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BCITSA Clubs Guide 2011-2012 A Guide to Appropriate and Effective Club Operations

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 3 PURPOSE ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 CLUBS GOVERNANCE ............................................................................................................................... 4 LEGALITY, LIABILITY AND ETHICS ............................................................................................................. 4 CREATING A NEW CLUB ............................................................................................................................ 5 INTEREST, IDEA, SUPPORT ............................................................................................................................. 5 DEVELOPING A PROPOSAL ......................................................................................................................... 5 PRESENTING AND SANCTIONING ................................................................................................................. 6 THE CLUBS COMMITTEE ............................................................................................................................. 6 CLUB BUDGETING ....................................................................................................................................... 6 ALLOCATION & CLUB REVIEW .................................................................................................................... 7 EVENTS .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 ON CAMPUS VENUES ................................................................................................................................ 9 SPONSORSHIPS ..........................................................................................................................................10 ADVERTISING ..............................................................................................................................................11 DONATIONS ................................................................................................................................................11 ACCOUNTING ............................................................................................................................................12 BCITSA CLUBS ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES ..............................................................................................12 FOR DEPOSITS ...................................................................................................................................12 TO ISSUE A CHEQUE ......................................................................................................................123 MONTHLY REPORTS .........................................................................................................................13 CLOSING STATEMENTS ...........................................................................................................................155 CONTACT INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................155 APPENDIX A ................................................................................................................................................17 APPENDIX B ..............................................................................................................................................177 APPENDIX C ..............................................................................................................................................188 APPENDIX D ..............................................................................................................................................199 APPENDIX E ...............................................................................................................................................211

2 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

INTRODUCTION Being an executive member of a student club is a great opportunity to hone your leadership skills as well as give something back to the BCIT community. As a student club, you have a responsibility to enhance the quality of student life for your club members. This experience begins on the first day of classes with Orientation Day, a school wide event where all student clubs are encouraged to participate in building the BCIT community. And through the numerous club initiatives, networking events, social gatherings, workshops, and seminars that are organized throughout the year, clubs ensure that students continue to feel connected. It is the goal of the BCITSA to work in partnership with the student clubs to provide guidance and support for them in their initiatives. The BCITSA provides various resources that range from simple room bookings to event assistance for organizing major club events. Although the student clubs will interact with many facets of the BCITSA, the main point of contact will be the 2010-2011 Vice President Campus Life – Matthew Nolletti. (

PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to highlight the policies and procedures that pertain to the operation of a BCITSA Club. As well, this document will outline all the necessary information that is needed to navigate policy and make informed and empowering decisions as a BCITSA Club. Student clubs exist as an extension of the BCITSA and as such, clubs must adhere to the BCITSA Constitution & Bylaws and Policies & Procedures documents. (Refer to Appendix A for document checklist) All student clubs may create their own constitution and bylaws, and may also create their own operational policies. Operational policies may also include requirements that have been laid out by the governing parent organizations (i.e. BCAMA, PCMA, BCAIM). It is important to note, however, due to the legal structure between the BCITSA and the BCITSA Clubs, the BCITSA’s Constitution & Bylaws, and Policies & Procedures supersede all other documents relating to the club and its parent organization. New this year, is the position of Clubs Coordinator. The Clubs Coordinator is responsible for providing support to all BCITSA sanctioned student clubs, staying informed of all clubs activities, and fostering collaboration between clubs and the BCITSA while implementing new programs and services for all clubs. 3 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

CLUBS GOVERNANCE BCITSA Clubs are seen as individual governing boards with the power to develop and implement policies. In order to be successful, effective, and accountable, governance is needed. Effective governance means: - Defining Proper Roles - Defining Performance Expectations - Defining Responsibilities/Functions - Accountability to the student membership, parent organization, and the BCITSA - Accountable for implementing strategic plan if one is created - Responsible management of organizational resources and finances - Having a democratic process which allows all members to have the opportunity to run for an executive/board position at the Annual General Meeting Regardless of the size of the club, complexity or structure, all executive boards need to incorporate key governance principles into their everyday operations. These principles include: 1. Ensuring that the vision and mission of the organization is in line with the needs of the students at BCIT. 2. Focusing on the organization as a whole rather than a single issue or a particular member. 3. Working together as a whole, and not as individual members. The board should speak as one voice. 4. Practicing responsible self-management. This includes recruitment, orientation, agenda development, evaluation, and meeting management.

