Set/ Rep Meeting Minutes of the School of Health Sciences Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Chair: Laura Chow, Chair of the School of Health Sciences
Set/Tech Reps: Saa’d Jalili
Jenny Billett
Gareth Walters
Jenn Forge
Li Lian Choh
Kaitlin Dalton Gibson
Jenna Yamashita
Alex Skilton
Chris Morse
Micky Leung
Ewan McLeod
Duff Walker
Dwayne Torgunrud
Sabiha Kamani
Ewa Kusmierek
Samantha Mori
Kim Faulkner
Victoria Myalmina
Lindsay Kupskay
Andrew Hou
Lora Martens
Harsh Banga
Kevin Chau
Al McGee
Daisy Lum
Kathleen Bird
Roger VanZyl
Katrina Halkett
Olesea Zadoinova
Guest Speakers: Catherine Wilkinson, BCITSA Student Services Manager, Legacy Club: Kathleen Bird, Associate Dean: Fiona Mitchell, Karl Tegenfeldt, Advocacy Coordinator, Christina Batstone, former Advocacy Coordinator is BCITSA
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |
1.1 Meeting called to order
The Chair person, Laura Chow, calls meeting to order at 5:45 pm 1.2 Introductions
Laura has introduced herself and guest speakers. She asked Set Reps to contact her in case of any concerns, issues and/or ideas; moreover, she mentioned some of her objectives/goals in the role of the chair. They are the following: to improve Set Rep attendance, to continue to expand Health Science Mentorship Program, to improve recycling on Campus, to promote Mental Health Awareness Week and to ensure the students’ interest/applications for the position of the Chair of the School of Health Sciences next year by advertising it. 1.4 Set Rep Training
Olesea Zadoinova provided to the Set Reps Set/Class Representative Package; moreover, it was explained to the Set Reps the BCITSA Vision and Mission Statement, the role of BCITSA on Campus, communication structure and Set Rep job description. In addition were described BCITSA expectations to the Set Reps, the role of the Chair in respect to the Set/Class Reps and Set Reps Compensation. Some of the main resources for the Set Reps are Student Advocate, Chair of the School, VP of Student Affairs, Outreach Coordinator, BCIT Student Judicial Affairs and BCIT Harassment and Discrimination. 1.5 Guest speakers Guest speakers Karl Tegenfeldt and Christina Batstone introduced to the set Reps the role of the advocate on campus and BCIT Student Complaint Procedure. It was explained purpose and scope of it, steps and tips for informal complaints, steps and sources for formal complaints, some information about anonymous or third party complaints, privacy, protection and limits. It was mentioned the sources where students or Set Reps supposed to bring the complaints. It was explained what the Set Reps should do and what they shouldn’t in the complaint process. Questions:
Are the anonymous complaints efficient enough? It will depend on case. Sometimes school can ask for more details about the student directly involved in the complaint process for more profound investigation of the issue. Should student’ consent to represent his/her interest be in the written form? Yes, but only you (the person who will represent) needs to see it. Are the student protected, if they make a complaint? Yes, it is not supposed to influence on the students’ grades. Will the teacher be fired because of the complaints? It will depend on many factors; one of them will be quantity of the students’ complaints and how often the complaints will be repeated. However, they will definitely be included in the instructor’s evaluation and performance review. You suppose to receive a written response on your complaint, just submit it with very detailed/clear statements.
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |
Can we have access to the Advocacy Power Point? Yes, Laura will send it to you.
Guest speaker Kathleen Bird introduced Legacy Club which was started last year and was formed in order to improve and beautify the BCIT Burnaby campus. For example the Legacy Club planted a tree this year outside SE6 building. Set Reps and their classmates were invited to be a part of the club. The membership is free for students. The Legacy Club survey will help to determine students’ opinions, what students want to have/to improve/to add on Campus with the help of Legacy Club. Moreover, it was declared that Legacy club is planning a Speed Dating event and Campus Sale, which will happen on October 11, 2011 from 10:30am till 2:30 pm in the Great Hall and everybody, is more than welcome to join it. Question: Where to find more information about Legacy Club? You can take a look on the Facebook or at Moreover, students can email at in case they would like to join the club or to they need any further information. Guest speaker Catherine Wilkinson introduced to the Set Reps general information about Student Initiative Fund. This is a program which allows BCIT students to apply for financial assistance to take part in extracurricular activities related to their career. Common application includes management and leadership training, professional development, and skill development workshops. This school year’s due dates for SIF are October 14th, 2011, January 16, 2012, and April 13, 2012 at 4pm. For any further information or for more application forms please contact Administrative assistant at or 604-451-7087. Moreover, it was mentioned about implementing First Aid and offering it as a course on campus for all Health Science students. It was added that BCIT doesn’t have this option on Campus, and BCITSA would like to implement it for student convenience. Set Reps were asked to share this information with students and to collect their opinion regarding this. Question: Are graduate students eligible to have access to the services and programs of BCITSA? Graduate students are a part of Alumni Associations. As soon as they finish paying the SA fees, they are not qualified for any programs or services provided by BCITSA. Question: Will we be subsidized for this course? No, but if enough people will sign up, the discount will be possible. Guest speaker Fiona Mitchell introduced her role to the Set Reps and asked students to bring any kind of issues they consider is worth attention or needs solution. Moreover, students are welcome with providing their positive/negative feedback about different events on campus as well, for the reason that all these events and programs are for students and students’ feedback is invaluable for BCIT. 1.5 Announcements Mentorship Program 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |
Mentorship Program is available on Campus. Please contact Laura Chow at for more information. ďƒ˜ Mental Health Awareness Week It was declared that Mental Health Awareness Week is coming on Campus. The principle of it is Healthy Minds, Healthy Campuses. It was underlined how important to speak about it, a lot suicides can be avoided. Please contact Laura Chow at for more information. ďƒ˜ Health Care Drinks Set Reps were invited to participate in Health Care Drinks event in conjunction with BC Health Coalition. It was emphasised that it is an outstanding networking opportunity for students, they will be able to meet a lot of professionals from the field, and some of them will be BCIT Alumni. Please contact Laura Chow at for more information. 1.6 Open Forum Laura found some Set Rep inquires about Upass. Most of them are about the possibility to opt out of the Upass. It was underlined that the chances of opting out are very limited and should meet certain contract requirements. For more information please check FAQ at BCIT website. 1.7 Next Meeting Next Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 26th, 2011, from 5:30pm-6:30pm in Council Chambers. 1.8 Adjournment The Chairperson, Laura Chow, adjourned the meeting at 6:45pm.
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |
September 28, 2011 School of Health Sciences Set Rep Meeting Agenda
Meeting called to order
Welcome to the BCIT& Set Rep Training
Guest Speakers:
Catherine Wilkinson, BCITSA Student Services Manager,
Legacy Club: Cathleen Bird,
Associate Dean: Fiona Mitchell,
Karl Tegenfeldt and Christina Batstone, Advocacy Office,
Announcements Mentorship Program Mental Health Awareness Week Health Care Drinks
Open Forum
Next Meeting
Meeting Adjourned
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |