BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Monday, January 14, 2008 Minutes Executives:
Brenda Corbett, President Jennette Leung, VP Finances & Administration Irina Osipova, VP Public Relations & Marketing Thomas Nguyen, VP Campus Life Christopher Peacock, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Thomas Trowbridge, Business Chair Roan Hidalgo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Emily Ho, Health Sciences Chair Leanne Atienza, VP of Student Affairs Doug Holdgate, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair
Angela Meyer Tod Fraser Neil Dorais Billy Moore Pulkit Jain Manjot Mattu
Caroline Gagnon, Director Geoff Gauthier
Baljinder Gurwal Arun Randhawa Anmar Stephan-Tozy
Alec Lee Joshua Smith Simon Woo Wendy Ngo Jennah Stavroff Eugene Park
Heidi Barker Robby Basi Aga Khan
9.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Brenda Corbett, calls the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. (23 voting members). 9.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the following agenda be accepted with the following changes: • Change item numbers from 8 to 9. Moved by: Jennette Leung Seconded by: Emily Ho 23/0/0 Carried 9.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from December 10, 2007 Be it resolved that that the minutes from December 10, 2007 be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Josh Smith Seconded by: Leanne Atienza 23/0/0 Carried Brenda announces that executive members attended their second retreat. The focus was on creating a new vision for the organization and updating their objectives.
Guest Speaker 9.4.1 APICS, Tod Fraser
A delegation from APICS (American Production Inventory Control Society) introduces the new proposed student clubs. The new name will be Advancing Productivity Innovation and Competitive Success. Student representatives go over the mission, purpose, duties of executives, election, and faculty and student support. Students from 1st and 2nd year, and faculty heavily support the proposed club. They also present the proposed activities for the rest of the year. Question: • Jennette ask about the award stated in the presentation. Tod explains that these awards will go to outstanding students that give back to the program (academic and student support). • Irina inquires about the voting process when 10 people are leading the clubs. Voting will also be possible for all student members. • Membership fees are questioned. Fees will be as follow: $25 / students and $150/ non-students. The entire money will go to the parent chapter. There will be no extra money going to the club ensuring the cost to remain low. • Thomas N inquires about the parent chapter benefits. The parent chapter gives a discounted rate for events and educational resources to their members. • Roan asks about the location of the parent chapter location. It is located in Richmond and the Fraser Valley. Students have been involved in the parent chapter meeting. • Thomas T would like to know how many first year are members to ensure sustainability of the club. It is stated that to pass a class you need to be a member of the parent chapter, therefore first years will be interested in being involved in the student club. • Thomas N asks about the activities that the club is thinking of planning. Is it realistic? Although the club is not sanctioned, they are presently offered to students. Motion: Be it resolved that the agenda be amended under 9.9.1 Clubs approval Moved by: Thomas Nguyen Seconded by: Irina Osipova 23/0/0 Carried 9.5.
General Reports No general reports
9.6. Executive Progress Report • All reports are as presented with the addition of the following. • Brenda announces the date for the next BOG meeting and invites students to bring issues forward. • Jennette announces that the association’s financial targets are being met for the exception of the pub, which is closely monitored. Business committee is working on branding, Pub, convenience store renovations. • .Irina states that there is no action for Cystic Fibrosis • Leanne will be working on a new objectives, which is to evaluate the Link for the purpose of increasing readership. • Thomas N announces that the clubs package is almost completed.
• Chris will be focusing on Set & Tech representative sustainability. As for the extended access issue, a document was drafted stating that individual requests can be made to the Associate Dean of their school if the group is large enough group. • Roan is working on the computer workshop pilot project, which will be offered by the end of February. Also, he has been working with BCIT to include the SA activities on mybcit. • Doug mentions that his next Set & Tech meeting is scheduled for January 16th at 2:00pm. • Emily as presented • Thomas T. will be working on the Set & Tech document, which will determine the Set & Tech roles and responsibilities, and purposes of these roles. 9.7. Question Period • Chris wants to know more about the cheap movie tickets. Emily is working with the Uconnect to offer students discounted movie tickets for Cineplex. 9.8.
Unfinished Business 9.8.1 Part-Time Executives
Brenda explains that this issue was raised in the Fall, but no actions were taken. The individual who brought it forwarded was contacted and has decided to remove it from the agenda. She opens the floor for discussion. • Konstantine believes that this issue should be revisited as PT should be allowed and given the opportunity. • Thomas mentioned that PT can presently be part of Council, but not in executive position. A PT councillor was created. • Billy thinks that it would open the position to more students. • Tod reminds that PT could be a president forever. However if the by-laws could be amended to ensure full-time becoming a PT do not loose their position. • Jennette asks about who was on the SA last year as people are assuming that there is not competition for the positions. Only 4 out of 10 executives were involved with SA last year, everyone else was new. • Josh thinks that PT would have a hard time to be elected. • Roan mentions that it would be hard to determine which School they belong to as they might be taking programs from different Schools. • Irina brings up the risk of having PT as Executives. • Angela mentions that PT have other commitments beyond BCIT. FT are here all the time, thus making them more available. PT may have a hard time meeting the requirement. • Emily states that positions will always get filled by FT. • Manjot questions the guarantee of commitment of FT vs PT. Presently there are no guarantee that FT will do their job appropriately. Brenda mentions that is selfmeasured. They could be impeached. • Emily PT may not be present to be available for students. • Tod wants to see bylaws that empower students. Motion: Be it resolved that the committee be stricken to address the PT status position. Moved by: Jennette Leung Seconded by: Josh Smith
Motion: Be it resolved to Call the question Moved by: Roan Hidalgo 21/0/1 Carried
Seconded by: Doug Holdgate
Member of the new committee: Jennette (Chair), Todd, Thomas N, Irina, Billy, Neil, Pulkit. 9.9.