LEGALITY, LIABILITY AND ETHICS As a club, there is a moral responsibility to the student body as well as a responsibility to maintain public trust. A club does not represent itself but rather the people it serves: the students. In serving the students, a club must realize and heed potential liability issues. These are most prevalent in cases where there are events catered to the student body. Personal liability can be minimized when club members are acting prudently, within their own authority, and are not negligent. Your actions do not only affect yourself, but your club, the BCITSA, and BCIT. Primary concerns with liability would include: - Student clubs signing contracts - Bringing third party organizations on campus - Events being held both on and off campus 4 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

Guidelines for running events are listed in the Events section of this document as well as the BCITSA Policies & Procedures Manual located on the BCITSA website (

CREATING A NEW CLUB The BCITSA supports any initiative to further enhance the quality of student life at BCIT. Creating a new club means enhancing the BCIT student experience by meeting potentially untapped needs and opportunities. The act of creating a new club can be broken down into three parts: 1. Interest, Idea, Support 2. Developing a Proposal 3. Presenting and Sanctioning INTEREST, IDEA, SUPPORT The first step is to determine an interest or a need for a particular club. This can be inspired by the lack of a particular service or program at BCIT or just a unique interest that you find will benefit the BCIT community. Clubs will need: 1. Student Support 2. A Faculty Sponsor/Advisor (not essential, but recommended) After obtaining the necessary support, ideas must be formalized into a proposal. Please read the BCITSA Policies & Procedures, Section 13.0 for more in depth information about Student Subsidiary Organizations (Clubs). DEVELOPING A PROPOSAL The proposal is a means to establish a base for which your club will be built upon. This process helps create clubs that are relevant and sustainable. After completing the proposal the VP Campus Life will review it and make recommendations. When all necessary revisions have been made, a presentation date with the Student Council will be set. The following is a breakdown of what should be included in your club proposal: Name of Club Purpose of Club (What need is it fulfilling, why it exists): Constitution - Membership - Organizational Charts - Governing Body, Members, and Eligibility - Duties of Members - Meetings - Elections and Appointments 5 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

- Conditions of Office and Impeachment Budget Supporters (Students & Staff) *Proposals can be sent to the VP Campus Life at PRESENTING AND SANCTIONING In order for a new club to be sanctioned, it must be presented to and voted on by the BCITSA Student Council. The presentation should highlight how and why this new club would be valuable to students, its feasibility, and your plans. Voting will take place following the presentation and will determine whether or not the club will be sanctioned/supported.

THE CLUBS COMMITTEE Each club is required to have a representative on the Clubs Committee. The role of the Clubs Committee is to: a) Determine the distribution of annual club funds provided by BCITSA. b) Create an open forum where all clubs can work together to better serve the student body. Clubs Committee meetings are mandatory and are held once a month. Meetings are chaired by the VP Campus Life and co-chaired by the VP Student Affairs. Topics discussed can range from the relaying of information of upcoming events to open discussions on how to better coordinate club efforts for improving student life on campus. Emergency committee meetings can be called at any time provided that a minimum 24 hour notice is received by the VP Campus Life.

CLUB BUDGETING Each year the BCITSA allocates a set amount of funds to be distributed to all BCITSA Clubs on campus. Each club is responsible for determining their funding needs by February 28th for the upcoming academic year. The allocation process is meant to determine funds that will be used for the upcoming year. This pro forma approach ensures that clubs are not left with insufficient funds at the beginning of the new operating year. The discussion of this topic is held in the month of March during the Clubs Committee meeting and is attended by two representatives of each club, the Director of the BCITSA, the VP Student Affairs, and the VP Campus Life. Failing to attend this meeting will eliminate that club’s right to participate in the allocation process and to obtain funding altogether for the following year. Discussions should take no longer than one hour.

6 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

Note: If after one hour a decision has not been made by consensus, the VP Campus Life

has the right to take the matter off the table and determine the distribution based on the facts presented. The final decision will be made through Council. ALLOCATION & CLUB REVIEW Once budgeting discussions are complete, the allocation of the funds will be as follows: 1. Clubs receive their first installment of funds (50% of their negotiated amount) beginning June 15th of that year. 2. Second installment will be distributed beginning November 30th of the same year based on a review process done by the VP Campus Life in conjunction with the VP Student Affairs, facilitated by the Clubs Committee. The review process is used to ensure that each club is meeting the needs of BCIT students. This review will look at what the club has contributed to enhancing the lives of the student body in terms of academic improvement as well as social events during the first half of the term (September 1st to November 30th). It is the responsibility of each club to provide an account of what they have worked on throughout the term in the form of progress reports during Clubs Committee meetings. After successful completion of this review the other half of the funds will be transferred to the club. Should a club fail to pass a review process, a meeting must be held between the club President, VP Campus Life, VP Student Affairs, and the Clubs Coordinator in order to find a viable solution to the problem at hand.

