9 Council Meeting minutes Jan 20-03

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Council Meeting Monday, January 20, 2003 Minutes Present: Executives:


Staff: Excused:

Samantha Yeung, President Jay Selinger, VP Finances & Administration John Alexander, VP Student Affairs Daniel Boffo, VP Campus Life Winston Tong, Transportation / Construction Chair Monica Sparks, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Sanjay D’Lima, Trades Chair Will Heller Rebecca Montgomery Jeanneth Jacome Teri Almas Marina Reimer Sam Bombardier (SI)

John White Deep Thind Gabe Hoye Tindy Bassi Angela Gleeson Driss Adrao

Caroline Gagnon, Executive Director Jeff Patton, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Patricia Stefani, VP Public Relations & Marketing Cristina Roman, Business/ Health Chair Seven Daves (SI) Vince Chabot

10.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Samantha Yeung at 5:45 pm. (19 voting members) 10.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved by Daniel Boffo and seconded by Driss Adrao that the agenda be accepted. 10.3. Acceptance of the Minutes – January 6, 2002 It was moved by Tindy Bassi and seconded by Driss Adrao that the minutes of January 6, 2002 be accepted as distributed. 10.4. Guest Speakers No guest speakers 10.5. Reports Executive & Director Daniel Boffo, VP Campus Life The plotter is on its way and should be here in 2-3 weeks. The school of construction will pay for most of it. It will be operated out of the copy centre and available to all students.


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10 Ways From Sunday performed in the Great Hall last Tuesday. Great show put on by Marie Halfnights. Sue Johanson is coming on Wednesday and the Touch-Tone Gurus will be here next Tuesday to play in the great hall.

John Alexander, VP Student Affairs • As submitted. • On behalf of the SA, John is involved with student rep meetings regarding tuition fee increases. Attended a conference in Vancouver to learn more about the issues. Sanjay D’Lima, Chair of Trades • Nothing to report Monica Sparks, Manufacture, Mechanical, & Process Energy & Natural Resources Chair • Nothing to report Winston Tong, Transportation / Construction Chair • Nothing to report Samantha Yeung, President • Sam announces that she is speaking at Open House next week to promote BCIT. • Sam wants to brainstorm new ideas to reach the trades and other campuses. Jay Selinger, VP Finances & Administration • Jay needs to set up a meeting with BCIT’s Purchasing department to learn costs of couches and tables. Also wants to find out what is in BCIT’s budget for spending. 10.6. Progress Report No report present 10.7. Question Period No Questions 10.8. Unfinished Business 10.8.1

Microwaves – Sam

Motion: Be it resolved that BCIT SA purchases one industrial microwave to be put in the SAC. Moved by: Samantha Yeung Seconded by: Winston Tong 18/0/0 Carried 2

Driss asks why we are only purchasing one microwave. Samantha explains the method for hanging shelving on the wall and the current space available accommodates only one microwave. Cleaning will be done by Jim Mitchell’s staff. An industrial outlet already exists, and we will see later about adding a second. 10.8.2

Plotter – Dan

Topic was covered in the report period 10.8.3

Sanctioned Club Funding – John A.

John A. states that last meeting many motions were exchanged considering the additional funds available for funding clubs. There is now a report outlining funding that was requested and provided. Questions concerning membership numbers are asked and answered. AIBC is around 200, ACE is between 50-70, AIM is 53, BCITMA is around 100 and Toastmasters has 16 plus occasional drop-ins. John A. states that $5150 has been disbursed and therefore $1850 is available. The last motion was to give AIM $600, ACE $250 and to leave the remainder in reserve. Gabe inquired about the $2000 granted to the BCITMA. Driss pointed out that we should not give additional funding to clubs such as AIBC who have already received their full request. Christina Bergstrom, President of AIM, stated that their club is very new, beginning just last semester as their first full year. They have an e-mail newsletter, a scholarship for direct response and communication students, a new website and a club magazine called Target Magazine all planned for the near future. AIM is trying to make a difference. Motion: Be it resolved that AIM receives $600; ACE receives $250 and that the remainder be left in a reserve Moved by: John Alexander Seconded by: Winston Tong 11/1/5 Carried Further discussion occurred concerning different reasons for leaving a reserve and for giving out all the money right away. There was a deadline for funding applications, so there’s no reason to leave a reserve. John A. states that leaving a reserve allows clubs to reapply later if an emergency comes up, such as the BCITMA did last year.


Teri states that we have an entire semester left, and need to ensure emergency funds are available, and that we need to budget those well. Criteria needs to be established for how funds are dispersed based on fundraising, benefit to school, # of students served, etc. Then every group can apply and have an equal opportunity available for funding. This would also eliminate the debates that we always have. Dan calls the question. Seconded by Teri 13/1/3 Carried

10.9. New Business No New Business 10.10 Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for February 3, 2003 at 5:45pm. 8.11 Meeting adjourned It was moved by Tindy Bassi and seconded by Monica Sparks that the meeting be adjourned. (6:40 pm.).


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