8 Minutes Jan 31 05

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Council Meeting January 31, 2005 Executives:

Erin Smith, President Ashley Steier, VP Finances & Administration Karen Leung, VP Public Relations & Marketing Navdeep Manchanda, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Owen Fu, Business Chair Misaki Kobayashi, Transportation and Construction Chair Fred Haiderzada, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair


Geoff Gauthier, The Link Caroline Gagnon, Director


Amy McLaughlin Johanthan Vanderheyden Katharine Scotton Peter Kapela Margareta Swacryndon Julia Johnston Fred Almamooqi Megan Chambers Heather Thompson Raj Dhillon


Grace Budiono


Susie Da Silva, VP of Student Affairs Sarah Ellis, VP Campus Life Brad Barrett James Webster

Shannon Roberts Jennifer Leaman Lee-Ann Banfield Paolo Alonzo Bob Yuen Tara Perret Randy Cavanagh Kayla Read Ian Sanderson Damien Dilbert

Luke Achtem Robert Scales


Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Erin Smith, at 5:47 pm. (24 voting members)


Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be accepted as presented. Carried


Acceptance of the Minutes from January 10, 2005 It was moved by Karen Leung and seconded by Navdeep Manchanda that the minutes of November 22, 2004 be accepted as distributed. 22/0/2 Carried


Guest Speakers

No guest speaker.

9.5 General Reports Executive & Director Erin Smith, President • Sue Johanson, scheduled for February 2, will be cancelled due to the BCGEU job action. Full refund will be available to all students that have purchased tickets. • Due to the job action from the BCGEU, BCIT has communicated that there might be a possibility that Spring Break be cancelled. In addition, Professional D and the award presentation have also been cancelled. Convocation will be postponed at a later date. • Student Advisory Leadership position is available with the BCIT housing. The candidate will receive a free apartment. • BCIT Administration is working with the Executive on making some changes with the hours of all BCIT facilities. • Chartwells has agreed to keep the SE 2 cafeteria open until 5:00pm. • The daycare presentation to the BOG has been postponed until March 15, 2005. • There will be a new promotion using the ATM. Students will receive randomly free equipment rental for Whistler. 9.6 Progress Report See attached. 9.7.


Questions Period (5 min.) Many councillors have questions surrounding the strike. The main concerns are about the cancellation of Spring Break and the action taken by the SA on this issue. Erin can only confirm that BCIT is keeping the SA informed as much as they can. She is also explains the SA position on the strike. Erin invites students to contact her directly for further explanations or feedback. Councillors want to know who are coming at the Mingler. Karen confirms that as of now 10 alumni from various industries will be coming A councillor form the fish and wildlife program inquire about the possibility of showing off their Ecofair project in the Great Hall or other venues. Erin confirms that she needs to contact the Communication and Outreach manager for the GH, and Terry Milligan for BCIT. Heather states that students are wanting to keep their Spring Break, but if there is not choice, they would prefer not to have projects or exams during that time affecting their grade. Damien informs Council that there is a space at the Downtown Campus that could be used for promotion.

Unfinished Business No unfinished business.

9.9. New Business 9.9.1. Chair of Health Science Ashley informs Council on the process of replacing the Chair of Health position according to constitution. The 2 candidates, Shannon Roberts, Peter Kapela address Council for 2 minutes each. After deliberation the vote is conducted.

Motion: Be it resolved that Shannon Robert be named as the Chair of Health Sciences effective February 1, 2005 until May 31, 2005. Moved by: Ashley Steier Seconded by: Navdeep Manchanda 13/10/0 Carried 9.9.2 Re-Naming of Chair Titles Ashley explains why the following changes are presented to Council. Motion: Be it resolved that effective February 1, 2005, the Chairs will be renamed: School of Business School of Transportation, Construction and the Environment School of Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Processes School of Health Sciences School of Computing and Academic Studies Moved by: Ashley Steier Seconded by: Fred Haiderzada 25/0/0 Carried 9.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for February 14, 2005 at 5:45pm. 9.11. Meeting Adjourned It was moved by Navdeep Manchanda and seconded by Karen Leung that the meeting be adjourned. (7:04 pm) 25/0/0 Carried

BCIT Student Association MONDAY, January 31, 2005 AGENDA


Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from January 10, 2005


Guest Speakers


General Reports: Executive


Progress Reports


Question Period (5 min.)


Unfinished Business 9.8.1. 9.8.2. 9.8.3.


New Business 9.9.1. Chair of Health Sciences 9.9.2. 9.9.3.


Next Meeting – February 14, 2005


Meeting adjourned


Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


November 22, 2004

Industrial Microwaves / microwave survey’


January 4, 2005



November. 17 2004

Tech rep meeting

Status Gathering info. Work in progress Represented the BCITSA at the Trades Orientation at the Gym ??????