EVENTS Events are a great way to engage your membership as well as fundraise for future initiatives. Listed below are some of the major points that need to be taken into account when organizing your next fundraiser, social gathering, or networking event. 1. The BCITSA reserves the right to manage the level of competition regarding events. 2. All events held off-campus must have a signed contract or memorandum of understanding with clearly defined expectations of the vendor and the student club involved. This contract must be signed by one of the BCITSA signing officers. 3. No student club is authorized to sign an event contract on behalf of the BCITSA. Only the BCITSA signing officers (President, VP Finance, and/or Controller) can endorse a contract or memorandum of understanding.

7 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

4. Events where alcohol is served are governed by and must adhere to BC Liquor regulations and the BCITSA Policies & Procedures. 5. Student clubs must ensure that companies providing rental space during events serving alcohol off-campus have procedures to minimize under-age drinking, have servers that have Serving It Right certificates, have non-alcoholic drinks available, and that designated drivers or other safe means of transportation are accessible. Events of this nature occurring on campus are limited to Professor Mugs Pub & Grill. 6. All advertising and promotion for events is governed by related BCIT and BCITSA advertising policies. These policies are part of the BCITSA Policies & Procedures.

Note: All on-campus events must be approved by the BCITSA Clubs Coordinator and Events Manager. 7. All decisions regarding interpretation of the policies will be handled on a case by case basis by the VP Campus Life in conjunction with the Director. The Clubs Coordinator is an excellent resource for clubs, with the ability to facilitate and provide guidance in creating student oriented events on campus and can be contacted at or 778-331-1328. It is important to note that all clubs wishing to hold an event need to inform the Clubs Coordinator at least 14 days prior to the event. Please include:  Club(s) involved  Event type (ex. BBQ, Night Club, etc.)  Date/Time/Place  Purpose of event This serves to create sufficient documentation, alleviate liability issues, and help inform the general student body, through the Chairs, of all events pertaining to their school.

Note: The BCITSA insurance policies generally cover all club social events that take

place on campus. However, it is important to inform the Clubs Coordinator of each event in order to ensure that this is the case. For example, an event which may not be covered under insurance would be a club ski trip up to Whistler. This would generally fall outside of the usual social event insurance so it would need to be evaluated on a case by case basis.

8 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

ON CAMPUS VENUES The Great Hall (SE2) at the Burnaby Campus is designed as an informal student space. As a campus centre it also welcomes all members of the BCIT Community including faculty, staff, and visitors. It is the primary facility used by external groups to access the student demographic. External groups must go through the BCITSA Sales and Marketing Coordinator for access to this area. It is a great venue for networking events, tradeshows, and staged events such as fashion shows and auctions. Student clubs have primarily used the Great Hall for:  Membership drives  Sell tickets for upcoming events  Build awareness and support for fundraisers  Work with external groups to promote their club

Note: The Great Hall is governed under the Master Agreement between the BCITSA and the BCIT. For external groups to access students, both the BCITSA and BCIT have developed specific procedures to ensure that external groups are not contravening either the BCITSA or BCIT Policies. Access to the Great Hall is governed by specific BCITSA and BCIT staff. As such, no club has the authority to bring an external group on campus without the knowledge and consent of the BCITSA. All external groups are governed by the policies outlined in the Third Party Exhibiting Agreement. Refer to Appendix B & C – Space/Room Booking forms Clubs Space The Clubs Space in the Great Hall is specifically designated area for clubs to use for meetings and storage. Student Clubs can book this space through the BCITSA main office. (SE-2) BCITSA Council Chambers The BCITSA Council Chambers is a formal space that can be converted for a number of different uses. From a presentation set up to a formal board room display, the Council Chambers is designed to be used for events in which aesthetic is key to the success of the event. Student Clubs may book this space for their events through the BCITSA main office. (SE-2) Uconnect Meeting Room The Uconnect Meeting Room is located to the left of the Uconnect and is a small study room that seats approx. 7 people. This room can be booked during office hours which are 8:00am-4:00pm daily. Professor Mugs Pub Student Clubs may use Professor Mugs Pub for events. Arrangements and scheduling is limited due to the regular operation of the pub. The Clubs Coordinator will be your point of contact when booking this space.

