Final School of T C and En Set Rep Meeting September 29 2011

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Set/ Rep Meeting Minutes of the School of Transportation, Construction & the Environment Thursday, September 29, 2011

Chair: Brian Harvey, Chair of the School of Transportation, Construction and the Environment

Set/Tech Reps:

Andrew Franklyn



David Gordon

Daniel Smith

Wendelin Jordan

Marc Thorup

Anda Madaras

Dylan Toothill

Krizia Marban

Clayton Uhlig

Ian McRae

Mike Van de Water

Steve Peck

Laura Waterer

Ben Plasche

James Wong

Shawn Rodgers

Chris Yeung



Paul Zasitko


Olesea Zadoinova, BCITSA Clubs Coordinator Genevieve Gobeil, BCITSA Outreach Coordinator

Guest Speakers: Legacy Club: Kathleen Bird, Karl Tegenfeldt, Advocacy Coordinator, Christina Batstone, former Advocacy Coordinator is BCITSA 1.1 Meeting called to order

The Chair person, Brian Harvey, calls meeting to order at 5:30 pm

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

1.2 Acceptance of the Agenda

It was moved for the acceptance of Agenda provided by Brian. 1.3 Guest Speakers

 Guest speaker Kathleen Bird introduced Legacy Club which was started last year and was formed in order to improve and beautify the BCIT Burnaby campus. One of the implemented projects of the Legacy Club was planting a cherry tree outside SE6 building this year. Set Reps and their classmates were invited to be a part of the club. The membership is free for students. The Legacy Club survey will help to determine students’ opinions, what BCIT students want to have/to improve/to add on Campus with the help of Legacy Club. Moreover, it was declared that Legacy club is planning a Speed Dating event and Campus Sale, which will happen on October 11, 2011 from 10:30am till 2:30 pm in the Great Hall and everybody, is more than welcome to join it.  Guest speakers Karl Tegenfeldt and Christina Batstone introduced to the set Reps the role of the advocate on campus and BCIT Student Complaint Procedure. The Advocacy Office is here to help students navigate through the policies and procedures that are laid out by the Institute, as well as provide information, resources and support during students’ academic career, as for ex. Harassment and Discrimination, Student Discipline Cases and Appeals, Academic Appeals, Parking Disputes, Residential Tenancy and Housing Issues. Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm, Location: SE2 – 286 Uconnect Offices. It was explained purpose and scope of Complaint Procedure, steps and tips for informal complaints, steps and sources for formal complaints, some information about anonymous or third party complaints, privacy, protection and limits. It was mentioned the sources where students or Set Reps supposed to bring the complaints. It was explained what the Set Reps should do and what they shouldn’t in the complaint process. Questions:  

Can the complaint form be submitted online? No, however I you can find a template of the complaint form online at Does the complaint procedure cover a group of people? Yes. I recommend you to make it in the form of petition, and by this way you will know for sure who provided his/her consent for it.

1.4 Set Rep Training

Olesea Zadoinova and Genevieve Gobeil provided to the Set Reps Set/Class Representative Package; moreover, it was explained to the Set Reps the BCITSA Vision and Mission Statement, the role of BCITSA on Campus, communication structure and Set Rep job description. In

