BCIT Student Association
Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 11, 2010 Executives:
Christina Ramage, President Joseph Prophet, VP Finance & Administration Peter Smith, VP Campus Life Amanda Eyolfson, VP Public Relations & Marketing Robby Basi, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Billy Moore, Business Chair Kristina Gao, Chair of Health Sciences Mathew Brownell, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Processes Chair Upkar, Rai, Chair of School of Computing & Academic Studies Tim DeVolder, ATC Chair
Scott Larson-Zutter Jamie Bentien Serina Khangura Michal Harrison Jeff Chen Jill Hidalgo Shayne Laye Aaron Kool Dillon Zoinierczyk Caroline Gagnon, Director
Sean Owen Josh Nelson Christopher Peacock Clayton Sayer Patrick Switzer Jim Moore Karly Hepditch Kathryn Cleven Lei Mo
Aman Khangura Marc Edgett Sharry Cu
Manny Sangha Gurnoor Grewal
Rachel David
8.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Christine Ramage, called the meeting to order at 5:45pm. (28 voting members). 8.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the following agenda be accepted with the following changes: Add 8.4.1 Guest Speaker – BCIT Media Club New business will be discussed before old business Add 8.8.3 Sanction of New Club – item to be discussed first new business. Moved by: Upkar Rai Seconded by: Clayton Sayer 27/0/0 Carried 8.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from December 7, 2009 Be it resolved that the minutes from December 7, 2009 be accepted with the following changes: 7.9.1 Lounges “Motion: That the motion be postponed until next meeting” should say carried and not Defeated.
Moved by: Joseph Prophet 27/0/0 Carried
Seconded by: Sean Owen
8.4 Guest Speaker: BCIT Media Club Peter Smith introduces Rachel David and Dillon Zolnierczyk, who are asking Council to sanction a new student club, BCIT Media Club. Dillon and Rachel explained that the purpose of this club is to involve broadcast students in helping promote the different student clubs events. The Media Club would help integrate students from the broadcasting program. Presently, student clubs are good at organizing events, but may have challenges implementing some of the PR initiatives; therefore, the Media Club would provide such expertise, while giving their student members some job experience. Student members would come from different departments. Over 150 students want to help, from Broadcasting to Marketing and Computer sciences. Rachel and Dillon explained the proposed structure of the club, and faculty advisor. This year would be a soft launch. The focus is to recruit first year to ensure viability of the club. Questions: How would you prioritize events? Given the number of students interested, it is believed that they have the resources to handle all requests. Membership fees? It depends on the financial needs of the club, but $25 has been proposed. What about equipment rental? They will use BCIT equipment. Would the club receive funds for their services by the other clubs? No, clubs would pay direct incurred to promote the events. Is it open to all students? Yes. Is it only for clubs? What about school specific events? As long as you would put a proposal together, they would not be opposed to the idea. 8.5.
Executive Progress Report
Joseph: • Working with Aman and Roland on monthly financial update. Amanda: • New ideas have been proposed for the link. • Newspaper stands are going to the bus. • Redefine VP role to include PR focus initiatives. • Evolution is now playing in stores. Bill: • •
Mat: • • •
Set rep meeting schedule this Wednesday. Working on the U-pass – a meeting with the Ministry got cancelled until further notice.
Working on developing a package for student led event. Planning another event in April. Working on the capital levy.
Kristina: • Dean is sponsoring a meet and greet for set and tech reps. This event is linked to Peak Leadership. • Second annual food drive is going until February 10. • Looking at involving Health Sciences students in SA events. Peter: • Working on defining forms for clubs on sponsorship and events liability. • Clubs meeting went well. • Call for volunteers for the Toon-in campaign. The event was postponed until March or April. Working with BCIT Student Services to clarify some of the issues surrounding this event. Upkar: • Mentorship program had a successful launch with 15 mentors. • Because of the SW2 flood, worked in ensuring that new students had receive appropriate information • Developing a new program in conjunction with the School and Alumni, “Adopt a Set”. • Gaming event scheduled for the end of February. Christine: • Reminder about the Olympic Raffle tickets available at all SA operations for $5. • Working on a transition document. 8.6. Councilor Forum • Sean - SW1 – east wing - men washrooms are disgusting, especially the urinals • Patrick - Where are the compost bins? Christopher informs that the only people using composting is Chartwells. Students were told it is too expensive to initiate a campus wide program. It is being looked at for residence. • Clayton - It is very difficult to find a recycling bin in SE 12. They do not have any bins in the classroom. The bins should be the blue box, not the cardboard box. • Jill - More healthy food choices for the cafeteria beside Tim Horton’s • Michal - The men’s steam room stinks and there are concerns about the cleanliness of the room. 8.7. Question Period • Billy - Many municipalities have moved to a mandatory compost program for businesses. It might be the only way BCIT initiates this type of program. • Josh – What is the status of standing committees? Christine mentions that the standing committee came as a discussion during the last retreat. Executives are proposing not to make them mandatory but ad hoc depending on the organizational needs. The topic will be brought forward at the next meeting for discussion. • Sean – Has the SW2 flood caused the destruction of records? It is making it very challenging for students to contact their instructors. Upkar confirms that it will take 4-6 weeks to know exactly the damage with regard to information but instructors should be back in their office in 3 weeks. Records are not lost as long as information was on the server or if staff had their own back up.