9 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

ACADEMIC SPACES Academic spaces, such as the SE-6 Telus Theatre, should be used for educational purposes. Please remember that these spaces are focused on educational opportunities only, so clubs are discouraged from bringing any third party groups and organizations into these spaces. Should clubs wish to proceed, the approval process remains the same; only the BCITSA can authorize an external group for a BCITSA student club event. If the event is strictly academic, student clubs can go to their faculty advisor and request that they organize the event through BCIT’s channels; however, the club cannot actively promote themselves as affiliated with the event. These rooms must be booked through the Clubs Coordinator at the BCITSA Uconnect office located in SE2,, or 778-331-1328. If there are any third party organizations attending your event or meeting, you must notify the Clubs Coordinator Refer to Appendix D – Defining Terms

SPONSORSHIPS Sponsorships are an excellent way for student clubs to partner up with companies who have common goals. Detailed information about sponsorship and the limitations attached can be found in the Policies & Procedures Manual on the BCITSA website ( The BCITSA corporate screen was approved by Council and was created as a way to distinguish companies who add value to student life from companies who merely seek to promote from the student market. Please refer to Appendix E. Keep in mind that the BCITSA marketing department is a great resource for student clubs seeking sponsorship. The BCITSA staff can work with you to develop your proposal and help you approach companies. The BCITSA is involved a number of development related activities and has the responsibility and authority to manage how all BCITSA groups source and procure relationships with external groups. Student clubs interested in working together with the BCITSA can benefit from the expertise and resources that we offer.

10 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

BCITSA MARKETING RESOURCES The BCITSA also has some additional marketing resources available to Student Clubs to assist clubs in promoting themselves and events. To request additional assistance, please contact the BCITSA Clubs Coordinator. These resources are as follows:  Promotion on the BCITSA website/social media  Dissemination of materials to Set & Class Reps  25% discount on all printing related to Student Club initiatives

ADVERTISING Options for advertising on campus are restricted to the marked posting board on campus. Any direct marketing such as brochures, pamphlets, or leaflets can only be distributed directly to students through the Great Hall. In order to reduce the clutter of advertising, under no circumstance can collateral materials be left in lecture halls or classrooms at BCIT. Advertising Procedure: a. All posted materials must be approved and the date must be stamped by the Clubs Coordinator. b. Posted materials are allowed to be posted for up to four weeks. c. Affiliated groups are responsible for the removal of their postings. Failure to remove postings may jeopardize future posting privileges. d. The BCITSA and BCIT Facilities Management reserve the right to remove any materials that cause unnecessary levels of congestion or pollution. e. Posted materials cannot compete/conflict with BCITSA activities, those of its tenants, or BCIT. f. Any posted materials found covering other posted materials will be removed by the BCITSA or BCIT without notice or compensation. g. Posted materials are not permitted on any surfaces other than posting boards. h. All posted materials are to be posted using tacks (where provided) and masking tape only. i. The BCITSA and BCIT Facilities Management may remove postings that do not adhere to this policy without notice or reimbursement. Further, groups affiliated or otherwise may be charged with any costs associated with the removal of postings failing to meet these requirements. Promotion of your events can also be relayed through the BCITSA Chairs via the Set & Class Reps. This is a fast and effective tool to quickly convey any upcoming events or pieces of information relating to your club activities. Ensure that you give the BCITSA Clubs Coordinator advance notice of any events that you wish to promote through this medium.

DONATIONS In the event of an organization wishing to receive a tax receipt as a result of a donation to a club, executives of that club must contact the BCITSA Controller in order to obtain the 11 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

process needed for this particular transaction. Please contact the Controller by email at or call 604-432-8601. These are some points regarding donations and are directly from the BCITSA Policies & Procedures Manual (found on    

To receive a tax receipt as a result of a donation to a club, executives of that club must contact the BCITSA Controller. Please contact the Controller by email at or call 604-432-8601. No student can do anything that leads a potential donor, who requires a tax receipt, to believe that a donation has been accepted, until the approval from the Director or Controller is received. Student Association only issues tax receipts for checks, cash and gifts if applicable. IMPORTANT: Students Association doesn’t issue tax receipts for services. If a donator requires tax receipts, all checks must be written for the Students Association and not for a student club. Even cash must be deposit to the bank account of the Student Association and then transferred to the clubs account without any fee. Student Club Executives may participate and solicit donations on behalf of the student club that they belong to.

