9 MinutesCouncilMeeting - January 23, 06

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Council Meeting Monday, January 23, 2006 Minutes Executives:

Ashley Steier, President Craig Hall, VP Finances & Administration Andrea Charlton, VP Public Relations & Marketing Jennifer Leaman, VP of Student Affairs Grace Budiono, VP Campus Life Michael Louie, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Tara Perret, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Shannon Roberts, Health Sciences Chair Todd Embley, Business Chair Tunde Gal, Computing & Academic Studies Chair


Lee-Ann Banfield Megan Chambers Jeff Piper Simon Parada Monica Pearson Tim Erickson Vanessa Ouellette Robert Yuen Fred Haiderzada Heather Thompson Adam King

Ly Pham Phil Stringer Marlina Kinnersley Matthew Chong Brenda Corbett Bre Ogawa Christina Bell Armit Dhaliwal Darren Vonic Kat Scotton


Julie Ho Greg Hodson

Giancarlos Escalante


Caroline Gagnon, Director Geoff Gauthier, Editor Mary Abrey, Operations Manager Scott Blythe, Communication & Outreach Manager


Aaron Salt

11.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Ashley Steier, at 5:45 pm. (29 voting members). 11.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be accepted with the following changes: To add: 11.4 Guest Speaker - EdCo Student Representative – Heather Thompson Carried

11.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from January 9, 2006 It was moved by Andrea Charlton and seconded by Tunde Gal that the minutes of January 9 2006 be accepted with the following changes: . In progress report – Jennifer Leaman’s email should be vpsa@bcitsa.ca 28/0/1 Carried 11.4. Guest Speakers- EdCo Student Representative - Heather Thompson EdCo is presently receiving and reviewing concept papers for new programs and have also recommended a new program to the BOG. A new standing committee looking at policies (Policy Committee) has been formed. They are reviewing policies that EdCo has jurisdiction over, primarily the 5000 series. Jennifer adds that she is sitting on the committee and would like some feedback, especially about policy 5002, and please contact her directly. Minutes of EdCo meeting can be found on the BCIT website. Questions: Students had questions regarding specific programs that were proposed. Heather invited them to review the minutes. 11.5 General Reports Executives & Director See attached general reports. 11.6 Progress Report See attached general reports. 11.7.

Questions Period (5 min.) Councillors are asking questions about how can they be involved in focus groups. Caroline confirmed that anyone interested can contact her after the meeting. A councillor wanted to know why BCIT does not have a U-pass. Jennifer explained that though students might be interested, BCIT administration has stated their nonparticipation to the program. There is also some issues with Translink’s requirements, but SA continues to work on this issue. With the new Translink board of directors, these requirements might change. Todd would like to know who would receive the money from the Valentine fundraiser. Grace state that the money will go to Student Assistance Fund, which is money that the SA distributes to students in financial needs thought BCIT financial aid. A councillor recommends to Grace that people pay to complete the matchmaking form prior and not when picking it up. Grace will finalize the details of the event and information will be available on the SA website. Shannon introduces her new councillor – Vanessa Ouellette

11.8 Unfinished Business No unfinished business 11.9. New Business 11.9.1. Student Association fee increase proposal – Craig Halll Craig explains that everyone should have received the Student Association fee increase proposal that was distributed to all councillors last week. He also goes over the proposal and explains that the business committee has met with staff to ensure that new services would be created out of this increase in fees. Therefore, the business committee is recommending the following motion.

Motion: Be it resolved that the BCITSA increases the student activity fee by 13.3%, effective fall 2006. Moved by: Craig Hall Seconded by: Shannon Roberts 28/0/1 Carried Questions: Councillors inquired about the type of services that would be added. The proposal lists a number of services such as volunteer services to advocacy and advantage seminars. Who would receive the increase? All students, full-time and part-time, would receive an increase prorated to their existing amount. A councillor would like to know the value of the increase. The increase would total approximately an additional $110,000 in revenues. Ashley states that that this increase will now allow some flexibility to add more services. Caroline goes over appendix C, explaining the level of services vs. level of price of student activity fees. Councillors want to know if the increase would guarantee more services. Ashley ensures that the money would not go towards subsidizing businesses. 11.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled on Monday, February 6, 2006 Council Chamber at 5:45pm. 11.11. Meeting Adjourned It was moved Shannon and seconded by Grace Budiono Andrea Charlton that the meeting be adjourned. (6:30 pm) Carried

COUNCIL MEETING Monday January 23, 2006 AGENDA


Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from January 9, 2005


Guest Speakers


General Reports: Director & Executive


Progress Reports


Question Period (5 min.)