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

addition were described BCITSA expectations to the Set Reps, the role of the Chair in respect to the Set/Class Reps and Set Reps Compensation. Some of the main resources for the Set Reps are Student Advocate, Chair of the School, VP of Student Affairs, Outreach Coordinator, BCIT Student Judicial Affairs and BCIT Harassment and Discrimination. 1.5 Unfinished Business It was proposed to contact BCIT IT services (by phone or directly) in case students have any problems with printers. It was recommended to report about the problems with printers every time a student discovers them, to make IT services aware about the existing issues and to give them opportunity to fix the problems. 1.6 Set Rep Forum  Microwaves in NE1 are busy. Students would like more of them. Brian will investigate.  Bikes have been stolen from NE1 on the Burnaby Campus from one of the Set Reps. The Security Office is already informed.  The set reps complained about fullness of bike racks between SW1 and SW3. It is impossible to park a bike unless it is early in the morning. Brian will investigate.  Some of the classes don’t have access to the drafting tables in NE1, second floor, room 209-212. It was recommended to inform a program head about it to avoid such situations in future. Please contact Brian in case of any problems of resolving this issue.  One of the Set Reps complained that some of the students’ books were stolen from a lab. The Security Office is already informed about it. It was recommended to contact Maggie Ross, student judicial affairs, who can advise additional ways to solve these kinds of issues.  It was mentioned that students from Geomatics Program don’t have Geomatics Software (Like a Geomatics Office) any more. It is not on, and Brian will investigate the reason of it.  Java goes away every time a computer is turned on; so, students have to waste their time and to reinstall it, every time they turn on the computer.  It was discussed that the Professor Mugs Pub doesn’t have enough clients these year. It was proposed to use it more often for students’ socializing and networking events and meetings. Set Reps proposed their ideas how to attract students in the Pub. The Pub’ license is till Midnight, so it can stay opened after 9:30 pm if enough students are in. 1.7 New Business  BCITSA upcoming events 

Oktoberfest – The whole week event and it is happening from October 17th-to the 21st, on

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

October 21st the Party will be held in the Pub. 

October 28 and 31, 2011, Halloween festivities in the Great Hall. The party in the Pub will be held on October 28th. Special Drinks and Pumpkins will be available.

IPod – Give away. Find a picture of Orientation day and tag yourself to in. Do it till October 7th, 2011.

November 18th in the Pub, International students Eurovision, and different countries will represent themselves; everybody is welcome to come.

 Pool Tournament is a good opportunity for students to meet people from different programs. At least two teams from every school are needed. Students don’t have to play pool; it is a chance to meet altogether and to receive burger and beer. Set Reps were asked for their ideas how to organize this event more efficiently. Usually the event takes place early in February and is opened to BCIT and BCITSA staff.  Artisans and Farmers Market is taking place on Campus, on October 6th, 2011 from 10:00am till 2:00pm.

 It was mentioned about implementing First Aid and offering it as a course on campus for all students. It was added that BCIT doesn’t have this option on Campus, and BCITSA would like to implement it for student convenience. Set Reps were asked to share this information with students and to collect their opinions regarding this.  SIF is a BCITSA program which allows BCIT students to apply for financial assistance to take part in extracurricular activities related to their career. Common application includes management and leadership training, professional development, and skill development workshops. This school year’s due dates for SIF are October 14th, 2011, January 16, 2012, and April 13, 2012 at 4pm. For any further information or for more application forms please contact Administrative assistant at or 604-451-7087.  Construction Notice: from 8:00am, September 28th 2011, to 4:00pm, September 29th, 2011. Exterior walkway around the perimeter of SE08 may not be accessible during this time.  Buildex: is about designing, building and managing real estate. February 8 to February 9, 2012. 

Built City @Mov. September 29, 2011 at 7pm at the Museum of Vancouver, cost $12, students for 8 dollars with pre-registration. Part 2 anf Part 3 of this event will take place on November 17, 201 and January 2012. Please see for details.

1.8 Next Meeting Next Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 20th, 2011, from 5:30pm-6:30pm in Council Chambers. 1.9 Adjournment The Chairperson, Brian Harvey adjourned the meeting at 6:45pm. 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

SoT,C,E Set Rep Meeting Agenda Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:30-6:30pm 1.1

Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Guest Speakers  Legacy Club  Karl Tegenfeldt and Christina Batstone (Advocacy/Complaint Procedure)

1.4 Set Rep Training 1.5 Set Rep Forum (opportunity to voice issues) 1.6

Unfinished Business


New Business  BCITSA upcoming events  BCITSA Pool Tournament  Artisans and Farmers Market  First Aid Classes?  BCITSA SIF  Construction Notice!  Buildex


Next Meeting (Scheduled for Thursday, October 20, 2011)


Meeting Adjourned

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

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