ACCOUNTING In order to receive funding each club must sign up for a chequing account through the BCITSA. Each bank account must have two signing authorities; one representative from the club and one from the BCITSA. Signing authority from the BCITSA can be through the VP Campus Life or the Controller. By default the club signing authority falls on the President or the Treasurer. The renewal requires two pieces of ID and is handled by the BCITSA Accountant Supervisor. Any deferral of signing authority to another member of the executive must come with the written approval of the President and Treasurer of that club, stating the change and the reasoning behind the switch. BCITSA CLUBS ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES FOR DEPOSITS

1. All funds (from the membership, selling tickets, sponsorship and donations, fundraising, bake sales, and etc.) have to be deposited in your account. It is IMPORTANT to remember that you first need to deposit funds before you are eligible to use it. (For example, if you have an event and you need to reimburse somebody, please make sure you deposit money first, and then reimburse the person by issuing a check). 12 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

2. Please try to deposit the funds in seven days after the day of your event. 3. Important: All donations which require tax receipts should be approved by the BCITSA. 4. The BCITSA is doing a weekly deposit to Vancity on Thursdays. 5. If you want your deposit to be included, please make sure that it is delivered to the Clubs Coordinator before 1:00pm on Thursday. TO ISSUE A CHEQUE

1. Fill out your club cheque and make sure either the Club President or the Club Treasurer signs their name. 2. Attach original backup documents to cheque and submit them to Accounting Supervisor. IMPORTANT: only originals are allowed. If you need copies of the backup documentation for your records, you may use the BCITSA photocopy machine in the main office. 3. A cheque and back up documentation will be reviewed and signed by the VP Campus Life or Roland Gagel, BCITSA Controller. 4. The cheque will be available for pick up from the BCITSA main office. The original backup documentation will be filed in the BCITSA office. 5. This process should take up to two days. Note: Additional cheques can be reordered through the Accounting Supervisor at 604432-8335. MONTHLY REPORTS

The following documents can be received by request only: 1. Balance Sheet 2. Income Statement 3. Copy of Bank Statement 4. Recent Balance of Account Requests should be sent to Anna Bratslavskaya, BCITSA Accounting Supervisor, at accounting IMPORTANT TO KNOW BEFORE YOU PROCEED

1) If a third party sends you a check (donation or sponsorship for example), make sure the address is correctly indicated. We are NOT BCIT or any of its departments, we are BCITSA. For this reason the address should be written in the following way: BCITSA name of the club Attn: Accounting Supervisor, Anna Bratslavskaya 3700 Willington Ave, SE2 bldg. Burnaby, BC, V5G 3H2 13 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

2) In case a club would like to donate money to a charity organization, the backup documentations should be the Clubs Meeting Minutes. The Minutes should state the following:  That the club is going to donate money,  A list of the persons who attended the meeting and their signatures,  The name of the organization,  The amount of money which is going to be donated. IMPORTANT: Tax receipt is needed from a party which accepts the donation. 3) If a club is part of a parent organization and would like to send the membership fees to this organization, the club needs to present the following documents in order for their request to be processed:  Meeting minutes, according to which the club is going to send the membership money to the parent organization.  The list of persons who provided money for club membership, including their full names.  The parent organization should send a letter, which will specify the amount of money it has received and the name of the persons which were accepted as its new members for. NOTE: US currency is acceptable. 4) To change a signing authority, the following information has to be emailed to the Clubs Coordinator at 1) Name of the club; 2) Name of the president; 3) Birthday; 4) Address; 5) E-mails; 6) Telephone; …….. 7) Name of VP Finance or Treasurer; 8) Birthday; 9) Address; 10) E-mail; 11) Telephone; …….. 12) Clubs meeting minutes where someone was approved as a signing authority.

14 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

CLOSING STATEMENTS These policies and procedures are a means to create a relevant and sustainable future for BCITSA Clubs in order to generate a meaningful experience for all BCIT students. All applicable forms are available in this document or at our website at The BCITSA believes in providing students with opportunities to enhance their lives during their post-secondary education. A major part of that process is ensuring that students have a chance to improve themselves as individuals as well as to create that balance between school and social wellbeing. Each club under the BCITSA is a vital part in that process.

