8 Minutes Executive - December 04 2006

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Council Meeting Monday, December 4, 2006 Minutes Executives:

Jennifer Leaman, President Todd Embley, VP Finances & Administration Jason Vranjkovic, VP of Student Affairs Rick Sandu, VP Campus Life Matt Chong, VP Public Relations & Marketing Ron Asperin, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Sukh Aujla, Business Chair Carlo Ocampo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair


Amanda Harris Paul Matthews Shane Gilbertson Emily Ho Rahil Lalani Pankaj Garg Amrit Dhaliwal


Geoff Gauthier, Editor Caroline Gagnon, Director


Sam McCullough


Julia Cornester, Health Sciences Chair Scott Haller, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Sajan Zachariah Zhasmina Mihova Nick Martynov Doug Holdgate Tod Fraser

Hyup Lee Yoojin Park Allan Olson Marlina Kinnersley Jennette Leung Brenda Corbett Thomas Troubridge Bryson Norrish

Roan Hidalgo

8.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Jennifer Leaman, calls the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. (22 voting members). 8.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be approved as distributed. Moved by: Carlo Ocampo Seconded by: Sukh Aujla 22/0/0 Carried 8.3

Acceptance of the Minutes from November 20, 2006 8.3.1. from AGM November 20, 2006 It was moved that the minutes from November 6, 2006 be accepted as posted. Moved by: Rick Sandu Seconded by: Amanda Harris 22/0/0 Carried 8.3.2. from November 20, 2006 It was moved that the minutes from November 6, 2006 be accepted as posted.

Moved by: Sukh Aujla 22/0/0 Carried 8.4 •

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Seconded by: Matt Chong

Guest Speakers – Jim Mitchell, BCIT Director of Student Services Jim Mitchell goes over the different BCIT student services, such as Disabilities Resource Centre, Aboriginal Services, Financial Aid and Award, Student Housing, Interpreting Services. In 2007, BCIT will develop standards of response to ensure quality services. Jim explains the “study lounge typologies” project, which investigates new study places on campus. Presently, there is limited study space on campus (SE 16, Great Hall, and Library). An architectural firm identified three (3) styles of study space; lounge, quiet study, and group work. Six (6) areas/sites have now been recognized o Student Athletic Centre SE 16 – lobby area to be turned in student lounge area. o SW 5 – Lecturer Theatres o SW3 Foyer on 2, 3, and 4 floor, with patio area. o SW3 – Foyer on first floor o SW 9 – Entrance o NE 1 student lounge on 3rd floor Two (2) of these spaces should be repurposed before spring break and the rest by the end of 2007. Repurposing will improve the space and equipment (i.e. furniture, lighting) Jim asks for feedback. Everyone agrees that study space is important. Thomas asks if some of the proposed space will be open 24-hour. Jim does not know at this time. Geoff asks about how the focus group were conducted. Jim states that the only focus group was with the executives, but they have a good handled on it. The project is only at the design stage. Sukh suggests that the traffic flow of SW5 might be too heavy. Jim demonstrates that this issue has been looked at. Traffic flow should not be affected by the new design. Jennifer asks about study space for trade students that might require more equipment. Jim states that the issue needs to be addressed. Jim mentions that they are also looking at improving outdoor spaces. Jennifer inquires about wireless for these outdoor spaces. Jim states that it has been looked at by IT. The presented documents will be forwarded to Councillors via Jennifer.


General Reports: Executive Nothing to report


Progress Reports Jennifer would like to invite everyone about the white rose event.

8.7. Question Period Jason asks about the SA’s position on the U-pass. Matt clarifies that it is more about given an update, following the meeting from Translink, which Caroline attended. • Thomas asks about the prices in the TNT stores. Caroline mentions that TNT stores aims to be the lowest on campus, and we try to keep margins as low as possible. •


Unfinished Business No unfinished business


New Business No new business

7.10 Next Meeting – January 8, 2007 Next meeting is scheduled for January 8, 2007 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 8.11 Meeting adjourned It was moved Sukh Aujla and seconded by Carlo Ocampo that the meeting be adjourned at 6:27 pm. Carried

BCIT Student Association MONDAY, December 4, 2006 AGENDA


Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes 8.3.1. from AGM November 20, 2006 8.3.2. from November 20, 2006


Guest Speakers: Jim Mitchell – Director of Student Services


General Reports:


Progress Reports: Executive


Question Period


Unfinished Business 8.8.1. 8.8.2. 8.8.3.