New Business
Club Sanctioning – BCIT Media Club
Motion: Be it resolved that Council approves the BCIT Media Club’s request to become a sanctioned subsidiary student club under the BCIT Student Association Moved by: Peter Smith Seconded by: Amanda Eyolfson 24/0/2 Carried Questions: • Upkar inquired about the structure of the Club and the election process. Peter distributed the written proposal from the club to Council. • Peter explained that start-up funds would be distributed after the club is sanctioned according to the club budget. Currently the clubs have $4000 left. Motion: Call the question Moved by: Upkar Rai 25/0/1 Carried
Seconded by: Clayton Sayer
8.9.2 SE2 3rd Floor Christine invites Caroline to present on the possibility of obtaining the SE2 3rd floor. Motion: Be it resolved that the SA begins roundtable negotiation with BCIT Administration to obtain ownership of the SE2 3rd floor. Moved by: Bill Smith Seconded by: Matt Brownell 25/0/1 Carried Questions: • Clayton –Would the Alumni contribute towards the funds? No. • Josh – What would be the additional operating cost? To be negotiated with BCIT. • Upkar – We do not have to look at the specifics of the space. There is an opportunity now and we should take advantage of it. This might not happen for a long time. SE 2 would be the face of the Student Association. • Clayton – How long would it take to make a decision? Anticipate that negotiations might be fast given the construction schedule of SW1. • Bill – The space will be good for expansion. Motion: Call the question Moved by: Bill Smith 24/2/0 Carried
Seconded by: Joseph Prophet
8.9.3. Toon In Campaign Postponed until next meeting.
Unfinished Business
Lounge Capital Levy
Motion: Be it resolved that the BCITSA collects a new capital levy directed towards the improvement of student informal spaces, including but not limited to lounges and gathering spaces. Moved by: Mathew Brownell Seconded by: Clayton Sayer 23/0/1 Carried Peter and Upkar introduce new facts about the proposed motion. Question: • Scott – why the $5? Why not more or less? This amount would give approximately $80,000 / year, enough to renovate one space a year, but not too much to burden students. • Scott – How many lounges on campus? About 20 possible spaces have been identified. • Bill does not think that $5 is too much, but thinks that SE 2 should be the primary focus, Gateway to the Student Association. Amendment to the motion: Be it resolved that the Great Hall would take priority over other spaces for upgrades Moved by: Bill Smith Seconded by: Joseph Prophet 17/4/4 Carried Motion: Call the question Moved by: Joseph Prophet 23/0/2 Carried •
Seconded by: Upkar Rai
Joseph mentions that everything has been said, and no new arguments are being brought forward.
Motion: Call the question Moved by: Joseph Prophet 17/3/3 Carried
Seconded by: Christina Gao
8.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for Monday January 25, 2010 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 8.11. Meeting adjourned It was moved by Upkar Rai and seconded by Bill Moore that the meeting be adjourned at 7:22pm. Carried
Council Meeting Agenda Monday January 11th, 2010 5:30-7:30pm 8.1 Meeting called to order 8.2 Acceptance of the Agenda 8.3 Acceptance of the Minutes from December 7th, 2009 8.4 Guest Speakers 8.5 Progress Reports: Executives 8.6 Councillor Forum 8.7 Question Period 8.8 Unfinished Business 8.8.1 Lounge Capital Levy 8.9 New Business 8.9.1 SE2 3rd Floor Negotiations 8.9.2 Toon In Campaign 8.10 Next Meeting January 25th, 2010 8.11 Meeting Adjourned