CONTACT INFORMATION Matthew Nolletti, Vice-President Campus Life (e) Matthew’s role is to increase the opportunity for students to better engage in their own BCIT student experience; build campus life. This is accomplished through a number of activities managed by the BCITSA or in partnership with BCIT. Additionally, Matthew is responsible for overseeing the clubs report to Student Council. Bev Dosen, Administrative Assistant (t) 604.432.8600 (f) 604.434.3809 (e) Bev is the keeper of the forms and one of the BCITSA people that you will deal with on a regular basis. Bev books all of the BCITSA premises and informal student spaces, but cannot approve their use by students Clubs. Olesea Zadoinova, Clubs Coordinator (t) 778-331-1328 (f) 604.434.3809 (e) Olesea is responsible for supporting student clubs in events, training, booking rooms and equipment and managing the banking process. As the Clubs Coordinator, Olesea will be your primary contact for any student club related issues. Roland Gagel, Controller (t) 604.432.8600 (f) 604.434.3809 (e) Roland is the Controller for the BCITSA and manages the finances of the organization. Any questions relating to contracts and club financial issues can be taken up with Roland. Caroline Gagnon, Director (t) 604.432.8600 (f) 604.434.3809 (e) Caroline is the Director of the BCITSA and an excellent resource for questions relating to leadership and governance. Tylan Fraser, Vice-President Student Affairs (e) Tylan sits on the Clubs Committee as in another knowledgeable student executive. 15 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

Appendix A Student Club Checklist 1) Read the BCITSA Constitution and Bylaws 2) Submit mission statement, strategic plan (optional), and constitution and bylaws to the BCITSA. 3) Read guidelines document on presenting to Student Council. 4) Complete appropriate forms

16 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

APPENDIX B BCITSA Great Hall Space Booking Form Exhibitor Type: Third party Exhibitor Cost: $500/ per day + HST BCITSA will provide exhibitors with use of an 8’x 8’ space to set up their display, which also includes one 6’ table and two chairs (if requested). Prior to approval, exhibitors are required to disclose to the BCITSA all products and services, being offered. No products and/or services shall compete with the BCITSA’s. Terms of use:

1.0 Right to Refuse

The BCITSA reserves the right to refuse exhibitor access to the Great Hall.

2.0 Limitation

For profit or commercial exhibiting uses, exhibitors will be charged the appropriate fees, as defined by the BCITSA.

3.0 Liability

The BCITSA will assume no liability regarding exhibitors products or materials and will not store anything whatsoever for exhibitors.

4.0 Signage & Materials

All signage and informational materials disseminated to students must clearly identify the exhibitor/ group approved for that space and for that date. In addition, the BCITSA reserves the right to remove the display of materials which it deems to be offensive, obscene, or degrading.

5.0 Approval 5.1 Requests to exhibit within the Great Hall are required two weeks prior to the date that

the group wants access to the Great Hall. Groups are not approved to have access to the Great Hall until receipt of written confirmation from the BCITSA. 5.2 The BCITSA will retain the right to terminate or move agreements, without limit to postpone and reserve the right to manage the level of competition between groups within the Great Hall.

6.0 Timelines & Space Usage 6.1 Groups exhibiting within the Great Hall are permitted to set up anytime between 8:00am and 4:00pm on the date approved.

6.2 Groups are not permitted to use space beyond the area allocated for them for exhibiting to solicit students beyond the space.

6.3 Any group found to be in breach of these guidelines will be asked at once to move back

into the prescribed space. The second breach will result in removal from the Great Hall

17 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

APPENDIX C CLUB’S SPACE BOOKING FORM Club: ________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person’s Information

Requested Room

Name: ________________________________

Building and Room #: ___________________

Title: _________________________________

Date: _____________________________________

Phone: _______________________________


E‐mail: _______________________________


Signature: ____________________________ Reason/Use of room: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Is it a ticket event? /If yes, indicate the price for a ticket, please ________________________________________________________________________ Event’s Budget ________________________________________________________________________ If the event involves third parties or sponsors, please identify ________________________________________________________________________ Catering requested? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Tables or equipment you may need from the BCITSA _____________________________ The BCITSA is your primary contact with BCIT regarding all requests to utilize academic and corporate spaces. The BCITSA will not be responsible in finding alternative spaces should the requested space(s) not be available. ***PLEASE NOTE: WE REQUIRE A MINIMUM OF 48 HOUR NOTICE PRIOR TO THE REQUESTED DATE*** For Office Use Only: Signature of designated BCIT SA staff_______________________________________________________ Space Booked: Yes � No: � Date of Form Received: _____________________________________________

18 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |


The governing body of the BCITSA that represents all BCIT students.