New Business 8.9.1. 8.9.2. 8.9.3.


Next Meeting – January 8, 2007


Meeting adjourned


Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue

September, 2006

CST/CIT Open House and Job Fair in April

Status On going.


No new items added at the moment. On going.


November, 2006

Programming Competition


Sept 6th

Opening of the Fit Pit Juice Bar

Nothing to report until contract is resolved.


Sept 6

Nutrition Guide / Residence Relationship

Waiting on word back from Save-On about collaborating on this project with us.


Sept 13th

Credit Awareness

Event went brilliantly, School and students very happy, looking to build upon


Oct 12

Lounge Furniture

Furniture will be cleaned over Christmas.


Oct 25

Lounge Space

Nothing new to report


Nov 2

Student Loans for BBA Students

Still gathering info, speaking with Jim Mitchell. No changes can be made for this year but hopefully for next.


Nov 24

ATC Campus Elections

Welcome new ATC Campus President Brian Howard on board




Ongoing dealing with student issues.




Dec 4th + 5th in GH. Candygrams - PCMA



Test bank

No action

For more info: http://icpc.baylor.edu/icpc/



November 28, 2006

Uconnect clothing drive

Going well. I am going to be making the first drop at the Gathering Place this week. So bring in clothes & blankets ASAP, as this will be the only drop off for the semester.


November 24, 2006

Helping CSCE

Helping the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE get in touch with other clubs on campus. Hopefully sparking combined events.

Oct 4th

Minglers for Minors

No progress to date.

Nov 6th

SRC coordinator and Rec. coordinator

Positions filled by 1st year and 2nd year Marketing management students

Nov 29thth

Councillor Meeting

Cancelled due to poor weather and presentations

Oct 11th

Teacher issues & Evaluations



Sukh Sukh Sukh

Oct 18


Oct 18


Test bank



Wine Tasting Seminar

Discussing with faculty, a lot of teachers are showing support. Writing up a FAQ for the test bank that can be delivered to faculty to inform them of the initiative. Waiting for faculty’s response Working with Todd, Marlina and Brenda to arrange possible two seminars with a mingler event with the Burnaby board of trade to finish it off. No progress to date

Sept 5th, 2006

Create a nutrition program that helps students eat and cook well on a strict time & $ budget

Oct 19th, 2006

International Food fair

Nov 28th, 2006

Rec. Council

Met with Paul Fortier regarding Organizing next rec. council social- games night


Wine Mingler Event

Working with Todd and Sukh on this event



Working with students, faculty, and Jason to resolve.

Met with Michelle, inquiring about food safe rules, Pub equipment and tools Project is in the definition phase, more to come . Raised over $400 for local charity More items than last year Harb was happy – I feel that it should be a bigger event next year including external vendors…more of a real food fair.




December 1st, 2006

Shinerama 2007

In talks about next year with SA and Rec. Services

November 6th, 2006

New Study Spaces

Met with Jim Mitchell regarding concepts for new study space on campus

November 15th, 2006

Cut for the Cure

In the planning stages


Business Committee

Co-chairing with Todd, working on setting up a meeting time

November 16, 2006

Vending Contracts

Nothing new to report. No new meetings have been schedules as of yet.


November 28, 2006

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women


December 1, 2006


November 28, 2006



Part time studies orientation

September 11, 2006

Contracts with BCIT

Working with Michelle from the U-Connect to help out with this day. It is on Wednesday, December 6 in the Great Hall. It will start at 11 am. I have also interviewed with the campus radio station to promote this event. Everyone should come out and honour this event. Working on how the bylaws should start to be rolled out. Needs an action plan. Have not had time to discuss with the rest of the executive because last executive meeting was cancelled because of snow day. Getting emails from students who want the U-Pass. Not an easy issue to be working with. Not sure how much time I will be able to spend on this issue because of finals coming up. Might have to wait until the new year. Have spoken to different external groups about the issue of U-Pass and affordable transit options from students. Trying to see what sort of services BCIT and BCITSA can offer part time students. Should have more information by the time part time studies start for next semester. Plan is to have all the contracts signed off on before the New Year. We are working on the lease and master agreement. Nothing new to report at this time. Have a meeting on Thursday of this week.

Matt Matt Matt Jen





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