Unfinished Business 11.8.1. 11.8.2. 11.8.3.


New Business 11.9.1.

Student Association fee increase proposal

11.9.2. 11.9.3.

11.10. Next Meeting – Monday February 6, 2006

11.11. Meeting adjourned


Jenn Leaman - Clubs Report JHR had a fundraiser at the Sky Bar on Friday the 13. The event well. ACE is having their showcase on Tuesday, January 31 at 5:30 in town square D. Non-smoking campaign Tara did an awesome job of organizing the event. Wish that more volunteers helped out. Ashley Steier -

Residence Advisors needed for next year. There will be an email sent out to all tech and set reps early next week. Contact me directly if you would like it sooner.


As part of the strategic plan, councillors are asked to participate in the Councillor Focus Group. Please contact Director after the meeting.


Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue



January 11th, 2005

Set Rep/Tech Rep Meeting

Complete. Discussed on-going projects, etc.


November 17th, 2005

TEK Initiative

Co-ordinated meeting with other TEK members. Meeting on Thursday to discuss potential ideas.


December 8th, 2005

Anti-Smoking Week

Volunteered with tear down, spreading the word about the poster contest.



November, 2005

National Non Smoking week Jan 16th to 20th

Very Successful in the great hall and NE1. Medical Services took part on Monday and Wednesday handing out nicorette starter packs and a doctor was there to provide advice. Medical services encourages students who are interested in quitting smoking to come and get help anytime. Rec Services was also there on the two days to provide information on a healthy lifestyle. I have a few contestants entered in the poster contest but you still have a good chance to win $300!!!


Nov. 4, 2005

Shinerama Report

In Progress


January 5, 2006

Amazing Race T-Shirts

Selling leftover t-shirts through SA office end of January.


December 6, 2006

Marketing Committee

Next meeting Jan. 26


January 4, 2006

Orientation Planning

Early planning for the upcoming orientation.


January 4, 2006

Bridging the Gap

Planning a meeting with Event Co-Ordinator.


October 21st, 2005

Business Committee

Outcome from meeting will be discussed today.


September 11th, 2005

International Student Handbook

Met with ISC – Lots of great ideas!


January 8th,2006

Valentine’s Day

Planning an event!



Working on the strategic plan review.




Business Meeting attended meeting Jan. 13/05





Volunteered for tobacco awareness week.



Strategic plan

Preparing for strategic plan review



Business Committee

Have spent a great deal of time reviewing the proposed fee increase with the business committee and staff.



Sea Island

In communication with sea island executives, answering questions that come up.



SA Elections

Starting to prepare for the upcoming elections. I will have more information in the next few weeks.


Jan 16/05

Anti-smoking campaign

Manned the booth and was a part of teardown for two days


Jan 16/05

New Counsellor

Please welcome Bre to the board.


Jan 9/05

Healthy Snack Options


January 13, 2006

Guest speakers

Collaborate ideas with CIPS to bring in more guest speakers


January 18, 2006

Open House

Working with set/tech reps about how displays will look, what materials are needed, ect.


January 19, 2006

CIPS meeting

Going to my first CIPS meeting. Discussing Profs n pizza night


September 12, 2005


Still revising the policies and procedures surrounding clubs, getting feedback from various stakeholders.


September 12, 2005

Alcohol Awareness Week


September 12, 2005

Student Concerns

Ongoing, have been in frequent contact and in meetings with various student groups.


October 24, 2005

Prayer Space on Campus

Still in the research stage.


Found a fantastic new energy bar called Elev8. Have spoken with owner and founder Earl Ellingson and arranged for distribution at the TNT stores

Working on report on how the event went.



October 24, 2005



January 19, 2006

Meeting with Gregor Robertson, MLA


January 19, 2006

Non-Smoking Campaign


January 19, 2006

Meeting w/ Gregor Robertson, MLA


January 11, 2006

Reviewing BCITSA/BCIT contracts

Preparing for January 30 meeting with BCIT Admin


January 12, 2006

Strategic Plan

Preparing for Strategic Plan review


January 13, 2006

Proposed Fee Increase

Met with Business Committee and various staff members to discuss their role how the proposed fee increase would affect them

No new progress at the moment. Meet with Gregor Robertson, Caroline, and Ashley about issues that are facing students at BCIT. Gregor is the opposing MLA, for the Minister of Advanced Education. Helped out a booth for a couple of hours. Wish I could have done more but I had time constraints. Discussed various student issues as they relate to the Provincial Government. These are the topics that were discussed: Tuition freeze vs random fee; U-pass and BCIT involvement; Campus Master Plan; and Daycare


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