Association Bylaws:

The governing rules and regulations approved through the annual general meeting concerning powers and duties of the BCITSA, all officers, committees, and clubs.

Policies & Procedures:

The prescribed matters of procedure not covered in the Societies Act or the BCITSA’s bylaws generally dealing with operational standards and practices of the BCITSA.

Vice-President Campus Life:

The student executive position responsible, among other duties, to oversee and provide assistance to all student clubs and report to the Executive and Council on clubs related activities.

Student Clubs:

Subsidiary student groups of the BCITSA that work to enhance the experience of the student body by meeting untapped needs and opportunities for BCIT students. These needs can come in the form of support, recreation, or even just social aspects.

Clubs Committee:

A formal committee, defined in the BCITSA’s bylaws, which is chaired by the VP Campus Life with a representative from each student club. The main purpose of the committee is to bring forward issues related to club activities and events and to recommend how funding is distributed from the BCITSA to the student clubs.


Any activity which is led by students and approved and/or insured by the BCITSA that is open to students.

BCIT Event:

Any activity which is led by faculty and or staff for educational purposes and approved and/or insured by BCIT that is open to students. 19

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |


Third Party Liability Insurance, in respect of any injury sustained by any member or other person participating in any BCITSA activity.

External Group:

Any company, agency, proprietor, not-for-profit, etc., wishing to gain access to BCIT students to promote products and /or services.


Any activity including but not limited to the sourcing, procurement, and stewardship of funds relating to advertising, sponsorship, donations, and direct marketing strategies.

BCITSA Premises:

Any space exclusively managed by the BCITSA. These spaces include services and operations, offices, Council Chambers, Uconnect meeting room, and the Clubhouse.

Common Spaces:

Spaces jointly managed by the BCITSA and BCIT, including but not limited to the Great Hall.

Academic Spaces:

Spaces used primarily for academic purposes that are exclusively managed by BCIT, including but not limited to classrooms, theatres, and labs.

BCIT Corporate Spaces:

Spaces used primarily for revenue generation through external use that are exclusively managed by BCIT, including but not limited to BCIT Cafeterias and Townsquare Meeting Rooms.

20 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

APPENDIX E BCITSA CORPORATE SCREEN The BCIT Student Association (BCITSA) attempts to govern and balance access to BCIT students through established organizational standards. These standards represent the marketing and advertising values of the BCITSA and symbolize our commitment to represent the interests of BCIT students and enhance the quality of student life. BCITSA sources and procures relationships with external groups that increase our ability to engage with our student members in ways that are consistent with their educational goals and that supplement the financial stability of the BCITSA. Related BCITSA Policies:

3.0 Advertising Standards 4.0 Commercial Advertising 5.0 Non-Commercial Advertising 6.0 Sponsorship 7.0 Donations

Goals – seek relationships with groups that demonstrate these characteristics: Representative Organization  bolsters student interests  advance students educational and career objectives  provide an outlet for fun Student Engagement  provide a channel for the BCITSA to engage with our students through various initiatives that can be a link for students to specific areas of the Association and organizational initiatives Individual Benefit  provide a benefit to our student members  benefits could be products, services, educational, professional association, or leverage Harm Reduction  promote established harm reduction strategies including but not limited to: alcohol consumption, safer sex strategies, personal safety, credit & ID strategies, gambling Financial  have a specific purpose and be for a specific period of time  offer financial and/or in-kind compensation to BCITSA and/or individual students

Screens – avoid receiving funds from groups that demonstrate these characteristics:  

discriminate or marginalize in whole or in part the membership of BCITSA are themselves or are affiliated with religious and / or political groups

 

over impose on student time and space promote or condone illegal activities or services

 

non-relevant products and services inferior quality products and services

abstinence-based strategies that infer subjective moral values, as those values may not be consistent in whole or in part with those of the members of BCITSA

use financial compensation to individual students to market unethically to the membership of the BCITSA in whole or in part

21 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 |

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