November, 18 2004

Tobacco control strategy

The docket has been prepared and sent to Health Canada’s Regional Director General, who will forward it to Ottawa for Ministerial Approval. They will let me know when approval and signature has been obtained.


January 4, 2005


Represented the BCITSA at the Trades Orientation at the Gym


January 10, 05

Tobacco control strategy


January 10, 05

Student Pro-D day


October, 2004

Business Committee


November, 2004

Safe Sex Week

I will be meeting with Michael to continue discussions on this soon. Updates will be provided.


September 2004

Bridge the Gap

Meeting planned with Scott for Monday January 10th


December 2004

Holiday Hampers


January 2005

Valentines Blind Dating

Got word from Ottawa that the BCIT project has received Ministerial approval and has been signed off. Waiting for the meeting on the 20th.

Feb.23 student professional develop day. Meeting Melodie on the 11th to discuss the possibilities. Will be meeting soon this month.

Thank you everyone for all of your generous donations. Because of your donations we were able to help a family enjoy their holidays even more! The Link newspaper is planning on doing a story on different blind dates that they have sent students on. I have been asked to begin looking for people. Please let people know of this, and if anyone is interested in finding out more, please contact me directly.


January 2005

Orientation Planning for next year


September 15,2004

Student Initiative Fund


November 18, 2004



November 18, 2004

Sea Island Campus


January 4, 2005



July 2004



July 2004

Technology Upgrades


September 2004

Child Care Facilities


October, 2004



November, 2004

Various Issues


November, 2004

Tech/Set Rep Contact Info.

November 10, 2004

Building Hours



November 19, 2004

Amendments to the C&B

Provided Scott & Jim Mitchell with my new schedule so that we can set up a meeting time to discuss next years Orientation. I will provide updates as necessary. In the process of wrapping up the guidelines. Waiting for feedback from President. Should finalize in the next few weeks. Elections are fast approaching. Please help recruit and consider running for positions. Working with Controller to analyze their financial situation. Planning a trip to meet their representatives. Represented the BCITSA at the Trades Orientation at the Gym Reviewing all existing contacts with BCIT. Met with Lawyers. Creating agenda and meeting schedule that will take us probably into the New Year. On-going Completed – Testing internally. The BCITSA will make a joint statement with the FSA to the Board of Governors February 1, 2005. The most current information will be posted on the BCIT website. (there is a hotlink to this page directly on the BCIT SA homepage. Provided BCIT with a list of maintenance and facilities needs. Have had a report back from Facilities and 90% of the concerns have been addressed. Some just still to be completed. Requested the e-mail list from Tony Tanner. Compiling all the hours that Buildings are open/closed and what classrooms and labs are available. This has become a tedious project but is soon to be completed. Library hours were extended over the exam period and it was very successful. BCIT is looking at permanent changes for the future. Need to update the C&B to address the re-naming of the Schools. The following Chair titles have been recommended. After being published twice on the Link, Council will vote to accept these titles so the C&B can then be amended. School of Business School of Transportation, Construction and the Environment School of Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Processes

School of Health Sciences School of Computing and Academic Studies To see the breakdown of programs see: http://www.bcit.ca/about/schools.shtml Erin

November 17, 2004

Councilors and Tech Reps










November 24, 2004


Proposing a procedure to be impended between both BCITSA, BCIT and FSA in regards to electing, promoting and gathering contact information for these positions for September 2005. Met with BCIT parking and security and brought forth the major issues discussed Presented them with my letter with a more detailed list of concerns They agreed to come to a council meeting to discuss problems Will hopefully be set up for the next meeting I have heard that there is a crime and safety day coming up and I will update with more details as soon as I get them BCIT admin also said they would be willing to hold a meeting about tuition fees (specifically practicum related increases) Working on the logistics of that have been meeting with Scott about clubs and developed a comprehensive clubs package with information form starting a club to day to day operations will be taking it to current clubs for input and should be finalized by the end of January/early February Meeting was done! 1. Some instructors weren’t in their offices during the office hour.

Business Council Meeting 2. Students prefer some practical practice in the class; they don’t really the computer course learning format. - Developing tactics to market BCITSA - Reviewed vending and advertising policy - 13 students/student families benefited; hampers delivered on Dec 15 - $1850 raised for Emergency Food Fund


October 2004

Marketing Committee


November 4, 2004

“Gift of Choice” Holiday Campaign


November 3, 2004

Alumni Mingler


December 6, 2004

Lack of recycling bins in SW1 & SW2

In process


December 06, 2004

Transportation to field trips in various programs

In process

- Meeting slated for Jan 12


December 06, 2004

Inquiry about Scramble lab

The scramble lab is located in SW3 and it is room 2770. students in the scramble lab can not see what the teacher is doing and have to figure it out just by listening to the instructions instead of also being able to see the teacher go through it.


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