
Providing new students with club information on Orientation day
Building good relation with current sponsors
Supporters This club is highly supported by the entire real estate option at BCIT. The Real Estate Department Head at BCIT, Mr. Bill Phillips, strongly believes in our cause and the purpose of the club along with other BCIT Real Estate Instructors, including Mr. David Wan. Besides being strongly supported by the BCIT real estate faculty and students, there are plenty of non-real estates students who support and have a strong interest in the clubs success.