BCITT Studen nt Assoc ciation
Clubs C Presid dents Mee eting Wednesday, December D 1 1, 2010
In A Attendance e:
Rob Elliott E
Real E Estate Associaation
Humaan Resource A Association
Steve Mousseau
Mechaanical Engineeering Studen nt Societty
Jessica Agur
Studeents In Free En nterprise
O Koji Otomo
Instituute of Electriccal & Electroonic Enginneers
Dina Garay G
Managgement Assocciation
Kevin n Gile
Managgement Assocciation
Zack Staples
Finanncial Managem ment Associattion
Jeff Wyndham W
Mediaa Club
Sean Hepple H
Advanncing Producttivity, Innovaation & Comp petitive Succeess
Advanncing Producttivity, Innovaation & Comp petitive Succeess
9.1 Ctrl-P orms that as sanctioned s clu ubs they can benefit b of a diiscount at CttrlP. The discoount only app plies for Dan info club bussiness.
9.2 Feedb back on Clu ubs Coordin nator All clubss knew of CC C and were ex xtremely pleassed with levell of assistancee and value off resource. Un naware clubs pleedged to utiliize this powerful resource in the future .
3700 Willlingdon Avenu ue, Burnaby BC C, V5G 3H2 | Bus: B 604.432.8 8600 Fax: 604 4.434.3809 | w www.bcitsa.ca
BCITT Studen nt Assoc ciation 9.3 Round dtable 9.3.1 9.3.2
BCITSA MES SS Elections in March M Would like to improve com mmunication n with certainn Student Asssociation facillities, i.e. the Pub BCITSA REA A
Elections in March M
Liked the Sprring Trainingg
2 ULI events upcoming
Annual Minggler, Westin Bayshore B – April 27th, 20111
Guest Speakeer Series –Loooking for parttnership withh interested cclubs
Corporate Su un Run team
BCITSA FMA A Elections in February/Mar F rch
New Year goals – Increasee membership p
mation Session n – January 266th, 2011 CMA Inform
BCITSA MA A Elections in April A
Looking forw ward to comm munication ch hannel unity
Schmoozapoolza – Januarry 26th, 2011
ng………New Orleans O – Marrch or April? North American Marketin
w – February 11, 2011 Fashion Show
Club Bar Eveent – March 111/18
Formal Eventt - May
3700 Willlingdon Avenu ue, Burnaby BC C, V5G 3H2 | Bus: B 604.432.8 8600 Fax: 604 4.434.3809 | w www.bcitsa.ca
BCITT Studen nt Assoc ciation 9.3.5
BCITSA SIFE E Elections in April A
Looking forw ward to comm munication ch hannel unity
“Let’s Can Hu unger” – Janu uary week
“Go Jill Go” – February weeek
Spring Livingg Fair – April 2nd, 2011 – Yaletown Y Rouundhouse
FUSE Gala – April 20th, 2011 2 – Coast Hotel H
Would like other o clubs too come and sh howcase whatt’s going on , 33-5 minutes eeach – PPT
Regionals – Calgary, C Febru uary or March?
Nationals – Toronto T , Mayy
24 Hour Relaay – Swangard d Stadium , laate June
Elections Aprril, Mentorsh hip already beegun (hello Annna):
Follow-up with w Catering discount infoormation
AGM in Apriil, 2011
Downtown Eastside E Cloth hing Drive - New N Year
All clubs challenged –Chaampion club to t impose hum morous penallty?
BCITSA IEEE E Elections in October O – Sup per early
Would like training sessioon with CC
J 28th, 2011 Networking Event with SFU & UBC , January
Marriot dow wntown
Recruitment Drive – New w Year
Clothing in New N Year
BCITSA HRA A Elections in March M
3700 Willlingdon Avenu ue, Burnaby BC C, V5G 3H2 | Bus: B 604.432.8 8600 Fax: 604 4.434.3809 | w www.bcitsa.ca
BCITT Studen nt Assoc ciation
Would like mire m face timee with VPLC & CC
January J recru uitment
March Careeer Workshop
April Fundraaiser
BCITSA MC C (aka Mediia Club) Elections in New N Year
January J recru uitment drivee
Keynote speaaker from ind dustry
Looking to in ncrease awareeness of on-caampus media channels
Radio Station n
Video opporttunities
Design possib bilities
9.4 Eventss Calendar Clubs lik ke idea of havving a single unified u calend dar resource ((online) to cooordinate even nts between clubs.
3700 Willlingdon Avenu ue, Burnaby BC C, V5G 3H2 | Bus: B 604.432.8 8600 Fax: 604 4.434.3809 | w www.bcitsa.ca
BCITT Studen nt Assoc ciation
Clu ub Presid dents Mee eting Agenda Wednesday, Decembe D er 1, 2010 0 7:30am m – 8:30am m 9.1
Ctrl – P Discount 25%
9.2 2
Feedb back on Clubs Coord dinator
9.3 3
New Executive E Training T
9.4 4
Electio on dates
9.5 5
6 9.6
Budge ets
9.7 7
Round dtable
9.8 8
Eventss Calendarr
3700 Willlingdon Avenu ue, Burnaby BC C, V5G 3H2 | Bus: B 604.432.8 8600 Fax: 604 4.434.3809 | w www.bcitsa.ca