New Business 9.9.1 APICS
Motions: Be it resolved that the APICS (Advancing Productivity, Innovation, and Competitive Success) BCIT be sanctioned as an official BCITSA club from this day forward and shall receive all the benefits pertaining to BCITSA Clubs as determined by the SA Constitution and the Policies and Bylaws. Moved by: Thomas Nguyen Seconded by: Doug Holdgate 21/0/1 Carried Questions: Thomas T would like to know how much money is left for the clubs. Thomas N states that about $250 is left, and more money can be looked at. Motion: Be it resolved to Call the question Moved by: Konstantine Kleiner 20/0/1 Carried
Seconded by: Doug Holdgate
9.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 28, 2008 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 9.11. Meeting adjourned It was moved Emily Ho and seconded by Chris that the meeting be adjourned at 6:40pm. Carried
Council Meeting Agenda Monday January 14, 2008 5:45-7:30pm 9.1
Meeting Called to Order
Acceptance of the Agenda
Acceptance of the Minutes from December 10, 2007
Guest Speakers: 9.4.1 APICS, Tod Fraser
General Report
Executive Progress Report
Question Period
Unfinished Businesses: 9.8.1 Part-Time Executives
New Businesses: 9.9.1
Next Meeting: Monday January 28, 2008- 5:45pm
Meeting Adjourned
Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
September 17, 2007
Education Council
Met with other student reps this morning; Did not receive feedback from policy 5002, still seeking input
October 01, 2007
Will be completed by end of January 2008
October 01, 2007
Coaching/Feedback sessions
New month, Âź complete
October 15, 2007
Board of Governors
Meeting on January 22nd, 2008
October 22 , 2007
Alumni Association Meeting
Schmoozapoolza will be held February the 6th, 2008 More details to follow as it gets closer. They are currently working with the foundation to build higher endowments for students.
December 6th, 2007
Roundtable Symposium
Opportunity to provide feedback with BCIT; was supposed to happen this week, it is postponed, will update as we here more information
Brenda Brenda Brenda Brenda Brenda
Jennette September
Daycare Service
SA will not pursue opening a daycare at this time due to low response rates from students, faculty, and staff. The report is being edited and will be ready in March.
Jennette September
Monthly SA Projections
Bylaw Committee
Elections Committee
SE 40 Renovation
We’re exceeding our projections!
Jennette Jennette
A special thanks for the contributions of Tod, Pulkit, and Alec. Voter-media package has been posted and distributed. Please encourage people to participate. Top prize is $2000! Deadline is January 31, 2008.
Jennette Renovation plans coming soon.
The pub is undergoing changes and is still looking for kitchen staff. The committee will be focusing on the branding of SA, store renovations, and pub service. Looking for additional members.
Business Committee
Councillor Accountability
Vision Statement
Shinerama 2007 Campaign
The BCIT Annual Charity Campaign
In progress Surveys: WIP.
Building Relationship with UBC and SFU
No action I’ve contacted SAIT, NAIT for their fundraising goals I think I will not contact them again, as there’s no interest from their side
October 30, 2007
Increasing awareness of SA: Building value in SA e-mails (Uconnect letter about events Æ changed to the updates in the Link (paper version and online )
In progress Work on setting up a process for Executives to update students on what SA (Executives) are doing
Promotion of UConnect
Creation of Environmental SubCommittee
• Chaired 3rd Services Committee meeting Looking for grants and 3rd party funding for compost initiative on residence and recycling bins
Evaluation of The Link
No progress
September 13, 2007
Orientation Day Final Write up
January 8, 2008
Clubs Package
Jennette Jennette
Tracking attendance and involvement of ALL councillors. Next meeting, names will be listed. The SA does not have a vision statement. The exec has brainstormed a vision statement that is currently being edited. The vision statement will be presented at next meeting. No action Waiting for BCIT to reimburse the Amazing Race t-shirts cost “Bad news” to be delivered
Irina Irina
Leanne Leanne
Sent Scott edited sticker design – in production Scavenger Hunt ideas drafted and sent to Michelle
Thomas N. The initial stages of the write up are underway.
Thomas N. Currently being branded/Final edit
Chris September
Set and Tech Reps
No new progress
August 24, 2007
Computer workshops
Developing a framework.
August 24, 2007
Post grades online. Banner System.
Will discuss issues with Margo Slater, Director of Cognos Reporting/Banner system on the implementation of uploading spreadsheets to post grades online.
August 24, 2007
Integration of BCITSA with my.bcit.ca
Discussed portal modification with Chris Golding. Will have a sit down soon.
December 4, 2007
Computer Systems Open House 2008
Committee set to simply process.
September 2007
3 councillors have been appointed for my school, still need 2
January 2008
Set/Tech Rep Meeting
January 16, 2008 @ 2:30pm in the Council Chambers
October 2007
SW3 Balconies
Dec 10 – Jan 10
Set and Tech Rep
In progress
Dec 10 – Jan 10
Crash Course Cooking
Looking for a new chief to lead the cooking cours.
Dec 10 – Jan 10
Service Committee
In progress
Dec 10 – Jan 10
Objective: Awareness of Communicable Disease
In talks about making it a bingo event.
Dec 10 – Jan 10
Annual Charity Event
In progress
Roan Roan
Roan Roan Doug Doug Doug Emily Emily Emily Emily
Emily Dec 10 – Jan 10
Cheap Movie tickets
In progress
November 26
Set and Tech Rep Committee meeting
December 08
Student Entrepreneur Program
Have spoken with Ace. Postponed.
November 24
Set and Tech Rep roles and responsibility document
Thomas T Thomas T Thomas T
Open discuss in question period. Have spoke with Admin., Dick Dolan & Barry Hogan